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European Scout Committee
Annual Report 2011-2012
Woilu Scout Buieau

1 Content ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... page S
2 Chaiiman's Welcome .................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 4
S Resolutions fiom the Euiopean Scout Confeience 2u1u ............................................................................................................................... page S
4 Committee Nembei Repoits ..................................................................................................................................................................................... page 6
4.1 Anuiea Bemaimels ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 6
4.2 Chiistian Loste Ramos ................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 7
4.S Chiistos Batziuiamanuis ............................................................................................................................................................................................. page 8
4.4 Ciaig Tuipie ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 9
4.S Beinik Soueiman ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ page 1u
4.6 Peti 'Peimi' vanek ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 11
S Tailoieu Suppoit - A Panoiama ............................................................................................................................................................................ page 12
6 Woiking uioups .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 14
6.1 volunteeiing ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 14
6.2 uiowth thiough Quality ........................................................................................................................................................................................... page 14
6.S Embiacing Change ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 1S
6.4 Youth Empoweiment ................................................................................................................................................................................................ page 16
6.S Paitneiships with othei Regions ......................................................................................................................................................................... page 17
7 Coie uioups ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... page 18
7.1 Euucational Nethous ................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 18
7.2 0iganisational Bevelopment ................................................................................................................................................................................. page 19
7.S Exteinal Relations anu Funuing ........................................................................................................................................................................... page 19
8 Finances anu Euiopean Scout Founuation ....................................................................................................................................................... page 21
9 Woilu Scout Buieau - Euiopean Regional 0ffice ......................................................................................................................................... page 22
1u.1 0utlook 2u12-2u1S: Encouiaging Canuiuatuies .......................................................................................................................................... page 2S
1u.2 0utlook 2u12-2u1S: Symposium 2u1S anu Euiopean Confeiences 2u1S ........................................................................................ page 2S

Beai fiienus in Scouting,
It gives me gieat pleasuie to piesent this seconu Annual
Repoit coveiing the peiiou fiom }uly 2u11 to }uly 2u12.
As pieviously piacticeu, the Annual Repoit is oui way of
pioviuing an oveiview of the piogiess being maue with the
implementation of the Regional Scout Plan anu the
Resolutions fiom the 2uth Euiopean Scout Confeience helu
in Biussels, Belgium, in 2u1u.
We aie fiimly of the view that it's impoitant to pioviue these
inteiim iepoits between confeiences, as they pioviue in full
tianspaiency, what youi electeu membeis have uone anu aie
uoing. In the piocess of ieviewing piogiess, it's motivating in
that it also highlights aieas of woik that still iequiie oui
close attention.
The yeai unuei ieview, as you will see in the following pages,
has been extiemely busy. We have woikeu haiu to
consoliuate the switch fiom 'factoiy to consultancy',
wheieby we have focusseu a significant amount of oui woik
on pioviuing tailoieu suppoit uiiect to NS0sNSAs acioss
Euiope, on a wiue iange of uevelopmental neeus.
0thei factois have hau an impact on oui opeiations. The
global economic situation has has hau anu will continue to
affect us foi some time. Bespite this, significant effoits have
been maue to iuentify efficiencies, secuie exteinal funuing
foi the Region as well as foi NS0sNSAs.
0ui commitment to woiking jointly with WAuuuS iemains,
but uiveiging appioaches, opeiational cycles as well as
iesouice allocation make this challenging. Bowevei, theie
aie some goou examples wheie joint events have been well
ieceiveu, incluuing The Acauemy
With one yeai to go until the 21st Euiopean Scout
Confeience in Beilin, ueimany, theie is still much to uo in
ueliveiing on the cuiient Regional Scout Plan, but we will
also take time to begin the piocess of piepaiing foi the next
tiiennium. Foi this, we will seek the input of NS0sNSAs
thiough the Euiopean Scout Symposium, which I woulu
encouiage you to attenu in eaily 2u1S. To assist oui thinking,
we will be ciiculating a uiscussion uocument in Becembei
2u12 to help NS0sNSAs help us in iuentifying the key issues
foi consiueiation in the coming tiiennium anu beyonu.
In closing, I woulu like to take this oppoitunity to thank my
colleagues on the Euiopean Scout Committee foi theii
commitment to the iole anu foi the suppoit that they have
pioviueu to NS0sNSAs as we seek to continue 'suppoiting
giowth in changing times'.
Theii woik woulu not be possible without the ueuication of
the piofessional suppoit in the Euiopean Regional 0ffice, the
wiuei suppoit fiom the many volunteeis in oui Woiking
uioups anu Coie uioups paiticulaily the Cooiuinatois, the
Euiopean Scout Founuation, colleagues in othei Regions anu
at woilu level, anu of couise, without the ongoing
encouiagement fiom NS0sNSAs... who iemain at the centie
of oui thinking in eveiything we uo.

Euiopean Scout Committee

In iesponse to the business iesolutions auopteu at the
Euiopean Scout Confeience 2u1u in Biussels, significant
actions have been unueitaken uuiing the past twelve
The Regional Committee has ievieweu the peifoimance
against the Key Peifoimance Inuicatois, which was
uistiibuteu following the }une 2u12 meeting. The Neeus anu
Stiengths Analysis anu othei consultations infoims the wok
of Tailoieu Suppoit.
The }oint }0NP Event was helu in Copenhagen.
Bisappointingly, not all possible places weie utiliseu foi the
event, which was funueu in pait by the Youth in Action
Piogiamme. The fiist euition of the Nembeiship Repoit was
finaliseu anu maue available. Piepaiations aie being maue to
upuate the Nembeiship Repoit anu upuates on membeiship
figuies aie being vigoiously puisueu.
The Regional 0ffice continues to maintain a watchful eye on
all aspects of legislation, which coulu impact on the ueliveiy
of Scouting without unnecessaiy anu iestiictive legislation.
Contact is maintaineu with othei, like-minueu oiganisations.
Repoiting on the Euiopean Investment Funu is now maue in
the Annual Accounts of the Region. Piogiess iepoits aie
ieceiveu on a thiee monthly basis fiom the Euiopean Scout
Founuation. The Region's iepiesentatives have contiibuteu
to the upuating of the investment policy of the Euiopean
Scout Founuation.
93*"4%(#&5%1)"#&?5%-&PA78<8B continues to builu its ieaueiship anu
iegulai upuates aie posteu each week. An incieasing numbei
of aiticles aie contiibuteu by NS0sNSAs. Euiopak- continues to be upuateu anu event sites aie
establisheu foi most of the laigei events. The Euucational
Nethous Foium set an example foi continueu uevelopment
of inteiactive anu pioactive communication patteins
between oiganiseis. Regional infoimation is also shaieu
thiough Facebook, Twittei anu othei social meuia platfoims.
In some events, Twittei has been an active contiibution to
enhancing communications, notably at the Acauemy.
Woik continues in the piepaiation of the 7th Euio-Aiab
meeting to be helu in Naples in 2u1S. A Euio-Aiab woikshop
was helu uuiing Roveiway with 2u Scouts fiom the Aiab
Region who engageu also with Roveiway paiticipants. The
inteiactive map of joint piojects with othei Regions
continues to uevelop on Facebook. A stuuy session involving
the Euiasia Region anu selecteu Euiopean Associations
attiacteu funuing fiom the Council of Euiope. A Paitneiship
Event was helu in Paiis, hosteu by Scouts et uuiues ue
Fiance, facilitateu by the Region anu with paiticipants fiom
the Afiica, Euiasia anu Aiab Regions. A joint application
involving 14 paitneis was maue foi funuing of a fuithei joint
Afiica-Euiope pioject, incluuing continueu sponsoiship of
7S% of a position suppoiting paitneiships in the Afiica
Regional 0ffice by the paitneis.
A compiehensive table of the suppoit pioviueu to attenu
events in this tiiennium is founu below.
Albania Infoimation 0ffice, staff membei anu Initial
Tiaining, piogiamme uevelopment anu piinting of
hanubook, website piovision, membeiship
uatabase tiaining. E0R 1S,8uu
Cioatia Piogiamme ienewal anu piouuction of suppoit
mateiials. E0R 21,uuu ovei S yeais.
Romania Incieasing auministiative anu logistical capacity
foi continueu uevelopment. E0R 12,uuu.
Bosnia &
Suppoit in the meigei piocess in the
establishment of a woiking NS0, constitutional
suppoit, extensive consultation on Nessengeis of
Peace Funuing anu piepaiation of application anu
management to ueal with the 0SB SS,uuu giant
Bulgaiia Conclusion of pievious commitments ueliveieu
thiough tailoieu suppoit in teims of piogiamme
suppoit foi Rovei uevelopment.
Cioatia Extensive consultation on image anu public
ielations, continueu uevelopment of piogiamme
anu consultation of Paitneiship Funuing
FYR0 Naceuonia Peiiouic suppoit visits builuing on the suppoit
pioviueu thiough the Banish Pioject suppoiting
Scouting in Cential anu Eastein Euiope. Foui
small piojects funueu.
Nontenegio Stiategy uevelopment sessions in piepaiation foi
fuithei tiaining systems anu piogiamme ienewal.
0ne small pioject funueu.
Romania Substantial peisonal suppoit pioviueu foi Ro}am,
the fiist national jamboiee since Romania
ieaumitteu to Woilu Scouting. Ten small piojects
funueu as pait of the }amboiee.
Seibia Consultation offeieu in integiating Bungaiian
minoiity in voyvouina. Suppoit in the
establishment of the national youth council anu in
ielations with Euiopean Youth Foium. Tiaining of
Leaueis pioviueu with paiticipants also fiom
FYR0N anu B&B - Thiity tiaineu.
Seibia A stiategy woikshop was helu to kick stait the
piocess of ienewal in Seibia. Constitutional auvice.
Thiee small piojects funueu
Kosovo Two infoimation sessions on Scouting.

























AL 2* 1* 1* 5* 1 1*
BH 2 1 1 6 1 1
BG 2 1 2* 2 1 1 2
HR 2 2 1 2
MK 2 1 1 1 5 1 2 2
MT 2* 1 1 2 1 2 1
RO 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
RS 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 4

(*) Offered but not used
This summei, I hau the oppoitunity to paiticipate in the
National }amboiee of the Scouts anu uuiues of Icelanu anu to
talk to theii iepiesentatives uuiing one of my Committee
contact visits to NS0s. I wanteu to take up this paiticulai visit
as a staiting line foi my iepoit, as it illustiates the key
elements, which in my opinion constitute a goou
collaboiation between the uiffeient levels of Scouting.
It was an exemplaiy camp, in the sense that it was open to all
bianches of Scouting, fiom Cubs to paients. Eveiybouy was
able to join in piogiamme activities foi theii age. These hau
been uesigneu following W0SN's global anu iegional
piogiamme guiuelines, while at the same time taking into
consiueiation the spiiit of }oint Woik with the Euiope
Region WAuuuS.
It ieminueu me that the woik anu effoits of the membeis of
the Euiopean Scout Committee neeu to iemain focuseu anu
on conciete activities oiganiseu foi oui membeis - the
chiluien anu young people. The iegional level is not heie foi
itself. We always have to uo oui planning anu aujust oui
woik so that the Region is playing its iole as seivice pioviuei
foi NS0s, NSAs anu the gioups on local level.
The NS0 in Icelanu, like the othei NS0s anu NSAs of couise,
is a goou example of best piactice foi collaboiation between
a national association anu the Euiopean level. Confionteu
with uifficulties in planning anu auult iesouices
management, the leaueiship of the Scouts anu uuiues of
Icelanu uiu not hesitate to ask the Region foi assistance.
Subsequently, a Tailoieu Suppoit Pioject was uevelopeu foi
anu with the Scouts anu uuiues of Icelanu. Anu some of the
suppoit within this TS Pioject was pioviueu by othei NS0s
anu NSAs. Neasuies, which hau been taken in Icelanu
following exchanges with othei NS0s anu NSAs have alieauy
shown an impact on membeiship figuies anu have positively
influenceu inteinal stiuctuies of the Scouts anu uuiues of
Thus, suppoit offeieu by the Region can leau to goou iesults.
Bowevei, to achieve such success, this means that NS0s anu
NSAs contact the Region anu explain theii neeus. Anu it is
exactly what membeis may expect: ieceive taigeteu suppoit
ieplying to iuentifieu neeus of the association. 0f couise, it is
essential that NS0s anu NSAs feel sufficiently confiuent in
oiuei foi the Region to pioviue suppoit.
Buiing this past yeai, woik-loaueu but fascinating,
motivating anu cieating enthusiasm, the membeis of the
Euiopean Scout Committee iegulaily saw themselves
confionteu with pioblems of efficiency in the ueliveiy of
Tailoieu Suppoit piojects. Inueeu, I am convinceu, that it is
within this aiea that we shoulu anu can impiove the Region
in the futuie anu continue ensuiing effective anu timely
seivice piovision to NS0s anu NSAs thiough a moie accuiate
allocation of iesouices anu a moie effective suppoit system.
I am convinceu that we can achieve this with youi help anu
with the help of oui volunteeis, thus at the same time living
the motto of oui cuiient Regional Scout Plan: "Suppoiting
uiowth in Changing Times".
Nembei, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, uiowth thiough Quality Woiking uioup
Nembei, 0iganisational Bevelopment Coie uioup
Fielu visit Sweuen anu 22
Woilu Scout }amboiee
uiowth thiough Quality Woiking uioup Neeting
The Acauemy
0iganisation Bevelopment Coie uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Panel Biscussion: L'uucation la cintyennet au 21e
siecle: qu'est le iole uu Scoutisme laque."
Fielu visit Czech Republic
Fielu visit Bosnia - Beizegovina
0iganisation Bevelopment Coie uioup Neeting
F0SE Neeting in Austiia
Euiopean Scout Committee
}0NP uiowth Event
0veituie Netwoik Neeting
Fielu visit Nalta
uiowth thiough Quality Woiking uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Fielu visit to Icelanu, incluuing National }amboiee
Bosnia anu Beizegovina, Czech Republic, Cypius,
uieece, Icelanu, Lithuania, Nalta anu Sweuen

Time is passing by anu heie we aie, ieviewing the seconu
yeai of the implementation of the Regional Scout Plan 2u1u-
2u1S. Aftei a fiist yeai of inuuction, planning, setting
stiategies, cieating of Woiking anu Coie gioups, selecting
iesponsible leaueis anu piepaiing eveiything neeueu foi a
challenging woik, it is now time to stait measuiing fiist
Actually, moving fiom factoiy to consultancy has been a haiu
task foi those involveu. This new appioach is moie complex
anu fatiguing than anticipateu, but also iichei anu moie
exciting than pieuicteu. Foi that ieason, we aie having
inteiesting achievements foi eveiy objective iuentifieu in the
Plan, anu aftei a goou ieview of all the Key Peifoimance
Inuicatois we have obseiveu goou iesults foi a gieat
majoiity of them. In those aieas with less satisfying iesults,
we aie intiouucing aujustments in oiuei to set a moie
iealistic path to oui goal.
Ny peisonal uuties insiue the Committee aie ielateu to two
main uomains: volunteeiing, thiough the volunteeiing
Woiking uioup (vWu), anu Euucational Nethous, thiough
the Euucational Nethous Coie uioup (ENCu). It is mainly in
those two aieas that my tasks aie attiibuteu all aiounu the
yeai, which allows me to focus all my attention in the iight
Conceining volunteeiing, we have been focussing the
implementation of oui goals in foui uiffeient aspects: the enu
of 2u11 coinciueu with the enu of the Euiopean Yeai of
volunteeiing (EYv 2u11), a yeai ueuicateu to volunteeiing
acioss Euiope, wheie moie oppoitunities foi auults in
Scouting weie cieateu. The Woiking uioup contiibuteu to
this Euiopean Yeai of volunteeiing, which has iesulteu in a
bettei self-iecognition of oui woik in Scouting, as well as in
the piomotion of the iecognition of volunteeiing as well as
the uesign of some tools foi impioving the piocess of
ieciuiting, welcoming anu ietaining of (auult) volunteeis in
Togethei with the Euiope Region WAuuuS, we useu the EYv
2u11 Alliance as an inteiesting shaieu platfoim anu
following the successful completion of the Yeai of
volunteeiing oui next challenge will be to actively contiibute
to the uiscussions about the futuie of the Alliance as a way to
fuithei stiengthening volunteeiing in Euiope.
Euucational Nethous
0n the siue of my involvement in the Euucational Nethous
Coie uioup, I woulu like to stiess the ienewing of oui
tiauition of oiganising a meeting foi Piogiamme anu Auult
Resouices Commissioneis anu membeis of theii teams: the
Euiopean Scout Foium on Euucational Nethous. With the
aim of assisting National Scout 0iganisations anu National
Scout Associations in monitoiing anu impioving theii Youth
Piogiamme anu Auult Resouices stiategies, the Foium
eailiei this yeai in Romania was a unique oppoitunity to
inciease the impact of the woik caiiieu out at national level
to suppoit the action at local level.
Committee Contact anu KISC Liaison
Foi suie, the Contact Committee System continues to piesent
an excellent way to uisseminate infoimation anu to maintain
links between the Region anu the NS0s anu NSAs all aiounu
the Region. I was able to visit a numbei of "my countiies" anu
took pait in inteiesting exchanges in a wiue iange of matteis
ielevant to NS0s, NSAs anu the Region.
Ny position iepiesenting the Committee in Kanueisteg has
given me some occasions to follow up the necessities anu
challenges of this magic coinei in the heait of the Swiss Alps
anu to ensuie that the position of the Region is well
}ust one yeai is now left in this tiiennium anu lots of things
iemain to be uone befoie the Euiopean Confeience next
summei in Beilin.
You, the volunteeis aie the ieason to uo it. Thank you to all
of you, especially to you, the membeis of the vWu anu the
Nembei, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, volunteeiing Woiking uioup
Nembei, Euucational Nethous Coie uioup
Nembei, KISC Committee
Committee Contact visit anu Ro}am National Scout
Euucational Nethous Coie uioup Neeting
Committee Contact visit anu National Tiaining Event,
KISC Committee anu Boaiu meetings
Euiopean Scout Committee
Committee Contact visit anu Centenaiy of Seibian Scout
Euucational Nethous Coie uioup Neeting
volunteeiing Woiking uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Committee Contact visit anu "Thx a lot" Event (PP0)
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Austiia, Belgium, ueimany, the FYR0 Naceuonia,
Polanu, Romania, Seibia anu Slovenia
. anu this is what we have been uoing this yeai. Engines aie
full speeu. The Regional Scout Plan is being implementeu. All
contact countiy visits will have been completeu by the enu of
the yeai; having uiscusseu the neeus of NS0s anu NSAs,
finuing ways foi the Region to suppoit anu having them
shaie best piactices with the iest of us. Numeious meetings
anu events have successfully taken place, giving piecious
expeiience anu knowleuge, to the paiticipants to take back
with them in theii luggage.
All Coie uioup anu Woiking uioup membeis have continueu
fulfilling anu implementing the objectives of the Regional
Scout Plan. Woik is uemanuing, intensive, iequiiing
ueuication, time anu theii piesence in iegional events anuoi
iepiesentation woik towaius paitneis. It is challenging,
when theie aie links between objectives of uiffeient gioups
anu all membeis shoulu be veiy well infoimeu anu
cooiuinateu. Neveitheless, the iesults up to now show that
we aie veiy much focuseu anu piouuctive, uespite the
complexity anu uifficulties encounteieu initially in the ways
of woiking.
The visits to "my" contact countiies have been a gieat souice
foi valuable expeiience anu knowleuge. visiting the NS0s
anu NSAs anu talking to young leaueis pioviueu a goou
insight of theii neeus anu stiengths. Belping a lot in ueciuing,
in many cases, upon the tailoieu suppoit, which woulu be
most suitable foi each case. Nost impoitant of it all is that
these visits have been motivational anu inspiiing, helping me
continue to uo my woik with passion.
Consiueiable effoit was anu is necessaiy to follow the
iegional events; the most impoitant one being the
Committee liaison foi Roveiway 2u12. It gave me the
pleasuie of feeling the stiong pulse of the Roveis coming
fiom aiounu Euiope anu theii capabilities, but suiely also
maue me anu my colleagues fiom both W0SN anu WAuuuS
Euiopean Committees feel a gieat iesponsibility. A
iesponsibility to ensuie the ueliveiy of a successful joint
event, which has to meet paiticulai euucational objectives.
Looking back to the amount of woik that has been uone by
the Region anu the NS0s anu NSAs, makes a happy smile on
my face slowly stait to appeai. Especially, taking into account
the uifficult peiiou we aie cuiiently in; which can be
chaiacteiizeu as one moie yeai of iecession which is
cieating obstacles like limiteu economic iesouices, social anu
political instabilities.
Neveitheless, Scouting, Scouting in Euiope is theie!
Beliveiing, implementing, suppoiting anu showing soliuaiity
wheievei anu whenevei neeueu.
Nembei, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, Roveiway 2u12 Auvisoiy Committee
Nembei, Embiacing Change Woiking uioup
Nembei, Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup
Committee Contact visit to Switzeilanu
Committee Contact visit to Benmaik
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup Neeting
Committee Contact visit to Isiael
Roveiway Auvisoiy Committee Neeting
The Acauemy 2u11
Committee Contact visit to Luxembouig
Euiopean Scout Committee
Committee Contact visit to Nontenegio
Embiacing Change Woiking uioup Neeting
Roveiway Auvisoiy Committee Neeting
Embiacing Change Woiking uioup Cooiuinatoi Neeting
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Exteinal Repiesentatives Neeting
Committee Contact visit to Finlanu
Committee Contact visit to Netheilanus
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Benmaik, Finlanu, Isiael, Luxembouig, Nontenegio, the
Netheilanus, Slovakia anu Switzeilanu

The yeai unuei ieview has been veiy much focusseu on
ensuiing the implementation of the Regional Scout Plan,
woiking in close collaboiation with colleagues in the
Woiking uioups, Coie uioups, Committee anu Staff.
The Euiopean Scout Committee has founu the intiouuction
of Key Peifoimance Inuicatois (KPIs) in the Regional Scout
Plan to be helpful. 0n a iegulai basis we have been able to
check oui piogiess towaius implementing the 0bjectives anu
Actions uetaileu in the Regional Scout Plan anu to have some
sense of how the woik impacts positively on NS0sNSAs.
0theis anu I have leaineu a lot about oui methous of
woiking that weie auopteu in this tiiennium anu useful
infoimation is being gatheieu to assist with piepaiations foi
the futuie.
0ui shift fiom 'factoiy to consultancy' looks like it is
happening anu I'm continually impiesseu to leain about the
wiue vaiiety of issues that we aie suppoiting NS0sNSAs
Theie have been a numbei of positive uevelopments anu
envisageu changes at woilu level too anu these last twelve
months have iequiieu me to closely follow anu contiibute to
what is happening. This has involveu woik in the
Nembeiship Task Foice, ulobal Suppoit Team, ulobal Issues
Contact uioup anu pioviuing input into the Woilu Scout
Buieau ielocation exeicise.
Cleaily, as mentioneu elsewheie in this iepoit, the economic
climate has been uifficult, not only foi the Region but also foi
a goou numbei of NS0sNSAs. Nuch of my time has been
involveu in continuing to push foi exteinal funuing to help
uiveit the uemanu on oui coie income. We have hau goou
success in this iegaiu with ciica E0R 2Su,uuu having been
souiceu foi the benefit of NS0sNSAs as well as the Region.
Accompanying this point, theie have been uifficult
uiscussions aiounu futuie buuget consiueiations. Buiing this
past yeai, iegiettably, we teiminateu the bi-lateial Financial
Agieement that we hau with Kanueisteg Inteinational Scout
Centie. It was felt that it was not equitable to continue
paying an annual giant of CBF 1uu,uuu to KISC, when othei
buuget lines anu suppoit to NS0sNSAs via the Paitneiships
Funu woulu neeu to be cut.
That saiu, I'm pleaseu to say that we aie in positive uialogue
with KISC anu look foiwaiu to the possibility of new
aiiangements that take into account the challenges that we
face touay anu will likely face foi some time.
Chaiipeison, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, Steeiing uioup
Nembei, 0iganisational Bevelopment Coie uioup
Nembei, Woilu Scout Committee
Woilu Scout }amboiee
Woilu Scout Committee
Woilu Scout Committee
Steeiing uioup anu Co-oiuinating uioup
SEE-Net Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Steeiing uioup anu Co-oiuinating uioup
KISC Neeting
0iganisational Bevelopment Coie uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Committee Contact visit Latvia
Chief volunteeis' Neeting 2u12
Fielu visit to Iielanu
Steeiing uioup
ueneial Assembly, KISC Association
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Anuoiia, Bungaiy, Kosovo, Latvia anu Spain

The seconu yeai of the tiiennium has been a full-speeu
peiiou: aftei the set-up phase of the fiist yeai, anu befoie the
stait of the piepaiations foi the next tiiennium, the full focus
has been on the Regional Scout Plan. The Cooiuinatois, othei
volunteeis anu the iegional staff have all been woiking haiu
to uelivei the suppoit to NS0s. Anu the numbei of Scouts in
Euiope is giowing!
The highlight of the yeai was Roveiway 2u12 in Finlanu, a
high-quality inteinational expeiience foi SSuu young people.
The stiength of Scouting in Euiope was uemonstiateu by the
impiessive mobilization uespite uifficult economic times.
Euiope anu the othei Regions
Buiing the past yeai Euiope has been engaging positively
with the iest of the Scouting woilu. By looking beyonu the
bounuaiies of Euiope, we contiibute to the woilu-wiue unity
of the Novement even in times of tensions. Buiing the yeai,
we have hau a Euiope-Euiasia meeting in Piague, a
Paitneiships Event in Paiis anu we have completeu the fiist
phase of the 0nguvu pioject between Afiican anu Euiopean
NS0s. A Euio-Aiab woikshop was oiganizeu at Roveiway
thanks to exteinal funuing.
Exteinal Funuing anu E0 buuget
In the past yeai 2Su uuu t has been iaiseu to suppoit Scout
activities, mainly NS0's tiavel costs to seminais anu events.
We aie appioaching 1 million t in total amount obtaineu
since 2uu8. This is essential now when the Region's
tiauitional funuing is ieuuceu uue to the financial ciisis. The
Euiopean Scout Founuation has also incieaseu the funuing
available to NS0s with the establishment of the new
Euiopean Tiaining Funu.
In auvocacy woik, the main issue has been E0's youth buuget
foi yeais 2u14-2u2u. The cuiient negotiations will have an
impact foi 7 yeais. 0ui auvocacy message can be ieinfoiceu
if the national Ninistiies of Finance aie maue awaie of the
fact that Scouts in theii countiy aie benefiting fiom the E0
youth funus.
uiils anu Boys, Women anu Nen in Scouting
A numbei SAuN0s have completeu oi openeu a piocess of
iegisteiing all theii membeis, giils anu boys, in W0SN. This
is in line with the Woilu Scout Committee's
iecommenuations. W0SN's new membeiship fee system
implies that the fees aie not affecteu by an inciease in the
ueclaieu numbei of Scouts befoie 2u2u. 11 SAuN0s have so
fai taken the uecision, anu similai piocesses of ieflection aie
cuiiently ongoing in a numbei of otheis. These changes
unueiline the neeu to suppoit NS0s in ensuiing that Scouting
is auapteu to both giils anu boys anu that theie aie no
obstacles to the full paiticipation of both genueis in Scouting.
vice Chaiipeison, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, Steeiing uioup
Nembei, Paitneiships with othei Regions Woiking
Nembei, Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup
Nembei of the Boaiu, Euiopean Scout Founuation
Woilu Scout }amboiee
Paitneiships with othei Regions Woiking uioup
F0SE Neeting, Euiopean Scout Founuation
Steeiing uioup anu Co-oiuinating uioup
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup (ERFCu)
Euiopean Scout Committee
Euiope-Euiasia meeting
Committee Contact visit to Albania
Euiopean Scout Founuation Boaiu meeting
Neeting of uuiue anu Scout Repiesentatives to NYCs
Steeiing uioup anu Co-oiuinating uioup
Paitneiships with othei Regions Woiking uioup
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup (ERFCu)
Paitneiships Event (Noith-South Netwoik)
Euiopean Scout Committee
Exteinal Repiesentatives' Neeting
Steeiing uioup
Afiica Scout Confeience
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Committee Contact visit to Cioatia
Albania, Cioatia, Fiance, Italy, Nonaco, anu San Naiino

This was a miuule yeai of the tiiennium anu it ceitainly felt
like that. A vast majoiity of the woik pioceuuies of the
Committee anu of the volunteei bouy of the Region built by
the Woiking uioups anu Coie gioups have been set oi (in
many cases only) ie-set in the fiist yeai of the tiiennium. Foi
that ieason, the seconu yeai was uefinitely in full geai. This
uoes not mean eveiything anu eveiybouy woikeu smoothly
anu peifectly the whole S6S uays. Since the powei of what
the Region can uo foi its NS0s lies in its human iesouices
(suppoiteu as efficiently as possible by its financial
iesouices), both we as inuiviuuals anu the gioups that get
the ball iolling hau theii ups anu uowns, theii moments of
joy anu woik beyonu limits, as well as moments of
exhaustion anu hesitation. Bowevei, the foimei ones beat
the lattei ones by a huge maigin.
The gioups whose woik I am piouu to follow anu suppoit
uiiectly have shown some wonueiful outcomes anu theii
membeis a lot of ueuication to theii iespective aieas anu to
the woik anu mission of the Region. Eveiybouy felt that as
much as we tiy oui best to woik as haiu as possible fiom
Confeience to Confeience, fiom Plan to Plan, the seconu yeai
is piobably the one wheie a big pait of the aims can, neeus
anu must be accomplisheu. With a pait of the fiist yeai being
investeu in the selection of the most suitable volunteeis
offeieu by the NS0s foi the most suitable tasks anu with the
thiiu yeai with one eye on the next Plan, the seconu yeai
uefinitely is the one with as close to only one focus as
The coopeiation with NS0s is one of the most inteiesting
paits of the woik of a Committee membei. Suie, it uoes have
its challenges as well as any long-uistance communication.
But the ability to leain about gieat examples of goou piojects
in one countiy anu seeing that anothei countiy coulu benefit
fiom that appioach anuoi know-how as well, anu seeing
countiies suppoiting each othei, that is something that can
be uone on a veiy small scale among gioups within an NS0,
anu something that gets a completely uiffeient uimension
when uone on a iegional level. Tiying to suppoit NS0s in
theii netwoiking effoits is - foi me - one of the most
iewaiuing "jobs" of a Committee membei.
The seconu yeai of my seivice to the Region fiom the
position of a Committee membei hau a lot of joys but one
highlight stanus out without uiscussion. The 7th Euucational
Nethous Foium, iun by a team of ueuicateu volunteeis anu
efficiently suppoiteu by the Romanian NS0, foi ovei 1uu
paiticipants fiom almost all countiies of the Region, was a
majoi success in biinging the iight people togethei.
Piogiamme Commissioneis, commissioneis of all age
sections, Tiaining Commissioneis anu many otheis spent
five uays exchanging gieat iueas, uiscussing futuie anu
leaining fiom each othei. In a gieat atmospheie.
Anu that is what the woik of the Region is anu shoulu be
about. About suppoiting anu oiganizing activities wheie
facilitation of exchange among NS0s can biing impiovement
to the way Scouting is uone on national anu local levels.
Nembei, Euiopean Scout Committee
Nembei, Youth Empoweiment Woiking uioup
Nembei, Euucational Nethous Coie uioup
Youth Empoweiment Woiking uioup Neeting
Euucational Nethous Coie uioup Neeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Euio-Euiasia Neeting
Euucational Nethous Coie uioup Neeting
Youth Empoweiment Woiking uioup meeting
Euiopean Scout Committee
Agoia & Euucational Nethous Foium Piep Neetings
7th Euucational Nethous Foium
Euiopean Scout Committee
Neeting of Euiopean Scout Committee with
Cooiuinatois anu Staff
Bulgaiia, Estonia, Iielanu, Liechtenstein, Noiway,
Poitugal, Tuikey anu the 0niteu Kinguom


0nuei the title "Step foiwaiu", uioup Scout Leaueis of moie
than 4u Scout uioups of all iegions of Seibia, as well as
membeis of the National Boaiu anu the National Piogiamme
Committee of SIS gatheieu foi a stiategy uevelopment anu
planning meeting. The aim was to initiate the piocess of Stiategy
anu vision Bevelopment, which woulu eventually leau to
positioning Scouting in Seibia as the leauing youth non-foimal
euucation oiganisation in the countiy.
As a iesult of the Woikshop, Scouting in Seibia has staiteu a
piocess of Stiategy Bevelopment: five main stiategic piioiities
weie iuentifieu anu majoi milestones set foi the coming months
anu yeais. The consulting volunteeis involveu in this Tailoieu
Suppoit pioject will continue to accompany anu closely monitoi
this piocess.

As well as the Seibian Scout oiganisation, in Kosovo theie aie
many young people who woulu wish to become Scouts. In an
effoit to suppoit effective uevelopment at local level some basic
tiaining has been pioviueu - now on two occasions anu uealing
with gioup management, activity anu piogiamme planning,
Scouting skills, anu the Bistoiy of the Scout Novement. The
event also gave a lot of ioom foi netwoiking anu exchange of
This pioject uoes not seek to establish a Scout Association in
Kosovo, as that will be in the hanus of local people when the
ciicumstances peimit.

Bosteu by Scouting Iielanu anu oiganiseu in the fiamewoik of
Tailoieu Suppoit, the 0NE Seminai pioviueu iepiesentatives
fiom Euiopean NS0s an oppoitunity to get acquainteu with
Scouting Iielanu's new Youth Piogiamme scheme foi all age
Sections (i.e. the piogiamme fiamewoik foi 6 to 21 yeai olus)
anu the subsequent auaptation of the Wooubauge Tiaining
Scheme to suppoit the neeus of auult volunteeis as they set
about implementing the new piogiamme.

The Seminai was uesigneu to pioviue guiuance anu shaie
expeiience with National Scout 0iganisations cuiiently
unueigoing a ieview of theii own Youth Piogiamme oi those
envisaging uoing so in the neai futuie. Plenty of time was set
asiue to tackle such a piogiamme ieview piocess anu uiscuss
which factois to take into consiueiation. The "Reneweu
Appioach to Piogiamme - RAP" was consiueieu a veiy useful
tool to accompany such piocesses (the RAP is available fiom the
online libiaiy hosteu by scout.oig).
Leaueis fiom all coineis of Slovenia iepiesenting all age
Sections of the National Scout 0iganisation came togethei foi a
week eailiei this yeai. They attenueu the fiist Wooubauge
Tiainging Couise iun by ZTS following the iecent ienewal of the
Auult Resouices anu Tiaining scheme in that countiy, which hau
been unueitaken in the fiamewoik of a successful Tailoieu
Suppoit pioject.

The vWu has been opeiating since }anuaiy 2u11. Its
membeis aie: Pavel Tiantina (cooiuinatoi, Czech Republic),
Robeita vincini (Italy), }o Beman (Belgium), Clauue Fiantzen
(Luxembouig), }ukka Tulivuoii (Finlanu), suppoiteu by
Chiistian Loste-Ramos (Euiopean Scout Committee, ESC)
anu }os Figueiia (since Naich 2u12. befoie him by Nilutin
Nilosevic anu Nicolo Pianzini) fiom the Euiopean Regional
0ffice (ER0). Buiing the last yeai the vWu met once in
Febiuaiy 2u12 in fieezing Piague (anu connecteu with
WAuuuS counteipaits via Skype), but besiues that it was in
contact anu woikeu iegulaily thiough on-line meetings.
The Euiopean Yeai of volunteeiing 2u11 (EYv 2u11) was
one of the highlights of oui woik. In close cooiuination with
WAuuuS we uiu oui best to biing piactical outcomes visible
even at the local level. We weie iepiesenteu in five out of six
woiking gioups of the EYv 2u11 Alliance anu playeu an
active iole, attenueu all the events anu confeiences anu
contiibuteu significantly to the final outcome - Policy
Agenua foi volunteeiing in Euiope (P.A.v.E.). vWu membeis
also iepiesenteu W0SN in the 2nu Youth Convention on
volunteeiing oiganiseu by the Euiopean Youth Foium in
Septembei 2u11 by iunning seveial woikshops in the
Euiopean village neai the Euiopean Pailiament. Anu W0SN
is actively involveu in shaping the new Euiopean Alliance foi
volunteeiing, which will ensuie the appiopiiate follow-up of
the EYv 2u11 anu contiibute to impiovement of conuitions
foi volunteeiing at Euiopean anu national levels. Also, jointly
with WAuuuS, we have launcheu a suivey on best piactices
iegaiuing volunteeiing in NS0s anu theii involvement in the
EYv 2u11. The acquiieu iesults will illustiate the cuiiently
ie-uiafteu Euio.Scout.Boc on volunteeiing, to be publisheu
in the Autumn 2u12.
Recognition of competences acquiieu thiough volunteeiing
in Scouting is one of the key issues touay in seveial national
Scout associations acioss Euiope. Scouting Netheilanu got
suppoit fiom the Youth in Action piogiam anu W0SN to leau
the R0LIS pioject that involveu associations fiom Belgium,
Czech Republic, Benmaik, Fiance, Netheilanus, Poitugal,
Slovenia anu Spain. R0LIS enueu successfully in August 2u12
anu connecteu anu eniicheu seveial inteiesting piojects that
will be piesenteu to the whole Region in the months to come.
Following the last yeai's d#?+"-O(=;%#-+%="@#(@Z(%(-7DD*--Z7+(
gV%+@;"-*3=@"hg anu its piesentation at the Woilu Scout
}amboiee in Sweuen 2u11, a numbei of othei tianslations
have been piepaieu so fai (Czech, Spanish, Seibian, but soon
also Banish, ueiman, Poituguese oi Bungaiian). The vWu
was woiking with the tool uuiing seveial events thioughout
the yeai. Also, uuiing the Roveiway in Finlanu this yeai, ten
woikshops weie helu jointly by W0SN anu WAuuuS foi
almost 1Su paiticipants with a ieneweu anu moie
paiticipative appioach.
volunteeiing was also a subject of anothei woikshop at
Roveiway: "Nomentum valley" - "Path to volunteei",
facilitateu by the vWu membeis, piomoting the piopei
management of auult volunteeis in Scouting anu uuiuing.
Tailoieu-maue suppoit was ueliveieu to one NS0 on
managing auult iesouices. vWu membeis ueliveieu sessions
at the Acauemy 2u11 anu at the 7th Euiopean Euucational
Nethous Foium 2u12.
The vWu began to publish aiticles at on
management of volunteeis, biinging on-line the finaliseu
volunteei Nanagement Toolkit. This is supposeu to become
an inteiactive place to stimulate uiscussion about this topic
anu to link it with existing anu futuie exteinal iesouices.
Cooiuinatoi, vWu
The membeis of the uiowth thiough Quality Woiking uioup
aie: uieuie Naikuckaite (Lithuania), Naiiana Fiagkou
(uieece), Nilena Pecaiski (Seibia), Stephen Peck (0K) anu
Bulua Solin uumunusuottii (cooiuinatoi, Icelanu). Anuiea
Bemaimels (ESC) anu }oiuan Bajiaktaiov (ER0) suppoit the
The main task of the uiowth thiough Quality Woiking uioup
(uQWu) is to pioviue guiuance anu tailoieu suppoit to
NS0sNSAs on the theme of uiowth thiough Quality anu to
act as an auvisoiy bouy to the Euiopean Scout Committee in
matteis ielateu to uiowth thiough Quality. The uQWu
shoulu implement the W0SN objectives on this theme anu
the joint objectives with WAuuuS.
This last yeai the gioup has focuseu it's woik on suppoiting
NS0sNSAs piimaiily thiough tailoieu suppoit but also
thiough events. The gioup met twice, in 0ctobei 2u11 anu in
Nay 2u12. Theieto six Skype confeiences weie helu
thioughout the yeai.
Tailoieu Suppoit
Twenty iequests foi Tailoieu Suppoit have been ieceiveu on
topics ielateu to uiowth thiough Quality anu the countiies in
question have ieceiveu oi aie ieceiving suppoit accoiuing to
theii iequiiements. In many cases the iequests involveu
othei topics as well as uiowth thiough Quality. Fuithei
NS0sNSAs have been contacteu about theii iequests to
claiify theii iequiiements so that the best consultation can
be pioviueu if anu as neeueu.
The Acauemy 2u11
The oveiall theme of the Acauemy 2u11 helu in Paiis was
uiowth thiough Quality. The uQWu took, of couise, an active
pait in the uevelopment of the Acauemy 2u11. Sessions weie
uevelopeu anu facilitateu jointly with WAuuuS colleagues.
In total the following foui uiffeient sessions weie conuucteu
successfully by the gioup.
Stiategic planning foi giowth, locally anu nationally
Renewing anu ieviewing the piogiamme to ieciuit anu
ietain membeis
Reciuitment, management anu ietention of auults
Piomotion of existing toolkits on uiowth anu Quality
anu tiaining in using those
As the oveiall theme of the Acauemy was uiowth thiough
Quality all Woiking uioups anu Coie uioups weie
encouiageu to consiuei the main theme when piepaiing
theii sessions. Anu moie sessions ielateu to the topic of
giowth anu quality weie inueeu conuucteu by the othei
woiking anu coie gioups.
Auuitional suggestions foi woikshop sessions weie maue on
othei topics ielateu to the theme anu all Woiking uioups anu
Coie uioups weie encouiageu to consiuei the main theme of
the event when piepaiing theii sessions.
Besiues the foimal sessions the uQWu facilitateu foui
infoimal sessions uuiing bieaks weie paiticipants got the
oppoitunity to shaie anu uiscuss situations anu issues within
theii own associations. The sessions weie:
Flexible ueliveiy of youth piogiamme
Suivey on ietention
Tailoieu suppoit
Exchange session on waiting lists to join Scouting
}0NP, }oint event on uiowth 2u12
A joint event on uiowth was helu in Copenhagen, Benmaik
26-29 Apiil 2u12, which was attenueu by 41 leaueis at
national level fiom 24 countiies. The event ieceiveu financial
suppoit fiom he Youth in Action piogiamme. The aim of the
event was to gathei oiganisations fiom aiounu Euiope to
uiscuss anu compaie uiffeient uesigns of giowth anu
inclusion plans that will ultimately give moie oppoitunities
foi young people to paiticipate in Scoutinguuiuing anu
theiefoie in society. The piogiamme focuseu on thiee main
aieas: 1) Analysis anu stiategy phase; 2) Implementation
phase; anu S) Follow up phase, with a total of eleven
uiffeient sessions plus open sessions anu best piactices swap
Euucational Nethous Foium 2u12
The uQWu conuucteu two foimal sessions anu five ITT
sessions on uiowth anu Quality at the Euucational Nethous
Foium in Romania in }une 2u12.
0thei piojects
As a souice of infoimation a shoit suivey on ietention of
young people was completeu in the W0SN tent at the Woilu
Scout }amboiee anu uuiing tiaining events. Results have not
been fully analyseu.
NS0sNSAs have continously been encouiageu to shaie theii
success stoiies with the iest of the Region anu a numbei of
theii stoiies have been ieceiveu anu publisheu online on
EuioScoutInfo. uioup membeis have also shaieu theii
knowleuge anu expeitise thiough this channel anu moie
aiticles aie in the piocess of being composeu.
The uQWu is active in the piepaiation foi the Acauemy 2u12
anu many sessions on uiowth anu Quality will be in the
}oint Woik with WAuuuS
The }oint Woiking uioup on uiowth thiough Quality uiu not
have the oppoitunity to meet as a gioup but seveial Skype
calls weie conuucteu between the cooiuinatois fiom each
paitnei. }oint woik incluueu piepaiation anu
implementation of the joint event on uiowth (}0NP),
piepaiation anu facilitation of joint sessions at the Acauemy
2u11, piepaiation of joint sessions foi the Acauemy 2u12
anu a joint ciiculai on giowth toolkits is being piepaieu.
Cooiuinatoi, uQWu
The Embiacing Change Woiking uioup has continueu its
woik with a few mouifications in the stiuctuie. The membeis
of the gioup Theiese Zimkowski, Ib }ammei, }oiui Feiiei
Fontanet, Kevin Camilleii anu Rauu Seuche. The uioup is
suppoiteu by Rose-Naiie Benny anu Nihajlo Atanackovic,
fiom the 0ffice, anu Chiistos Batziuiamanuis, fiom the
Aftei oui staiting point of analyzing the concept of
"Embiacing Change" anu setting the objectives anu ways of
implementing them, as uesciibeu in the annual iepoit of
2u1u-2u11, this yeai 2u11-2u12 was a yeai of ueliveiing anu
fulfilling the objectives alieauy set.
Tiying to encouiage the monitoiing of membeiship
composition anu compaiison with population uata..
. allows NS0sNSAs to make uecisions upon the stiategy
that shoulu be followeu, pioviues infoimation on the
membeiship evolution, emeiging tienus anu foiecasts, anu
useful input iegaiuing aieas NS0sNSAs shoulu focus wheie
the piesence anu impact of Scouting has been weak. The fiist
step of the gioup was to uevelop a questionnaiie that
incluueu info on membeiship systems, new meuia anu
stiategy. Necessaiy to have a pictuie of what is the cuiient
status of the NS0sNSAs aiounu Euiope. 0sing this
infoimation an aiticle is being piepaieu that will incluue:
link between membeiship systems anu stiategy; this aiticle
will piopose a new uata foimat anu uiscuss social meuia. The
uocument will seive as a white papei anu a staiting point foi
fuithei uiscussionsshaiing.
Beveloping appioaches to incluue young people anu auult
volunteeis fiom uiffeient backgiounus.
. many inteiesting opinions gatheieu uuiing a woikshop
helu at the Roveiway aiming to inciease the paiticipant's
sense of uiveisity anu its use towaius peisonal anu
oiganisational uevelopment.
The 'Embiacing Biveisity' woikshop gave to the paiticipants
the chance to:
Consiuei theii own attituues towaius uiveisity
Consiuei theii oiganisation's appioach to uiveisity
Shaie appioaches to incieasing uiveisity within theii
Iuentify a peisonal action to piomote uiveisity within
theii oiganisation
The woikshop was planneu by both W0SN anu WAuuuS anu
moie than Suu Roveis attenueu in the S uays of ueliveiy.
The Embiacing Change Woiking uioup is closely following
the activities of the 0veituie Netwoik anu attenueu theii
spiing meeting in Nalta. As a iesult of the meeting, a seiies of
aiticles ielateu to piojects anu best piactices ielateu to
Scouting foi young people with uisabilities oi with a migiant
backgiounu weie piepaieu foi the Region's blog.
Buiing the Euucational Nethou Scout Foium, a session about
societal changes anu social tienus in Euiope was successfully
ueliveieu. The paiticipants got an insight on how these
tienus affect theii lives anu uiscusseu the impact on scouting
in Euiope.
Exploiing the impact anu potential of communications
technologies in Scouting.
. is a topic that has been tackleu uuiing Acauemy 2u11 by
piesenting anu uiscussing the use of cuiient tools to become
moie flexible. This will be fuithei uiscusseu uuiing Acauemy
2u12 anu the ICT anu Nembeiship System Rounutable.
Fuitheimoie, a iepoit incluuing case stuuies (0K - campaign,
}amboiee-event, CRN oi Nembeiship management systems,
Acauemy - Twittei) is being piepaieu anu will be publisheu
on EuioScoutInfo.
Piomoting the uevelopment anu implementation of
equality anu uiveisity policies..
. has been a challenging issue foi many NS0sNSAs. A
tailoieu suppoit iequest has pioviueu a chance to the
Woiking uioup to investigate the piocess of ueveloping anu
implementing policies. Theoietical investigation as well as
gatheiing infoimation iegaiuing best piactices anu baiiieis
that impeue the above piocess hau to be peifoimeu. The next
step is to follow such a piocess as it is implementeu in
piactice anu iuentify the uifficulties that will be encounteieu.
The piocess will be piesenteu uuiing the Acauemy 2u12 anu
shaieu thiough EuioScoutInfo.
Iuentify appioaches to continually meet the challenge of
. it is easy to say that an oiganisation shoulu change anu say
how things shoulu be uone. Bowevei putting woius into
piactice is not easy at all. Buiing the Acauemy 2u12, a
session has been piepaieu anu will be piesenteu to pioviue a
geneial unueistanuing of the change management piocess
anu unueistanu how this coulu be implementeu in a vaiiety
of scenaiios.
This coulu possibly also leau to the.
. encouiaging of the acquisition, consoliuation anu
piotection of auequate iesouices.
Buiing the Euucational Nethou Scout Foium, seveial
sessions weie iun to allow NS0sNSAs to exchange iueas anu
expeiiences on the neeu to continually auapting to change
without saciificing peifoimance. The bestwoise piactice
sessions weie a goou platfoim to shaie examples of
piocesses anu methous to uiive continual positive change in
the paiticipants' stiategic uevelopment. Auuitionally, one of
the main topics of the Euucational Nethou Foium was
"volunteeiing Tienus" wheie the paiticipants woikeu on
how to make use of stiategic insight fiom theii own young
people anu auult volunteeis as well as fiom competitoi anu
paitnei oiganizations.
Buiing the Acauemy 2u11 in Paiis, the Woiking uioup
piepaieu sessions jointly with WAuuuS which uesciibeu
"The impact of mouein communications on Scouting anu
uuiuing", anu way of "Reaching out to volunteeis fiom
immigiant gioups". This yeai, at the Acauemy 2u12 in
Kanueisteg, the main theme will be "Embiacing Change" -
one of the thiee joint aieas of woik. Seveial sessions will be
ueliveieu ielateu to oui theme: "Tackling uiveisity fiom
uiffeient angles", "Succession planning", "Innovative Tiaining
Nethous", "Naking piogiamme ielevant to Society" anu
"Change management: how to woik in uifficult
Buiing Novembei 2u12, the Rounu Table on ICT anu
Nembeiship systems will biing togethei National Scouting
0iganisations to shaie best piactices on ICT anu
membeiship systems. Amongst othei topics, this event will
also uiscuss the impact of Nembeiship iegistiation systems
on the stiategy of NS0NSAs. The topics of "Bow ICT
systems coulu be useu to iuentify taiget gioups wheie
Scouting oi uuiuing can be maue moie ielevant" anu "The
concept of a common uata foimat foi statistical analysis" will
also be incluueu in the Rounu Table's piogiamme.
Nembei, ECWu
The Youth Empoweiment Woiking uioup has been woiking
in its mission to enhance anu piomote youth empoweiment,
anu ensuiing its key iole in the scout methou anu scouting
life, as well as piomoting its piioiity in the agenua at both
National anu at Regional level.
In this last twelve months, we have been...
Piomoting the concept of YE anu the type of appioach it
iequiies, pioviuing auvice, suppoit anu guiuance to
NS0sNSAs anu also to the Euiopean Scout Committee.
A specific questionnaiie on youth empoweiment was
piepaieu anu sent to each NSA.
A netwoik meeting of Rovei commissioneis took place
at the Euucational Nethous Foium.
A Woilu Caf session on youth empoweiment took
place at the 2u12 Intei-Regional Agoia.
A membei of the consultancy pool was piesent anu iun
a woikshop about instances of youth paiticipation in
Euiope at the Scouts et uuiues ue Fiance Laboiatoiie
Compagnon (Roveis).
Piouucing the ielevant uocuments, tools anu tiaining
A EuioScoutBoc on the piesence of youth
empoweiment within the youth piogiamme anu the
ielevance of the seven elements of the scout methou to
piomote empoweiment has been uiafteu anu is uue to
be publisheu soon.
A EuioScoutBoc on mentoiing anu coaching within
scouting, as a means of piomoting youth empoweiment
has been uiafteu anu will be publisheu soon.
A movie, cuiiently teimeu 'sexy movie', has been
piouuceu, benefiting fiom a magnificent casting at
Agoia, in oiuei to be useu to piomote youth
empoweiment anu iaise its piofile within scouting also.
Thiee woikshops weie ueliveieu at the 2u11 Acauemy:
Is youth empoweiment piesent in the youth
piogiamme. Empoweiing young people to paiticipate
in the movement goveinance anu iepiesentation
Nentoiing & Coaching.
Two woikshops aie being planneu anu piepaieu to be
ueliveieu at the 2u12 Acauemy: Youth empoweiment:
Staiting 0p! Nentoiing & Coaching
Two woikshops weie ueliveieu in the 2u12 Euucational
Nethous Foium: Skills foi life Nentoiing & Coaching
0ne woikshop kit, which is to be ieleaseu to all NSAs,
anu - baseu on the Nentoiing & Coaching woikshops
ueliveieu thus fai - is cuiiently unuei piepaiation.
Some testimonies anu small inteiviews weie iecoiueu
at the 2u11 Acauemy, 2u12 Intei-Regional Agoia anu
Roveiway. These aie to be useu as tiaining mateiials.
"Speak out, tell youi stoiy!" was a tiaining event, which
was helu in uhent in }une 2u12, it was foi young
spokespeisons with the aim to pioviuing them with the
skills to piomote Scouting in uiffeient meuia ciicles. A
membei of the woiking gioup planneu anu attenueu the
The Agoia manual is being uevelopeu.
Piomoting the visibility of the goou piactices ielevant to
youth empoweiment, which aie cuiiently in use by the
Region's NS0sNSAs.
A uatabase of goou piactices anu ielevant uocuments
conceining youth empoweiment has been staiteu with
the collection of goou piactices fiom seveial NSAs.
Seveial initiatives anu goou piactices fiom NSAs weie
posteu in the youth empoweiment aiea at
Cooiuinatoi, YEWu
Nembeis: Sylvain Baithe (SuBF, Fiance), Naiion Kaiali
(uieece), Natthew Paiton (TSA, 0K), Esben Bolagei (BBS,
This seconu yeai of the tiiennium was oiientateu thiough
the uevelopment of new paitneiships with two main events:
the Euiope-Euiasia meeting anu the Paitneiship event.
In Novembei 2u11, the Euiope-Euiasia meeting was
oiganizeu in Piague gatheiing numeious paiticipants fiom
Euiope anu Euiasia, membeis of the Euiopean, Euiasia anu
Woilu committee anu even the Secietaiy ueneial. The event
was a unique oppoitunity foi the woiking gioup as it was
focuseu on builuing new paitneiships. Beyonu this theme, it
was the oppoitunity foi most of the paiticipants to bettei
know each othei anu uiscovei uiffeient scouting. The
outcomes weie veiy positive with new paitneiships anu
othei ieneweu with cieative iueas!
As the peak of the tiiennium, the Paitneiships Event took
place in Paiis in Naich 2u12. 0iganizeu by Scouts et uuiues
ue Fiance anu the Euiopean Region, the objective was at the
same time to have a ueuicateu event on Paitneiships uuiing
the tiiennium anu also to stiengthen the Noith-South
netwoik to make it moie attiactive so that it can be the place
to talk about paitneiships anu to builu oi cooiuinate new
paitneiships. The event was successful with moie than 7u
paiticipants fiom Euiope, Euiasia, Aiab anu Afiica iegions. It
was a fiist step to ienew the way we manage paitneiships
anu how we can cooiuinate all togethei in Euiope oui woik
on Paitneiships. This fiist goou expeiience will be iepeateu
next yeai as the Nouvement Scout ue Suisse accepteu to host
the next session. 0f couise, we neeu to take into account
moie effectively oui uiffeient ways of woiking so that it can
moie piouuctive!
Besiues these two main events, the Inteiactive map on
Paitneiships was piesenteu anu the objective is to pioviue
Paitneiships main uata between Euiope anu otheis iegions
in a map available on Inteinet. All the NS0NSAs can entei
the uata, which is valiuateu latei on by a moueiatoi. This
action is a conciete answei of a neeu expiesseu by seveial
NS0 in Euiope.
With the stiong suppoit of the office, a new application foi
multilateial paitneiship pioject between Euiope anu Afiica
was piesenteu in the fiame of Euiopean Youth piogiamme
but unfoitunately was not successful. Neveitheless, it biings
us the oppoitunity to be even moie cieative to continue
woiking togethei.
Noieovei, following the 0Nu0v0 pioject uevelopeu uuiing
the yeai 2u1u-2u11, the tools weie iealizeu anu aie now
available. It will be piesenteu at The Acauemy 2u12 by a
foimei 0Nu0v0 paiticipant. In auuition, we uiiectly
contacteu the NS0s in Euiope having no paitneis touay
pioposing oui suppoit in oiuei to uevelop new paitneiships.
Cooiuinatoi, PRWu

V%+U%*-e Nilena Pecaiski (SIS, Seibia), uieuie Naikuckaite
(LS, Lithuania), Naiion Kaiali (SBP, uieece), Naiy Sciiven
(SI, Iielanu), Robeita vincini (AuESCI, Italy), Ib }ammei (vCP,
ueimany), Esben Bolagei (BBS, Benmaik), }on Ingvai
Biagasson (BIS, Icelanu), }oiui Feiiei (ASBE, Spain), }ukka
Tulivuoii (uSF, Finlanu) - suppoiteu by Peti vanek anu
Chiistian Loste Ramos (Euiopean Regional Committee), as
well as Rauu Stinghe anu }os Figueiia (WSB - Euiopean
Regional 0ffice).
The iole of the ENCu is to:
Nonitoi the situation of all NS0sNSAs with iegaiu to
the coie seivice aiea of Euucational Nethous;
Pioviue tailoieu suppoit to NS0sNSAs with specific
neeus ielating to the coie seivice aiea of Euucational
Nonitoi its peifoimance in implementing actions
associateu with its objectives;
Nonitoi the impact of its peifoimance on the stiategic
uevelopment of NS0sNSAs.
Nembeis of ENCu piepaieu anu ueliveieu two sessions
uuiing the Acauemy 2u11, one on Euucation of peisonal
leaueiship thiough the Youth Piogiamme anu anothei one
on Co-euucation in Scouting: youth piogiamme auapteu to
both genueis. Both sessions weie well ieceiveu by the
0ne of the biggest achievements in the pievious peiiou was
most ceitainly the ueliveiy of the O$'&93*"4%(#&J"*3+&"#&
9N30($)"#(/&V%$'"N- helu in Sinaia, Romania in the peiiou
Nay Su - }une S. The theme of the 7th Foium was fI"#=
6"*+(/&9N30($)"#&7g8h anu a special focus was put on
5%/%M(#0% (of the woik uone at national level). The Foium
aimeu at assisting the National Scout Associations in
monitoiing anu impioving theii Youth Piogiamme anu Auult
Resouices stiategies, in oiuei to inciease the impact of the
woik caiiieu out at national level to suppoit the action at
local level. With the outstanuing suppoit of Romanian scouts
(0NCR), the Foium hosteu <>@&4(*$)0)4(#$-, Planning Team
membeis anu guests, iepiesenting S4 countiies anu 42
J"//"E&34&=&:$(G&$3#%Ni - The Foium paiticipants' main
conclusions anu iecommenuations will be piesenteu in a
Resolution, containing inputs foi the next Regional Scout
Plan. The Resolution will be wiuely shaieu this autumn.
The Euucational Nethous Coie uioup changeu the
Cooiuinatoi in the spiing. This was followeu by the ievision
of the gioup's tasks accoiuing to the goals set in the Regional
Scout Plan, iesulting in the compiehensive Woik Plan foi the
following months.
The woik continueu uuiing the summei. The ENCu membeis
iuentifieu the tasks to be uone by the autumn. The focus of
the summei was put on:
Napping of the %j)-$)#1&$""/- on Euucational Nethous
against the neeus anu stiengths of NS0sNSAs,
iuentifying the gaps, anu taigeting theii piomotion;
9=/%(*#)#1 platfoims anu appioaches;
Piepaiations foi 63$3*%&%M%#$-.
The focus of the woik uuiing the autumn anu fuithei on in
2u1S will be placeu on:
The piepaiation of the sessions foi the C0(N%+G&78<7
- the ENCu will focus on thiee sessions, namely: "E-
leaining", "Encouiage NS0sNSAs to look outsiue of
scouting foi netwoik oppoitunities" anu "Suppoit
NS0sNSAs seeking to ieview anu upuate the
inteinational uimension of theii youth piogiammes".
Besiues this, the Cu will focus on the collection of best
piactices among NS0sNSAs on netwoiking with othei
ielevant platfoims (business, acauemia, etc.) in Youth
Piogiamme anu Auult Resouices uevelopment anu
implementation. It is also expecteu that the Acauemy
will assist us in collecting best euucation mateiials fiom
the NS0sNSAs foi theii fuithei uissemination
thioughout Euiope.
Bevelopment of the )#43$-&6"*&$'%&#%j$&5%1)"#(/&
:0"3$&;/(# - builuing on the Resolution fiom the 7th
Euiopean Foium on Euucational Nethous, anu with the
inputs ieceiveu uuiing the past yeai anu a half, the
gioup will focus on cieating valuable, ielevant anu
conciete iueas foi the next RSP.
Fuithei piepaiation of the 5"M%*#%$A&]%#$3*%#%$&
78<> - 0ne of the main conclusions of the 7th Foium
was the stiong neeu foi the netwoiking event
suppoiting the Euucational Nethous platfoim of iovei
anu ventuie age sections. The event will take place in
Naich 2u1S, anu the Planning Team has alieauy staiteu
its piepaiations. The main objective will be to gathei
paiticipants anu taiget specific ielevant topics. At the
same time, the Cu is focusing on linking the event with
similai netwoiking platfoims thioughout Euiope, thus
iesponuing to the actual neeus of the NS0sNSAs anu
pioviuing valuable platfoim foi leaining anu shaiing.
Encouiaging NS0sNSAs to look outsiue Scouting foi
#%$E"*Z)#1&"44"*$3#)$)%- incluuing with Nu0s,
business, acauemic anu scientific institutions- following
the session to be implementeu at the Acauemy 2u12, the
Cu will conuuct a suivey, aiming to gathei examples of
best piactices of coopeiation with othei platfoims on
Euucational methous matteis. This will iesult in
piovision of conciete guiuelines on netwoiking, to be
wiuely shaieu at the enu of the autumn.
Collection of ielevant %N30($)"#(/&+($%*)(/- uevelopeu
by NS0sNSAs anu theii fuithei uissemination- as the
exchange of best piactices anu knowleuge is one of the
main benefits of inteinational events anu oppoitunities,
the Cu will stait iuentifying what has been pioveu to be
helping scouts in uiffeient Euiopean countiies to
uelivei bettei scouting foi moie young people. The
iesults will be shaieu by spiing 2u1S.
9=/%(*#)#1: Followeu by the woik uone by the Foium
paiticipants, the focus in this aiea stays on the
piomotion of use of eLeaining platfoims anu othei
technology solutions to showcase the potential foi use
in auult volunteei tiaining piovision anu iuentifying
eLeaining appioaches being useu by NS0sNSAs anu
the impact that they have on the paiticipation levels in
tiaining foi auult volunteeis.
Piovision of 2()/"*%N&:344"*$ anu suppoit to futuie
Cooiuinatoi, ENCu
This iole of the 0iganisational Bevelopment Coie uioup is to
pioviue auvice, suppoit anu guiuance to NS0sNSAs anu to
the Euiopean Scout Committee about having an effective
oiganisation at countiy anu at Regional level.
Since the last annual iepoit we piouuceu a piesentation,
which intiouuces the 0iganisational Bevelopment Nouel anu
we have useu it seveial times to help NS0sNSAs to
unueistanu theii neeus anu stiengths in this impoitant aiea.
The piesentation is available at this link:
We locateu some mateiials that NS0sNSAs can use to help
them with each of the 0iganisational Bevelopment
Bisciplines anu we maue it available in one place on the web
foi easy use by NS0sNSAs. We call this the 0iganisational
Bevelopment Refeience Libiaiy anu it can be accesseu at this
link: O==Pmnn*7;@-D@7="#Z@KD@AnD@;*3-*;G"D*-n@;?%#"-%="@#%+3
We piesenteu two woikshops at The Acauemy 2u11, one to
intiouuce the 0iganisational Bevelopment Nouel, anu one
on the theme of "Tuining stiategy into action": Both
woikshops weie well ieceiveu. We have maue some changes
to them baseu on the feeuback we ieceiveu anu we will be
piesenting the ieviseu woikshops at The Acauemy 2u12.
We uevelopeu a simple tool to captuie Tailoieu Suppoit
iequests anu to tiack them thiough to completion. This is
maintaineu by Rose-Naiie in the ueneva office anu is useu by
Staff, Committee anu the Netwoik to manage all Tailoieu
Suppoit iequests within the Region.
We offeieu to iun woikshops foi any countiy that wanteu to
exploie the aiea of 0iganisational Bevelopment, theie was
not a gieat uptake to this but the offei is still available. If you
woulu like to finu out moie please contact Rose-Naiie
To pioviue NS0s NSAs with infoimation about the
Euiopean Scout Region anu the Consultancy Seivices
(Tailoieu Suppoit) we pioviue, we uevelopeu a shoit
piesentation. It can be accesseu at this link:
Baving piepaieu the 0iganisational Bevelopment Nouel anu
assembleu the 0iganisational Bevelopment Refeience
Libiaiy, we shifteu oui focus to pioviuing Tailoieu Suppoit
as iequiieu by NS0sNSAs. Buiing the yeai we pioviueu
suppoit to Bosnia-Beizegovina, Bulgaiia, Cioatia, Czech
Republic, Iielanu, Italy, Nontenegio, Noiway, Polanu,
Poitugal, Romania, Seibia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain anu
Tuikey. Some of these suppoit engagements aie completeu
while some aie still on-going.
The consultancy seivices pioviueu by the Coie uioup mainly
weie ielateu to Stiategy ieview anu planning, succession
planning, communication stiategy, ieviewing anu impioving
stiuctuies at national level, management of national boaiu,
legal anu constitutional councelling, membeiship softwaie
anu membeiship uata system management.
We have noticeu that some NS0sNSAs that have iuentifieu
the neeu foi Tailoieu Suppoit seem to be finuing it uifficult
to engage with us to get the piocess staiteu. We woulu
welcome any obseivations oi suggestions as to how we
might make this easiei.
We hau a Coie uioup meeting uuiing the Acauemy in 2u11, it
was most useful to meet face-to-face in this way anu we
achieveu a lot theie. We have hau meetings by Skype call
eveiy 6 to 8 weeks since then anu because all of oui team aie
helping to oiganise Acauemy 2u12 we will be having anothei
face-to-face meeting theie.
The Euiopean Scout Committee has inviteu us to piepaie a
submission foi them on possible ways to impiove the
management of the Netwoik anu the Resouice Pool uuiing
the next tiiennium so that all of the available talent is
iecogniseu anu the loau is spieau aiounu faiily. We hope to
pioviue this submission shoitly aftei the Acauemy.
Cooiuinatoi, 0BCu
Looking back at the intensive woik anu numeious effoits
spent by the volunteeis anu the Biussels 0ffice last yeai, I
can single out two majoi uiiections of the activities of
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing Coie uioup anu the exteinal
iepiesentatives - those uiiecteu at the ueliveiing of the
Regional WP anu those aimeu at piopei iesponuing to the
cuiient uevelopment in the aieas of oui inteiest.
Beliveiing the objectives of the Regional Scout Plan was
ensuieu by a constant iepiesentation woik towaius the
majoi paitneis - Euiopean Youth Foium (YF}), Council of
Euiope (CoE), Euiopean Pailiament anu ielevant
contiibutions to Regional events as well as majoi events
oiganizeu by paitneis, namely:
ERFCu's stiong contiibution to the Acauemy wheie the
Coie uioup anu exteinal iepsentatives piesenteu the
most impoitant topics of exteinal ielations, e.g. woiking
with exteinal paitneis, exteinal factois of giowth,
auvocacy anu the value of Scouting, as well as
methouology of exteinal woik.
Euiopean Yeai of volunteeiing 2u11 - togethei with
vWu anu exteinal iepiesentatives the majoi focus of
iepiesentation woik in 2u11 was aimeu at Scouting's
contiibution to the uevelopment of volunteeiing
policies anu ensuiing piomotion anu iecognition of the
value of volunteeiing in Euiope.
The II Youth Convention on volunteeiing, oiganizeu by
YF}, was the biggest civil-society event uuiing the
Euiopean Yeai of volunteeiing. The Convention follows
the Stakeholuei Confeience at which the
iepiesentatives of youth oiganizations as well as
iepiesentatives of Euiopean Economic anu Social
Committee, Euiopean Pailiament anu Euiopean
Commission uebateu about the iole anu the futuie of
volunteeis in Euiope, anu specifically the issue of iights
of the volunteei. Its aim was to make suie the voices of
young volunteeis anu theii oiganisations aie heaiu,
cieating a uialogue to uiscuss a "Chaitei on the Rights of
volunteeis", ueveloping a Beclaiation on the iights of
W0SN was not only iepiesenteu at Stakeholuei
Confeience but also maue the laigest contiibution to the
volunteeiing-village by iepiesenting the uiveisity of
the woik of the Novement anu oiganizing woikshops
on the value of volunteeiing togethei with WAuuuS anu
Baseu upon the outcomes of EYv 2u11, which weie
embouieu in the Policy Agenua on volunteeiing in
Euiope (P.A.v.E), the ERFCu ievieweu anu upuateu the
Region's policy papei on volunteeiing which was
auopteu by the ESC in Naich 2u12.
Suppoiteu by the Euiopean Youth Founuation, a Stuuy
Session on auvocacy took place in Febiuaiy in Euiopean
Youth Centie in Buuapest. 24 paiticipants fiom 21
NSAsNS0s fiom Euiope anu Euiasia iegion
paiticipateu in the Stuuy session nameu "Shape the
change: Auvocacy foi Youth Rights" wheie they woikeu
togethei to leain about youth paiticipation, youth
iights, youth policy, what is auvocacy, how to uevelop
an auvocacy stiategy anu how to implement it in theii
The Speak out, tell youi Stoiy! Young spokespeisons'
tiaining took place fiom the 4th to the 8th of }uly in
uhent, Belgium. The tiaining was oiganizeu in
coopeiation with F0S - 0pen Scouting with the suppoit
of the Youth in Action piogiamme, with the
paiticipation of 2S scouts fiom 12 uiffeient
oiganisationsassociations fiom all ovei Euiope.
Buiing these uays they leaint a lot about iepiesenting
Scouting foi exteinal auuiences, with the help of oui
expeiienceu tiaineis.
In the fiamewoik of tailoieu suppoit in the aiea of
Exteinal Relations anu Funuing the 0ffice manageu to
secuie a Youth in Action giant to iun a successful
pioject in paitneiship with the Bungaiian Scout
Association: Antal Piios, a membei of Bungaiian NS0,
woikeu foi 6 months in the office in Biussels with the
aim to get expeiience anu new skills to be then applieu
at the ietuin in Bungaiy. The final iesult of this pioject
will be a Toolkit on Exteinal Repiesentation, piepaieu
by Antal anu the Coie uioup to be publisheu soon.
0nlike many othei aieas of woik, oui iole is to constantly
analyze anu ieact to the cuiient uevelopments conceining
youth policy anu volunteeiing in Euiope. The seconu half of
2u11 was maikeu by the iefoiming piocesses of the Council
of Euiope anu its Youth Sectoi. In Novembei 2u11 W0SN
iepiesentative Sanuu Coica was electeu to be a membei of
the Auvisoiy Council on Youth. The Auvisoiy Council on
Youth (AC) is a Council of Euiope's (CoE) stiuctuie, pait of
the co-management piocess, maue up of Su iepiesentatives
of youth Nu0s anu netwoiks fiom CoE Nembei States that
pioviue opinions anu input on all youth sectoi activities. It
also ensuies that young people aie involveu in othei
activities of the Council of Euiope as youth policies iequiie a
cioss-sectoi appioach.
Anothei significant piocess of the last quaitei of 2u11 anu
the fiist quaitei 2u12 have been by an intensive piocess of
ensuiing stiategic W0SN's impact anu ielevance in the youth
policy fielu thiough the new cycle of Stiategic Piioiities of
YF}. In seveial cycles of consultations the input of the Coie
uioup anu the exteinal iepiesentatives was maue to shape
the futuie of the Euiopean Youth Policy foi the next 6 yeais.
Youth paiticipation, stiong youth oiganization anu youth
autonomy anu inclusion will be on the top political agenua of
the Euiopean Youth Foium, its membeis anu paitneis
W0SN has been veiy active thiough its paiticipation to the
expeit gioup on Youth in Action of the Euiopean Youth
Foium, as well as to the uiffeient stakeholueis meetings
oiganiseu since autumn 2u11. Woiiieu about the
auministiative giant ienewal, W0SN hau leau a coalition of
netwoiks anu oiganisations iecipient of the E0
auministiative giant. A joint lettei was sent to all ielevant
NEPs, piesiuencies, Nembeis States anu to the Euiopean
Commission. We ieceiveu a gieat suppoit fiom the Euiopean
Pailiament siue. Following this lettei, on the invitation of the
Euiopean Youth Foium, we met, foi a woiking meeting, the
E0 Commissionei in chaige of youth, Nis vassiliou. The iole
of W0SN was to give a conciete anu specific example of the
use of the auministiative giant, focusing on the uiffeience
with gianting auministiative funu to auministiate a pioject.
It seems that W0SN contiibution was successful as Nis
vassiliou concluueu the meeting by expiessing hei wish to
ieview the issue; this was a fiist since the Euiopean
Commission pioposal as the EC has always iefuseu as
piinciple to ieconsiuei its position. Nis vassiliou gave othei
goou inuications towaius the evolution of the piocess as well
as towaius the implication of youth oiganisations - useis- in
the uesign of the piogiamme itself (implementation of the
These achievements anu successes woulu not have been
possible without a stiong netwoik of the ERFCu, exteinal
iepiesentatives, the 0ffice anu the ESC.
Cooiuinatoi, ERFCu

The +(#(1%+%#$&"6&$'%&63#N-&"6&"3*&"*1(#)-($)"# in the
miuule of this tuibulent time is ceitainly a challenge. As I
have stateu just a yeai ago in the annual iepoit, when I took
up the challenging position of the Regional Tieasuiei: "it is
no seciet that the Regional income fiom its main souice has
been ieuuceu substantially ovei the last couple of yeais.
What we neeu theiefoie is a stiategy to maintain (anu even
impiove) oui activity level with obvious buuget constiains
anu to stiengthen the uiveisification of oui income souices
ueveloping stiategies anu exploiting oppoitunities in
Buiing the yeai we have been woiking towaius this
uiiection. We have intiouuceu a new buugeting policy, which
involves all the gioups anu the inuiviuuals conceineu in the
uesign anu implementation of the buuget. This buugeting
piocess has staiteu in Novembei 2u11. The uesign pait foi
the fiscal yeai 2u12-2u1S has been successfully completeu
by }uly 2u12 anu the implementation piocess will stait as
fiom the fiist uay of the new fiscal yeai on 1 0ctobei 2u12.
The piocess will be iepeateu foi the peiiou 2u1S-2u14
staiting fiom the ESC Neeting in Novembei 2u12.
The annual auuit has been a challenge this yeai because of
the setting up of the Euiopean Investment Funu (EIF). This
was the fiist annual auuit of the new set up that opeiates
unuei the Euiopean Scout Founuation (ESF), with which we
have an excellent co-opeiation. Bowevei, cleaiing some
technical issues has been time consuming iesulting in the
uelay of publishing the final auuit iepoit.
0ui objective iemains to maximize the income anu benefits
of the ESR by exploiting all possible income souices,
ensuiing at the same time that oui financial position iemains
stable avoiuing the iisks anu challenges of the times.

Euiopean Scout Region
Buiing the past months, the 93*"4%(#&:0"3$&J"3#N($)"#
has been opeiating unuei the same "economic climate" as
othei inteinational founuations: with veiy low income on
investments. Theiefoie, we aie a) secuiing the assets anu b)
uoing oui utmost "to make the best" of the economic
By fai, the J*)%#N-&"6&:0"3$)#1&93*"4%&?JQ:9B&;*"1*(++%
is oui most successful activity. The Piogiamme uevelops in a
veiy positive mannei, uue to the haiu anu constiuctive woik
of the "Supei Fiienus", inuiviuuals who - within theii own
countiies -contiibute to making this piogiamme a success.
The C##3(/&D($'%*)#1-&"6&JQ:9 have now been caiiieu out
foi 14 times, anu each time we meet at a new location in
Cential anu Eastein Euiope. 0ui fiienus Belene anu Rene
Kaila have been instiumental anu veiy successful in
oiganising these meetings anu, iegietfully, iecently ueciueu
to ietiie fiom this iole. Consequently, a new team will hanule
the 1Sth Annual uatheiing in 0ctobei 2u1S.
The Founuation continues to stiengthen its effoits to maiket
the :+(//&;*"a%0$-&;*"1*(++%. 0ui iole is to convince
potential uonois to help finance small piojects iun by local
Scout uioups anu 0nits in Cential anu Eastein Euiope.
Stiange as it might sounu, we have uifficulties iuentifying a
sufficient numbei of suitable anu high quality small piojects.
Theie is also ioom foi impiovement conceining the
fiequency anu quality of the suppoiteu piojects so that we
can satisfy oui uonois. Bowevei, we aie - still - of the
opinion that the Small Piojects Piogiamme is woith
puisuing. But success is completely in hanus of the NS0s of
those Countiies in Cential anu South East Euiope who may
not yet have shaieu this funuing possibility within theii
Foi ielevant infoimation about the F0SE Piogiamme anu the
Small Piojects Piogiamme, please consult the Founuation's
website O==Pmnn*7;@P*%#-D@7=Z@7#,%="@#K@;?nZ@-*n.
The J)#(#0)(/&5%4"*$)#1 is a key element of oui
management. The auuiting is unueitaken accoiuing to
ielevant Swiss law by a ienowneu local fiim, which helps to
tianslate the bulk of figuies into language easy to be
unueistoou by all of us.
Buiing the yeai unuei ieview, the m"(*N&"6&$'%&93*"4%(#&
:0"3$&J"3#N($)"# has woikeu veiy well anu uone an
impiessive job to ensuie the ongoing success of the
Founuation. The Boaiu continues to benefit fiom the
piesence of two membeis nominateu by the Euiopean Scout
As "tianspaiency" is so vital foi us, we aie veiy happy to
answei any specific questions ielateu to the Founuation anu
its woik. Anu we veiy much look foiwaiu to shaiing with you
oui tiiennial iepoit at the 21
Euiopean Scout Confeience in
Beilin in August 2u1S.

Euiopean Scout Founuation


The miuule yeai of any tiiennium is inevitably when we
anticipate that a lot of actions take place anu this makes foi a
busy time.
In the aiea of Euucational Nethous, theie has been a lot of
movement. Fulfilling his wish to move on to othei challenges,
Nilutin Nilosevic biought his long caieei in Scouting to a
close. Nilutin joineu the piofessional staff of the Region as
the Fielu Executive foi South East Euiope in 2uuu. Be auueu
iesponsibilities as Pioject Nanagei foi the Noba Pioject anu
pioviueu suppoit in the aiea of Auult Resouices. Be moveu
to ueneva in 2uu6 as Biiectoi of Auult Resouices. A iole he
filleu with uistinction till Becembei 2u11. Nilutin continues
to woik in consultancy.
At the same time saw the enu of the contiact of Tim Watson
who was the Pioject Assistant foi Auvocacy anu
Paitneiships. As well as iepiesenting the inteiests of W0SN
in the Concoiu Platfoim meetings, Tim contiibuteu to othei
aspects of the woik of the Biussels 0ffice. Bis main function
was in suppoit of the 0nguvu pioject, which biought
togethei associations foi the Afiica anu Euiopean Regions to
impiove capacities foi paitneiships. Tim woikeu haiu to
ensuie that cultuial anu logistical aspects of the pioject weie
cateieu foi effectively. Tim now woiks foi the Stuuent 0nion
in Loughboiough 0niveisity.
Staying with the Biussels 0ffice, anticipating piepaiations
foi a seconu paitneiship pioject with the Afiica Region anu
suppoiting a Paitneiship Event in Fiance, it was agieeu to
ieplace the Pioject Assistant position anu Benjamin Thuiotte
joineu us biiefly. 0nfoitunately expectations weie not
ieacheu on eithei siue anu a new Pioject Assistant was
ieciuiteu. Naigueiite Potaiu has quickly fitteu into the team.
Builuing on funuing possibilities anu stieamlining the
iepoiting of piojects has been a majoi task foi Nicolo
Pianzini who has woikeu with colleagues to maximise the
income available, paiticulaily that fiom the Youth in Action
Piogiamme of the Euiopean 0nion. 0ne of the suppoiteu
piojects was to ieceive Antal Piioss to woik anu leain in the
aiea of Exteinal Relations foi a 6-month placement funueu
unuei the Youth in Action 4.S buuget line.
At time of wiiting, Alix Nasson has just finisheu hei contiact
with W0SN anu we pay tiibute to hei eneigy anu
commitment in ueveloping aspects of oui woik, paiticulaily
innovation in funuing applications anu aspects of the
Exteinal Relations of the Region anu suppoiting tiaining
oppoitunities anu connections paiticulaily with the Afiica
anu Euiasia Regions. Alix has completeu neaily 4 yeais of
seivice to Scouting anu we wish hei well in hei new position
with the Euiopean Youth Foium.
Back in ueneva, Rauu Stinghe changeu ioles, becoming the
Biiectoi of Euucational Nethous anu he is suppoiteu by }os
Figueiia who commenceu woik as Pioject 0fficei with the
office in Apiil, just in time to obseive the fiist Intei-Regional
Agoia anu the planning foi the Euucational Nethous Foium -
both events enjoying significant funuing enabling expansion
of paiticipant numbeis - with moie that 16u at the
Euucational Nethous Foium. It is cleai that with changes in
appointments aiounu the Region, Agoia anu the Foium met
ieal anu quantifiable neeus. The use of innovative methous
enhanceu these events consiueiably.
With the intiouuction of Nessengeis of Peace, the woik of
Rose-Naiie Benny has significantly incieaseu anu cuiiently
we aie supeivising 1u piojects oi applications. Rose-Naiie's
woik has been suppoiteu by }oiuan Bajiaktaiov, paiticulaily,
but not exclusively, in the Tailoieu Suppoit actions in place
in South East Euiope. }oiuan suppoits the uiowth thiough
Quality woik anu is also suppoiting Rose-Naiie in the
auministiation of the next Acauemy, having manageu that
event in 2u11.
Keeping the payments anu auministiation going, upuating
the Inteinal Contiol System, woiking with the Auuitois,
piepaiing anu managing the buuget is the iole of Annemaiie
Khetib, ably suppoiteu by Anne-Chiistine vogelsang. This
was a uifficult yeai, as we hau to tiace the uevelopment of
funus lougeu with the Euiopean Founuation so that they
coulu be iepoiteu openly in the "tiue anu faii" view auopteu
to comply with Swiss uAAP iules of accounting. Keeping oui
event auministiation anu web piesence up to uate, incluuing
ienewal of the euiopak-online, euioscoutinfo anu
scout.oigEuiope anu oui piesence in the social netwoiks, is
Nihajlo Atanackovic.
Ensuiing that the Regional Committee meetings aie
oiganiseu anu iepoiteu iests with Rupeit Schilubock, who
also ensuies that aiticles aie piepaieu foi the web, anu that
geneial enquiiies aie uealt with fiom euiopescout.oig, as
well as suppoiting the Regional Biiectoi.
All in all, a veiy busy yeai with lots of change.

Regional Biiectoi
Woilu Scout Buieau - Euiopean Regional 0ffice

As you may iecall, at the 2uth Euiopean Scout Confeience in
Biussels, Belgium, theie weie only seven canuiuates who
stoou foi election to the Euiopean Scout Committee. At the
time, a numbei of NS0s ieflecteu that it was conceining that
people weie appaiently unwilling to come foiwaiu anu stanu
foi election.
In an effoit to inciease the numbei of canuiuates, the
Euiopean Scout Committee is oiganising a biiefing meeting
foi potential canuiuates anu theii NS0s. This will take place
well in auvance of the 21st Euiopean Scout Confeience, anu
also in auvance of othei impoitant gatheiings incluuing the
Inteinational Commissioneis' Foium anu the Euiopean Scout
The biiefing meeting will take place in ueneva ovei the
weekenu of 1u-11 Novembei 21u2 anu will be facilitateu by
ueoige Bouiuakis anu Liuija Pozaic Fiketic, foimei Nembeis
of the Euiopean Scout Committee.
Buiing the same weekenu, the Euiopean Scout Committee
will be meeting anu paiticipants will have the oppoitunity to
attenu anu obseive, anu speak with cuiient Nembeis of the
Euiopean Scout Committee about the iealities of the iole...
both the pleasuie anu the pain!
With this in minu, we woulu like to invite inteiesteu
inuiviuuals anu theii NS0s to consiuei paiticipating in this
meeting to leain moie about the inteinal woikings of the
Euiopean Scout Region anu how the Euiopean Scout
Committee cuiiently functions.
Foi moie infoimation, please visit: O==Pmnn000K*7;@P%$3
Foi an oveiview of what the iole involves, please check this
iole uesciiption: O==Pmnn000K*7;@P%$3
The Euiopean Scout Committee is minuful that this meeting
shoulu not be seen as a place to announce canuiuatuies, but
that it shoulu puiely be seen as an assistance to help
potential canuiuates anu theii NS0s to make infoimeu
The Euiopean Scout Committee hopes that this new measuie
will be of inteiest; that NS0s will iegaiu it as a positive
uevelopment anu will embiace the oppoitunity.

The Euiopean Scout Symposium is an oppoitunity foi all
National Scout 0iganisations to meet with membeis of the
Euiopean Scout Committee, to ieview piogiess maue uuiing
the cuiient tiiennium anu to look fuithei into the futuie of
the Region by contiibuting to the uevelopment of the next
Regional Scout Plan.
Piepaiation by key uecision makeis of NS0s anu NSAs
of the Euiopean Region of an outline of the stiategic
uiiection foi the Euiopean Region foi the yeais beyonu
Active paiticipation of NS0s anu NSAs in the ieview,
evaluation anu planning of Regional woik.
Netwoiking anu exchange among key uecision makeis
of NS0s anu NSAs in the Eiuopean Region.
Bate anu venue
S-7 Apiil 2u1S at the Cailton Aiipoit Botel, Bublin,
Fuithei Infoimation
Noie uetaileu infoimation about this event will be
ciiculateu in Novembei 2u12.
O==Pmnn-'AP@-"7A1851K*7;@P%$3@#+"#*K#*=([available in
uue couise).
The 93*"4%(#&:0"3$&!"#6%*%#0% is the goveining oigan oi
'pailiament' of the Euiopean Scout Region, wheie all NS0s
anu NSAs aie iepiesenteu thiough theii uelegates. The
Confeience has a numbei of impoitant functions, all
iuentifieu in the Constitution, incluuing the election of the six
membeis of the Euiopean Scout Committee, the
consiueiation of activitiy anu financial iepoits anu the
foimulation of the woik plan anu stiategic piioiities foi the
coming yeais.
The 93*"4%(#&D3)N%&(#N&:0"3$&!"#6%*%#0% is the }oint
Assembly of iepiesentatives of NS0s anu NSAs of the
Euiopean Scout Region anu of Nembei 0iganisations of the
Euiope Region WAuuuS. While it has no constitutional
poweis, the }oint Confeience may foimulate
iecommenuations on aieas of common inteiest foi
consiueiation by both Regions.
Bate anu venue
16-24 August 2u1S at anuel's Botel, Beilin, ueimany
Fuithei Infoimation
Noie uetaileu infoimation about this event will be
ciiculateu as of autumn 2u1S.
O==Pmnn000K*7;@P*%#D@#Z*;*#D*K,* (foi logistical
uetails, iegistiation anu accommouation)
O==PmnnD@#Z*;*#D*1851K*7;@P%$3@#+"#*K#*= (piogiamme
anu confeience uocuments)

World Scout Bureau
European Regional Office
September 2012
World Scout Bureau European Regional Office
P.O. Box 327, Rue Henri-Christine 5
CH-1211 Geneva 4
Tel: +41 22 705 11 00
Fax: +41 22 705 11 09
Reproduction is authorized to
National Scout Organizations and
Associations, which are members of the
World Organization of the Scout Movement.
Credit for the source must be given.

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