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Puget Sound Regional Council


Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

September 19, 2012 1:00 3:00pm

Location: 5th floor Conference Room of the Puget Sound Regional Council, 1011 Western Avenue, between Spring and Madison Streets in downtown Seattle.

1. 2. 3.

Transition time from webinar Introductions: Action Item: Citizen Comments; Approve Meeting Summary *

5 minutes 5 minutes

Regional Bike Network Analysis Review 50 minutes (Kimberly Scrivner, PSRC) The analysis of the network will be reviewed and the BPAC will be asked to make a decision on one of two methods. Regional Bike Network Gap List 35 minutes (Kimberly Scrivner, PSRC) A sample of the Gap List will be shown and discussed for further guidance. MAP 21 Allocations for Washington State (Kimberly Scrivner, PSRC) 15 minutes


Discussion Item:

5. 6.

Discussion Item: Informational:

Announcements of Current Bicycle/Pedestrian Activities 10 minutes Committee members are encouraged to provide brief updates on local and regional events/meetings that might be of interest to others.

Asterisk * = meeting materials attached This meeting can be attended remotely using GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting: Use a microphone and speakers (VoIP) or call in using your telephone: United States: +1 (773) 945-1031 Access Code: 575-232-418 You are welcome to come PRIOR to the meeting for: 12-1:00 p.m. - Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals (APBP) Webinar Liability: Understanding and Managing Risk

If you have questions or comments, please contact Kimberly Scrivner, For directions to the Regional Councils Office, visit Alternate formats: Sign language and communication materials in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice, by calling (206) 464-7090. TDD/TTY: (206) 464-5409.

Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Summary July 18, 2012

Attendees: Amy Shumann, Chair - Public Health Seattle/King County; Diane Wiatr, Vice Chair City of Tacoma; Thomas Noyes - WSDOT-UPO; Shawn Phelps - Pierce County; Mel Roberts Kent Bicycle Advisory Board; Aaron Grimes King County DOT; Roland Behee Community Transit; Robert Foxworthy King County Parks; Gordon Padelford Mountains to Sound Greenway; Vicky Clarke Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC); Aaron Lee Snohomish County; Sara Zora Seattle DOT; Tessa Greegor Cascade Bicycle Club; Barbara Culp Bike Alliance of WA; Debbi Lester City of Bainbridge Island; Merlin Rainwater Central Seattle Greenways; Cynthia Welti Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust; Ref Lindmark King County Metro; T.J. Nedrow WSDOT, Olympic Region; Don Willott North Kitsap Trail Association; Kiersler Gror SDOT; PSRC Staff: Mark Braseth, Gil Cerise, Linda Fox, Amy Ho, Diana Martinez, Robin Mayhew, Kelly McGourty, Peter Schmiedeskamp, Kimberly Scrivner 1. Introductions, Citizen Comments, Meeting Summary Approval
Chair Amy Shumann opened the meeting with introductions. Merlin Rainwater, representing Central Seattle Greenways, made a public comment regarding the Active Transportation Plan with interest in the health aspects of transportation. She also wanted to encourage continued involvement with the community on Vashon Island where rumble strips are a concern. A change in the June 20, 2012 meeting summary was noted by Shawn Phelps. The date of the Equity and Health in th th Transportation Conference under agenda item 2 was incorrect and was changed from August 28 to September 28 . The meeting summary was approved as amended.

2. Information Item: Regional Funding 101 Kelly McGourty & Robin Mayhew, PSRC
Kelly McGourty provided a presentation on transportation funding and project development. She provided a brief background on PSRC funds, background on the Transportation Improvement Program, PSRCs role in federal funding, and whats next in terms of MAP 21 and Transportation 2040. Robin Mayhew provided an update on the 2014 Transportation 2040 and the Prioritization process that is currently underway. A copy of the presentation can be viewed online at If you have any questions, please contact Kelly McGourty at or Robin Mayhew at

3. Discussion Item: Active Transportation Plan: Elements and Work Program Peter Schmiedeskamp, PSRC
Peter Schmiedeskamp went over the plan schedule and led the committee through a discussion of all the major sections and elements of the Active Transportation Plan. We plan to have the Active Transportation Plan document wrapped up by February of 2013. The presentation can be viewed online at

4. Discussion Item: Regional Bicycle Network: GIS Analysis and Tiering Kimberly Scrivner, PSRC
Kimberly led a discussion on the analysis of the Regional Bike Network Development. The network is fairly dense and a network tiering method was suggested. To help make the network less dense, a GIS analysis was conducted on the existing network. Different maps of tier 1 were shown and included shortest path routes to regional growth centers, regional transit locations, and military bases. A gap list is currently in progress and will provide more contexts. In the meantime, staff will re-run the analysis to include slope in addition to the shortest route and the analyses will be compared at the next BPAC meeting. A copy of the presentation can be viewed online at

5. Informational: Announcements of Current Bicycle/Pedestrian Activities

Mel Roberts The huge sandbags along the Green River in Kent is currently being removed and will be gone by the end of September. Barbara Culp By July 23rd, a letter of agreement will be sent to the Olympic region of WSDOT and headquarter for the Hood Canal bridge. If all goes well, work will begin on the bridge in the fall of 2012. Ref Lindmark with King County Metro made three announcements: Many transit agencies are rethinking service because of new guidelines. One of the results shows that some parts of the county may lose bus service because service guidelines asks transit agencies to identify the routes that are

the lowest performing routes, which are routes that tend to be in the rural areas. Therefore, the council directed Metro to come up with an alternative service plan and this is a way that Metro might be able to provide some th mobility to areas that may lose bus service. That plan was submitted to the council the week of July 9 . There are some bike schemes in that alternative plan that might get some focus. Metro, King County, City of Kirkland, Seattle, Redmond, Microsoft, Seattle Childrens, Puget Sound Regional Council, Cascade Bicycle Club, Sound Transit and WSDOT has formed a non-profit bike sharing program called Puget Sound Bike Share. A plan to hire an executive director is currently underway. Metro is asking for good bicycle apps for INMOTION, a residential-based mobility program. This will help provide resources for people that have signed up for the program.

Diane Wiatr The City of Tacoma just laid down its new bike boulevard symbol and it is the first bike boulevard symbol that is of woman heritage in the United States. It is on a 56 block corridor going from south to north and will connect to 13 miles of bikeways by the end of summer. Tessa Greegor Cascade Bicycle Club will be working with WSDOT on bike/pedestrian counts from September 25 to th September 27 in various jurisdictions.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00pm. There will not be a meeting in August. The next meeting is Wednesday, September 19, 2012.

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