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To Further Malaysias Agriculture & Aquaculture Industry

Issue 9 July 2012

THE AGRI & AQUA CULTURING NEWSLETTER is prepared with the intention to provide the reader with information about the agriculture and aquaculture industry in Malaysia, while gathering insights and information on industry development and practices, as well as training opportunities offered by the Government and Private sector. The Newsletter seeks to gather like-minded individuals who are willing to share ideas and experiences in the field.


So, the Bioeconomy Initiative Malaysia Lab Session has ended. What that means is that many new opportunities have just become available for the bio-industry, which includes agriculture. If the list of 42 projects released by Agensi Innovasi Malaysia (AIM) is anything to go by, there really are huge areas of opportunity for the agriculture and aquaculture community to tap into! Stay tuned for next few newsletters, as we delve further into opportunities in the agriculture and aquaculture industries!


Durian Season at Mantin by Johnny Lak My Little Farm 8 by Raymond The Essence of Life ~ Porcupine Dates
by Senny Ong

2 5

Aquaculture Part 7 by MJ Joel Upcoming Events

9 13

If you have itchy fingers for writing articles about Agriculture or Aquaculture, and wish to contribute your knowledge and experiences, please contact us:

Disclaimer: Reasonable care have been utilised in the preparation of the content and text of the Agri & Aqua Culturing Newsletter (henceforth referred as the Newsletter). Notwithstanding this, due to constant changes and advancement in the agriculture and aquaculture industries, we are not able to ensure the accuracy or reliability of the information provided in the Newsletter. For this reason, the reader is advised to undertake necessary due diligence on the information before relying on the same for any purpose whatsoever. The publisher, key contributors, and related associates disclaim any and all liability whatsoever and howsoever occasioned relating to the information provided in and content of, the Newsletter. We do not endorse any opinion, advice or statement published in the Newsletter Permissions and reprints: All rights reserved. Reproduction without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. To request permission to republish in any form whatsoever, please contact:

Issue 9 July 2012

Durian Season at Mantin

After getting hold of the durian orchard late last year, we managed to fertilise them for about 6 months before the durian trees were able to flower and bear fruit and thus harvesting. All my farms use Organic Fertilisers, like Fermented Organic Materials (FOM), SP2 for fruiting purposes and Micron-Calcium. I dont believe in Chemical Fertiliser over the long run because its not sustainable and its not good for the durian trees. In Mantin the durian seasons are in End May June & July while the second season is usually around December. Its a hive of activity in Mantin recently during the durian season. People will throng this place just to get hold of wonderfully tasty durians. Imagine travelling far away just to get to Mantin to savour Mantin durian. People in Mantin are very proud of their durian as they say many people likes Mantin durian. There are at least 6 durian collectors in Mantin. One of them is an Indian guy by the name of Siva. He runs the show at one of the collecting station with his younger brother. Pictures:Durian flowers Fruiting of durians

Varieties of Durian Harvested

Issue 9 July 2012

Visitors are the Durian Farm

At The Durian Collector Station

Durian Knife

Issue 9 July 2012

What else but the famous Musang King

Musang King. Article by Johnny Lak

Issue 9 July 2012

My Little Farm 8
Mother Nature, the weather. This is the first drought since taking over the farm full time (Oct, 2011) and finding it a big challenge. Even though am anticipating it, we still have difficulties as at now.

Unfortunately our timing was a bit out as we were unable to fill our main pond fully before the drought came. This time, it came covering a much bigger area. Our water sources consist of pipe in gravity water that we share with our neighbors, there is a small creek that runs across our little farm. From this creek, we had dug 2 water retention ponds. A well was dug at our neighbors land. We managed to get by last year. What we did was that we use the pipe in water to fill our retention ponds. The pipe in water is from a small river a couple of kilometers away. With more than 23 days of no rain in between, our creek had dried up. The well had dried up. The river, water is getting less and it cannot create a pressure to reach us as we are at the end of the pipe and could be at a high level.

We started off our preparation by shoring up the main pond, thinking of keeping a higher reserve of water. Then we clean up the water kangkongs. We then proceed to fire up the water pump, which had been redundant for the past few months. Did a general servicing like changing the engine oil, spark plug, clean the air filter & etc. Upon running, we find the pressure built up is a bit low and plenty of air bubbles. The fault was traced to the leaky in-take hose. Cost is high for this hose as it is non-collapsible. Had it replaced. We felt so confident after preparing all these and waited for the dry season to come.

Issue 9 July 2012

The pump was shifted lower and closer to the pond as the suction power is insufficient to lift the water. Due to the water shortage, we quickly put up a shade for our Avocado seedlings.

The shade is a D70, meaning that it is supposed to block off 70% of the sun light. With the strong sun light I think it may not be sufficient. Maybe should had gone for D90 instead. Had been checking on the weather forecast daily, expecting rain in the coming week. Lets hope it arrive in time. Stay tune to see if we manage to get by this drought. Article by Raymond

Issue 9 July 2012

The Essence of Life ~ Porcupine Dates

For the past one week I had been away and spent my days in Hospital to look after my sick dad. The whole family is so exhausted and so hopeless seeing him in coma condition. He was admitted Intensive Care Unit in coma and critical condition due to food poisoning and highly uric acid foods ingestion. The intestine containing e-coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria and which went into his blood, urine and brain cells. Plus his constants vomiting caused dehydration and lost of fluids. After heavy vomiting and the stomach acid have destroyed his esophagus becomes inflamed and sore. To his illness condition and urination is getting lessen, and doctor said he may have to going through the operation procedure by insert a small tube; this operation procedure is called ureteral stent through the bladder into the ureter to restore the flow of urine to the bladder, as he is in difficulty to pass urine due to the swollen and inflammation kidney. Increase of urine creatinine level may leads to kidney failure, and certain complication has causes this syndrome. We all so much so rejected this operation as he is still in the unstable, high fever, and critical condition, partly due to his elderly as the reasons, we think he is not advisable to going through this suffer again to increase risk. Moreover, he had done this surgery last year that really gave him uncomfortable and painful for months. It does not help much and causes other complications to him. The stent may have to remaining in place for short-term or maybe long term basis. The doctor has no guarantee that surgery would save his life. At this stage, we rejected the doctors suggestion; doctor warned us and he would not responsible for our intention for not doing the insertion of ureteral stent for urination operation. We afraid the surgery may worsening the infection. To our surprise he was awakened from the coma, it is miracle. But he cant talk and eat. The throat incubation has save his lives but also caused inflammation to his throat. And what we can do it to first reduces his inflamed throat to minimize the pains and fever. Secondly, is to control the uric acid and help in passing urination by natural way to reduce the swollen kidney. At this moment, we came to the conclusion of using alternative way of homeopathic remedy for detoxification process, to get rid of his inflamed throat and kidney. I came across this miracle stuff that suggested by my mom and sister. At first, we were quite discouraged to use such an expensive way of homeopathic treatment, reason is how truth and any harmful side effect after all. So I surf online for further information, and I came to this website and found out more. Then from what we had tried on him, it is really a good stuff for alternative healing instead of going through operation procedure. This is only the alternative way to soothe and lessen his throat inflammation at the first place, when we decided to do so. But anyhow, we had done with the doctors supervision. We bought this stuff from Chinese medicine shop. To be frankly, the price is shocking high, due to its valuable effect, hard to find also one of the reason, and we also cant believe it. At first, I told my friends about this stuff and its benefits, it is a miracle alternative medicine to my dad, and my friend suggested whether I would place this article on my Simply Senz blog? I just simply answer my friend that it is such an expensive medicine, this may cause the crisis of price to the medicine; hopefully not. Yet still many peoples are not awake of its usage and useful benefits in alternative way of healing. So now I decided to place here as an alternative healing reference to my readers.

Issue 9 July 2012

After few doses of feeding to my dad with this Porcupine Dates, though I still cant believe the goodness of its healing. After a short period of 2 days, he has rapidly recovered and reduces of painful throat; the ulcer in his mouth has reduced. Now he can talk and drink some liquid foods. Fever has been reduced. His urination is flow smoothly and clears without the crystal substance in it. The creatinine count in the urine,values range from 4700/mg has dropped and reduces rapidly to 1700/mg in normalize level. The name of this stuff is called Porcupine Dates. In Chinese name as or "" (Jian Zhu Zao)

This Porcupine Dates can be found in South East Asia, that can buy from certain Chinese medicine shop. The characteristics of Porcupine Dates are calculus growth like a rare stone shape like a date, that found in the stomach of a porcupine. When porcupine is ill or injured, porcupine will find the wild growth herbs in the forest to cure itself. As the virus is besieged this porcupine dates will grow as the healing progress this dates shape stone may form in the stomach. The size and the medical value is based on the duration of time, or it grows in bigger size by the age of the porcupine. I tasted this porcupine dates, its taste is bitter. The benefit is to remove phlegm, detoxification, natural immunization booster, anti-inflammation, anti-body and supper antioxidant. Traditionally, this has been recorded in old Chinese medicine book. According to its valuable testimonial has been shown successfully treat lymphoma, blood cancer, dengue fever, fever, retention of fluid to the lungs, lumber swollen, and herpes complex, before operation or after surgery, diabetes and lungs infection. This is the video clips about Porcupine Dates I found online: What I can see that some of the Food can be poisonious if overeating, also food can be a healer too. What I am trying to say homeopathic remedy sometimes does help a lot. Remember, before trying any alternative homeopathic remedy please consult your doctor or physician first. I hope through this experience that I overcoming in using the alternative way of homeopathic remedy to my dad, to share it with other when situation comes to worst stage. If needed, no harm trying to help in minimizes the painful condition to elderly sick patient if needed. It also depending on individual body health condition.

Porcupine Dates ""

What is Porcupine Dates and where it comes from?

Image from:

Issue 9 July 2012

Porcupine dates maybe an expensive Chinese medicine, yet to find out more and discover more about its medicinal value. I took the information from one of the Chinese medicine company, hope this is not offence of copyrights. But this may help many others who really need more information about the good stuff and I shared.

Article by Senny Ong

Disclaimer: Most important is to understand what is right for your health condition, although herbs are safe for some people, if you wish to try it is advisable for you to consult with your holistic health practitioner or doctor first. No matter what type of healing herbs or alternative healing method, we still have to be careful in consumption, start off slowly and minimize it to prevent overdoses with it.

Aquaculture Part 7: Fish Problem in the Pond

So far we have been covering about the types of fish ponds and fish species suitable for pond rearing. This time around, we shall cover some of the common problems of fish in pond cultures. Fish cultured in ponds can face some common problems: (i) They can be stressed by a lack of oxygen; (ii) They can be eaten by predators; (iii) They can be infested by parasites. These problems and some solutions to these problems are discussed in this section. Diseases Diseases of pond fish are caused by fungi, bacteria, protozoans, worms, and crustaceans. Usually diseases can be controlled by proper pond management, which includes draining the pond, drying it, and liming it periodically, and also by preventing wild fish or unfiltered water from entering the pond. Some diseases are fatal, but many can be controlled by treating the pond or the fish with chemicals. Some diseases attack fish in ponds because some other factor is causing stress: overcrowding, low oxygen levels, or not enough food. All of these conditions weaken the fish so they can get diseases more easily. The farmer must watch his fish for signs of stress and disease. Any change in normal behavior may be a sign of disease; for example, gasping at the surface for air, rubbing the body or head against the sides of the pond, or ragged fins and sores on the body. Something is wrong when a fish population stops eating suddenly. So the farmer must check the fish often, especially in very hot weather. FUNGAL DISEASES

Image: Branchiomyces sanguinis infection (

Gill Rot. This is a disease caused by the filamentous fungus, Branchiomyces sanguinis. This disease is first noticed by a red spotting on the gills. Later, the gills become greyish-white and stop working. When the gills stop working, the fish suffocate and die.

Issue 9 July 2012

Gill rot is most common during the hot part of the year and is sometimes associated with large amounts of dung and a "bloom" of plankton. Treatment: Remove dead fish from the pond; the remaining fish will probably recover. Drain the pond and dry the bottom. Treat the pond with quicklime or copper sulphate to kill the fungus spores. Fill the pond again. Add quicklime every few weeks until there is no more sign of the disease.


Infectious dropsy. This is caused by the bacterium, Pseudomonas punctata. The symptoms are a swelling of the fishes' belly with water, ulcers on the skin, lengthening of the fins, and deformation of the backbone. Treatment: Prevent diseased fish from entering the pond. Bury and burn the dead fish.

Image: Saprolegnia

Saprolegnia. This fungus is often associated with Gill Rot. It attacks weakened places (e.g., bruises from handling) on fish. Since it hits already weakened fish, Saprolegnia attacks fish already trying to fight other diseases. Saprolegnia looks like fuzzy, white cotton wool and is often in tufts on the body of the fish. Saprolegnia by itself can kill eggs and fry, but does not kill adult fish. Indian carp are very susceptible to this disease, and common carp eggs are attacked frequently. Treatment: Use the same treatment as outlined for Gill Rot.

Columnaris. This is another bacterial disease which causes discolored patches on the body, loss of scales, and, often, death. This disease can look like a fungal disease, but it is not. If possible, it should be examined under the microscope for positive identification. It is caused by the bacteria Chondrococcus columnaris and Cytophaga columnaris and is often associated with low oxygen levels. Treatment: Give fishes a feed which has terramycin in it. If it is very bad, place each infected fish in a dip (bath) of copper sulfate (2 minutes in a solution of 1 to 2,000) or a dip of malachite green (10 to 30 seconds in a solution of I to 15,000). Treat the pond with 1 ppm of copper sulfate.


Issue 9 July 2012


Costia and Trichodina. These are two other ciliate diseases. They are cause by microscopic organisms which attack the skin of fish and cause lesions. These ciliates cannot be seen by the naked eye, but the lesions and sores that they cause can be seen by looking closely at the fish. Treatment: Add 3ppm of potassium permanganate to pond. Or dip the fish in baths of 5 to 10% sodium chloride (salt) for 5 to 20 minutes daily for up to one week. CRUSTACEAN PARASITES

Ichthyophthirius multifilis. This is the worst protozoan disease. The "ich" disease is caused by a ciliate which forms white spots or pimples on the skin and fins of the fish. Each parasite produces thousands of spores, which can then infect other fish in the pond. Treatment: Drain the pond, and lime it. Or treat the fish with chemicals as follows: 1. Formalin 200-250ppm daily bath 15ppm in pond 2. Malachite green 1.25ppm daily bath/30 minutes 0.5ppm in pond 3. Methylene blue 2ppm daily bath 4. Acriflavin 10ppm 3-20 daily baths 5. Salt 7,000ppm several daily baths

Lernea. The anchor worm is the most common disease of this type (a copepod). This worm attacks the gills or any other part of the body. It burrows into the fish, leaving its two egg cases protruding on the outside of the fish. Lernea causes red sores, and makes the fish thin so that their market value is much lower. Treatment: Add castor oil in a thin film over the surface of the pond. Treat fish infected with young Lernea in a formalin bath, or remove each parasite by hand.


Issue 9 July 2012

Bothriocephalus gowkongensis. This is the tapeworm which often attacks the Chinese carp, especially grass carp. It is difficult to treat this worm; it is found in the fishes intestines. In the next issue, we shall cover general treatments and other problems associated with fish in ponds.

Arqulus. Argulus is the fish louse. It is a flat, pinkish-red disc that clings to the skin, fins, mouth, or gills. It sucks blood with a piercing organ, which also injects poisons. Young fish may die. Treatment: Drain and lime the pond. Or place the fish in a bath of 3 to 5% salt or 250ppm of formalin for 1 hour. WORM PARASITES Dactylogyrus. This parasite attacks the gills of young fish. The fish are exposed to this worm when they are between 2 and 5cm long. Treatment: Manage the pond well so that fingerlings grow rapidly past the stage when they are susceptible to Dactylogyrus. Gyrodactylus. This parasite burrows into the blood vessels of fish through the skin, causing the fish to appear reddish with sores. This worm can cause fish to die from emaciation. Treatment: Treat ponds with 5 ppm formalin. Treat fish individually in a bath of 25ppm formalin.

Article by MJ Joel


Issue 9 July 2012

Upcoming Event Event Title

World Sustainable Agriculture Congress 2012 2nd International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal 2012

10-12 July 2012 23-24 July 2012

Swissotel Merchant Court, Singapore

Website/E-mail WorldSustainableAgricultureCongress2012


15-16 Aquaculture Roundtable Series Aug. 2012 2012 1st Regional Conference on Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, 2012 Agriculture Investment Summit Asia 2012 2nd ASEAN Sago Symposium 2012 BioMalaysia 2012 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering 2012 25-27 Sept. 2012

JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa, Thailand

Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia /objectives

16-18 Singapore Oct. 2012 29-31 Kuching, Sarawak, Oct. 2012 Malaysia 5-7 Nov. 2012 26-29 Nov. 2012 KL Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia riculture-investment-summit-asia/


Issue 9 July 2012

Meet Our Team!

Johnny Lak
Businessman. Innovator. Activist. But not necessarily in that order. Keen entrepreneurial skills, and a great passion towards agriculture and knowledge. Operates farms in Pajam and Mantin.

Mr Farmer @ Raymond
Agriculture entrepreneur and passionate about living life with a sense of purpose, our friend owns a farm in Keningau over at the Land Beneath the Wind, Sabah.

KW Beh
Fertility, fertility, fertility. Thats what our UPM Grad constantly has on his mind while working for Twin Arrows Fertilizer. Want to improve crop production? Look him up for the solutions!

Senny Ong
Our resident Chinese Herbal Specialist with a passion for the bitter stuff. Enjoys helping people seek a healthier path in everyday life. Now say with her: Bitter herbs are our friends

MJ Joel
What do you get when you cross a potato with corn? Thats the sort of questions this bookworm and plant breeder seeks to answer. And its definitely not what you think it is, dirty fellow!

Contact Point: For more details about what we do, please refer to the Lowyat Forum Thread: Venturing into Agriculture& Aquaculture For further information or clarification please contact us at


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