Pastor's Profile

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Alonzo C. Neal, Sr.Pastor, Founder, C.E.O.

Alonzo C. Neal, Sr. Wife: Kathryn Children: Alonzo Jr., Aliccia, Alexis

My favorite character in the Bible is: Joseph My life verse is: Romans 8:28 If I could ask God one question it would be: when is Jesus coming back? Nobody knows that I: have a license to do nails. Im happiest when: my family is happy. My favorite food is: pork chops The one book (besides the Bible) Id recommend to anyone is: Think and Grow Rich by Norman Vincent Peale Im most excited about: winning soulsbringing people to Christ. My trademark expression is: Go with God and certainly God will go with you. My proudest moment is: seeing my children grow into beautiful adults. My perfect day would be: a day with the church at the beach having a good time. My pet peeve is: people doing a half job and people acting before thinking things through My favorite childhood memory is: the tight hug my great grandmother gave me as she was leaving from a visit. In my free time, I: go to the gym If I could do it over again, I: would marry my wife, again.

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