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Katrinka Moore

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

Thief by Katrinka Moore Copyright 2009 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza First Edition ISBN: 9781935402473 Library of Congress Control Number 2009925623

BlazeVOX [books] 303 Bedford Ave Buffalo, NY 14216 publisher of weird little books

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Frame A girl weaves through pedestrians on the avenue, selects intentionlessthis street. If there were sun it would not reach here, certainly not now, late winter banked hard against the curb. Where to get warm, to wait, to rest? She edges down steps to Used Books & Maps, trading grey light for brown. A bell clangs in the silent room. Shifts from flow time to eternal present, travels by touch from shelf to bin, book to book. Finds one, hand sewn binding, worn cover, pages like cloth. It falls open.



Unreliable Narrator Shes hapless, for one thing. Each flutter of wings turns her head. Each terrain takes her in. Her heart holds the scraggly grass in a lot on the outskirts of town. Her minds an unruly breeze blowing through sandstone. ~ ~ ~ The problem is the worlds so insubstantial so full of light & air but we feel its a weighed-down thing, leaning full force against us. That childs hiding her light under a bucket. Ashes. This jumble of grey rock shaded by tree-of-heaven, mossy in its darkest spots. ~ ~ ~ Its too crowded in here. Too heavy. If you believe what she says.



Either from the center or to the center. Start by the creek deep in the hemlocks, take the sun-spilled path. Or walk from the road through ghost trees hardwoods felled making way for thorns catching at you holding you, brambles so thick youve got to stomp a path in, arms raised above fierce black raspberries. To or from.



Gravity, Levity Egrets at hooves in the horse pasture. One idles on a pintos rump. Late in the day the birds gather & fly over creeks and towns back to the salt marshes. The horses roll in the mud to fend off insects. ~ ~ ~ What about the time they called her and she wouldnt answer, laughing from high in the live oak, looking down at them. She could have dropped acorns on their heads.



Swimming in air its not as hard as youd think. Im so light I keep afloat just by treading though the brightness is hard to adjust to. I didnt know oxygen would be so dazzling. Maybe its the nitrogen that shines, or dust particles reflecting sunlight theres dust everywhere, moving slower than youd believe possible but then, Im also moving rather slowly into the air, through the air, toward whatever comes after the air. Yes, Im sure theres something at the end though I havent found it yet and at my current pace it may be quite some time before I do. I like this floating so much I dont want to paddle to the edge just to peek. I think theres no peeking, anyway. Youre in or youre out.



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