Marina Actions to Improve the Shipping Industry

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Officer-in-Charge Officer in Charge Maritime Industry Authority

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Presentation Outline
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VII VIII. IX. IX Introduction Importance of Shipping Industry Inventory of Registered Domestic Ships Maintenance of Seaworthiness of Philippine Ships Measures to Prevent Overcrowding of Passengers Loadline Survey, Marking and Certification Categorization of Navigational Areas C t i ti f N i ti l A Crew Competence Initiatives to Protect Filipino Seafarers and Philippine Registered Ships from Piracy Attacks X. Support for the Passage of the Proposed Maritime Code XI. Concluding Remarks
MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Importance of Shipping in the Philippines

ships link the various islands of the archipelago economic interaction is made possible Philippines highly dependent on sea transport for the movement of people goods people, and services

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Importance of Shipping in the Philippines

Registered passenger traffic for the period January to April 2011 totaling to 27,218,006 with 13,856,673 and 13,361,333, disembarkations and embarkations, respectively. cargo throughput in the domestic trade totaled to 36,994,646 metric tons with 19,579,4076 metric tons for inward 19 579 4076 bound and 17,415,239 outward bound.
MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Inventory of Domestic Ships

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Top 3 Category of Domestic Ships

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Combined Average Age: Merchant vs Fishing Vessels

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Maintenance of Seaworthiness of Ships MARINA, as of 31 December 2011, was able to issue 8,144 cargo ship security certificate. Around 4,468 fishing vessel safety certificates and 3,972 passenger ship safety certificates were also issued on the same period.

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Measures to Avoid Overcrowding Passenger manifest must be prepared and

made available prior to departure and that no passenger shall be allowed to board without the required ticket.

Prohibition of the issuance of tickets to passengers on board ships

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Categorization of Navigational Areas MARINA has categorized navigational and g g restricted areas within the countrys territorial waters as basis for domestic ships to plot their routes. For every navigable area, MARINA has determined area the type and size of ships that may be allowed to ply therein in consideration of weather conditions and other navigational concerns.

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Crew Competence Compliance with the STCW Convention Issuance of Executive Order No. 75 which institutionalized a single maritime administration for STCW Before April 2010, Philippine implementation of the STCW Convention was fragmented g

MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Structure of STCW Convention Implementation (May 2000 to 30 June 2012)



MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Present Structure of STCW Convention Implementation


Responsible for the issuance of certificates and their corresponding endorsements Responsible for registration and accreditation of all METi s in the country

Responsible for the o t e issuance of COCs for marine officers; ; MARINA to be part of PRC process



MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Impacts of Withdrawal of STCW Recognition

Direct Consequential Effects
Loss of Employment Opportunities of more or less 80,000 Filipino seafarers onboard EU controlled ships

Threath of Withdrawal by EU of its Recognition of STCW Certificates

Loss of Remittances totalling to US$ 1,248,943as of December 2011 (EU Remittances) 167 Philippine Registered ships will not be able to enter EU ports (2012 Figures) p ( g ) Huge business loses for hundreds of Manning Agencies Philippine Overseas Shipping Companies, 95 Maaritime Training Centers, 95 Maritime Schools, hundreds of travel agencies and health service providers Other Non-EU States may adopt similar actions against Filipino seafarers and PH registered ships calling on p their ports.
Department of Transportation and Communication

Lack of Functioning Maritime Administration

MARITIME the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation Office of INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Republic of the Philippines

Initiatives to Protect RP ships and Seafarers 1. 2. Implementation of the Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships; Adoption of Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and he Waters off the Coast f S C t of Somalia; li Submission of Information of Philippine-Registered ships P i th hi Passing through S h Somalia; li Employment on Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) On Board Philippine On-Board Registered Ships
MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

3. 4.

Support for the Passage of the Philippine Maritime Code

Parts of the Proposed Act Title I Introduction Title II Philippine Registry y p Title III Safety of Ships Title IV Seafarers Title V Maritime Liens and Mortgages Title VI Marine Insurance Title VII Maritime Contracts and Liens Title VIII Charter Parties
MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

Support for the Passage of the Philippine Maritime Code

Parts of the Proposed Act

Title IX Title X Title XI Title XII Title XIII Title XIV Title XV Title XVI Title XVII Accidents At Sea Salvage of Ships Wreck of Ships Marine Pollution Limitation of Liability Accident Reporting and Marine Safety Investigation Admiralty Jurisdiction Maritime Arbitration Final Provisions
MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation


MARITIME INDUSTRY AUTHORITY Department of Transportation and Communication Republic of the Philippines Office of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transportation

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