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by Jared Schickling

BlazeVOX [books] Buffalo, NY

Submissions by Jared Schickling Copyright 2008 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Cover image by Alec Maslowski First Edition ISBN: 1-934289-73-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-934289-73-0 Library of Congress Control Number : 2008929004

BlazeVOX [books] 14 Tremaine Ave Kenmore, NY 14217

publisher of weird little books

BlazeVOX [ books ]
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(variations on a theme)
My absence joined the throng / as it made its way toward the exit

Re-entering, the valley their rivers bombarded Gift sprung, from gravitys core (imitates an art, its oils gift Sure intelligence sees it eddies where an endlessness) Moving, an art slides (the oils fish) free (be leaf) as he plucks again stick to worm still drawing sun to (cast) through missiles like grace, the whirling reeling rides re-enters (ploop) silence. Of pocked, desiccated slopes.

(the pump) (issued) Injured dog would enter (lives) with big dumb Eyes all alone, controlling her functions long as she could Along the fence running a track Would get so relaxed feeling More and more resuming life apparent, without pity Barely born, in a swamp (swamp achieved Purposes, & the house would not let go) The litters runt surviving whose favorite cuddly cat Shed paw nip & wagging it (moved in too, scrawny malicious territorial) Appeared, through a window, one evening to confuse needs apparent So when warmth-sought winters fats his new hairs yank (more pumps from high down in its perch an older model yawning what watched this favorite reach in his flesh) no At home laying out food yr nuts Intelligence piss yr site its firing & How all its sight took place

(rings) recorded the spurt every seventeen years. 1 Near where I grew up (another planet) hatching cicada (morning groping) up the trunk bigger surge on the planet (by afternoon hatched again) wings in to ~ dawn solidified shells Some have been lucky to see (this fools miss say trees at sundown) sluggish (theyve all lain their eggs) many leaves are missing all across the wood sink ~ fills the (air fills the same news)

(& totally clumsy seed-to-seed)

In northeastern American woodlands a brood of periodical cicada nymphs hatch drop and burrow into the ground where for seventeen years they feed on sap from tree roots, passing through five molts. Then all at once in late spring they tunnel to the surface, largest migration on the planet, up into tree branches, where they take their sixth. Soon the woods inhabitants are gorging themselves on these adults as they mate lay eggs and die. Their carcasses piled and decomposing, their eggs hatching and the cycle beginning again. Predator satiation. Theres a brood passing somewhere every year with trees recording inordinate growth.


tossing a boned quiet days

(the bug) Him thinking thought he lets it pass. Familiar company. Their empty power not astounding. B conducts historiography of none in time he in-crease a yes & lucid. re-acted. Same underwear. locate the restorations of which we hear. Fringe dead whom B keeps meetin. He real big nuttin minus its trick purity; his basis for anything. A kind of well disaster; this had managed to demoralize the units. Hed work none at all at this-B, everyones talking ah-ha! he-suh! good B that what they still needneeded wont take from any needthat what we therefore need promises unlike whatever achievements yet free communities a pitch! sayin history in this one oooo we when we pull this one off day no awawd constant sneakin Daysmoday makin too real-like make nothin. Sho! cuyses since kneehighwes here, been here, das all. Feelin sumpin woyse too. Rhetorical-nuttin. Ill put a gold chain around your neck and a good gold chain it will be look boyOur imaginations changeof what: Physical now knows no needdem no do no thanky no

(fecunditys halved original replicates and, whole again, finds its original partner without guilt swaps material, splits again, four eight sixteen thirty-two, half original) (X) 3

Of the primordial elements or deathless gods sprung from Chaos in Hesiods Theogony the fairest is Eros who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all and who, by forcing Gaia and Uranus to their incestuous union, inspires life on earth. In Platonic love, as in The Golden Ass, the drama of Eros and Psyche speaks to the urge to transform particularized relationships into communion with the divine through

mysteries of the Other; unrelenting thrust toward deliverance from the miseries of an unenlightened life; need for a third term linking agent to subject. Yet an objection to eros and erotic representation is that it fosters a subject/object relationship in which the object of desire is mere projection of the needs of desiring subject...Love as eros...erotic engagement paradoxically individuates and de-individuates the desirer and so on, Wikipedia.

Isnt real simply adding emphasis, like underscoring or italics, or an irritating 4 redundancy?

his lyric be driven dropped let go diffuse picture keeps whats been wind through leaves ( )

shutter stripped blocks cold night to sleep ( )

no lingering tinge of burnt sleep so the night at night would unobstructed, undisturbed shuttered ( )

them news vast no stoic portals faade gaping were breathing

Reality being the perception. Actual being the staring back at you. So it seams. (CPR)

(oceans) (the migrant) hardest known natural material for her finger Im delivered an ocean away from oppressive mines, the done good something puts a notion in the head a wonder what was then divided putting it ~ on her finger for ~ her its begins implements everywhere scattered about my bedroom clothed and talking guess-what-needsdoing uh huh could I ever break it to your mother that thered be no church & wed roast a pig its solid question ~ important faraway what lay buried -invites & cake light was caught implements by Marisols hand

(paper bag) (construction) light sprawling curve blue river big problems ~ spilled a lunch, and cooing pigeons came down from the sun, beyond the third-order tower door, shitting everywhere, in a glaring handless noon, the drooling sleeves soaked years, celestial across the mouth a, dead telephone completely removed o ~ nothing happened. right away. the wind is dead. years and years and years and years in to two days twelve hours three minutes and three seconds left according to at least one clock. ~ on a cold one in Manhattan. what once were hotdogs near the booth. day smokes rising, the glass of it glints: Who wants to see you can shatter at will whats up there that isnt down here ~ even before you lost it. flying rats MET steps, you make for better beggars youre always poor.

(i and the village)

The fingers must be educated, the thumb is born knowing.

tarradiddle dont worry theyve my sickle keep singing in the wash And the house (nowin the woods!) If theres a few rumored houses turned upside down their backs to us believe me each have been green in the face with envy (here, Beast, I bears this cosmic sprig (the fields that were protected are protected Your solid men keep the church surrounded it stands there nakeda rosary bead were coming were coming) between our ladys milkings (no worries theyve my sickle

(the bug) heat- Scandalous! send the world to bitstheres our B, in bloom. Not that they would ever say could be the opposite. They dont, wont, all & all together. B no caregenius B the whole affairParting their preferring their mannered way straighten shirt. Under-skirt. salivasinvention convention. With affect Appropriate. inquires. Cheers even. How B fusses him shaggy sort. Poor thing you know he be o please silent sound of this o positive sound poor, poor B. He showin dem folk him usul self- Wes keep on tellin im o day proper waysbut the good ones sho, his could & could be, him lef us undimin e ncouragin- we say! shoo-suh encourged Good Bslap-polished ole chap-

As with any ring, like a wall 5 theres always something to soothe the stuff swelling brilliantly under it-

(binary, alleles, strung hierarchically along) (X until the message splits)

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society, Freuds nephew. Anothers neighbor: Before I built a wall Id ask to know what I was walling in or walling out, and to whom I was like to give offence.

(shipped in) (a palimpsest) 6 The wind plays the world like an instrument. Having purged its indigenous marooned & so skank so a truth all over I &I re-born in clearest-water Mau get out Mau get out mistransliteration no foreign substance touches your head I know a place so you stir from your deadpan night of imposture & step out to hear it this morning I know a place, soon you will cross it at its bridge will this place will be a colored place So anything else & it will not real I knows a place, skinned over color-coded men on t-shirts laughing in corners cuts you a coconut as two fists no Acquaint us no projects no terrible suns not like web of mist from some cataracts, here would be a field of torrents The parking lot effaced I

Maroon, runaway slave in the West Indies. Mau Mau, Kikuyu insurrection in Colonial Kenya. The names origins are unclear, participants did not refer to themselves as such, a mistransliteration of uma uma / get out get out. Later according to popular usage to menace, denounce, attack, intimidate. Some say a photograph of Mau Mau dreaded locks inspired Rastafarianisms strict rules for tending ones head including a prohibition on combs and razors and washing with pure, natural water. But in deploring all isms some consider these rules guidelines, nonessential.

knows a place This city belongs to no one gleamed in its machete Or plate tectonics or rigid streets I know a place on loan & full of intentions where canid classes in spiked leash to possess its own samurai culture I knows a place where no orchards so you dole it out I know a place wu we ken k -ree o-o-o-n key of G as well as C

(after the rut. a branch in the trail.) (e.g. systems) rooting around some alert dog wags what was the thinking you odd elk with that branched rack of abundant if lichen does deposit soft tread tundra by hallows eve so do you similar bones grow in the commons. do you know it regular courage games of marbles passing my neighbors shining at six if loss cry baby you carry it with you

(a trajectory through phase-space) Mirrors. Shave and put appropriate shirts on becoming it it turns it. Headed out. No choke will he. Recalls a training at twenty-three. Its under it. Simple dreams to have remembered different. Billions, fabric born -his barter could be worse but could still be o how the place haggles hes there then feels with the in well secure X-mass dealing its skilled about the tender shopping like dependingWas trucked in. His nothing would affect us. ~ Spent then. See him tricked again. Gaining half his endurance there. So I would know within it. Feel. Share. His whole vesseling its parthistorical malls are filled. Another news initial conditions.

(high plateau) in vocationshoe-wipers flower-leavers nothing lost window the high plateau. A search for madness has brought holiday mourners. Some religion. Obvious pronouncers of names. Ropers off. Stone fountain. Flowers o now knocking door wish he wouldnt remember for them

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