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Yeah, We Do That.

3023 Ash Court Mason, Ohio 45040-1400 Gregory A. Troy Owner April 25, 2012 Getty Images th 605 5 Ave South Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104 Case#1182895 (513) 544-7069

Dear D. Bieker: I am writing in response to your letter dated April 16, 2012. I believe that we are fundamentally disagreeing on this issue. I still wish to settle this matter amicably between us. You have sent me a letter alleging copyright infringement; I have sent you my information regarding the image. Before we can continue with further discussions I need the following information from you as you are presenting me with a Settlement Demand but no documentation supporting your claims or the amount requested. 1) I need to see verification that the image was filed with the U.S. Copyright Office 2) Verification that the copyright is either for the individual image or a group of images. 3) I need a copy of the signed contract, assignment or other documentation between Getty Images and the artist transferring copyright and giving you exclusive rights to the image as you have stated in your letter. 4) Sales history and records of this image and prices received for the image. I have gone to your website and searched for images similar to the image in question and found you have literally hundreds available ranging in price from $10.00 to $25.00 for the size of the image. As I stated earlier I would like to settle this matter amicably, even though I still firmly believe that I do not owe Getty anything. As a good faith effort to attempt to resolve this matter I will offer Getty Images a total of $75.00, which is 3 times the amount charged for similar images. Also, in both of your letters you demand settlement within 14 days, I will not now nor will I ever be rushed into any decisions and will always take a reasonable amount of time necessary to research, consult and decide my actions before I respond to any letter. Whether you choose to accept my offer or not I do require that you provide all of the documentation requested providing proof of copyright, contract and sales history. No monies will be paid without full and complete documentation. You have it in your power to resolve this issue and get on with the work of protecting your clients rights from those who are willfully and knowingly taking and using images. Again, thank you for taking the time to consider this matter and I hope you will accept my offer and then consider the issue closed as I do. I await your response.


Gregory A. Troy Owner Yeah, We Do That.

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