Tugas MR Ato YOLO!

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Internet is a jungle of information . We can almost get everything what we need with a simple click .

From UFO to microscopic virus, from celebrity to your infamous neighboard but my friends always reminds me that we cannot believe everything we read from internet. This phenomena enables us a wide open door to our very private life and the social media such as facebook and twitter take their big part. Internet and social media has replaced our diary ,warm social visit (silaturahmi), distance , the way people run their business and many more. We can show our craziest video expressions and let the world see it or you can tell the world that you are angry , sad or happy without any secrecy or hesitation . Image, text, video which contain sarcasm , gore , violence , pornography ,jokes,news campaign or even dakwah , some of them may make you smile, some may make you angrry embarrassed or even humiliated .Is this really the world that we want to live in? Do we really want to grow up in an era where people dont respect our private privacy, social Indonesian value and morality ? Is internet a new GOD? Comment : I think i really want live when everything is practical like internet . Because, the internet really help me to find a new information and do my homework. Or maybe i want to meet a new person on social media such as facebook and twitter. So i have a new experience to sharing with my real friends. And there is YOUTUBE to broadcast yourself with video,maybe? Hmmm, i really want it but i hope i never forget my real life. Maybe everybody will busy with their project / business t in internet, so daddy will forget his children ? or mommy will leave her baby for playing farmville ? Hmmm, we must rememmber when we must browse the internet and have a good time with our family, friend and another people. With internet we can find everything and i can copy anything in the internet for my assigments LOL but that is my fact, but internet only life on the screen but the effect of internet life on our real life. GOD cannt replace with anything because GOD IS GOD , GOD made human and we can life with GOD.

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