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Elemental Perceptions: A Panorama

Sophie Sills

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

Elemental Perceptions: A Panorama by Sophie Sills Copyright 2010 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Cover art: "Interventionby Sean Higgins First Edition ISBN: 978-1-60964-026-2 Library of Congress Control Number 2010931942 BlazeVOX [books] 303 Bedford Ave Buffalo, NY 14216

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The flaw, the gap which is the aware of being, tho it is within it. The flaw on which being presses. George Oppen

This is How a Prism Works

The light enters the glass, bending and refracting it, breaking it up into its constituent colors. The tower separates the color from the light. She said, believe me that you're a beautiful human being. Think of your insides like a grand spectrum, a forgivable animal, teasing and mortal. The big mirror splintered, then came the din, bearing the cosmos and urging you. You are a body, but try watching your mind think, listen to the maundering; it traces the pacific coast. You can mesmerize all that daunting blue. And when the light breaks, try to appreciate the view.

They see the place they stand in Dont know anything about the place

But the brain stores the image away

They stood in the place and walked away And the place came to disappear

Pains, or color are intrinsically conscious There cannot be unconscious pain Or unconscious red
Later he dreams because for consciousness, there is sleep

Sleep is the consolidation of this and all information

What sort of place?

The brain takes this place Imagines how it might feel

In dreams, red flies beyond its dominion The inaudible Muddled and sea wash Dreaming wind of fire

These too are stored

Of patterns not substance Not red but patterns of red

Through perception we are conscious for moving things

The redder from the red What kind of red?

But fear is neurological conditioned and traceable

Seeing in the coherent system of mechanisms Not in their function but meaning

those same neurons reactivated upon remembering

The next time he sees the place

His brain compares it to the stored fantasies, and keeps those that agree with this experience
A language tumescent in an encompassing dream The flood wandering ankle-deep mutable red sky remembered in the red lakes the body slips out of its skin gone quiet under the red

one of color the other the experience of color each memory has a unique representation
What sort of red? besides The bridge to what place?

Each event belonging to the whole


In dreaming, the neurotransmitter brings what is background up close

All are musical and patterned, his desire to redden the lake

the neurotransmitter prompts the brain to give abnormal importance to its own representations
The man losing his form into that of the red lake As the sun goes down sees only the red of seeing

The condition
Where she says, I am the I in I love you As Ive willed it,

not the substance

Of her is his perception of the place There was a place What sort of you? He asks

Neurons give a story about red Neurons give a story reactivated upon remembering you
And the man says, It is not will

The neurons form the trace for that memory

What sort of red?

In this way, the brain builds up categories that abstract the elements of the world
What sort of story? He says, It isnt a story, its a threat


In every atom are a hundred blazing suns. Mahmud Shabistari

The impulse of the universe to bring like and like together happens everyday. Particles distend. Streaming from my chest, fingers full of fish. The sound is a shape of birds emerging from the city. Their unknitting makes passages closing behind them. And no end in the pinch between land and dark. A lattice of ropes, veranda, a handful of hair strands. Each separate as whole. Hippocrates said all things are in sympathy. A million edges and eyes enfold in a dark city. As they do, I open a window to the city, to the smell of a strange lake. I am without individual existence. Knowing and fear have the same form as bird and fish. Animal to flight is woven together with the smell of water and cold happening over a lake. Weeping with fists of fish is only one pattern. The objects are solid and moving beneath.


All are musical and patterned


The sand and the pail, and even our moving eyes are not things but possibilities to choose from. We stand here strong as bullets, dreaming that the incorporeal soul is possible. And it is popular. But this soul is material in essence. Memories of experience are preserved in the brain. Our dream body shifts from one identity to another, a sojourn of temporary residences. The interrelation of all things affects one another faster than the speed of light. The sunlight through the water only as waves of possibility. In the atoms of our consciousness, structures disappear. Think of your thoughts like mercury. Feeling is earthed into actuality. Waves in the sea, with all that was and all that will be swaying in quantum foam.


The winter light is like the halo that surrounds space elements. A pile of pine tree branches in a heap outside my back door lay as a reminder that the breakdown of the natural world begins with a decline in luster. We fret, as if we are the sole agents of the dead and disappearing. There was preparation, but it has passed. And that smell of sweet and cold. The channels travel straight like the trigger to a moment relived. Youre leaving work now, in the evening, when the light is all violence and dusk. Travel down the trembling line with your headlights on. This cold erects emptiness. And Im already tired of the dark coming so early. Ready to build a fire. Build it from everything we own.


What is background brought up close


Ive been careful not to go under some distends of space. Because electromagnetic radiation cant escape the event horizon and because tarnished stars quell from this dreams bank. Within all connected matter is a leaking torrent stitched to its center. Wanting a reason to empty danger of shadow and rhythm. I return solitude and insomnia for headache pills, cigarettes. My death unfolds in the last dream, a cracking of further clouds. Birds turn upside down. Ensnarled in dusk, even oceans boil. I tumble in charred branches and wander the hills. Im outside my memorys oscillating tantrums, stubborn humiliations of panic and toothache. Every nightshade in all of dark nature has gone to fire, a labyrinth bound by sutures of sulfur and what cannot be placed. Each blooming burden fulfills a purpose. I still walk this lighted maze.


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