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Competency Accountability



September 2012: Issue 2/09

Edisi Bahasa Inggeris, Tamil dan Cina

Taking care of you

Story and pix by Chan Lilian

from birth till the end

(From right) Exco member Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim, Lim and Mansor at the Penang Golden Student ceremony.

IT was indeed a lively Sept 16 at Dewan Sri Pinang when 225 students together with their parents received RM100 in cash from Penang State leaders at the Golden Students Program ceremony. The Year 1, Year 4, Form 1 and Form 4 students came from various schools in the North-East District of Penang. So far, more than 35,000 students of the estimated 110,000 students in Year 1, Year 4, Form 1 and Form 4 have registered under the programme for which the Penang Pakatan Rakyat State Government had allocated RM11 million under Budget 2012. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mansor Othman, State exco members and assemblymembers were on hand to meet and greet the students and their parents. In his speech, Mansor said: We have just arrived from Kota Kinabalu this morning after the Malaysia Day countdown celebration the previous night. The Sabahans asked us how Penang manages to give money to Penangites through various programmes like the Senior Citizens Appreciation, OKU, Single Mothers, Golden Child and IPTA (for students going to public universities) programmes. They were surprised and amazed. Meanwhile, Lim said: We are the first state in Malaysia to carry out this programme. We have surpluses because we are a bersih Government with clean CAT administration. It is an open secret. We have money because we didnt swallow the money. We share the money with Penangites derived from the anti-corruption dividend. He added: In Penang, we take care of you from birth till the end. From the Golden Child programme where babies born in Penang get RM200 to the end where senior citizens get RM100 annually and their next-of-kin gets RM1,000 upon their demise. Lim agreed with Mansor that the Sabahans were surprised to hear this. He quipped: Their jaws dropped in disbelief and they said it is impossible that a State Government has money to share with the citizens. I told them to come to Penang to see for themselves. Lim said so far RM95 million had been given to the people. The people are happy. The local traders and busi-

nessmen are happy too. They are happy because the money flows within the local economy. People get the money, they spend it and these traders and businessmen benefit from it too, he said, adding it was better to give the money to the people than to give it to one or two cronies. He concluded his speech by informing the parents that the Penang State Government understands the minor inconveniences faced by them because they have to register their children individually. Although the State Government had distributed the forms to the schools in Penang, some of the schools had been unable to help the school children with the registration process.

The Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Wee Ka Siong, had prevented the schools from cooperating with the State Government. He even made slanderous remarks that the registration may cause the State to favour only Pakatan Rakyat supporters and not Barisan Nasional supporters. This is totally untrue! Penang Golden Student Program is for all, regardless of race, religion or political leanings, Lim said. Parents who want to register their Year 1, Year 4, Form 1 and Form 4 children for the Golden Student Program are advised to call their respective assemblymembers or Area Coordinators. The phone numbers are available on Pages 8 & 9 of this Buletin Mutiara. They can also register with the nearest district office.

Geo-technical experts assure Green Garden folk

(From left) Prof. Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew, Exco member Lim Hock Seng and MPPP Building Director Yew Tung Seang inspecting Green Garden, Paya Terubong.

Story and pix by Chan Lilian

RESIDENTS of Green Gardens 26-storey apartments have been assured that the building does not face any safety concerns. Professor Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew, who led a team on a technical visit and site inspection at Green Garden in Paya Terubong on Sept 22, said: After our inspection, we didnt see any safety issue. So far no visual defects were seen and we didnt see any signs of the structure in danger. So, there is no reason to doubt the safety of the building. Also in the team were Malaysian Institute of Architect Penang chapter chairman Lawrence Lim and Institution of Engineers Malaysia (northern branch) representatives together with Penang State exco members Wong Hon Wai and Lim Hock Seng, Paya Terubong assemblymember Yeoh Soon Hin, Member of Parliament Karpal Singh and senior department heads of the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP), Public Workd Department (JKR), Drainage and Irrigation Department, Green Garden developers technical staff members and other relevant department staff members. On Sept 20, Green Gardens 26-storey apartments was affected by flash floods because the retention pond was choked with rubbish. A huge gaping hole resulted when water gushed through the earth, causing worry to the residents. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who visited the affected area on Sept 21, had asked Oxford-trained geotechnical engineer Gue and his team of experts to visit the site. Gue, who was appointed Penang hillside geo-technical advisory panel chairman, told the media: We went inside the

retention pond and found that rubbish had clogged the drainage. To prevent waste materials from entering the building, we are recommending that four rubbish traps be installed at different locations. Meanwhile, MPPP Building Director Ar. Yew Tung Seang said there was a lot of rubbish clogging the retention pond that needed to be cleared immediately. We need the residents cooperation not to throw rubbish and the building management must ensure the rubbish is cleared regularly to prevent a recurrence. Although difficult, the rubbish that chokes up the outlets has to be cleared immediately. Buletin Mutiara also asked Gue to comment on the general situation of highrise buildings in the surrounding areas. For the older buildings which have been built, Ikram (Public Works Institute of Malaysia) has been engaged to do the hazard mapping for the whole Penang State and that had been carried out one to two years ago. The Geo-Technical group will look at those studies. For those areas which are doubtful, the owners of the buildings have to strengthen them, he said. Gue and his team had also drafted the Penang Guideline for Hillside Development 2012. The guideline aims to improve safety and environment of hillside developments and will serve as the main reference in considerations of planning approval for hillsite development applications, and to be used by all the relevant agencies. He said: For new and future high-rise projects at hillsides, there are stricter rules to improve safety. We have made simpler procedures which are easier to implement and enforce.

Water flowing down from the hill at Green Garden, Paya Terubong.

Women to the fore with WCC

Pix by Law Suun Ting

THE Penang Pakatan Rakyat State Government recognises the importance of womens participation in both the economic and political spheres of society. Knowing that a future cannot be built without women, Penang has set up a womens agency, Penang Womens Development Corporation (PWDC), with a grant of RM 1.5 million to promote gender mainstreaming in the State. The Penang State Government supports the Womens Centre for Change (WCC) and since 2009, under the Penang committee on Women, Family and Community Development, the Penang State Government has provided WCC with an annual grant of RM150,000 to set up and manage a womens service centre (Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita) in Seberang Perai. PPW now provides critical counselling (direct and hotline) for more than a thousand clients every year. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, exco members Lydia Ong Kok Fooi, Phee Boon Poh, Member of Parliament Chong Eng and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) chief Maimunah Shariff shared the joy with WCC

president Mariam Lim and Datin Annie Chin, who heads the WCC Fundraising Ambassador, at the opening of their WCC building at 241, Jalan Burmah, on Sept 8. The chief minister was amazed at the journey taken by WCC in the last 27 years and where WCC stands today. He said: Not only has WCC grown from initially operating out of an MPPP carpark to this three-storey building, it has become a reputable womens NGO not just in Penang but also in Malaysia. Indeed, I must congratulate the past and present WCC general committees, its staff and volunteers for, without their vision and passionate belief in championing the cause of women, such achievements would not have been possible. He added: For an organisation of 10 staff aided by volunteers, WCC has achieved much. This building is testament to what a group of ordinary women can achieve when they have an extraordinary passion to attain that vision. It is also testament to the amount of support WCC has from the people of Penang and the good work that it does. TURN TO PAGE 14

They are behaving like Ah Long

Story and pix by Chan Lilian

PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has likened the actions of the perpetrators who splashed red paint on the service centres of three assemblymembers and the DAP headquarters to tactics used by loan sharks or Ah Long. Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general, said this during a press conference held after the Penang Golden Students Program on Sept 16 at Dewan Sri Pinang. A reporter had earlier asked him if DAP was leaving the red paint as a badge of honour as suggested by the people and netizens. One view is to leave the red paint splashed on the walls, doors, floors and signboards as a badge of honour. This will remind everyone how desperate anti-Pakatan Rakyat people are. They are no different from the loan sharks or Ah Long. They are now using the same tactic as the Ah Long. But Ah Long only do this if you owe them money, Lim replied. In the Sept 14 incident, the service centres of three state assemblymembers - Pulau Tikus, Air Putih and Datuk Keramat - were splashed with red paint in the early hours. The DAP headquarters in Jalan Rangoon also suffered the same fate when it was splashed with six packets of red paint. The incident at the DAP headquarters was captured on CCTV and a police report has been lodged. Lim said he will discuss the issue with Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow, who is also an exco member of the State Government, and decide if DAP is going to re-paint or to leave the red paint as it is.

The service centre of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (state assemblymember for Air Putih) was splashed with red paint. Two other state assemblymembers service centres were also vandalised.

Chow will announce after a meeting. Meanwhile, all the three other service centres will wait for the directive from Chow, Lim said. He also condemned what had happened and regrettaed that Barisan Nasional was trying to take advantage of the episode by implying that DAP was to blame. In certain remarks, and from media reports, BN implied we are to be blamed and we invited this upon ourselves, Lim said. He added: I really dont understand why BN can say things like this. We hope BN doesnt try to exploit this. This is one incident no one wants to see

in Penang. Political matters should be carried out democratically and not through such a violent manner. We must stand together to stop such violent acts.

State urges Najib to dredge Penang Port

Story and pix by Chan Lilian

CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng, in a press conference at the Dewan Sri Pinang on Sept 16, urged the Prime Minister to listen to his Barisan Nasional leaders in Penang to dredge the Penang Port. Though we may have our differences with Penang Port as the chairman is from UMNO, we can speak with one voice when it comes to the port. We hope Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will listen to the voices of the people of Penang, Lim said. Currently the depth of the seabed is 11 metres which is not deep enough for bigger ships to enter the port. The dredging must be done now. Why is

there a delay? Penang Port is reported to lose RM40 million per year. They have invested in seven big cranes costing RM175 million but they cant be used because big ships cant come in. They have also spent RM680 million to upgrade the port. In total, RM855 million has been spent for nothing! This is money wasted, Lim said. He added: It will be RM855 million plus lost of revenue of RM40 million per year because the sea channel is not deep enough. It doesnt make sense. He urged Najib to listen to the people of Penang and to prove he was sincere by doing the dredging now, especially before the General Elections. We want you to deepen the channel now, Lim said.

Lim with exco member Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim with a copy of The Star where Penang Port Sdn. Bhd. was reported to lose RM40 million per year.

TPO delegates, mayors applaud Clean and Green Penang

Story by Chan Lilian, Pix by Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin

Ibu Tri Rismaharini says she loves Penangs greenery.

SEVERAL mayors who were in Penang from Sept 17 to 20 for the Tourist Promotion Organisation for Asia Pacific (TPO) Forum, spoke to Buletin Mutiara about how they find Penang. Mayor of Surubaya, Indonesia, Ibu Tri Rismaharini said: I feel very happy to be in Penang and love the greenery and the clean beaches. Penang is quite similar to Surubaya and we are in the process of making George Town a Sister City of Surubaya. She also talked about Penang food and shared that she went out to savour Penangs famous nasi kandar during her stay. When asked about her appointment as the first female mayor, she said: It is the same task as the mayor except that one needs to get used to the role as usually, the job is

handled by men. We are elected and chosen by the people. Datuk Yeo Boon Hai, the vice-mayor of Kota Kinabalu, found Penang traffic a bit congested and was surprised with the number of high rise condominiums. However, he said: Penang is about the same size as Kota Kinabalu but we have only half a million population compared to Penang 1.5 million. Hence, in Kota Kinabalu the population is more spread out. Yeo applauded Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Penang Island Municipal Council chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail for keeping Penang clean and well organised. He said: I had a pleasant stay here and enjoyed the trishaw ride. Penang is so clean! I also love the Penang Youth Park because it is so beautiful. Yeo tried out Penang char koay teow at the welcoming dinner the previous night at Khoo Kongsi and enjoyed that as well.

Pedal power for a cleaner, greener Penang

Thousands of cyclists raring to go on their Campaign For A Lane - 4th edition at the Penang Esplanade. Lim with his wife, Betty Chew, and Patahiyah flagging off cyclists at Penang Youth Park during the launch of the bicycle racks at bus-stops.

Graffiti Park for youths

A group of youths at the official opening of the Graffiti Park.

Story and pix by Chan Lilian

OVER the last month, several major cycling activities have taken place on the mainland and island. Penangites have made cycling a fad and encouraged by the Penang State Government, there are lots of cycling events every weekend. Bicycle racks and bicycle trails On Aug 26, a ceremony to launch two bicycle racks was carried out at the Youth Park. Penang folk who cycle can now park their bicycles at bus-stops and proceed to take public transportation for their journey. Sixteen bicycle racks will be provided at bus-stops while three more will be built by year-end. To further encourage cycling, the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) will make it a condition for developers of new projects to provide bicycle parking areas, lanes and other

facilities for cyclists. At the same time, commercial buildings, offices and institutes of higher learning with a floor area of more than 50,000 sq ft will be required to provide bathrooms, changing rooms and lockers for cyclists. A bicycle trail was also opened for cyclists up the hills around the Youth Park. So far, 81 km of bicycle lanes have been provided in the island. MPPP had allocated RM250,000 in 2012 for the lanes.

Story by Chan Lilian, Pix by Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin

Penang vows the Chinese

Campaign for a Lane At dawn on Sept 9, the road in front of the MPPP building was crowded with 3,500 cyclists raring to go on their Campaign For A Lane - 4th edition. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was amongst one of the cyclists on this charity ride. MPPP chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail flagged off the cyclists who proceeded on a 80-km ride around the island.

Opening ceremony of the Penang iconic ferry booth in China .

Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Alissa Thian/VisitPenang

STATE exco member for Tourism Development and Culture recently announced that Penang has won three awards at the China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo (CITE) 2012 held in Guangzhou, China from Sept 14 to 16. The three awards are the Best Booth Award for its unique iconic Penang Ferry design, Excellent Performance Award for the cultural dance performed by the Penang State Cultural Council (Majlis Kebudayaan Negeri Pulau Pinang) and The Favorite Travel Destination & Route of the Cantonese of year 2012 by Southern Metropolis Daily, a leading Chinese

newspaper published in Guangzhou. In a press conference held on Sept 21 in Penang, Law said: Our local Penang coffee, biscuits, cakes and other products were all sold out. We received very good response in China and are optimistic that through this expo, Penang will attract even more tourists from China. This is the second year Penang has won the Best Booth award. Next year, we plan to make the Penang famous durian as the booth design. During the expo, Law, who represented Penang, also signed a Tourism Cooperation and Exchange Framework Agreement with the Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province. This agreement aims to strengthen friendly cooperation and mutual benefit between the two destinations especially in tourism. Both parties have agreed to actively crosspromote tourism of both destinations, to further jointly expand the tourism market and support and participate in each partys tourism exhibition and tourism celebration events. Visit for Law posing with the the latest events and awards Penang won at the happenings in Penang. expo.

THE Graffiti Park located inside Malaysias best recreation park, the Penang Youth Park, could be the first one of its kind in Malaysia. A momentous ceremony to mark the opening of the Graffiti Park was held on Sept 20. The park, which is part of the corporate social responsibility project between the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) and The Rotary Club of Tanjung Bungah, costs RM150,000 and is a dollar-to-dollar project = covering a builtup area of approximately 750 sq. meter. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, executive councillor Chow Kon Yeow, MPPP chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail, mayors of Surubaya in Indonesia Ir. Tri Rismaharini and Busan Jung-gu, Korea Ms. Kim EunSook, and the vice-mayor of Kota Kinabalu Datuk Yeo Boon Hai were among the VIPs at the opening. Project chairman Michael Chen explained how the idea of a graffiti park was mooted. Twelve years ago, I witnessed a teenage boy handcuffed and taken to the police station because he did graffiti painting in an abandoned building. I felt it was unjustified to handcuff a boy who surrendered and did not show any signs of violence. That incident lingered in my mind and for the sake of our younger generation, this Chen: Explained how the Graffiti Park materialised, idea of a graffiti park was mooted. he said. The seven double-sided wall panels at the Graffiti Park will be filled up with paintings and photos will be taken for records. The walls be whitewashed to enable the continuity of the art for the youth. The spray paint used will be eco friendly in line with the Penang Cleaner, Greener, Healthier and Safer concept. MPPP will supervise the park to ensure that no vandalism occurs and no indecent paintings. Lim, in his speech, congratulated and praised MPPP and The Rotary Club of Tanjung Bungah for the unique idea of a Graffiti Park and also the early completion of the park. He also welcomed the proposal for a Penang Natural Rock Climbing Park which The Rotary Club of Tanjung Bungah is planning with MPPP. The ceremony was made even more colourful and memorable when the mayor of Surabaya painted a butterfly to complement the flower drawn by the mayor of Busan Jung-gu while the vice-mayor of Kota Kinabalu spray-painted the peak of Mount Kinabalu on the wall.

PRs kindness touches poor, elderly couple

Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Law Suun Ting

STATE exco member Wong Hon Wai has questioned why 170 units of low-cost flats in Blocks E and J at Rifle Range were left abandoned and vacant during the Barisan Nasionals administration when there were many people looking for a place to stay. Some of these units were left unoccupied for more than 10 years. When Pakatan Rakyat took over the Penang State Government administration in March 2008, we worked together with developers and Penang Master Builders & Building Materials Dealers Association as part of their CSR programme to refurbish these units. The units were then rented to the poor at RM90 a month although the market rate is between RM250RM300, Wong said. We spent about RM10,000 to refurbish and repair each unit and altogether, we repaired seven units as part of our contributions to society, Lim Kai Seng, president of Penang Master Builders, said. One of the recipients of the refurbished units is Tan Kam Chooi, 34. Tan, an odd-job worker, was found staying at the five-foot way with his elderly parents. Tan, an adopted child, was grateful to Sungai Pinang assemblymember Koid Teng Guan and Wong as they had helped to provide his el-

Injured council worker in high spirits

Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Law Suun Ting

derly parents a home at Block J in Rifle Range. B u l e t i n M u t i a r a s team visited his parents at the unit and was humbled to see that though they had no proper furnishing and live sparsely, they were very happy that they now had a roof over their heads. Chung Poh An, 64 was a former parquet layer but now he has d i ff i c u l t i e s m o v i n g Wong with members of the Penang Master Builders & Building Materials Dealers around due to a mild Association at the handover of the key to Tan Kam Chooi. stroke. His wife, Tang Saw Lean, 75, tries to earn a living doing oddjobs but was told that she was too slow due to her old age. Although their home is almost bare with very little basic necessities and almost no food, they cheerfully told Buletin Mutiara that they do not worry and will take it one day at a time. When asked if they needed any assistance, they said they would leave it to Koid and suggested the public to contact Koid if they wished to provide any help. Tangs gratitude was evident when she said: Chung Poh An and his wife, Tang Saw Lean are grateful to I have never registered as a voter. But this assemblymember Koid Teng Guan and exco member Wong time, I am going to vote for him! Hon Wai for providing them a home in Rifle Range

PENANG Island Municipal Council (MPPP) road sweeper C. Santhara, 57, is one of Penangs unsung heroes who keep the roads clean. These workers usually work in the wee hours of the morning when it is still dark. Santhara has worked for 32 years and he and his colleagues usually sweep the roads against the direction of the traffic to enable them to have a better and safer view of oncoming traffic. However, tragedy struck on Sept 2 at 6.30am when a car going in the wrong direction along the one-way Peel Avenue near Island Hospital hit Santhara from the back. As a result, Santhara had two broken legs, arm and collar bone. I cannot remember much about the accident as I lost consciousness.

Lim handing over RM1,000 to Santhara at the Gleneagles Hospital. With them are MPPP chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail and Santharas wife, S. Sundari.

However, I was screaming in pain when I woke up at the Penang General Hospital. My wife. S. Sundari, brought me to this private hospital

where she works as a domestic helper because I wasnt given treatment for nearly eight hours, Santhara claimed.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng visited Santhara at the Gleneagles Hospital and gave him RM1,000. He was glad to find Santhara in high spirits as Santhara told him that he will want to return to work in MPPP after his recovery. In press conference after the visit, Lim said: Previously, Penang was dirty. Now, the State is cleaner because the Penang PR Government is clean. We have proven that when the PR Government administration is clean, the environment is cleaner and all the workers welfare is taken care off. Since the Pakatan Rakyat took over the Penang State administration, council workers from MPPP and S eber ang P er ai Muni ci pal Council (MPSP) under the 3-D (dangerous, dirty and difficult) work category are given a 3-D work allowance of RM150 per month for their contribution.

Medan Renong hawkers protest

Story by Chan Lilian, Pix by Law Suun Ting

IT was hawkers against hawkers at the Esplanade on Sept 12 - actually the legal ones protesting against the illegal hawkers. The Medan Renong hawkers were aggrieved that the illegal ones trading from mobile vehicles have carried on doing business nonchalantly and demanded that MPPP take action. Some of our parents had been trading since the 1960s near the playground. In 1991, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahatir Mohamad had labelled Penang as Pulau Pinang Darul Sampah. We were asked by MPPP (Penang Island Municipal Council) in 2003 to move in to Medan Renong near Dewan Sri Pinang, Medan Renong Food Court Association chairman Mohamed Hussain Mohd Sheriff told the press at the protest. The 52 hawkers at Medan Renong demanded that MPPP act against the illegal hawkers because they said MPPP had promised them that no business will be carried out near the playground after they had agreed to the the shift.

They also voiced their unhappiness that a group claiming to be an NGO for hawkers falsely told the press that the illegal hawkers are hawkers who had been trading for 16 years at the playground. It is a lie. Medan Renong is only nine years old. If they had indeed been trading for 16 years at the playground, they will also get a lot in Medan Renong like us. So, what was reported is false, Mohamed Hussain added. He also voiced his disappointment that none of the Malay press had come to cover their grievances although he had invited them to the press conference. Mohamed Hussain and the hawkers were also worried that the illegal hawkers will be given licences to trade at the playground. Buletin Mutiara checked with MPPP chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail regarding their concerns. MPPP will take the necessary action against illegal hawkers. MPPP moved these hawkers from the playground near Fort Cornwallis to Medan Renong so of course, hawkers will not be allowed to trade illegally there, she said.

Trees for Jalan Datuk Keramat

Story by Danny Ooi

Story by Chan Lilian

BN flags raise councillors ire

MORE than 180 trees will be planted along the 1.4km stretch from the Datuk Keramat police station to the Jalan Gurdwara intersection. Apart from the trees, 10,000 Acalyphasiamensis shrubs will form a barricade along the arterial road. The trees presently at a height of three metres, are EXCO for Local Government and Traffic Control Chow (third expected to grow up to six from right) watering a tree along Jalan Datuk Keramat. metres upon maturity after five years. They will provide a natural canopy Mustapha said four varieties of trees will be for the entire stretch. planted - Nees (Neolitisea Zeylanica), Star EXCO for Local Government and Traffic Apple (Chrysophyllum Cainito), Salam (SyzControl Chow Kon Yeow said the tree planting gium Polyanthum) and Penaga Lilin (Messua is the Penang Island Municipal Councils Ferrea). (MPPP) Greening Project along Jalan Datuk He said the project cost RM324,000 which Keramat. includes the construction of curbs on the road. He said civil works such as building of The council has previously embarked on a curbs have been completed and the entire similar project at Lebuh Carnavon and at greening project is expected to be completed Pengkalan Weld. this November. On another note, Chow urged the private Chow added that the trees will serve as a sector to donate towards the building of green thermal filters to lessen the temperatures in the lungs and greenery projects by the council. area. We urged the private sectors to sponsor What we are doing now is to provide a green projects as part of their Corporate Social greener Penang for our younger generation, Responsibilty efforts, he said. continuing what our forefathers had done with Chow said MPPP was currently working on the old shady trees we have in many places, a greenery project at Bandar Baru Air Itam and he said. the Bayan Baru roundabout and hoped the Meanwhile, MPPP recreation, tourism and private sector can contribute to these greenery international affairs director Mohamed Akbar campaign.

PENANG Island municipal councillor Ong Ah Teong, who is the Public Health Standing Committee alternate chairman, has hit out at Barisan Nasional for putting up flags on lamposts along Jalan Tanjung Tokong. In a press statement on Sept 23, Ong said: Over the past month, Barisan Nasional flags have been rampantly and haphazardly put up all over Penang without a nary care for public safety. On Sept 22, a mobile crane had even been deployed to tie the flags high up on the streetlights. Is Barisan Nasional afraid of losing? Is Barisan Nasional going to bear the responsibility if one of those flag poles fall and injure passers-by? he asked. The Star had previously reported that Gerakans Oh Tong Keong had denied Barisan Nasional was the one which put up all the flags around Penang and put the blame on their supporters. Ong also chided BN for putting their flags higher than the Malaysia flag, as shown in the photo he provided. He said: Barisan Nasional is arrogant, has no respect for the country and it is as if they have no respect for the King, Country, Rule of Law and other principles stipulated in the Rukun Negara.

Councillors Ong Ah Teong and Harvinder Singh showing media members photos of the BN flags raised higher than Malaysia flags and also a copy of the police report for the illegal hanging of BN flags.

Nama ADUN AIR PUTIH YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng PENANTI YB Dato Mansor Othman PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy a/l Palanisamy PADANG KOTA YB Chow Kon Yeow BATU MAUNG YB Dato Abdul Malik Abul Kassim BAGAN JERMAL YB Lim Hock Seng BATU LANCHANG YB Law Heng Kiang SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh; BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang AIR ITAM YB Wong Hon Wai BERAPIT YB Ong Kok Fooi DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO PANTAI JEREJAK YB Sim Tze Tzin MACHANG BUBOK YB Dato Tan Hock Leong TANJONG BUNGAH YB Teh Yee Cheu JAWI YB Tan Beng Huat PENGKALAN KOTA YB Keng Ee BAGAN DALAM YB Tanaseharan a/l Autheraphy KEBUN BUNGA YB Ong Khan Lee SUNGAI BAKAP YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee KOMTAR YB Ng Wei Aik; nweiaik@ PADANG LALANG YB Tan Cheong Heng PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soo Hin PULAU TIKUS YB Koay Teng Hai PERMATANG PASIR YB Dato Hj. Salleh Man BUKIT TENGAH YB Ong Chin Wen SUNGAI PINANG YB Koid Teng Guan BATU UBAN YB Raveentharan a/l Subramaniam SERI DELIMA YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji DAP PENANG HQ No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04 - 829 0614 (T) 04 - 522 1463 (F) 04 - 522 1463 (T) 04 - 650 5134 (F) 04 - 261 8715 (T) 04 - 226 0218 (F) 04 - 228 8514 (T) 04 - 626 1968 (F) 04 - 626 5496 (T) 04 - 331 7175 (F) 04 - 331 7175 (T) 04 - 282 6419 (F) 04 - 282 6419 (T) 04 - 262 0860 012 - 480 5495 (F) 04 - 261 8745 (T) 04 - 588 0818 (F) 04 - 588 0885 (T) 04 - 828 0926 (F) 04 - 828 0926 (T) 04 - 530 8476 (T) 04 - 226 2464 (F) 04 - 227 2464 (T) 019 - 443 2088 (F) 04 - 641 3088 (T) 04 - 552 1366 (F) 04 - 552 1366 (T) 017 - 472 9990 (F) 04 - 228 8514 (T)04 - 598 1877 (F)04 - 598 1877 (T)04 - 250 1521 04 - 2501522 (F)04 - 2501523 (T) 04 - 538 1162 (F) 04 - 537 1163 (T) 04 - 818 2008 (F) 04 - 818 2008 (T) 04 - 582 7549 (F) 04 - 582 8648 (T) 04 - 227 0215 (F) 04 - 227 8215 (T) 04 - 502 5071 (F)04 - 508 9711 (T) 04 - 229 2105 (F) 04 - 226 2550 (T) 04 - 226 3227 (F) 04 - 226 3227 (T) 04 - 398 4226 (F) 04 - 398 4226 (T) 04 - 508 3977 (F) 04 - 508 3677 (T)010 - 464 3308 (F) 04 - 282 8322 (T) 04 - 659 6007 (F) 04 - 658 6007 04 - 2628188 (T) 04 - 659 5611 (F) 04 - 659 5611 (T) 04 - 228 8482 04 - 227 1397 04 - 226 6482 (F) 04 - 228 8514 NAMA ADUN PENAGA YB Dato Haji Azhar Ibrahim BERTAM YB Hajah Zabariah Wahab PINANG TUNGGAL YB Dato Haji Roslan Saidin PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Haji Shabudin Yahya SUNGAI DUA YB Dato Haji Jasmin Mohamed TELOK AIR TAWAR YB Dato Hjh. Jahara Hamid SEBERANG JAYA YB Datuk Arif Shah Haji Omar Shah SUNGAI ACHEH YB Dato Mahmud Zakaria BAYAN LEPAS YB Syed Amerruddin Dato Syed Ahmad PULAU BETONG YB Sr. Haji Muhamad Farid Saad TELUK BAHANG YB Dato Seri Dr. Haji Hilmi Hj Yahya (T) 04 - 866 1760 (F) 04 - 866 1821 (T) 04 - 573 4630 (F) 04 -570 1997 (T) 04 - 575 7454 (T) 04 - 351 3675 (F) 04 - 351 4389 (T) 04 - 398 0185 No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04 - 310 3100 (F) 04 - 323 8017 (T) 04 - 575 8670 PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN PENAGA Hj Rosidi Bin Hussain 019-4704 800 BERTAM Asrol Sani Bin Abdul Razak PINANG TUNGGAL Muhasdey Muhamad PERMATANG BERANGAN Arshad Bin Md Salleh SUNGAI DUA Zahadi Mohd TELOK AIR TAWAR Salehin Mohamed SEBERANG JAYA Abdul Jalil Che Ros SUNGAI ACHEH Hj Mohd Kamil Bin Abu Bakar BAYAN LEPAS Asnah Binti Hashim PULAU BETONG Hj Mohd Tuah Bin Ismail TELUK BAHANG Halil Sabri Hamid No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04 - 575 6577 (F) 04 - 575 8578 (T) 013 - 580 6981 (T) 019-437 2887 (T) 019 - 510 2633 (T) 019 - 507 3828 (T) 017- 427 1581 (T) 04 - 390 5109 013 - 489 3227 (F) 04 - 538 1460 (T) 012 - 4735774 (F) 04 - 582 7648 (T) 019 - 472 6956 04 - 6588152 (T) 019 - 570 9500 (F) 04 - 866 8618 (T) 016-400 6462

(T) 04 - 593 3100 (F) 04 - 593 9529

Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam


BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 INFORMASI PENERANGAN 04-643 0373 WCC (Womens Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-397 1058 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888


N1 Penaga N2 Bertam : 019 - 470 4800 - Rosidi Hussain : 012 - 348 5275 - Ab. Halim Hamid : 019 - 437 2887 - Muhasdey N22 Tanjong Bungah N23 Air Putih : 012 - 513 6761 - Fernie : 04 - 829 0614 - Chiam Heng Hock - Nancy Lim

N3 Pinang Tunggal N4 Permatang : 019 - 510 2633 Berangan N5 Sungai Dua : 019 - 507 3828 N6 Telok Air : 017 - 427 1581 Tawar N7 Sungai Puyu : 012 - 528 8411 N8 Bagan : 013 - 449 0366 Jermal N9 Bagan Dalam : 016 - 473 1963 N10 Seberang : 013 - 489 3227 Jaya N11 Permatang : 019 - 412 8442 Pasir N12 Penanti : 04 - 522 1463 N13 Berapit N14 Machang Bubuk N15 Padang Lalang N16 Perai : 019 - 481 7823 : 019 - 546 3257 : 04 - 502 5071 : 012 - 339 3479

N17 Bukit Tengah : 017 - 467 7668 N18 Bukit Tambun: 012 - 493 3342 N19 Jawi : 017 - 408 4784 N20 Sungai Bakap N21 Sungai Acheh : 012 - 415 2905 : 012 - 473 5774

N24 Kebun : 04 - 829 3691 Bunga N25 Pulau Tikus : 012 - 488 3227 - Joe - Arshad N26 Padang Kota : 012 - 431 7015 - Johnny Md. Salleh Chee - Zahadi Mohd N27 Pengkalan : 012 - 437 1522 - Wang Lai Kin - Salehin Kota Mohamed N28 KOMTAR : 012 - 412 6284 - Adreena - Ng Ya Ling N29 Datok : 012 - 410 6566 - A. T. Ong - Yeap Choon Keramat Keong N30 Sungai : 010 - 464 3308 - Anna - Gesan Pinang - Abdul Jalil N31 Batu : 04 - 282 6419 - Ooi Gaik Che Ros Lancang Heoh - Kamal N32 Seri Delima : 012 - 486 2552 - Mr. Lingam N33 Air Itam : 012 - 493 3648 - Teh Choong - Suhaimi Bin Kong Mansor N34 Paya : 012 - 484 1963 - Toon Hoon - Ong Kee Seong Lee Terubong - Rynu N35 Batu Uban : 017 - 541 3017 - Pamela Shalini - Ooi Zhen 014 - 743 4077 - Akmal Komal Chee N36 Pantai : 019 - 443 2088 - Victor - Pn. Jerejak Rajaletchumi N37 Batu Maung : 013 - 510 1968 - Latifah - Lim Tuan Chun N38 Bayan Lepas : 019 - 472 6956 - Asnah Bt - Cheng Kok Eong Hashim - Abdul Halim N39 Pulau : 019 - 570 9500 - Hj Md Tuah Yunus Betong Ismail - Munir Bin N40 Telok : 016 - 400 6462 - Halil Sabri Makhtar Bahang - Hj M. Kamil A.Bakar





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2012 I AM A Green Moment

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eRumah ,

SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2011 (1 JAN. 2012 - 31 DIS. 2012)
Nama En. Sim Chee Keong (DAP) En. Teoh Seang Hooi (DAP) En. Soon Lip Chee (DAP) En. Visvanathan a/l Kumaran (DAP) Cik Tan Xin Ying (DAP) En. Mohd Shaipol Bin Ismail (DAP) En. Guanalan a/l Sengalaney (DAP) En. Chandrasekeran a/l S. Maniam (DAP) chanderasekeran@mpsp. En. Mohamad Zainudin bin Othman (PKR) mohamadzainudin@mpsp. En. Ahmad Farid bin Md. Arshad (PKR) En. Johari bin Kassim (PKR) Abdul Latif bin Abdullah (PKR) En. Lim Eng Nam (PKR) Puan Kusala Kumari @ Rynu a/p A. Shanmugam (PKR) En. Amir bin Md. Ghazali (PKR) En. Ahmad Kaswan bin Kassim (PAS) my En. Lim Tau Hoong (NGO) Dr. Tiun Ling Ta (NGO) En. Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Abdullah (NGO) En. Loh Joo Huat (DAP) En. Ong Koon Liak (DAP) Puan Sarina binti Hashim (PKR) En. Md Jamil Bin Abd Rahman PAS) Telefon 012-590 75 07 019-412 99 96 04-594 1231 012-4290 163 012-477 6468 04-398 3242 (Tel) 04-502 1667 (Fax) 016 - 553 1987

SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPPP 2011 (1 JAN. 2012 - 31 DIS. 2012)
Nama Zulkifli bin Mohd. Noor (DAP) Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh (DAP) Tay Leong Seng (DAP) Lim Siew Khim (DAP) Lim Cheng Hoe (DAP) Tan Hun Wooi (DAP) En. Ong Ah Teong (DAP) Ooi Keat Hin (PKR) Francis a/l Joseph (PKR) Cik Ramlah Bee Binti Asiahoo (PKR) En. Mohamed Yusoff Bin Mohamed Noor (PAS) Encik Iszuree Bin Ibrahim (PAS) Sr. Mohd. Zahry bin Shaikh Abdul Rahim (NGO) Encik Teh Lai Heng (DAP) Telefon 012 - 483 0878 012 - 42822 50 019 - 321 9392 016 - 531 6026 016 - 438 4809 012 - 488 0409 012 - 410 6566 016 - 417 1331 012 - 474 3321 016 - 422 2142 04 - 657 7464 (Tel) 012 - 472 8114 016 - 443 3205 012 - 472 6725 016 - 445 9808 016 - 457 1271 012 - 412 2558

Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Okt 2012

Rumah Berhala Tow Boo Kong, Burma Road, macallum St Ghaut, Jelutong, Noordin Street, Farlim, Butterworth, Bukit Mertajam

15 - 23hb Oktober Nine Emperor Gods Festival

9am - 11pm

16 - 24hb Oktober Navarathri Festival Along the Streets of Georgetown 6pm - 10pm

012 - 571 2250

013 - 485 3128


013-45 47 009

Encik Gooi Seong Kin (DAP) Encik Prem Anand a/l Loganathan (DAP) Encik Tan Seng Keat (PKR) Tuan Haji Mohd Rashid Bin Hasnon (PKR) Muhammad Sabri Bin Md Osman (PKR) Mohd Taufik Bin sulong (PKR) Tahir Jalaluddin Bin Hussain (NGO) Dr. Lim Mah Hui (NGO)

019-540 9396 04-3979796 (Fax) 019-449 1450 019-560 57 55

012 - 438 6191 019 - 456 0077

013 - 432 0207

016-411 44 00 04-588 0818 (Tel) 04-588 0885 (Fax) 019-54 63 257

012 - 438 0873 012 - 463 5959 012 - 422 1880 016 - 422 2255 016 - 470 7089

013-584 8386 04 - 521 1987 (Fax) 019- 408 4899

Encik Sin Kok Siang (NGO) Ng Chek Siang (PKR)

Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 Fax : 04-261 5923 Email: EDITORIAL Editor Chan Lilian (English) Tam Poh Guek (Chinese) D.Bhavaneswari (Tamil) Assistant Editors : Albert Benedict Manikam (Proof Reader) Writer Danny Ooi (English) Shum Jian Wei (Chinese) P.Parameswari (Tamil) Photographers : Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting, Mohd. Hafiz Taijudin and Alissala Thian Graphic Designers : Loo Mei Fern, Idzham Ahmad

Buletin Mutiara boleh diperoleh di :

Pejabat-pejabat ADUN Pejabat-pejabat Kerajaan Negeri Pejabat-pejabat PBA Bukit Bendera Pasaraya-pasaraya sekitar Pulau Pinang Hospital-hospital Kerajaan dan Swasta Pejabat-pejabat NGO Edaran rumah ke rumah

019-446 35 51

013-430 2096 04-508 0039 (Tel) 04-657 0918 (Fax) 013 - 414 4822

Jenis Iklan
Satu Muka Surat Separuh Muka Surat (melintang) Separuh Muka Surat (menegak)

25sm(w) x 32sm(h) 25sm(w) x 16m(h)

Kos (sebulan,RM)
15,000 (*) 7,500 (*)


012-4277868 04-530 0363 (Tel) 04-538 6950 (Fax) 013-50 00 155

12.5sm(w) x 32m(h)

7,500 (*)


Shawal Ahmad: 04 - 650 5550, 04 - 650 5256, 012 - 424 9004 atau

Bagi Maklumat Lanjut, Sila Hubungi :

Synapse Sdn Bhd sets up first laboratory in Penang

Story by Danny Ooi


A medical company, Synapse Sdn Bhd, has set up its laboratory in Penang for its Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT), a technology to screen blood for infectiousviruses. Managing director Dr K. Rachna said the implementation of NAT would benefit the health community and boost the promotion of Penang as an international destination for medical tourism. She added that the laboratory located at Suntech@ Penang Cybercity in Bayan Baru, is meant to provide NAT testing for private hospitals in Penang. NAT has been implemented by our company since 2007 in our headquarters laboratory in Kelana Jaya (Selangor), she said. Dr Rachna said NAT testing helped in detecting infections at an early stage and reducing the risks of transfusion transmitted infections. It also improves public confidence in the safety of blood supply, she said during the inuaguration ceremony of the laboratory at E & O Hotel recently. Chief Minister Lim Guan Guan launched the facility. He said the establishment of NAT laboratory allowed the private hospitals in Penang to comply with international standards in blood safety. I believe that Synapses investment will stregthen the biotechnology industry in the state by creating more job opportunities and skills training for local talents, he added. Dr Rachna (left) and Lim at the launch.

Second Penang Bridge is safe

Story by Danny Ooi

THE China-based company involved in the construction of the Second Penang Bridge has hit out at allegations linking it to the collapse of a bridge in China. CHEC Construction (M) Sdn project director Fang Zhen Ru said the company had been inundated with queries and accusations over the matter since concerns about the safety of the second link was highlighted. We had been wrongly blamed for the collapsed ramp structure in Harbin, he told a Media Conference held at KOMTAR on August 30, organised by EXCO for State Public Wo r k s , U t i l i t i e s a n d Transportation, Lim Hock Seng. Also present was Jabatan Kedua Sdn Bhds construction director , Hamizol Ngah. Fang lamented that Lim (centre) with Fang (left) and Hamizol Ngah at the media conference.

such a baseless allegation had cast doubt on the engineering work and construction quality of the companys projects. We are here today to clarify a point : CHEC has nothing to do with the collapsed bridge ramp structure in

Harbin. The collapsed bridge ramp was not our project. The official report from China clearly stated that the collapsed bridge ramp had nothing to do with CHEC, he stressed. Fang added that CHEC had actively

contributed to the development of Penang for decades. CHEC has been wounded by the unfounded and careless remarks and allegations, Fang said. Hamizol Ngah said Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd, welcomed any audit into the design and construction of the bridge. As the owner and concessionaire of the bridge, we agree on the need and through check on the contractors and consultants involved to ensure the construction of roads and bridges are carried out to the best of standards, he added. Meanwhile, Lim said he has written to the Works Ministry to conduct an immediate safety audit on the Second Penang Bridge.

SME Centre to help local operators

Story by Danny Ooi


Story by Danny Ooi

Manufacturing to remain driving force

general manager Datuk Rosli Jaafar and investPenang general manager, Loo Lee Lian. Lim went on to highlight Penangs proudest achievements over the past four years: 1. Once again, Penang is top for manufacturing investment for 2011 with RM9.1 billion recorded. This has made Penang No. 1 two years in a row since 2010 when we recorded RM12.2 billion. Penang contributed 30 per cent of Malaysias FDI during those two years. 2. Penang state governments competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) governance for anti-corruption efforts received commendation of Transparency International in 2010 and earned the distinction of being the best financially managed state in the country for three consecutive years by the Auditor-General. 3. In a global economy filled with debt crisis, Penang recorded the remarkable achievement of reducing debts by 95 per cent from RM630 million on March 8, 2008, to RM30 million at the end of 2011. 4. Penang is also the safest state in Malaysia with the highest reduction of 27 per cent in crime index of the country among all states in 2010 and topped the country again for the first six months of this year with crime reduction of 26 per cent. 5. Penang as a resort destination has been voted by Yahoo Travel as one of the top eight islands in the world to see before one dies together with the states green initiative including the ban on plastic bags daily. Penang International Airport is undergoing a RM250 million expansion to increase its passenger capacity to five million people. 6. The state government has implemented key approaches to reduce the traffic congestion: The bottleneck at the flyover near the exit of the Penang Bridge on the island side will be greatly reduced when the three-lane expansion is completed by end of September. This solution was possible due to the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) and IJM for finally hearing out the grouses of the free trade zone tenants over the past years. The construction of undersea tunnel and

CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng said the establishment of the Penang SME Centre will play an important role in propelling Penang industries forward. He said the newly launched RM40 million four-storey centre proved that the state government is determined to help local small and medium industries (SME) operators become global suppliers and owners of their own brand name. We want to see designed and made in Penang products. The state provides the resources to develop SMEs and we want to ensure that they are effectively and efficiently utilised, Lim said when he officiated the launching ceremony of the centre at Phase Four of the Bayan Lepas Industrial Park recently. He said to date, 17 companies have applied to be located at the centre. An SME management council was set up to oversee the centres operation and determine the eligibility criteria of tenants, rental rates and policies. The state government does not get involved in the selection of companies so there is no political interference, he said, adding that preference would be given to SMEs involved in the electrical and electronics sector. In his speech, management council chairman Datuk Seri Kelvin Kiew said the idea for the centre was mooted two years ago as there was a need to help SMEs

Management Councils chairman Datuk Seri Kelvin Kiew (centre) visiting the SME building.

grow. In countries like Korea, Taiwan and China, local rather than foreign investment, was thriving, he said. We must ensure that our SMEs can grow both locally and abroad, he said. Kiew added that the response to the centre has been very encouraging. The first company to move in is Innogrity Sdn Bhd, which is engaged in automation turkney projects. The total rentable area is 129,000 sq ft, which can be sub-divided according to requests. For the first year, the subsidised rental of the lots ranges from RM1.50 to RM1.80 per sq ft.

THE share of the manufacturing sector in Penang was 50 per cent of the GDP in 2010 and is expected to be 49 per cent in 2015. Even though Penang seeks to promote its services sector, it must not neglect manufacturing as this sector is a key foundation for a vibrant economy. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said this at his opening address at Frepencas annual general meeting at Hotel Equatorial in Bayan Lepas on Sept 11. One of the key reasons is that manufacturing creates demand for the growth of high-productivity services sub-sectors such as finance, telecommunications and transport. Further, some knowledge-intensive services are spin-offs from manufacturing. Penang will continue to attract highvalue industries such as avionics, biomedical products, photovoltaic and LED, Lim added. Among those present were Frepenca president Lee Heng Huck, State assemblymembers Chow Kon Yeow and Lim Hock Seng, Penang Development Corporation

three major road constructions will cost the State Government RM5-8 billion and is currently tendered out via open tender. Short-term measures to mitigate traffic congestion in Penang involving flyover and road constructions around Jalan Gottlieb, Jalan Masjid Negeri, Air Itam, Jalan Scotland and Tanjong Tokong will cost RM60 million. All these short-term measures will be completed in three years. 7. Penang has contributed more than 60 per cent of total medical tourism receipts in the country. Out of Malaysias total medical tourism receipts in 2009, Penang contributed RM164 million out of RM288 million. In 2010, Penang contributed 66 per cent or RM218 million out of the total medical tourism receipts of RM336 million. In conclusion, he thanked Frepenca for their continuous working relationship with the state government, adding that without such collaboration, Penang would not have achieved its outstanding performance over the past four years. Let us work together to make Penang the place to live, work, play, heal and invest, he said.

Green toilet ready for use

File pic by MPPP showing the Before photo of the toilets before the upgrading. Everyone is all smiles at the handover of key for the adoption of the Green Toilets. L-R : Assemblymember of Tanjung Bungah Teh Yee Cheu, General Manager of Lone Pine Hotel Guido Farina, Exco member Chow Kon Yeow, CM Lim Guan Eng and MPPP Chief Datuk Hajjah Patahiyah Ismail.


THE Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) has implemented the first green toilet project and built the Pantai Emas toilets on Penang State land. The project was funded by Ministry of Tourism. Lone Pine Hotel had adopted the toilet on Sept 13 as

part of their corporate social responsibility programme. The toilet was handed over to Lone Pine Hotel general manager Guido Farina by MPPP chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismail. It will cost Lone Pine Hotel RM50,000 to manage

and maintain the toilets. The green toilet is designed to enable lots of natural light to cut down on electricity, harvest rain water for general use and has other environment-friendly features.

Balik Pulau mini park opens

BALIK Pulau now boasts a unique mini park with sculptures of a potpourri of local fruits synonymous with Balik Pulau. The nutmeg sculpture and Wall Relief are eye-catching and interesting not only to locals but tourists as well. In April 2012, State exco member Chow Kon Yeow officiated the groundbreaking ceremony and within a short four months, the mini park was completed on Sept 2. The park, costing RM190,000, is part of the Penang Island Municipal Councils (MPPP) Cleaner, Greener Penang progamme. MPPP has also equipped the mini park with outdoor gym equipment to promote a healthier

lifestyle for the whole family. Besides this mini park, other projects in the pipeline are : 1. Planting of 180 shady trees for Jalan Dato Keramat 2. Beautification of the Protestant Cemetery to make it Park Like 3. Greening of Lebuh Armenian and Leboh Acheh 4. Building of Pocket Park at Jalan Irrawady All these are part of MPPPs response to the feedback received from the public following the MPPP Budget 2012. Many have requested for more public parks, recreation areas and planting of more trees.

MPSP gives a hand to a new Lee Chong Wei

Nutmeg scuplture at the Balik Pulau Mini Park.

THE Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) has provided budding shuttlers on the mainland a badminton centre to polish their skills. Young Penangites who are inspired by Datuk Lee Chong Wei can now head to the six badminton courts in Jalan Bagan Lallang, Butterworth, to train. The badminton centre is part of MPSP LA21 Community Project. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who is also the Member of Parliament for Bagan, officiated the opening of the badminton centre. Also present were State exco members Lim Hock Seng and Phee Boon Poh and MPSP chief Maimunah Shariff. MPSP recognises the importance of encouraging local residents to be involved in healthy sporting activities in line with the Penang Cleaner, Greener, Healthier and Safer campaign. According to Maimunah, schools in Seberang Prai which took part in MPSPs LA21 Green Environment Awareness Project would be allowed free use of the badminton courts.

Hawker complex to be proud of

Story and pix by Chan Lilian


CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng praised the Bukit Gedong Hawkers Complex in Bayan Baru when he officiated the opening of the upgraded building recently. This Bukit Gedong Hawkers Complex is of international standard. It is as good as the ones in Korea! Work to upgrade the complex, costing RM1.55 million, was Masitah Mohamed who sells Malay rice is happy MPPP carried out by the Pen- has provided a surau at the hawkers complex. ang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) from November 2011 I have taken RM100 from the State and completed on Sept 4, 2012 . There Government for three consecutive years are 45 stalls selling a variety of deli- already! Last time where do we get such cious foods. things from the government...... he Farouk Mohamed Ismail, 67, who was mused. at his daughters roti canai stall told BuMeanwhile, another hawker selling letin Mutiara: My daughter has been Malay rice, Masitah binti Mohamed, 45, selling roti canai using the recipe I cre- said: My parents have been selling rice ated. The roti canai is special. We even here for 23 years. Although our business have ready-made roti canai for customers was somewhat affected during the eightto bring home and fry it themselves. month renovation period, I am glad that Business is good here. We are grateful we have such a comfortable place now. that the State Government had taken the MPPP has built better toilets and they initiative to make this place more pleas- even provide surau. Previously, we did ant for us. not have a surau here. Farouk is also a happy recipient of the A play area was also incorporated into Penang Senior Citizens Program. the complex design, giving the children

Farouk Mohamed and his family members at their roti canai stall.

a recreation spot. In his speech, Lim said: We, the State Government, take heed of the peoples needs and are sensitive to their requests. We are aware that times have changed and people need changes too. Thats why the State Government has carried out several programmes such as the 3C (reduction of Crime, improve Cleanliness,

improvement from traffic Congestion), Cleaner Greener Penang, No Free Plastic Bag and No Polystyrene (food containers). All these are aimed at improving the quality of life apart from creating sustainable living and to be an international city. All these programmes can be successful with the involvement of all parties.

EC told to stop being Barisan defender

THE Election Commission has been urged to play a more neutral and independent role and stop being a tool of the Barisan Nasional (BN). Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in a recent press statement, said: The EC seems to be a biased tool of BN by parroting BNs attacks on the Selangor PR state governments decision to hold separate state elections from the 13th general elections. Lim said this in response to EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omars claims that holding a separate state election from the 13th general election will not only be costly, but also disrupt classes and put teachers in disarray. His claim ignores the fact that no such objections were raised by EC when Sabah and Sarawak held separate elections, Lim said, adding the EC also

seemed to be questioning the competence and professionalism of the police when Wan Ahmad claimed that a separate state election would put public order at risk as the police would have to be redeployed to maintain security due to different campaigning periods. Such claims are not only dismissive of the police but also humiliating for the country if our security forces are unable to maintain security during the polling period. Is the EC then going to suggest that the Malaysian government apply for United Nations troop monitors to maintain security during the polling period? he asked. Lim urged the EC to focus on its core competency or business of managing the election process professionally in an orderly, free and fair manner. I regret that the EC has still not replied to my letter authorising the EC to

File pic of the launch of Local Democracy Festival taking place in Penang from August to October, 2012.

conduct local government elections for the Penang and Seberang Perai municipal councils. In my letter, dated Aug 30, I had reminded the EC that the Penang Local Government Elections (Penang Island and Province Wellesley) Enactment 2012 was passed in May and has been gazetted since July 5. He reminded the EC that under Article 113(4) of the Federal Constitution, Federal or State law may authorize the

Election Commission to conduct elections, the Penang state government had requested the EC to run the election for local government authorities for Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang and Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai. However instead of doing their constitutional duty by replying to my letter, EC appears more interested in either defending or being the attacking force for BN.

RM3.9m projects for Penang Hill

Story by Danny Ooi


THE Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) will take on three projects valued at RM3.9 million to cope with the increasing number of visitors to one of the islands foremost tourist destination. The projects comprise the construction of a retractable roof and extensions to the holding area at the lower station as well as an 80-metre elevated walkway at the hills upper station. All three projects are scheduled to start by the end of October and expected to be completed by next July. PHCs general manager Maklen Ali said the facilities would provide the neces-

sary shelter for visitors from the heat as well as during downpours. Since the introduction of the new furnicular train in April 2011, there has been an increase of 35 per cent in visitors which amounts to between 8,000 to 10,000 people especially during the holidays, he said at a media conference at the Penang Hill lower station on Sept 14. Maklen added that the funds for the projects were from the Penang State Government and two more parcels of the projects, which are still in the planning stages, are expected to be completed in 2014. He revealed that one of the parcel had attracted quotations from 10 established

The Penang Hill Lower Station with its retractable canopy will offer better shelter for visitors.

architectural firms. After assessing the proposals, Arkitek LLA Sdn Bhd was chosen as the consultant based on their distinguished track record which included conservation projects of Suffolk House as well as the Whiteaways Arcade, he added. Maklen said the PHCs management valued feedback from the public in carry-

ing out the projects. The feedback forms can be obtained at the information counter at the lower station or the ticketing counters at both the lower and upper stations. Also present during the media conference were Arkitek LLA representatives Laurence Loh and Loh-Lim Lin Lee.

Hainanese show their diversified culture

from PAGE 2 WCCs vision is about a building a vio- as evidence was adduced that the accused was lence-free society. her lover and she consented to the sexual inThe sad fact though is that violence against tercourse (The Star, Sept 7), he said women and children is a daily occurrence He added: This scandalous remark quesdaily we read about some form of domestic tions the professional competency of the Atviolence, child sexual abuse, rape and in ex- torney-Generals office whether the Attorneytreme cases, about the violent death of a child General understands basic criminal law that or a woman. even an ordinary man knows that there is no To this, Guan Eng said: I believe that as a such thing as consent in statutory rape. The nation, we can and time has come for must do more to the Attorney-Genreduce violence eral to state his and sexual crimes. stand. The AttorThe State Governney-General ment as well as should also require each and everyone survivors of vioof us have a role to lent crimes to make play in reducing all victim impact forms of crime in statements (VIS) the country. While so that the trauma WCC is doing imendured as a result mense work to of being misled c u r b v i o l e n c e A young girl viewing the exhibition at WCC. into engaging in against women and sex at such a young children through its various programmes and age can be also heard. activities, I see a need for effective partnerIn fact those guilty of rape of minors or ships between State, corporate and commu- young girls being penalised lightly or merely nity groups to bring about better implementa- bound over is nothing new. In the infamous tion of policies to ensure that women and case 18 years ago where I was imprisoned for children are safe in the streets, at home and in trying to defend the rape victim who was dethe workplace. tained instead of the rapists, more than five He also touched on current issues and men who admitted to having sex with that voiced his concerns as a State leader and minor and hence were guilty of statutory rape Member of Parliament. were bound over. The public outrage and criticism of men To make the event even more meaningful, guilty of statutory rape and not imposed the various programmes were held throughout the mandatory jail sentence of five years but being day. bound over requires Parliament to re-look The childrens colouring contest, food fair, these laws. The A-G must explain his offices dance performances and other interesting remarks, The victim was not informed of such programmes drew a huge crowd to the new a right (victim impact assessment) by the DPP WCC building.

The crowd at the launch of the National Hainan Carnival.

Story by Danny Ooi

A mammoth crowd of 10,000 people visited the National Hainan Carnival held at Lebuh Muntri on August 26. Organised by Penang Hainan Association in collaboration with the National Hainan Federation of Malaysia, the Carnival was also supported by Penang State Government, the Teochew, Hokkien and Hakka Associations. Carnival coordinator Goh Choo Kee commented that the day-long Carnival was aimed at showcasing the local Hainanese culture and food as well as to raise funds for the renovation works of SJK (C) Aik Hua. This is the first time the Carnival is held in Penang and we aim to collect at least RM10,000

for the school, he said. A retired manager from Prai, John Foo, 55, told Buletin Mutiara that the Carnival was a good way to show people , especially those with Hainanese roots, to know their culture better. The food is delicious. I also have the chance to see how a Hainan opera costume looks like, he said referring to the Hainan Cultural Exhibition, held during the Carnival. Besides Hainan food, arts and crafts, there were also demonstrations of authentic Hainan food preparation such as chicken rice and other traditional Hainan food. CM Lim Guan Eng launched the event. Also present were ADUNs Lydia Ong Kok Fooi, Chow Kon Yeow and Danny Law Heng Kiang.

Hundreds join Malaysia Day celebration

Lim (front row, third from right) with other VIP guests releasing the pigeons during the Malaysia Day celebrations at the top of Penang Hill.


Story by Danny Ooi

IT was merriment all around when the Malaysia Day celebration was held at Dataran Bukit Bendera on Sept 16. The cool weather gave the perfect backdrop for the hundreds of visitors who thronged the top of the hill to catch the interesting line-up of activities which included a traditional Boria performance, Malaysian cultural dances, patriotic poem recital and face painting. Organised by the Penang Hill Corporation (PHC), the event was held to commemorate the establishment of the Malaysian Federation on Sept 16, 1963. PHC general manager Maklen Ali said this was the second year that Malaysia Day was celebrated atop the hill.

Town Hall Building comes alive with lights and sound

MALAYSIA Day, which falls on Sept 16, was celebrated in a unique way in Penang with a Raya Light and Sound Show at the Penang Town Hall in Esplanade. Malaysia Day is a very meaningful day for all Malaysians because it is to commemorate the establishment of the Malaysian federation on the same date in 1963. Throngs of people were mesmerised by the 3D video projection mapping organised by Penang Global Tourism and sponsored by several corporations. The heritage Town Hall building became the background for colourful images and videos while cultural performers kept the audience entertained. Penang Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas graced the occasion which was also attended by State leaders and civil servants. During the event, winners of the 55th Merdeka parade were also announced and prizes given away.

As part of Penang Hill Corporations corporate social responsibility, 25 children from St. Nicholas Home and Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Yatim, Pulau Pinang were invited to participate in this memorable event, he added. In conjunction with the recent Hari Raya celebration, the children were also given duit raya. Earlier, they were also invited to our Raya Open House organised by the PHC Staff Club, he added. Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng launched the event. Together with the PHC management team, Lim released 49 pigeons to mark the celebrations.

Also present were state assemblypersons Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim (Batu Maung), Ng Wei Aik (Komtar), Liew Chin Tong (Bukit Bendera) and Lims wife, Betty Chew. To add to the joy of the celebration,

complimentary entrance tickets were given to all Malaysians who celebrated their birthday on Sept 16, to share the joyous moment at Penang Hill. The historical celebration ended with a fireworks display at 9pm.

Delighted school children at Golden Student Program ceremony


Story and pix by Chan Lilian

SEVERAL school children were delighted to be at the Dewan Sri Pinang with their parents to receive the RM100 cash under the Golden Student Program from Penang State leaders. They were the lucky few who were randomly selected to attend the symbolic ceremony. M. Kishen, 10, a Year Four student of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Rajaji in Air Itam, was among those who waited patiently with his father S. Murukeswaran, 47, for their turn to receive the money from Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. I have three children and next year, my younger daughter is going to Year 1. That means she will be eligible for the Golden Student Program too. My mother is also registered under the Senior Citizen Program and she gets RM100 every year., Murukeswaran said. When asked how he knew about the programme, Murukeswaran told Buletin Mutiara: My sons school told us parents to do the registration at our Air Itam state assemblymember Wong Hon Wais service centre. For SJK (C ) Sum Sun students, they had a more convenient method as the school distributed the forms for the students and after the parents completed the forms, the students gave it back to the school. Brothers Leonard Leow, 10, and

Osmond Leow, 7, were the two lucky boys who get to meet the chief minister for the first time. Their father, Leow Leong Woh, said both his sons, who are in Year 1 and Year 4 respectively, will use the money to buy new school bags and other necessities.

Azlina Ahtar, 41, stumbled upon the Golden Student Program registration at a pasar malam in Air Itam. Her son, Mohd. Nur Haikal Norzamani, who is in Form 1 in SMK Air Itam, said he will save the RM100. Azlina, who has four children, said her eldest child had also received RM1,000 for the IPTA Program which is given to students entering local public universities. Her grandfather and father are also recipients of the Senior Citizen Program. She is grateful for the Penang Pakatan Rakyat State Governments peoplecentric programmes as her family members have received money. Before parting, she quipped: The M. Kishen, a Year 4 student from Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Rajaji, and his father chief minister is very friendly.
S. Murukeswaran.

Osmond and Leonard Leow with their parents at the event.

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