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incidental music

Jane Joritz-Nakagawa

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

incidental music by Jane Joritz-Nakagawa Copyright 2010 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Cover art by Joanne G. Yoshida Book design by Geoffrey Gatza First Edition ISBN: 9781935402947 Library of Congress Control Number 2009944208 BlazeVOX [books] 303 Bedford Ave Buffalo, NY 14216

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sonnet: below heaven before the death of an innate magnetism lower edges of lightning manual labor for and by animals in the bruised sky magazines are tombstones that fake humanity like the meshing of a dead man's teeth dust floats on the surface to marinate in the womb or the thoughts i now juxtapose gangrene that dried up its bones gone to sea again in their coffin landscapes


SONNET I The day crosses the Landscape and Left at An intersection commemorating Energy jubilation dissolves Only so much at Exactly the moment i Feel so Walls placed around me To ease up from the womb like a Border of white canes you Can't pass Yet Falling through


POEM I warlike nourishing plague moldy residue of a teleplay blankness fallen calm catastrophe in the terrible ground canceled skies in the terrible dark epigram of a shrieking heaven calloused grass pale against the sky soon this work will be finished and close to leaving the earth


Sonnet: stephen hawking 1

Scientists have been too occupied with the development of new theories Thus if one knows the wave at one time End of time for anyone Positions and velocities However, if we do discover a complete theory Existing is the unified theory No particle positions and velocities How or why were the laws Across the sky that could be predicted in advance Would not intervene in the universe Known collectively as massive vector It is believed that this force is carried Normal situations, this symmetry God would still have had complete freedom



South pole looks rather somber Time is always measured vertically Each observer could use radar muted or absorbed Perhaps Horizontally the observer's path through space Ever larger black holes Never, mutually inconsistent However larger As the matter spirals Which totals about Kilograms more or less but It will not be enough / In 1933 Hitler came to power Nucleus in an atom Gravity even when


PANTOUM (2) last rites knockdown rule innuendo torso crackerjack baking powder pallor not only could the home listener enjoy a kind of room tone crackerjack baking powder pallor at a focal point created by the surrounding walls a kind of room tone computer music frozen in stone at a focal point created by the surrounding walls uncertain catalogues obscure seas of common sense computer music frozen in stone welding phenomenological scalpels


EULOGY I heard part of her survived. Which part of her survived? I heard the dead were laughing. What were they laughing about? I couldn't listen anymore. My throat closed. I stopped speaking. Food too became a distant memory. Which part of me will die first? I would like to give you just a finger, not my whole hand. In my hand a whole world sits. Whose world was that? Why did it not stand? Was it really my finger?


CINQUAIN A numb sex fleetingly soft targets toxic doyen acquaintances bitten by dust pastiche


CINQUAIN B naked alphabet game eternally fleeting trembling in distant time the dumb eggplant


CINQUAIN C ropey vein bikini wax lightning director impeccable environs are rednecks


CINQUAIN D lap dance aids and abets person of interest flogged diaspora more global meltdown


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