Project Hallyu Application Form

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Application Form for Project Hallyu Grant

1. Applicants Information
*The information you provide below will be used to process funds that will be allocated to you. Please be accurate.

Project name Representatives name Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Address City/State Zip code Mobile Home phone Email Names and email addresses of other people that will be working with you: Name Email

2. Background Information Please mark the appropriate box(es) for the areas of Hallyu your project will address: Korean music Korean dance Korean movies/drama Korean art Korean food Community Service project that incorporates Korean culture Other (please specify): Please write a brief description (no more than one paragraph) of the vision that drives your project:

3. Details Describe your project:

Projected time line: (Please list activities with approximate dates)

4. Audience How many people do you expect will be directly affected by your project? How many people indirectly? Please describe the audiences (e.g. school children, young adults, etc.)

5. Request Funds Amount Requested: $1,000 $2,000 $3,000

6. Budget Please explain how your project funds will be spent:

7. Monitoring and Evaluation Suggest a date for your final report (dd/mm/yyyy) : How do you plan to evaluate the impact and success of your project? (Please describe what the successful outcome of your project would look like and how you can measure it)

8. Project Approval Terms If your project is approved you must understand and agree to the following terms: All members of your project will attend the Hallyu Forum (Riding the Korean Wave) on October 16, 2012 at 6:30PM-8:00PM at George Washington Universitys Jack Morton Auditorium. (805 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C.). Please RSVP (forum is open to public, but RSVP is required for everyone) for the forum at by October 9, 2012. All projects must be completed before December 31, 2012, unless otherwise agreed upon. The Korean Cultural Center will provide you with funds that will be agreed upon by both parties and will be used only for the purposes of implementing your project, unless otherwise directed. You will submit all receipts concerning the usage of funds along with your final report. You agree to mention the Korean Cultural Center Washington D.C.s support on all information, marketing, and publicity materials, including print and online materials. This also includes verbal and written acknowledgment of the Korean Cultural Center Washington D.C.s support into all communication regarding your project. Yes, I have read the terms and conditions and agree.

9. Thank You Thank you for completing your application. Please send your grant application as an attachment (.doc or .pdf file) to by October 22, 2012. Approved teams/individuals will be contacted separately by October 31, 2012. 10. Comments? Questions can be sent to or call 202-587-6152.

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