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Ted Cruz beat David Dewhurst in Tuesday's Senate primary runoff by racking up big margins in most urban and

suburban counties and taking every large county in Texas. Here's a look at the margin of victory for the GOP candidates in each county: Cruz 10% 20% or more

Amarillo North Texas: Cruz won the area, taking most counties by large margins, after Dewhurst hoped Tom Lepperts endorsement would yield a win.

Dewhurst 10%

Fort Worth 20% or more


El Paso

Austin Houston San Antonio

West Texas: Dewhurst won 52 percent of the rural vote statewide, but he needed to do much better than that to counter Cruzs strength in suburbs.

Harris County: Both Republicans hoped to do well in their home county, but it wasnt even close. Cruz dominated, 64 percent to 36 percent.

NOTE: White counties indicate no votes or a tie.

SOURCES: Secretary of state's office, Dallas Morning News research Staff graphic

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