Os Heróis Da Fazenda - Farmyard Heroes

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FARMYARD HEROES Os Heris da Fazenda

Oh, my baby chick! said Mother Hen. Now where is that little rascal I sat on so patiently until she was ready to hatch? She was just an egg last week and now shes running off! Whoosh! They grow up so fast!

Oh, a minha filhinha! - disse a mame Galinha. - Onde est aquela sapequinha que eu choquei com tanta pacincia? Semana passada era apenas um ovo e agora j est correndo por a! Zuumm! Como crescem rpido!

Little Jenny chick had gone out to explore the new and amazing world around her. She had no time for sitting around and getting bored with the other chickens. There was Mama Hen, who seemed to spend all her time watching all her little chicks, and Daddy Rooster, who crowed every morning for the humans so that they would wake up on time!

A pintainha Clarinha havia sado para explorar o novo e surpreendente mundo sua volta. No tinha tempo para ficar sentada sem fazer nada com os outros pintinhos. L estava a Mame Galinha, que parecia passar todo o seu tempo cuidando dos filhos; e Papai Galo, to orgulhoso, pontual e sempre consciente do horrio.

Oh my! There he goes again! Jenny said to herself. This is not where I belong. I want adventure, action, and fun! I want to go where its exciting. I know Mama said to stay close to her, but this chicken coop is not for me. And off she scurried, heading straight for the old wooden fence that surrounded the farmyard.

Minha nossa! L vai ele de novo! Clarinha pensou. Aqui no o meu lugar. Quero aventura, ao e diverso! Quero ir a um lugar emocionante. Sei que Mame disse para ficar perto dela, mas este galinheiro no para mim. Ento, Clarinha correu em direo velha cerca de madeira que dava a volta no quintal.

Jenny jumped back with a start. She looked up to see Hunter, the ferocious dog who guarded the gate. He barked and growled at her so loud that poor Jenny couldnt find her legs to move. She stood there frozen with fright, looking up at this giant-of-abeast towering over her. Why, just his mouth was as big as she was!

Clarinha pulou para traz com o susto. Olhou para cima e viu Rex, o feroz pastor alemo que guardava o porto. Ele latia e rosnava to alto que a coitada da Clarinha no conseguia mexer as pernas. Ficou ali, paralisada de medo, olhando para aquele monstro gigantesco. Ela era do tamanho da boca dele!

Help! Mama, help! Save me! she cheeped, when she finally found her voice. Thankfully, Mama Hen had spotted her, and came to her rescue, ruffling her feathers and clucking and flapping her wings as hard as she could. The noise and the activity distracted Hunter long enough for Jenny to run back inside to safety.

- Socorro! Mame, socorro! Ajude-me! - ela piou, assim que conseguiu recuperar a voz. Ainda bem que a Mame Galinha a avistara e estava vindo para ajud-la, arrepiando as penas, cacarejando e batendo as asas o mais alto e o mais rpido possvel. O barulho e a confuso distraram Rex o suficiente para que Clarinha pudesse voltar correndo.

Oh, Mama, he was so big and scary and Jenny burst into tears, her little legs still wobbling. Mama Hen drew her under her wing to comfort and console her.

Now, dont worry about him. He may look big and scary, but hes just a loud and grouchy old dog. He means no harm. His job is to protect us and our farmer from strangers.
- Oh, Mame, ele era to grande, assustador e - Clarinha desatou a chorar, com as perninhas ainda tremendo. Mame Galinha a colocou debaixo das asas para consol-la e tranqiliz-la. - No se preocupe. Ele grande e assustador, mas apenas um cachorro barulhento e mal-humorado. Ele no quer lhe fazer mal. Seu trabalho proteger todos ns e o fazendeiro de estranhos.

But why did he have to bark at me and be so mean-looking? little Jenny sobbed. He didnt want you to go running outside the gate and get lost, or get swallowed up by a stray cat.

- Mas por que latiu para mim com aquela cara feroz? - Clarinha perguntou soluando. - Ele no queria que voc corresse para fora do porto e se perdesse, ou que fosse engolida por um gato de rua.

Oh, said Jenny. She was now thankful she had such a caring mom who watched over her. I think I know now why Mama told me to stay close to her and not to wander off, Jenny thought.

- Ah, entendi. - disse Clarinha. - Agora ela estava agradecida por ter uma me atenciosa que cuidava to bem dela. Acho que agora sei porque mame me disse para ficar perto dela e no sair por a sozinha, pensou Clarinha.

Just then, it started to rain. With a loud splosh, splosh, the rain began to soak the farmyard. But Jenny wasnt afraid. She didnt even get wet, because she was safe under Mamas wing.

Naquele momento comeou a chover. Os grandes pingos de chuva comearam a molhar a fazenda. Mas Clarinha no teve medo nem ficou molhada, porque estava debaixo da asa da me.

The rain poured down for quite some time, and Mama Hen grew concerned as large puddles began filling up the yard. After a while, the rain stopped, but just then, a bolt of lightning came down from the sky, striking close by the farmyard. Oh no! The lightning has hit Farmer Jones house! neighed Molly, the mare.

Choveu por um bom tempo e Mame Galinha comeou a se preocupar com as grandes poas de gua que estavam se formando no quintal. Depois de um tempo a chuva parou, mas, de repente, um raio cortou o cu e caiu perto do quintal. - Oh no! O raio atingiu a casa do Fazendeiro Zeca! - relinchou a gua Filomena.

What can we do? What if Farmer Jones is still inside? We have to save him! said the cow.
Ive got it! piped up Papa rooster. Lets make as much noise as we can, and then maybe the neighbors will hear us and come over to help put out the fire! Good idea, cried the animals.

-O que podemos fazer? E se ele ainda estiver l dentro? Temos que salv-lo! - mugiu a vaca. -J sei! - disse o Papai Galo. - Podemos pedir socorro! Vamos fazer o mximo de barulho possvel e talvez os vizinhos nos ouam e venham ajudar a apagar o fogo!

- Boa idia! - concordaram os animais.

All together they began to call out: Oink, oink! Neigh! Neigh! Woof, woof! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Moo, moo! Big George, the work horse, managed to kick open the stable door. Neighing and bucking with all his might, he began running and making a big commotion all around the farmyard. E todos juntos comearam a gritar. A gua relinchava, a galinha cacarejava, o cachorro latia e o porco grunhia. Trovo, o cavalo, com um coice conseguiu abrir a porta do estbulo. Rinchando e pulando ele comeou a correr e a fazer uma grande confuso pelo quintal.

Mama Hen began to whisper, Dear Jesus, please keep our farmer safe. Help someone to hear us and come over to help.
Mama! Whats going on? shivered Jenny, peeking out at the fire, which by now seemed to be spreading to the front of the house. Stay close to me and try not to be too frightened. We can only pray and do our best and wait and see, whispered Mama Hen. Mame Galinha comeou a sussurrar, "Querido Jesus, por favor cuide do nosso dono. Ajude algum a nos ouvir e vir ajudar". -Mame! O que est acontecendo? - perguntou Clarinha trmula, olhando para o fogo que parecia avanar para a parte da frente da casa. - Fique perto de mim e tente no ter muito medo. O melhor que podemos fazer orar, fazer o que estiver ao nosso alcance e esperar para ver o que acontece. - sussurrou Mame Galinha.

The dark sky overhead rumbled, and lightning flashed in the distance. The wind fanned the flames and sent the smoke swirling up through the air. Boy, Im glad Im not out there in that storm! Im so thankful for this nice safe place. I will never run off on my own again, thought Jenny.

Continuava trovejando e relampejando distncia. O vento atiava o fogo e espalhava a fumaa. Como estou feliz por no estar l fora naquela tempestade! Estou muito agradecida por este lugar seguro. Nunca mais vou sair por a sozinha! pensou Clarinha.

Next door, Mr. Brown sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee with his wife when the unusual noises and uproar coming from down the road caught his attention. Looking out the window, he saw his neighbors horse running around wildly, kicking and neighing. I wonder whats all the fuss? he said to his wife. No sooner had he finished the sentence when he saw the rising smoke. O vizinho, Seu Silveira, sentado na cozinha com a esposa, tomava uma xcara de caf quando todo aquele barulho e confuso chamaram a sua ateno. Olhando pela janela viu Trovo correndo, relinchando e saltando.

- O que ser toda essa confuso? perguntou esposa. Mal terminara de falar e viu a fumaa.

Quick, Mama! he called out to his wife. Call the fire station. Get the fire engines out here right away. The Joneses are in trouble. As fast as he could, he hopped in his truck and rushed over to Farmer Jones house.

- Rpido, querida! Chame o Corpo de Bombeiros. Diga para virem imediatamente. O Zeca est em apuros! Pegando o seu caminho, foi a toda velocidade para a casa do vizinho.

Minutes later, the sound of sirens could be heard. Two fire engines arrived on the scene and quickly began to put out the flames. Farmer Jones and his whole family had been trapped up on the second floor, and were all rescued just in time. The house was greatly damaged, but their lives and the rest of the farm had been saved.

Alguns minutos mais tarde podia-se ouvir as sirenes. Dois caminhes chegaram e comearam rapidamente a apagar as chamas. O Fazendeiro Zeca e sua famlia ficaram encurralados pelo fogo no andar de cima, mas foram todos resgatados a tempo. A casa ficou gravemente danificada, mas eles estavam sos e salvos, e tambm o resto da fazenda.

How can I ever thank you? said Farmer Jones to Mr. Brown and his wife.
Well, Mr. Jones, it was your own animals that saved you, he replied, stroking Georges golden mane. I wouldnt have noticed if I hadnt heard them all making such a fuss.

- Como posso lhes agradecer? perguntou o Fazendeiro Zeca aos vizinhos. - Bem, Zeca, foram os seus animais que o salvaram. respondeu o Seu Silveira fazendo carinho na crina dourada de Trovo. - Se eles no tivessem aprontado uma barulheira, eu nem teria notado o incndio.

Neighhhh! George called out, as Farmer Jones laughed and stroked his nose. Yes, Ive still got a farm and some wonderful animals I am proud of, thanks to the dear Lord.

- He! - relinchou Trovo, enquanto o Fazendeiro Zeca ria e fazia carinho em seu focinho. - , ainda tenho uma fazenda e alguns animais maravilhosos dos quais muito me orgulho, graas ao querido Senhor.

The rest of the animals looked on with joy. They were so happy that they had played a part in saving their farmer, his family, and the farm. Little Jenny peeked out from under her mothers wing to see that all was well. Even grumpy old Hunter was wagging his tail happily. Jesus answered your prayers, Mama, didnt He? said Jenny. Yes, He did, Mama Hen replied. Yes, He did.

Os outros animais observavam com alegria. Estavam muito felizes por terem participado do resgate do dono, de sua famlia e da fazenda. Clarinha olhou por debaixo da asa da me para ver se estava tudo bem. At o velho e mal-humorado Rex balanava o rabo alegremente. - Jesus atendeu as suas oraes, Mame, no ? indagou Clarinha. - verdade. Atendeu sim! - respondeu a Mame Galinha. - Como atendeu!

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Illustrated by Max Belmont and Ana Fields Based on an original story by Jasmine G. Moulding ISBN: 3-905332-53-1 1999 by Aurora Production AG, Switzerland. Used with permission.

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