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Title 4 U.S.C.

Sec 1-4 ; United Nations Charter ; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Barry Haugrud Acting Director of Alberta Vital Statistics John E. Brownlee Building 10365-97 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 3W7 Phone: (780) 427-2742 Fax: (780) 422-4290

WITHOUT REMEDY AND WITHOUT RECOURSE NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL Dear , Mr. Barry Haugrud I am writing regarding your recent actions in regard to reference#SA100009435. You have waived your status as a creditor when Drayden Insurance Ltd.s agent , Janice, accepted my tender of discharge in the amount of $35.90 on Jul 18,2007 for Reg#2207848-1 under Section 57.(1) and Section 190 of the Federal Canada Bills of Exchange Act; U.C.C. 3-409(a)&(b) and U.C.C. 3-604(a). Discharge has been received by Drayden Insurance Ltd for Service Alberta/Vital Statistics and services have not been provided or completed. In continuation of our meeting on or about July 27, 2007. I give you notice I accept for value, honor and consideration your statements with regard to your refusal to amend birth registration # 19710084831, registration # 830 and I accept your Dishonor for Value and consideration and return it to you for discharge, closure and settlement of the account. NOTICE OF DEFENSE IN RECOUPMENT under U.C.C. 3-305, COUNTER-CLAIM under U.C.C. 3-306

Negative Averments
Negative Averment 1 Bruce Haugrud/Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta has not shown me any documents, receipts, disbursements or orders proving they are: holder-in-due-course, grantor or principal regarding Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831( Registration #830) nor does Bruce Haugrud/ Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta have the original Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831( Registration #830) in their possession. Negative Averment 2 Bruce Haugrud/Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta and related business partners (known and unknown) have not refuted or rebutted any of the following: My Statutory declaration commissioned by M.L.A. Jack Flaherty, Certified Financing Statements, or United Nations Conventions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Negative Averment 3 Bruce Haugrud/Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta, has not completed this transaction/service and has not made the necessary change as required by International Law. Negative Averment 4 I, [:Nanya-Shaabu:El:]TM have not received a voucher, cheque, certified money order or any of the disbursements, documents , receipts, products , proceeds, and fixtures regarding the said instrument, ( Registration # 1971-08-004831, Security( Registration #830) and Bond# ( B110121).

Title 4 U.S.C. Sec 1-4 ; United Nations Charter ; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

WITHOUT REMEDY AND WITHOUT RECOURSE NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL 1st Claim I bring to your attention the United Nations Charter and the United Nations International convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Ratified by Canada , August 19th 1976. Please present to me what law, code or policy of Alberta Vital Statistics allows your provincial government to supercede, disregard or ignore the aforementioned International laws of which the country and government of Canada(sic) is bound to abide by. 2nd Claim The registration of a live birth is a fraudulent document, ab initio, created for the purposes of enslaving ( Trafficking in Human Cargo) of the Flesh and blood child named on the Document. See the following: Foreign affairs and International Trade Canada, Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling: ; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. 3rd Claim If there is any requirement that I must have a Birth registration or be registered with the Province of Alberta vital statistics, as the Province of Albertas chattel property, please provide me with the International law Requiring me to have one. 4th Claim The Registration of a live Birth, was bonded ( Bond # B11021) and sold on the stock market domestically and Internationally as a commodity, without full disclosure given to the mother(informant) or the (beneficiary) me, [ :Nanya-Shaabu:El:]TM. 5th Claim Albert Vital Statistics is treating the account and Registration of a live Birth as a trade receivable through securitization as an off balance sheet financing technique. Since Albert Vital Statistics by and through its agent Drayden Insurance Ltd. has accepted the instrument that I have tendered for discharge of services, I have a claim and possessory right in the instrument and its proceeds, products and fixtures under U.C.C. 3-306, U.C.C. 9-609 and Sections 57.(1) and 190 of the Canada Bills of Exchange Act and any and all defense and claims in recoupment under U.C.C 3-305 and U.C.C. 9-609 which I shall exercise now, if Bruce Haugrud does not complete this transaction for this account as per my order. Under the Bills of Exchange Act and the Uniform Commercial Code, I must receive full disclosure as I am the Principal and Secured Party, so it will be revealed to me who the principal is from which capital and interest were taken, and who the recipient or who the payer of the funds are, and who is holding the account in escrow and unadjusted. 6th Claim Since I am solution oriented, and want to show good faith, there are three ways of resolving this matter. Since Drayden Insurance Ltd. As agent for Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta, has already accepted my tender for services and has not returned it, Barry Haugrud can instruct Alberta Vital Statistics employees: Judy Traille ( supervisor) and Carol Tonn , to complete this transaction by amending the said registration of a live Birth ; or instruct Alberta Vital Statistics /Service Alberta to return the original Registration of a Live Birth instrument that was done of February 25,1971 to me, the principal, Bailor and secured party, or delete all records referencing Registration of a live Birth # 1971-08-004831, Security( Registration #830) and Bond# ( B110121) from All Alberta Provincial computers ,databases, depositories and records and I will consider this matter settled and closed.

Title 4 U.S.C. Sec 1-4 ; United Nations Charter ; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

WITHOUT REMEDY AND WITHOUT RECOURSE NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL 7th Claim Barry Haugrud has read my declaration, in which I give Notice: I am a Flesh and Blood Man not Chattel Property of the Province of Alberta and I deny Corporate Existence, which was was commissioned by M.L.A. Jack Flaherty of St.Albert, Alberta and included with the submission of my Sealed and Certified legal name change document on file in the County of Bibb in the State of Georgia , Clerks Office. With the knowledge given to Mr. Barry Haugrud, he is knowingly and willfully violating: the United Nations Charter, the U.N. International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Canadian Bill of Rights.

Commercial Order upon Refusal to Comply with Claim #6

Caveat Emptor, Caveat Venditor, Caveat Actor In the event Mr.Haugrud refuses to comply with the 6th Claim, Mr.Haugrud agrees by his actions, he is in Commercial Dishonor( U.C.C. 3-305) without remedy and without recourse to him to the following Orders: 1st Order The Truth in lending Act (TILA)section 226.23, gives one the right to rescind any commercial debt contract or agreement entered into. I formally rescind the Alberta Registration of a live Birth # 1971-004831, due to fraud ab initio and require the return of the Original Registration of a Live Birth Document to me by registered mail. 2nd Order Certified copy of Balance sheet form regarding the security Registration # 830( Registration of a Live Birth Number) and BOND #B110121( Extract of Birth Certificate) form: 2046; form 2049 and form 2099; form 1099-OID , disclosing who the principal is from , which capital and interest were taken and who the recipient is and who the payer of the funds are and who is holding the account in escrow and unadjusted returned to me by registered mail. 3rd Order I want the CUSIP # which was created and generated from the Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08004831( Registration #830) returned to me by registered mail. 4th Order Certified Statement/95 cash flow statement, regarding Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831 ( Registration #830) returned to me by registered mail. 5th Order The cash/functional currency/Silver for my Registration of a Live Birth from its creation to now, all accounts, trusts, investments, and financial instruments created and all payments received by Canadas Receiver General, and all trustees, holders and insurers, fully disclosed and returned to me by registered mail. 6th Order Certified copy of the Audit trail of the accounting on bond #B110121 returned to me by registered mail.

Title 4 U.S.C. Sec 1-4 ; United Nations Charter ; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

WITHOUT REMEDY AND WITHOUT RECOURSE NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL 7th Order Certified copy of all disbursements, documents and receipts held by Service Alberta, the Province of Alberta, The Government of Canada(sic), the Receiver General of Canada and any other so-called creditors/financial institutions regarding Registration of a Live Birth record# 50189,Registration # 830 and 1971-08-004831 in accord with the WIPO convention of 1989 in Berne, Switzerland, returned to me by registered mail. 8th Order The Name of the Insurance company, corporation , Brokerage firm or Surety Company and the purchaser/ Holder of the Security for the Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831 returned to me by registered mail. 9th Order The bid bond of the Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831, returned to me by registered mail; Post full settlement and closure of the account using CUSIP# and AUTOTRIS# 640429304, which is a prepaid account and exempt from levy. 10th Order Certified copy of the total bill post settlement and closure of the account, returned to me by registered mail. 11th Order Certified copy of FAS forms: 5, 95, 125,133, 140 and FR 2046, returned to me by registered mail. 12 Order A certified Copy of FORM 45-102F1, MI 45-102 ; Form 52-109FT1, Form 52-109F1(the Full annual certificate) and 302 annual certificates form returned to me by registered mail. 13th Order a data integrity review hearing, regarding Registration of a Live Birth # 1971-08-004831 and associated instruments, returned to me by registered mail. 14th Order Bruce Haugrud/Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta to show both sets of books and issuing statements ( Statement 95) in regards to the ( Registration # 1971-08-004831, Security( Registration #830) and bond ( B110121, regarding this security, returned to me by registered mail. 15th Order Bruce Haugrud/ Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta and the Province of Alberta to provide me with their S-3 registration statement, 424-B5 Prospectus and RC-S & RC-B Call Schedule, returned to me by registered mail. 16th Order a voucher, cheque, certified money order or any of the disbursements, documents , receipts, products , proceeds, and fixtures regarding the instrument( Registration # 1971-08-004831, Security( Registration #830) and bond ( B110121) returned to me by registered mail. 4

Title 4 U.S.C. Sec 1-4 ; United Nations Charter ; United Nations Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


International Commercial Notice

Lack of written response, no written response, acquiescence by Bruce Haugrud/Alberta Vital Statistics/Service Alberta within 30 days by not supplying documents and full disclosure as required by law ( TILA, Section 226.23)and all requests for documentation, forms, notes, contracts disbursements , receipts, cheques and payments to the Principal/Bailor/Secured Party/Lien Holder, all parties agree that all processes, claims , notices and public filings advertised, filed and utilized by the Principal/Bailor/Secured Party/Lien Holder are valid, lawful and enforceable in favor of the Principal/Bailor/Secured Party/Lien Holder. All parties agree that Principal/Bailor/Secured Party/Lien Holder may initiate involuntary bankruptcy proceedings against all claimant/parties and take alleged claimant parties into a foreign proceeding to be prosecuted. All parties agree to and consent by their actions and inactions that the Principal/Bailor/Secured Party/Lien Holder may proceed against all alleged claimant parties, by taking alleged claimant parties into a foreign proceeding to be prosecuted. See United Nations convention on the law of the Sea. Jurisdictional Statement All claims in this instrument done by the Principal/Bailor/Secured Party are under Admiralty law and agreed and consented to by all parties. The claims of this Instrument are Within the Admiralty: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982. (See: Suits in Admiralty Act, The Bill of Lading Act, The Admiralty Extension Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.) I Humbly thankyou for your business, restitution and compensation. You may contact me regarding this matter in writing at: [ :Nanya-Shaabu:El: ]TM GD STN MAIN ,EDMONTON AB, T5J 2G8.

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