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Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times Poll For release: Thursday, October 11, 2012 3:00 am ET ** Embargoed until

3:00 am, Thursday, October 11th, 2012** After the First Debate: Tight in Colorado & Wisconsin; President Still Leads in Virginia October 4-9, 2012 In Colorado, where President Barack Obama led by just a point in September, Mitt Romney now has a one-point edge. In Wisconsin, the race has tightened; Mr. Obama has just a three-point lead now, down from six points last month. The race is unchanged in Virginia, where the President is holding onto a small lead. All three polls were conducted after the first presidential debate.

By about four to one, voters in all three of these battleground states say Mitt Romney won last weeks presidential debate, and sizeable numbers say the debate made them think better of him. But majorities say the debate didnt affect their vote. More voters think Mitt Romney has strong qualities of leadership than say that about the President, but voters are divided on whether he is honest and trustworthy. Republicans continue to be more enthusiastic than Democrats about voting this year in general, particularly in Colorado and Wisconsin. In all three states, the percentage that thinks the national economy is improving has risen since August. Both candidates are even on handling the economy in Virginia and Wisconsin, while Romney leads on this in Colorado. Heading into the Vice Presidential debate, voters in these battlegrounds expect Paul Ryan to emerge the victor over Joe Biden.

The State of the Race The margin is razor thin in Colorado, where Governor Romney has just a one-point edge. In Wisconsin, President Obama had a six-point lead last month, but he now has just a three-point edge there (within the polls margin of error). The President maintains his lead in Virginia, unchanged since last month. 2012 Vote for President (Among likely voters) Virginia Wisconsin 8/8 Now 9/19 8/8 Now 9/19 45% 51% 50% 49% 50% 51% 50 46 46 45 47 45

Obama Romney

Colorado Now 9/19 47% 48% 48 47

8/23 49% 47

8/8 51% 45

Romney gains among voters who are paying a lot of attention to the presidential campaign. Among these voters, Romney leads in Colorado by 53% to 44%, and in Wisconsin he leads by a smaller margin (51% to 47%). The race becomes even in Virginia, 49% to 49%.

The Presidential Debate Solid majorities in Colorado, Virginia and Wisconsin think Mitt Romney won the first presidential debate. Most Republicans and independents say Romney won, and even Democrats are more likely to say Romney won the debate than the President. Who Won the First Presidential Debate? (Among likely voters) CO VA WI Barack Obama 16% 17% 17% Mitt Romney 72 70 65 The debate had a positive impact on impressions of Romney. More than four in ten voters in these states who watched the first presidential debate (and 51% in Colorado) say the debate made them feel better about Mitt Romney. Fewer than one in 10 say that about Mr. Obama; more say it made them think worse of him. Did the Debate Make You.? (Among likely voters who watched the debate) Barack Obama Mitt Romney CO VA WI CO VA Think better of him 6% 9% 7% 51% 44% Think worse of him 29 24 28 19 18 No effect 64 66 65 30 37

WI 47% 14 38

Among voters who say the debate will impact their vote, the advantage goes to Romney. Even though majorities in these battlegrounds say the debate will have no effect on their vote, twice as many voters said the debate would make them more likely to vote for Mitt Romney than said so of Barack Obama. Did the Debate Make You.? (Among likely voters) Barack Obama CO VA WI More likely to vote for him 9% 10% 8% Less likely to vote for him 19 18 17 No effect 71 70 71

Mitt Romney CO VA 26% 23% 13 12 60 63

WI 23% 10 64

Among independent voters, about half in these battlegrounds say the debate gave them a better impression of Romney, and about a quarter in each state say it made them more likely to vote for him. Republicans continue to be more enthusiastic than Democrats about voting this year in general. More than half of Republicans in Colorado and Wisconsin are more enthusiastic about voting; this is true of just over a third of Democrats. In Virginia, the enthusiasm gap is narrower. More Enthusiastic About Voting this Year (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Now Among Republicans 56% 53% 48% 53% 57% 52% Among Democrats 37% 38% 40% 38% 36% 36%


Tonights Debate and the Vice Presidential Candidates When it comes to who will win tonights vice presidential debate, more voters are expecting Paul Ryan to emerge victorious. Who Will Win the Vice Presidential Debate? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Joe Biden 30% 36% 32% Paul Ryan 47 41 49 Dont know 22 21 19 Most Republicans and Democrats think their own partys vice presidential candidate will win the debate, though Republicans are more confident than Democrats. More independents are predicting a Ryan victory. Joe Biden has a net favorable rating in Virginia, but he is viewed more unfavorably in Colorado and Wisconsin. Paul Ryan is viewed more favorably than unfavorably by voters in all three states, though more than one in four voters Colorado and Virginia dont know enough about him yet. Views of the Vice Presidential Candidates (Among likely voters) Joe Biden Paul Ryan CO VA WI CO VA Favorable 36% 43% 36% 38% 38% Unfavorable 44 39 39 34 34 Dont know enough 19 17 24 27 28

WI 46% 35 18

Impressions of these men are colored by partisanship: majorities of Democrats in all three states view Biden favorably, while most Republicans have positive opinions of Ryan. In Virginia and Wisconsin, voters are more inclined to think both vice presidential candidates are qualified to serve as president if it were to become necessary, though many dont know enough to say. In Colorado where the Romney/Ryan ticket has a slight edge voters are divided over Joe Bidens qualifications to assume the presidency. Qualified to Serve as President if Necessary? (Among likely voters) Joe Biden Paul Ryan CO VA WI CO VA Yes 41% 45% 41% 40% 34% No 39 33 32 26 28 Dont know enough 19 20 27 33 36 The Presidential Race: Candidate Qualities Heading into the final weeks of the campaign, Mitt Romney has established his leadership credentials with many voters in these states. While majorities think both presidential candidates have strong qualities of leadership, more think that of Mitt Romney than of Barack Obama.

WI 47% 28 25

Yes No

Do They Have Strong Qualities of Leadership? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Obama Romney Obama Romney Obama Romney 54% 67% 62% 64% 59% 65% 44 29 37 30 39 31

And confidence in Mitt Romneys ability to be an effective commander-in-chief has grown since last month in Colorado and Wisconsin. Still, in all three states more voters remain very confident in Barack Obama than in Mitt Romney. Confident in Candidate as Commander-in-Chief? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Barack Obama Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Very confident 35% 35% 41% 38% 37% 36% Somewhat confident 19 19 18 22 23 24 Not too/at all confident 46 44 41 40 40 40 Mitt Romney Very confident Somewhat confident Not too/at all confident 32% 27 39 24% 28 46 25% 30 44 23% 31 44 28% 29 41 23% 29 45

In Virginia and Wisconsin, more see Barack Obama rather than Mitt Romney as honest and trustworthy. Voters in all three states are divided as to whether Mitt Romney is honest and trustworthy. Are They Honest and Trustworthy? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Obama Romney Obama Romney Obama Romney 49% 47% 59% 47% 58% 47% 48 48 38 46 40 47

Yes No

Most voters continue to think Barack Obama cares about their needs and problems -- but voters in Colorado are divided about Mitt Romney, and half of voters in Virginia and Wisconsin dont think he cares. Little has changed on this measure for either candidate since September. Do they Care about Your Needs & Problems? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Obama Romney Obama Romney Obama Romney 54% 48% 63% 46% 61% 46% 42 48 34 49 36 50

Yes No

Just under half of voters in all three states think Mr. Obama has clearly explained his specific plans for the next four years but he fares better than Mitt Romney on this measure. Just about one in three thinks Mitt Romney has explained his plans; most do not.

Yes No

Have They Clearly Explained Their Plans? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Obama Romney Obama Romney Obama Romney 47% 37% 49% 34% 45% 33% 51 60 48 63 53 63

Overall views of the candidates have changed little in these three states since September. Mr. Obama continues to have a net favorable rating in both Virginia and Wisconsin, while Colorado voters are divided. Voters continue to be divided in their opinion of Mitt Romney in Virginia and Wisconsin, while in Colorado he is now viewed slightly more favorably than unfavorably. Views of the Presidential Candidates (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Barack Obama Favorable Unfavorable Mitt Romney Favorable Unfavorable 49% 48 48% 44 49% 47 46% 47 54% 43 46% 46 53% 43 45% 44

Wisconsin Now 9/19 50% 45 47% 45 52% 44 45% 44

The Economy and the Presidents Job Approval Rating Voters in all three states now see an improvement in the national economy, which remains the most important issue in the presidential election, far ahead of health care and the budget deficit. Is the National Economy Getting.? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Now 8/8 Now 8/8 37% 26% 42% 24% 37 42 35 38 25 31 22 36

Better Worse The same

Wisconsin Now 8/8 38% 25% 33 36 29 38

Voters views of their own states economy are also more positive now than last month. Is Your States Economy Getting.? Colorado Virginia 40% 33% 37% 30% 20 24 15 16 38 42 45 51 Wisconsin 35% 30% 18 29 45 40

Better Worse The same

Most Obama supporters in all three states think the national economy is getting better, while most Romney supporters think it is getting worse. Still, a perceived improvement in the economy hasnt done much to improve President Obamas job rating in these states. While his job approval rating is now above 50% in Virginia, more disapprove than approve of his job performance in Colorado and voters in Wisconsin are more divided.

Approve Disapprove Handling the Issues

President Obamas Job Rating (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Now 9/19 45% 47% 52% 49% 47% 51% 52 50 46 47 49 46

8/23 46% 49

In Virginia and Wisconsin, Mitt Romney continues to poll about evenly with Barack Obama on handling the economy, and he now has the advantage on this issue in Colorado (in September the two were nearly even). Who Would Do a Better Job on the Economy? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Barack Obama 44% 47% 48% 49% Mitt Romney 52 48 48 47

Wisconsin Now 9/19 47% 49% 49 46

Most voters in Virginia and Wisconsin continue to think Barack Obama will do a better job handling health care and Medicare, though Mitt Romney has now pulled about even with Mr. Obama on these issues in Colorado. Who Would Do a Better Job on Health Care and Medicare? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Health Care Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Now 9/19 Barack Obama 48% 49% 54% 52% 51% 51% Mitt Romney 47 45 42 44 44 45 Medicare Barack Obama 47% 49% 55% 52% 51% 50% Mitt Romney 46 44 40 42 44 43 On other issues, in all three states President Obama is seen as better at helping the middle class and handling an international crisis; and he leads on handling energy in Virginia and Wisconsin. Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama in all three battlegrounds on handling the budget deficit. Who Would Do a Better Job On Other Issues? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Obama Romney Obama Romney Obama Romney Helping the middle class An international crisis Taxes Energy issues The budget deficit 50% 49% 48% 46% 40% 45 45 47 49 54 55% 53% 50% 49% 43% 42 42 44 44 51 53% 52% 47% 49% 41% 43 42 49 44 53

Taxes, Spending, and the Deficit Most voters in all three states think they pay their fair share in taxes, though most think upper income Americans pay less than their fair share. Do They Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes? (Among likely voters) Do You? Do Upper Income Americans? CO VA WI CO VA WI 23% 29% 28% 15% 13% 12% 5 3 4 52 54 55 70 66 66 29 25 27

More than fair share Less than fair share About right

And majorities of voters in each state support the idea of raising the income tax on household incomes over $250,000 a year. Should Taxes on Incomes Over $250,000 be Raised to Reduce the Deficit? Colorado Virginia Wisconsin Support 62% 66% 65% Oppose 35 31 32 If they had to cut spending in order to reduce the deficit, voters in all three states would make changes to the military over Social Security and Medicare, by wide margins. Which Program Would You Change to Reduce the Deficit? (Among likely voters) Colorado Virginia Wisconsin The military 47% 47% 53% Social Security 21 21 18 Medicare 21 18 18 State Specific Issues A ballot measure on whether or not to legalize marijuana in Colorado will be up for a vote in November, and likely voters are divided on the issue. 45% think marijuana should be legalized in Colorado, while 46% do not. Should Marijuana Use Be Legalized in Colorado? (Among likely voters) Yes 45% No 46 In Virginia, which has one of the highest percentages of government workers, most voters see the federal government as central to job creation. 59% say it is very important, and another 25% say it is somewhat important, while just 14% say it is not too or not at all important.

How Important is the Federal Government in Creating Jobs in Virginia? (Among likely voters in Virginia) All Obama Voters Romney Voters Very important 59% 70% 46% Somewhat important 25 22 28 Not too/at all important 14 5 23 Wisconsin voters are divided in their views of labor unions -- 40% have a favorable view, while 41% view them unfavorably. Seven in 10 Obama supporters have a favorable view of labor unions, while a similar ratio of Romney voters views them unfavorably. Opinion of Labor Unions (Among likely voters in Wisconsin) All Obama Voters Romney Voters 40% 69% 11% 41 13 72

Favorable Not favorable Whos Supporting Who?

Colorado In Colorado, Romney now has a four-point edge with independents, while they were more divided a month ago. A gender gap still persists: women back the President, while Romney gets the support of men. Romney leads among older voters (and has expanded his lead among seniors), while the President has a big lead among young voters. Hispanics favor Barack Obama by nearly two to one. 2012 Vote for President - Colorado (Among likely voters) ----- Now ------- 9/19/2012 ---Obama Romney Obama Romney 47% 48 48% 47 42% 51% 60% 46% 36% 8% 94% 45% 41% 45% 37% 66% 52 45 34 50 59 89 5 49 53 51 55 34 43% 52% 53% 51% 42% 3% 97% 47% 44% 49% 40% 65% 52 43 43 45 52 94 2 46 52 48 55 31

All Men Women Age 18-34 Age 35-64 Age 65+ Republicans Democrats Independents Whites White, college degree White, no college degree Hispanics

Virginia President Obama continues to hold a double-digit lead among women in Virginia, while Mitt Romney leads among men by seven points. Each candidate gets strong support from their own political party, while independents are divided. Barack Obama leads Romney among younger voters and African Americans, while Romney is getting the support of seniors. Romney also has the edge with voters in military households. 2012 Vote for President - Virginia (Among likely voters) ----- Now ------- 9/19/2012 ---Obama Romney Obama Romney 51% 46 50% 46 45% 56% 59% 52% 41% 5% 97% 48% 38% 45% 34% 93% 46% 52 40 37 44 57 94 1 46 59 52 64 3 50 45% 54% 60% 50% 42% 3% 95% 42% 39% 48% 33% 93% 42% 51 42 34 47 54 95 4 53 57 49 62 5 54

All Men Women Age 18-34 Age 35-64 Age 65+ Republicans Democrats Independents Whites White, college degree White, no college degree Blacks Military Households

Wisconsin President Obama has just a three-point edge in Wisconsin. He does well among the states voters with college degrees, but those without one are divided. The President leads with younger voters, but older voters are divided in their support. President Obama is strongly favored among union households (about a quarter of likely voters in this poll). 2012 Vote for President - Wisconsin (Among likely voters) ----- Now ------- 9/19/2012 ---Obama Romney Obama Romney 50% 47 51% 45 46% 53% 57% 49% 51 43 41 47 47% 55% 57% 48% 49 42 37 48

All Men Women Age 18-34 Age 35-64

Age 65+ Republicans Democrats Independents Whites Have college degree No college degree Union households

47% 3% 95% 46% 47% 53% 48% 59%

49 94 3 48 50 44 48 37

52% 3% 98% 44% 48% 55% 50% 67%

45 94 1 50 48 43 46 30

Senate Races in Virginia and Wisconsin In Wisconsin, Democrat Tammy Baldwin and Republican Tommy Thompson are running neck and neck in the U.S. Senate race there. Democrat Tim Kaine continues to lead Republican George Allen in the race for U.S. Senate in Virginia. 2012 Senate Races (Among likely voters) Now 9/19/2012 48% 47% 46 47 51% 44 51% 44

Wisconsin Baldwin (D) Thompson (R) Virginia Kaine (D) Allen (R)

8/23/2012 44% 50 ---

8/8/2012 47% 47 48% 46

Rating the Governors The governors of all three states Republicans and Democrats alike receive positive job ratings from the likely voters in their state. Rating of Governors (Among likely voters) John Hickenlooper (D) - Colorado Bob McDonnell (R) - Virginia Scott Walker (R) - Wisconsin Approve 59% 52% 52% Disapprove 21 29 44

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This poll was conducted by telephone from Quinnipiac Universitys interviewing facility October 4-9, 2012. The number of likely voters interviewed in each state is 1,254 in Colorado, 1,288 in Virginia and 1,327 in Wisconsin. In all three states, phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the sample in each state could be plus or minus three percentage points in Colorado, Virginia, and in Wisconsin. The error for subgroups may be higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.


QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY/CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Colorado, Virginia and Wisconsin October 4-9, 2012 >att< How much attention have you been paying to the election campaign for President, a lot, some, only a little, or none at all? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 72% 72% 66% 21 19 24 5 6 7 1 3 3 -

A lot Some Only a little None at all DK/NA

1. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote? (If undecided) As of today, do you lean more toward Obama or Romney? (Table includes leaners and VA/WI early voters) Obama Romney SMONE ELSE(VOL) DK/NA CO 47% 48 2 2 VA 51% 46 1 3 WI 50% 47 3

1a. (If candidate chosen q1) Is your mind made up, or do you think you might change your mind before the election? ** AMONG VOTERS WHO CHOSE OBAMA OR ROMNEY IN Q1 ** CO VA WI 93% 93% 92% 6 6 7 1 1

Mind made up Might change DK/NA

1b. (If Obama q1) Is your mind made up, or do you think you might change your mind before the election? ** AMONG OBAMA VOTERS ** CO VA WI 93% 94% 91% 7 6 8 1 1

Mind made up Might change DK/NA

1c. (If Romney q1) Is your mind made up, or do you think you might change your mind before the election? ** AMONG ROMNEY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 94% 93% 94% 5 7 5 -

Mind made up Might change DK/NA


2. Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 49% 54% 50% 48 43 45 2 2 2 1 1 2

Favorable Unfavorable Hvn't hrd enough REFUSED

3. Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? Favorable Unfavorable Hvn't hrd enough REFUSED CO 48% 44 6 2 VA 46% 46 7 1 WI 47% 45 6 2

4. (If Obama q1) Would you describe your support for Barack Obama as strongly favoring him, or do you like him but with reservations, or do you support him because you dislike Mitt Romney? ** AMONG OBAMA VOTERS ** CO VA WI Strongly favor 68% 72% 69% Like/Reservations 23 23 23 Dislike Romney 9 5 7 DK/NA 1 5. (If Romney q1) Would you describe your support for Mitt Romney as strongly favoring him, or do you like him but with reservations, or do you support him because you dislike Barack Obama? ** AMONG ROMNEY VOTERS ** CO VA WI Strongly favor 60% 62% 63% Like/Reservations 25 27 25 Dislike Obama 15 9 12 DK/NA 2 6. (VA & WI) If the election for United States Senator were being held today and the candidates were Tim Kaine(VA)/Tammy Baldwin(WI) the Democrat and George Allen(VA)/Tommy Thompson(WI) the Republican, for whom would you vote? (If undecided) As of today, do you lean more toward Allen(VA)/Baldwin(WI) or Kaine(VA)/Thompson(WI)? (Table includes leaners and early voters) ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 51% 48% 44 46 5 5

Democrat Republican SMONE ELSE(VOL) DK/NA


7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way John Hickenlooper(CO)/Bob McDonnell(VA)/Scott Walker(WI) is handling his job as Governor? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 59% 52% 52% 21 29 44 20 19 3

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? Approve Disapprove DK/NA CO 45% 52 3 VA 52% 46 3 WI 47% 49 4

9. Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? Favorable Unfavorable Hvn't hrd enough REFUSED CO 36% 44 19 1 VA 43% 39 17 1 WI 36% 39 24 1

10. Is your opinion of Paul Ryan favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? Favorable Unfavorable Hvn't hrd enough REFUSED CO 38% 34 27 VA 38% 34 28 WI 46% 35 18 -

11. Do you think Joe Biden is or is not qualified to serve as President if it becomes necessary, or don't you know enough about Joe Biden to say? Qualified Not qualified Don't know enough DK/NA CO 41% 39 19 1 VA 45% 33 20 1 WI 41% 32 27 1

12. Do you think Paul Ryan is or is not qualified to serve as President if it becomes necessary, or don't you know enough about Paul Ryan to say? Qualified Not qualified Don't know enough DK/NA CO 40% 26 33 1 VA 34% 28 36 2 WI 47% 28 25 1


13. In deciding who you would like to see elected President this year, which one of the following issues will be most important to you, national security, the economy, energy, the budget deficit, taxes, health care, Medicare, or something else? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI National security 9% 7% 4% The economy 42 42 44 Energy 3 2 2 The budget deficit 11 11 11 Taxes 4 4 5 Health care 14 16 16 Medicare 6 9 9 something else 9 8 7 DK/NA 2 2 2 14. Compared to past presidential elections, how would you describe your level of enthusiasm about voting in this year's presidential election; are you more enthusiastic than usual, less enthusiastic, or about the same as usual? More Less About the same DK/NA CO 41% 12 46 VA 43% 11 45 WI 42% 10 48 -

15. Do you think the nation's economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse The same DK/NA CO 37% 37 25 1 VA 42% 35 22 1 WI 38% 33 29 1

16. Do you think (Colorado/Virginia/Wisconsin)'s economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse The same DK/NA CO 40% 20 38 2 VA 37% 15 45 3 WI 35% 18 45 1

17. Would you say that - Barack Obama cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not? Yes No DK/NA CO 54% 42 3 VA 63% 34 3 WI 61% 36 2


18. Would you say that - Mitt Romney cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 48% 46% 46% 48 49 50 4 5 4

Yes No DK/NA

19. How confident are you in - Barack Obama's ability to be an effective Commander-inChief of the nation's military; are you very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident? Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident DK/NA CO 35% 19 15 31 VA 41% 18 16 25 1 WI 37% 23 16 24 1

20. How confident are you in - Mitt Romney's ability to be an effective Commander-inChief of the nation's military; are you very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident? Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident DK/NA CO 32% 27 17 22 2 VA 25% 30 19 25 1 WI 28% 29 17 24 2

21. Would you say that Barack Obama - has strong leadership qualities or not? Yes No DK/NA CO 54% 44 2 VA 62% 37 2 WI 59% 39 1

22. Would you say that Mitt Romney - has strong leadership qualities or not? Yes No DK/NA CO 67% 29 4 VA 64% 30 6 WI 65% 31 4

23. Would you say that Barack Obama - is honest and trustworthy or not? Yes No DK/NA CO 49% 48 3 VA 59% 38 4 WI 58% 40 3


24. Would you say that Mitt Romney - is honest and trustworthy or not? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 47% 47% 47% 48 46 47 5 7 6

Yes No DK/NA

25. Do you think Barack Obama - has clearly explained his specific plans for the next four years, or hasn't he clearly explained them? Yes, explained No, has not DK/NA CO 47% 51 2 VA 49% 48 3 WI 45% 53 2

26. Do you think Mitt Romney - has clearly explained his specific plans for the next four years, or hasn't he clearly explained them? Yes, explained No, has not DK/NA CO 37% 60 2 VA 34% 63 3 WI 33% 63 3

27. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on - the economy, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 44% 52 4 VA 48% 48 4 WI 47% 49 4

28. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on health care, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 48% 47 6 VA 54% 42 4 WI 51% 44 5

29. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on helping the middle class, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 50% 45 5 VA 55% 42 4 WI 53% 43 4

30. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on Medicare, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 47% 46 7 VA 55% 40 5 WI 51% 44 6


31. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on taxes, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 48% 50% 47% 47 44 49 5 6 5

Obama Romney DK/NA

32. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on energy issues, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 46% 49 6 VA 49% 44 7 WI 49% 44 8

33. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job handling an international crisis, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 49% 45 6 VA 53% 42 5 WI 52% 42 6

34. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on - the budget deficit, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney DK/NA CO 40% 54 6 VA 43% 51 6 WI 41% 53 5

35. Which of these comes closer to your opinion, the United States is more successful when the government emphasizes self-reliance and individual responsibility, or the United States is more successful when the government emphasizes community and shared responsibility. Self-reliance Community BOTH (VOL) DK/NA CO 51% 43 3 4 VA 45% 45 4 6 WI 46% 46 3 6

36. As you may know, the largest items in the federal budget are the military, Social Security, and Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors. If you had to choose one, which of the following programs would you be willing to change in order to cut spending: Medicare, Social Security, or the military? Medicare Social Security The military DK/NA CO 21% 21 47 12 VA 18% 21 47 14 WI 18% 18 53 12


37. In order to reduce the federal budget deficit, do you support or oppose raising income taxes on household income over $250,000 per year? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 62% 66% 65% 35 31 32 3 3 3

Support Oppose DK/NA

38. Do you feel you pay more than your fair share in federal income taxes, less than your fair share, or is the amount you pay about right? CO More than fair share 23% Less than fair share 5 About right 70 DK/NA 2 VA 29% 3 66 2 WI 28% 4 66 2

39. What about upper-income Americans? Do you feel upper-income people pay more than their fair share in federal income taxes, less than their fair share, or is the amount they pay about right? CO More than fair share 15% Less than fair share 52 About right 29 DK/NA 5 VA 13% 54 25 7 WI 12% 55 27 6

40. Which candidate do you think did the best job, or won, Wednesday night's presidential debate, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Obama Romney TIE(VOL) DIDN'T WATCH(VOL) DK/NA CO 16% 72 3 6 4 VA 17% 70 3 7 3 WI 17% 65 4 11 4

41. Did you watch or listen to the presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on Wednesday, October 3rd or not? Yes No DK/NA CO 88% 11 1 VA 87% 12 1 WI 81% 18 -

42. (If watched/listened q41) In general, how did Wednesday night's debate affect your opinion of Barack Obama? Did it make you think better of him, worse of him, or didn't it affect your opinion? ** AMONG LIKELY VOTERS WHO WATCHED/LISTENED TO DEBATE ** CO VA WI Better 6% 9% 7% Worse 29 24 28 Didn't affct opinion 64 66 65 DK/NA 1 1 -


43. (If watched/listened q41) In general, how did Wednesday night's debate affect your opinion of Mitt Romney? Did it make you think better of him, worse of him, or didn't it affect your opinion? ** AMONG LIKELY VOTERS WHO WATCHED/LISTENED TO DEBATE ** CO VA WI Better 51% 44% 47% Worse 19 18 14 Didn't affct opinion 30 37 38 DK/NA 1 44. Did the presidential debate make you more likely to vote for Barack Obama, less likely, or did it have no effect on your vote choice? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 9% 10% 8% 19 18 17 71 70 71 1 1 4

More likely Less likely Had no effect DK/NA

45. Did the presidential debate make you more likely to vote for Mitt Romney, less likely, or did it have no effect on your vote choice? More likely Less likely Had no effect DK/NA CO 26% 13 60 1 VA 23% 12 63 2 WI 23% 10 64 4

46. Do you plan on watching or listening to the vice presidential debate on Thursday, October 11th, or not? ** TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS ** CO VA WI 85% 84% 81% 12 13 16 3 2 3

Yes No DK/NA

47. Who do you think will win the vice presidential debate, Joe Biden or Paul Ryan? Biden Ryan TIE (VOL) DK/NA CO 30% 47 1 22 VA 36% 41 1 21 WI 32% 49 1 19

48a. Do you think that the use of marijuana should be made legal in Colorado, or not? ** Yes No DK/NA AMONG COLORADO LIKELY VOTERS ** Tot Rep Dem Ind Men 45% 29% 62% 45% 49% 46 65 28 46 44 8 6 10 9 7 Wom 42% 48 10 Wht 44% 47 8 Hsp 44% 45 11


48b. How important is the federal government in creating jobs in your state, very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? AMONG VIRGINIA LIKELY VOTERS ** Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Very important 59% 48% 77% 52% 56% Somewhat important 25 27 20 29 22 Not too important 9 15 1 9 10 Not at all important 5 7 7 8 DK/NA 3 3 2 3 3 ** Wom 61% 28 7 2 2 Wht 53% 28 10 5 3 Blk 80% 14 3 2 2

48c. Is your opinion of labor unions favorable, unfavorable, or haven't you heard enough about them? ** Favorable Unfavorable Hvn't hrd enough REFUSED AMONG WISCONSIN LIKELY VOTERS ** Tot Rep Dem Ind Men 40% 9% 74% 36% 40% 41 74 9 44 44 15 14 16 15 12 4 4 1 5 4 VA 1288 3pts WI 1327 3pts Wom 40% 39 18 4 Wht 39% 44 13 4

SAMPLE OF LIKELY VOTERS CO Unweighted Total 1254 MoE (+/-%) 3pts

PARTY IDENTIFICATION Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? LIKELY CO 29% 27 39 4 VOTERS VA 28% 31 35 3 WI 27% 31 37 5

Republican Democrat Independent Other


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