Gabber Conversation_August 16

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Excerpt from Gabber Conversation (shortened for brevity; context intact) thatGuy2011: Im over it liMitz: Youre not over

it. I told you last weekand then when I explain it to youI wouldnt have heard how I STILL need to change my approach when theres nothing that needs to be approached. thatGuy2011: No I am because I feel like Im talking to a wall. You cant expect different results if you keep using the same approach, but I guess you say you arent trying to get anything. Do you feel that youre to blame for any of her actions? liMitz: No. Heres why. thatGuy2011: Its not just all her. liMitz: When I make an honest attempt to try and clear the air or be real with youall shes gonna do is come back and say how I, prying or asking too deep ?s. thatGuy2011: From my observation I dont agree with the way youve handled some of these issues. In times of conflict you cant put all the blame on the other person, especially when an unbiased 3rd party (ME!! :-p )is telling you that it may not be just her. liMitz: It doesnt matter that you dont agree b\c it isnt going to change anything which is why I dont get how youre still pushing the way it should be. thatGuy2011: Nothing is going to change. Im simply suggesting that in the future you should at least consider where others are coming from before saying theyre wrongthats all. liMitz: What did I say she was wrong about? thatGuy2011: Life apparently.* liMitz: She is wrong about the way she approaches her life if thats what youre getting at. Negativity and pessimism will send you to an early grave if not make your life miserableyou can argue with that but its been proven #surveySays The whole Jesus conversation was a small piece of the puzzle, a way to say if you grab a hold of this faith concept, it might help you change your outlook. thatGuy2011: And thats what I was saying was inappropriate because were at work.

Its an office environment. This type of conversation is something you have in your personal time.

liMitz: And the reality is, if you believe in what the BIBLE says, youre to talk about it WHEREVER you go given the opportunityromans 1:!6you can come read it in my version if youd like Why dont you report me then since its such an issue? thatGuy2011: Im saying in general it goes against office etiquette. liMitz: It goes against what I believe not to do it. It that means ppl get offended thats on them. I have someone more important to answer to than her, you or HRand thats just how the cookie crumbles c is for cookieits GOOD enough for me. She hasnt said anything about this. thatGuy2011: Religion and Politics just dont belong at work liMitz: what KILLS mewe can talk about the most personal of stuff in the office. Well talk POLITICSin the office. Well talk Private livesin the office. But let someone say something about JESUSand we got a problem; #Houston do u read me? Interesting b\c my coworker who left last week talks RELIGION all the timethey talk POLITICS all the timewake upthis is what ppl do in the GOVERNMENT ONE NATION under GODthere is no separation thatGuy2011: Whats killing me about this whole thing is that youre not even considering what Im saying. liMitz: I am considering itits just wrong. thatGuy2011: In your opinion Im wrongI think youre wrong liMitz: I listened to two individuals go back and forth for weeks about political and religious issues in my areabut let me do it and its a PROBLEM thatGuy2011: The tone used when talking about and basically telling someone how they were wrong because what you believe is telling you to liMitz: I know the truthand I know when all is said and done, Ill be rightits not about being rightits about sticking to your convictionsIm convinced that I did nothing wrong and that things played out how they did. #crucifyme I did not tell her she was wrong b\c of what she believeddo u even remember the conversation? Youre forgetting how this all played outmissing the key aspectsif you believe something, you tend to talk about it with a sort of uumph that makes it sound like #iKnowWhatImSayin

thatGuy2011: Just because someone claims to be Christian doesnt mean that theyre on your level. Im Christian and I wouldnt want to feel like youre preaching to me eitherwell at least not at work liMitz: So you to be a part of the Body of Christ but you dont want to take the responsibilitieswhich include being correctedor taughtor preached tonot sure what to say about that Im sure the Bible has an answer thoughlet me know when you want to be preached to. I always have time on SUNDAY mornings. thatGuy2011: I didnt say I dont like being preached toI wouldnt want it at work. liMitz: Its not about what you want though is it? No one wants to be told theyre doing it wrong Or that theres a better way but itll cause you to CHANGE Need vs want thatGuy2011: I choose not engage in that type of conversation at work liMitz: Then dont engage in it You couldve leftshe couldve left I couldve left Now whats the excuse? thatGuy2011: I feel like youre missing what Im saying liMitz: Im just sayingif its that serious walk away #paulaDeanda** You dont WANT to discuss religion/faith/Jesus at work Although we were in my personal space thatGuy2011: As I said before, I feel like certain areas of religion is ok. General surface level conversation is cool. Its when you start trying to get deep when its no longer appropriate for work. Outside of workgo for it. liMitz: I didnt go deepershe answered ?s and if you remember you started the conversationyou asked most of the ?s thatGuy2011: I asked basic questions liMitz: You dont converse with someone, have them answer ?s, and then say thats enough were too close to the personal level

It doesnt matter if they were basic intermediate or expert How does your faith play a role into your life#toodeep Shiver me timbers lol thatGuy2011: It does, because thats a part of the criteria for whether the questions are surface level or not liMitz: This is foolishness plum silly it doesnt take all of thislol thatGuy2011: I agree liMitz: I think Jesus might be laughing at youthat may be a stretchhes probably wondering why youre putting up such a fightwhen you dont have too thatGuy2011: Im not fighting anything. Im simply saying theres a time and place sir and in my opinon that wasnt the right time or place to get into that conversation. The fact that you think Im putting up a fight makes me feel like youre not understanding where Im coming from. Im all for you spreading the gospel and telling people your story. You just shouldnt do it in such an abrasive manner liMitz: I should hold peoples hands and tell them of how Jesus loves and our lives will be happy with no pain or sufferingthats less abrasive right? thatGuy2011: Pushy, aggressive liMitz: I wasnt pushyand I wasnt aggressive I was honestand I spoke the truth thatGuy2011: You dont have to hold peoples hand, but you dont have to be so apocalyptic either. I realize you werent at that extreme, Im just giving you a point of reference. liMitz: Youre stretching this outmaybe that conversation was for you. Maybe you need to grow in your faith and this whole situation was an indirect way for you to get some understanding thatGuy2011: No sir, Im not stretching this out I agree that I do need to grow in my faith, but that doesnt have anything to do with what Im saying liMitz: Sure it doesnt. Keep telling yourself that. Im going to ask you to do the same thing I asked her to doalthough Im not sure if she did or not.

Go homeor laterwheneverpray about this whole conversation and let me know what you think. Ill take some time to think it over and pray on it as well. thatGuy2011: I actually did that already. I asked if there was something I was missingI think thats why Im able to see where youre coming from. I havent disagreed completely with what you said. Ive mostly disagreed with the way it was presented, the time and the location. *** liMitz: None of that matters when it comes down to opportunity and the way the opportunity came about If it wasnt then it wasnt going to happen at allnot with me, not with you and not with her sitting in an environment where were able to have that kind of discussion thatGuy2011: I think my main issue is that I feel like the conversation could have been more effective if the presentation was better. liMitz: What I do know is theres nothing wrong with what was doneits all a matter of preference. Until Brittany says something to metheres nothing else to do. If the presentation was betterwe shouldve had musicand dancersoooh, and FOOD! thatGuy2011: Thats fine I can do without your sarcasm! lol liMitz: No you cantb\c if I wasnt that way it really would be abrasive #ha She likes to eatwe should cater the Gospel to what makes her most comfortable thatGuy2011: Lol, I guess if theres bacon everything should go over well liMitz: Thats what I did last week I trimmed the fat off thatGuy2011: silly liMitz: #organic #healthy #lifestyle_change thatGuy2011: Turkey bacon apparently is healthy(ier) liMitz: They think eating only vegetables is toopick your poison thatGuy2011: I never understand why people would cut things out of their diets. Like no carbs, etc. I feel as long as everything is done in moderation then everything should be good.

liMitz: Like the Gospelonly enough to be comfortable I got you thatGuy2011: How is your body supposed to compensate for that hole in your diet liMitz: Supplements Like other religions This summer I learned I was arrogant and abrasiveand although militant extremists bomb our country to express what they consider to be their religious beliefs if I talk about mine in my own personal space at work with friendsI will be reported to HR. Thanks liMitz for sharing .lol thatGuy2011: No one is going to report you to HR Silly guy liMitz: Of course noteven if they did it wouldnt matter thatGuy2011: Of course it wouldnt liMitz: So why are we still talking about this? And why isnt Brittany in on this conversationb\c thats who this was aboutor was it? Jesus in the CubicleJesus on Gabberwhen will it end!? thatGuy2011: This conversation started about her. But you turned it on me liMitz: The only one who still cares about the convo from last week or how it wentis you thatGuy2011: It seemed I made it that way for coming to her defense or from trying to tell you what appropriate office conversation [is]. And it wasnt this particular conversation I cared aboutits your overall interaction with her. You are the one that keeps bringing up how things were different with your interaction. I was simply telling you why it changedbecause of what happened last week **** liMitz: Coming to her defenseyou think she needs defending?

*Note: Later on when I asked her about the conversation we had b\c of her lack of communication b\t us she stated, No. Im goodnow I know what I need to change #sarcasm **When I first met my coworker who is the central piece to these conversations she kept saying, I want you to remember me. Oddly enough the song by Paula Deanda is about that very thingI didnt realize this until preparing this shortened version; less about the content of

the song and more about the fact that she says Im gonna remember you, you gonna remember me. #noCoincidences Then again, I might just be #doingTooMuch ***Notice that they said it had already been done, but the difference here is had they said theyd do it again wed be touching and agreeing. Instead of saying, Well you prayed let me pray now No lets both pray despite if youve done it alreadyb\c I have too, but it wont hurt to do it again. **** The interaction between Brittany and I had changed well before we had the conversation known as, Jesus wants me to change

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