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Phoems for Mobile Vices

Rich Murphy

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

Phoems for Mobile Vices by Rich Murphy Copyright 2009

Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza First Edition ISBN: 9781935402527 Library of Congress Control Number: 2009925630 BlazeVOX [books] 14 Tremaine Ave Kenmore, NY 14217 publisher of weird little books

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Menu Fish hook with line cut


Returnables The sardine cans follow one another into the city while a poet relaxes all day, crosses your tracks, dots your landscape, and if you read one of his poems, youve read them all. Come out, come out, wherever. You are! The sardine cans follow one another out of the city. Your life is filled with a house and its tools, saturated with olive oil and prosody.


Fish Market Wrapping ourselves in newspaper to hide from ourselves each one of us is shipped back and forth, back and forth on subway cares until a cat cries of hunger.


The Blessing of the Fish

Farmed in barrels where college degrees are cast without hook or line consumers range their freedom while through the peep sight of best business practices laws of lands execute.


Overhead Compartments Aluminum tubes juggled as high as 40,000 feet flush folk across terrain and bath water bodies. Sequined runway sirens alert pipefitter models Righty-Tighty to join I Loathe Loosie for the pleasures in face-to-face bedroom intercourses, relieving tent poles and leotards. Si and Stretch, when each pressurized yet unflappable cylindrical citizen hails, taxi.


Beach Toys International business men surf tsunamis. Be assured as a Sherpa.


Solutions Oil separates from thirst-quenching empathy. Shaken or stirred, respect anoints its own state.


Chiquita State In democratic chambers, oligarchs twist arms until soldiers mean business and ribs pump liquidity into barrels.


Sewer Department The open colonial baggage flows through the streets at the feet of the tourist who weighed in at touch down or gang plank. Resort rustlers round up imperial bellies to traipse gushing their crude sun and sand through backyards.


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