Circular Descent by Ray Bianchi Book Preview

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By Raymond L. Bianchi

Circular Descent by Ray Bianchi Copyright 2004 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Cover Art by Waltraud Haas First Edition ISBN 0-9759227-2-6 ISBN 13 978-0-9759227-2-9 Library of Congress Control Number: 2004116019

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Archer & Pulaski The Laborer using unsanitary methods in the preparation of the bear meat fell sick and died, leaving three daughters. di origine preindoeuropea, che significa roccia, pietra. Infatti la grande protagonista del paesaggio carsico proprio la pietra, come racconta la leggenda sulla creazione del Carso. Dal punto di vista geografico, la parola Carso sta ad indicare laltopiano, una volta chiamato The bear butcher lived beneath the stands near the toilets Another peculiarity of Western culture is its strongly luxury bias, a belief that comfort determines the way things must be. "Mankind always takes up only such problems as it can solvewe will always find that the problem itself arises only when the material conditions for its solution already exist or are at least in the process of formation." Karl Marx, preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy dovuta alla sedimentazione di microrganismi (animali, vegetali e molluschi) in un vasto mare di acque tiepide e poco profonde, chiamato Tetide, che si estendeva per gran parte dellodierna Europa e di cui il Mediterraneo rappresenta il lembo estremo. I resti di questi microrganismiof all those whom he destroyed would be impossible, I think, for anyone but God to make. Sooner could one number, I fancy, the sands of the sea than the men this Emperor murdered. Examining the countries that he made desolate of inhabitants, I would say he slew a trillion people. For Libya, vast as it is, he so devastated that you would have to go a long way to find a single man, and he would be remarkable. 11

Fascist Bohemia II The Vittoriale is a beautiful spot on the shore of Lago di Garda, complete with a battleship that sticks out of the mountainside. Dimension color, composition. Reduce art sterile color Piet Mondrian Kasimir Malevich near-monochrome White is abandoned. Tatlin builds a tower to the heavens. Ballas boots kicking Matteotti to death. Jackson Pollock's erratic paint , Bull Connors fire hoses ripping Andy Warhols hair off by the root. The art world has reached a dead end. The urinal as sculpture encapsulates an age informed by Jennifer Lopez. Our creative process is a statement of nothingness. We went shopping at Home Depot For tools and nuts and Poets as priests without the pedophilia that is mass-produced in factory hog farms Flags are flying and vulgarity is codified the gas seeps in


Fractured Earth Fortress Anfo was built to stop the Austrian advance into Italy it sits at 1300 metres above sea level with a commanding view of Lago di Idro. War is exciting and ennobling, my great grandfathers fingers froze off in a prison camp near Merano but that was nothing significant. disintegrated, stylized human forms, an elegance poet is not an archaeologist, but please resurrect imitate past.


1917 fighting hole filled with terrorists white castle hamburgers White Sox won last in 1917 a year of war and slaughter on the Southside and the Somme


Asceticism Antony of the Desert kept moving towards the margins of his village in Egypt Away from beauty and calm And noise And song Toward hair shirts Tearing the flesh Burning the eyes bending joints Breaking Knees


Divinity Total enlightenment before the infinite universe means abstinence asexuality. energetic level of being-ness. Expressed sexuality has the potential to expand human consciousness,


Max Beckmann Meditation is quite cunning and very powerful. When you allow it to control you, rather than you control it, your conditioned thoughts of negativity restrict your sensuality and sexuality...and your very life-force. Because of this conditioning, you do not surrender to your sexual nature, thinking that sex and pleasure is wrong, and not spiritual, and that it is blasphemy against God. When you listen to the mind you cannot discover the joy and ecstasy that you could be experiencing if you were to truly let go. Spiritual sex has little to do with any appearances of "holier-than-thou" stereotypes. In fact, holding on to your conditioned view of spiritual sex limits the possibilities of it being used as a spiritual tool. Contemporary lovers call is the "vibes" they have for each other. Poets and pornographers address it yet differently. You are on earth in a body, not to transcend your humanness, but to understand and honor and love yourself as you are in form, as a true spiritual being. As you let go and become one with your lover, what takes place a union between your Divinity and your earthly animal being Lust and love are not enemies waging battle against each another. They indeed cry for union. When you surrender, the battle ends. Sexuality is a doorway into bliss. If you release your view of conditioned sex, you will enter into a dimension of pure ecstasy. As you continue the dance of uninhibited sexuality, you will enter into a state of consciousness that goes beyond mind. It is here that you can touch the face of God I call this unconditional love. As you fully embrace your pure animal nature, a magical embracing 17

of heaven and earth comes into existence for you. As you celebrate the gift of physical joy, you do not actually quite subdued there are still many others that don't let the viewer off so easy. It's primarily the execution and presentation that makes it like butter on popcorn.


Fall of Berlin Wall From a beetle being sliced in half with a razor blade to a scene in which Adolph literally bites the head off a small lizard, only strong stomachs need apply! Getting through the violence is one thing, managing to survive the disturbing dream sequences laced with bizarre comedic undertones is another. One particular sequence that comes to mind involves adolf urinating over the side of a building, only to imagine the whole town drowning in an ocean of his own urine! Not to mention the fact that another scene will cause you to never look at spaghetti and meatballs the same way ever again! As fantastic as it all sounds it's all here for your viewing pleasure. a sparkling anamorphic widescreen transfer. There are only minimal amounts of print damage present (mostly the occasional spec or film dirt). Grain is almost nonexistent and colors are extremely sharp and vivid. Bear in mind that some of the dream/fantasy sequences were meant to be grainy and scratchy and remain so during this presentation. This disc is really a wonder to behold,


Texas Slap the oddest examples of a celebrity interview I have ever seen. In between his off color comments Arrabal picks up a chair and swings it around as well as removing a shoe and sniffing the inside only to remark on how good it smells. Yeah right! I hate to use the term whack job, but yeah, I guess most geniuses are whack jobs. Other extras include a trailer for Arrabal's second film I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse (due out in a few months on DVD from Cult Epics as well) and a brief still gallery of promotional lobby cards. The entire package is rounded off with a fold out booklet with interesting liner notes. Fans of the Spanish surrealist movement (or any surrealist movements for that matter!) will be overjoyed by this release. Fans of Jodorowsky etc. Will probably find a lot to like in this moving masterpiece. Cult Epics has done a tremendous job with this title, and I eagerly await the release of I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse.


Kodiak Bears either land or water. Many have compared this island to the Alaskan panhandle. It shares the same relative latitude: 550 Some of the same industries: oil, fishing, with similarly high wage rates. And the same frontier spirit of independence and diligence. See it on a map of Chilean & Argentinean outdoor attractions (#16). What's There Tierra del Fuego is surrounded on three sides by two oceans. The winds blow this way from the Pacific, and that way from the Atlantic, constantly bringing clouds and rain storms. The coastal wildlife is rich and diverse, with many sea birds, and seals and walruses. On the interior, North American beavers, Arctic reindeer, and European rabbits, all introduced by white settlers as cash crops, have distorted the rivers and streams and devastated the local flora. And local sheep farmers, convinced that the native duck and geese, and their natural predators, native foxes, were too much competition for their flocks, have also done much damage to the local fauna. You'll need to read this more than once. OK? Good. Now, take a deep breath and life of the modern slave -- the slave of the factory, the sweatshop, and the mine. The lash which drives the latter can not either be seen or heard: most people do not believe that it exists -- it is the cant of the philanthropist and the political convention that it does not exist. This slave is never hunted by bloodhounds; he is not beaten to pieces


Born Again Christians by picturesque villains nor does he die in ecstasies of religious faith. His religion is but another snare of the oppressors, and the bitterest of his misfortunes; the hounds that hunt him are disease and accident, and the villain who murders him is merely the prevailing rate of wages. And who can thrill the reader with the tale of a man-hunt, in which the hunted is a lousy and ignorant foreigner, and the hunters are the germs of consumption, diphtheria, and typhoid? Who can make a romance out of the story of a man whose one life adventure is the scratching of a finger by an infected butcher-knife, with a pine box and a pauper's grave as the dnouement? And yet it may be just as painful to die of blood-poisoning as to be beaten to death; to be tracked by bloodhounds and torn to pieces is most certainly a merciful fate compared to that which falls to thousands every year in Packingtown -to be hunted for life by bitter poverty, to be ill clothed and badly housed, to be weakened by starvation, cold and exposure, to be laid low by sickness or accident -- and then to lie and watch while the gaunt wolf of hunger creeps in upon you and gnaws out the heart of you, and tears up the bodies and souls of your wife and babies." The Appeal to Reason (Socialist), of Girard, Kan., in commenting along the same line upon the scant attention paid to the laborer in Packingtown, observes: "It seems that the public becomes enraged only when deliberate murder is planned and actually done upon itself. It seems to me that not less important and alarming are 22

Darkest the conditions which indicate the existence in America of a serfdom not less abject than in Darkest Russia. If such a slavery were possible in packinghouses under our blessed capitalism, then it is certainly possible in all our corporate industries, and the contention of Socialists that there does exist under the present system of wages and profit a tyranny as oppressive as ever welded shackles to limbs of freemen is justified." In looking for arguments or statements from the packers' side we have examined Mr. J. Ogden Armour's recent book, "The Packers, the Private Car Lines, and the People," but Mr. Armour does not treat the subject of labor. Fans of surrealist cinema like that of Alejandro Jodorowsky will be overjoyed with this release of Fernando Arrabal's first feature Viva La Muerte (Long Live Death). Quite often upsetting and over the top, it's also an extremely beautiful and fulfilling film (to say the least) at the same time. Part of the artistic Panic Movement described as "an amorphous combination of burlesque, surrealist actions and art" Viva La Muerte is an important piece to the puzzle of world cinema, and I'm ecstatic to have this title on DVD. Cult Epics has really stepped up to the plate on this one giving us a remarkable presentation of a most remarkable film. Young Fando lives with his mother, and the two share a special relationship. Told that his father was arrested for treason (and eventually executed), Fando discovers evidence in the form of a letter that his mother may indeed have been the one that actually turned him in. Unable to believe 23

Dixie Chicks Marco Polo embarks on a journey to try and find out the truth behind the lies he has been told. The story is presented in real time clips as well as inventive flashbacks. Throughout the story, there are also multi colored dream/fantasy sequences (using video footage and gels) which allow the viewer to delve into the psyche of these most unique characters even further. Outrageous, gritty, shocking, over the top and brilliant these are all words that can be used to describe Long Live Death and still will not do the film any amount of justice whatsoever. The story comes complete with characters that just scream pain and agony, is understood and searching for some kind of truth or meaning. Children are really the centerpiece of the film, children that are trapped in a world of corruption, revolt and corporal punishment in schools. You will feel emotionally drained and exhausted after watching this film, it's not an easy experience not easy, but wholly fulfilling. While some scenes of onscreen violence are was not to expose "the condemned-meat industry," but rather to "make the average American sympathize with the story of the foreign-born wage-slave in Packingtown." "I do not wish to be ungracious," he adds, "but I fear that 'The jungle' would have been much longer in doing its work had its appeal been simply to the hearts and consciences of its readers and not at all to their stomachs." He goes on: "And yet we are tied up in the same country with these strangers, and their fate is our fate; the way our country goes in the future depends upon what opportunities and what life we give them. They are coming here at the rate of a million a 24

year, and if we think that we can allow them to be beaten and degraded without limit, and not pay a fearful penalty for it ourselves, we make a great mistake. "The whole country is at this moment struggling against the power of the trusts. You yourself are suffering from their encroachments and are fighting to free yourself. And it is the power of the political machine which holds you down; and the power of the machine is founded upon the foreign vote, which is bought.... "About twelve years ago old P. D. Armour, at the close of a great strike, had declared with an oath that he would fix the population of Packingtown so that it would never call a strike upon him again; and so he had set his agents at work to bring out hordes of emigrants from Eastern Europe -Lithuanians, Poles, Bohemians, and Slovaks. I met dozens of men who had come as a direct result of his endeavor. Strangers had come to their village -- men who spoke their own language and were familiar with their ideas, and who told wonderful tales about free America and about the great packing-factories and the tremendous wages that were paid there. One could get over for almost nothing, for arrangements had been made with the steamship company, and so they had sold out all that they owned and come, sometimes whole families of them, sometimes half a dozen families from a single village. They had poured into Packingtown, one swarm after another; and as a result old P. D. Armour had had all the labor he could use and had beaten down wages to the starvation point and made himself one of the richest men in America and his son one of the half-dozen masters of the destiny of the American people." These ignorant strangers, he adds, "had been plundered from the moment 25

they left their native village." On every hand they are cheated and preyed upon by grafters, real-estate sharks, and what not. Mr. Sinclair condenses a section of "The Jungle," showing how houses are sold to immigrants on the installment plan and then taken from them, after hundreds of dollars have been paid in, for inability to pay an installment at a certain time. He continues: "The typical tenement-house in Packingtown is a two-story frame building having four small rooms on a floor. A floor will be rented by a family, which will then take in boarders to help make expenses. Single men, of whom there are large numbers, occasionally rent a flat for themselves. Most of the Poles and Slavs with whom I talked said that they were saving up money to get away from America because the work was too hard for them to stand. They live sometimes as many as thirteen in a room, renting a room and employing a woman to cook for them cooperatively. They have mattresses spread on the floor, covered with blankets which are never changed until they wear out; and frequently the same mattress is owned by a day man and a night man and thus never gets a chance to get cold. The filth and vermin in these rooms are, of course, beyond any words; and, needless to say, in the winter time no fresh air ever gets into the building. Living in homes such as this, and working ten or twelve hours a day under terrific pressure -- and liable to work fourteen in rush season -- the men have very little vitality left, and know no way to spend their money except in drink.... "When I had finished 'The Jungle' I went through it and cut out everything that sounded like preaching. Here is one of the paragraphs which I cut out -- the best statement I can make upon this question: 26

"'Once upon a time a great-hearted woman set forth the sufferings of the black chattel-slave and roused a continent to arms. She had many things in her favor which can not be counted on by him who would paint s brutally confiscated , in the ways I have described, by Justinian and Theodora. But how they were able to rob even the Senate of all its property I shall now reveal. There was in Constantinople a man by the name of Zeno, grandson of that Anthamius who had formerly been Emperor of the West. This man they appointed, with malice aforethought, Governor of Egypt, and commanded his immediate departure. But he delayed his voyage long enough to load his ship with his most valuable effects; for he had a countless amount of silver and gold plate inlaid with pearls, emeralds and other such precious stones. Whereupon they bribed some of his most trusted servants to remove these valuables from the ship as fast as they could carry them, set fire to the interior of the vessel, and inform Zeno that his ship had burst into flames of spontaneous combustion, with the loss of all his property. Later, when Zeno died suddenly, they took possession of his estate How Justinian killed a trillion people That Justinian was not a man, but a demon, as I have said, in human form, one might prove by considering the enormity of the evils he brought upon mankind. For in the monstrousness of his actions the power of accurate reckoning dialectical antagonism back to elements of postmodern art At least since medieval times, there has been a motivating sense of antagonism between then and now, between ancient and modern. A rejection of ones predecessors seems almost instinctively generational. The result of this historical 27

dialectic is that Western culture recognizes no single tradition. History is carved up into conceptual periods and tradition is constituted and indeed energized by what is combat with it. modernism Another peculiarity of Western culture is its strongly historicist bias, a belief that history determines the way things must be. "Mankind always takes up only such problems as it can solvewe will always find that the problem itself arises only when the material conditions for its solution already exist or are at least in the process of formation, preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy of all those whom he destroyed would be impossible, I think, for anyone but God to make. Sooner could one number, I fancy, the sands of the sea than the men this Emperor murdered. Examining the countries that he made desolate of inhabitants, I would say he slew a trillion people. For Libya, vast as it is, he so devastated that you would have to go a long way to find a single man, and he would be remarkable.


Sit on a Pillar Celibacy and abstinence in America natural joyfilled lust has been condemned. Religions tell true seekers to drop their earthly desires including sex, as if it were an article of clothing. knowing that all the Universe is contained within. I realize that some of you are feeling somewhat uncomfortable reading this. Yet, is not sexuality a true physical affirmation of human Love? Why not include sex and God in the same breath? Why would you ever want to see them as opposing forces rather than as loving partners? we were created through the act of sexual intercourse how can we place such restrictive feelings and emotions to our natural self? The energetic level of being-ness. Expressed has the potential to expand human consciousness, meditation. cunning and powerful. conditioned thoughts of negativity restrict your life to one of soap on a rope in the vestry. you castrate and sit on a pillar


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