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What We Do

Recovery Advocacy - Our Board Members and volunteers maintain positions on Boards and Commissions with the intention of keeping recovery in the conversation when addiction, substance abuse, prevention and treatment are present. Some of these bodies include The Behavioral Health Transformational Council, The Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Committee, Denver Drug Strategy Commission, Faces and Voices of Recovery, Mountain ATTC West Center, Young People In Recovery. We are dedicated as an organization to keep changing the conversation from addiction to recovery. Peer Coach Training - Our Director has been delivering nationally recognized curriculum for recovery peer coach training for over 5 years. AFR has trained over 50 coaches in Colorado which has directly influenced those individuals recovery process as well as the hundreds of others that will come into contact with them. We currently have coaches fulfilling recovery support services in collaborative SAMHSA grants in Colorado. Additionally,AFR and peer coaches are collaborating with a large local methadone clinic to influence and evaluate the effect of recovery oriented influence on their population. Additional Trainings - Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC), Science of Addiction and Recovery (SOAR), Media Training and Our Stories Have Power Training. All these are deliverable to individuals and groups at all levels of businesses, government, and educational institutions. Recovery Rally Colorado - When advocates from across the country came together in 2001 to found Faces And Voices Of Recovery, a call to action stated, for too long, a great majority of the community those in recovery, their families and allies have been silent about their experiences and successes. An organized recovery community was absent from the public policy debate. Society and lawmakers werent aware of the more than 20 million Americans in long-term recovery. Later that same year a Colorado contingency of that movement was launched here with the name Advocates For Recovery. By our silence we let others define us. The growing grass-roots involvement of identifiable and mobilized networks of recovery communities and allied organizationsfosters collaboration, advocacy and public education about the reality of addiction recovery. Each September, as part ofNational Recovery Month, AFR works with local community organizations and our national planning partners to host Rally for Recovery Colorado events that combine the celebration and honor of recovery with advocacy and education.

Our Mission
To advocate for planning and policies at all levels of society supportive of recovery, and for more addiction, research, prevention, and treatment. To educate the public about the disease of addiction, the consequences of untreated addiction, and the process of recovery, using peer-to-peer support To dispel myths about addiction and the addict by sharing stories of recovery and by celebrating the successes of recovery. To reduce the stigma associated with addiction

Rally For Recovery

Each year, September is designated as National Recovery Month which promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery from mental and substance use disorders, celebrates people in recovery, lauds the contributions of treatment and service providers, and promotes the message that recovery in all its forms is possible. Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover. Now in its 23rd year, Recovery Month highlights individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are living happy and healthy lives in long-term recovery and also honors the prevention, treatment, and recovery service providers who make recovery possible. Advocates for RecoveryColorado has held an annual Recovery Celebration and Rally since its 1st in 2001. The events are held in Civic Center Park and include a Walk For Recovery, local and guest speakers, Music, Fun, and Food. Our stories have power and we have heard so many that support our message. AFRs Colorado celebration begins with a walk from Union Station to Civic Center Park honoring some in long-term (10+ years) recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. The main event is staged at the Amphitheater and surrounding park area. Over the years we have had many partners and friends who have given us _financial support and AFR knows and appreciates that it will continue. Recovery Is Real --- We Are The Evidence

The Aspen Leaf in the AFR Logo

Represents an Aspen Grove, which grows by sending runners from the root system that mature into trees, the leaves furnishing essential elements for growth. Likewise, AFR grows its organization by individual members spreading the power of their stories of recovery. We are looking for persons who share our vision and wish to become advocates for recovery.


The Association of Recovery Community Organizations at Faces & Voices of Recovery (ARCO) is a new initiative that brings established and new and emerging groups together to build the unified voice of the organized recovery community by leveraging the profile and unifying force of Faces & Voices for member organizations.


Education and Training Opportunities

is a six-hour train the trainer training for people in long-term recovery, their families, friends and allies. Six Professional Development Hours are available for this training. Join us for this training to: Learn about the science of addiction and recovery and practice teaching others what you have learned. Sharpen your skills as a recovery communicator, then take home new tools that you can use with your family, friends and community. You will receive three hours of education on the science of addiction and recovery in very easy to understand language and three hours of training on how to deliver the information to others.

A Special Training Opportunity

Peer Recovery Coaching is designed to serve those who will be engaged in recovery support services. AFR is a community-based organization founded and developed by peer volunteers, and in keeping with the principles of a recovery community organization, a comprehensive volunteer management program is essential. The volunteer program is the core of this training and is the mechanism by which peer leaders and coaches are developed and supported, and through which participants (services recipients) themselves transfer into the role of peer coaches. AFRs current recovery coaching program was developed through training and consultation with other State organizations with proven practice. The current model includes policies and procedures for volunteer management, job descriptions and a training program grounded in recovery philosophies and ethics. Peer-to-peer coaching services are not professional treatment services. Nevertheless, it is important to have some theoretical underpinnings as part of the training curriculum in order to provide a framework within which to provide paid or volunteer services. The participants will work in partnership with their recovery coach to develop a Recovery Plan that guides the service provision. In addition, participants will be asked to complete a recovery desirability contract. This will outline the principles of recovery, program ethics and provide a touchstone for the participants commitment to recovery.

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Media and Messaging



Heres language that you can use to talk about recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. This messaging is a result of in-depth public opinion research with members of the recovery community and the general public. We encourage you to use this messaging or language whenever youre speaking- as a person in recovery, a family member or friend. This recovery messaging is excellent. Thanks to Faces & Voices of Recovery for its leadership in developing messages to all Americans that clearly and passionately convey the living reality of long-term recovery from addictions.
William White, Author and recovery advocate


Advocates for Recovery is a grass roots organization made up of people and organizations throughout Colorado who are part of the new recovery movement. We focus public attention on the enormous benefits recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs gives to individuals and to the community.

For Training Information Contact Tonya Wheeler CAC III, 720-435-0686

ADVOCATES FOR RECOVERY P.O. Box 460176 Denver, CO 80246 720-435-0686




The Science of Addiction and Recovery

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