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Promise for the Best Projects

NCCT, Promise for the Best Projects


IEEE 2012-13
IEEE Domains and Non IEEE Domains enclosed

IEEE Domains and Non IEEE Domains enclosed

Networking * Mobile Computing * Cloud Computing * Network Security * Dependable and Secure Computing * Data Mining * Image Processing * Parallel and Distributed Systems * Software Engineering * Knowledge and Data Engineering * Network and Service Management * Learning Technologies * Machine Language and Pattern Analysis * Fuzzy Systems * Neural Networks * Information Forensics and Security * Services Computing * Multimedia
Android Applications * Grid Computing * Web Services & Applications * Wireless Sensor Networks * Cluster Computing * Communication System * MANETS, WSNS, WMNS, CRNS, VANETS, QoS * Biometrics & Access Control * Application Projects * Enterprise Computing * ERP, CRM, SCM Projects * System to Mobile Communication * WAP Services * Cryptography * Networking Solutions * Image Processing * Security Systems * Others

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NCCT started at 1984, is a leading technology driven organization with over a decade standing, backed by a strong R&D to keep pace with the fast growing and latest technologies in the areas of Information



Technology & Embedded Systems

We, NCCT is a professionally organized Design & Development House specialized in providing innovative Software Solutions and Embedded Solutions. W e are concentrating on Multi Domain Vertical Segment, diversified technologies and have gained versatile experience over the decades. We are focused on executing hi-end technology services & solutions to our clients as well as students As a part of the Projects & Development Training, we offer Projects keeping in view the latest emerging trends and technologies under

Parallel Development Process

We play a Dual Positive Role by satisfying the academic requirements and as well as giving the necessary training in Software & Embedded which enables students to meet the industrial requirements with a wider knowledge and a greater confidence

OBJECTIVES - Our Objectives are to make the available facilities for

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PRIMARY FOCUS - Our Primary Focus is to provide Complete

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We will also assist the students for their placements through our IT Talent Bank & Embedded Talent Bank. As for as Placement concerned our placement wing is always in action, bringing new on -campus or offcampus interviews for our students


Project Consultancy - Software, Embedded Industrial Projects, In House Project Training In Plant Training - Software, Embedded Industrial Visits, Seminars, Workshops, Bootcamps Placement Services & Job Drives Embedded Trainer Kits, Modules


Java, J2EE, J2ME, JavaFX, Database
Approximation Algorithms for Data Broadcast in Wireless Networks Channel Estimation for Opportunistic Uniform and Random Sensing Spectrum Access

Nature-Inspired Self-Organization, Control, and Optimization in Heterogeneous Wire On the Cost of Knowledge of Mobility in Dynamic Networks An Information-Theoretic Approach The Boomerang Protocol Tying Data to Geographic Locations in Mobile Disconnected Networks

A Privacy preseving location monitoring system for wireless sensor Network, IEEE 2011 BUBBLE Rap: Social-Based Networks, IEEE 2011 Forwarding in Delay-Tolerant

Cross-Layer Optimization for Multimedia Transport over Multicode CDMA Networks, IEEE 2011 Dynamic Switching based data forwarding for low duty cycle wireless sensor networks, IEEE 2011 Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Wireless Real-Time Systems, IEEE 2011 Periodic Streams in

Controlled mobility sensor networks for target tracking using ant colony optimization Detection of Selfish Manipulation of Carrier Sensing in 802.11 Networks Efficient and Fair Bandwidth Allocation in Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks Fast Release Networks Capture Sampling in Large-scale Sensor

Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data using controlled Broadcast, IEEE 2011 Multicast Throughput for Hybrid Gaussian Channel Model, IEEE 2011 Wireless Networks under

On the Information Flow Required for Tracking Control in Networks of Mobile Sensing Agents, IEEE 2011 Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE 2011 Spatial -Temporal Coverage optimization in wireless Sensor Network, IEEE 2011 Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE 2011 A Scalable and Energy Efficient Context Monitoring Framework for Mobile Personal, IEEE 2010 Energy-Efficient VoIP over Wireless LANs, IEEE 2010 Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010

Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cooperation Incentive Strategies in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Back off Misbehaving Nodes in CSMACA Networks On the Vulnerabilities of CSI in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems STORM A Framework for Integrated Routing, Scheduling and Traffic Management in Ad Hoc Networks Fast Data Collection in Tree-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Leveraging the Algebraic Connectivity of a Cognitive Network for Routing Design,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

MABS Multicast Authentication Based on Batch Signature, IEEE 2010 Maximizing The Lifetime Of Wireless Sensor Networks With Mobile Sink, IEEE 2010 Optimal Jamming Attack Strategies and Network Defense, IEEE 2010 Secure Data Collection in Wireless Sensor networks using Randomized Desperive Routes, IEEE 2010 TDMA Scheduling with Optimized Energy Efficiency and Minimum Delay in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010


Balancing Reliability and Utilization in Dynamic Spectrum Access Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing and Internet Traffic Matrices (Extended Version) Declarative Policy-Based Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Mobile Target Detection

Complete Guidance

On Time Completion

Excellent Support

Differentiated Quality-of-Recovery in Survivable Optical Mesh Networks Using -Structures Distributed Resource Allocation Based on Queue Balancing in Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks ESM Efficient and Scalable Data Center Multicast Routing Greedy Geographic Routing in Large-Scale Sensor Networks a Minimum Network Decomposition Approach On Identifying Additive Link Independent Cycles and Paths Metrics Using Linearly

Latest Technologies

Cost Effectiveness

We can implement your Own Project Ideas / Concepts, Any IEEE Papers

Scalable Lookahead Regular Expression Detection System for Deep Packet Inspection An Adaptive Opportunistic Routing Scheme for Wireless Adhoc Networks Privacy and Integrity-Preserving Range Queries in Sensor Networks

Experience the Projects with the latest new Tools & Technologies, that will change the way you Develop Solutions, forever

Adaptive Selective Verification An Countermeasure to Thwart DoS Attacks



Concise Lookup Tables for IPv4 and IPv6 Longest Prefix Matching in Scalable Routers Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Component-Based Localization in Sparse Wireless Networks, IEEE 2011 Continuous Neighbor Networks, IEEE 2011 Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Wireless

Agent Based Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in Adhoc networks, IEEE 2010 Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE 2010 Constrained Relay node placement in Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE 2010 Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet, IEEE 2010 Energy-Efficient Protocol for Deterministic and Coverage in Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010 Host-to-Host Congestion Control for TCP, IEEE 2010 Label-Based DV-Hop Localization Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010 Minimizing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks With Anycast, IEEE 2010 On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations, IEEE 2010 POPI: A User-Level Tool for Inferring Router Packet Forwarding Priority, IEEE 2010 Rendered Path Range-Free Localization in Anisotropic Sensor Networks With Holes, IEEE 2010 TCAM Razor A Systematic Approach Towards Minimizing Packet Classifiers in TCAMS, IEEE 2010 The Optimality of Two PricesMaximizing Revenue in a stochastic Communication System, IEEE 2010 Virtual Database Technology for Distributed Database, IEEE 2010 Probabilistic

Cross-Layer Jamming Detection Broadcast Networks, IEEE 2011

and Mitigation in

Design & Implementation of a Fast Dynamic Packet Filter, IEEE 2011 Fast Simulation of Service Availability in Mesh Networks With Dynamic Path Restoration, IEEE 2011 Forward Correction Networks, IEEE 2011 and Fountain Codes in Delay-Tolerant

Jamming Aware traffic allocation for multipath routing using Routing using portfolio Selection, IEEE 2011 Live Streaming With Receiver-Based Peer-Division Multiplexing, IEEE 2011 Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links, IEEE 2011 On the Complexity of the Regenerator Placement Problem in Optical Networks, IEEE 2011 Optimal Anycast Technique for Delay-Sensitive Constrained Asynchronous Sensor Networks, IEEE 2011 Energy-

Parametric Methods for Anomaly Detection in Aggregate Traffic, IEEE 2011 Performance analysis of an unclosed CSMA in the multi channel cognitive radio networks, IEEE 2011 Prog ME - Towards Programmable Network Measurement, IEEE 2011 ROC Resilient Online Coverage for Surveillance Applications, IEEE 2011 Throughput-Competitive Advance Reservation With Bounded Path Dispersion, IEEE 2011 TOFU: Semi-Truthful Online Frequency Allocation Mechanism for Wireless Networks, IEEE 2011 Topological Transformation Approaches to TCAM-Based Packet Classification, IEEE 2011

109, 2 n d Floor, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 34 Above IOB, Next ICICI, Near Ganpat Hotel, 5,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


A Cloud Infrastructure for Optimization of a Massive Parallel Sequencing Workflow, IEEE 2012 A Time-series Pattern based Noise Generation Strategy for Privacy Protection in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2012 An Autonomous Reliability Aware Negotiation Strategy for Cloud Computing Environments, IEEE 2012 Cloud Chamber A Self-Organizing Facility to Create, Exercise, and Examine Software as a Service Tenants, IEEE 2012 Design and Implementation of a Secure Healthcare Social Cloud System, IEEE 2012 Enhanced Energy-efficient Scheduling for Parallel Applications in Cloud, IEEE 2012 Framework on Large Public Sector Implementation of Cloud Computing, IEEE 2012 Optical Networks for Grid and Cloud Computing Applications Revenue Management for Cloud Providers - A Policy-based Approach under Stochastic Demand, IEEE 2012 SLA-based Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2012 A Business Model for Cloud Computing Based on a Separate Encryption and Decryption Service, IEEE 2011 Enabling public Auditability and data dynamics for storage security in clouding Computing, IEEE 2011 Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud, IEEE 2011 Going Back and forth Efficient Multideployment and multisnap shotting on clouds, IEEE 2011 Modeling and Analysis of Cloud Computing Availability based on Eucalyptus Platform for E-Government Data Center, IEEE 2011 Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011


ROAD: A New Spatial Object Search Framework for Road Networks Slicing: A New Approach for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Efficient Extended Boolean Retrieval Ranking Model Adaptation for Domain-Specific Search Multiparty Access Control for Online Social Networks: Model and Mechanisms A Knowledge-Driven Approach to Activity Recognition in Smart Homes A Look-Ahead Approach to Secure Multiparty Protocols A Performance Anomaly Detection and Analysis Framework for DBMS Development A Unified Probabilistic Framework for Name Disambiguation in Digital Library Data Mining for XML Query-Answering Support Dense Subgraph Detection Extraction with Application to Community

Discovery of Delta Closed Patterns and Noninduced Patterns from Sequences Efficient and Progressive Algorithms for Distributed Skyline Queries over Uncertain Data Energy Efficient Schemes for Accuracy-Guaranteed Sensor Data Aggregation Using Scalable Counting Energy-Efficient Reverse Skyline Query Processing over Wireless Sensor Networks Saturn Range Queries, Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance in DHT Data Systems,

A fuzzy self Constructing Feature Clustering Alg for text 044-2823IEEE 2011 98411 93224, 95001 54011 Classfication, 5816, A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction, IEEE 2011

A fuzzy self Constructing Feature Clustering Classfication, IEEE 2011

Alg for


A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction, IEEE 2011 A Machine learning approach for identifying disease treatment relations in short test, IEEE 2011 Adaptive Cluster Distance Indexing, IEEE 2011 Bounding for High-Dimensional


Secure Trust:-A dynamic trust compalation model for secured communication in multiagent system Packet Hiding Method For Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks Risk-Aware Mitigation for MANET Routing Attacks A Learning-Based Approach to Reactive Security Automated Security Test Generation with Formal Threat Models DoubleGuard Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications Enforcing Mandatory Access Control in Commodity OS to Disable Malware Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud Incentive Compatible Privacy-Preserving Distributed Classification Iterative Trust Propagation and Reputation Management Using Belief

Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods, IEEE 2011 Continous Monitoring of distance based range query, IEEE 2011 Cosdes: A Collaborative Spam Detection System with a Novel EMail Abstraction Scheme, IEEE 2011 Data Leakage Detection, IEEE 2011 Data Mining to Generate Adverse Drug Events Detection Rules, IEEE 2011 Decision Trees for Uncertain Data, IEEE 2011 Finding Top-k Answers in Keyword Search over Relational Databases Using Tuple Units, IEEE 2011 Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate optimization, IEEE 2010 False Negative Problem of Counting Bloom Filter, IEEE 2010 FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages, IEEE 2010 K-Anonymity in the Presence of External Databases, IEEE 2010 LIGHT A Query-Efficient Yet Low-Maintenance --DHT, IEEE 2010 PAM An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Monitoring Framework for Continuously Moving Objects, IEEE 2010 Prospective Infectious Disease Outbreak detection using Markov switching model, IEEE 2010 Queries Optimization in SQL using Linear Recursion, IEEE 2010

Large Margin Gaussian Mixture Models with Differential Privacy On the Security of a Ticket-Based Anonymity System with Traceability Property in Wireless Mesh Networks Secure Failure Detection and Consensus in TrustedPals Resilient Authenticated Execution of Critical Applications in Untrusted Environments Give2Get Forwarding in Social Mobile Wireless Networks of Selfish Individuals Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm, IEEE 2011

Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks, IEEE 2011,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Analyzing a Family of Key Modification Attacks, IEEE 2011




Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic Based on Statistical Inference and -Stable Modeling, IEEE 2011 Dynamics of Malware Networks, IEEE 2011 Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer


BloomCast: Efficient and Unstructured P2P Networks Effective Full-Text Retrieval in

Packet-Hiding Methods for Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks, IEEE 2011 Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traf?c through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking, IEEE 2011 SAT: A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE 2011 and

Cut Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multi-Cloud Storage An Online Data Access Prediction and Optimization Approach for Distributed Systems Cashing in on the Cache in the Cloud Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks DRAGON Detection and Tracking of Dynamic Amorphous Events in Wireless Sensor Networks Dynamic Beacon Mobility Scheduling for Sensor Localization Energy-Efficient Networks Topology Control in Cooperative Ad Hoc

Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection, IEEE 2010 SiGFree A signature based free buffer overflow attack blocker, IEEE 2010 Secure Data Objects Replication in Data Grid, IEEE 2010


Project Abstracts | IEEE Papers | PPT Presentation | Review Details for Viva | Diagrams | Project Report | Working Procedure | Source Code | Screen Shots | E-Books, Data Sheets & Materials

Exploring the Optimal Replication Strategy in P2P-VoD Systems Characterization and Evaluation Flash Crowd in P2P Live Streaming Systems Fundamental Characteristics and Design Implications On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Virtual Backbone Scheduling Trustworthy Coordination of Web Services Atomic Transactions

We can implement your Own Project Ideas / Concepts, Any IEEE Papers

Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for ManyTasks Scientific Computing, IEEE 2011 A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer to Peer Streaming, IEEE 2010,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Cooperative Caching in Wireless P2P Implementation and Evaluation, IEEE 2010



IRM Integrated File Replication and Consistency Maintenance, IEEE 2010 Privacy-Conscious Location-Based Environments, IEEE 2010 Queries in Mobile


A memory learning framework for effective image retrieval, IEEE 2011 Unequal Power Allocation for JPEG Transmission Over MIMO Systems, IEEE 2010 Adaptive Fuzzy Filtering for Artifact Reduction in Compressed Images and Videos, IEEE 2009 Hierarchical Bayesian sparse application to MRFM, IEEE 2009 image reconstruction with

Detecting Malicious Packet Losses, IEEE 2009 Dynamic Routing with Security Considerations, IEEE 2009 Distributed Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Minimum Spanning Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2009 Virtual-Force-Based Geometric Routing Protocol in MANETs, IEEE 2009 A Distributed Stream Query Optimization Framework through Integrated Planning and Deployment, IEEE 2009

Generalized Sequence-Based and Reverse Models for Broadcasting Hot Videos, IEEE 2009



Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits of Code Inspection and Test-Driven Development Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks QoS Assurance for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Software Systems StakeRare Using Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation


Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) Random access Transport Capacity, IEEE 2010 Adaptive Multi-Node Incremental Relaying for Hybrid-ARQ in AF Relay Networks, IEEE 2010 Coalition Games with Cooperative Transmission A Cure for the Curse of Boundary, IEEE 2009 SAT- Solving Approaches to Context-Aware Enterprise Network Security Management, IEEE 2009 Continuous Flow Wireless Data Broadcasting for High Speed Environments, IEEE 2009 Multi-Service Load Sharing for Resource Management in the Cellular WLAN Integrated Network, IEEE 2009 Novel Packet-Level Resource Allocation with Effective QOS Provisioning for Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE 2009 Robust cooperative routing protocol in mobile wireless sensor networks, IEEE 2009

All Latest, NEW Innovative Projects in various Technologies & in Various Domains @ NCCT YOUR ULTIMATE PROJECT DESTINATION,

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Single-Symbol ML Decodable Distributed STBCs for PartiallyCoherent Cooperative Networks, IEEE 2009 SIR analysis and interference Cancellation in Uplink OFDMA with Large Carrier Frequency Timing offsets, IEEE 2009 Fast Matrix Embedding by Matrix Extending, Domain - Information Forensics and Security, IEEE 2012 - JAVA Load Balancing Multipath Switching System with Flow Slice, Domain - Computers, IEEE 2012 - JAVA Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Communications, Domain - Wireless Communications, IEEE 2012 Learn to Personalized Image Search From the Photo Sharing Websites, Domain - Multimedia, IEEE 2012 - JAVA Game-Theoretic Pricing for Video Streaming in Mobile Networks, Domain - Image Processing, IEEE 2012 - JAVA A Secure Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks, Domain - Industrial Electronics, IEEE 2012 - JAVA Sketch4Match Content-based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches - Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, IEEE 2011 A bounded and adaptive memory based approach to mine frequent patterns from very large database - Cybernetics, IEEE 2011 Embedded Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes - Information Forensics and Security, IEEE 2011 Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems Intelligent Transport System, IEEE 2011 Locating Equivalent servants over p2p networks - Network and Service Management, IEEE 2011 Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing - Cloud Computing, IEEE 2010


ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, SQL Server, Access


A Cloud Infrastructure for Optimization of a Massive Parallel Sequencing Workflow A Time-series Pattern based Noise Generation Strategy for Privacy Protection in Cloud Computing An Autonomous Reliability Aware Negotiation Strategy for Cloud Computing Environments Cloud Chamber A Self-Organizing Facility to Create, Exercise, and Examine Software as a Service Tenants Design and Implementation of a Secure Healthcare Social Cloud System Enhanced Energy-efficient Scheduling for Parallel Applications in Cloud Framework on Large Public Sector Implementation of Cloud Computing Optical Networks for Grid and Cloud Computing Applications Revenue Management for Cloud Providers - A Policy-based Approach under Stochastic Demand SLA-based Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Cloud Computing On Handling Large-Scale Polynomial Multiplications in Compute Cloud Environments using Divisible Load Paradigm Automated Tagging for the Retrieval of Software Resources in Grid and Cloud Infrastructures Environmental and Disaster Sensing Using Cloud Computing Infrastructure,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Performance evaluation of multimedia services over wireless LAN using routing protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Mining Concept drifting Network traffic in cloud computing environments CLOUDTPS: Scalable Transactions for Web Applications in the Cloud, IEEE 2011 Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011 Heuristics Based Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs using Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011 Improving Utilization of Infrastructure Clouds, IEEE 2011 Multilevel intrusion detection system and log management in cloud computing, IEEE 2011 Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011 Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011 Checkpoint-based Fault-tolerant Infrastructure for Virtualized Service Providers, IEEE 2010 Dynamic Auction Mechanism for Cloud Resource Allocation, IEEE 2010 Elastic Site - Using Resources, IEEE 2010 Clouds over to Elastically Extend in Site Cloud


Discovering Characterizations of the Behavior of Anomalous Sub-populations Query Planning for Continuous Aggregation Queries over a Network of Data Aggregators Outsourced Similarity Search on Metric Data Assets Ranking Model Adaptation for Domain-Specific Search Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior A Query Formulation Language for the Data Web A Look-Ahead Approach to Secure Multiparty Protocols A Performance Anomaly Detection and Analysis Framework for DBMS Development Data Mining for XML Query-Answering Support Energy-Efficient Reverse Wireless Sensor Networks Skyline Query Processing over

Fuzzy Keyword Search Computing, IEEE 2010



Discovery of Delta Closed Patterns and Noninduced Patterns from Sequences Efficient and Progressive Algorithms for Distributed Skyline Queries over Uncertain Data Mining Online Reviews for Predicting Sales Performance: A Case Study in the Movie Domain

Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2010

Energy-Efficient Reverse Wireless Sensor Networks





Saturn Range Queries, Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance in DHT Data Systems,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction, IEEE 2011 A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering A Web Search Engine-Based Approach to Measure Semantic Similarity between Words, IEEE 2011 Energy time series forecasting based on pattern sequence similarity, IEEE 2011 Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache, IEEE 2011 Publishing Search LogsA Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees, IEEE 2011 Data Leakge Detection, IEEE 2011 Anonymous Query processing in Road Networks, IEEE 2010 Automated classification of customer e mails via association rule mining, IEEE 2010 Iso-Map: Energy-Efficient Contour Mapping in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010 LIGHT: A Query-Efficient Yet Scheme over DHTs, IEEE 2010 Low-Maintenance Indexing


Cooperative download in vehicular environments Network Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query Processing Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Networks via Random Power Allocation Protecting Location Privacy in Sensor Networks against a Global Eavesdropper Compressed-Sensing-Enabled Video Streaming for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks Channel Estimation for Opportunistic Uniform and Random Sensing Spectrum Access

Controlled mobility sensor networks for target tracking using ant colony optimization Efficient and Fair Bandwidth Allocation in Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cooperation Incentive Strategies in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Backoff Misbehaving Nodes in CSMACA Networks STORM A Framework for Integrated Routing, Scheduling and Traffic Management in Ad Hoc Networks A Distributed and Scalable Time Slot Allocation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2011 Autonomous Deployment of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors, IEEE 2011 Effective Scheduling in Infrastructure Based Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE 2011

Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases, IEEE 2010 ViDE A Vision Based Approach for Deep Web Data Extraction Bridging Domains Using World Wide Knowledge for Transfer
Learning, IEEE 2010

TO GET FREE TITLES / ABSTRACTS / IEEE BASE PAPERS IN DVD Contact us or Send Email / SMS Or Send your Poster Address to receive the DVD thro Courier Service @ Free of Cost Or Walk-in to Our Office & Collect,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Fast Detection of Mobile Replica node attacks in wireless sensor networks, IEEE 2011 Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Periodic Streams in Wireless Real-Time Systems, IEEE 2011 Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast, IEEE 2011 Model and Protocol for Energy-Efficient Routing over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE 2011 Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks, IEEE 2011 A Scalable and Energy-Efficient Context Monitoring Framework for Mobile Personal Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010 Combined Authentication-Based Multilevel Access Control in Mobile Application for DailyLifeService, IEEE 2010 Energy-Optimal Scheduling with Dynamic Channel Acquisition in Wireless Downlinks, IEEE 2010 On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations, IEEE 2010 Optimal Accounting Policies for AAA Systems in Mobile Telecommunications Networks, IEEE 2010 VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010


FireCol: A Collaborative Protection Network for the Detection of Flooding DDoS Attacks A New Cell-Counting-Based Attack Against Tor Declarative Policy-Based Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Mobile Target Detection ESM Efficient and Scalable Data Center Multicast Routing Scalable Lookahead Regular Expression Detection System for Deep Packet Inspection Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing and Internet Traffic Matrices (Extended Version) Accelerating Multipattern Matching on Compressed HTTP Traffic Design of Detection) Wireless Sensor Networks for Mobile Target

Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks Insights on Media Streaming Progress Using BitTorrent-Like Protocols for On-Demand Streaming A Novel Approach for Failure Localization in All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE 2011 Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks, IEEE 2011 Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multihop Wireless Networks, IEEE 2011 Fast Simulation of Service Availability in Mesh Networks With Dynamic Path Restoration, IEEE 2011

We can implement your Own Project Ideas / Concepts, Any IEEE Papers

PROJECTS FOR B.E / B.Tech, M.E / M.Tech, MCA /

M.Sc / MS, Diploma, M.Phil / Ph.D, R&D, Others,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Tofu:semi truthful online frequency allocation mechanism for wireless networks, IEEE 2011 Service Overlay Network Maximization, IEEE 2010 Capacity Adaptation for Profit


Design and Implementation of TARF A Trust-Aware Routing Framework for WSNs Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud Automatic Reconfiguration for Large-Scale Reliable Storage Systems A Learning-Based Approach to Reactive Security Automated Security Test Generation with Formal Threat Models Iterative Trust and Reputation Management Using Belief Propagation Large Margin Gaussian Mixture Models with Differential Privacy

Improving TLS Security By Quantum Cryptography, IEEE 2010 Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE 2010 Constrained Relay Node Placement in Wireless Networks Formulation and Approximations, IEEE 2010 Sensor

Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet, IEEE 2010 On Wireless Scheduling Algorithms for Minimizing the QueueOverflow, IEEE 2010 Privacy Aware Role Based Access Control, IEEE 2010 S4: Small State and Small Stretch Routing Protocol for Large Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010


Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits Inspection and Test-Driven Development of Code Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks QoS Assurance for Dynamic Reconfiguration of ComponentBased Software Systems StakeRare Using Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation

On the Security of a Ticket-Based Anonymity System with Traceability Property in Wireless Mesh Networks Secure Failure Detection and Consensus in TrustedPals Enforcing Mandatory Access Control in Commodity OS to Disable Malware Resilient Authenticated Execution of Critical Applications in Untrusted Environments A Distributed Algorithm for Finding All Best Swap Edges of a Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree, IEEE 2011 Dynamics of Malware Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks, IEEE 2011 ELMO:Energy aware local monitoring in sensor networks Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Intrusion Detection, IEEE 2010 Fields for

Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprinting Codes under WorstCase Noise, IEEE 2009,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


An Efficient Adaptive Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithm for Torus Networks SPOC A Secure and Privacy preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile Healthcare Emergency Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute-based Encryption The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks Balancing the Tradeoffs between Query Delay and Data Availability in MANETs BECAN: A Bandwidth-Efficient Cooperative Authentication Scheme for Filtering Injected False Data in Wireless Sensor Networks Resource-Aware Application State Monitoring Cashing in on the Cache in the Cloud Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks DRAGON Detection and Tracking of Dynamic Amorphous Events in Wireless Sensor Networks Energy-Efficient Topology Control in Cooperative Ad Hoc Networks On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Virtual Backbone Scheduling Trustworthy Transactions Coordination of Web Services Atomic

Network Immunization with Distributed Autonomy Oritented Entities, IEEE 2011 A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-toPeer Streaming, IEEE 2010 Resource Bundles Using Aggregation for Statistical LargeScale Resource Discovery and Management, IEEE 2010 Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing against Shellfish Information Flows, IEEE 2009


A Novel Data Embedding Method Using Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching A Probabilistic Model of Visual Cryptography Scheme With Dynamic Group Characterizing the Efficacy of the NRL Network Pump in Mitigating Covert Timing Channels Joint Relay and Jammer Selection for Secure Two-Way Relay Networks


Clustering and Cluster-Based Routing Protocol for DelayTolerant Mobile Networks, IEEE 2010 Fast Algorithms for Joint Power Control and Scheduling in Wireless Networks, IEEE 2010 Enhancing Cell-Edge Performance A Downlink Dynamic Interference Avoidance Scheme with Inter-Cell Coordination, IEEE 2010 Fairness-Aware Radio Resource Management in Downlink OFDMA Cellular Relay Networks, IEEE 2010

A Data Thought prediction & optimized server for widely distributed many task computing, IEEE 2011 Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud, IEEE 2011,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010




ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences, IEEE 2011 Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations With Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements, IEEE 2008 Vision Based Processing For Real-Time 3-D Data Acquisition Based On Coded Structured Light, IEEE 2008 Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval, IEEE 2008 A Novel Framework for Semantic Annotation and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, IEEE 2008 Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High-Capacity Approach, IEEE 2008 Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings, IEEE 2008 Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition, IEEE 2008 Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Communications, Domain - Wireless Communications, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET Semi supervised Biased Maximum Margin Analysis for Interactive Image Retrieval, Domain - Image Processing, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET Expert Discovery and Interactions in Mixed Service-Oriented Systems, Domain - Services Computing, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET Toward Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing, Domain - Services Computing, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification, Domain - Multimedia, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET

Active Visual Segmentation, Domain - Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE 2012 - DOTNET One Size Does Not Fit All: A Group-Based Service Selection for Web-Based Business Processes Adv Information Networking, IEEE 2011 Adaptive provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented systems - Applied Computing, IEEE 2011 Bridging Socially-Enhanced Virtual Communities - Applied Computing, IEEE 2011 Data integrity proofs in cloud storage - Communication Systems and Networks, IEEE 2011 Secure Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Mobile adhoc networks, IEEE 2011 Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective - Services Computing, IEEE 2011 The Awareness Network, To Whom Should I Display My Actions? And, Whose Actions Should I Monitor? - Software Engineering, IEEE 2011 An Intrusion Detection model fuzzy class assocation rule mining using genetic network programming - Systems and cybernetics, IEEE 2011 A bounded and adaptive memory based approach to mine frequent patterns from very large database - Systems, man, and cybernetics, IEEE 2011 Improving the perfotmance of wireless adhoc network by using MAC Layer Design - Wireless communication, IEEE 2011 Multicast Multipath Power Efficient Routingin Mobile Adhoc Computer Science And Network Security, IEEE 2010 Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited - Information Forensics And Security, IEEE 2010 Data Mining for Risk Management in Hospital Information Systems - Medical Engineering, IEEE 2010 Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems Through Chance Constrained Programming - Signal Processing, IEEE 2010,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

PROJECTS 2012-13
Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud Computing 2012 Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute-based Encryption 2012 SPOC A Secure and Privacy preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile Healthcare Emergency The Three-Tier Security Scheme Networks with Mobile Sinks 2012 in Wireless Sensor

A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying DiseaseTreatment Relations in Short Texts Live Streaming Multiplexing with Receiver-based Peer-division

Optimal Stochastic Location Updates in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Service-Centric Framework Application 2011 for a Digital Government

Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images 2011 Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies 2011 Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing 2011 Going Back and Forth: Efficient Multisnapshotting on Clouds 2011 Monitoring Service Perspective 2011 Systems from Multideployment a and

Efficient Audit Service Outsourcing for Data Integrity in Clouds 2012 Ranking Model Adaptation for Domain-Specific Search Defenses Against Large Scale Online Password Guessing Attacks by using Persuasive click Points 2012 Network Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query Processing 2012 Query Planning for Continuous Aggregation Queries over a Network of Data Aggregators 2012 Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Encrypted Cloud Data 2011 Scalable Scheduling Warehouse 2011 of Updates Ranked in Search over Data


Dynamic Audit Services for Integrity Verification of Outsourced Storages in Clouds 2011

Android is a operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tab let computers, develop ed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset Alliance Android has a large community of developers writing app lications ("apps") that extend the functionality of the devices Android b ecame the world s lead ing smartphone platform


A Link Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases 2011

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


A Statistical Mechanics-Based Framework to Analyze Ad Hoc Networks with Random Access - 2012 A Trigger Identification Jammers in WSN - 2012 Service for Defending Reactive

Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks - 2011 Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks - 2011 Energy-Efficient Multicasting of Scalable Video Streams Over WiMAX Networks - 2011 MANET Routing Protocols vs Mobility Models: A Performance Evaluation - 2011 CACO-Distributed Client-Assisted Channel Optimization for Uncoordinated WLANs - 2011 Assignment

Capacity Scaling of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Shannon Meets Maxwell - 2012 Connectivity of Multiple Cooperative Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks - 2012 CORMAN A Novel Cooperative Opportunistic Routing Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - 2012 DSDMAC Dual Sensing Directional MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks with Directional Antennas - 2012 FESCIM Fair Efficient and Secure Cooperation Incentive Mechanism for Multihop Cellular Networks - 2012 Improving QoS in High-Speed Mobility Using Bandwidth Maps 2012 Local Broadcast Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Reducing the Number of Transmissions - 2012 TAM A Tiered Authentication of Multicast Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks - 2012 Forward Correction and Fountain Codes in Delay Tolerant Networks - 2011 Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks - 2011 Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access - 2011 Improving the Performance of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Through MAC Layer Design - 2011 Distributed Adaptation of Quantized Feedback for Downlink Network MIMO Systems - 2011


ns (from network simulator) is a name for series of discrete event network simulators, specifically ns-2 and ns-3. Both simulators are used in the simulation of routing protocols, among others, and are heavily used in ad-hoc networking research, and support popular network protocols, offering simulation results for wired and wireless networks alike. Both ns-2 and ns-3 are popular in research given their open source model and detailed online documentation ns-2 stands for Network Simulator version 2.

Is a discrete event simulator for networking research Work at packet level. Provide substantial support to simulate bunch of protocols like TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP and DSR. Simulate wired and wireless network. Is primarily Unix based. Use TCL as its scripting language. ns-2 is a standard experiment environment in research community.

044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


A Blur-robust Descriptor with Applications to Face Recognition A Generalized Logarithmic Image Processing Model Based on the Gigavision Sensor Model A Novel Data Embedding Method Using Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching A PrimalDual Method Domain Inpainting for Total-Variation-Based Wavelet
A Complete Processing Chain for Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in VHR Images Automated Multiscale Morphometry of Muscle Disease From Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy Using Tensor-Based Image Processing Classification of Dielectric Barrier Discharges Using Digital Image Processing Technology Hyperconnections and Hierarchical Representations Grayscale and Multiband Image Processing Image Signature Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions Low-Complexity Image Processing for Real-Time Detection of Neonatal Clonic Seizures Monotonic Regression A New Way for Correlating Subjective and Objective Ratings in Image Quality Nonparametric Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Analysis of Noisy and Incomplete Images Performance Analysis of a Block-Neighborhood-Based SelfRecovery Fragile Watermarking Scheme Polyview Fusion A Strategy to Enhance Video-Denoising Algorithms Robust Multichannel Blind Deconvolution via Fast Alternating Minimization Semisupervised Biased Maximum Interactive Image Retrieval Margin Analysis for for

Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multistructure Data Active Curve Recovery of Region Boundary Patterns Adaptive Steganalysis of Least Significant Bit Replacement in Grayscale Natural Images An Energy Based Model For The Image Edge Histogram Specification Problem An Improved Multiplicative Scheme for Data Hiding Spread Spectrum Embedding

Automatic Image Equalization and Contrast Enhancement Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling Classification of Dielectric Barrier Discharges Using Digital Image Processing Technology Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition Contrast-Independent Biomedical Images Curvilinear Structure Detection in

Gaussian-Mixture-Model-Based Spatial Relationships for Pixel Labeling Problem

Neighborhood for

Hyper connections and Hierarchical Representations Grayscale and Multiband Image Processing Image Prediction Based on Neighbor Embedding Methods

Toward a Unified Color Space for Perception-Based Image Processing View-invariant action recognition based on Artificial Neural Networks Wavelet Modeling Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions Application to Texture Discrimination and Retrieval

Local Tetra Patterns A New Feature Descriptor for ContentBased Image Retrieval Low Distortion Transform for Reversible Watermarking,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


Java, J2EE, J2ME, JavaFX, Database

Secure Optimal Cyclic Cryptographic System Multithreaded Peer-to-Peer Communication using Distributed Frameworks Building Intelligent Shopping Assistant using Data mining technique for Web Services Network Analyzer & Network Monitoring Tool using SNMP Remote Computing using Thin Clients VVoIP Voice with Video Over IP Networks Dynamic Character & Pattern Recognition using Neural Networks Proxy Server - A Smart Sharing System with Fire wall Protection, Customized Firewall for internet security & inter-network traffic gateway Location Aided Routing in Mobile ADHOC Networks for Secured Routing Digital Signature Verification using Artificial Neural Networks / Digital Signature Verification A/I Net A Network that Integrates ATM and IP ESecure Transaction Design & Implementation Efficient Contiguous Data & Video Streamer with Buffer Management Distributed Component Router Relationship Management Based CRM Customer


Smarter way to do your Projects
Mobile Banking Design & Implementation Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis E-Logistics for Warehouse Management - Implementation of Authenticated & Dynamic Logistics Support System & Management Java Productivity Aids to Track the Control Flow, Parsing, Control Flow & Log Reader J2ME Implementation of POP3 Client System / J2ME Mail Client Server Implementation / Mail Downloader Using J2ME Authenticating Network Attached Storage Static Image Hand Gesture Recognition using Neural Networks Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System SCM IEEE Intelli WAP System Implementation Retrieval System / WAP based information

Digital Steganography: Hiding Data within Data Integrated Development Environment using JSWING IDE JSWING ERP Application advantages integrated Enterprise Solutions with Strategic

Proxy Server - Design and Implementation Public Key Validation for DNS Security Extensions Domain Naming Server E-Recruitment System - Dynamic Recruitment & Management System Distributed Cache Updating Protocol for Online Professional

Grid information Retrieval System Network Packer Sniffer Implementation Online Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions E-HealthCare - Distributed HealthCare and A Strategic Management System Data mining implementation Processing System for Credit Cards Application

Secure Password-Based Protocol for Downloading a Private Key Dynamic Source Routing

Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance Online Task Management with fully featured intelli System Vertical Market Information Providing System Implementation

Homogeneous Networks & Control Implementation,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

E-Sales Order Processing System RTF to XML Converter Material Forecasting and Management Solution XML (Extensible Markup Language) enabled SQL for Storing & Retrieving Data XML Migration - Implementation for XML format from Database System Shares & Stock Management system Implementation Portfolio Manager

Online Web based Complete Recruitment System Distributed Database System for online Shopping & Store Web based Distributor Information Providing Services Insurance System, Online Insurance Solutions Provider Integrating Data and Voice Networks - VoIP Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks Packet Filtering to Avoid Traffic & Congestion Video Transmission using SIP Web based Chatting - Multi User Voice Chat SIP - Session Initialization Protocol, Chatting Monitoring & Managing the Clusters using JMX Mobile Agents in a Distributed Multimedia Database System P2P (peer-to-peer networking) messaging system-using JXTA Scalable Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Simulation using XTC Voice Web Browser Implementation Network Analyzer, Design & Implementation Routing Simulator - An Efficient end to end Packet Delivery system Remote Viewer A Remote Desktop viewer for an Intranet Environment Remote City Mapping Implementation using J2ME IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol using Internet Engineering Task Force Online PDA Primary Domain Controller System Java Virtual Pad - RFB protocol based Desktop sharing exclusively or on request Portable and Generic tool for Web Applications Network Document Management & Versioning System Multi Threaded implementation with Pull / Push Technology Web Based Bug Tracking System Implementation Mobile Agent Software for Payroll Processing System Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS) Online web enabled Bug Tracking System Online Web Shop Mall - Web Shop Site Online Workflow Service Manager & Automation & intelligent

Inter Office Messaging System IOMS, Office Automation System Web based Matrimonial Services, A Desi Matrimony web Portal Online Auction & Bidding System With Multi Brand & Product Selection Online Body Shopping System with Auto Mailing feature Intelli Shopping Cart & Assistant System Online VRS - Vehicle Reservation System Distributed Web Service for On-Line Coursework Submission Document Archival Management System Electronic Archival Design Remote Electricity Billing System Automation & Implementation EJB Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance Computerized system for Extracting Abstract from the given source document, Abstract solutions eCareer & Consultancy Service Online eGovernance Design & Implementation System EAI Approach Implementation of EAI in Hotel Management System Online Event Management with featured intelli system Online Hospital info System with interactive Services & Universal Medical Portal with Adviser Digital Water Marking for Video Piracy Detection Distributed File Sharing System for Peer to Peer Network E-Commerce Shopping cart for B2B Implementation EJB Implementation Of Distributed Online Stock Maintenance and Trading Heterogeneous Networks Control and Implementation,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Workflow based Complaint Management System Project Scrutinizer Efficient Project Tracking System Project Tracking & It Portfolio Management System JSP based Shopping Cart Implementation ERP & CRM, An Effective implementation of ERP with CRM Solutions Multi Language Mailing system Design & implementation uPortal University Service Provider Portal & Education Grid information

JSAFE - Rijndael Algorithm based Encryption & Decryption ESecure Transaction Design & Implementation A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in NextGeneration Mobile Networks Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks & intelligent Packet Filtering to Avoid Traffic & Congestion CAC Connection Admission Control using ATM Networks Implementation Dynamic Server Replication System Mobile based Network Monitoring System Multi Router Traffic Monitor Implementation Mobile Agents in a Distributed Multimedia Database System Network Border Patrol for Congestion Collapse Preventing System Network Proctor & Action Coordinator - The Network Monitoring Daemon Network Traffic, Packet Analyzer and Sniffer Optimal Multicast Routing in ADHOC Networks With ADHOC Multicast Routing Protocol (AMRoute) Peer-to-Peer implementation Multithreaded Technology with tuple space Performance Evaluation of RMI - Latency, Round Trip Time & Packets Per Unit time VOIP Flexible & Efficient Voice Communicator, Voice Over IP Modern English Spell Checking tool Design & Implementation J2EE based Quick Car Rental Services Implementation Online ATM Banking & online transactions On-Line Book store with online Shopping cart Career tracer - communicator between job seekers and job providers J Chat A Chatting System over the Internet or local networks XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks Image File compression & Transmission across the Network by MDA (Message Digest Algorithm) SLA-Driven Clustering of QOS Aware Application Servers Advanced instant Messenger & Message Broadcasting Cryptography

Optimal Multicast Routing in ADHOC Networks With ADHOC Multicast Routing Protocol (AMRoute) Network Security System in DNS using AD-HOC Networks Mobile Banking Design & Implementation Intelli WAP System Implementation / WAP based information Retrieval System Remote City Mapping Implementation using J2ME Mobile Clients Support GUI Systems design JAVA J2ME Bluetooth based Application for PDA / Mobile Devices Bluetooth equipped mobile phones to support synchronous interaction with public displays Bluetooth based Mobile Phone Photo Browser Mobile Info Service Provider Online Data & information Access System Digital Image Processing with Multi Domain Approach Image Compression and Analysis with MSE & PSNR Technique Online Handwritten Script Recognition System to Mobile Communication Web based Chatting - Multi User Voice Chat VOIP Flexible & Efficient Voice Communicator, Voice Over IP Elliptic Curve Cryptography based (ECCTC) Implementation for MANETS Threshold

Crypt kit A real time cryptographic system for security over the networks Optimizing the Execution of multiple data analysis queries on Parallel & Distributed Environments Patient Keeper: Medical Application on mobile Phone,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Online Airline Reservation Web portal for Traveling service provider Computer Resource Management System (CRMS) Content management systems (CMS) for University & Education portal Credit card system - web-based system facilitates on line operations Distributed Channel Management System Digital Signatures System Design & Implementation Distance Learning System Implementation Online E Banking provides online transactions Employee Training Tracking System E-Learning - web portal design and implementation Web Enabled Automated Manufacturing System - WEAMS Fire wall - Customized Firewall for internet security network traffic gateway Hospital Management system HR Consultancy and Applicant Database Management with XML Intranet Mailing System design and implementation Issue tracking System with Bug Tracking, Help Desk Ticketing & Solutions Web based Online Library System Web based Online Book Store Loyalty Business Tracker Application System Net Banking Services Design & Implementation Net Conference Design & Implementation Design & Implementation of Online Bidding & Auction Online Tutorials - global forum for educators and students Call Centre Management System CALTOOL Computer Aided Learning Tool Online Auction with featured shopping cart Online Enterprise Resources Planning Web Enabled ERP implementation with Distributed Database system SNMP Trap Gateway - Network Management Software Routing Packet Filtering & Capturing Thin Client Network Implementation & inter-

JEDITOR - Customized Java Editor eTutor - Online Tutorial, revolutionizing the tutoring industry Pharmaceutical Distribution Automation Software system Remote Desktop Capture system eSearch - A Search Engine Design & Implementation SMTP based JAVA MAIL CLIENT Graphical User Interface system Java based Spam Filter implementation Project based Time & efforts Tracking System Implementation Training Organization Management System Implementation Web Testing Tool Application - Designed to test & measure performance Web based Job Site Management system A Exclusive Job Portal with Mega features Employee Profile Management System Management Resource Development of Web Management System enabled An Effective Employee Dynamic ATM Card


ATM Card & CMS application Back Office Management Intranet Transformation of Voice with Data using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Media Streaming in Mobile using J2ME Toolkit Efficient Monitoring, Managing, Detection of Networks Components using SNMP Protocol Implementation of Security Kernel and Firewall using Java Hybrid Intrusion Detection with Weighted Signature Generation Over Anomalous Internet Episodes A Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Grid Service Reliability Bug Tracking System - Comprehensive Bug Tracking & Change Management Cargo Tracking System Design & implementation Job Portal Implementation with intelli power features Net Monitoring and Management using SNMP Network Administrators to Monitor VPN and SSL Connections Network Component Development for XML Document Migration Neural Network based Character Pattern Identification System & its,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Distributed Cache Updating for the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol TCP-LP: Low Priority Service via EndPoint Congestion Control Schema based Enterprise Charting & Reporting for Desktops Data Hiding in Audio Files with PBE Encryption Designing Test Automation System using Native System Input Events Components Framework for Developer Network using MVC Pattern Asynchronous Server Interaction using AJAX and XML On Demand Audio / Video Streaming & rendering Over IP using UDP An SSL Back-End Forwarding Scheme in Cluster-Based Web Servers Data Security in Ad hoc Networks Using Multipath Routing Defending Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks With MaxMin Fair Server Distributed Token Circulation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Versioning Control System using JAVA Virtual Private Network using JAVA Voice based XML Phone Survey System WAP based information Retrieval System WAP based Route Tracing and Mailing Complete email system with an email server and an email client Image Compression and Decompression using Huffmans Image Manipulation for Face Recognition Implementation of Broadcast Messaging System using Multi Threading Implementation of Packet Filtering Firewall in Linux Systems Implementation of Secured & Encrypted Data Transmission over the Web Java Network Monitor / Java Network Browser Java SMTP, POP, Web Email Server On-Line Analytical Processing - Maintenance of Data collection & Reports Smart Network Access Using Mobile Bluetooth, J2ME Online Health Care Management Solutions Online Distributed Human resources Management System

WAP Enabled Greeting Card System - WAP Enabled Device User to send greeting card to other WAP Enabled Devices Web Enabled Supply Chain Management Wireless Application Programming with J2ME and Bluetooth XML Parser for EMail Resumes / Resume Tracking & allotment using XML Instant Messaging and Presence Technology for College Campuses A Natural Language-Based Interface for Querying a Video Database CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management Data Encryption and Compression System with Optimization Dealership Management System - Dealers information & Dealings Process Manager Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project and Defect Tracking System Design & Development of a Distributed, Scalable File Sharing & Access System with Security Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning with Customer Relationship Management Support Intelli Mobile Banking System Design & Implementation Investigation and Analysis of Packets Transformation in an Ethernet Network System Digital Image Processing Time Domain Secure web conferencing on any platform using Java Secured Network Manager & Tracker using JMX SFTP Server - Synchronous File Transfer Communicator Multiplex & Demultiplex Conversion in Audio / Video Transcoding Systems Ultimate Online Jobsite with intelli Search engine Professional time and task management tool RAT (Remote Assistance Tool) is a Java Application Resource Planning Tool Design & Implementation (RPT) Sales Order Processing and invoicing (SOPI) Secure Electronic Transaction System Secure Web Cache Proxy Server,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, SQL Server, Access

Bug Tracking System - Comprehensive Bug Tracking & Change Management Warehouse Management Inventory Level System Implementation with Zero

EAI Approach Implementation of EAI in Hotel Management System E-Commerce Shopping cart for B2B Implementation Online Auction & Bidding System With Multi Brand & Product Selection Online Body Shopping System with Auto Mailing feature Online Auction with featured shopping cart Online Banking Net Banking & Back Office Operation


Smarter way to do your Projects
Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project & Defect Tracking System E-Logistics for Warehouse Management - Implementation of Authenticated and Dynamic Logistics Support System & Management E-Health Care - A Strategic Management System Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance E-Recruitment System Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment & Management System Distributed Component Router based CRM-Customer Relationship Management Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System - SCM Distributed Component Router for E-Campus Management System ERP Application integrated Enterprise Solutions with Strategic advantages E-Banking System online Banking Services Web enabled Supply Chain Management A Logistics Approach Website Performance Monitor Secure Electronics Transactions E Secure Transactions E Mail Security and Administration Online Banking System Electronic Net Banking Services CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance On Line Effort Tracking System / Performance

Online Content Management System Web Server Information System eCareer and Consultancy Services Distributed Information and Reporting System Materials Management System with Forecasting Implementation Integrated Human Resource Information System Online Credit Card Banking System Web enabled Customer Relationship Management Web enabled Sales Order Processing Web enabled Purchase Order Processing Vertical Marketing Implementation - analyze the current market position Online Complete Recruitment System Online Distributed Human resources Management System Online Enterprise Resources Planning Web enabled ERP implementation with Distributed Database system Online Event Management with featured intelli system Online Health Care & Hospital Management Solutions Online Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions Online Portfolio Manager Equity Trading & Mutual Funds management Online Task Management with fully featured intelli System Online Intranet Site Design & Implementation,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

Web based Portal Design & Implementation Online VRS- Vehicle Reservation System Network Traffic Monitoring & Web Administration Workflow based Complaint Management System On Line Tracking Logistic Shippers & Manufacturers - International Logistic Services for

Web based CRM Implementation Web Enabled Supply Chain Management Dealership Management System - Dealers information & Dealings Process Manager Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis E-Sales Order Processing System Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS) Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning With Customer Relationship Management Support Integrated Pharmacy & Billing - comprehensive solution for pharmacy stock maintenance & billing Inter Office Messaging System IOMS, Office Automation System Logistics - freight forwarding software solution logistics Material Management Solution (MMS) Net Banking Services & Solutions Online Issue Tracking System Online Job Consultancy Services Shares & Stock Management system Portfolio Manager Implementation Online Web Shop Mall - Web Shop Site Online Workflow Service Manager & Automation On Line Book / Stationary Shopping with Shop cart Assistance Professional time and task management tool Datamining Project Scrutinizer Project Tracking System Project Tracking & It Portfolio Management System Sales Order Processing and invoicing (SOPI) Secure Electronic Transaction System Travel Management System Web-based enterprise billing system for business Cards Application On Line Blood Bank Management System On Line Shopping Management On Line Doctor, Consultations with your own Private Doctor

Web Network Statistics Generator & Analyzer E-Commerce Front Store Implementation E-Shopping Mall E-Commerce Implementation with Cart for B2B E-Commerce Implementation with Cart for B2C Online University Portal, Educational Grid Information Child Care Information System Matrimonial & Marriage Information Services Implementation Web Conference System Implementation Professional Net Banking Services Web Shopping Design & Implementation Online Hospital info System with interactive Services & Universal Medical Portal with Adviser Online Insurance Management System Document Archival Management System Electronic Archival Design Job Portal Implementation with intelli power features Network Document Management & Versioning System Building Intelligent Shopping technique for Web Services Assistant using

Cargo Tracking System Design & implementation Web Administration System E-Governance Management Design & Implementation Web Administration & Authorization System Data mining implementation Processing System for Credit

Ultimate Online Jobsite with intelli Search engine WAP based information Retrieval System,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

On Line Executive Time and Activity Management System On Line Freight and Logistics DB System On Line Human Resource Management System On Line Medical Products and Services Directory & Medical Services For Physicians On Line Product Catalogue Management System On Line Professional Recruitment System On Line Purchase Order System On Line Banking ServiceUser Accounts/ Maintenance & Transaction On Line Consultancy & Recruitment Services for Hospitality Industries Asset Management Solution (AMS) EMatrimony and On-Line Match Maker Real Estate - Online Services Automation Web Based Issue Tracking System / Bug Tracking System Web Based System for Real Estate Business Web Based Task Management System Website for Travel Agency Services Development of a Feature-Rich, Resume Builder Application Web Based Reward Points Management System Development of a Feature-Rich, Practical Online On-Request Courses Coordination System (ORS) Development of a Feature-Rich, Practical Online Survey Tool (OST) Development of Web Based Document Version Controller Development of a Web Based Meeting Scheduler Design and Development of Equity Trading Portfolio Manager Development of a Campaign Information System Development of a Practical Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Facilities in the Campus Development of a Feature-Rich, Practical Online Application for the Training and Placement Dept. of the College. Online Job Provider Maintenance and Search Portal with Online Exam

Online Information on WAP Customer Service Portal for Tourism and Travels Management Human Resource Management System Online Material Requisition, Management Portal Collection and Stock Handling

E-Banking Transactions System with Portal for Bank Officials and Customers Online Bug Tracking And Customer Support System Online Healthcare System Online Matrimonial System

Integrated Internet Information Monitoring & Messaging System Intelligent Network Information & Messaging System Integrated & Network Internet Mailing, Browsing & Messaging System & Solutions Networking Monitoring & Management System Digital Image Processing with Multi Domain Approach Bug Tracking System - Comprehensive Bug Tracking & Change Management CRM Customer Relationship Management, Implementation Data mining implementation Processing System for Credit Cards Application

Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System - SCM Distributed Component Router for E-Campus Management System Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance E-Health Care - A Strategic Approach & Management System E-Logistics for Warehouse Management Authenticated and Dynamic Logistics Management Datamining in Credit Card Fraud Detection - Implementation of Support System &,


044-2823 5816, Recognition & Generation using NN Hand Written Character 98411 93224, 95001 54011
Integrated Enterprise Recourses Planning Implementation with Distributed Database

Datamining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Hand Written Character Recognition & Generation using NN Integrated Enterprise Recourses Planning Implementation with Distributed Database Secure Optimal Cyclic Cryptographic System Network Simulator & Communicator with Remote Administration Tool Photo Editor Image Editor for the Image Management Solutions Network Security & Control Design & Implementation Office Automation Tools - Inter Office Messaging System Hospital info System with interactive Services Medical Portal with Adviser Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions Portfolio Manager Equity Trading & Mutual Funds management Task Management with fully featured intelli System Net Flow Analyzer, Network Monitor / Network Browser Net Monitoring and Management Network Analyzer & Network Monitoring Tool Network based Multi Threaded and Multi System Port Scanner Network based Encryption Secured Data Transfer using Stenographic & Universal

E-Recruitment System - Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment & Management System Purchase Order System - POP Integrated approach to Pharmacy & its Inventory Management Intelligent Banking System A Novel Approach to Banking Solutions Remote Access Server - Integrated Design & Implementation Integrated Design & Implementation of Various Server & Clients Image Compression and Decompression using Huffmans Image Filters, Image Processing and Filtering using user defined class ERP: Sales Function Sales Order Processing ERP: Purchase Function Purchase Order processing ERP: Financials Function Financial Management system ERP: Service Function Service Flow Automation ERP: Fixed Assets Management Solutions ERP: Human Resources Human Resource Management System ERP: Shop Floor Function Work Flow Shop Keeper Secure Proxy Server Design & Implementation Secured Network Manager & Tracker Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Implementation Network Traffic Monitor & IP Statistics Design & Implementation of Integrated Internet Servers Design & Implementation of Multi Special Mailing System & Services

Network Document Management & Versioning System Network enabled Remote Host Monitoring System Network Protector Monitoring Daemon & Action Coordinator - The Network

Proxy Server - Design & Implementation Virtual Class Room - Design & Implementation Shipping Management Implementation System Integrated Diagnostics & Prediction System using Fuzzy Logic Expert System Application about Central Nervous System - CNS Point of sale system for shopping marts and pharmacy store Advanced Image Processing Techniques Implementation Asset Management Solution (AMS) Complete Help Desk & Asset Management Software

Network Remote Controlling and Monitoring System Network Service & Performance Monitoring System Efficient Intra Office Conference System Implementation Intranet Information Exchange Server & Client Integrated Campus Management HRMS Human Resources Management System Complete Recruitment Manager Design & Implementation,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011

CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management Customer Service and Call Tracking Applications Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project and Defect Tracking System Digital Image Processing Frequency Domain / Digital Image Processing Time Domain Distributed Component Relationship Router Based CRM Customer


Deciding Domain, Project Discussion and Selecting Technical / Project Documents Defining Roles & Responsibilities

Understanding the Objectives of the Project Detailed Study & System Devt Project Design Adopting Design Standards

Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis Distributed Dealership Management System Document Archival Management System Electronic Archival Design Employee Performance Monitoring System Performance Employee Scheduling Software & Attendance Tracking System E-Sales Order Processing System E-Security, Encryption / Decryption by Various Algorithms Fleet Management - Manage Your Fleet Services HMS Hospital Management System Hotel Management System Remote Activation through another PC, Over the Network Remote Administration & Communication using Networking Remote Configuring, Accessing and Process Monitoring System Remote Desktop Connection & Service Establishment Remote Performance Tester, Performance Tester for Server Sales Order Processing and Invoicing (SOPI) Secure Electronic Transaction System Work Flow Management - Workflow Shoppe Keeper Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning With Customer Relationship Management Support Intelligent Network Diagrams and Monitors Service Status Inter Office Messaging System IOMS, Office Automation System Interactive Voice Response System Information System, Design & Implementation Banking Services

Logics & Coding Adopting Coding Standards Code Reviews

Testing & Documentation Testing & Integration Final Documentation


Intel XEON based Windows Server with Intel & AMD Clients Intel based REDHAT Linux Server with Intel Clients AMD based Intranet Server Real Time Cisco Switches & Routers for Network Labs Wireless Routers from Cisco Linksys and Wireless Ethernet Adapters Remote Management Tools for Desktop Sharing & Live Demo Support Video Conferencing Facilities, VoIP / Skype Communication NOC Network Operation Centre Operation Facilities Other required Accessories like NAT, WIC, Bluetooth Devices, PDAs, Ethernet Transceivers, Web Cameras, Storage Devices, Back up Devices, Scanners, Printers, Sharers, Optical Drives, etc.,

Technologies - JAVA, DOT NET Languages - Java, J2EE, J2ME, JSP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, PHP, XML Wireless Technologies - GSM, IEEE 802.11, RF, Zigbee, RFID Operating Systems - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Redhat Linux Networking - TCP/IP, NFS, ATM, Ethernet, Token
Database - Oracle, MS-Access, SQL Server, MySQL,


044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 95001 54011


Java * J2ME * J2EE * JavaFx * DotNET ASP.NET * VB.NET * C# * PHP * NS2 GloMoSim * Matlab * Android * CloudSim
is a Cross-platform (multi-platform) object-oriented programming language. Java Paradigm(s) are multi-paradigm: object-oriented, structured, imperative, generic, reflective

ns (from network simulator) is a name for series of discrete event network simulators, specifically ns-2 and ns-3. Both simulators are used in the simulation of routing protocols, among others, and are heavily used in ad-hoc networking research, and support popular network protocols, offering simulation results for wired and wireless networks alike. Both ns-2 and ns-3 are popular in research given their open source model and detailed online documentation. ns-2 stands for Network Simulator version 2.

Global Mobile Information System Simulator (GloMoSim) is a network protocol simulation software that simulates wireless and wired network systems. GloMoSim is designed using the parallel discrete event simulation capability provided by Parsec, a parallel programming language. GloMoSim currently supports protocols for a purely wireless network. It uses the Parsec compiler to compile the simulation protocols

Java Editions
Standard Edition (SE), Micro Edition (ME), Enterprise Edition (EE), JavaFX, Java Cards Standard Edition (Java SE) targeting workstation environments. Enterprise Edition (Java EE) targeting large distributed enterprise or Internet environments. Micro Edition (Java ME) targeting environments with limited resources. JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering rich Internet applications (RIAs) that can run across a wide variety of connected devices Java Card for smartcards

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a numerical computing environment and fourth generation programming language. Developed by MathW orks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, and Fortran. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing capabilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems

Microsoft .NET

(pronounced dot net) is a software component that runs on the Windows operating system. .NET provides tools and libraries that enable developers to create Windows software much faster and easier. Microsoft .NET consists of four major components: Common Language Specification (CLS) Framework Class Library (FCL) Common Language Runtime (CLR) .NET Tools .NET includes new object-oriented programming languages such as C#, ASP.NET, Visual Basic .NET

Android is the world's most popular mobile platform. W ith Androi d you can use all the Google apps you know and love, plus there are more than 600,000 apps and games available. Android is a software bunch comprising not only operating system but also middleware and key application Android is a powerful Operating System supporting a large number of applications in Smart Phones. These applications make life more comfortable and advanced for the users. Hardwares that support Android are mainly based on ARM architecture platfor


(recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widelyused open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML PHP Paradigm(s) -imperative, object-oriented, procedural, reflective, PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cookies

CloudSim is a simulator, so it doesn't run any actual software technology. Simulation can be defined as "running a model of a software in a model of hardware". As it's all about models, specific technology details are abstracted. The only previous knowledge you need to use CloudSim is basic Java programming (as CloudSim is written in Java) and some knowledge about Cloud computing




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