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Pender United Methodist Churchs Vision Statement

Pender United Methodist Church will be a tree of life in the community rooted in Gods living Word with branches growing and moving by the Spirit and spreading the love of Jesus for all.

topics. Since this is a large class, the members support each other by sharing prayers and praise each week. They meet in rooms 215 & 217. Genesis to Revelation is a verse-by-verse Bible study that will enable you to understand what the Bible says, what the passage means, and how the Scripture applies to your life today. The study uses Standard Publishing International Lesson Series plus other sources. They meet in rooms 218 & 220. The teacher is Rich Taddeo. New Directions uses a variety of curriculum resources for topical studies. They usually participate in Pender church-wide studies. Rotating facilitators guide the weekly discussions. This group meets in room 206. Seekers study Biblically based topics which are discussed in a free format as opposed to lectures. The study books used are InterVarsity Press publications in the Lifeguide Bible Studies series. Topics are selected by class members and emphasize strengthening our faith for Christian living. Members are in all stages of faith and Biblical knowledge. This class periodically has social events in homes and in local restaurants. They meet in room 216. Teachers are Stan and Dottie Kurzeja.

11:00 a.m. Sunday Small Group for Adults

Work in Progress is open to anyone interested in discussing Biblical and timely topics, meeting new Pender folks, and sharing weekly joys and concerns. They meet in room 218.

Grow in God Clusters Mission Statement

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by providing Christian growth opportunities for believers and seekers. Our purpose is to encourage every adult, youth, and child to be involved in learning activities that help them become true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pender Library
Pender Library Ministry is devoted to serving the needs of the congregation. The Library seeks to provide materials that are spiritually enriching and edifying in matters of Christian growth and education. The Library contains a wide variety of materials, including magazines, non-fiction, reference biographies, fiction, video tapes, DVDs, devotionals, commentaries, and childrens books and DVDs. The Library is located in room 205. A user friendly, selfcheckout procedure is used. Contact our Librarian, Jeanne Osborne, for further information.

Grow in God Ministry

Adult Christian Education happens in a variety of ways, but Sunday School classes and Bible studies are the most frequent methods at Pender. It takes an entire lifetime (and more) to know God; therefore, a variety of adult learning activities is offered year-round on Sunday mornings as well as during the week. All classes study scripture with differing topics and study styles. Study topics vary from the basics of the Christian faith, to a particular book of the Bible, and to Biblical principles for marriage and parenting. Study styles differ in the amount of pre-class preparation, teacher presentation, or group presentation. Adults are invited to visit all classes and find the study that meets their needs. The Grow in God Cluster always welcomes suggestions for new classes.

9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for Adults

Bethany uses the International SS Lesson series as its curriculum. Lessons alternate on a quarterly basis between the Old and New Testaments. This class meets in room 200 next to the Fellowship Room. The teacher is Kay Matthias. Cornerstone is led by rotating facilitators that guide discussions about Old and New Testament books and

Sunday Morning Nursery

The Nursery Ministry provides a safe, caring environment during Sunday worship services, Sunday School, and other church functions throughout the week for newborns through age 4.
8:15 a.m. service--all infants, toddlers, and children through age 4. 9:30 a.m. serviceinfants and toddlers up to 2 years. Children 2 years and older attend Sunday School. 11 a.m. serviceinfants and toddlers 5 years old

11 a.m. Class Offerings for Children

Following the childrens time at the 11 a.m. worship service, Childrens Church is offered for 4 year olds through Kindergarteners. Junior Church is offered for 1st through 5th graders.

Special Note
Registration cards are prepared for each child and information about allergies is recorded.

Opportunities to Serve
Parents are encouraged to volunteer as a Sunday School teacher, helper, or substitute teacher on a quarterly basis. The Child Protection Policy training must be completed prior to serving in this capacity. For more information about participating or volunteering in this ministry, Tim and Carolyn Fink, Superintendents for Sunday School, may be contacted by emailing the church office at or by calling the church office at 703-278-8023.

Silent pagers are provided to contact parents in the event of an emergency. Child care procedures as outlined in our Child Protection Policy are followed. Parents who utilize the nursery are encouraged to volunteer once per quarter. If you wish to volunteer f o r a s h i f t i n t h e n u r s e r y, p l e a s e e m a i l

Sunday School Classes

School Year 2012-2013

9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for Children and Youth

Sunday School classes are structured and provided to children based on their age as of 9/30 or the school grade. The children meet in the following classrooms: 2 and 3 year olds 4 year olds 5 year olds or Kindergarteners 1st graders 2nd graders 3rd graders 4th graders 5th and 6th graders Youth in Junior High Youth in Senior High


Issued: September 2012

Church Office 703-278-8023 Website:

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