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Holstun, Jim. Updated Bibliography on UB SRSI Controversy. Web. 15 July 2012. Most of the items here have links, and most refer to the controversy over the University at Buffalo Shale Resources and Society Institute. AAUP. Recommended Principles & Practices to Guide Academic-Industry Relationships. 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Answer Lady, The. FrackU: UB releases its first peer reviewed research of fracking. The Answer Lady 15 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Answer Lady, The. UB Sez: Release the Fracken! The Answer Lady 16 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Applegate, Bob. Letter to the Editor. Buffalo News 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Arbetter, Susan, and Assemblywoman Deborah Glick. Interview with Assemblywoman Deborah Glick. Capitol Pressroom 13 June, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Barrett, Roseanne. Emissions deadline looms, energy chief Fatih Birol says. 13 Dec. 2011. The Australian. 6 July 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Barsamian, David, with Noam Chomsky, Unconventional Wisdom, Parts 1 & 2. Alternative Radio. Program #CHON212. Recorded in Cambridge, MA on January 20, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Basu, Kaustuv. Fracking Open. Inside Higher Ed 6 July 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Begos, Kevin. Critics question shale gas researcher, schools. AP/Seattle PI. 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Bekiempis, Victoria. Bad Science? Peer-Reviewed Study Promoting Fracking Was Not Peer Reviewed (UPDATE). Village Voice 24 May 2012. Web. Web. 15 July 2012. Bertrand Pierre. Fracking Debate Complicates As Group Accuses University Of Parroting Oil Industry. Business and Law 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Blum, Deborah. All Fracked Up. National Association of Science Writers. Web. 15 July 2012. Brennan, Joseph. University at Buffalo Statement Regarding Shale Resources and Society Institute. 28 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012.

Campbell, Jon. Report: N.Y. fracking regulations would prevent major violations. 15 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Campbell, Jon. Zimpher asks UB to counter criticism on hydrofracking study. Albany Watch June 1, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Carlson, Scott. Public Colleges Feel the Heat from Gas Boom: Above the shale, academics debate fracking and industry influence. Chronicle of Higher Education 16 July 2012. Web. 18 July 2012. Connor, Kevin, Rob Galbraith, and Ben Nelson. Contaminated Inquiry: How a University of Texas Fracking Study Led by a Gas Industry Insider Spun the Facts and Misled the Public. Intro here. Study pdf here. 23 July 2012. Web. 23 July 2012. Connor, Kevin, Robert Galbraith, and Benjamin Nelson. The UB Shale Play: Distorting the Facts about Fracking. Public Accountability Initiative 24 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Connor, Kevin. New York Times Covers UB Shale Institute Controversy. Public Accountability Initiative 12 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Connor, Kevin. UB Shale Institute Story Continues to Develop. Public Accountability Initiative 5 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy J., Robert Watson, and Seth Blumsack. The Economic Impacts of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play. Pennsylvania State University College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering: May 24, 2010. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy, and Laura Ingraham. Radio Interview with Professor Timothy Considine. 30 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy, R. Watson, and S. Blumsack (2011b) The Pennsylvania Marcellus Natural Gas Industry: Status, Economic Impacts and Future Potential, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering: July 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy, Robert Watson, and Nicholas Considine. The Economic Opportunities of Shale Energy Development. New York: The Manhattan Institute, 9 June 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy, Robert Watson, Nicholas Considine, and John Martin. Environmental Impacts During Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling: Causes, Impacts and Remedies. Shale Resources and Society Institute: 15 May 2012; new edition with errata, 6 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Considine, Timothy. The Economic Impacts of the Marcellus Shale: Implications for New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. American Petroleum Institute: July 14, 2010. Web. 15 July 2012.

Dan Frosch, In Land of Gas Drilling, Battle for Water That Doesnt Reek or Fizz. New York Times 2 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. DellaContrada, John. New institute to analyze shale as energy resource. Press release, 5 Apr., 2012; UB Reporter 9 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Donlin, Patrick. Investigation is continuing into discharge. 18 March 2010. Web. 15 July 2012. Easterling, William, Dean of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University. Letter to the Responsible Drilling Alliance. 9 June 2010. Editorial Board. Funding sources for academic research need transparency. Pittsburgh StarTribune. May 31, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Efstathiou, Jim Jr. Bloomberg Frackers Fund University Research That Proves Their Case. 23 July 2012. Web. 23 July 2012. Energy in Depth and Network Solutions [Chesapeake Energy]. Truthland: Dispatches from the Real Gasland. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Energy in Depth. UB Marcellus Study: The Numbers Dont Lie - Energy In Depth. 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Esch, Mary. NY report: State regs reduce gas-drilling impacts. A.P. 15 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Food and Water Watch. Exposing the Oil and Gas Industrys False Jobs Promise for Shale Gas Development: How Actual Employment Data Show Minimal Job Creation. Washington, D. C.: Food and Water Watch, November 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Fox, Josh. The Sky is Pink. Vimeo: 20 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Galbraith, Rob, and Kevin Connor. University at Buffalo rejects call for transparency at Shale Institute. Public Accountability Initiative 29 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Galbraith, Rob. Frackademics: Timothy Considine Analyst or Advocate? Public Accountability Initiative 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Gasland. Dir. Josh Fox. New Video Group, 2010. [Streamable at HBO GO, if you subscribe.] Goodell, Jeff. New Anti-Fracking Film by Gaslands Josh Fox Targets Cuomo: Governor, What Color Will the Sky Be Over New York? Rolling Stone 20 June, 2012.

Hakim, Danny. Cuomo Plan Would Limit Fracking to a Few Counties. New York Times 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Hargrove, Brantley. Lead Researcher of UT Fracking Report Has Substantial Ties to Industry. Dallas Observer July 24, 2012. Hauter, Wenonah. MITs Fracking Report Backs its Donors: Gas Companies. Food and Water Watch 21 June 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Henry, Terrence. "Fracking Company Paid Texas Professor Behind Water Contamination Study." State Impact July 23, 2012 Henry, Terrence. "Texas Professor On the Defensive Over Fracking Money." State Impact 24 July 2012. Holstun, Jim. Fracking Funnies: The lighter side of UBs Shale Resources and Society Institute. Artvoice 11.29 (19 July 2012) Web. 19 July 2012. Holstun, Jim. Transcribed Interviews with Considine, Zimpher, Pitman, and Glick. 8 July 2012. Horn, Steve. New Shill Gas Study Published by SUNY Buffalo Institute With Heavy Industry Ties. 17 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Horwitt, Dusty, Anthony Ingraffea, and Susan Arbetter. Interview with Dusty Horwitt and Anthony Ingraffea. The Capitol Pressroom 18 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Javers, Eamon. Oil Executive: Military-Style Psy Ops Experience Applied. CNBC 8 Nov. 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Kelly, Sharon. Check the math: Study touting safer fracking reveals Big Oils ties to academia. Grist 22 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Kelso, Matt. Administrative Violations Should not be Dismissed. Fractracker 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Kowalski, David UB Shale Institute -- Getting to the Bottom of It. Re-ENERGIZE BUFFALO July 24, 2012. Kowalski, David. Shale Gas Drillers Fail to Comply with Regulations Protecting Health and Environment. Re-energize Buffalo (June 20, 2012). Web. 15 July 2012. Kowalski, David. Shale study harms UBs reputation. Buffalo News 24 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Kowalski, David. UB CLEAR: Artvoice Article, Demands, Petition, Talks, and Shale Institute Grades. Re-ENERGIZE BUFFALO 28 June 2012. [includes Buffalo News story and link to UB CLEAR petition] Web. 15 July 2012. Web. 15 July 2012.

Kowalski, David. University Dean Probed on UB Shale Institute and Funding Sources. Reenergize Buffalo, 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Krancer, Michael L., Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Rhetoric vs. Reality, Part II: Assessing the Impact of New Federal Red Tape on Hydraulic Fracturing and American Energy Independence. Testimony before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform, Washington: Thursday, 31 May, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Kuykendall, Taylor. "Avoid or disclose conflicts in shale gas debate." Grounded: A State Journal Energy Blog 23 July 2012. Magyar, Robert. Timothy Considine: The shale gas industrys favorite go-to professor. Philadelphia Energy Examiner 7 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Martin, John P. Unconventional Resource Development and the Environment: The Curious Situation in New York. A paper presented at the 2nd United StatesIndonesia Energy Investment Roundtable; Jakarta, Indonesia; February 6, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Mashhood, Farzad. "Fracking researcher has ties to industry." Austin American-Statesman 23 July 2012. McCluskey, Martha. Scientific Integrity at Risk in Fracking Policy Debate. Center for Progressive Reform 8 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. McDonnell, Tim. Natural Gas Fracking Industry May Be Paying Off Scientists. Wired Science 30 July, 2012. MIT Energy Initiative. The Future of Natural Gas: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study. 9 June 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Navarro, Mireya. Fracking Research and the Money That Flows To It. New York Times 11 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Navarro, Mireya. Institutes Gas Drilling Report Leads to Claims of Bias and Concern for a Universitys Image. New York Times 11 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Navarro, Mireya. University Will Not Investigate Fracking Institute. New York Times 29 June 29, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Nealon, Corey. Institute examines fracking violations. UB Reporter 15 May 2012; rev. version 17 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012.

Nealon, Corey; University at Buffalo News Center. UBs Shale Resources and Society Institute Examines Violations in Developing Natural Gas in Pennsylvanias Marcellus Shale. Original version, 15 May 2012; undated revised version. Web. 15 July 2012. Nelson, Ben. Fracking Industrys Answer to Gasland: Devised by Astroturf Lobbying Group and Political Ad Agency. LittleSis Blog 13 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Office of the Vice President for Research & Economic Development, University at Buffalo. Establishment and Review of Centers and Institutes at the University at Buffalo. Web. 15 July 2012. Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center. Representation without Taxation: How Natural Gas Producers Escape Taxes in Pennsylvania. 25 April 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Philips, Susan. Some Question Study that Finds Pa. Shale Drillers Polluting Less. StateImpact Pennsylvania May 25, 2012 Web. 15 July 2012. Phillips, Susan. Chesapeake to Pay $1.6 Million for Contaminating Water Wells in Bradford County. StateImpact 21 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Pitman, E. Bruce, and Susan Arbetter. Interview with UB Dean E. Bruce Pitman. Capitol Pressroom 7 June 2012. Transcript here. Web. 15 July 2012. Pitman, E. Bruce. UB releases statement regarding Shale Resources and Society Institute. The Reporter 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Public Policy Institute of New York State (PPINYS). Drilling for Jobs: What the Marcellus Shale Could Mean for New York. July 2011. Web. 15 July 2012. Puko, Timothy. Fines against drillers in Pa. down 70 percent. Pittsburgh Tribune Review 23 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. Truthland Panelist Awarded Norse Energy Stock Options. Artvoice 24 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. Announcing the New Shale Institute at UB. Artvoice. 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. Behold, the UB Shale Resources and Society Institute. Artvoice 22 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. Green Energy in the News. Artvoice n.d. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. Industry Website Terms SUNY Fracked Gas Deal an Ironic Twist. Artvoice 2 April 2012. Web. 15 July 2012.

Quigley, Buck. New York Times Looks at UB Shale Institute (Again). Artvoice 29 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. New York Times on UB Shale Research and Society Institute. Artvoice 12 June, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. SUNY Chancellor Directs UB to Counter Legitimate Criticism. Artvoice 1 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. SUNY Inks $22M Deal to Buy Hydrofracked Gas. Artvoice 29 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. SUNY Institute Funder Fracked by SEC Probe. Artvoice. 4 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. SUNY Spokesperson Tells Journalist What to Write. Artvoice 30 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. UB & The Buffalo NewsBamboozled by Natural Gas Industry. Artvoice 20 July 2012. Web. 20 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. UB News Website Retracts Shale Institutes Peer Review Claim. Artvoice. 21 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. UB Shale Institute in the News Over the Weekend. Artvoice 28 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. UB Shale Institute Taps Industry Shills for First Report. Artvoice 15 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Quigley, Buck. UB Shale Study Debunked. Artvoice 24 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Revkin, Andrew C. "When Agendas Meet Science in the Gas Drilling Fight." New York Times July 23, 2012. Rey, Jay. UB staff, students urge probe of institute. Buffalo News 29 June 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Robinson, David. UB report on fracking draws fire of watchdog: Groups blast study as grossly misleading. Buffalo News 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Shale Resources and Society Institute. The Shale Resources and Society Institute: A Network to Objectively Advance the Timely, Safe, and Sustainable Economic Development of Unconventional Shale Gas Resources. 3 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. PDF originally hosted at UB Giving website and since taken down; this version in a private dropbox.

Shepphard, Kate. Frack-Friendly New Report Debunked. Mother Jones 25 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Soraghan, Mike. Shale Gas Isnt Cleaner Than Coal, Cornell Researchers Say. New York Times 11 April 2011. Staaf, Erika. Risky Business: An Analysis of Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling Violations in Pennsylvania 20082011. PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center February 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Tucker, Chris [Energy in Depth spokesman]. An Update from Washington, and a Plan Forward for EID in the States [Powerpoint presentation]. WVONGA Spring Meeting, 9 May 2012, Roanoke WV. UB responds to criticism over fracking study. Buffalo News 27 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. University at Buffalo News Center. UBs Shale Resources and Society Institute Examines Violations in Developing Natural Gas in Pennsylvanias Marcellus Shale. 15 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Van der Hoeven, Maria (IEA Executive Director). Energy security: looking towards uncertainty. OECD Observer 8 Mar 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Wilber, Tom. Buffalo Fracking Report Erodes. Shale Gas Review 30 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Wilber, Tom. Under the Surface: Fracking, Fortunes, and the Fate of the Marcellus Shale. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. Print. willisja. Yale Study Finds Shale Gas Benefits Outweigh Costs 400 to 1. 27 June 2012. Marcellus Drilling News. Web. 15 July 2012. Wogan, David. "Industry money and questionable ethics contaminate UT Austin fracking study." Scientific American July 24, 2012. Wolf, Martin. Prepare for a golden age of gas. Financial Times 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Wolfgang, Ben. Shale studys lead author faces green backlash: College distances itself from fracking findings. Washington Times. 28 May 2012. Web. 15 July 2012. Zimpher, Nancy, annd Susan Arbetter. Interview with SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher. Capitol Pressroom. 1 June, 2012. Web. 15 July 2012.

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