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Enhancing Skills and Faster Generation of Employment the role of Engineers & Technocrats YP Chawla, Advisor, Tariff- Jt.

. Elec. Regu. Commn., National Jt. Secretary IIPE; 98107-08707 Abstract: India is entering into the 12th Five Year Plan for continued development. The Planning Commission has identified 12 Strategies for Inclusive Growth. For 9% targeted growth in GDP, Technology related skill gaps will damage the Indian Economy if Skill gaps are not corrected the Studies warn. Current Skilled Manpower Gap in is 20 Industry Sectors in India. India has a window of 25 Years to take advantage of the Demographic. This, if not converted to a dividend can be catastrophic for the nation and youth may turn violent, if no new job opportunities are created. The Engineers & Technocrats in India are required to join hand in making this situation into a nation building reality. Strategy Challenges of the 12th Five Year Plan Enhancing the Capacity for Growth ( needs Enhanced Skill Sets) Enhancing Skills and Faster Generation of Employment Managing the Environment Markets for Efficiency and Inclusion Decentralisation, Empowerment and Information Technology and Innovation ( needs Enhanced Skill Sets) Securing the Energy Future for India ( Shortage of Manpower for Projects Development) 8. Accelerated Development of Transport Infrastructure 9. Rural Transformation and Sustained Growth of Agriculture 10. Managing Urbanization 11. Improved Access to Quality Education ( will lead to Enhanced Skill Sets) 12. Better Preventive and Curative Health Care ( additional Manpower with High Skill is required) All the above strategies are pointing to enhanced Skill sets .The Macro Parameters of Indian Economy 9% average annual growth have been fixed with: AGRICULTURE contributing: 4% average annual growth; INDUSTRYs contribution as: 9.6% average annual growth SERVICES will add: 10% average annual growth, with Industry making the maximum value addition. The Manufacturing Sector value addition remains the highest amongst various sectors. It is the Engineers & Technocrats of the Industry have to take on the Economic Growth more aggressively. The Govt. of India has to set the course by rightly aligning the School Education with Vocational Programs to achieve Education & Career growth through modular educational Credit based programs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Various Studies conclude 75% of Technical Graduates & 85% of General Graduates are Unemployable by Indias High Growth Global Industries, unless Skills are added (The Wall Street Journal) and India Aspires to be a Knowledge Superpower. In Asia Pacific market Employers (45%) facing difficulty in Job filling because of Lack of Available Talent (Talent Shortage Survey 2011). Indian has to take fast action on taking advantage of its demographic strength which is >50 % Population < 35 Yrs. India will be able to utilise the dividend meaningfully, only if India is able to equip the workforce with the appropriate skills. In this respect, skills development emerges as one of the most critical aspect of Indias economic policies. Although productivity has been increasing and education levels rising, India still needs to improve education and training quality. While significant improvements will need to be made on quantitative indicators, little is known about qualitative indicators e.g. because India does not participate in standardized international examinations, there are no good comparative measures of quality. Providing more education and skills cannot, by itself, be enough quality and labor market relevance is crucial. The education and skills provided must be relevant to the labor market. Acquiring skills is essential, provided those skills are not out-dated or do not meet industry requirements The Indian economy is widely expected to grow at sustained high rates over the next few decades and emerge as the second largest economy by 2050. These robust projections have much to do with the demographic profile of the country. India is slated to have one of the youngest populations in the world, with the bulk of the population figuring in the working age. Low dependency ratio and a surplus workforce put India at a strong comparative advantage vis-vis most major economies. However, in order to utilise this demographic dividend effectively, India needs to impart adequate and appropriate skills to its workforce.

The Programs being Technology based, the Academia- Engineers & Technocrats (Industry) have to be Partners for:

Empowering youth force to be successful Entrepreneurs or to be gainfully employed and be a partner in the Nations progress. Increasing capacity & capability of existing system to ensure equitable access to all. Taking the Skill enhancement to new heights with a objective to achieve the requirements of Knowledge Economy Allows Blend of Private Sector Best Practices in the Education Curricula. Achieve Inclusive & Sustainable Growth in Education Working on 3 Es : Education Employment Employability

Motivating Environment of Govt. is permitting - Imbibing of Govt. Resources / Infrastructure with Industry Adding Private Sectors Training Kits for Igniting the Minds for an Holistic Approach in Education Indias Agenda 2022 Higher Education Sector

Proposal to start in association with the Industry: Apollo Tyre is ready for the launch of the programmes Modular Courses / Open Architecture Programs Mkt. Demand based Bridge Program for ITI -( ITI type Programs planned for breaking to < 6 months for modular & scale it up for Diploma & beyond).

Certificate (16 Credits), Diploma (32 Credits), Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree, Post Graduate (64 Credits &+) Educational Enhancement for Working Professional Part timers ITI to Diploma, School leavers to Diploma Engg., Diploma to Engg. Degree etc. E Learning Judicious Blending of Class Room, Industry Hands on Exposure and E learning. Self Learning & Self Education Kits Net Working & Collaborative Approach with Experts. Flexi Learning Programs - Training, Retraining & updating the skills, Training & Qualification. To adopt Technology Enabled Education Video Conferencing Modular Employable Skills Modular Programs Skill Enhancement Programs- High & Middle Level Skills (not basic) Bridge Programs Qualifications Improvement while Serving Making Candidates Industry ready/ Entrepreneurs A big challenge for India for Skilling 500 Mn. by 2022, If the Infrastructure is not ready in next three years, we miss the bus.

It has to happen and India will be able to achieve the target of 30 per cent of Gross Employment Ratio by 2020. It will require three ingredients - excellence, equity and expansion. India to face huge skills gap due to high migration to other countries ( due to Youth not available with them in numbers required for their growth) India to face further skills gap due to high migration to other countries by skilled Indians, when world Economy will come back on Track might be in next 1 year. In last 20 years around 25 million migrated to developed countries, which will continue next 20 years also. Todays global and fast changing business environment, access to highly skilled people not just top talent, but also people who possess essential expertise is crucial to succeed and grow for all global companies and Techies. The gap in getting employed triggers greater dissatisfaction and destructive mind sets specially in youth who generally carries high energy, courage and dreams. The right skills certainly help in placing youth and mobilize those at right places is additional challenge. It looks like simple demand n supply equation, but in practice it a real challenge. It is also a great opportunity to countries like India to skill and involves its large youth population. This is to boost economy as well for social reforms The GoI has put the Employability Strategy through Skill Enhancement as one of the twelve Strategies for 12th Plan. In addition, the University curriculum has to align itself towards employability with teaching and assessment of employability skills are to be enhanced; and universities to systematically review their work on developing employability skills. This is applicable for the conventional route of Education & Employment. The non- traditional route of Vocational Programs and then enhancing skill for Education and Career growth Path is to be developed by the Industry. This being mostly Industry based the Engineers & Technocrats have to chip in their effort and bring in some radical changes and come out of the conventional mode of education. We will have to diversify in various employment Skills because at present more than 60 per cent student enrolment is in arts faculty and have to bring in more skill oriented courses. Prof. Govinda further added, It cannot be done alone by the government of India, states will also have to play an important role in it, and universities will have to diversify. More inclusive growth is one target of the 12th Plan. Yes, it is true that Poverty rates continue to fall but still remains high despite strong growth: making growth more inclusive is therefore a top government priority. The introduction of the national rural employment guarantee NREGA has helped reducing Poverty in some cases but it has made some people sit idle and enjoy NREGA rather than remaining Employed. Government of India spending is higher in various other areas aimed at lowering poverty and for inclusive growth, which include subsidisation of kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas and fertilisers. It has now to focus on Education & Skill Enhancement, as, a large part of such outlays otherwise do not reach the poor.

GDP growth in India, other large emerging economies and the OECD- in % ( Source OECD)

While the Government remains a major financier of pre-employment training & Skill Enhancement, emerging skill needs with changing Technologies needs innovative solutions. The public Skill Enhancement system still constitutes an important provider and financier of preemployment Skill enhancement and training in India. This simple financing framework has become inadequate to meet the skill development needs in a rapidly globalizing `economy, and it has become important to consider how financing can also foster increased in-service training among enterprises, greater private provision of training, as well as greater cost-sharing with beneficiaries utilising the experienced Engineers & Technocrats. Given this, there are two sets of issues: (a) how to best mobilize resources for training; and (b) how to allocate resources most effectively to arrive at the desired objectives. About the Author: B.E.Tech. , MBA (Fin), PGDPM & PGDMM from Delhi University. Export Mgmt. from Oxford. Pursuing PhD. on Skill Gaps in Power Sector Experience of over 4 decades in diversified sectors covering Skill Enhancement Initiatives, Electricity Regulatory, Energy including Solar & other Renewable Energy, (Ex. BHEL), Water Sector, Agriculture, Infrastructure. Widely travelled abroad & in India including Foreign Postings. National Jt Secretary of IIPE Contact : ; 98107-08707 Written Papers on diversified subjectsWidely travelled in India & abroad including some Foreign Postings. Written Papers on diversified subjects- ( with web details) Skill Related Subject: 1. Contours of Reforms in Engineering Education for better Employability 2. Approach to Zero Breakdown- A Challenge of Multi Management Aspects 3. Power Sector Project Management Challanges 4. Management Assets during the Challenges - Maintenance of Current Economic Meltdown

5. Sustainable Development Role of Engineering Managers and Technologists 6. Enhancing Skills and Faster Generation of Employment the role of Engineers & Technocrats 7. Business Excellence through Human Asset Management Building Competence Other Subjects 8. Indias Sustainable Green Growth Rural Sector thru Renewables 9. Israeli advanced water technologies- Sharing Tahal experience with India Eli Barak Director Marketing, Asia Operations & YP Chawla Marketing Director India Operations , Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd. 10. Renewable Energy for Inclusive Growth Role of NGOs f 11. Iron Ore Beneficiation: Challenges to Iron & Steel Industry 12. Waste Management in Steel Plants, Base Paper: YP Chawla CEO Zoom Developers P Ltd 13. Coal Quality A New Paradigm 14. Renewable Energy for Inclusive Growth Role of NGOs 15. Poster Renewable Energy for Inclusive Growth Role of NGOs 16. Carbon Abetment 17. Integration of Solar Power & Hydro Other Sustainable Industrial Development for Inclusive Growth Chalanges ahead Energy Sector Conventional, Renewable, Zero Breakdown Maintenance in Steel Sector. Waste Management in Steel Plants Iron Ore Beneficiation; Waste Management; Irrigation Sector; Water Sector Maintenance Practices in Global Economic Melt down Challenges of Zero Breakdown Maintenance, Role of NGOs in Renewable Energy etc.

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