Different Camera Angles!

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Different Camera Angles!

Due to a lack of a willing volunteer, all camera angle shots were taken with the use of a teddy bear. If this was going to be a childs film or televions series, the use of a cuddly teddy bear would be acceptable as a character idea.

Charlotte Todd

Extreme Close Up
An extreme close up is genuinely used to come up close and personal with the character on screen; usually when they raw emotions they are trying to portray is the key feature at a particular point .

It is said that a persons eyes are very expressive and we are able to tell an emotion by just looking at them. And extreme close up proves this theory right!
As this shot is focusing on emotions rather than an action, they are genuinely used in tense moments to judge a characters reaction to something which is about to happen, may it be a old western quick draw, or a drug exchange between two dodgy looking people.

Close up
The clue maybe in the name, but a close up is a shot where the camera has a zoomed lens on a characters face. Like the Extreme Close Up a Close Up shot is to reveal a characters emotions, however an Extreme Close Up is not needed to either allow the character to be recognisable, or the facial expression as a whole is needed to portray more than one emotion. For example guilt, hurt and upset maybe needed in a scene for a crime drama such as Sherlock shown on the BBC. This type of shot is also supposed to give a sense of familiarity to the audience, as it is so up close and personal. For this particular picture of a close up, it is a teddy bear. Though we can not clearly see any emotions he has because unfortunately he has no muscles to move or a brain to think, its apparent that if instead of a bear there was a person, their facial expression would be perceivable and easy to read. That is if the actor was a good actor.

Medium shot
A medium shot consists of the head and shoulders visible to the audience. This type of scene is not supposed to give off a sense of control or power to any participant involved, but equality between audience and character. Location is seen within the medium shot so location maybe relevant to what is happening within the scene, however like the Extreme Close up, and Close Up shot, the actor is the most important feature within the scene.

These type of shots are popular with any genre, however the genres which would use them the most is romance or comedy as for example, in horror or action films these type of scenes may have a slight tilt to them, to either give a character power (such as the villain) or to give a sense of vulnerability (such as a victim).

Long shot
With a Long Shot the scene is just as important and the character, if not a little more s. The location sets the scene rather than the words spoken or acting of the actor/actress. In this picture it unquestionably shows a teddy bear with a corner of a room, and the bear completely shown from head to toe. The bear was placed in the corner of the room as I thought it would be a nice idea to show as the years go on, how I must have neglected him and if he had thoughts and feelings (which would be quite cool if he did, but then again after watching Ted seems like a bad idea... ) how lonely and isolated he must be feeling.

Extreme Long Shot

In an Extreme Long Shot the location in which the shot is showing is THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE. These maybe seen at the beginning of a film to show a urban or rural area, or within the film or television series the character moves from one location to another, for example from rural to urban areas. In this picture, notice how the location is the most dominant feature in the shot rather than the teddy bear. This is achieved though the character being a small aspect compared to the scenery . As we can tell this bear is clearly in a living room, so the household scene is the important piece of information the audience has to pick up on.

High Angle Shot

This high angle shot is to completely strip a character of any control or authority in which they have had, to make them appear vulnerable and defenceless. These type of shots will be common in action, fantasy, crime films which will have that vulnerable character , or even a domineering, powerful, evil character as this shot maybe from their point of view. This maybe seen in a film about a young girl abusing her teddy bear through neglecting.

Low Angle Shot

A Low Angle Shot is designed to give control, power and authority to a character within the shot making everyone else seem like minuet weaklings. These type of shots will be common in action (A team), fantasy (Snow White and the Huntsman) or crime (out of sight) films which will have a domineering character , or even a vulnerable character as this shot maybe from their point of view. This shot maybe in a film where an evil bear is bulling all the other toys to be slaves.... A little like Toy Story!

Birds Eye
Birds eye makes the subject look very short and squat. This shot can emphasise the insignificance of the subject . These shots are usually found in battle scenes or establishing where someone is.

In this picture this is not a war scene, but in a corner. This is to show how trivial the bear is in this scene.

Worms Eye
A Worms Eye View is a shot that is looking up from the ground, and is meant to give the viewer the feeling that they are looking up at the character from way below and it is meant to show the view that a child or a pet would have (basically something dramatically smaller).

Over The Shoulder

Over the Shoulder shot is where a characters reaction to a piece of news they have just been delivered or a situation. This type of shot is genuinely seen in soup operas such as East Enders or Holby City (which are both as bad as one another). For example in East Enders they may use this type of shot for when Alfie finally discovers and tells Kat (his wife) that he knows she been cheating on him . This would be a perfect opportunity if Kats reaction to his revelation is the key aspect or the scene.

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