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Mind Control at work 24/7 Cult of Dead Cows Pentagon Unit-Humanity under SIEGE!
March 8, 2011 LIST OF PARTIES January 10, 2011 w w w for Exhibits MIREILLE TORJMAN Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northw est Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1000 Colonial Farm Rd-Legal Counsel Gate 5 Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 950 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Rm 5614 Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1000 Defense Pentagon Rm 3E880 Washington, DC 20301-1000; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants TABLE OF CONTENTS OPINIONS BELOW 1 JURISDICTION ..1 CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED 2 STATEMENT OF THE CASE ..2 I. Facts REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION This Case Presents an Important Question of our Amendment Law s That the District Court Has Decided in a Way That Conflicts w ith Petitioners proof and Public Admissions from United States Officials w hich w arrant for National Importance, and grave risks for the American Judicial System and Public W ELFARE AND SAFETY. An American citizen has a Constitutional right to petition. CONCLUSION 42 INDEX TO APPENDICES AND EXHIBITS Jim Keith Photo-CIA Mass control Dumbing dow n America, Death-Pushed/Fell? (2) Judge Napolitano The Lies the Govt told you photos-(6) DC Appeal


October 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 March 2010 February 2010 December 2009

Alex Jones (24) associated press today (3) Cancer (24) Climate (24) Global Enslavement (24) gov corruptions uncensored (24) Healthcare (23) NSA 911 (23) Poverty (23) Sibel Edmonds (23) Spying for mind control (15) Treason (24) Uncategorized (27) veterans (24) Wiretap Nefariously (22)

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Article Judicial System example of ordinary citizens perception and concerns of Truth-(7) Letter from Attorney (Petitioner w arned class action suit non-gang related)-(5) Articles Media and public concern Unw itting Media and sample-(17) Article of Bush Family Patriarch statement in 1966 (Congress-Media)-(3) Letter Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy July 2010 and email January 2009-(5) Press Release September 17, 2010-(14) Memorandum Opinion Dismiss Jul 20-(3) Order denied Venue w ith Appeal Sept 9-(3) CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive fines or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, (ELECTRONIC W ARFARE) IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 AP 10-5302 Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now , Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal for remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importance regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conflict in the citation of neitzke v. w illiams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim from justice. Appellant provided explanation w hy she could not get representation and does not know law . The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for various reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all w ays and told w hat is being done to torment further. These are techniques or tactics admitted in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Control in America is prevalent, (non mainstream new s) and admitted, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even w orse, is George Green video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellant also thought this w as plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Society is engineering our society; from seismic w ave inductions, to daily crime infiltrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen after infiltrating mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one should underestimate the pow er of this w eapon and how far they are going to cover it up as w e speak, (January 2, 2011). Attorneys are influenced w ith coerced fear, w ork load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unrealized. This occurred w ith Appellants Attorneys, the former Class Action Attorney, and other Attorneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights attorneys w ho are targeted. This form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This again started w ith the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, Attorneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. There has been an infiltrated obey Orw ellian culture as w ith dysfunctional Americans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA w ho are in or out of Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. How ever, Appellant show ed the motive exists, the w eapon exists, and the w itnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, w hich control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a significant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation w as included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other Attorneys have left the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine Attorneys case in California w ho w as jailed w hen trying to expose some corruption, w as too late after 18 months impeded from finding out w hat w as really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one w ould come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess w orkload and other excuses, because w e the people are being manipulated unw ittingly in a Matrix created decades ago.

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Appellant has spent 4 years w ith this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expenses, and w asted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. Attorneys w ere influenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant w as influenced and transmitted to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law , w ith corrections. Appellant w as unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 w hen threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientific theories from this w eapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much w orse. Yet, the w eapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, w ith the proof in the pudding all the w ay to American health and economy. Those days w ere gone w hen MKultra and cutting edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. W hat did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now w idely know n, w ere urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart Attacks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), alw ays blamed on something else. More layers of brainw ashing dis-information have been launched since Operation w iki brainw ash as the tool to tw ist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or w eapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America w ould not be bankrupt and w orse today. Crimes have unw ittingly fallen under aiding and abetting, framed, falsely accused w ith these w eapons behind the scenes since Patty Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false w itness. How ever, the law did not recognize that or the brave w histleblow ers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmitted influence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 find this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (w hether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force w as also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allow ed at least to amend or remand. This w eapon is so evil and influences and coerces unw ittingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted w ith leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of w e the people w ho are w hat matters and w ho our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, w eapon, lives w ould have been saved, accountability and injunctions w ould have been in place and 911 w ould have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent w histleblow ers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years w ith tw isted versions of truth in new s brainw ashing Americans. Opposite new s for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security w hen people do not w ant this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one after the other, most unnecessary ineffective for decades by design and Corporations taking aw ay jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be sw ept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, w ith humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, pre-post suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modifications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites w ave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, alw ays staying close to their enemies to take them dow n. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant w ill provide evidence and proof. The flow of FOIA w as w ritten about 1966-1974 w ith intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, attorneys and their fees, and court cases, just in fighting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic w as snuck in the system as w ell according to the Church Commission Report. This w eapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us dow n further. People complain of the Judicial system not w orking for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected w hen it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-profits battle it for decades through political organizations and no change w as effective. This case represents how and w hy w e the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its ow n people by its ow n people. W hy w ould anyone w ant to prevent such importance because of presentation w ith good valid reason, especially w hen lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants efforts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge w ould not w ant to hear this case as soon as possible, w hen making decisions every day

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about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not pow er. W here is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing w hat is really going on in Americas ordinary people? W here is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that w ont take a story and allow the public to make their ow n minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut off from discussion. W histleblow ers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to w e the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every effort is being made to cover up mind control w ith tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainw ashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real w orld events. Brainw ash cannot occur w ithout a tangible and environment. Both are required, how ever Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grow n unw ittingly, including any behavior. Appellant w itnessed much w orse w ith crimes and illusions of crimes (infiltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unw it. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her ow n Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity w ork and has the right to due process. Defined as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are ow ed to a person according to the law . Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state. W hen a government harms a person, w ithout follow ing the exact course of the law , then that is a due process violation w hich offends the rule of law . Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting law s and legal proceedings (see substantive due process), so judges instead of legislators may define and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overw helming records, evidence, proof, w itnesses, and confident she can prevail. Other counts w ith FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This w as also presented in the Complaint. There w as ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the w ay of justice and redress. There w as how ever, reason and accusations of attacks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to file immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, w hile preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant w as unable to receive Verizon internet for w eeks and hours on the phone for w eeks again, w ith constant unw itting delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded w ith printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant attacks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, w ere part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage w as also admitted by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmitted attacks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suffering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive w hitew ashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant w as harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government w ith this w eapon. Victims are disbelieved nationw ide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this w eapon to light misused on its ow n civilians and allow ed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unw ittingly. It allow ed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that effect autos, appliances, objects, Directed Energy body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, how ever Appellant has also w itnessed its use for plumbing and w ater/sew er clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation w as launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started w ith Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven infiltrated w ars, w ith cultlike diabolic, sadistic programmed misfits (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These w ere alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming w ays to figure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interview s and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientific Underw orld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much w orse infiltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle attacks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have alw ays been, first do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA w ent discreet w ith program MHCHAOS, shadow ing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country w ith the GUN
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VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF w arfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed w ith mental ill health w as also overlooked. Today there is so much talk w ith a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize w hat else is going on, even w ith admissions and w histleblow ers from w ithin w ho claim w orse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote View ers, George Green also stating a plan for W W III is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, w hile focused on w rong w eapon of mass destruction infiltrating de-population occurring w ithout Nuclear needs. This is called soft kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps w ith children behind barb w ires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being infiltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of W ATERW AYS w ith HR 11005 and Katrina highw ay blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. W ASHINGTON w as DUPED! One former elites video (http://w w w atch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of w arnings from w e the people if w e dont do something now .) Charlotte Iserby is another familial W histleblow er on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing dow n U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered w ith choosing destinies and ills w ith mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this w eapon in the law , due to disbelief and transmitted manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its ow n mind controlled paw ns. Developing psychological w arfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut off from society and communications, w hereas cannot get an attorney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant finds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for attorneys and w ork, but journalists w ho complain of computer internet and phone attacks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely w hile guided for years and told as w ith the w ell know n Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, w hereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as w ell as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant w as experimented w ith tw ice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under attack still unw it. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made w ritten accusations of w inds blow ing seeds on farmer to cause law suit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today w iki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackw ater funding, as Nazis w ere. Appellant alleged Monsanto w as not aw are of induced w inds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These infiltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-w arfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL w ith Red Tide killing fish since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and w hitew ashing infiltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today w ith paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this w eapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control (not Agent Orange) but also DESTROYED their atomic records, denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and w orse torture in history rarely get new s coverage as the Gitmo few hundred have for years on display by design to thw art off guilt, as in Complaint. Our ow n Americans are tortured much w orse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unw it by design. It w as stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horrific you cant imagine. This makes it more difficult to believe until one is addressed personally w ith this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psychotronics transmissions, also causing one trauma w hen used in conjunction w ith the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times w hen the pow er is cut off w ith loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut off and the next morning an intruder or virus had been attempted. This also occurs often including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the w iki leak server attempting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint findings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COW s Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even w orse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others w hile under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant w as also sheltered and unw it of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK w arns Generation of Secret Societies w ith de-population beliefs and superiority. Appellant w as denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief after corrections to make a claim. Appellant w as

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denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, w hereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unw ittingly, w ith the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to attack based on innocent synthetic different thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admittedly and dow nplayed from full disclosure unw ittingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those w ho are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those w ho show an even greater readiness to submit. In w ar, too, the discretionary pow er of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, grow ing out of a state of w ar, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual w arfare. - JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795

Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented w hen the government acts in strict accordance w ith w ell-established and clearly defined legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans w ere systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully w ritten codes that prescribed the rules and regulations betw een master and slave. Even though these slave codes w ere often detailed, unambiguous, and made know n to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant law s comport w ith the rule of law ? The answ er to this question depends on w hen and w here it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law . At the Nuremberg Trials, some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had committed abominable crimes against European Jew s and other minorities during World War II. In other countries the political leaders assert that all w ritten law s must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law , the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law . Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated w hen the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unw ritten principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary w ritten law s that are enacted by government. Sometimes know n as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unw ritten and universal principles w ere invoked by the Allied pow ers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of w iki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law , civil rights, rule of law , and redress, w hich is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken aw ay, not after 911 but after the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress w hen under psychological attacks and mind w ars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and influence decision unw ittingly. The remark of one Attorney is true for cases w ith the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfettered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even w hen it is concealing blatant and w holesale government criminality. Another American of many w rote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jew s. I didnt object bc I w asnt a Jew . Then they came for me and there w as no one left to help me.< famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals follow ing the Nazi rise to pow er and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stifling free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or w e w ill surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Know ing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning

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The very w ord secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and w e are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unw arranted concealment of pertinent facts far outw eighed the dangers w hich are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive w ith it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security w ill be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, w hether his rank is high or low , civilian or military, should interpret my w ords here tonight as an excuse to censor the new s, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to w ithhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know . A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially w hen it has not been w orking for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her ow n Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice w hen record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very w eapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every effort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant w ith cover ups publicly since late 2008, after reporting it in w riting to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) w orking on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false new s behind scenes unw ittingly using media reporters and w e the people. This is a real w eapon and valid defense w hich has been noted publicly w hereas victims of electronic w arfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their attempts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics attacking dissent to impede and stifle w as also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknow n ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES w ould be factual w ith this case if redress w as honored or allow ed. Investigators have been spinning their w heels for decades. Appellant has her ow n records and experience w hile in manifest not just w hat she w as informed of, or figured out and investigated. Even if Appellant w as delusional of this w eapon of pow er in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. W hether one person, one class action, or all humanity, w ithout accountability and punishment, neglecting this case w ill allow Defendants to get aw ay w ith horrific crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, w hen one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined w ith induced infiltrations, engineering society from the minds, w ith this w eapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a w eapon and panacea. The neitzke v. w illiams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret w eapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant w as never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before show ing how w idespread it became to this point in America. Now , John P. W heeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA w arned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like flies for 50 years not by microw aves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: W HY w ould anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY w hen by Govt w ho think they cant be seen or caught and can get aw ay w ith it? America is synthetic by design and food is not w here synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit w ith evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as w ith private parts of her clothing, and w ants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly w hat Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant know s it as psyops (mind control, mind w ars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD w eapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAW FUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights law s. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow , rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION W herefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Law rence at 555 4th Street NW,
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Washington DC 20530, on January 10, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 10, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This case w as also presented to the U S Supreme Court under Federal rule 11. W rit of Certiorari w as denied November 1, 2010 before judgment w ith new occurring events. (10-419) Tags:911, Cancer, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, surveillance, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

OPERATION MIND CONTROL-NY Dell Publishing Co since 1978 LOCOMOTION Remote Controlled Beings
March 8, 2011 Operation Mind Control-

by Dr. Walter Bow art, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 w w w 2011 for updated FULL disclosures in Absentia!

Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in this seminal w ork of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to operate those minds as a small boy, might operate a Yo-Yo, for purposes of counter-intelligence military efficiency, and the destruction of democratic institutions, w as draw n directly from federal records and from official laboratory archives of the highest educational purposeas w ell as from the reviving memories of those w ho had already undergone the dehumanizing process. [p. 14]

Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore w ord but its meaning becomes obscene w hen our childrens minds are being controlled [p. 17][Note:1]

It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, how ever, w as small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977.

The testing of drugs by the CIA w as just a part of the United States governments top-secret mind-control project, a project w hich had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microw ave, and low -frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies. In fact, there w as virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that w as not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people.

The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. W ith these capabilities, it w as now possible to w age a new kind of w ar: a w ar w hich w ould take place invisibly, upon the battlefield of the human mind [p. 19]

The psychological techniques described in The Manchurian Candidate w ere to become a reality less than a decade after Condon saw his story set in type. As if Condons fiction had been used as the blueprint, a group of hypno-programmed zombies w ere created. Some w ere assassins prepared to kill on cue. Others w ere informers, made to remember minute details under hypnosis. Couriers carried illegal messages outside the chain of command, their secrets secured behind posthypnotic blocks. Know ledge of secret information w as removed from the minds of those w ho no longer had the need to know they w ere given posthypnotic amnesia. [p. 21]

The objective of Operation Mind Control during this period has been to take
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human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfriendly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed zombies, motivated w ithout their know ledge and against their w ills to perform in a variety of w ays in w hich they would not otherwise willingly perform. This is accomplished through the use of various techniques called by various names, including brainw ashing, thought reform, behavior modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy. For the purpose of this book the term mind control w ill be used to describe these techniques generically. REF

Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is committed not against the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo expresses the attitude of the majority of psychologists in calling it mind rape, and w arns that it poses a great danger of destruction of the spirit w hich can be compared to the threat of total physical destruction . . . [p. 23]

I can hypnotize a manw ithout his knowledge or consentinto committing treason against the United States, boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, [p. 58] From one such think tank, the Rand Corporation, came a report [1949] [p. 67]

a hypnotized subject w ill often accept and confess to an implanted memory as a real event in his ow n past life. A number of experienced hypnotists had been able to train their subjects to perform in such a w ay that observers could not tell that the subject w as in a trance or that he w as acting under hypnotic suggestions. [p. 69]

To induce hypnosis in an unw illing subject, the report suggested any of three possibilities w hich w ere then w ell supported by research findings: 1. As part of a medical examination, talk relaxation to the subject, thus disguising the hypnotic induction. For example, the person could be given a blood pressure test, told that he must relax completely in order to give an adequate test record, and then be given suggestions to go to sleep w hich w ould result in a hypnotic trance. 2. Induce hypnosis w hile the person is actually asleep from normal fatigue. This could be done by simply talking softly into the sleepers ear. 3. Use injections of drugs to induce hypnosis. The hypnotic drugs w ould relax the subject and put him in a tw ilight state w here the subconscious mind is very susceptible to suggestion. Subjects w ho refuse or resist the simple talking methods of hypnotic induction could be given a few grams of paraldehyde or an intravenous injection of sodium pentothal or sodium amytal. Subsequently the subject could be allow ed to practice carrying out posthypnotic suggestions. He could then be re-hypnotized, still w ithout his conscious cooperation, but this time without the use of drugs.

Another important use of hypnosis the report said, w ould be the induction of amnesia: Once a deep hypnotic trance is achieved, it is possible to introduce posthypnotic amnesia so that [a subject] . . . w ould not know . . . that he had been subjected to hypnosis, to drugs, or to any other treatment.

The report then said, Conceivably, electroshock convulsions might be used as an adjunctive device to achieve somnambulism in a very high percentage of the cases. It is conceivable, therefore, that electroshock treatments might be used to w eaken difficult cases in order to produce a hypnotic trance of great depth. In 1958 the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR), a subcontractor to the Rand Corporation, issued a technical report on hypnosis to the air force

it is conceivable . . . that these techniques could have been used and covered up so successfully that they might be impossible to recognize . . .

All of these techniques, involving drug-induced hypnosis and electroshock convulsions, w ere eventually developed and used to reduce some of our ow n citizens to a zombie state in w hich they would blindly serve the government. Regardless of the Constitution and the law s w hich supposedly protect the individual against government coercion, zombies w ere covertly created to do the governments more unsavory bidding. Such zombies asked no questions about the legality of their assignments.

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Often their assignments w ere never consciously know n. And if they w ere ever questioned about their ow n actions, amnesia protected them from selfincrimination. [p. 70-73]

In 1951, a former naval officer described a secret of certain military and intelligence organizations. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious w ar w eapon The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage w ork is now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75]

Mind control arranges that slaves of the intelligence communityw itnesses, couriers, and assassinsare protected from their ow n memories and guilt by amnesia.

These slaves may be left alive, but the know ledge they possess is buried deep w ithin the tombs of their ow n minds by techniques w hich can keep the truth hidden even from those w ho have witnessed it. It is the ultimate debriefing, the final security measure short of assassination[p. 148]

Jos Delgado w as a neurophysiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine. By 1964, he had already been experimenting w ith electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) for nearly tw o decades. His w ork, supported by the Office of Naval Research, [p. 250]

A number of government agencies were actually at work on projects similar to Delgados, and through these projects the cryptocracy had gained the technology for direct access to the control of the brain and through it, the mind. [p. 251]

ESB, how ever, used in conjunction w ith psycho-surgery modification, offered unlimited possibilities. After experiments animals met w ith success, human experimentation w as undertaken in quest of the most reliable and absolute method of of the mind. [p. 253]

and behavior on laboratory enthusiastically remote control

ESB has, meanw hile, been strikingly successful in other areas. It has been used to modify mental mechanisms, to produce changes in mood and feelings, to reinforce behavior both positively and negatively. It has been used to activate sensory and motor regions of the brain in order to produce elementary or complex experiences or movements, to summon memories, and to induce hallucinations. It also has been used to suppress or inhibit behavior and experience and memoryoutside of the conscious control of the ow ner of the brain. [p. 256]

And, in 1974, the first victim of Parkinsons disease treated by ESB walked gracefully out of a San Francisco hospital under his ow n pow er, thanks to portable ESB. He had a stimoceiver implanted in his brain The stimoceiver w hich w eighed only a few grams and w as small enough to implant under his scalp, permitted both remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous telemetric recording of his brain w aves. [p. 256-257]

And by the late 1960s, the remote control of the human brain accomplished w ithout the implantation of electrodesw as w ell on its w ay to being realized.

A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the University of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a w ay to stimulate the brain by creating and electrical field completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain w ith electric pulse levels w hich w ere far below those thought to be effectual in the old implanting technique. [p. 257]

I n 1975 a primitive mind reading machine w as tested at the Stanford Research Institute. The machine is a computer w hich can recognize a limited amount of w ords by monitoring a persons silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the discovery that brain w ave tracings taken w ith an electroencephalograph (EEG) show distinctive patterns that correlate w ith individual w ordsw hether the w ords are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized

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(thought of).

The computer initially used audio equipment to listen to the w ords the subject spoke. (At first the vocabulary w as limited to up, dow n, left, and right.) At the same time the computer heard the w ords, it monitored the EEG impulses coming from electrodes pasted to the subjects head and responded by turning a camera in the direction indicated. After a few repetitions of the procedure, the computers hearing w as turned off and it responded solely to the EEG thoughts. It moved a television camera in the directions ordered by the subjects thoughts alone! [p. 258]

W hile Dr. Reed conceded that it w as conceivable that thoughts could be injected into a persons mind by the government, he indicated that he did not believe it had already been done. [p. 259]

Typically, the scientists have not been vigilant enough, for the cryptocracy already has developed remote-controlled men w ho can be used for political assassination and other dangerous w ork, [p. 260]

In 1967 a w riter named Lincoln Law rence published a book [Were We Controlled? presented] a sophisticated technique know n as RHICEDOM Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral ControlElectronic Dissolution of Memory.

Under RHIC, a sleeper can be used years later w ith no realization that the sleeper is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he w ill have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated kind of kamikaze operation w here the life of the sleeper is dispensable, RHIC processing makes him particularly valuable because if he is detected and caught before he performs the act specified . . . nothing he says w ill implicate the group or government w hich processed and controlled him.

according to Law rence, during the operation a small electrode w as implanted inside [the persons] mastoid sinus. The electrode responded to a radio signal w hich w ould make audible, inside [the persons] head, certain electronic commands to w hich he had already been posthypnotically conditioned to respond.

In 1975 the RHIC-EDOM story surfaced again. The journalist, James L. Moore, said that the papers in his possession described the details of a military technique of mind-control called Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral ControlElectronic Dissolution of Memory.

According to Moore, in the initial (RHIC) stage of programming the [person] is put into a deep hypnotic trance, and conditioned to go intro trance at the sound of a specific tone. A person may be placed under this control w ith or w ithout his know ledge, programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain attitudes w henever he hears the tone.

The second part of the process, electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM), Moore said, By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static w hich blocks out sights and sounds. You w ould then have no memory of w hat you saw or heard; your mind w ould be a blank.

The claims of James L. Moore w ould sound fantastic w ere it not for the abundance of information to support the possibility of their validity. [p. 261264]

The cryptocracy has gone to absurd lengths to develop remote-controlled beings. Victor Marchetti revealed that the CIA had once tried to create a cyborg cat. He said that the Agency w ired a live feline for sound in an attempt to use the pet for eavesdropping purposes. The cat w as first altered electronically so that it w ould function as a listening device in areas w here potential enemy agents w ould be discussing covert plots.[Note:2]

After the electronic feline was at last ready for its assignment, it was turned loose on the street and was followed by a CIA support van loaded with electronic monitoring gear. [p. 273]
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The cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and friends alike. It has used it on thousands of Americans w ithout their know ledge or consent. The CIA has programmed assassins and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its conspiracy of mind control.

Many people w ill believe that since the CIA has publicly disclosed its interest in mind control, it has now ceased its activities. The earlier CIA records, how ever, contain a number of termination dates for aspects of Operation Mind Control, yet evidence clearly suggests that it continued past those dates.

In 1975, follow ing the release of the Rockefeller Commission Report and the subsequent investigations by Senator Churchs and Congressman Pikes committees, a public accounting w as given and apologies w ere made. The intelligence community w as reprimanded and small changes made. [p. 275]

Recent history documents the fact that the CIA, as the w hipping boy of the cryptocracy, covers up and routinely lies about its activities, heaping one lie on another, in a labyrinthine netw ork of falsehood. It stretches credibility to believe, therefore, that the CIA and especially low er-profile members of the cryptocracy have terminated the mind-control research and development that has been going on for thirty years. If it has ceased, it has ceased only because it is obsolete and the new technology of radiation and electronic brain stimulation has given the cryptocracy a more pow erful form of control. [p. 276] W ith advancements in electronic technologyincreasingly sophisticated microphones, transmitters, and surveillance devicesthe erosion of privacy becomes a mudslide. [p. 280]

Mind control remains above United States law, making it a most attractive tool for clandestine operators. [p. 281] [Note:1] Richard Condon, author of The Manchurian Candidate (1958), the forw ard to Operation Mind Control (1978).

REF The mind control examined is this book is the control of one individuals mind by another.

[Note:2] Jos Delgado, M.D., conducted experiments (circa 1961) that attached an electrode to the eardrum (middle ear) of a cat. The device picked-up peoples w hispered conversations and transmitted them to a receiver for monitoring. The CIA attached their tiny radio implant to the cats cochlea (inner ear).


a synopsis By W.H. BOW ART

Notes on this synopsis: Bow arts 1st release of Operation Mind Control w as back in 1978. In an interview , in 1995 [ Richardson, TX] Walter said, It w ent into print and made it to the w here houses (w e think) few made it to the book stores -I got paid <chuckle> nice of them, to pay me for w hat they took. Then Mr. Bow art w ent on to other books and a life of a pretty hip journalist one of the few people that Frank Zappa gave an interview to! Many say Bowart forgot more than most now know! About the Format These are email dow n loads, that I later cleaned up for this format. Amicus humani generis, Eric Heimstadt

Dat e: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 00:52:21 +0000 From: Freedom of Thought Foundation Subject: (Fwd) OPERATION MIND CONTROL-2 OPERATION MIND CONTROL: THE CRYPTOCRACYS PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOU

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By W.H. BOWART In response to demand here is a synopsis of W.H. Bow arts seminal w ork w ithout notes, illustrations and additional material. This synopsis is composed of the first few paragraphs ( some abridged) of each of the 42 chapters of Operation Mind Control, the Limited Researchers Edition w hich has been published in a numbered edition of 500 copies signed by the author.


It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, how ever, w as small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. What it should have said is U.S. Develops Invisible Weapons to Enslave Mankind.

The testing of drugs by the CIA w as just a part of the United States governments top-secret mind-control project, a project w hich had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microw ave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies. In fact, there w as virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that w as not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and w hole masses of people


Through the gray w aters of amnesia he drifted, coming back from blind coma. First the echoes, like electronically amplified voices speaking from a deep, deep w ell then, far off, the dim pink molecules of light Davids body lay still in the military hospital bed. Only his eyes rolled beneath the lids. For several hours he lay that w ay, perfectly still -just eyes fluttering. The fluttering became more intense. Then his eyes opened. W hen I w oke up, David said, I couldnt remember anything. I couldnt remember how Id gotten there or w hy I w as in the hospital. He asked nurses and aides w hy he w as there. They told him hed have to ask his doctor. W hen David finally saw him, the doctor said, You tried to commit suicide


Davids ow n assessment of his mental confusion after his air force experience w as that he had not been brainw ashed. By the time David had his mind controlled, brainw ashing had become a catchall phrase, but w hat David had suffered w as a much more subtle and hideous form of tyranny. George E. Smith w as a POW during the early days of the Vietnam War. Unlike David, George did not have a good education. It can even be said that he w as a little naive, and therefore a good candidate for brainw ashing of both the American and the NLF (Viet Cong) varieties. He w as one of the first of the Green Berets captured in the Vietnam conflict in 1963


I can hypnotize a man w ithout his know ledge or consent into committing treason against the United States, boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, w as called to Washington by the War Department shortly after Pearl Harbor. Since he was the ranking authority on hypnosis at the time, they wanted his opinion on how the enemy might be planning to use hypnot ism. Tw o hundred trained foreign operators, w orking in the United States, Estabrooks told the military leaders, could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists


In 1951, a former naval officer described a secret of certain military and

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intelligence organizations. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious w ar w eapon and may be of considerably more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. This is no exaggeration. The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage w ork is now so w idespread that it is long past the time w hen people should have become alarmed about it Pain-DrugHypnosis is a w icked extension of narcosynthesis, the drug hypnosis used in America only during and since the last war That naval officer w as none other than L. Ron Hubbard. Before the w ar an explorer and prolific science fiction w riter he w ent on to found one of Americas fastest grow ing if controversial religions, Scientology. (In an exchange of letters, Hubbard told me that he had w ritten a book called Excaliber w hich had been stolen. The information in the book, he said, had all been subsequently published in his many other books. Excaliber, w as, he intimated, the guts of w hat w ould be published as Dianetics, a w ork w hich takes all the mind control insights Hubbard w as exposed to both in his travels in the east and in Naval Intelligence, and applies them to empower the human spirit the exact opposite of mind control as it came to be. He was subsequently kidnapped, and of course w e know that he, and The Church of Scientology w ere hounded by the government much as others like W ill helm Reich had been hounded, for spreading the truth about technologies w hich may have the potential to liberate, rather than enslave. Several years after Hubbards death, The Church of Scientology w as granted, in 1993, official recognition by the Internal Revenue Service. It finally granted them the tax-deductible status w hich run-of-the-mill religious groups have little trouble obtaining.)


In June, 1975, it w as revealed publicly for the first time w hat many had suspected that the CIA and a number of government agencies under its direction had actually been giving behavior-influencing drugs to citizens w ithin the United States for more than twenty years. I w as in Washington at the time, searching the catalogue card files at the National Technical Information Service. A previous search by friends in military intelligence of the M.I. Classified Index had revealed nothing but peripheral references to the object of my study: government research in drugs, hypnosis, behavior modification, and related subjects. The NTIS file is supposed to contain a complete numerical listing of all government contracts, by contract number, w hether or not they are classified. The contract cards w ere indeed numbered in consecutive order, but the ones I w as looking for w ere missing; the index simply skipped over them and continued on in numerical sequence. Other cards in the index w ere marked classified, and I w ould not have been able to obtain the papers to w hich they referred. But the reports I w as looking for w ere not even cited in the index, although references to them in scientific journals indicated that they had once existed. Classified or not, these documents had been removed from the record


Follow ing the release of the Rockefeller Report, John D. Marks, author and former staff assistant to the State Department Intelligence Director, filed a Freedom of Information Act appeal on behalf of the Center for National Security Studies requesting documentation from the CIA. I filed an identical request at about the same time. Marks and I both requested documentation for the evidence cited in t h e Rockefeller Report on the CIAs mind-control activities conducted w ithin the United States. Seven months later, Marks was given more than 2,000 pages of top-secret and eyes only documents by the CIAs Information Review Committee. A short time later I began to receive what Marks had gotten. These pages w ere said to be the bulk of the information upon w hich the Rockefeller Commission had based its report. Exempted from release w ere portions of or entire documents w hich contained information said by CIA officials to pertain to intelligence sources and methods w hich the Director of the Central Intelligence has the responsibility to protect from unauthorized disclosure pursuant to section 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947. But in the photo-copied pages obtained w as a statement to the effect that w ithin a few hours of his resignation (forced by the disclosures of the Watergate and Church Committees), Director Richard Helms ordered the records shredded and burned


Candy Jones w as a sex symbol during World War II. Born Jessica W ilcox, w ith her catchy stage name and shapely legs she rose to a standing second only to Betty Grable as Americas most popular pinup girl. She w as a favorite of the troops at the front, and she felt it a duty to entertain them near the battlefields. After her advertised beauty faded and she could no longer serve to raise the morale of the troops w ith her appearance, she served her country in another w ay. She served
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under MKULTRA as a hypnoprogrammed CIA courier for twelve years. While on a USO tour in the Pacific in 1945 Candy contracted a case of undulant fever and, shortly thereafter, malaria. On top of that, she caught the contagious fungus know n as jungle Rot. W ithin a w eek, her hair had begun to fall out, and her complexion had turned a sickly yellow . The combination of these diseases sent her to a military hospital in Manila, w here she met a young medical officer w hom she identifies only by the seudonym Gilbert Jensen. Later, he would offer her the opportunity to become a CIA courier


Due to the volatile nature of the information contained in her story, I am w ithholding this victims identity. The evidence is still being uncovered. Others are coming forw ard w ith corroborating information. W hile details of her testimony is still being checked, w e do know , that w hat she describes in her story is entirely possible, so, from the perspective of students of mind control this story has great value as it is here presented. Future editions may contain more. Well call her O. She w as born in 1957. Her first memories are of being suffocated by her fathers penis in w hat w as to be a childhood of continual sexual abuse. After six years of deprogramming w ith Mark Phillips, O has come to reintegrate her fragmented personality and has gained access to most of the shocking memories of her abuse by, among others, high government officials


I n 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to produce a paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. The paper w as submitted to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. Army War College. It w as w idely circulated among the psyop community and among mind control researchers w ithout a copyright notice. Finally it appeared in its entirety in Milton W Illiam Coopers Behold A Pale Horse, a 1991 work that deals largely with the question of Unidentified Flying Objects. LTC John Alexanders Military Review article in supportof psychotronics intelligence and operational employment of ESPwas decidedly provocative. Criticism of research in this area, based as it is on existing frontiers of scientific law , brings to mind the laughter that greeted the Italian scientist Spallanzani in 1794 w hen he suggested that bats navigate in the dark by means of w hat w e now call sonar. If they see w ith their ears, then do they hear w ith their eyes? w ent the joke, but I suspect that the U.S. Navy is glad someone took the idea seriously enough to pursue it


Project Monarch, according to Mark Phillips, is a U.S. Defense Department project begun in the 1960s. He says its code name w as assigned to a subsection of the CIAs Operation Artichoke w hich later became Project MKULTRA So-called Presidential Models, the most highly prized products of the Project Monarch mind control factories have a distinct (conditioned) habit of sitting very erect w ith their legs daintily perched. They serve kings and presidents and high ranking government officials as sex slaves. They are controlled by invisible reins. The Presidential Models have fluttered about the White House and European hideaw ays w hich, in another day, w ould have been the courts. W hile they appear to be lighthearted and inconstant sex slaves, they are trained at the art of pillow talk and do, in fact, have memories like human tape-recorders


I met Lois first in Palm Springs, w hen I w as the editor of Palm Springs Life. She w as sitting, looking pretty, at one of the many events that bear Bob Hopes name, the Bob Hope Classic golf tournament or the Hope Center w hich houses the Palm Desert opera. Her real name w as not Lois and I w as not introduced to her, but w hen I saw her again, several years later, she had come along w ith a Project Monarch survivor just to w atch the interview I w as doing w ith their deprogrammer. I knew Id seen her before, but at first, couldnt remember where or when..

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A number of friends and fellow researchers cant bring themselves to believe the story of O nor Lois. Neither in the beginning could I. Both dropped too many famous names. Both had w itnessed too many important events in history. Both told hideous stories of abuse. How could our high government officials fall to such low perversions? Would they violate the human spirit just for lust? Greed? After a little thought, once one has processed the horror, one realizes that in each case, celebrities and high government officials vices w ere fed by the cryptocracy using one of Project Monarchs programmed presidential models. In this case Ms. Os remarkable gifts, w hich w ere the invisible reins of control the cryptocracy held over Senators, Presidents, and Kings. In fact, it looked as if our executive branch of government is now controlled by new innovations in the usual Machiavellian options: bribery, blackmail, threat of death, and/or ultimately assassination. Then, again come the doubts. Here w e are taking the w ord of a reintegrated person w hos suffered a lifetime of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) w hich is a relatively new idea in itself. One doesnt w ant to believe this


Heinrich Himmlers Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of Project Monarch. Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates w ith multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids w ere programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. They w ere trained in killing techniques and the rapid assembly and deassembly of exotic w eapons. They w ere educated about poisons, explosives, languages and computers, then programmed to forget it all or remember only selected areas upon command. Monarch produced a cadre of child spies w ho w ere directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society paedophiles, sometimes hauling them into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there is evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number of tw ins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Monarch w ere former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program w as interlaced w ith Satanism


According to a Customs Service memorandum, the CIA and FCIA (Foreign Counter Intelligence Agency a distinct and autonomous organization within the FBI ) w ere both involved in a mysterious group with behaviors similar to the one in Nebraska. Know n as the Finders, CIA ow nership of this organization w as kept secret for seven years after local law enforcement uncovered its practice of child abduction, kiddie-porn, ritual abuse, and slavery. In early February 1987, an anonymous tip to the Tallahassee, Florida police brought cops out like bloodhounds. The caller said tw o well dressed men seemed to be supervising six disheveled and hungry children in a local park. The tw o men w ere identified as members of the Finders. They w ere charged w ith child abuse in Florida. In Washington, D.C., police and U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a w arehouse connected to the group. Among the evidence seized w ere detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknow n purposes. Several photos of nude children w ere found, one of w hich appeared to accent the childs genitals


Had I not heard this story, in essence, from a half dozen other survivors of this kind of mind control, I w ould not have included it here. But w e video taped a number of credible people talking about these voices in their heads. People w ho experience this are w hat Martin Cannon referred to in his book The Controllers as w avies. Cannon w rote: Every Senator and Congressional representative has a w avie file. So do many state representatives. Wavies have even pled their case to private institutions such as The Christic Institute. And w ho are the w avies? They claim to be the victims of clandestine bombardment w ith non-ionizing radiation or microw aves. They report sudden changes in psychological states, alteration of sleep patterns, intracerebral voices and other sounds, and physiological effects.

Most people never realize how many w avies there are in this country. Ive spoken to a number of w avies myself. I dont like the term Wavie. Its a hard-hearted term w hich does not show any sympathy for the people w ho are suffering this w ay. Theyre suffering just as much as the people w ho have survived the so-

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called Project Monarch. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, Ill term them E-M Targets, E-M for electromagnetic spectrum, since the technical possibilities exist that they are experiencing bombardment by ELF, VLF, SHF microwaves, magnetic waves and other radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum w hich can be modulated so that voices can be heard inside the head, w ithout implants, w ithout speakers. Most of them have been diagnosed as being Paranoid Schizophrenic


The CIA uses thought reform, programming, and indoctrination on its ow n employees. Patrick J. McGarvey, a veteran of fourteen years in U.S. intelligence service, described the cryptocracys more ordinary indoctrination procedures in his book CIA: The Myth and the Madness. McGarvey said that his indoctrination w as carried out in a classroom w hich w as right out of The Manchurian Candidate. It w as a cavernous room not unlike a nineteenth century surgical exhibition pit. That training, he said, consisted of an admixture of common sense, insanity, oldtime religion, and some of the w eirdest lectures you can imagine. The most important result of this early training, as far as the CIA w as concerned, McGarvey said, w as the attitudes they managed to inculcate among the recruits


The cryptocracys search for reliable mind control methods w as one of the most far-reaching secret projects ever undertaken. In addition to research and development in drugs and hypnosis, CIA funds and cryptocracy guidance gave impetus to a number of behavior modification projects carried out in federal prisons and mental institutions. Most of the projects w ere arranged secretly so recipients of the funds would have no way of knowing that the CIA was backing the research. Even if they had know n of the CIAs involvement, their interest in behavior modification probably w ould not have been dampened. Previously called conditioned reflex therapy, behavior modification, in the sixties and seventies, w as becoming the most popular tool of psycho science since Sigmund Freud asked his first patient to lie dow n on the couch. Behavior modification is based on conditioning, but conditioning is a big w ord for a simple form of learning in w hich a reaction is evoked by an outside action. The reaction is called a response; the outside action is called a stimulus. In 1927 Pavlov w on the Nobel Prize for his discovery of a method of making dogs salivate at the ringing of a bell. Salivating dogs w ere not much good to anyone, and it w as not for making dogs drool that Pavlov w as so honored. He w as honored w ith the w orlds most prestigious aw ard for making dogs drool on cue. He called his process conditioning. The dogs involuntary response, he called a reflex. Pavlovs discoveries provided the breakthrough w hich behavioral science needed to begin to control the human mind


The cryptocracy recruited their assassins from among people w ho had already demonstrated a violent nature, people w ho had few reservations about taking human life. No homicidal maniacs w ere recruited because they could not be controlled. The cryptocracy needed killers w ho w ould not murder on impulse, but only upon command. Once selected, the assassin candidates w ere turned over to the military, w here, under the guise of combat readiness training, they underw ent a complete program of conditioning. Graduates of the program w ould forever after act w ith ruthless efficiency. They w ould eliminate local political leaders in a foreign country, or undertake search and destroy missions in violation of national and international law s. They w ould be given a cover allow ing them to enter the Foreign Service; or they w ould pose as embassy marine guards. In July, 1975, the Sunday Times in London quoted a U.S. Navy psychologist who admitted that U.S. Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, conditioned them as political assassins, and then placed them in American embassies around the world. This admission came shortly after the Senate Intelligence Committee had scolded the CIA for plotting a number of political assassinations around the w orld. From the congressional reports, how ever, one got the feeling the cryptocracy w as being chastised not for the assassinations it had successfully accomplished, but for those w hich it had attempted, but failed. The attempts on the life of Fidel Castro drew the greatest notice from the congressional committees and the press


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On March 2, 1967, Luis Angel Castillo, age tw enty-four, w as arrested by the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate President Ferdinand Marcos in Manilla. In a series of interrogation sessions, the NBI and Philippine Army investigators gave him truth serum (at his request) and put him under hypnosis. During one of these sessions, Castillo revealed he had been involved in an assassination four years earlier. Castillo told the NBI, both under hypnosis and truth serum and also in a normal state, that he had been hypnoprogrammed to kill a man riding in an open car. Although Castillo did not know the identity of his target, the scene of hissupposed hit w as Dallas, Texas. The date w as November 22, 1963


MKULTRA was fully operational w hen Luis Castillo w as programmed. It w as active that same decade w hen events blamed on three lone assassins changed the course of history. In a w ell executed, mass indoctrination campaign employing all the honor, prestige, and pow er of the U.S. government, Americans w ere told over and over again the lives of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy w ere all taken by lone assassins -men operating w ithout political motivation. These three assassins Lee Harvey Osw ald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhanconveniently left diaries, underlinings in various books, and other selfincriminating clues to establish their guilt. The evidence gathered on the assassinations remains fragmented and incomplete. Any event of such magnitude as political assassination is bound to invite a large number of interpretations. W hile in 1978 w hen the first edition of this book appeared there w as not any conclusive proof of a conspiracy, more than eighty percent of the American public then believed there w as a conspiracy. Today, after Oliver Stones masterful film JFK, more than ninety percent of the public believe that John F. Kennedy was murdered by conspirators working with the U.S. intelligence agencies. While Congress did cite Richard Helms for contempt, and declared that the FBI and the CIA did not cooperate with the Warren Commission, the murders of Kennedy, Kennedy and King remain unsolved mysteries in the publics opinion. A string of circumstantial evidence, and a know ledge of the fundamentals of mind control invites further speculation. In each case the method w as the same death by the bullet. In each case the circumstances w ere the same murder in a public place in view of many w itnesses. All three assassins w ere men w hose personal histories can be interpreted to indicate they w ere mentally unstable. Evidence suggests all three had been hypnotized at one time or another


Only an understanding of the techniques and applications of mind control could begin to bring meaning to the fragmented ramblings of Jack Ruby. On June 7, 1964, Jack Ruby w as questioned in jail in Dallas, Texas, by Earl Warren and Gerald Ford. In that session Ruby continually pleaded for a lie-detector test or for sodium pentothal. He desperately w anted to prove his honesty so Warren and the commission w ould know he w as telling the truth. Said Ruby: I w ould like to be able to get a lie-detector test or truth serum of w hat motivated me to do w hat I did at that particular time, and it seems as you get further into something, even though you know w hat you did, it operates against you somehow , brainw ashes you, that you are w eak in w hat you w ant to tell the truth about, and w hat you w ant to say w hich is the truth


On April 4, 1968, Nobel laureate Dr. Martin Luther King w as murdered on a second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. Half of the six thousand man FBI force w as assigned to the task of bringing the killer to justice. The FBI should have had an easy job. There w as an abundance of evidence left behind on the second floor of a rooming house a block from the Lorraine Motel. There w ere fingerprints on the w indow ledge of a bathroom next to a room w hich had been rented to an Eric S. Galt. On the sidew alk in front of the house w as a w eapon, a high pow ered assault rifle w ith telescopic sight. Neighbors said they had seen a w hite Mustang roar aw ay moments after the shooting


The circumstances of Robert Kennedys death are well known. On June 5, 1968, at 12:15 a.m., Sen. Robert Kennedy w as shot in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Karl Uecker grabbed the gun, a .22 caliber IverJohnson revolver. It w as smoking in the hand of Sirhan Beshara Sirhan, a Palestinian refugee. The Los Angeles police immediately took Sirhan into custody.
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At first they appeared to be taking every precaution so they w ouldnt make the same mistakes the Dallas police had made. They taped every interrogation session w ith the suspect and kepthim under surveillance through a closed-circuit TV camera in his cell. They took every measure to protect the life of this man, the second lone nut to gun down a Kennedy. Trying to avoid anything w hich w ould be an infringement on the rights of the alleged assassin, the police carefully informed Sirhan of his legal rights before trying to interrogate him. They did not inform his alter personalities of their rights, how ever. Through the first hours of questioning, Sirhan chose to remain silent. For some time, no one knew w ho the curly-haired, sw arthy man in custody w as Police immediately w ent to his house and searched his bedroom. On the floor next to Sirhans bed w as a large spiral notebook. On the desk w as another notebook. There w as a third small notebook, a good deal of occult literature, a brochure advertising a book on mental projection, and a large brown envelope from the Internal Revenue Service on w hich someone had w ritten, RFK must be disposed of like his brother w as. At the bottom of the envelope w as scraw led Reactionary. In one of the notebooks there w as a page w hich w as used later in the trial to prove premeditation: May 18, 9:45 a.m. 68. My determination to eliminate RFK is becoming more the more of an unshakable obsession RFK must die RFK must be killed Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68 Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated I have never heard please pay to the order of this or that pleas pay to the order of Also draw n on the page w ere spirals, diamonds, and doodles. W hile Los Angeles mayor Sam Yorty ignorantly told the press Sirhan w as a member of numerous Communist organizations, including the Rosicrucians, Sirhans neighbors told a different story. One said he w as very religious. Another reported that he w as just a normal kid. He took cars and bikes apart and put them back together again. Neighborhood kids said he w as nice. W hen asked if Sirhan w as the angry type, a black girl in his Neighborhood said, He didnt show it. Arthur Bean, another neighbor said, Someone talked that kid into gunning dow n Kennedy. W hen Irw in Garfinkel, a deputy attorney in the public defenders office, asked Sirhan about the shooting, he said,

I dont remember much about the shooting, Sir. Did I do it? Well, yes, I am told I did it. I remember being at the Ambassador. I w as drinking tom collinses. I got dizzy. I w ent back to my car so I could go home. But I w as too drunk to drive. I thought Id better find some coffee. The next thing I remember I was being choked and a guy w as tw isting my knee. George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review , w as in the hotel pantry w hen Kennedy w as shot. He w as one of the men w ho w restled Sirhan dow n. According to New sw eek, Plimpton offered some eloquent testimony that appeared to some to support the defenses contention that Sirhan Beshara Sirhan had, in fact, been in a trance during the shooting. He w as enormously composed, recalled Plimpton. Right in the midst of this hurricane of sound and feeling, he seemed to be almost the eye of the hurricane. He seemed purged


All the assassins in the cryptocracys army of hit men are not, by any means, programmed. There are other w ays besides mind control to motivate the commission of murder. In 1298 Marco Polo returned from his Asiatic travels w ith a tale of assassins w ho w ere motivated by an unusually clever technique. Polo described a fortress he had visited in the valley of Alamut in Persia. He said the valley w as the headquarters of a notorious group know n as the Ashishin, from w hich the w ord assassin evolved. Polos story echoed numerous legends about an Old Man of the Mountain, named Allahudin, w ho used subtle and elaborate psychological tricks to motivate simple country boys to undertake fearless acts of murder. The Old Man had created an inescapable valley betw een tw o mountains by building up high w alls at both ends. He turned the valley into a beautiful garden, the largest and most beautiful that had ever been seen. In this valley he planted every kind of fruit tree and built several elaborate, ornamented pavilions and palaces w hich w ere said to be of such elegance they could not be described in w ords. Everything that could be, w as covered w ith gold. The buildings housed the most exquisite collection of paintings and sculpture in the know n w orld. Manmade streams flow ed w ine, milk, honey, and w ater


Joe called me one day from Australia. I w as still w orking on Grub Street as editor of Palm Springs Life. He told me w hat most of the victims of mind control have told me: I read your book. You saved my sanity. I know now that Im not crazy. Thanks so much for w riting it. That w as rew ard enough for doing it, I suppose, but I didnt w ant to do it again. I w anted nothing more to do w ith mind control. I w as burned out on the subject, so Joe got a polite but disinterested reception from me. He kept up a correspondence w ith me anyw ay from the outback. At
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first his letters w ere fragmented, disjointed, mine w ere polite, encouraging, brief. I couldnt tell w here he w as coming from, but, w hat do you expect from a victim w hose mind has been scrambled? He began by talking about some missing British Scientists


Jose Delgado stood sw eating in the center of a bull ring in Madrid. He w as sw eating from the heat of the sun reflected on the sand. He felt a tw inge of natural fear as the door at one end of the w alled ring sw ung open, and a huge black bull lunged forth from the darkness into the plaza de toros. This w as a very good bull, one the best matador w ould have desired. It charged as if on rails, straight at Delgado. In front of a ton of black beef, tw o sharp horns aimed to gore the vital parts of his body. Delgado stood face to face w ith the charging Andalusian toro. But Delgado w as no matador. He stood in the ring alone in his shirtsleeves. He w ore no suit of lights and he carried no cape. Instead of a sw ord, he held only a little black box. He w anted to w ait until the last possible moment, but he could not contain his fear. W hen the bull w as thirty feet aw ay, he pressed the button on the box. The bull immediately quit his attack and skidded to a halt. Toro looked right, then left. Then, as if bewildered, he turned his broad side tow ard Delgado and trotted away


In 1967 a w riter named Lincoln Law rence published a book w hich asked the question: Was Lee Harvey Osw ald a robot-assassin programmed by a sophisticated technique know n as RHIC-EDOM? The letters stood for Radio Hypnotic IntraCerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Law rence speculated that Osw ald had been behavior-controlled and prepared during his defection to the Soviet Union as a sleeper agent programmed to return to the United States and murder on cue. It w as the Manchurian Candidate theme, w ith one exception. Law rence insisted that the Russians had not masterminded the RHICEDOM plan. It had been masterminded, he thought, by an international cartel of commodities merchants w ho sought to make millions by driving the market w ith the assassination of a president any president. Lawrence wrote, Lee Harvey Oswald was to be utilized as (and now you must clear your brain and put aside your preconceived notions of w hat espionage and sabotage are today) an RHIC controlled person somew hat like a mechanical toy. An RHIC controlled person can be processed (as Osw ald w as in Minsk, allow ed to travel to any country and be put to use even years later by the application of RHIC controls. In short, like the toy, he can in a sense be w ound up and made to perform acts w ithout any possibility of the controller being detected


Since this book first appeared in 1978 there has been a rapid acceleration in public aw areness about mind control. It has largely replaced the term brainw ashing in the press, appearing w ith some regularity on the front pages of your local daily new spaper. If you are laboring under the impression that the Church Committee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control, in these pages you have learned of evidence to the contrary. Instead of halting mind control, a w hole new kind of w arfare as developed around it. The new technology makes the old Project Monarch style classical conditioning obsolete. It is the reason so many survivors are remembering and are allow ed to talk. They are no longer needed, and theres a better w ay to control minds. Public aw areness has been outrun by the progress in mind control technology. It has gone from drugs and hypnosis to the effects of microwaves, ELF w aves, gravity w aves, and modulated signals of all kinds. The basics are the same in all techniques the government programmers sneak into the subconscious mind of individuals and the masses and influence them without their knowledge or consent


The first evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy, according to John Marks, can be found in the w ork of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipulate and control people for centuries. Marks explains that Allens w ork came at the height of the Project ARTICHOKE explorations in w hich the spooks

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attempted to use hypnosis to programme an assassin. CIA documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gittinger recommended the use of hypnosis in operational experiments. (Of course our latest evidence show s that Navy Intelligence had been using mind control in the 1940s, at least.) The CIA files contain a translation of a Soviet research project entitled Unperceived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hypnosis w hich described the success of their psychoscientists: We succeeded in programming not only the subject of dreams ( I would like to visit Africa in my dream), but to program color perception (let my dream be blue), as well as inducing a specific mood after sleepin


John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote view ing skills (RVS) to private enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at the Los Alamos (N.M.) National Laboratory, an author (The Warriors Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind control arts Neuro-linguistics Programming. Today, after 32 years of military service this retired Colonel has the responsibility of draw ing together and nurturing many nonlethal weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or shut off the power to a capital city. He has draw n upon a variety of disciplines involving polymer chemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials science and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility, in the burgeoning science called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. As the concept has evolved, Alexander is reported as saying, w e have come to focus our efforts on anti-material systems. If you can stop the machines of w ar, you can inhibit the prosecution of conflict.


In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As usual it w as soft on fact and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that there are more than 2500 cults in the United States Now there must be a lot more cults than that since, the Oxford English Dictionary said the w ord cult meant: 1. w orship 2. a particular form of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies 3. devotion to a particular person or thing Some w ould say that includes the Moose, Elks, Shriners, Optimists, Boy Scouts, certain football teams, religions of all denominations, hang gliding clubs, sky diving clubs, James Joyce reading groups and on and on. But w ithout further argument, Wests comments on CULTS-PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS


Perhaps not since the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany have flames leaped so visibly onto the pages of history. The flames in both Waco and the Reichstag fires w ere fueled by mind control. At least thats the impression you get w hen you read attorney Paul D. W ilchers letter to Attorney General Janet Reno Dated May 21st, 1993 the letter begins w ith no salutation, the phone numbers of Ms. Reno, Justice Department Communications Director Carl Stern, Appointments Secretary Melissa Muller, Assistant Attorney General Richard Scruggs, and James Kramarsic, Special OpsCIA. W ith a typical law yerly lack of style the letter begins: RE: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conflagration at David Koreshs Branch Davidian compound, Ranch Apocalypse, outside Waco, Texas, on Monday, April 19th, 1993, w hich is now being kept from you and covered up _ i.e., that w hat happened w as NOT a mass suicide, but rather a MASS MURDER the letter then reads:

DEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO in caps. The purpose of this letter is for me to deliver to you extremely sensitive information about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993, and the truth about how it all happened But even more important, my purpose here is to demonstrate how the Waco tragedy fits into a much bigger (and far uglier) The subject of mind control is introduced on page four w hen W ilcher w rites: David Koresh had an extensive CIA backgroundhe w as know n in CIA circles as a sleeper _ someone w ho had been subjected to extensive CIA mind control training and programming W ilcher said that it w as not a coincidence that all these events w ere occurring in or near Waco, Texas _since Waco is a major center for such CIA mind control experimentation and programming _ w ith much of this activity
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occurring at the CIAs Leadership Management Institute in Waco. W ilcher pointed out that similar CIA-sponsored cults are located across the country including in such places as Salt Lake City, Utah; Provo, Utah; Logan, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and San Francisco, California, and that one or all of these other cults can likew ise `explode onto the front pages of the press at any time the CIA deems appropriate, in order to accomplish its pre-determined, hidden, right-wing political agenda.

Mind Control and Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences of the CIAs PROFESSIONAL killers: Thus far, w e have been discussing mind control and memory blocks in the context of the CIAs `Manchurian-Candidate-type robot assassins _ those low -level individuals _ like Sirhan Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who assassinated the Beatles lead singer/songw riter John Lennon), and the six (6) Black men murdered in Pershing Park _ persons w ho are programmed by the Agency to be used only once then `throw n aw ay and discarded _ i.e., persons w ho are destined either to be killed or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they have performed their pre-ordained secret mission. In other w ords, these low -level individuals are highly expendable _ particularly w hen getting rid of them w ill preserve the `plausible deniability that the Agency had anything to do w ith their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low -level individuals, the mind control programming w e have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything to do w ith their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low -level individuals, the mind control programming w e have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a preordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything


Not far from the melted sand and globs of green Trinitite at the Trinity site beneath the tow er that exploded the first atomic bomb, just across the desert sands from the Los Alamos National Laboratories w here Invisible Weaponry is being developed at an alarming rate, is a private company, Consumertronics, w hich specializes in all things electronic. Headed by a w eapons engineer, John J. W illiams, the company offers for sale all sorts of VLF, SHF, VHF, ELF devices and designs for devices to produce a variety of w aves. It sells both offensive generators and defensive countermeasures for research purposes only. It is the only company in the w orld w hich advertises this kind of expertise. His ads might as w ell say: Have Buck Rogers Ray Gun, W ill Travel, because W illiams w ill travel to your home w ith a van full of scanners, meters, measurers and monitors and tell you w hat your electromagnetic environment looks like 24 hours a day. All it takes is money


Harlan E. Girard, one of the most level-headed researchers into the lore of mind control has, himself, been an E.M. target for years. He doesnt like to talk about his personal experiences because hed rather let others tell their stories, but he admits he still has handlers and hears disembodied voices. Like so may of the other so-called Wavies Girard is no w ild-eyed maniac. He is distinguished, affluent and quietly articulate. The brief abstract printed below sets the overview for this chapter and offers a look at the high quality of the human beings reporting this E.M. Target phenomenon. Ill introduce Girard to you, the w ay I met him, through his paper: OFFENSIVE MICROW AVE W EAPONS: Developments in the Technology of Political Control: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed a technology w hich can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame w alk. It w ill never be used this w ay because the technology is central to the domestic policy and foreign ambitions of the United States Government, w hether that government is nominally headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, W illiam Jefferson Clinton, or any possible successor. The effects of these microw ave w eapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple w ith the central nervous system to produce effects w hich might be described as Satanic possession. remote motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, accident, suffocation, asphyxiation and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking Consequently, a situation is created in w hich the victim appears to be free to uninformed third parties, but at the same time is incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been confined to a maximum security prison. In this manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their ow n homes. The bizarre objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim until his/her ow n personality collapses, and he/she becomes something low er than a slave. In science fiction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg

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Operation Mind Control has brought the mental health profession to the verge of a nervous breakdow n. Attacked by cryptocratic peers in such organizations as the Cult Aw areness Netw ork and False Memory Syndrome Foundation on the one hand, and grappling w ith the techniques of psychiatry and psychology w hich the cryptocracy has leapfrogged w ith new technology on the other, the profession can only make the mentally tortured comfortable w hile it looks desperately for a w ay to heal them. The healing techniques are in the hands of a few . Some of them are deprogrammers w ho once w orked for the cryptocracy, learned the codes, cues, and triggers, and know practically how the classical conditioning technology of the cryptocracy comes to w ork like hypnosis. The mental health professionals, as w e know them, are learning to completely rethink their approaches to healing the victims of the crytpocracys mind control projects. W hile insights into w hat is state-of-the-art mind control today begins w ith a study of physics, it is still built upon w ell-tested patterns of brain functions. But, the traditional lets get in touch w ith our feelings kinds of therapy are not especially helpful


Almost simultaneous w ith the founding of the modern cryptocracy and the passing of the National Security Act in 1947, if the rumors are to be believed, there came to be a faction w orking w ithin the secret agencies of government to restore the Constitution. It is claimed that this group has been fighting a resistance from w ithin the cryptocracy against the Nazi group know n as the Aquarius Group (AG) w hich came to cluster around the Gehlen/Nazis taken to the breast of the American intelligence community at the end of World War II. W hile our sources beg for anonymity, they tell us they have been know n as the Guardians of the Eternal Flame or The Row boat Magicians. To my know ledge, only tw ice has this group communicated w ith the general public, then not officially but through documents leaked or planted in the samisdat. Then they called themselves Com-12


As early as 1961, advisors to the late President Kennedy recommended that w ith the threat of nuclear w ar hanging over the future, civilized nations could no longer risk overt confrontations that w ould lead to w ar, since even conventional w ar could escalate to Armageddon. If w ar w as necessary it w ould have to be invisible. It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would suffer from peace. W ithout w ar, it w as believed, the economy w ould falter and depression w ould be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the president began to think about w hat might motivate the U.S. economy as w ell as w ar did. They came up w ith several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was to fake an invasion from outer space


Memory is illusive in some cases, vivid in others. A Roper poll conducted in 1993 suggested that up to 20 million people in North America may have memories of alien abductions. In 1994 Dr. Colin Ross said that he heard someone on a CBC radio broadcast say that they had evidence that 750,000 babies had been ritually sacrificed. FBI ritual abuse debunker Kenneth Lanning in 1992 said that there w ere 50,000 missing children in the U.S., w hich law enforcement reports said people believed w ere being murdered in human sacrifices Incest and child sexual abuse reached epidemic proportions. The generally accepted statistics in 1993 w ere as follow s: * One out of three girls and one of five boys w ould be sexually molested before the age of eighteen. * A child w as sexually abused every 2 minutes w ith over 95% of the abusers being someone the child know s and trusts. * For every case reported, there w ere tw enty-five cases that w ent unreported. * Only 5% of all sexual abuse cases ever w ent to court. In 50% of those cases the child w as returned to the abuser. * Approximately 97% of child prostitutes w ere incest victims. * Child sexual abuse was a major cause of teenage suicide. * One in ten homes were involved in child sexual abuse. * A high percentage of abused children develop dissociative identity disorders. Then, just as the legions of abused children (now grow n to adulthood) w ere beginning to remember satanic abuse, (the ranks of diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder had reached 25,000 in the U.S.) and Harvard Universitys Dr. John Mack w as enjoying celebrity as the author of a book on alien abductions, and about tw enty percent of those diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
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were being discovered to have military or intelligence backgrounds, a robust and adroit public relations effort w as mounted against those w ho w ere beginning to remember all sorts of details w hich related to their abuse as children. Groups w ere quickly formed to debunk such nonsense. One w as spearheaded by a w oman w ho w as herself named by her daughter as a child abuser. Her name w as Pamela Freyd and her organization w as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which sprang suddenly up from nowhere


In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of five psychiatrists and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they w ere gathering about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming from patients diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Due to w hat is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this conference, and due to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest criticism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain undisclosed youll understand w hy as you read more. Although delivered in a conversational tone w ithout footnotes and scientific documentation, there is a lot of technical information in this round-table conference w hich should be of great use to therapists. For the lay reader a study of the w orks of Milton Erickson or at least NLP w ould be helpful in explaining w hat the doctors are talking about. The term bloodline refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse w hich carries on generation after generation under the belief that after several generations of conditioning a genetic memory or a blood memory carries on the information w hich has been programmed. This belief in blood memory can be found in a variety of secret societies and not just in satanic cults. A person w ho is of the bloodline is the offspring of parents w ho are in the cult, and often the great, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some survivors have reported that the sophisticated form of programming described in this conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence agencies only w ithin the past fifty-odd years. Suffice it to know that the assembled doctors, men and w omen, are among the most qualified in their profession. They are recipients of the top honors, awards and degrees, members of all the most prestigious societies, editors of the most influential journals. Researchers w ho are aw are of the literature may think they are able to identify some of the doctors by the content of their speeches, but its important that they just ignore any failing on my part as an editor, overlooking any speech patterns w hich may reveal their identities. For the sake of their safety, and at their request, I have done my best to re-w rite this transcript not for content, but for style so that these doctors can never be identified. After some preliminary remarks the host of the conference, Dr. A, began: Dr A: I have been looking forw ard to this exchange for quite some time and I hope w e can cut right to the chase and talk specifically about ritual abuse and about mind-control programming and brainw ashing how its done, how to get on the inside of it. Dr. B: Until only recently I didnt believe it. I w asnt w illing to discuss it w ith colleagues such as you before, and Im still not w illing to speak about it publicly. Dr. C: I have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently I decided that its time that somebody started doing something about it. Dr. D: So w ere going to talk about specifics today? Dr. E: At the international congress I heard about these details for the first time. I thought, how w eird. Interesting but w eird.


I w atched C-SPAN once again to celebrate the birth of our country. It w as the first time Id w atched C-SPAN since the Clinton campaign. I w atched just for a couple of synchronistic hours. They w ere show ing programs theyd taped on June 28 and 29. First there w as a program called Project for the Republican Future. On that program the famous political consultant and pollster, Dr. Frank Luntz told us that his polls show ed that the people in the U.S. today believe the quality of life has gone dow n since the previous generation and, the majority believe that the next generation will have even a lower standard of living. He said that the polls show ed that the average American believed that there w as a moral decline in this country. He said, For the first time in American history, Americans are pessimistic about their future

By W.H. Bow art December 1996

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Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal profession as having the most useless information, the most know -nothing, corrupt and mercenary practitioners of any profession?

The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors w ho once easily earned $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time pulling in $100,000 a year these days. This could be due to the cuts in national health care payments, to the competition that has been created by the low er prices of the HMOs, and/or it could be partly caused by the accumulative effects of the CIAs fifty years of covert manipulation of that profession.

Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially those w ho also hold diplomas in psychology) w orked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project w hich tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a variety of other things on unw itting humans often employees of the government w hod already signed their lives aw ay. These psychiatrists w ere hellbent on seeing that this government chattel w ould, since they hadnt given their lives for their country, give their minds and souls and too often their childrens minds and souls for it.

In any of the professions its hard to find a w histle blow er. Seldom w ill one law yer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to find justice in the self-regulated profession of health -especially mental health. Doctors seldom bear w itness against other doctors. A good example of the insular attitude w hich sees regulatory board members looking the other w ay w as the case of Dr. W illiam Jennings Bryan III (W JB3). Great grandson of the great orator W illiam Jennings Bryan, W JB3 w as the director of the American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the fifties to his death in the seventie.P 1of 9

Mind Control: (Please be aw are mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in suggestions 24/7 and not all physical effect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariously abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World

Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. w w w

by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: Controlling the Human Mind 2006

It w ould also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected adversaries in a fashion that w ould be most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitioners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the last decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant results. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, w ill be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it w ill continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators w hich create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed light and pulsed sound signals is not new . The follow ing information demonstrates some of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including w orking w ith learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol addiction and enhanced human performance. The research has show n that certain brain states can be influenced in a w ay w hich causes changes w ithin the

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brain itself. These changes allow individuals the possibility of influencing specific conditions in the mind and body otherw ise thought beyond our direct control. The military and others interested in such things have also focused a large amount of research into this area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers w hile degrading the performance of adversaries. W hat is know n is that great strides in the area of behaviour control are now possible w ith systems developed and under development by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies represent a much different approach to w arfare w hich our government is describing as part of the Revolution in Military affairs. W hile these new technologies offer much for military planners, they offer even more to citizens generally. Their potential use in military applications and peacekeeping creates the need for open debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies have not been adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intelligence-gathering capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in seeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change.

Speech: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to help me.< famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the govt arbitrarily stiffling free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or we will surely hang separatelyBen Franklin John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler and MKULTRA on German Soldiers..Click here! http://thew hiteroseii.w w w w 1997 DoD Briefing: Others can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense W illiam S. Cohen, 28 April 1997: There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OM G! Who would do such a thing?], and that w ould be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has w ritten about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types o f pathogens that w ould be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [LOL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism w hereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. Just switch yours, others and they with U.S., U.S. and U.S. This was in 1997. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-funding these lunatics, what they can do now. CIA COVERT OPS and Bio Warfare now Electronic w ar

Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans | Leave a Comment

Mind Control Continues to Haunt America

March 8, 2011 A Clockw ork Orange Career Source: Freedom Magazine http://w w w The maestro of mind-control continues to haunt America Articles in this edition describe some of the life-destroying effects of psychiatrys primary therapies-drugs and electric shock. The follow ing presents one of their chief advocates Louis Jolyon West, director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute until his resignation follow ing exposure of possible violations of federal law regarding use of government funds. In a law suit currently before the Los Angeles Superior Court, it has come to light that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West from the roster of the universitys faculty. One psychiatric colleague w ho asked to go unnamed described West as supremely arrogant and charged that he misused his positions for his ow n ends, at the expense of the university.

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Many w ill not find such statements surprising, considering West himself, w hose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the study and modification -by electric shock, chemical castration and other means -of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities. Indeed, any discussion of CIA mind-control endeavors, such as the infamous MKUltra, w ould be incomplete w ithout West, w ho has, according to information provided to Freedom, enjoyed a long and lucrative career in this field. Although he has sometimes posed as a civil libertarian, he has not sought to expose dangers of intelligence agency mind-control techniques, but rather to secretly perfect its use on others. In a document released under the Freedom of Information Act, for example, it w as revealed that more than four decades ago, the CIA sought to set West up in a clandestine laboratory to perform mind-control experiments w ith hypnosis and LSD. A portion of the experiments w ith LSD and other drugs in w hich West w as enmeshed at the CIAs behest w ere exposed in the mid-1970s by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Senator Frank Church. West contributed to the early w ork w hich resulted in, among other things, the death of tennis pro Harold Blauer in an experiment w ith a mescaline derivative in New York City in 1953. The Senate Select Committees investigation revealed drugging of unsuspecting targets, electric shocking to obliterate memory and programming individuals to kill acting under psychiatric control. Wests career highlights included injecting a 7,000-pound bull elephant, Tusko, w ith an overw helming dose of LSD -roughly 1,435 times the quantity, in Wests ow n w ords, one w ould have given to a human to produce for several hours a marked mental disturbance. Not surprisingly, the elephant collapsed in agony minutes later and died. West had ingested the mind-altering substance himself shortly before killing Tusko, the prize of the Oklahoma City Zoo, and w as evidently still under its influence at the time he sloshed through the beasts entrails, performing an autopsy w hich he recorded on film. He later issued a report to advance his discovery that elephants could be killed w ith LSD and to promote use of the drug to cull elephant herds in Africa. Prisons as Laboratories Jolly West moved on, changing his base of operations from Oklahoma to Los Angeles. In keeping w ith intelligence proposals to utilize prisons as experimental laboratories, he drafted a plan to use electric shock and drugs on state inmates in w hat w as called aversion therapy. In the 1960s, West could also be found in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco, conducting more LSD experiments, this time w ithin the hippie community. A pet project of Wests in the late 1960s and early 1970s w as the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. He proposed to establish a securely fenced center at a remote, abandoned Nike missile base in the Santa Monica Mountains, in keeping w ith earlier plans by the CIA to set up mind-control stations off the beaten path, w here experimentation could be carried out free from such concerns as human rights. Ironically, West embarked on a PR campaign to promote himself as a champion of human rights an effort that w ould be comical if not for the bottom line in terms of human suffering. Wests plans for such centers w ere the subject of hearings by the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin, w hose members w ere alarmed at reports that West planned to test radical forms of behavior modification -mind-bending drugs, electric shock, implantation of electrodes in the brain and forcible castration w ith the drug cyproterone acetate. Critics charged that his violence centers w ould target blacks and MexicanAmericans in its studies. Other sites selected for Wests violence centers in California w ere Vacaville, Camarillo and Atascadero state hospitals. It has been documented that CIA drug and radiation experiments did take place at Vacaville. Yet another study that West called for w as clearly aimed at intelligence agency application: remote monitoring and behavioral control. His plan w as to use electric shock and other means to remotely control human behavior by computer. Tight-Lipped Many millions more poured into the controversial UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute that West headed, including over $14 million in federal funds in one fiscal year before he stepped dow n. West remains tight-lipped about these and other experiments and activities w hich are under examination by Freedom. Walter Bow art, author of Operation Mind Control, described West as perhaps the chief advocate of mind control in America today. From his participation in the development of brainw ashing techniques for the U.S. Air Force to his involvement in the CIA s famous MK-Ultra projects, West has figured so prominently in the research and development of the invisible w ar1 that his public career appears like a carefully constructed
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espionage cover. Betw een 1974 and 1989, West received at least $5,110,099 in grants from the federal government, channeled through the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a major funding conduit for CIA programs. Many millions more poured into the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute that West headed, including over $14 million in federal funds in one fiscal year before he stepped down. West has continued to advocate psychiatric drugs to treat virtually everything, holding that clinging to the drug-free state of mind is an antiquated position for anyone. Indeed, the unspoken thrust behind his career has been the control of individuals and whole populations through covert means. Cattle Prod Therapy Betw een 1974 and 1989, West received at least $5,110,099 in grants from the federal government, channeled through the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) a major funding conduit for CIA programs. Before stepping dow n as director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute, West reportedly allow ed psychiatric treatments that w ere more suited to brainwashing, mind control or a torture chamber than for resolving mental troubles. It w as reported in 1976, for example, that Neuropsychiatric Institute psychiatrist Ivar Lovass had used electric cattle prods for aversion therapy on children. As one new spaper stated at the time, Farrell Instruments Company, the same firm w hich supplies other shocking equipment for UCLAs Clockw ork Orange experiments on 3-to 12-year-old boys recognizes that aversion therapy techniques are often cruel. An example, the company says, is the use of cattle prods w hich have high voltage that produces skin destruction. Dr. Lovass and his partner in psychiatry, Dr. George Reker, how ever, favor the use of -and have used -cattle prods on children w ho are not mentally ill or criminal or w ho have not violated any law or rule -young boys merely thought to be effeminate. Lovass hired by West -also allegedly shocked 5-year-old tw ins to modify behavior, w ith jolts administered through a grid system in the floor that enabled the psychiatrists to blast the children w herever they moved in the room. Despite the violence that marked the w ork of West and his cohorts, or perhaps because of it, he enjoyed influence in the psychiatric community, serving for example on the National Advisory Council to the NIMH. From his positions, he could have charted a far more humane and helpful course for mental health, rather than brain-damaging drugs and electric shock. As part of his legacy, the NIMH continues to squander billions in taxpayer dollars to fund research on brain-damaging substances, rather than genuine cures. The true cost impossible to measure in money -lies in the Americans now dead from psychiatric drugs and electric shock or, still living, existing as little more than vegetables. The secrecy and false information that for decades cloaked Wests activities continue to shroud the effects of the treatments he promoted and w hich are still in use. And today, the living hell that Melissa Holliday experienced still exists for nameless others you probably w ont read about in the press. Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Cancer, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | 1 Comment

Army Mind Control to Self Destruct unwittingly

March 7, 2011 You and America, w e the people and the Globe w w w for updated facts on ALL beings from Pentagon! Psyop MindWar Michael Aquino Tags:911, Cancer, Civilians, Crimes, culture, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

LEADING PSYCHIATRIST BLOWS WHISTLE ON PROFESSION: PROVES 50+ YEARS OF MIND CONTROL-What the Globe should have known decades ago! (update-in absentia)
March 2, 2011 MindNet Journal -Vol. 1, No. 94 V E R I C O M M sm Quid veritas est? Please click here for FULL DISCLOSURES OF THIS REPORT in absentia at w w w or other w hiteroseII@w postings. God

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Bless! The follow ing is reproduced here w ith the express permission of the author/publisher. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for noncommercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unaltered. Editors Note: The follow ing article originally appeared in the new sletter of The Freedom of Thought Foundation: Free Thinking, Vol 2. No. 6 & No. 18, 1996. The following Natl Healthcare was infiltrated from the minds of we the people using psyops on media and all Govt employees, laws, and systems to engineer our culture. Psychiatry skewed with mind control CointelPro born in the 50s and DOD keeping their enemies close (Democracy Now interview with Amy Goodman. INVENTING and framing the entire profession with synthetic ills, paranoia, schizophrenia, trances for split personalities, cognitive impairments all born around the 70s, into our childrens books/journals, with worse SCIENCE under SIEGE. The creation of suspended senses, NLP, and terrorism Manchurians, sociopaths, stalkers, etc. PSYCHIATRISTS, APA, AMA have all been duped in their own practice framed by NSA TRANSMISSIONS during their WORK. Dr. is alive and practicing. Dr. Bowart died of CANCER while discovering the full conspiracy and TAX DOLLAR collected by our Govt on Pharmaceutical DRUGS. By W.H. Bow art December 1996 Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal profession as having the most useless information, the most know -nothing, corrupt and mercenary practitioners of any profession? The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors w ho once easily earned $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time pulling in $100,000 a year these days. This could be due to the cuts in national health care payments, to the competition that has been created by the low er prices of the HMOs, and/or it could be partly caused by the accumulative effects of the CIAs fifty years of covert manipulation of that profession. Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially those w ho also hold diplomas in psychology) w orked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project w hich tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a variety of other things on unw itting humans often employees of the government w hod already signed their lives aw ay. These psychiatrists w ere hell-bent on seeing that this government chattel w ould, since they hadnt given their lives for their country, give their minds and souls and too often their childrens minds and souls for it. In any of the professions its hard to find a w histle blow er. Seldom w ill one law yer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to find justice in the self-regulated profession of health -especially mental health. Doctors seldom bear w itness against other doctors. A good example of the insular attitude w hich sees regulatory board members looking the other w ay w as the case of Dr. W illiam Jennings Bryan III (W JB3). Great grandson of the great orator W illiam Jennings Bryan, W JB3 w as the director of the American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the fifties to his death in the seventies. Bryan w as an innovator in the application of the uses of hypnosis. He designed a sw itchboard of electronic instruments w hich made it possible for him to hypnotize and monitor the feedback from three different clients at the same time. He had a taste for beautiful w omen, so, after he found beauties w ho w ere also highly suggestible, he encouraged them to pay him a professional visit. Psychiatry in the second half of the tw entieth century has undoubtedly been strongly skew ed not by an agenda that has to do w ith academic research, not by the best interest of clients, not by ethical psychiatry but by an intelligence agenda Colin A. Ross, M.D. During such sessions, after the w omen w ere in a deep, deep sleep, W JB3 w ould slip into the room w here they w ere lying on the couch and make suggestions w hich w ould eventually open them to accepting his sexual advances maybe w hile they w ere imagining they w ere having sex w ith their husbands, or some Hollyw ood icon of their dreams. W hile W JB3 might have thought of this as just a little creative visualization, some of the w omen eventually remembered episodes of this hypno-rape, and four of them pressed charges of sexual assault against him. According to the April 22, 1969 Los Angeles Times, the California State Board of Medical Examiners found W illiam Jennings Bryan III guilty of unprofessional conduct in four cases involving sexual molesting of female patients. The penalty for this offense w as five years probation a typical slap on the w rist for shrinks

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w ho are w orking for the cryptocracy. The Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Ew en Cameron w as the former head of the Quebec Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the World Psychiatric Association (the founder of the W PA, in fact), and the one-time President of the Association for Biological Psychiatry has been described as the most politically connected a guy as ever existed in the entire field of psychiatry in the 20th Century. This Canadian shrink w as funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology Foundation, did LSD and other hallucinogen research funded by both the Canadian military and the CIA. Cameron is one of the central figures in Gordon Thomas book Journey Into Madness. Cameron developed an insidious technique of torture called psychic driving w hich produced Differential Amnesia and Schizophrenic appearing conditions. He gave his secret test subjects hundreds of ECT (electroshock) treatments using the Paige-Russell technique, in w hich the shock sw itch is throw n six times during a treatment instead of once. Then the patients w ould be given barbiturates and a deep, deep, neuroleptic sleep w ould be induced for three months or so. W hen the subjects finally came out of their comas they w ere usually depressed, disoriented, incontinent, and unable to state their names, read, drive an automobile, have sexual relations, cook, use the toilet, or recognize their spouses or children. This must have been of great use to the cryptocracy w hich supported such research for around fifty years since it appears that the cryptocracy is still supporting more advanced research in w hich possession and control of the human mind and soul is the targeted outcome. Dr. Cameron escaped prosecution because no one knew about (or could remember) his criminal research until after his death. W hen new s of his experiments w as made public, the CIA w as sued and quickly paid the mentally damaged subjects of Dr. Camerons cryptocratic curiosity millions of dollars in outof-court settlements. That figure might have been much greater had the majority of the subjects not died prematurely. The history of the CIAs search for tools to create and managed the perfect slave state are chronicled in a variety of books. But the profession has largely ignored this information, often giving the authors the armchair diagnosis as cranks and paranoids. But there are heroes even among psychiatrists. At least one, a Canadian Psychiatrist, Dr. Colin Ross, has begun to put a lot of time into trying to identify and correct the w rongs done by his countryman Cameron and his peers in the profession. Ross said: Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America betw een the 1940s and the 1970s w as involved in some aspect of the CIAs mind control research. At a w orkshop he held at the 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation in Costa Mesa, California, last April, Ross offered a preview of the research hes uncovered for a new book. He said, W hen I systematically started looking into CIA military mind control, the more I looked, the more solid reality there w as there. And as you w ill see as w e go through these slides, and through this talk, its a completely different deal from SRA. Somew here out there in the justice system, there may actually be objective evidence w here somebody has actually busted a SRA cult. If there is, that information is not generally publicly available to us. It is a fact that w e have not nailed dow n human ritual sacrifice cults in North America if they exist. So its all conjecture I w ill prove to you, completely locked dow n, documented, proven, beyond dispute or discussion that intelligence agencies have been creating Manchurian candidates and MPD for operational use since the Second World War. This is not a conspiracy theory, he said, This is a fact. Now thats very amazing, Ross said, because if you took an opinion poll of all the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association today or you took the same poll five years ago, over 99% of the psychiatrists w ould say Its fiction. We know the movie is fiction, Frank Sinatra (in the Manchurian Candidate) did a good job, but theres just no w ay, its absolutely impossible. There might be tw o outlaw psychiatrists in the w hole group w ho w ould say that its possible that Manchurian candidates are real. This is a very, very strange phenomena that actually, in 1996, this is a completely documented fact -its a very strange sociological development in the field of psychiatry. How could that be possible? Well, Im going to try and explain how its possible. So thats w hat I am going to talk about. Also I am going to talk about not just creating Manchurian Candidates, but the w hole netw ork of mind control doctors that is involved in this and supports this this kind of old boys netw ork that maintains all of this. And you w ill see a w hole bunch of slides w ith godzillian interconnections that I w ill go into in detail. And every one of those steps unless I otherw ise specify is completely documented. Absolutely objective in full. There is something real peculiar about the w hole story. Its a very strange story. It tells us that there is something going on in our culture and in the mental health field that is hidden and secret. This is another kind of incest secret in the field of psychiatry that all of these people w ho have been running psychiatry in the latter half of the 20th century are either directly or loosely connected to a w hole huge universe of covert, hidden, secretly funded mind

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control research, and as emphasized, thats a fact If, in fact, experimental MPD has been created and has been tight and hard and real enough for operational use by intelligence agencies for the last 50 years, then it is something of interest to the dissociative disorders field. This is profound evidence in favor of the iatrogenic (doctor induced) pathw ay to DID that I talked about this morning. W hen I combine the expert w itness experience that I have had at clinically created iatrogenic DID using the techniques of destructive psychotherapy cults in the course of persuasion, as I described this morning w hen I take that expert w itness evidence and see those cases created out of a base of no preexisting DID and then I go to this CIA military mind-control literature, my only possible conclusion is, yes, you can create full tilt DID artificially from ground zero. Also, I have to conclude that you can create any degree of complexity, permutations of false memory that you w ant. There is absolutely no limit on the quantity, complexity, reality, congruence, plausibility of false memories that you can insert in somebodys mind w ittingly or unw ittingly. They didnt tell me that in medical school? This is a little sub-paradigm revolution in the DID field. There is a huge w ealth of information, experimental information, clinical anecdotal information, and operational street smarts know ledge of DID thats been up and running and full tilt in the mental health field for 50 years now . This did not spring out of now here in 1980, and w e are missing a ton of experimental research data thats still classified that bears directly on this false memory debate that is going on in our society now . And you w ill see some of the players in this w hole scenario of interesting people Ross pointed out that it w as not just psychiatrists and psychologists involved in the search for the w ay to create a psycho-civilized society but also sociologists, linguists, cyberneticists and other professionals (even a magician or tw o men w ho w ere expert in micromuscle movement reading), people from the World War Tw o and Cold War generations. Today mind control research has bled into many other specialized areas and comes up under the general heading of cognitive sciences, w hich includes biomedicine, anesthesiology, neurology, cybernetics, linguistics, neural netw orking in the computer science departments and so forth. All of these projects are scattered and compartmentalized so that one researcher usually doesnt know w hat another is doing, but the funders (the black budget spenders of the U.S. and other governments) collect all the data and put it together for the final devastating applications. In his w orkshop Ross offered the names of some of the more insidious doctors and the institutions w hich supported them. At the top of the list w as Dr. George Estabrooks w ho, in 1950 w rote: I can hypnotize a man w ithout his know ledge or consent -into committing treason against the United States. Ross described Estabrooks as a pivotal figure in the cryptocracys mind-control research. He drew an elaborate map connecting Estabrooks to the CIAs MKULTRA research, the FBI and other agencies. Then, he named the follow ing professionals as part of the mind control conspiracy: W illiam C. Hollinger, L. W ilson Green, Richard Ofshe (Sociologist), James Hamilton, Harold Abramson, Carl Pfeiffer, Louis Jolyon West (Psychiatrist UCLA), Carl Rogers, Martin T. Orne, George W hite (Army Col, CIA, BNDD), Maitland Baldw in, Harold Wolff, Raymond Prince (Mass. General Hospital), R. Gordon Wasson (stock broker and mycologist mushroom expert), John Mulholland (magician), B.F. Skinner (Harvard Behaviorist), Garner Murphy (Harvard), E.R. Hilgard (member of DSM IV Dissociative Disorders Committee), Ron Shore (collaborator w ith Martin Orne) Milton Erickson (Psychiatrist and inspiration for Neurolinguistics Programming), Daniel X. Friedman (Editor of Archives of the Journal of Psychiatry 1970-1993), Allen Dulles (Director CIA 1953-1961), Loretta Bender, Paul Haw k (psychiatrist w ho killed Harold Blauer in 1953 w ith an inject of supposed mescaline), Robert W hite (Harvard), J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI), John Gittinger (CIA psychologist), Robert Lifton (psychiatrist and w ell-know n author), Margaret Singer (psychologist, author of Cults in Our Midst), Paul McHugh (Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins), James W hitehorn (former Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and advisor of the Human Ecology Foundation w ith Top Secret Clearance), Harold Lief (advisor of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation), Colston Westbrook (CIA Psy-War expert w ho w orked at Vacaville Prison w ith prisoners such as Donald Defreeze and Timothy Leary), Robert Heath (doing brain electrode implant research at Tulane), Francisco Silva (Cuban psychiatrist w ho allegedly put Lee Harvey Osw ald up in his home and got him a job at the hospital w here Silva w orked prior to the assassination), Mark Sw eet (collaborator w ith L.J. West for the UCLA Violence Project), Wagner Joreg (son of Wagner Joreg w ho w on the Nobel Prize for treating syphilis w ith malaria), Amadeo Morazzi (LSD researcher at the University of Minnesota), Gregory Bateson, Allen Ginsburg, Ken Kesey, Sydney Mallett, and the list goes on. Ross linked dozens of institutions to the research w hich, he said he suspects, is still going on in one form or another. Among the institutions he reeled off the top of his head w ere: Butler Hospital Health Center (part of Harvard), Childrens International Summer Village, Columbia University, Cornell University, Denver University, Emory College, Florida University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Houston University, Illinois University, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins University, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, University of

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Minnesota, New Jersey Reformatory, Bordentow n in Tennessee, Ohio University, University of Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, W isconsin University, University of Texas, University of Oklahoma, McGill, the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Mental Health, the New Jersey Psychiatric Research Institute, National Philosophical Society, Office of Naval Research, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Vacaville State Prison, Public Health Service, Cornell, Bureau of Narcotics, Bureau of Prisons, and many others. You get the idea, Ross said. Then, the w ell-prepared researcher gave a litany of declassified code names under w hich many of these atrocities occurred: MKULTRA, MKSEARCH, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, STARGATE, CHATTER, OFTEN, CHICKW IT, DERBYHAT, THIRD CHANCE, MKDELTA, QK HILLTOP and others. It just show s you, Ross said, the theme here is not that there is a military intelligence conspiracy to cover up Manchurian Candidate creation w ith the myth of borderline personality disorder. The point now is more of a global general meta point w hich is: this w hole netw ork of old boys in psychiatry and psychology, w ho w ere covertly funded for part of the military and CIA intelligence mind-control netw ork, are very influential in the history of psychiatry in a kind of nebulous fashion that just permeates the w hole field. It isnt part of the sort of one-to-one correspondences that I have been show ing before. Its a matter of the w hole mind set of psychiatry how w e think about borderlines (Borderline Personality Disorder), how w e think about temporal lobe epilepsy, how w e are going to react to MPD? The point is that the history of psychiatry in the second half of the tw entieth century has undoubtedly been strongly skew ed -not by an agenda that has to do w ith academic research, not by the best interest of clients, not by ethical psychiatry but by an Intelligence agenda. Ross said that the full story of the CIAs involvement w ith his profession is still unknow n. We are missing a ton of experimental research data thats still classified that bears directly on this false memory debate that is going on in our society now . In an attempt to uncover more information Ross visited the CIA Reading Room in Washington, D.C. He said it w as a very unusual experience, and dealt w ith it w ith humor, as a skilled psychiatrist w ould deal w ith a client suffering from Dissociated Identity Disorder. This is the w ay it goes in trying to document this stuff and trying to make it public and identify the specific individuals. Its a big slow job. And w hen you make Freedom of Information requests, its like interacting w ith any Federal Bureaucracy. Ross said that, in fact, the CIA had been extremely helpful to him. The CIA, he said, w as extremely polite, extremely courteous w hen I w ent to the CIA Reading Room Let me just tell you the story., Ross said, Here I am, a Canadian psychiatrist, going dow n to the Eastern Regional Conference, and a day early I pop over to the CIA Reading Room to look at the MKULTRA documents to figure out w hich ones I w ant to order at 10 cents a page w hich they then shipped to me. It arrives at my office via UPS w ith CIA stamped in the corner. Im w ondering w ho thinks thats w eird? Ross said he found the CIA Reading Room just this building in Virginia on a street. It is completely unrecognizable as anything. I get dropped off there w hoa theres all these guys in uniforms and here I am, this civilian. I go w alking along accompanied by this CIA person, and I go into the first room w hich has a steel vault door and says Secured Area: Treasury Department. I go into that room and they close the door. I am now in a Secured Area. I sit dow n and they bring in all the documents on a little cart and (an elderly w oman) gives me 15-20 pencils beautifully sharpened, and a notepad and everything. You order w hich documents you w ant at the end of the day. I am sitting there w orking aw ay on this huge amount of documents all day, Ross said. Work, w ork, w ork, w ork Some time in the middle of the day this old w oman comes at me. Now I am thinking, is this old w oman trying to pump me for information? W hats here? (Is she) going to report back at the end of the day? She says, Well, w hats that stuff you are reading? I am trying to act casually, I just say, Well, its just a bunch of mind control documents from the 50s and 60s. And she says, Is that stuff classified? And I say, No, no. It w as declassified a long time ago, And she says, Well w hat do they need me here for? And I said, I dont know . And then I stopped talking to her and I started focusing dow n on the paper. Ross said his beef w as not w ith the intelligence community or the CIA, but w ith the psychiatrists and psychologist w ho created a little loophole w here they can step out of normal ethical oversight, violate the Hippocratic Oath, get aw ay w ith it, not talk about it. Its just like the conspiracy to keep incest under the carpet. This is all conspired and
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kept under the carpet -not by tw elve guys in a room at Langley w ho are doing the planning, but just by this pervasive old boys netw ork. Thats w hat keeps the mind control secret dow n just like it kept the incest secret dow n. So thats another reason w hy this is important, and needs to be uncovered The idea that there could be a deliberate disinformation campaign element to the False Memory movement is perfectly plausible, consistent w ith history, and could be expected. There is bound to be some sort of disinformation strategy if, in fact, Manchurian Candidates have been leaking out into civilian psychotherapy. So here w e have, w ith all of this documentation, all of this proof w e know that it is perfectly possible that people w e are seeing in therapy w ho are claiming to be victims of systematic military mind-control experimentation are telling us about w hat actually happened to them We have a major disinformation campaign w hich has basically fooled mental health professionals and the general public concerning brain-w ashing, concerning LSD. Fortunately those are the only tw o examples in human history, Ross said w ith sarcasm. This analysis does not apply to the False Memory movement. There is no w ay it could conceivably be possible, you w ill all agree, that there could not be any nervousness in the Intelligence Community about Manchurian Candidates spilling out into civilian psychotherapies and that a disinformation program based on False Memories w ould be required. It is obviously absurd. Ross continued his sarcasm, saying: Nobody but a CIA conspiracy nut w ould ever suggest that. I guarantee you that that thought has never even crossed my mind until it just spontaneously appeared at this moment. Then, after the laughter subsided, Ross resumed, in total seriousness, speaking of the declassified documents from the Atomic Energy Commission, alluding to the testimony before the Presidents Commission on Radiation at w hich victims of mind control testified they had been experimented upon w ith radioactive materials as children. This is no longer vague, he said. We know the specific names of people, w hen they died, w hether it w as plutonium or w hatever w as injected, the names of the doctors, the names of the medical schools w here it w as done, its all keyed up for compensation, the government has set up a w hole compensation mechanism Dr. Ross book, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment of Multiple Personality is scheduled for release by the publishers John W iley and Sons, N.Y., in December, 1996. Journey Into Madness, by Gordon Thomas, w as published in 1989 by Bantam Books, NYC. MindNet Journal FTP Archive Filename: [mn194.txt] Letters to editor, Mike Coyle: Submission of articles for publication w ithin the MindNet Journal on the subjects of mind control, directed-energy w eapons, non-lethal w eapons, ritual abuse, UFO abductions, bioelectromagnetics, hypnosis and other related topics w ill be accepted w ith the authors statement of permission to publish. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject for publication. The publisher disclaims all responsibility to return unsolicited matter. Send articles for publication to: or VERICOMM, POB 32314, Oakland, CA 94604-2314 USA. The MindNet Journal is published by VERICOMM (sm) in cooperation w ith the Freedom Of Thought Foundation, POB 35072, Tucson, AZ 85740-5072 USA. mhtml:file://E:\___MEGA%20Library\Mind%20Control\Fritz%20Springmeier\LEADING 6/18/2008 Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, surveillance, torture, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

Facts behind the scenes-2nd level shadow CIA! (via Thewhiteroses Blog)
February 11, 2011 Updated 2/11/11

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w w w Shadow CIA mind controlling ELITES unw it-UNREALIZED. U S Matrix of Robots as are Politicians CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, stalking, viruses, HACKERS..! R Nader Peter Zatko, DARPA Pentagon Unit-The Cult of DEAD COW ! Paranoia etc. is only a thought from a trigger and anchor NSA CIA shadow transmissions. Tavistock: Best kept secret in America and RANDs primary function Brainw ash-CIA NLP not Freudian mind control ill Read More UPDATED FACTS KNOW N TODAY FULL DISCLOSURES! w w w Tavistock The Best Kept Secret in America By Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD July 31, 2001 o/nw otavistockbestkeptsecret.shtml Tavistock Institutions In The United States INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES (IPS) STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT), ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT RAND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION [Editor's Note: This penetrating article by w as sent to John Quinn by the author, Dr. Byron Weeks. The insidious propaganda and public opinion manipulations (including mind control agendas) orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute is covered at length in the books of David Icke and Dr John Coleman, but this recent article adds fresh insights and historical perspective. Our thanks to Brice Taylor <> for forw arding...Ken Adachi] Preface from John Quinn (New sHaw k) This forw arded article w as received from Byron Weeks; w ho in our opinion really has a good firm handle on exactly W HAT is up on many levels w ith the extraordinarily extensive control trips currently being directed against the peoples of the w orld by elements of the global shadow government. Weeks, w hom I quoted at length in the book PHOENIX UNDEAD, has sent us this compelling look at a globally-active British institute w hich has had its hands in just about every social and political/governmental movement of note throughout much of the w orld for the past 50 years. For example, ever w onder w ho and w hat is behind, lets say, the CIA? Well, they dont sw ear allegiance to America, thats for certain. Try the British royal family. This report is the real stuffsolidly researched and meticulously documented; so for lots more truly concept-bending data, read on. New sHaw k Inc. ------To John Quinn I believe Tavistock has alw ays had secret ties to British Freemasonry. Byron T. Weeks, MD Col. AFUS, MC, Ret. TAVISTOCK THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN AMERICA TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE . . . . . . . . . 30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD. Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-forprofit organization w hich seeks to combine research in the social sciences w ith professional practice. Problems of institution-building and organizational design and change are being tackled in all sectors government, industry and commerce, health and w elfare, education, etc. nationally and internationally, and clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A grow th area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of new and experimental programs, particularly in health, education and community development. This has also produced new training events alongside the regular program of group relations conferences. The Institute ow ns and edits the monthly journal Human Relations (published by Plenum Press) w hich is now in its 48th year, and has recently launched (in conjunction w ith Sage Publications) a new journal Evaluation. Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, w ith no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it betw een, but not in, the w orlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science,

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psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology. The ideology of American foundations w as created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers w ho survived World War I. Its purpose w as to establish the breaking point of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Raw lingsReese. Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens w hen he moved to England. He w as given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistocks pioneer w ork in behavioral science along Freudian lines of controlling humans established it as the w orld center of foundation ideology. Its netw ork now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, <http://w>Hudson Institute, <http://w>Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetow n, w here State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A netw ork of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock netw ork. [Editor, Tim Aho's note: See Watch Unto Prayer report on The Heritage Foundation founded by Paul Weyrich w ith funding from Joseph Coors, w ho also founded and financed respectively the Moral Majority and Council for National Policy.] Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-w ashing techniques w hich w ere first used experimentally on American prisoners of w ar in Korea. Its experiments in crow d control methods have been w idely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lew in, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a refugee, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, w hich originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II. In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement w ith Churchill w hich in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as w ell as the CIA has alw ays w orked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute. [Editor, Tim Aho: See Watch Unto Prayer report on <http://w>The John Birch Society & Council for National Policy for information regarding CIA operations on the Christian Right.] Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they w atched the guinea pigs reacting under controlled laboratory conditions. All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique w hich helps to break dow n the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as w eapons of crow d control. The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those w ho undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to establish new rituals of personal interaction, that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters w hich actually set the participants adrift w ith no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family. Tavistock Institute has developed such pow er in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries. Henry Kissinger, w hose meteoric rise to pow er is otherw ise inexplicable, w as a German refugee and student of Sir John Raw lingsReese at SHAEF. Dr. Peter Bourne, a Tavistock Institute psychologist, picked Jimmy Carter for President of the U.S. solely because Carter had undergone an intensive brainw ashing program administered by Admiral Hyman Rickover at Annapolis. The experiment in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. w as organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jew ish Congress, and director of child training

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at the Commission on Community Relations. The program w as designed to break dow n the individuals sense of personal know ledge in his identity, his racial heritage. Through the Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock controls the National Education Association. The Institute of Social Research at the National Training Lab brain w ashes the leading executives of business and government.

Such is the power of Tavistock that our entire space program was scrapped for nine years so that the Soviets could catch up. The hiatus w as demanded in an article w ritten by Dr. Anatol Rapport, and w as promptly granted by the government, to the complete mystification of everyone connected w ith NASA. Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategythe use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in w hich unsuspecting CIA officials w ere given LSD, and their reaction studied like guinea pigs, resulted in several deaths.
The U.S. Government had to pay millions in damages to the families of the victims, but the culprits w ere never indicted. The program originated w hen Sandoz AG, a Sw iss drug firm, ow ned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London, developed Lysergic Acid [LSD]. Roosevelts advisor, James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg w ho w rote the Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg w ho had financed Hitler, set up the <http://w>Institute for Policy Studies to promote the drug. The result w as the LSD counterculture of the 1960s, the student revolution, w hich w as financed by $25 million from the CIA. One part of MK Ultra w as the Human Ecology Fund; the CIA also paid Dr. Herbert Kelman of Harvard to carry out further experiments on mind control. In the 1950s, the CIA financed extensive LSD experiments in Canada. Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, president of the Canadian Psychological Association, and director of Royal Victorian Hospital, Montreal, received large payments from the CIA to give 53 patients large doses of LSD and record their reactions; the patients w ere drugged into w eeks of sleep and then given electric shock treatments. One victim, the w ife of a member of the Canadian Parliament, is now suing the U.S. companies w ho provided the drug for the CIA. All the records of the CIAs drug testing program w ere ordered destroyed by the head of MK Ultra. Because all efforts of the Tavistock Institute are directed tow ard producing cyclical collapse, the effect of the CIA programs are tragically apparent. R. Emmett Tyrell Jr., w riting in the Washington Post August 20, 1984, cites the squalid consequences of the 60s radicals in SDS as resulting in the grow ing rate of illegitimacy, petty law lessness, drug addiction, w elfare, VD, and mental illness. This is the legacy of the Warburgs and the CIA. Their principal agency, the Institute for Policy Studies, w as funded by James Paul Warburg; its co-founder w as Marcus Raskin, protege of McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation. Bundy had Raskin appointed to the post of President Kennedys personal representative on the National Security Council, and in 1963 funded Students for Democratic Society, through w hich the CIA operated the drug culture. Today the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 Billion a year netw ork of Foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, w ith 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks w hich originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order over the American people. The Stanford Research Institute, adjoining the Hoover Institution, is a $150 million a year operation w ith 3300 employees. It carries on program surveillance for Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other companies, and extensive intelligence operations for the CIA. It is the largest institution on the West Coast promoting mind control and the behavioral sciences. One of the key agencies as a conduit for secret instructions from Tavistock is the Ditchley Foundation, founded in 1957. The American branch of the Ditchley Foundation is run by Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State, and director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Winston Lord, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. [Editor, Tim Aho's note: The w ife of W inston Lord (CFR, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones), Bette Bao Lord (CFR, Bilderberg), is Chairman of the Board of Freedom House w hose manipulation of the Christian Right via the Religious Persecution issue is documented in our report <http://w>Freedom House: A CFR Front.] One of the principal but little know n operations of the Rockefeller

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Foundation has been its techniques for controlling w orld agriculture. Its director, Kenneth Wernimont, set up Rockefeller controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America. The independent farmer is a great threat to the World Order, because he produces for himself, and because his produce can be converted into capital, which gives him independence . In Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks believed they had attained total control over the people; they w ere dismayed to find their plans threatened by the stubborn independence of the small farmers, the Kulaks. Stalin ordered the OGPU to seize all food and animals of the Kulaks, and to starve them out. The Chicago American, February 25, 1935 carried a front page headline, SIX MILLION PERISH IN SOVIET FAMINE; Peasants Crops Seized, They and their Animals Starve. To draw attention from this atrocity, it w as later alleged that the Germans, not the Soviets, had killed six million people, the number taken from the Chicago American headline by a Chicago publicist. The Communist Party, the Party of the Peasants and Workers, exterminated the peasants and enslaved the w orkers. Many totalitarian regimes have found the small farmer to be their biggest stumbling block. The French Reign of Terror w as directed, not against the aristocrats, many of w hom w ere sympathetic to it, but against the small farmers w ho refused to turn over their grain to the revolutionary tribunals in exchange for the w orthless assignats. In the United States, the foundations are presently engaged in the same type of w ar of extermination against the American farmer. The traditional formula of land plus labor for the farmer has been altered due to the farmers need for purchasing pow er, to buy industrial goods needed in his farming operations. Because of this need for capital, the farmer is especially vulnerable to the World Orders manipulation of interest rates, w hich is bankrupting him. Just as in the Soviet Union, in the early 1930s, w hen Stalin ordered the Kulaks to give up their small plots of land to live and w ork on the collective farms, the American small farmer faces the same type of extermination, being forced to give up his small plot of land to become a hired hand for the big agricultural trusts. The Brookings Institution and other foundations originated the monetary programs implemented by the Federal Reserve System to destroy the American farmer, a replay of the Soviet tragedy in Russia, w ith one proviso that the farmer w ill be allow ed to survive if he becomes a slave w orker of the giant trusts. Once the citizen becomes aw are of the true role of the foundations, he can understand the high interest rates, high taxes, the destruction of the family, the degradation of the churches into forums for revolution, the subversion of the universities into CIA cesspools of drug addiction, and the halls of government into sew ers of international espionage and intrigue. The American citizen can now understand w hy every agent of the federal government is against him; the alphabet agencies, the FBI, IRS, CIA and BATF must make w ar on the citizen in order to carry out the programs of the foundations. The foundations are in direct violation of their charters, w hich commit them to do charitable w ork, because they make no grants w hich are not part of a political goal. The charge has been made, and never denied, that the Heritage-AEI netw ork has at least tw o KGB moles on its staff. The employment of professional intelligence operatives as charitable w orkers, as w as done in the Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1917, exposes the sinister political economic and social goals w hich the World Order requires the foundations to achieve through their bequests . Not only is this tax fraud, because the foundations are granted tax exemption solely to do charitable w ork, but it is criminal syndicalism, conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States of America, Constitutional Law 213, Corpus Juris Secundum 16. For the first time, the close interlocking of the foundation syndicate has been revealed by the names of its principle incorporatorsDaniel Coit Gilman, w ho incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, and became an incorporator of the General Education Board (now the Rockefeller Foundation); Gilman, w ho also incorporated the Russell Trust in 1856, later became an incorporator of the Carnegie Institution w ith Andrew Dickson W hite (Russell Trust) and Frederic A. Delano. Delano also w as an original incorporator of the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endow ment for International Peace. Daniel Coit Gilman incorporated the Russell Sage Foundation w ith Cleveland H. Dodge of the National City Bank. These foundations incorporators have been closely linked w ith the Federal Reserve System, the War Industries Board of World War I, the OSS of World War II and the CIA. They have also been closely linked w ith the American International Corporation, w hich w as formed to instigate the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Delano, an uncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, w as on the original Board of Governors of the Federal
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Reserve System in 1914. His brother-in-law founded the influential Washington law firm of Covington and Burling. The Delanos and other ruling families of the World Order trace their lineage directly back to W illiam of Orange and the regime w hich granted the charter of the Bank of England. Tavistock Institutions In The United States Flow Laboratories Gets contracts from the National Institutes of Health. Merle Thomas Corporation Gets contracts from the U.S. Navy, analyzes data from satellites. Walden Research Does w ork in the field of pollution control. Planning Research Corporation, Arthur D. Little, G.E. TEMPO, Operations Research Inc. Part of approximately 350 firms w ho conduct research and conduct surveys, make recommendations to government. They are part of w hat President Eisenhow er called a possible danger to public policy that could itself become captive of a scientific-technological elite. Brookings Institution Dedicates its w ork to w hat it calls a national agenda. W rote President Hoovers program, President Roosevelts New Deal, the Kennedy Administrations New Frontiers program (deviation from it may have cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnsons Great Society. Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so. Hudson Institute This institution has done more to shape the w ay Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps any except the BIG FIVE. Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations w ith the USSR. Most of its military w ork is classified as SECRET. (One idea during the Vietnam War w as to build a moat around Saigon.) Hudson may be properly classified as one of the Committee of 300s BRAINW ASHING establishments. One of its largest clients is the U.S. Department of Defense w hich includes matters of civil defense, national security, military policy and arms control. [Editor, Tim Aho: This is the same <http://w>Hudson Institute w hich gave us GOALS 2000 and authored the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act, w hich became the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. This law required the creation of a federal commission to monitor religion chaired by a presidentially-appointed Ambassador-atLarge on International Religious Freedom under the mandates of the United Nations' covenants and authority of the International Criminal Court.] National Training Laboratories One of the key institutions established for this purpose in the United States w as the National Training Laboratories (NTL). Founded in 1947 by members of the Tavistock netw ork in the United States and located originally on an estate in Bethel, Maine, NTL had as its explicit purpose the brainw ashing of leaders of the government, educational institutions, and corporate bureaucracies in the Tavistock method, and then using these leaders to either themselves run Tavistock group sessions in their organizations or to hire other similarly trained group leaders to do the job. The nuts and bolts of the NTL operation revolves around the particular form of Tavistock degenerate psychology know n as g roup dynamics, developed by German Tavistock operative Kurt Lew in, w ho emigrated to the United States in the 1930s and w hose students founded NTL. In a Lew inite brainw ashing group, a number of individuals from varying backgrounds and personalities, are manipulated by a group leader to form a consensus of opinion, achieving a new group identity. The key to the process is the creation of a controlled environment, in w hich stress is introduced (sometimes called dissonance) to crack an individuals belief structure. Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is cracked, and a new personality emerges w ith new values. The degrading experience causes the person to deny that any change has taken place. In that w ay, an individual is brainw ashed w ithout the victim know ing w hat has taken place. This method is the same, w ith some minor modification, used in all socalled sensitivity groups or T-groups, or in the more extreme rockdrug-sex counterculture form, touchy-feely groups, such as the kind popularized from the 1960s onw ard by the Esalen Institute, w hich w as set up w ith the help of NTL. From the mid-1950s onw ard, NTL put the majority of the nations corporate leaderships through such brainw ashing programs, w hile running similar programs for the State Department, the Navy, the Department of Education, and other sections of the federal
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bureaucracy. There is no firm estimate of the number of Americans w ho have been put through this process in last 40 years at either NTL, or as it is now know n the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, w hich is based in Rosslyn, Virginia, or its West Coast base of operations, the Western Training Laboratories in Group Development, or in various satellite institutions. The most reliable estimate is in the several millions. One of the groups that w ent through the NTL mill in the 1950s w as the leadership of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the United States. Thus, the NEAs outlook has been shaped by Tavistock, through the NTL. In 1964, the NTL Institute became a direct part of the NEA, w ith the NTL setting up group sessions for all its affiliates. W ith funding from the Department of Education, the NTL Institute drafted the programs for the training of the nations primary and secondary school teachers, and has a hand as w ell in developing the content of educational reforms, including OBE. Also know n as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. This institute is a brainw ashing center in artificial stress training w hereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations. NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher group in the United States. W hile officially decrying racism, it is interesting to note that NTL, w orking w ith NEA, produced a paper proposing education vouchers w hich w ould separate the hard-to-teach children from the brighter ones, and funding w ould be allocated according to the number of difficult children w ho w ould be separated from those w ho progressed at a normal rate. The proposal w as not taken up. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance & Commerce Founded by Eric Trist One of the brain trusts of Tavistock, W harton has become one of the more important Tavistock in so far as Behavioral Research is concerned. W harton attracts clients such as the U.S. Department of Laborw hich teaches how to produce cooked statistics at the W harton Econometric Forecasting Associates Incorporated. This method w as very much in demand as w e came to the close of 1991 w ith millions more out of w ork than w as reflected in USDL statistics. W hartons ECONOMETRIC MODELING is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Institute for Social Research Among its clients are The Ford Foundation, U.S.Department of Defense, U.S.Postal Service and the U.S. Department of Justice. Among its studies are The Human Meaning Of Social Change, Youth in Transition and How Americans View Their Mental Health. Institute For The Future This is not a typical Tavistock institution in that it is funded by the Ford Foundation, yet it draw s its long-range forecasting from the mother of all think tanks. Institute for the Future projects w hat it believes to be changes that w ill be taking place in time frames of fifty years. So called DELPHI PANELS decide w hat is normal and w hat is not, and prepare position papers to steer government in the right direction to head off such groups as people creating civil disorder. (This could be patriotic groups demanding abolition of graduated taxes, or demanding that their right to bear arms is not infringed.) This institute recommends action such as liberalizing abortion law s, drug usage and that cars entering an urban area pay tolls, teaching birth control in public schools, requiring registration of firearms, making use of drugs a non-criminal offense, legalizing homosexuality, paying students for scholastic achievements, making zoning controls a preserve of the state, offering bonuses for family planning and last, but most frightening, a Pol Pot Cambodiastyle proposal that new communities be established in rural areas, (concentration camp compounds). As can be observed, many of their goals have already been more than fully realized. INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES (IPS) One of the Big Three, IPS has shaped and reshaped United States policies, foreign and domestic, since it w as founded by James P. Warburg and the Rothschild entities in the United States. Its netw orks in America include the League for Industrial Democracy. Lead players in the League for Industrial Democracy have included Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Irw in Suall of the ADL, Eugene Rostow , Arms control negotiator, Lane Kirkland, Labor Leader, and Albert Shanker. IPS w as incorporated in 1963 by Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnett, both highly trained Tavistock Institute graduates. The objectives of IPS came from an agenda laid dow n for it by the Tavistock Institute, one of the most notable being to create the New Left as a grass roots movement in the U.S. Its been said that Barnett and Raskin controlled such diverse elements as the Black Panthers, Daniel Ellsberg, National Security Council staff member Halprin, The Weathermen Underground, the Venceramos and the campaign staff of candidate George McGovern.

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No scheme w as too big for IFS and its controllers to take on and manage. Through its many pow erful lobbing groups on Capitol Hill, IPS relentlessly used its Big Stick to beat Congress. IPS has a netw ork of lobbyists, all supposedly operating independently but in actual fact acting cohesively, so that Congressmen are pummeled from all sides by seemingly different and varied lobbyists, In this w ay, IPS w as, and is still, able to successfully sw ay individual Representatives and Senators to vote for the trend, the w ay things are going. By using key pointmen on Capitol Hill, IPS w as able to break into the very infrastructure of our legislative system and the w ay it w orks. IPS became, and remains to this day, one of the most prestigious think tanks controlling foreign policy decisions, w hich w e, the people, foolishly believe are those of our law makers. By sponsoring militant activism at home and w ith links to revolutionaries abroad, by engineering such victories as The Pentagon Papers, besieging the corporate structure, bridging the credibility gap betw een underground movements and acceptable political activism, by penetrating religious organizations and using them to sow discord in America, such as radical racial policies under the guise of religion, using establishment media to spread IPS ideas, and then supporting them, IPS has lived up to the role w hich it w as founded to play. [Editor, Tim Aho: See Watch Unto Prayer report on <http://w>Freedom House: "Grants (for the IPS) came from the Samuel Rubin Foundation and the Stern Family Fund. Samuel Rubin w as himself a member of the elite Comintern of the Communist Party, founded by none other than Lenin himself. Billionaire Armand Hammer assisted Rubin in making the fortunes w hich helped launch IPS. Philip Stern, an IPS trustee, w as the president of Stern Fund. The executive director of the Stern Fund, David R. Hunter, w as previously an official of The National Council and the World Council Of Churches. (Dr. James W. Wardner, Unholy Alliances, p.125)] STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE Jesse Hobson, the first president of Stanford Research Institute, in a 1952 speech made it clear w hat lines the institute w as to follow . Stanford can be described as one of the jew els in Tavistocks Crow n in its rule over the United States. Founded in 1946 immediately after the close of W W II, it w as presided over by Charles A. Anderson, w ith emphasis on mind control research and future sciences. Included under the Stanford umbrella w as Charles F. Kettering Foundation w hich developed the Changing Images of Man upon w hich the Aquarian Conspiracy rests. Some of Stanfords major clients and contracts w ere at first centered around the defense establishment but, as Stanford grew , so, did the diversity of its services: Applications of Behavioral Sciences to Research Management Office of Science and Technology SRI Business Intelligence Program U.S. Department of Defense Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering U.S. Department of Defense Office of Aerospace Research Among corporations seeking Stanfords services w ere Wells Fargo Bank, Bechtel Corporation, Hew lett Packard, Bank of America, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Blyth, Eastman Dillon and TRW Company. One of Stanfords more secret projects was extensive work on chemical and bacteriological warfare (CAB) weapons. Stanford Research is plugged into at least 200 smaller think tanks doing research into every facet of life in America. This is ARPA netw orking and represents the emergence of probably the most far reaching effort to control the environment of every individual in the country. At present Stanfords computers are linked w ith 2500 sister research consoles w hich include the CIA, Bell Telephone Laboratories, U.S. Army Intelligence, The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), Rand, MIT, Harvard and UCLA. Stanford plays a key role in that it is the library, cataloging all ARPA documentation. Other can use ones imagination here, are allow ed to search through SRIs library for key w ords, phrases, look through sources and update their ow n master files w ith those of Stanford Research Center. The Pentagon uses SRIs master files extensively, and there is little doubt that other U.S. Government agencies do the same. Pentagon command and control problems are w orked out by Stanford. W hile ostensibly these apply only to w eapons and soldiers, there is

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absolutely no guarantee that the same research could not , and w ill not be turned to civilian applications. Stanford is know n to be w illing to do anything for anyone. [Editor, Tim Aho: See Watch Unto Prayer report http://w Lambert Dolphin & the Great Sphinx, w hich documents the connections of SRI's Lambert Dolphin w ith the Edgar Cayce Foundation and The Discernment Ministries.] MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT), ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT This major institute is not generally recognized as being a part of Tavistock U.S.A. Most people look upon it as being a purely American institution, but that is far from the truth. MIT- Alfred Sloan can be roughly divided into the follow ing groups: Contemporary Technology Industrial Relations NASA-ERC Computer Research Laboratories Office of Naval Research Group, Psychology Systems Dynamics Some of MITs clients are: American Management Association Committee for Economic Development GTE Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) NASA National Academy of Sciences National Council of Churches Sylvania TRW U.S. Army U.S. Department of State U.S. Navy U.S. Treasury Volksw agen Company RAND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION W ithout a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the RIIAs most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-ULTRA operation w hich lasted for 20 years). [Editor, Tim Aho's note: The founder of the Rand Corporation, Herman Kahn, also founded the Hudson Institute in 1961. In Educating for the New World Order, B.K. Eakman tells of a training manual for "change agents" developed for the U.S. government by Rand Corporation: ". . . a how -to manual w ith a 1971 U.S. Office of Education contract number on it entitled 'Training for Change Agents'; seven volumes of 'change agent studies' commissioned by the U.S. Office of Education to the Rand Corporation in 1973-74; scores of other papers submitted by behaviorist researchers w ho had obtained grants from the U.S. Office of Education for the purpose of exploring w ays to 'freeze' and 'unfreeze' values, 'to implement change,' and to turn potentially hostile groups and committees into acquiescent, rubber-stamp bodies by means of such strategies as the 'Delphi Technique.'" (p. 118)] Some of RANDs clients include: American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) Chase Manhattan Bank International Business Machines (IBM) National Science Foundation Republican Party TRW U.S. Air Force U.S. Department of Health U.S. Department of Energy There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RANDs services. To list them all w ould be impossible. Among RANDs specialities is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear w ar, plus w orking out the many scenarios based upon its findings. RAND w as once accused of being commissioned by the USSR to w ork out terms of surrender of the United States Government, an accusation that w ent all the w ay to the United States Senate, w here it w as taken up by Senator Symington and subsequently fell victim to scorn poured out by the establishment press. BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.
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These institutions are among those that fund The UNIFORM LAW FOUNDATION, w hose function is to ensure that the Uniform Commercial Code remains the instrument for conducting business in the United States. http://w w w .w via Thew hiteroses Blog Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, surveillance, torture, US Government, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

Operation mind control-Shadow CIA warfare WW3

January 18, 2011 w w w click here for ad and w ebsite. Please notify me if indications of tampered or mirror. This case w as presented to the US Supreme Court pre-Judgment. See documents at w ordpress and w ebsite above. IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now , Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal for remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importance regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conflict in the citation of neitzke v. williams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim from justice. Appellant provided explanation w hy she could not get representation and does not know law . The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for various reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all w ays and told w hat is being done to torment further. These are techniques or tactics admitted in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Control in America is prevalent, (non mainstream new s) and admitted, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even worse, is George Green video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellant also thought this w as plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Society is engineering our society; from seismic w ave inductions, to daily crime infiltrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen after infiltrating mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one should underestimate the pow er of this w eapon and how far they are going to cover it up as w e speak, (January 2, 2011). Attorneys are influenced w ith coerced fear, w ork load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unrealized. This occurred w ith Appellants Attorneys, the former Class Action Attorney, and other Attorneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights attorneys w ho are targeted. T his form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This again started w ith the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, Attorneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. There has been an infiltrated obey Orw ellian culture as w ith dysfunctional Americans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA w ho are in or out of Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. How ever, Appellant show ed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, w hich control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a significant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other Attorneys have left the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine Attorneys case in California w ho w as jailed w hen trying to expose some corruption, w as too late after 18 months impeded from finding out w hat w as really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one w ould come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess w orkload and other excuses, because w e the people are being manipulated unw ittingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant has spent 4 years w ith this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 AP 10-5302

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and expenses, and w asted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. Attorneys w ere influenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant w as influenced and transmitted to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law , w ith corrections. Appellant w as unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 w hen threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientific theories from this w eapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much w orse. Yet, the w eapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, w ith the proof in the pudding all the w ay to American health and economy. Those days w ere gone w hen MKultra and cutting edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. W hat did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now w idely know n, w ere urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart Attacks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), alw ays blamed on something else. More layers of brainw ashing dis-information have been launched since Operation w iki brainw ash as the tool to tw ist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or w eapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America w ould not be bankrupt and w orse today. Crimes have unw ittingly fallen under aiding and abetting, framed, falsely accused w ith these w eapons behind the scenes since Patty Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false w itness. How ever, the law did not recognize that or the brave w histleblow ers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmitted influence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 find this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (w hether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force w as also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allow ed at least to amend or remand. This w eapon is so evil and influences and coerces unwittingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted w ith leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of w e the people w ho are w hat matters and w ho our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, w eapon, lives w ould have been saved, accountability and injunctions w ould have been in place and 911 w ould have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent w histleblow ers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years w ith tw isted versions of truth in new s brainw ashing Americans. Opposite new s for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security w hen people do not w ant this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one after the other, most unnecessary ineffective for decades by design and Corporations taking aw ay jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be sw ept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, w ith humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, prepost suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modifications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites w ave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, alw ays staying close to their enemies to take them dow n. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant w ill provide evidence and proof. The flow of FOIA w as w ritten about 1966-1974 w ith intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, attorneys and their fees, and court cases, just in fighting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic w as snuck in the system as w ell according to the Church Commission Report. This w eapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us dow n further. People complain of the Judicial system not w orking for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected w hen it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-profits battle it for decades through political organizations and no change w as effective. This case represents how and w hy w e the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its ow n people by its ow n people. W hy w ould anyone w ant to prevent such importance because of presentation w ith good valid reason, especially w hen lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants efforts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge w ould not w ant to hear this case as soon as possible, w hen making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not pow er. W here is the

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caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing w hat is really going on in Americas ordinary people? W here is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that w ont take a story and allow the public to make their ow n minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut off from discussion. W histleblow ers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to w e the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every effort is being made to cover up mind control w ith tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainw ashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real w orld events. Brainw ash cannot o c c u r without a tangible and environment. Both are required, how ever Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grow n unw ittingly, including any behavior. Appellant w itnessed much w orse w ith crimes and illusions of crimes (infiltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unw it. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her ow n Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity w ork and has the right to due process. Defined as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are ow ed to a person according to the law . Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state. When a government harms a person, w ithout follow ing the exact course of the law , then that is a due process violation w hich offends the rule of law . Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting law s and legal proceedings (see substantive due process) , so judges instead of legislators may define and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overw helming records, evidence, proof, w itnesses, and confident she can prevail. Other counts w ith FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This w as also presented in the Complaint. There w as ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the w ay of justice and redress. There w as how ever, reason and accusations of attacks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to file immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, w hile preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant w as unable to receive Verizon internet for w eeks and hours on the phone for w eeks again, w ith constant unw itting delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded w ith printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant attacks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage w as also admitted by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmitted attacks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suffering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive w hitew ashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant w as harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government w ith this w eapon. Victims are disbelieved nationw ide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this w eapon to light misused on its ow n civilians and allow ed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unw ittingly. It allow ed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Directed Energy Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that effect autos, appliances, objects, body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, how ever Appellant has also w itnessed its use for plumbing and w ater/sew er clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation w as launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started w ith Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven infiltrated w ars, w ith cultlike diabolic, sadistic programmed misfits (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These w ere alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming w ays to figure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interview s and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientific Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much w orse infiltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle attacks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have alw ays been, first do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA w ent discreet w ith program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country w ith the
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GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk w ith a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize w hat else is going on, even w ith admissions and w histleblow ers from w ithin w ho claim w orse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote View ers, George Green also stating a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, w hile focused on w rong w eapon of mass destruction infiltrating de-population occurring w ithout Nuclear needs. This is called soft kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps w ith children behind barb w ires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being infiltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of W ATERW AYS w ith HR 11005 and Katrina highw ay blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. W ASHINGTON w as DUPED! One former elites video (http://w w w atch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of w arnings from we the people if w e dont do something now .) Charlotte Iserby is another familial W histleblow er on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered w ith choosing destinies and ills w ith mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this w eapon in the law , due to disbelief and transmitted manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological w arfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut off from society and communications, w hereas cannot get an attorney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant finds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for attorneys and w ork, but journalists w ho complain of computer internet and phone attacks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely w hile guided for years and told as w ith the w ell know n Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, whereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant w as experimented w ith tw ice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under attack still unw it. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made w ritten accusations of w inds blow ing seeds on farmer to cause law suit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today w iki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackw ater funding, as Nazis w ere. Appellant alleged Monsanto w as not aw are of induced w inds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These infiltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-w arfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL w ith Red Tide killing fish since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and whitewashing infiltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today w ith paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this w eapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control but also DESTROYED their atomic records (not Agent Orange), denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and w orse torture in history rarely get new s coverage as the Guantanamo few hundred have for years on display to thw art off guilt. Our ow n Americans are tortured much w orse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unw it by design. It w as stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horrific you cant imagine. This makes it more difficult to believe until one is addressed personally w ith this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psycho-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma w hen used in conjunction w ith the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times w hen the pow er is cut off w ith loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut off and the next morning an intruder or virus had been attempted. This also occurs often including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the w iki leak server attempting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint findings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even w orse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others w hile under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant w as also sheltered and unw it of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies w ith de-population beliefs and

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superiority. Appellant w as denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief after corrections to make a claim. Appellant w as denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, w hereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unw ittingly, w ith the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to attack based on innocent synthetic different thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admittedly and dow nplayed from full disclosure unw ittingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those w ho are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those w ho show an even greater readiness to submit. In w ar, too, the discretionary pow er of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, grow ing out of a state of w ar, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual w arfare. JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795

Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented w hen the government acts in strict accordance w ith w ell-established and clearly defined legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans w ere systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully w ritten codes that prescribed the rules and regulations betw een master and slave. Even though these slave codes w ere often detailed, unambiguous, and made know n to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant laws comport w ith the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law . At the Nuremberg Trials, some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had committed abominable crimes against European Jew s and other minorities during World War II. In other countries the political leaders assert that all w ritten law s must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law , the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law . Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated w hen the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unw ritten principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary w ritten law s that are enacted by government. Sometimes know n as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unw ritten and universal principles w ere invoked by the Allied pow ers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of w iki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law , civil rights, rule of law , and redress, w hich is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken aw ay, not after 911 but after the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress w hen under psychological attacks and mind w ars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and influence decision unw ittingly. The remark of one Attorney is true for cases w ith the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfettered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even w hen it is concealing blatant and wholesale government criminality. Another American of many w rote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jew s. I didnt object bc I w asnt a Jew . Then they came for me and there was no one left to help me.< famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals follow ing the Nazi rise to pow er and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stifling free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or w e w ill surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH:

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Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and w e are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unw arranted concealment of pertinent facts far outw eighed the dangers w hich are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive w ith it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security w ill be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially w hen it has not been w orking for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her ow n Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice w hen record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very w eapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every effort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant w ith cover ups publicly since late 2008, after reporting it in w riting to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) w orking on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false new s behind scenes unw ittingly using media reporters and w e the people. This is a real w eapon and valid defense w hich has been noted publicly w hereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their attempts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics attacking dissent to impede and stifle w as also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknow n ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES w ould be factual w ith this case if redress w as honored or allow ed. Investigators have been spinning their w heels for decades. Appellant has her ow n records and experience w hile in manifest not just w hat she w as informed of, or figured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delusional of this w eapon of pow er in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. W hether one person, one class action, or all humanity, w ithout accountability and punishment, neglecting this case w ill allow Defendants to get aw ay w ith horrific crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, w hen one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined w ith induced infiltrations, engineering society from the minds, w ith this w eapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a w eapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret w eapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant w as never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before show ing how w idespread it became to this point in America. Now , John P. W heeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA w arned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like flies for 50 years not by microw aves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: WHY w ould anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY w hen by Govt w ho think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not w here synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit w ith evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as w ith private parts of her clothing, and w ants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly w hat Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant know s it as psyops (mind control, mind w ars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD w eapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAW FUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights law s. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow , rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION W herefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at
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333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Law rence at 555 4 th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on January 12, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now , Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal for remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importance regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conflict in the citation of neitzke v. williams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim from justice. Appellant provided explanation w hy she could not get representation and does not know law . The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for various reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all w ays and told w hat is being done to torment further. These are techniques or tactics admitted in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Control in America is prevalent, (non mainstream new s) and admitted, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even worse, is George Green video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellant also thought this w as plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Society is engineering our society; from seismic w ave inductions, to daily crime infiltrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen after infiltrating mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one should underestimate the pow er of this w eapon and how far they are going to cover it up as w e speak, (January 2, 2011). Attorneys are influenced w ith coerced fear, w ork load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unrealized. This occurred w ith Appellants Attorneys, the former Class Action Attorney, and other Attorneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights attorneys w ho are targeted. T his form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This again started w ith the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, Attorneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. There has been an infiltrated obey Orw ellian culture as w ith dysfunctional Americans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA w ho are in or out of Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. How ever, Appellant show ed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, w hich control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a significant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other Attorneys have left the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine Attorneys case in California w ho w as jailed w hen trying to expose some corruption, w as too late after 18 months impeded from finding out w hat w as really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one w ould come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess w orkload and other excuses, because w e the people are being manipulated unw ittingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant has spent 4 years w ith this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expenses, and w asted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. Attorneys w ere influenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant w as influenced and transmitted to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law , w ith corrections. Appellant w as unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 w hen threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientific theories from this w eapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much w orse. Yet, the w eapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, w ith the proof in the pudding all the w ay to American health and economy. Those days w ere gone w hen MKultra and cutting edge technology got in the hands of CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 AP 10-5302

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Shadow CIA covertly deployed. W hat did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now w idely know n, w ere urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart Attacks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), alw ays blamed on something else. More layers of brainw ashing dis-information have been launched since Operation w iki brainw ash as the tool to tw ist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or w eapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America w ould not be bankrupt and w orse today. Crimes have unw ittingly fallen under aiding and abetting, framed, falsely accused w ith these w eapons behind the scenes since Patty Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false w itness. How ever, the law did not recognize that or the brave w histleblow ers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmitted influence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 find this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (w hether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force w as also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allow ed at least to amend or remand. This w eapon is so evil and influences and coerces unwittingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted w ith leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of w e the people w ho are w hat matters and w ho our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, w eapon, lives w ould have been saved, accountability and injunctions w ould have been in place and 911 w ould have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent w histleblow ers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years w ith tw isted versions of truth in new s brainw ashing Americans. Opposite new s for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security w hen people do not w ant this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one after the other, most unnecessary ineffective for decades by design and Corporations taking aw ay jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be sw ept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, w ith humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, prepost suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modifications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites w ave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, alw ays staying close to their enemies to take them dow n. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant w ill provide evidence and proof. The flow of FOIA w as w ritten about 1966-1974 w ith intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, attorneys and their fees, and court cases, just in fighting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic w as snuck in the system as w ell according to the Church Commission Report. This w eapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us dow n further. People complain of the Judicial system not w orking for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected w hen it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-profits battle it for decades through political organizations and no change w as effective. This case represents how and w hy w e the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its ow n people by its ow n people. W hy w ould anyone w ant to prevent such importance because of presentation w ith good valid reason, especially w hen lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants efforts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge w ould not w ant to hear this case as soon as possible, w hen making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not pow er. W here is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing w hat is really going on in Americas ordinary people? W here is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that w ont take a story and allow the public to make their ow n minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut off from discussion. W histleblow ers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to w e the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every effort is being made to cover up mind control w ith tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainw ashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real w orld events. Brainw ash cannot o c c u r without a tangible and environment. Both are required, how ever Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grow n
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unw ittingly, including any behavior. Appellant w itnessed much w orse w ith crimes and illusions of crimes (infiltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unw it. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her ow n Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity w ork and has the right to due process. Defined as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are ow ed to a person according to the law . Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state. When a government harms a person, w ithout follow ing the exact course of the law , then that is a due process violation w hich offends the rule of law . Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting law s and legal proceedings (see substantive due process) , so judges instead of legislators may define and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overw helming records, evidence, proof, w itnesses, and confident she can prevail. Other counts w ith FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This w as also presented in the Complaint. There w as ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the w ay of justice and redress. There w as how ever, reason and accusations of attacks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to file immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, w hile preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant w as unable to receive Verizon internet for w eeks and hours on the phone for w eeks again, w ith constant unw itting delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded w ith printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant attacks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage w as also admitted by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmitted attacks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suffering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive w hitew ashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant w as harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government w ith this w eapon. Victims are disbelieved nationw ide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this w eapon to light misused on its ow n civilians and allow ed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unw ittingly. It allow ed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Directed Energy Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that effect autos, appliances, objects, body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, how ever Appellant has also w itnessed its use for plumbing and w ater/sew er clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation w as launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started w ith Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven infiltrated w ars, w ith cultlike diabolic, sadistic programmed misfits (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These w ere alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming w ays to figure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interview s and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientific Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much w orse infiltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle attacks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have alw ays been, first do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA w ent discreet w ith program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country w ith the GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk w ith a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize w hat else is going on, even w ith admissions and w histleblow ers from w ithin w ho claim w orse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote View ers, George Green also stating a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, w hile focused on w rong w eapon of mass destruction infiltrating de-population occurring w ithout Nuclear needs. This is called soft kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps w ith children behind barb
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w ires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being infiltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of W ATERW AYS w ith HR 11005 and Katrina highw ay blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. W ASHINGTON w as DUPED! One former elites video (http://w w w atch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of w arnings from we the people if w e dont do something now .) Charlotte Iserby is another familial W histleblow er on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered w ith choosing destinies and ills w ith mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this w eapon in the law , due to disbelief and transmitted manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological w arfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut off from society and communications, w hereas cannot get an attorney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant finds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for attorneys and w ork, but journalists w ho complain of computer internet and phone attacks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely w hile guided for years and told as w ith the w ell know n Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, whereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant w as experimented w ith tw ice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under attack still unw it. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made w ritten accusations of w inds blow ing seeds on farmer to cause law suit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today w iki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackw ater funding, as Nazis w ere. Appellant alleged Monsanto w as not aw are of induced w inds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These infiltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-w arfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL w ith Red Tide killing fish since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and whitewashing infiltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today w ith paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this w eapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control but also DESTROYED their atomic records (not Agent Orange), denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and w orse torture in history rarely get new s coverage as the Guantanamo few hundred have for years on display to thw art off guilt. Our ow n Americans are tortured much w orse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unw it by design. It w as stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horrific you cant imagine. This makes it more difficult to believe until one is addressed personally w ith this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psycho-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma w hen used in conjunction w ith the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times w hen the pow er is cut off w ith loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut off and the next morning an intruder or virus had been attempted. This also occurs often including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the w iki leak server attempting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint findings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even w orse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others w hile under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant w as also sheltered and unw it of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies w ith de-population beliefs and superiority. Appellant w as denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief after corrections to make a claim. Appellant w as denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, w hereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unw ittingly, w ith the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to attack based on innocent synthetic different thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admittedly and dow nplayed from full disclosure unw ittingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those w ho are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those w ho show an even greater readiness to submit. In w ar, too, the discretionary pow er of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the
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inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, grow ing out of a state of w ar, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual w arfare. JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795

Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented w hen the government acts in strict accordance w ith w ell-established and clearly defined legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans w ere systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully w ritten codes that prescribed the rules and regulations betw een master and slave. Even though these slave codes w ere often detailed, unambiguous, and made know n to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant laws comport w ith the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law . At the Nuremberg Trials, some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had committed abominable crimes against European Jew s and other minorities during World War II. In other countries the political leaders assert that all w ritten law s must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law , the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law . Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated w hen the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unw ritten principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary w ritten law s that are enacted by government. Sometimes know n as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unw ritten and universal principles w ere invoked by the Allied pow ers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of w iki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law , civil rights, rule of law , and redress, w hich is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken aw ay, not after 911 but after the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress w hen under psychological attacks and mind w ars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and influence decision unw ittingly. The remark of one Attorney is true for cases w ith the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfettered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even w hen it is concealing blatant and wholesale government criminality. Another American of many w rote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I w asnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jew s. I didnt object bc I w asnt a Jew . Then they came for me and there was no one left to help me.< famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals follow ing the Nazi rise to pow er and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stifling free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or w e w ill surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and w e are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unw arranted concealment of pertinent facts far outw eighed the dangers w hich are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive w ith it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security w ill be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the
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press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially w hen it has not been w orking for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her ow n Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice w hen record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very w eapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every effort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant w ith cover ups publicly since late 2008, after reporting it in w riting to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) w orking on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false new s behind scenes unw ittingly using media reporters and w e the people. This is a real w eapon and valid defense w hich has been noted publicly w hereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their attempts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics attacking dissent to impede and stifle w as also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknow n ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES w ould be factual w ith this case if redress w as honored or allow ed. Investigators have been spinning their w heels for decades. Appellant has her ow n records and experience w hile in manifest not just w hat she w as informed of, or figured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delusional of this w eapon of pow er in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. W hether one person, one class action, or all humanity, w ithout accountability and punishment, neglecting this case w ill allow Defendants to get aw ay w ith horrific crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, w hen one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined w ith induced infiltrations, engineering society from the minds, w ith this w eapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a w eapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret w eapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant w as never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before show ing how w idespread it became to this point in America. Now , John P. W heeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA w arned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like flies for 50 years not by microw aves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: WHY w ould anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY w hen by Govt w ho think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not w here synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit w ith evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as w ith private parts of her clothing, and w ants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly w hat Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant know s it as psyops (mind control, mind w ars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD w eapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAW FUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights law s. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow , rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION W herefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Law rence at 555 4 th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on January 12, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 12, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PO Box 57282 Washington, DC 20037 (954) 529.8684

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Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?

December 5, 2010 For full disclosures and updated facts, see w w w 50 yrs proven mind control human engineered lives and culture! Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:34:46 AM Jonas Holmes ARTICLE May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE

Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current W histleblow er, w as to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this w eek. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden w hich even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlaw ful. I think the people I talk to next w eek are going to be shocked w hen I tell them w hat I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that theyll clean up the abuses and have some oversight into these programs, w hich doesnt exist right now . According to Mr. Tice, w hat has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. W hat in the w orld could Russ Tice be talking about! To figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tices w ork at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice w orked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering w hile w orking for the NSA and DIA, w here he took part in space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic w arfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Black Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there w ould be no arena w ith a greater potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congress and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these programs because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caffertys w ords a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigators lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty is occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, w hich w e are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice w as involved in related to electronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, noncommunications signals, electronic w arfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs readers should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through walls w ithout thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if w e take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950s, w hich included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as Radiation Int elligence, defined as information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation. Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic w arfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and w ithholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears) . NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. W ithout any contact w ith the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the

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subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see w hat the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subjects brain w hile they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel. NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law . Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unw itting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric fields. The NSAs Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliw att electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliw att electromagnetic (EMF) w ave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called evoked potentials. Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding evoked potential or set of evoked potentials. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subjects brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation w orks by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brains neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a persons brain-states and affect motor control. Tw o-w ay Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information w hile transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Tw o-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to w hich the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Bioelectric ResonanceFrequency Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Visual Cortex 25 HZ eyes Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Thought Center Thoughts Brain Area Information Induced Through Motor Impulse Co-ordination Sound w hich bypasses the ears Images in the brain, bypassing the Phantom Touch Sense 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex w ould result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly half a million Americans w ere subjected to some kind of cold w ar era tests, often w ithout being informed and w ithout their consent. In addition, experimentation law is w ell grounded in constitutional and international law . It is an under-reported fact that tw o major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below . Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. It is time for America to w ake up. It is time for America to protect its W histleblow ers w ho are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders w ho w ill assume such responsibility now . Yes, the w ar on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is
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from w ithin and unknow ingly funded by hard w orking American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law . But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know w hat happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, w ith billions of dollars, behind closed doors, w hen w e know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true definition of terrorism. That is the true definition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you w ill realize that your country has been usurped from the very principles upon w hich it w as founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. Followed by Democracy Now interview if and cant tell! Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, government, Israel, surveillance, torture, ventura, Veterans, vets Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment


December 5, 2010

THE BODY ELECTRIC AND DOD JURISDICTION CASE BEING CONSIDERED FOR TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 34 (J) OF THE COURTS RULES. The date on w hich the highest state court decided this case 10-1211 w as by Orders on July 20, 2010 and September 9, 2010 appealable w ithin 60 days. Copies of those to Appeal are at Appendices J through M. The court has jurisdiction to entertain this matter because all claims brought herein relate to alleged violations of the United States Constitution and Federal Statutes, including 5 U.S.C., 42 U.S.C., 18 U.S.C. 142 U.S.C., 28 U.S.C., 22 U.S.C. 50. The District Court of Appeals has jurisdiction to entertain this appeal pursuant Notice of Appeal filed on September 7, 2010 and w as denied change of venue. CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive fines or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, Click here.Keith Cover (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) See appendice A book cover by Jim Keith also deceased after publishing. OPINIONS BELOW The opinion of the District court to review the merits appears at Appx J. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This case was also presented to the U S Supreme Court under Federal

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rule 11. Writ of Certiorari was denied November 1, 2010 before judgment with new occurring events. This case w as ruled frivolous and fantastic w hen noble w ith factual dangers. Appellant has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government torture protection, and for redress and grievance. The opinion made no mention of NUMERUOUS Political Officials and Agencies admissions of these allegations (subsequently below ), w ith w eapons patented and proven to be in use nefariously and covertly against We the People, inclusive of our ow n Government falling victim. Appellant requested a leave of court, FOIA request, investigations, right of review , proper media w arning, emergency hearing, protection, and an injunction to cease immediately. Appellant w as denied justice and the right to defend herself and prove her case, and/or opportunity for accountability and discoveries w ith Critical Agency Admissions and information provided seemingly Un-read or Un-realized, and to cause subject to be diagnosed w ith ill mental health. (Compl 15 p 10- Appx N exhibited) STATEMENT OF THE FACTS On July 7, 2010, Appellant had her Complaint above said case taken from the counter before mailing, and upon arrival at court house, Complaint w as unw ittingly sw itched on Chief Judges desk regardless of calls and w ritten instructions. Prior Complaint unw ittingly sw itched w as missing names of current high profile individuals and current assassinations. Days later, Appellant also caught Case Complaint w hich w as unw ittingly sw itched w ith Pharmaceutical case w hen loaded by Pacer electronically, as w ith numerous other obstacles for 4 years in attempt to expose and w arn w hat she has figured out. On or about August 12, 2010, Appellant w ent on the air and provided a recorded 45 minute interview but no one in DC or across North America and Canada stations had heard the interview s and had been redirected, all w eek to another phone line to impede communication and full disclosures w hile building discredits and w ars, (as incorrect w ebsites and phone calls misdirected). Appellant notified radio host, a Former Police Officer (w orking on crimes and the paranormal) and found it w as a technical difficulty and/or human error. Appellant has also been heavily blocked by an unw itting public, daily in this fashion tangibly and non-tangibly, from electronic transmitted communications, w ith heavy mind and body control experimentations, and recruitment attempts for CIA using Remote View ing (satellite apparatus) today called NSA transmissions, w hich include transmitted synthetic illnesses to millions. RUSSELL TICE case, an NSA agent blew the w histle on all accusations and torture of Electronic Warfare on Americans. (See Subsequent Public Statements quoted to the Press) Appellant had to amend Complaint and had not made monetary claims originally. (Motion for Relief 1 through 8 ) Appellant w as then denied claims for damages in 2 nd (Compl 255), Injunction, surveillance and spying, privacy, torture, along w ith the civil rights violations, w itness protective plan, media request, Intl tortures, and 27 Counts of violations. Appellant is further retaliated against for attempting to W ARN the public or file suit. Appellant is under threat, without delusion or doubt and has proof of all allegations, being preempted, impeded from the minds from others to block her, and is threatened as many other prominent radio hosts and activists by our Govt in attempts to expose conspiracies carefully masterminded behind the scenes (un-w itunrealized). One mind, one life, one threat, one CANCER has been too many for another decade or another day, at the hands of mind control disbeliefs programmed for years eyes w ide shut. This case should be heard and investigated by all. Appellant has proof, trying to save lives, and is under threats to relocate to DC. Neuro-Directed Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction have been around admittedly for decades in Covert Govt hands. Citations are uncontested law and one can no longer ignore these patented facts by our Govt , DARPA projects and others, nor slander anyone as delusional fanciful, w ith the subsequent USA information below including Russell Tice article stating such and attesting to Appellants experience and knowledge w ith w hat has been discovered since 2008. (EMF Insulin, Blood, NLP, and Liver disease) The covert Intelligence is w ith Malice and should be stopped immediately. Media is now publishing a Government has gone amuck to w hitew ash, and much w orse w ith opposite new s fanned for years. Lies the Govt told you by Judge Napolitano, a system that has not w orked, for these reasons failing millions of our ow n people, suggesting to re-read and deceptions. Ie: W histleblow er Griggs calling it mind jabbing and Dr. Bow art False Memory Syndrome, unwit t ing APA. (Appx B and Democracy Now Stop the Madness) It has been our ow n programmed disbelief for years and hidden advanced Technology that has enabled this Country to arrive at this point unw ittingly from behind the scenes, and must be stopped and dismantled. People are starting to w ake up. Architects and Engineers Movement and Congressman Ron Paul Supporters w ant to know , former Govt Officials, Unsolved Mysteries, Phenomenon, Alex Jones and massive events across the Nation under Brian Glick reports w ant the truth, know that MKULTRA mind control is in full operation, and so should every one w ith sound minds and realization of this sense. Pledges and admission statements made by U. S. Officials since 1976 and over the years recent, to dismantle these pow erful mind control Neurological Directed Energy Weapons have been proven thus, continue for decades to todays 911 false terrorism in the guise of Muslims to manifest w ar w orse than before on US Soil, and INDUCED seismic w aves as other energy w aves to cause contaminations, economic manipulations, trends,
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and population control induced behind the scenes. (Appx H) Appellant also has w itnessed redirected phone calls, w ebsites, and email communications tangibly and as done to Attorneys leaving Country just to w ork on Iraq matters here, w ithout further impediments. (Compl Counts III and IV) Appellant has been impeded and blocked w ith emails, specific selective viruses, faxes, deliveries, voicemails and phone lines/calls w hile w ith various Communication Companies across the Country including DSL lines and can provide records show ing activities for years behind the scenes un-w it from remote view ing, and passw ord access to w w w . private CORPORATION servers w ith tips to VERIZON and other law suits. FALSE accusations as one case example, untraceable. (Compl 32 and 201 and ( NSA, Verizon joined with AT&T M06-1791 VRW ) individuals, google, and EFF). Appellant has statements of Federal Employees and Government Officials, Presidents w ith ADMISSIONS of Non-Fanciful Weapons of Electronic W ARFARE over the years as to MILLIONS of Americans targeted unw ittingly. A class action suit w ith its attorney (married to the DA in CO, and funded by a Silicon Valley University on Mind Control NSA transmissions impeded and no longer available for the very reasons of this Law uit (non-gang related conspiracy, but an unw itting public used in all professions that We the People have a responsibility to stop before too late, by pow er in numbers to dismantling this Mother of all Evil Weapon, or suffer future catastrophic consequences more than Seismic W AVES, Cancer, or free w ill). (Compl 50, Appx E). Appellant is being denied her rights, and the Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology w eapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted Country and infiltrated Culture. Appellant w ill show mind manipulations in this Country are created w ith transmitted hallucinations on the public to cover up an agenda against humanity collectively, since Big Brother Technology spying. This began in HOLLYW OOD and GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS and w hich some outsiders already realized the masterminds in the U.S. by DIA. Appellant has records of unw itting transmitted victims w ithin DOJ, Congress (Un-covered documentary) unread to invade Iraq to set up and brainw ash their people as other Countries for mass control infiltrations, and mind controlled (Out-foxed media video) jacketing one against the other, psyops techniques for years w ith the use of all w aves and resonance of frequencies. TruTV and media experiencing various pressures not to air any Govt Conspiracies and quash all related topics. Appellant review ed her Quantum Physics Governmental studies from 2007 w ith information to support the new findings found at (Appx N highlighted w ith O) and her prior allegations, since under attack by this Directed Energy Weapon. Appellant attempted to receive assistance from Congress and the Intelligence Committee Senator Bill Nelsons Office and Congressw oman Ginny Brow n-Waite and w as told that they had only been able to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Weapons. Appellants case w as closed after a visit w ith other officials in DC. (Dennis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act 2005 in part-w as quashed w ith citations of Remote view ing manipulations on millions of Americans so far. (Compl 21 and PARTIES). Today, according to former NSA employees and NY congressional committee volunteers, the burden of proof on victims should be on the defendants. Appellant is w ith proof, w itnesses, interview s and reports, from Leading Psychiatrist Dr. Walter Bow art (before his death and his son silenced), w ho blew the w histle on 50 years of mind control and FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION, (and w orse-by CIA remote view ing), and in our courts and streets, Russ Tice statements of NSA transmissions in use to sabotage lives, other CIA w histleblow ers, of mind control including Operation Mockingbird (updated remotely) but publicly admitted brainw ash mis-information (w ith a divided CONGRESS) permeating our Media unw ittingly from these transmissions for decades creating our propaganda mass COMMUNICATION CHAOS, (2 opposite thoughts at once), DISPUTES, and A SYNTHETIC engineered culture. (Covert Propaganda infiltrated as psyops on US Soil). Appellant is w ith the device (intercepted) and military patents, science, documents of CIA MKULTRA and statement of Manchurians to assassinate G. Bush in the 80s, and these very Technology Weapons of Mass Destruction (diverted focus created) in use for 911, as w ell as 9 DOJ attorneys fired for asking too many questions of w hat w ould have been to be uncovered. On August 5, 2009 Associated Press printed that the CIA denies faking Al Qaida Iraq letter, w hich agents are un-w it of within their own and of their missions w ith erased memory etc. (Press release Sept 13, Appx H) Everyone spinning their w heels too busy to REALIZE and dumbed dow n. (Jim Keith and Operation Mind Control, an engineered culture) On March 31, 2008 at 10:30 am, a letter in strong opposition w ritten to JUDGE JOHN ROCKEFELLER IV intelligence Committee, regarding S. 2035 free flow of information act from ROBERT GATES at DOD is condoning unw ittingly DUPLICITOUS, MASSIVE CRIMES generated against AMERICAN CIVILIANS and conspiracy hiding behind SSP as QUITE the CONTRARY on all counts that is headed into GRAVE DANGERS. Mind Control has been infiltrated psyops on civilian culture and population since 1947 and the 70s deployed Remote View ing. BREACHED contracts of spying in EU, AU, UK, Israel, and other invaded Countries w ith spying and manipulating mind w ars. Appellant is heavily tortured, pre-empted, framed, staged and sabotaged, w ith cover ups in the media and building discredit w ith tangible events w hitew ashing history w ith each accusation, to discredit, since 2008 in efforts to go public,

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to the FBI, and to file suit. Appellant has made further discoveries of corruptions w ith these w eapons of psyops against humanity, as Government Physicist Lieutenant Tom Bearden w arned the dangers many decades ago for your thoughts may not be your ow n creating a matrix covertly for Power and Control, ULTIMATELY. (Compl 20) Appellant does not know how to present this case w ith so much information to provide and obtain EMERGENCY injunction relief or a hearing, as DEMANDED in Complaint and Motion for relief to verify documents, w ith continued DANGERS to travel or come to DC again or ever take the w itness chair. Appellant is praying for legal and procedural assistance of this court to be heard, prove her case and w arn We the people. Appellant does not know if Complaint has been read or realized in full by JUDGE JOHN D BATES w ith NO mention of SABOTAGE HALLUCINATIONS MKULTRA DEPLOYED for 50 YEARS to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS at 15, 16, 17 and much w orse by others throughout. (Compl 23 through 50 victimized, and below page 14 quoted by Mr. Tice), w hereas Appellant w as comatose for 72 hours (as Ariel Sharon) in her home to start THE PROCESS for CIA espionage, sexual slavery in the W hite House and Behavior modifications, recruitment and brainw ash programming via Remote View ing. As w ith the Obama Sunsteins report of cognitive infiltration, Appellant w ill prove this has been infiltrated in our society causing all accusations since Church Committee never ceased as promised by Officials. Appellant attempted to tell DOJ in 1996 w hen targeted for 5 years as Imaginary Friend/Enemy to obey, experimenting for Combat, robots, on the ground communications, and has years of copious notes for feedback and intent, w ith numerous others complaining of mind control at the same time emerged, and at a time w hen BUDGETS w ere of great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons public (partial) apology. DIA has done a terrific job at keeping it to a minimum if complete disbelief brainw ash since the 70s. The 911 Pilot training in connection w ith HAARP stations The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy by Jerry Smith also died of CANCER March, 2010 and Appellant has been threatened w ith zaps to her body, organs, hair, etc, as other credible victims and politicians claim is going on, w ith experiments in full action and Science under Siege. Physicist Dr. Bill Nelson and Dr. Nick Begich ALASKAN Political family Angels dont play this HAARP also asking questions and w as impeded. Another impeded resolution w as from John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut on CANCER and radiation, and U.S. politician w ho Introduced a Bill (Compl 14 and 25) As w ith AIPAC related framed (cases), Kevin Trudeau and FDA mass corruptions via NSA transmissions w ith scapegoats for all their shadow ing conspiracies, and OJ Simpson to murder his w ife and get aw ay w ith it in advance, sabotaged cases tampering w ith minds not just evidence, from many minor criminal cases to highest dollar cases and victims. The most sabotaged cases w ere the ones TELEVISED w ith sensory deprivations, and in front of the w orld (infiltrating humans into cold robots and locked doors culture is not organically grow n but agenda). Millions are victims and are concerned! Whats going on? Wake up America! Wake up Washington! The answ ers are N.O.W. nefariously, toppling the ECONOMY and 911, the creations of 50 years of ignoring, neglecting MIND CONTROL W AVES and ELF, Ultimate Weapon behind the scenes and hiding behind SSP (1947). The Sibel Edmonds case and linguistic accusation of impaired translations w ere NSA transmissions communication chaos; another case never came to light and its true findings of 911. Both Muslim and Jew framed. Larry Silverstein of W TC 7 framed w ell in advance w ith insurance and transmissions to PULL topple building, and government offices. Appellant w ill demonstrate and tie major historic events as Allison Des Forges staged plane crash in Hudson River w ith Death Rays for planes (Warden Cliff Tow ers) and Senator Kennedy zapped Cancer. (CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources.) General Zinni changed minds, Water Wars in manifesting w ith Turkey and Egypt, false natural resource shortage, as w ith Seismic induced East Coast INFILTRATIONS as predict ions for W ATERFRONT properties, and w arnings to Congress ignored of Piracy and Florida EMF Red Tide to cover up w ith BP transmissions of human errors. Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles aw ay and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense w as built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible w ar Imaginary Weapons). Warden cliff Tow er is in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations, globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education New s). One energy zap is COSTLY, causes confusion, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, mis-communication, fatigue, focus, concentration, sleep, mistakes, (Kucinich-US patent under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. All hiding behind the scenes and SSP, a letter to Judicial Committee w as sent in July prior to this w rit of information. The attached email from 2009 w as never responded to and w as unverifiable as numerous other communications for years. (See App. G3) Press release w as impeded and forw arded to Al Gore on September 17, before revisions, Bear Stearns manipulations, and Famous Public Speeches. The Energy w ill by just fine. (App. H) Appellant w as traumatized and is suffering and w ould like to provide medical records, police, Judicial court records (staged to appeals w ith delays to change minds w ith TIME, and other credible w itness information and testimonies to prove, manifest how , w hat this w orld is coming to (prior to 2008). Appellant requested a leave of court to amend as Appellant is under immediate threat (as family and car accidents) and cannot obtain counsel. Appellant has become increasingly realized of the severity and magnitude of these w eapons in use nefariously and globally on civilians and is grow ing. On
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September 3, 2010, Appellant w oke up w ith loud ringing in the ears to find further attacks are attempted currently to penetrate her auditory cortex if continued efforts are made to expose and cease. From CLASS ACTION suit members, this type of attack can be deadly in various w ays, and is TORTUROUS. It included sleep depravation until 4AM and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior as w ell as by phone, voice mail, electronic intrusions and transfers and 5 hours to obtain a flight ticket by phone to DC and blocked internet account set up w ith providers, (W ITH AMPLIFIED SUGGESTIONS or modulations) and sensitivities to entrain and channel further connectivity sound w aves during tired sleep not to aw ake programming. In the Jawad case No. 05cv-2385 (RMU) GUANTANAMO prisoners are kept tired to be programmed during sleep and not w ake up w ith interruptions techniques. This sleep disorder goes on in AMERICAN homes w ith sleep disorders that began 40 years ago or so. Appellant w as able to record and video these aw ful events and suspects is being entrained mentally to accept such intrusions. Appellant is harassed and sabotaged daily, to impede her expert w itness testimonies and W ARN the people how and w here this Country is being taken dow n behind the scenes and by an unw itting public timed in advance to sabotage lives. More than w hat Tice stated in full article and more than each of my accusations are already being investigated by analysts since my efforts have been taken to several authorities; the NSA began searching for an Attorney upon my threats and law suit on May 28 th . Historically, numerous citizens, have not been amongst just Officials but anyone w ho dares to expose and prevent the corruption, abuse of pow er, and conspiracy underw ay, unsuccessfully because they are under the influence of mind controls UNREALIZED, alw ays missing the mark and as Sunsteins Report w it h Cognitive Infiltrations is not gang related but psyops on the American Ordinary People. (Quoting w hat Appellants accusations are from years of her documented Government torture, sabotaged life in front of a Sheriff Department, and framed w ith the exact events below w hich are that of cults and Church Committee tactics going on today. Russell Tice, a Hero Under GOD, Jim Keith and Dr. Walter Bow art not gone in vein. This Country is not only being usurped legally or Constitutionally, but psychologically one mind and soul at a time allow ing it to evolve from 50 years of transmitted Americans and criminal. Current ly experiencing additional unpleasant attacks as follow s, w ith full article at (Appx N) that should not be discounted; Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare on Americans?

Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current W histleblow er, w as to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this w eek. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice w anted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden w hich even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlaw ful. I think the people I talk to next w eek are going to be shocked w hen I tell them w hat I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law . LONG-TERM CONTROL AND SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS BY NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations TO CAUSE SUBJECTS TO BE DIAGNOSED WITH ILL MENTAL HEALTH. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric fields etc The frequency to w hich the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area-Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound w hich bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Phantom Touch Sense Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Thought Center 20 HZ

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from SUBLIMINAL TO PERCEPTIBLE. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex w ould result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly HALF A MILLION AMERICANS were subjected to some kind of cold w ar era tests, often w ithout being informed and w ithout their consent. In addition, experimentation law is w ell grounded in constitutional and international law . It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiat ion experiments. Many more facts are documented below . Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. It is time
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for America to wake up. It is time for America to protect its W histleblow ers w ho are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders w ho w ill assume such responsibility now . Yes, the w ar on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from within and unknowingly funded by hard w orking American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law . But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know w hat happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, w hen w e know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true definition of terrorism. That is the true definition of Co mmunism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you w ill realize that your country has been usurped from the very principles upon w hich it w as founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. RUSSELL TICE: If that w as done and, you know , I use a big if here, and, remember, I cant tell you w hat I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the w iggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gatew ays and junction points in the United States w ere used to siphon off information AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, w iretapped right now ? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do As a matter of fact April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review committee w ithin the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they w ere the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notification w ill be made in those instances w here the specific COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aw are that they w ere the targets of COINTELPRO activities. 315 Further, the Department w ill have acknow ledged finally that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (W iretapping began w ith Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again w ill an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret w ar against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO w ill not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object w as to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, w rite Mike Cassidy and W ill Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program w as, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherw ise neutralize specific groups and individuals. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors w ere untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. Fannie Mae interim Jew ish Accountant suicide after 3 months on fraud Framed as Larry Silverstein to redistribute w ealth aw ay from Jew s to topple the economy agendas and framing Israel Conspiracies uncovered! March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlaw ful and violated FISA

NEW CASE Dr. Orly Taitz V. Obama w ith Judges courage, NON-SENSE and responsibility necessary to dismantle this covert CIA ops and w eapons of mass destruction w ith many deaths like Prosecutor Ted Stevens articles
Obama staffer w ants cognitive infiltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups Posted by sakerfa April 14th, 2010-J ournal of Political Philosphy in 2008 W hy hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally surveys every US citizens purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? DNA and w hy After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government report claimed it had dismantled the program. How ever, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics (after the fact) by signing Executive Order 12333. FOLLOWED by FALSE and LOSS Memory! Posted: March 4, 2010 12:42 PM A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarellis Investigation into CIA Scientists Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination

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Whats Your Reaction: Read More: A Terrible Mistake , CIA Geneva Conventions , CIA Missions , CIA Untied States Constitution , Books New s

W here else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest. George Hunter W hite, U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics
For w ell over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violating the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the guilty and innocent alike to cruel and unusual treatment. H.P. Albarellis A Terrible Mistake The Murder of Frank Olson and CIAs Cold War Experiments, a fascinating and important new w ork of unprecedented depth (10 years in the making and involving numerous first hand interview s), pulls back the curtain on t h e AGENCYS DIABOLICAL MIND CONTROL Experiments and EXTENSIVE EFFORTS to assemble and analyze every know n substance that could kill a person relatively easily, quickly and SURREPTITIOUSLY.

A Terrible Mistake is the true story of how the CIA drugged one of its own scientists and, w hen the little bird flew through a closed w indow on the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel in Manhattan, proceeded to publicly insist, for decades to come, that Dr. Frank Olson w as mentally unstable and had committed suicide. Albarelli takes us w ith him as he investigates the question: did Frank Olson jump, or w as he pitched? (Followed by sudden memory losses!!!!!!!!!)
This compelling tale not only reveals the w herefore and how of Frank Olsons murder, but looks behind the scenes at CIA and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, deliciously acquainting us w ith some of the Agencys darkest characters, including: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, w hose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abramson; various Corsican mafia kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre Lafitte. Lafitte w as not only glamorously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean Lafitte, he w as also a CIA assassin, w ho just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through a closed window and dropped to his death.

A Terrible Mistake reads like the most gripping of spy novels, as it lays out the roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. Since the 1940s, CIA had been hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a truth drug, for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to root out the enemies w ithin. These pursuits began w ith Project BLUEBIRDs creation of synthetic THC (the active ingredient in marijuana), evolving into Project MKULTRA, in w hich Agency scientists conducted human experiments w ith LSD and hypnosis (frequently on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals); and ultimately led the Agency into a close associa-tion w ith international heroin traffickers.
Dr. Frank Olson w as a research scientist in the Chemical Branch of the CIAs Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, w here he w as involved in a w ide variety of chemical w arfare experiments. Some of these experiments took him to exotic destinations in the Caribbean, w here the U.S. Armys Chemical Corps conducted tests resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals, not to mention the supposedly unintended consequences to the health of the residents of an island near the watery test site. In the summer of 1951, Dr. Olson and other members of the SOD research team traveled to France, in particular, to the village of Pont St. Esprit, for an operation code named Project SPAN. On August 16th of that year, the entire tow n of Pont St. Esprit w as stricken w ith a mysterious malady. One Parisian reporter described. ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions 02 Jul 2009 The American Civil Liberties Union yesterday accused the Obama administration of using statements elicited through torture to justify the confinement of a detainee it represents at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The ACLU is asking a federal judge to throw out those statements and others made by Mohammed Jaw ad, an Afghan w ho may have been as young as 12 w hen he w as captured. His attorney argued that Jaw ad w as abused in U.S. custody, threatened and subjected to intense sleep deprivation. The governments continued reliance on evidence gained by torture and other abuse violates centuries of U.S. law and suggests the current administration is not really serious about breaking w ith the past, said ACLU law yer Jonathan Hafetz, w ho is representing Jaw ad in a law suit challenging his detention. Military prosecutor abruptly quit his post, saying that the case w as riddled w ith problems and that the prisoner had suffered physical and psychological mistreatment w hile in custody. U.S. again [third time] delays releasing CIA torture report 02 Jul 2009 The U.S. government on Wednesday once again delayed the release of a full report on CIAs controversial interrogation program. The government had intended to complete its review of the 2004 report and release it tw o w eeks ago. But continued interagency debate about how much of the secret report could be made public pushed back the deadline. [See: US w ants to [again] delay release of CIA report 26 Jun 2009 and Delay in Releasing CIA Report Is Sought 20 Jun
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2009.] U.S. spy says just follow ed orders in Italy kidnap 30 Jun 2009 A former U.S. spy at the center of a kidnapping trial in Italy appeared to acknow ledge a role in the abduction of a Muslim cleric but said he w as only follow ing orders, according to a rare interview published on Tuesday. Robert Seldon Lady is one of 26 Americans, almost all believed to have been w orking for the CIA, w ho are accused along w ith Italian spies of grabbing a terrorism suspect off the streets of Milan in 2003 and flying him to Egypt. There, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr says he w as tortured and held for years w ithout charge. Army faces 20 more torture and abuse claims from Iraqi civilians Numerous cases have BLIGHTED THE COURTS for decades since 1947 Securities Act and these w eapons to be researched and experimented about the time Aliens and Apollo hit the Media, and crimes filled the jails w ith hallucinations, entrapment, and bearing FALSE W ITNESS behind the scenes, MILLIONS made by PHARMACEUTICAL w ith the start of a communication chaos dis-information Operation Mockingbird, FBI Grandeur delusions, in our books, synthetic illness w ith the AMA, song w riting, DYSFUNCTIONAL non-sense corrupt culture, EVOLVED. Now duped and the EMERGING, explaining so many airport cases and others falsely paranoid using an unw itting public. Appellant w ill show that the above article from Sunsteins Report is not hired help or gang-related conspiracies, but w hat has been impeding A&E 911 truth investigation for 9 years w ith CIA Jacketing to divide and fighting (crimes) on the streets, on line w w w , turning anyone against the other manifestations unwitting, as Countries creating w ars as paw ns behind the scenes, Stalking, ID theft, theft and vandalism. Generating false new s; OBAMA speech (they like to do that, against each other (diving culture). Stay the course to Brainw ash, repeatedly Bush speeches (for oil?) and many more duped, (Appx H)), Generating Buzz, FEARS over the years, FLORIDA, and ECONOMIES, Generating Propaganda, Generating Illnesses since missing children on milk cartons, (misfits) in the Pentagon. Journalist, Sharon Weinberger, after PENTAGON interview w rote (Imaginary Weapons) and W ired Magazine, and a Globe w ho saw our Media and Judicial System as a Joke culture, and injustice from w ithin, all w ith COSTLY zaps as they call it. Appellant purchased from NASA Physicist, the device for $21,000. 00 w ith Woodpecker scalar w aves to Russia and China being used w hen paranoid Russia had launched theirs breaching airw ays spying contracts. Appellant had to learn CIA techniques of NLP taught to FBI early 70s and became certified in Hypnosis in 2008. (Neuro-linguistic Programming w hich some details w ere provided of Ft Hood victim, in the (Compl pages 19 and 78)) NLP (1974) is the absolute mind control creations of cognitive impairments, Alzheimer and Dementia, Memory back in timelines, targeting former President Reagan after signing executive order 12333, ADD Scientology and emotional disorders, highest mis-diagnosed ills in America among many new synthetic creations infiltrating Science nefariously for the next generation. New side effects and illnesses plague Americans w ith no names or traces are endless and documented, as many illusions, delusions, and/or deceptions. Appellant has know ledge the JUDICIAL SYSTEM has been preventing to save these CRIMES OF HUMANITY, from the MINDS, unwittingly. These activities and other covert programs are being abused w ith a pattern of experiments and crime corruption on the street since the 1970s using w eapons of technology and Neurological that has investigators spinning their w heels and folks exclaiming, W hat is this w orld coming to, pre 911? (Tesla Invention and energy 1940) Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by w histleblow ers Cathy Obrien and CIA Mark Phillips w ere blocked for reasons of National Security. This 1947 SSP LAW and disbelief and/or forgotten event had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA at the hands of the most pow erful TECHNOLOGY W EAPON of the mind. Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow . Today some are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption w ith technology to take over humanity for mass control, Step #9 of 10 (Naomi Wolf, Yale) closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes w ide shut: LOSING OUR FREEDOM under the DISGUISE of 911 (nano-thermite findings as ELF-EMF w arfare and its speedy debris removal and silenced, etc). Part of a gradual process in REVERSING an entire AMERICAN CIVIL W AR and JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Appellant assures the Court that as Access Denied, Trance-formation of America, among many neglected slandered and discredited W histle- blow ers instead of Courageous Heroes; Naomi Wolf, CIA retirees, and NSA employees, reported being hypnotized on the job, are part of GUANTANAMO innocent scapegoats used as Public display tricks to decoy. ACLU reports of false statements of confessions after sending them my information of psyops infiltrations brainw ash over time, again reason for delays, and covert sw eeping of DC and NY pre 911, w hitew ashed AFTER 2008 infiltrated to Mosques as Shuttle and much more. Numerous investigations w ith missed fact -findings at the hands of mind control behind the scenes. Covert condos built underground reports by Jesse Ventura currently in the MIDW EST and false threat of w ar on US Soil created in the process of being manifested w ith 911. Mind controlled Paw ns, Manchurians and staged London Bombings, as domestically. (App.E3) Appellant does not consent to the espionage information being transmitted against her w ill to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted w ith this experiment and beyond torture and information. Remote View Projects that REQUIRED HUMAN EXPERIMENTING and The Cult of Intelligence-occults

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covertly. Numerous DARPA and Military projects, Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) and synthetic telepathy, (creating w ars and crimes on our streets) and the new buzz w ords in the Pentagon, Operation Northw oods, Project Stargate, Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Remote Accupuncture (ELF) electrosis, Project Hybrid Insects & Polar Bears and hallucinations), for abusive pow ers. Appellant w ill also provide evidence to the connection of numerous sabotaged court cases, our economy manipulations, and 911 w ith this W EAPON of technology mind w ars used on most Americans for decades. We the People had, and have a pow erful sturdy foundation to disbelieve MKULTRA and the Church Committee is still active and/or part of the brainw ash w ith massive investigations and CASES diverted for years. Appellants quashed and impeded warnings ignored by Congress leading to many deaths, BP oil, ELF EMF Red Tide, Labs-1947, VETERANS un-traceable Agent Orange etc, and many calamities including non-sense, mis applied dysfunctions, delays, sabotaged people and cases from the mind. Henderson v. Veterans Affairs 09-1036, VVA v, CIA cv 09 0037 CW, w hich has pleadings w ith mischaracterized discoveries, delays, denials, and refusals, w ith mind control throughout. On Oct 13, 2010, declarations made by CIA and DOD agents w ho do not have top secret clearance of covert ops today and w ho are themselves unw itting victims as other agents and Govt Officials as W histleblow er Russell Tice himself. The basis of Appellants case and point. Their Affidavit states in 1973 the programs w ent under severe tight guard secret, w hich is about w hen they deployed psyops on the Public for pow er upon this discovery, w hich is evolving outside the U S now as a result of no TRANSPARENCY and SSP w ith a new DHS and revamped FBI, W HITEW ASH and lost in generational GAP. Furthermore, Plaintiff has obtained 20,000 pages of documents and videos, and more from Canada before CIA destructions, and w ent public Aug, 2010. There is no documentation of current NLP, Remote mind control or viewing made available and EXPERIMENTS are REQUIRED especially since patented and Ops admitted by former and current agents, as w ell as other prominent folks. In addition, there is talk from outsiders of DOD and across the Nation, of CointelPro MIND CONTROL as admitted in the 70s and w ith crimes under Operation CHAOS w ith skepticisms in the W hite House for 2 Administrations, charges for electronic spying were made back then with data minding since then. (CIA Church Committee Report Page 682, 687 and 1947 Act, and Compl page 5, 7 paragraph 7)They did not cease or abolish this Act, but w ent black according to Tice and Millions of People so far including those victimized w hich Appellant interview ed and those w ith Cancer. Appellant provided the VA w ith the non-traceable ills of Americans at the hands of this Directed Energy Weapon also used in the Gulf War (Compl Footnote 7 and 36, Appx H, N, P-) San Francisco Firm Press Release Media Advisory. Julianne McKinney, Director of these Military Ops is still battling Oversight. (Compl 36) Appellant prayed for an immediate injunction relief and has been under urgencies, demanding JUSTICE, to prove this case.

SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT I. This Case Presents an Important Violation of our Amendment Law s and the future ROLE of the Judicial system. (Compl 28) II. There is an immediate and serious impact on the Appellant and publics safety w ith severe and alarming corruption and crimes to cease. III. Analogously, in history of these crimes and violations cases involving Cointelpro, Church Committee and MKULTRA, know ledge of the illicit nature is imputed to the defendant, further victimized and traumatized by the publics disbeliefs, even though technical and credible testimony have been made unrealized, as in United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 , falsely accused, slandered, delayed, detained, for 2 years as most w histleblow ers to impede truth until too late to matter. (Church Committee full report-w ent black, Compl page 5) IV. Additionally, because the majority has not been appropriately made aw are of the extent of surveillance for the uses of spying, data-mining, breached contracts, treason, and nefarious misuses to humanity, millions more victimized, that w ould indeed come forw ard for immediate dismantling of Covert Remote Viewing, making liars of Public Govt Officials, unw ittingly. (USSID 18, Compl Page 12) V. The Appellant made demands for FOIA, damages physical and psychological (with irreparable harm, monetary losses, witness protection, proper media coverage, and an injunction, and has not been free to exercise her rights to speech against the government crimes and to leave her house for the past 4 years and has been retaliated upon in various w ays including experimentation of mental GAG orders and House Arrest as w ith other (ORDINARY UNW ITTING PUBLIC, non-gang). These blocks coupled w ith detainments by law enforcements in all efforts to W ARN w hile DELAYING and covering up accusations. Part of Appellants harmful damages is too vexing

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and mind controlled transmits to err. Appellant w as traumatized and is w riting pro se w ith privacy concern. Medical records w ill be provided for physical and psychological evidence. (Compl page 16, 17, 30, 35, 61, 65, 68, and 23, 33 63) Symptoms are that of VETS-D.E.W. Neurologic torture, picking up behaviors, illnesses hiding as if organically grown, as cults and synthetic addictions on civilians. Affecting emotions and 5 senses, and this case to prove all, from being targeted to wars. VI. This Case depicts important Violations of our Amendments that has caused mass chaos, Population Control, and a Society to be disillusioned, misled, along w ith disbeliefs at the hands of mind control TRANSMISSIONS behind the scenes pawns t o create dis-information, mis-understandings and cognitive impairments, to divide and conquer people and to procure and produce exact OPPOSITES (FANNED) of events and harassment. Appellant w as extremely ProGovernment 4 years ago, as is the Honorable JUDGE John D Bates, thus has the right to an impartial trial and the public at large needs to know and has the right to know including and especially JUDGES. One should not let a rule prevent truth and crimes if justice and truth is our goal to begin with. JUDGES cannot make correct informed decisions W ITHOUT this KNOW LEDGE. VII. VARIOUS ADMISSIONS from Military OFFICIALS, Secretary

Hazel OLeary of the DOE and Presidents and others that Electronic Warfare on US Soil is taking place tow ard Millions of innocent UNW ITTING Civilians included continued operation of COINTELPRO MKULTRA as opinions confirms the allegations dating years back to Church Committee CIA diabolical tactics and NSA transmissions for Electronic Warfare on Americans and humanity. For nothing in the history of humanity and our judicial system can ever be resolved or accountable UNTIL this case and its W EAPON at hand is heard, considered, and ruled, thus bringing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TO FACT. The American Judicial system needs to recognize these issues and hold this covert shadow Government accountable to successfully CEASE ITS OWN DEMISE as part of the humanities and We the People duped and brainw ashed w ithin our ow n CIA terrorists. We are ALL in DANGER, and notice DC that is kept in a Bubble. VIII. The No act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution.

Constitution cannot be interpreted safely except by reference to common law and to British institutions as they w ere w hen the instrument w as framed and adopted. In the 2 nd case, Plaintiff provided additional names of Assassinations a n d did have claims for damages, w ith an added claims made and documentation that this does exist by our ow n DIA shadow Govt. The District court dismissed case as fanciful instead of grounds for repugnancies that can be proven, urgently, and is w arranted w ith merit as victim, target and injured party. (Compl 23) IX. As in the ACLU v. NSA Nos. 06-2095/2140-07a0253 , this pattern of Constitutional Violations and torture is victimizing civilians for decades and Appellant is a target of this technology w eapon kept covert for nefarious uses and conspiracies. THERE WAS AN ABUSE OF DISCRETION w ith ALARMING, overw helming historical facts and admissions of these weapons in use nefariously. Appellant is under attacks and is seeking assistance, and leave of court again to amend, risking her life and family, trying to w arn the people, and offered to testify before Congress, after years of torture and courage w ith enough resources to help her to survive and also demanding discoveries and investigations as to w here HUMANITY is heading un-w it, if JUDGES dont stop them NOW. CONCLUSION W hen even one American -w ho has done nothing w rong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! In light of the foregoing, the court should reverse the District courts Order to dismiss and remand this matter for expedited further proceedings. Respectfully submitted, MIREILLE TORJMAN Appellant is Pro se Endnotes 1 United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 W histleblow er agent remote view ing falsely accused and detained delays until too late to use her information and the 911 brainw ash. 2 In Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967) Supreme Court ruled that

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a search occurs only w hen 1) a person expects privacy in the thing searched and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. In Katz, the Supreme Court ruled that a search had occurred w hen the government w iretapped a telephone booth.[21] The Courts reasoning w as that 1) the defendant expected that his phone booth conversation w ould not be broadcast to the w ider w orld and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. 3 Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Opinion of Sotomayor, J. In sum, I cannot accept the majoritys conclusion that voir dire gave the District Court a sturdy foundation to assess fitness for jury service. Cf. ante, at 29. Taken together, the District Courts failure to cover certain vital subjects, its superficial coverage of other topics, and its uncritical acceptance of assurances of impartiality leave me doubtful that Skillings jury w as indeed free from the deep-seated animosity that pervaded the community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the offender[,] or the station in life w hich he occupies, our system of justice demands trials that are fair in both appearance and fact. Irvin, 366. Because I do not believe Skillings trial met this standard, I w ould grant him relief. 4 Constitutional Provisions, Statutes And Policies At Issue First Amendment to The United States Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress. 5 Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule crafted shall insulate from liability unknow ing subjects. OLSON also pushed or fell 9 (by mind control neuro) in strange death as quoted family case and Jim Keith death w ithout LSD cover up IMPORTED by our CIA and sold to kids, and censored book out as Cult of Intelligence sold in Nice. The CIA COOPER report w as a complete W HITEW ASH and history repeating itself by Agenda. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE As required by this Court of Appeals F.R.A.P.P. 25, 28 and 32 (a)(7)(b)(iii), 32 (a)(5), and (6) typeface requirements. I certify that this brief contains 8304 w ords at in 14 pt Times New Roman. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Law rence at 555 4 th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on November 12, 2010. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on November 12, 2010. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman

IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN TBD PO Box 8083 Delray Beach, FL 33482 Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northw est Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CASE NO.:

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600 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants COMPLAINT 1. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for injunction relief, damages, and tort damages, FOIA, and the right of review, based on personal know ledge and belief, as a victim and expert w itness, to the serious information provided, as to all other matters, as to w hich allegations Plaintiff, without doubt or delusion, w ill provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overw helming evidentiary support, w itnesses, substantial facts, documents, videos, records, research, and investigation that exists and disclosed to the press by NSA on item 15, and as follow s: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 2. This case is about the w iretapping, surveillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the Intelligence Community. W ith the advanced technology unknow n to most, of shadow netw ork of surveillance and spying, including, defendants are, transmitting, storing, tampering, and blocking or intercepting the content of a significant portion of the Plaintiffs phone calls, emails, instant messaging, text messaging, Internet, Skype, electronic and w ireless communications, and other communications harassment, both internationally and domestic, including Plaintiffs family and practically every American, for the past 4 years, beginning on or about January 2007. 3. Plaintiffs records w ill show communications are intercepted, manipulated, tampered w ith, stored, (data mining), harassed, and impeded. Plaintiff w ill provide numerous and countless, emails hijacked, fabricated, UNREAD, manipulated, deleted, including mail UPS, facsimile, and internet manipulations, since 2007. Plaintiffs numerous impeded electronic communications w ith all her service providers w ere debilitating to her w ork and she had no resolve available from providers w ho w ere unable to detect or correct the situations. This includes manufactured emails, phone calls, and government employees unw itting involvement. In 2008, Plaintiff w as also accused legally of false communications during her service w ith Qw est, by using w iretapped calls and disconnects to create false records w ith her utilities company, including defamation to her character. On information and belief, Whistle Blower Kay Griggs, Military wife of former Chief of Staff Lt. Col, Black-Ops and underground she called Secret Societies, w as also harassed, impeded w ith and isolated, by COMMUNICATION CHAOS tactics that she called mind jabbing ,cut and paste, w ith automobile sabotages, upon testifying, as same w ith Plaintiffs various attempts and events. 4. Plaintiff is not delusional and has provided her records to DOJ in early 2009, w ith documents from many other credible sources and w histle blow ers. Plaintiff requests that the Russell Tice case and Articles below underlined are read with disclosures being made as to her allegations, injunction relief, various separate counts, and tort damages throughout. Plaintiff has demonstrated courage, risked her reputation, risked her life, and familys, and has been threatened, prior to receiving an anonymous email of the NSA article (below ) in February 2009 and retaliated against. Plaintiff tried to blow the w histle to the DA late 2007, and w as not aw are w hat NSA w as or government corruption, but knew she had to report w hat w as going on; as quoted by Mr. Tice and others; Statement by NSA, i s THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG and WIRETAPPING SURVEILLANCE LOOK LIKE SMALL POTATOES. Most recently, Plaintiff w as able to meet with the FBI in early 2010, and provided some information for investigation by various FBI analysts. Plaintiff was impeded to testify at a NY senate hearing in February 2009. 5. Plaintiff is suing defendants to enjoin their unlaw ful activities of all electronic communications, tangible and intangible and all allegations below and to require the inventory and destruction of those that have already been seized., and to obtain appropriate statutory, actual, and punitive damages, to deter future illegal activities. Plaintiff is also suing for injunctive relief, personal injury tort and damages, the right of review , and FOIA records. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331, 18 U.S.C. 2712, and 5 U.S.C. 702.

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7. Plaintiffs are informed, believe and thereon allege that Defendants have sufficient contacts w ith this district generally and, in particular, w ith the events herein alleged, that Defendants are subject to the exercise of jurisdiction of this court over the person of such Defendants and that venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391. 8. Plaintiff is informed, believe and thereon allege that a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims herein alleged occurred in this district jurisdiction, and Defendants and/or agents of Defendants may be found in this district, nationally, and internationally. PARTIES 9. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman is an intelligent native French speaking refugee from Marrakesh, Morocco. Plaintiff is a divorced w oman of 48 years of age and w as an accountant for 25 years. Plaintiff comes from a religious background, disciplined and educated, has spent 25 years in the Philadelphia area, currently staying in South Florida. 10. Defendant Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Justice and the Pentagon that investigates and protects the Nation w ith Programs of CointelPro joined by CIA operating on U.S. Soil. 11. Defendant Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an agency that protects the Country in first line of Defense and collects information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action. 12. Defendant NSA Defendant National Security Agency (NSA) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Defense that collects, processes, and disseminates foreign signals intelligence. It is responsible for carrying out the Programs challenged herein. 13. Defendant United States is the United States of America, its departments, agencies, and entities. Including DOJ, and Congressw oman Ginny Brow ne-Waite as the current Florida Congress Representative of the United States, w ho Plaintiff attempted to w arn on numerous occasions since early 2008 and Senator Bill Nelson, currently on Floridas Intelligence Committee. BACKGROUND 14. Counter Intelligence Program w as a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations w ithin the United States. The FBI used covert operations from its inception; how ever formal COINTELPRO operations took place betw een 1956 and 1971. The FBIs stated motivation at the time w as protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order. According to FBI records, 85% of Cointelpro resources w ere expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being subversive, such as communist and socialist organizations; the w omens rights movement; militant black nationalist groups, and the non-violent civil rights movement, including individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated w ith the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Indian Movement, and ot he r civil rights groups; a broad range of organizations labeled New Left, including Students for a Democratic Society, the National Law yers Guild, the Weathermen, almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, and even individual student demonstrators w ith no group affiliation; and nationalist groups such as those seeking independence for Puerto Rico. The other 15% of Cointelpro resources w ere expended to marginalize and subvert w hite hate groups, including the Ku Klux Klan and National States Rights Party. The directives governing Cointelpro w ere issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, w ho ordered FBI agents to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherw ise neutralize the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these w eapons w ere thus, hard to believe. MKULTRA mind control experiments began at the end of W W II and then became public in the 1970s, however imperfectly, and went black again because of Senate hearings, but these experiments have continued to this day. The only reason that MKULTRA w as ever brought into the light of day w as that a dissident group stole government documents and released them to the press, w hich initially refused to publish them. The MKULTRA archive was destroyed because of the seriousness of the crimes perpetrated by the intelligence communities. If it became public know ledge that the intelligence agencies had allow ed Nazi w ar criminals to experiment upon American citizens, including children, and then replicated these techniques themselves, the damage to their reputation could never be undone. The only aspects of CIA criminal activity in general, or MKULTRA in particular, that the intelligence community ever admitted to w ere the ones that w ere already public, or details that had very little to do w ith the current capabilities of mind control w eapons and techniques. Microw ave w eapons and remote influence of the Human Central Nervous System are the crown jewels of the intelligence community. The DEFENDER and AGILE Programs formed the foundation of DARPA sensor, surveillance, spying, and directed energy R&D, particularly in the study
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of radar, infrared sensing, and x-ray/gamma ray detection. During the late 1960s, w ith the transfer of these mature programs to the Services, ARPA redefined its role and concentrated on a diverse set of relatively small, essentially exploratory research programs. The Agency w as renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, and during the early 1970s, it emphasized direct energy programs, information processing, and tactical technologies. Today w e know w e have had the Technology as w arfare and/or medicine, coupled w ith the Conspiracy theories of HAARP, (Dr. Hubertus Strughold, space medicine-project paperclip-The Jew ish Telegraphic Agency 1995; Dark Moon; Apollo and Whistleblowers Second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and technical difficulties w ith no w itnesses returned. Issues of Mind Control reported by Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde w ith 50 year old technology from our government being disclosed as new , have consistently been deceiving the public, intentionally and w ith malice, w hile mapping out a grid across the Country. DUPLICITOUS and INDUCED manipulations of grave mass control escalations have been documented and quashed over the decades. MKULTRA Experiments for Behavior Modification using the public as paw ns for w ar, also became corrupted for tax gains and global domination, w ith massive funding to LEAA Law Enforcements w hile Crimes were induced in major cities in 1968 alone by 50% (FBI, New sw eek reports). Unwitting citizens blighted the courts with lawsuits, prisons and Hospitals in this Country w ith complaints of mind control that the Media refused to cover. This erupt ed suddenly and massively over one year and remote viewing was used for entrapment and hallucinations for bearing false witness. Today this continues is still uncovered by media w ith false statistics and disinformation fanned unw ittingly by the media (Project Mockingbird and Spying). A dysfunctional America engineered at the hands of its ow n secret government. Forty years later the COURTS are blighted w ith cases of civil/privacy rights, War, torture, and Technology combined if w e dont stop them w ith so many warning for AMERICANS TO WAKE UP. An agenda for larger government, and w orld domination, w ith CONGRESS spinning their w heels; instead of meeting once a year as intended in the Constitution, and invisible w eapons to help hijacked this country since a 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island to create a blank check for The Federal Reserve. (Church Committee 1970 called NSA transmissions today) Most people are not ready to handle this kind of information. CHURCH COMMITTEE Reports: By the early years of the 1970s, the unpopularity of the Vietnam War and the unfolding Watergate scandal brought the era of minimal oversight to an abrupt halt. Congress w as determined to rein in the Nixon administration and to ascertain the extent to w hich the nations intelligence agencies had been involved in questionable, if not outright illegal, activities. A series of troubling revelations started to appear in the press concerning intelligence activities. First came the revelations of Christopher Pyle in January 1970 of the U.S. Armys spying on the civilian population[1][2] and Sam Ervins Senate investigations that resulted.[3] The dam broke on 22 December 1974, when The New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the family jewels. Covert action programs involving assassination attempts against foreign leaders and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the first time. In addition, the article discussed efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens.[4] These revelations convinced many Senators and Representatives that the Congress itself had been too lax, trusting, and naive in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. The Church Committee learned that beginning in the 1950s; the CIA and FBI intercepted, opened and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program called HT Lingual w as shut dow n in 1973. This program w as all done under the mail covers program. A mail cover is w hen the government records w ithout a w arrant or notification all information on the outside of an envelope or package, including the name of the sender and the recipient. The Church report found that the CIA was zealous about keeping the Postal Service from learning that mail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private room to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night after stuffing them in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal officials.[5] On April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review committee w ithin the Department of Justice to notify COINT ELPRO victims that they w ere the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notification w ill be made in those instances w here the specific COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and t h e subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities. 315 Further, the Department w ill have acknow ledged finally that COINTELPRO w as w rong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (W iretapping began w ith Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again w ill an agency of the

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government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specific groups and individuals. After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government claimed it had dismantled the program. How ever, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics by signing Executive Order 12333. There is every reason to believe that even w hat w as not legalized is still going on as w ell. Lest w e forget, Lt. Col. Oliver North funded and orchestrated from the W hite House basement break-ins and other dirty tricks to defeat congressional critics of U.S. policy in Central America and to neutralize grassroots protest. Special Prosecutor Walsh found evidence that North and Richard Secord (architect of the 1960s covert actions in Cambodia) used Iran-Contra funds to harass the Christic Institute, a church-funded public interest group specializing in exposing government misconduct, Cassidy and Miller continue. In addition, North worked with FEMA to develop contingency plans for suspending the Constitution, establishing martial law , and holding political dissidents in concentration camps. Since the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001, the government has w orked incessantly to fine tune plans to impose martial law . It has also w orked to federalize and militarized law enforcement around the country. Brian Glick (War at Home) argues that COINTELPRO is a permanent feature of the government. The record of the past 50 years reveals a pattern of continuous domestic covert action, Glick w rote in the 1990s. Its use has been documented in each of the last nine administrations, Democratic as w ell as Republican. FBI testimony show s COINTELPRO tactics already in full sw ing during the presidencies of Democrats Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. COINTELPRO itself, w hile initiated under Eisenhow er, grew from one program to six under the Democratic administrations of Kennedy and Johnson After COINTELPRO w as exposed [by the Church Committee], similar programs continued under other names during the Carter years as w ell as under Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. They have outlived J. Edgar Hoover and remained in place under all of his successors. 15. Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current W histleblow er, w as to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this w eek. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice w anted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden w hich even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlaw ful. I think the people I talk to next w eek are going to be shocked w hen I tell them w hat I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that theyll clean up the abuses and have some oversight into these programs, w hich doesnt exist right now . According to Mr. Tice, w hat has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. W hat in the w orld could Russ Tice be talking about! To figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tices w ork at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice w orked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering w hile w orking for the NSA and DIA, w here he took part in space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic w arfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Black Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there w ould be no arena w ith a greater potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congress and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these programs because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caffertys w ords a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the w orld, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigators lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty is occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, w hich w e are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice w as involved in related to electronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, noncommunications signals, electronic w arfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs readers should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through w alls w ithout thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if w e take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain

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Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950s, w hich included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as Radiation Intelligence, defined as information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic w aves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation. Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic w arfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and w ithholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex thus allow ing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. W ithout any contact w ith the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see w hat the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subjects brain w hile they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence netw ork and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law . Long-term control and SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNW ITTING CITIZENS by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed w ith ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric fields. The NSAs Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliw att electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliw att electromagnetic (EMF) w ave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called evoked potentials. Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding evoked potential or set of evoked potentials. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subjects brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as w ell as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation w orks by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brains neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a persons brainstates and affect motor control. Tw o-w ay Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information w hile transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Tw o-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The frequency to w hich the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Auditory Cortex Visual Cortex 25 HZ the eyes Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Thought Center Thoughts 20 HZ 15 HZ Brain Area Information Induced Through Motor Impulse Co-ordination Sound w hich bypasses the ears Images in the brain, bypassing Phantom Touch Sense Imposed Subconscious

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This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex w ould result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly half a million Americans w ere subjected to some kind of cold w ar era tests, often w ithout being informed and w ithout their consent. In addition, experimentation law is w ell grounded in constitutional and international law . It is an under-reported fact that tw o major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below . Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal w iretapping. IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO W AKE UP. It is time for America to protect its W histleblow ers w ho are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders w ho w ill assume such responsibility now . Yes, the w ar on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from w ithin and unknow ingly funded by hard w orking American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law . But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know w hat happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, w ith billions of dollars, behind closed doors, w hen w e know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true definition of TERRORISM. That is the true definition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you w ill realize that your country has been USURPED from the very principles upon w hich it w as founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are w ith you. 16. W hy hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally surveys every US citizens purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? 17. In the Interview of January 03, 2006 the following statements were revealed: AMY GOODMAN: That w as Sibel Edmonds. Russell Tice, you are a member of her group, the National Security W histleblow ers Coalition. AMY GOODMAN: W hat do you think of the Justice Department launching an investigation into the leak, w ho leaked the fact that President Bush w as spying on American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, I think this is an attempt to make sure that no intelligence officer ever considers doing this. W hat w as done to me w as basically an attempt to tell other intelligence officers, HEY, IF YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, IF YOU DO SOMETHING TO TICK US OFF, W ERE GOING TO TAKE YOUR JOB FROM YOU, W ERE GONNA DO SOME UNPLEASANT THINGS TO YOU. So, right now , the atmosphere at N.S.A. and D.I.A., for that matter, is fear. The security services basically rule over the employees w ith fear, and people are afraid to come forw ard. People know if they come forw ard even in the legal means, like coming to Congress w ith a concern, your career is over. And thats just the best scenario. Theres all sorts of other unfortunate things like, perhaps, if someone gets throw n in jail for either a w itch-hunt or something trumping up charges or, you know , this guy w ho is basically reporting a crime. AMY GOODMAN: Were you ever asked to engage in this? RUSSELL TICE: No, no, and if I did so, I did so unw ittingly, w hich I have a feeling w ould be the case for many of the people involved in this. More than likely this w as very closely held at the upper echelons at N.S.A., and mainly because these people knew General Hayden, Bill Black, and probably the new one, Keith Alexander, they all knew this w as illegal. So, you know , they kept it from the populace of N.S.A., because every N.S.A. officer certainly know s this is illegal. AMY GOODMAN: W hat do you mean if you did so, you did so unw ittingly? RUSSELL TICE: Well, there are certain elements of the aspects of w hat is done w here there are functionaries or technicians or analysts that are given information, and you just process that information. You dont necessarily know the nitty gritty as to w here the information came from or theits called compartmentalization. Its ironic, but you could be w orking on programs, and the very person sitting next to you is not cleared for the programs youre w orking on, and theyre w orking on their ow n programs, and each person know s to keep their nose out of the other persons business, because everythings compartmentalized, and youre only allow ed to w ork on w hat you have a need to know to w ork on. AMY GOODMAN: W hat about the telecoms, the telecommunications corporations w orking w ith the Bush administration to open up a back door to eavesdropping, to w iretapping?

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RUSSELL TICE: If that w as done and, you know , I USE A BIG IF HERE, AND, REMEMBER, I CAN T TELL YOU W HAT I KNOW of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the w iggle w ords like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gatew ays and junction points in the United States w ere used to siphon off information, I w ould think that the corporate executives of these companies need to be held accountable, as w ell, because they w ould certainly also know that w hat theyre doing is w rong and illegal. And if they have some sort of court order or some sort of paper or something signed from some government official, Congress needs to look at those papers and look at the bottom line and see w hose signature is there. And these corporations know that this is illegal, as w ell. So everyone needs to be held accountable in this mess. AMY GOODMAN: W hen you come on board at these intelligence agencies, as at the National Security Agency, w hat are you told? I mean, w ere you aw are of the Church hearings in the 1970s that w ent into the illegal spying on monitoring, of surveilling, of w iretapping of American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats something thats really not drummed in your head. Thats more of a history lesson, I think. And the reasoning, ultimately, for the FISA law s and for w hats called USSID 18, w hich is sort of the SIGINTers bible of how they conduct their business, but the law itself is drilled into your head, as w ell as the tenets of USSID 18, of w hich the number one commandment is Thou shalt not spy on Americans. But ultimately, w hen w ere using that onif w ere using that w ith U.S. databases, then ultimately, once again, the American people aretheir civil rights are being violated. AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, w iretapped right now ? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, AMY GOODMAN: Youre saying in the leadership of your ow n agency, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Thats correct, yeah, because certainly General Alexander and General Hayden and Bill Black knew that this w as illegal. AMY GOODMAN: But they clearly had to have authorization from above, and Bush is not contending that he did not know . RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats true. But the question has to be asked: W hat did the President know ? W hat w as the President told about this? Its justtheres just too many variables out there that w e dont know yet. And, ultimately, I think Congress needs to find out those answ ers. If the President w as fed a bill of goods in this matter, then thats something that has to be addressed. Or if the President himself knew every aspect of w hats going on, if this w as some sort of vacuum cleaner deal, then it is ultimately, I w ould think, the President himself that needs to be held responsible for w hats going on here. AMY GOODMAN: This investigation that the Justice Department has launched its interesting that Alberto Gonzales is now Attorney General of the United Statesthe latest story of The New York Times: Gonzales, w hen he w as W hite House Counsel, w hen Andrew Card, chief of staff, w ent to Ashcroft at his hospital bedside to get authorization for this. Can he be a disinterested party in investigating this now , as Attorney General himself? RUSSELL TICE: Yeah, I think that for anyone to say that the Attorney General is going to be totally unbiased about something like this, I think thats silly. Of course, the answ er is No. He cant be unbiased in this. I think that a special prosecutor or something like that may have to be involved in something like this, otherw ise w ere just liable to have a w hitew ash. AMY GOODMAN: W hat do you think of the term police state? RUSSELL TICE: Well, anytime w here you have a situation w here U.S. citizens are being arrested and throw n in jail w ith the key being throw n aw ay, you know , potentially being sent overseas to be tortured, U.S. citizens being spied on, you know , and it doesnt even go to the court that deals w ith these secret things, you know , I mean, think about it, you could have potentially somebody getting the w rong phone call from a terrorist and having him spirited aw ay to some backalley country to get the rubber hose treatment and w ho know s w hat else. I think that w ould kind of qualify as a police state, in my judgment. I certainly hope that Congress or somebody sort of does something about this, because, you know , for Americans just to say, Oh, w ell, w e have to do this because, you know , because of terrorism, you know , its the same argument that w e used w ith communism years ago: take aw ay your civil liberties, but use some threat thats, you know , been out there for a long time. Terrorism has been there forcertainly before 9/11 w e had terrorism problems, and I have a feeling its going to be around for quite some time after w hatever w e deem is a victory in w hat w ere doing now in the Middle East. But, you know , its just something that has to be addressed. We just cant continue to see our civil liberties degraded. Ultimately, as Ben Franklin, I think, had said, you know , those w ho w ould give up their essential liberties for a little freedom deserve neither liberty or freedom, and I tend to agree w ith Ben Franklin.

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AMY GOODMAN: And your colleagues at the N.S.A. right now , their feelings, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Boy, I think most folks at N.S.A. right now are just running scared. They have the security office hanging over their head, w hich has alw ays been a bunch of vicious folks, and now theyve got, you know , this potential w itch hunt going on w ith the Attorney General. People in the intelligence community are afraid. They know that you cant come forw ard. You have no protections as a w histleblow er. These things need to be addressed. AMY GOODMAN: W hat do you mean you have no protection? RUSSELL TICE: No. No, I do not. As far asof course, Im not w itting of anyone that w as told they w ill spy on an American. So, ultimately, w hen this w as going on, I have a feeling it w as closely held at some of the upper echelon levels. And youve got to understand, I w as a w orker bee. I w as a guy that w rote the reports and did the analysis w ork andyou know , the detail guy. At some point, your reports have to get sent up up the line and then, you know , the management takes action at some point or another, but at my level, no, I w as not involved in this. RUSSELL TICE: I sent it to the chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, the SSCI and the HPSCI. 18. The CIA and the cult of intelligence (1974) Review ed by JamesRMacLean on 2007-04-09. Incompetence leads to Monstrosity Marchettis expose of the CIA w as published on the EVE OF THE CHURCH COMMISSION, at a moment w hen domestic outrage at the culture of duplicity and domestic interference had reached its peak. Since that time, successful public relations have greatly enhanced the image of intelligence services. Marchettis thesis is that, contrary to w idespread public belief, the USA w as not locked in an existential struggle w ith Soviet or Chinese subversion, and never really w as. Soviet intelligence utterly surpassed the CIA in effectiveness, initiative, and recruitment of allied agents abroad. In fact, the CIA w as effective only against 3rd w orld intelligence organizations, and there, spectacularly so. This extreme Soviet edge in espionage w as more than offset by the superior resources of the conventional Western militaries and the impossibility of w aging a direct confrontation ow ing to the nuclear stalemate. Worse, this advantage w as not seriously mitigated by the abundance of high-tech gadgets, such as satellites; such tools merely facilitated the collection of large amounts of raw data, w ith virtually no practical usefulness. Far from rendering the US intelligence community harmless, how ever, it made the agency focus on a campaign against 3rd w orld allies, and ultimately, against the US population. The CIA tried its hand at W AGING SECRET W ARS in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa; it developed a vast group of businesses to serve as cover for illicit shipping and arms supplies; and it became utterly habituated to corrupting legislators in the Free World. The CIA became an eager tool for an unaccountable executive branch, provided that the executive had a flair for covert action; and it tended to create an echo chamber of self-deception that threatened the entire national security establishment. At the very top of its list of priorities w as the urgent need to defend its mission publicly, and validate its immense budget. Marchetti spends a modest amount of time discussing the inability of the CIA to confront the Soviet KGB. W hen he mentions it, he avers the KGB and its allied bureaux are indeed odious, but also defensiveby necessity. He dw ells in somew hat greater detail on the CIAs structure and specialized fields of performance. He includes a broad-brush description of the overall US intelligence community, before turning to an analysis of the separate divisions and their respective behavior. This included covert operations (such as the Bay of Pigs invasion), proprietaries (such as Interarmco and Air America), propaganda and disinformation, and espionage/counterespionage. In all of these enterprises, the same motivation prevails: the CIA seeks self-perpetuation and influence W ITHIN the Western w orld, but lacks w ill or ability to seriously combat the Soviets. Tow ards the end, he discusses the increasing tendency of the CIA to interfere in regular US politics, chiefly to ingratiate itself w ith the president. Marchettis criticisms of the intelligence community w ere surprisingly mild. I should mention in passing that his book had about 170 or so passages deleted by court order; the CIA had earlier demanded w ell in excess of 300, and the court aw arded it half of w hat it demanded. Some of the deletions are dow nright silly (as w here it refers to a base in [DELETED] granted by Haile Selassie!), and elsew here I w as amused to observe the most numerous deletions in the part dealing w ith funding appropriations. The extreme secrecy of the intelligence community w ith respect to funding has greatly intensified since this book w as published, and usually the motivation is quite obviously to conceal how much money these agencies actually w aste. How ever, Marchetti concludes that the CIA is essentially past reform, useless, and so incompetent at its mission as to have become narrow ly focused on extorting billions from the nation. 19. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) 20. In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War w ould involve a psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut dow n their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic w arfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be mine, then w ho and w hat am I? Can my very sense of being me be hijacked by some nefarious
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psychoenergetic scheme? One paper to begin w ith is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions This is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong w arning about misuse of this know ledge. Psychoenergetics w eapons can MENTALLY MAIM AND PHYSICALLY KILL. 21. PSYCHOTRONIC W EAPONS-SPACE PRESERVATION ACT-House Resolution bill 2977-Brain manipulation from a distance-2001-2002 Last year, in October, the Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based w eapons. In this bill the definition of a w eapon system includes: any other unacknow ledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic w ell-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information w ar, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations (12). As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts w ith sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic w eapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments w as presented in the w ay w hich w ould allow for its replication. That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior w ith the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally know n. This is w hy in most of the countries the use of such technologies, w ithout consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another w ay how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound w aves, w hich can hear only persons at w hom the beam of sound w aves is targeted, appeared last year in the w orld new spapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound w aves w hich causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that w ith the development of technology and know ledge of the functioning of human brain new w ays of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy. Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments w ere published, supporting this assumption (1),(2), already in 1974, in the USSR, after successful testing w ith military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) w as registered w ith the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio w aves (3), (4), (5) 22. Dear Senator-Attorney Letter included: We seek your offices assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-finding congressional inquiry into the government agencies and/or private companies that are targeting citizens. Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting. Evidence supports the conclusion that w eapons exist that could be used against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The w eapons are believed to be based on electromagnetism, microw aves, sonic w aves, lasers and other types of directed energy, and w ere characterized as psychotronic in Rep. Dennis Kucinichs draft of House Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIAs human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people with postgraduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia. there is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, how ever, common denominators such as physical symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenarios, harassment techniques, and more can be readily established. ALLEGATIONS AND FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS RELATED TO ALL COUNTS 23. Plaintiff, in her Florida home, on or about January 2007, naive and w ithout know ledge of corruptions, w ars, military w eapons, or MKULTRA projects, w as comatosed for 72 hours in her room and recruited for experimental remote mind control ESPIONAGE, SEXUAL SLAVERY, AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, (Operation MHCHAOS-brainw ash). Plaintiffs memory began to be w iped out daily and corrupted w ith new transmissions. Plaintiff ran aw ay TERRORIZED after being transmitted to start THE PROCESS, over time using the public to trigger her anchors/transmissions. Plaintiffs electronic communications began to be tampered w ith and impeded as she began to her research and attempts to report this corruption and abuse of pow ers under the programs. During Plaintiffs travels around the w orld, Plaintiff w as transmitted to keep daily copious notes of
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her torture for her feedback. Plaintiff w as attacked daily in International Airw ays and for no reason by UNREALIZED, innocent, unw itting public of children, doctors, law yers, animals, insects, until her recent visit at the local FBI to w histle blow these activities again. Plaintiff w as held hostage in a food establishment in Nice w hen on her w ay to w histle blow the information to other embassies. Plaintiff had crimes committed against her to keep her homeless and hijacked her house contents numerous times to sabotage her life and impede her w ork and falsely detained upon each attempt to report this. After already having been to the local FBI offices w ith this surveillance information, in 1996, Plaintiff w as told they w ere already on it Plaintiff w as terminated from her job the next morning and chased dow n the turnpike to deter her until 2007. Plaintiff w as transmitted to send a letter to FBI Director Mueller, demanding to cease and invert her family in May of 2008 and w as informed that it w as too late as they had already gotten to him and she w ould never be believed. Plaintiff, upon w arnings and threats, and family attacks, and brainw ash, to stop her, w as informed of, and demonstrated a doomed life called obstacles, mishaps, or bad luck in their cult or process. One year later in February 2009, someone unknow n sent Plaintiff an email of the Russell Tice article and Plaintiff IMMEDIATELY drove to DC in April 2009 to talk w ith DOJ Officials and their Attorneys. Plaintiffs various computers and car batteries, zapped en route to DC, constant pow er outages and car damages. Plaintiffs communication chaos using NSA transmissions to the unw itting public w ere used to sabotage her life, against her, and including her ow n Family isolating her into a remote cult of intelligence w ith physical events called brainw ash. In January 2010 Plaintiff w as told her surveillance/spying recordings could be sold overseas and that the FBI had joined forces w ith the Shadow Government to suppress her further and blaming the FBI. Plaintiffs process resembled w hat she found on u-tube in the 911 brainw ashing process to the public of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the opposite of most new s reports). Media show ing Hallow een letters of TERROR across our screens on 9/11/01, to induce fear unw ittingly, on the public, and remarks of disgust from foreigners on our media and culture w ere made. Plaintiff w as to obey their commands as robots, and w as jacketed (one against the other w ith people) and kept isolated during the 4 year process coupled w ith threats, family, accidents, psychological and physical harm, numerous illnesses, sabotage, bribes, and blackmail. Plaintiff w as informed how and w hen she and America w ere mind controlled since her arrival in 1971 and w as able to confirm these discoveries during the process. Plaintiff w as, and is transmitted that they w ill stop if she does, and realizes today that w as not true. Plaintiff w ill show and established pattern of these surveillance projects and corruptions subsequently and in relation to the Plaintiffs claim. Plaintiff called Lt. Col. Tom Beardon in 2007, and spoke to his w ife as he w as on a respirator, Kathleen Sullivan (Mind Controlled CIA child w histleblow er) w ho w as frantic about nursing her husband w ith CANCER. Plaintiff researched other retired government employees, victims, spies, using remote view ing and countless victims w ith the same complaints and tactics used. W ith surveillance technology, spying, and the already disclosed NSA Transmissions used for MKULTRA, projects are still operational and conducted by top secret, Q clearance on the public. Plaintiff hereby makes these serious accusations against the United States Secret Government for the past 40 years on U.S. Soil. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman In early 2008, after 25 years of being an accountant, and raised in the Mediterranean, Plaintiff purchased the Non FDA device from a NASA physicist at $21,000.00 with Scalar waves, (Russian Woodpecker frequencies), and Military Patents. Plaintiff became a certified practitioner to protect herself and attempt to de-program. Plaintiff w as intercepted by this HAARP and NSAs SIG-INT Satellites, thus became a certified hypnotist trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming; CIA taught techniques, to deprogram. (Bandler and Grinder 1976) and (Project Paperclip; Dr. Strughold Space Medicine 1963) 24. In her travels, Plaintiff w itnessed these transmissions used in Israel, Australia, England, and most European Countries, and w as further impeded w hen attempting to w histle blow the nefarious uses and crimes of humanity by our CIA, to the embassies. Plaintiff w ill show documents and/or connections to MAFIOSO, KGB, and AL Qaeda, within the CIA, as w ith DONALD RUMSFELD and his banking ties. World Banks-(1910) J.P. Morgan Chase, Black Budgets, and Nikola Tesla 1940). Plaintiff will reveal how scary the power of these people and these invisible weapons of technology are, and our utmost threat, involving every life. Plaintiff will reveal that media coverage or focus on Nuclear weapons and torture of Guantanamo are shifted by manipulation and dumbing us down. Plaintiff motions the court to compel, the safety of W E THE PEOPLE by dismantling these Weapon Stations and the CIA, born w ith the National Securitys Act in 1947, w hen our troubles began. 25. Plaintiff w as informed that 911 Pilots w ere mind controlled in advance in San Diego and the U.S., and that 911 w as created to lose our FREEDOMS w ith the 911 commission sabotaged. (Naomi Wolf (Yale Journalist)-10 Steps-Freedom to Fascism, 2007- also harassed by and on no fly zone list in her attempts) Plaintiff flew to Atlanta in the height of the new steel door installation and high security climate,

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w ondering w hy she w as invited to sit in a co-pilots chair on the runw ay, w hile w aiting to take off from snow on the ground, unrealized but with no real fears or threats from Bin Laden (yet) until provoked. Death Ray for planes w as Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles aw ay and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense w as built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible w ar). Today, this Wardencliff Tow er is in full action in Long Island NY, along w ith 36 other stations or sites as GW EN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One energy zapping causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. On or about January 3, 2009, upon contacting the United Nations African Human Rights; provided her information of these w eapons in use for mind control overseas and found Alison Des Forges, senior Africa adviser for Human Rights Watch w as deceased in the Buffalo NY crash in February 2009. On or about May 2008, the same occurred after contacting Senator Ted Kennedy for assistance, he became unavailable w ith Cancer. Today FBI reports he had been threatened. W hen Plaintiff agreed to testify anonymously, at a NY senate hearing scheduled out for February 2009 w ith Senator Eric Adams, he w as delayed w ith a busy nation in transition, until his second home caught fire and the hearing never occurred. Plaintiff interview ed many individuals complaining of hearing the tuning in of these satellites in small tow ns and CIA agents abandoned on the job in Italy and other Countries upon retirement, leaving them unaw are and misinformed. Plaintiff had numerous impediments of busy delays from everyone she contacted daily to block her and has more disclosures and deaths not included in this complaint involving prominent and famous Hollyw ood victims over the years along w ith her ow n daily events. 26. Under the disguise of SURVEILLANCE, some aspects of the Programs of MKULTRA w ere publicly acknow ledged by President Clinton w ith partial apologies on October 3, 1995 as past tense and not being done currently to dow n play their uses. The Pentagon has new buzz w ords SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY-Psychotronics. How ever, Plaintiff spoke w ith many other victims, and the latest FT Hood Mind Control soldier in November 2009 is not an isolated incident that is commonly know n as Building Manchurians experimenting on many civilians today. Psychotronics also has a non-profit organization of former scientists and w histleblow ers of same. (Lynn Surgella-Cancer; Central Nervous System diseases and Immune System-Ariel Sharon and comatose, Massive FDA drug corruptions and synthetic illnesses) Tw ice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr Robert Becker w as the major researcher and w riter on health dangers from electromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008, but his w orks and w arnings live on. I have no doubt in my mind, that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earths environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than w arming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment. 27. The President and other executive officials have described some activities of surveillance and spying w hich are conducted outside the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and w ithout authorization by the Foreign Committees, Senate, or Congress. Intelligence Court, Communities,

28. As w ith The Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence having since publicly admitting that the TSP w as only one particular aspect of the surveillance activities authorized by the Programs. On March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlaw ful and violated FISA. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pattern of experiments and corruption on the public since the 1970s using DOD w eapons of technology. (Tesla Invention and energy) (Jew el v United States, United States v Yahoo) On or about January 2007, Plaintiff w itnessed people and companies pointing the finger at each other, and creating a doubt to sabotage lives and the LEGAL SYSTEM further w ith the use of Communication Chaos techniques. What the courts should also know. Today, Societys Chief complaints are demanding AUDITING FEDERAL FUNDS, OVERSIGHT, and TRANSPANCY. Plaintiff has know ledge that it is the CORRUPTION and the bigger Agenda to change the Constitution that has been HIDING behind SSP and high profile cases and others, never coming to light. (OJ Simpson, Attorney selections, Sibel Edmonds) SSP has been preventing Remote View ing Mind Control Transmissions and corruptions from coming to light, not Intelligence as a w eapon and U. S. tactics. Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by w histleblow ers Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips w ere blocked for reasons of National Security. This SSP RULING and disbelief had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA with these TECHNOLOGY WEAPONS of the mind Too many years of death and
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torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today w e are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption w ith technology to take over humanity for mass control. Step #9 closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes w ide shut: (Access Denied, Trance-formation of America 2003). The Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology w eapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted a Country and Culture. Plaintiff w ill show that smokescreens are created through propaganda to cover up what is going on in this Country from We the People, collectively, since Big Brother Technology that outsiders already noticed or realize. Plaintiff does not consent to the espionage information being transmitted against her w ill to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted w ith this experiment, torture and information. 29. In addition to eavesdropping on or reading specific communications, Defendants have intercepted the communications contents across the United States and overseas, and targeted the Plaintiff w ith intense continuous sabotage and impediments, Electronic Stalking, Slander, including Internet Communications, censored and continuously intercepted from blogging, blocked her searches for attorneys, blocked her w eb site from google others cannot view except her, w ith Googles Access Portals and/or passw ords. Plaintiff w rote to Google to let them know w hat w as going on behind the scenes w ith remote view ing Americans INCLUDING most CORPORATIONS, passw ord access, and covert data-mining for purposes, in SG3 dating back prior to 911 (EFF v Google Streetview ). DODs ELF transmitters w ere already in full scale by 1981 in Australia and Africa, follow ed by additional superior covert Projects in the U.S. (Combat Zones under DARPA formerly ARPA). 30. W ith suspicious FBI allegations and $122 Million Virtual Case File Project gone w rong in 2001, prior Board Members and Government Officials, the new Parent Company SA ICs (C I A Spacestar) servers and the (Occult Connections). Chief of Staff Jack E Thomas Air Force Intelligence, 1997 ties w ith DOD, NSA, CIA, and former Executives, Directors, Secretaries, Army Generals, all had know ledge of REMOTE VIEWING experiments spy biz, SPAW AR at the Naval Electronics System Command in San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intelligence Agencies (1996). A surge of Federal Spending raised Multi-Billion dollar Defense concerns w ith SAIC and Titan (moon) (2004) in the mid 1990s on technology projects that REQUIRE HUMAN EXPERIMENTING. 31. Joseph McMoneagle, eventually revealed as such, but for the purposes of the Armys psychic intelligence unit, he w as simply Remote View er No. 1. In his Memoirs of a Psychic Spy is a look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonishing career of military service. Remote View er 001 in A rmys Stargate Project reports this as still classified. The top secret intelligence gathering initiative launched at height of Cold War- David Morehouse 1998. This project w as first used to retrieve intentions in a criminal or terrorists mind. (The Lucid View , Investigations in Occultism, 2004-MK ULTRA includes Project VOICE of GOD and Church Committee) This is used for unexplained phenomenon and to manipulate religion and/or to compel a crime, command or order. It is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens w ithout permission as The Manchurian Candidates in the United States. Cognitive Sciences Laboratories CIA research 24 years ago w hen Tom Beardon warned about these weapons and activities as serious dangers. These w eapons in use by police have already started to kill and maim overtly. 32. As history repeats itself, duping the legal system condoning Government horrific corruptions and crimes in a free country, the core component of these Programs is Defendants nationw ide netw ork of sophisticated communications surveillance and spy devices being installed and attached today overtly and nefariously in front of the world. NSA transmissions and NASA Remote View ing have been in place and are being connected to the key facilities of telecommunications w ith advanced technologies like that of HAARP stations and Satellites for many years prior and covertly. As Quantum Physics (sound and/or radio W AVES) and subliminal are being used for Spying predominantly on CIVILIAN POPULATION, as w ell as breaching contracts w ith other Countries and Embassies, HAARP is used for Earth and human manipulations. (Jerry Smith, Jim Keith; Politician and Dr. Nick Begich, Alaska; HAARP; THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY 1998) The Method of Inducing Mental Emotional and Physical States in Human Beings was patented for the CIA in Virginia in 1993. Each zapped transmission or hallucination is extremely harmful and polluting as it is costly. Plaintiff has know ledge w hy black budgets are not held to higher accountability, the public slow ly sickened and killed selectively w ith social security funds, and the missing $125 Billion on Iraqi Reconstruction fraud and the U.S. Army in February 2009. 33. These projects of CointelPro, Psyops experiments for drones, and Surveillance/spying have continued covertly to develop w eapons that w ere first patented by Russia and China. Since the 1950s, first revealed to the public w ere the Alien UFO Projects, and the subliminal cravings of coca cola, movies and pop corn. Shortly thereafter as technology advanced, mass control continued to this day nefariously against all Americans, called NSA transmissions today. This created and induced IMMORAL dysfunctional corrupt and synthetic unhealthy culture. Since 1974 under the Pentagon, DOD funded

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the ELF radio broadcasting in conjunction with hypnotic control and prior to that Doctors Bill Nelson and Tom Beardon had their ow n patents at NASA on Medicinal Energy and Biofeedback, already in use in other Countries w ith the same remote scalar w aves and frequencies. (Apollo and Whistleblowers second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and no w itnesses returned after the Shuttle) Furthermore, under DOD, Combat Zones That See, or CTS, project of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA-1957) w hose goal w as to track everything that moves in a city by linking up a massive netw ork of surveillance cameras to a centralized computer system. (Russell Tice called Spy Apparatus.) Artificial intelligence softw are w ill then identify and track all movement throughout the city. In 1958, immediately after Sputnick, DARPA began to secure our space and airw ays with these Directed Energy Weapons. (Project AGILE-1966 Pentagon meeting). In an undisclosed report dated March 9, 2005, eight more projects w ith strategic thrusts included Bio-Revolution, DIRECTED ENERGY, and Urban Operation of sensors on the existing Airborne Video Surveillance, all under the Iraq theory, also data mining all information from the Human. CTS is described by DARPA as intended for use in combat zones, to deter enemy attacks on American troops and to identify and track enemy combatants w ho launch attacks against American soldiers, under Martial Law for a Police State and to legalize Fascism. DARPAs current Projects, XG, Robotic assured Military communication, CALO; Cognitive Impairment forced, speech, ADDHD, and Optical), and Silent Talk; A planned program attempting to identify EEG patterns for words and transmit these for covert communications. Telepathy w ere part of the tests the Plaintiff w as sent for, including w arming her blood w ithout the Doctors consent and w as checked for Immune Systems w ithout cause (ELF disease),and her eyes physically taken over by an MRI, unexplained by Director (optic pattern, DNA, and more). This computer-mediated telepathy allow s user-to-user communication through analysis of neural signals. The research aims to detect and analyze the w ord-specific neural signals, using EEG, w hich occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. As of 2009 the research is focused on military uses. Plaintiff, an unw itting guinea pig of these programs w ent for UN-Necessary tests. Plaintiffs hair has not grow n since 1996, w ith induced rapid loss, a skin condition from the blood unknow n to the doctors. (Leukemia) In addition, since 1962, ARPA initiated the Office of Information Processing Technique and Behavior Sciences for Artificial Intelligence, Command and Control, know n today as Behavior Modification or BRAINW ASH for army combat purposes. 34. Plaintiff has know ledge that after this project w as field-tested w ith experiments on Vietnam VETERANS disguised as Agent Orange. Plaintiff spoke w ith many suffering from ELF induced nervous central system attacks and complaints of mind control in the VA, all reporting the same as civilian victims. One of many victims is suing the Bar due to the VA computer systems uses w ith no counsel available. 35. Julianne McKinney, 1994 former Military Intelligence Officer and Director of these very PROJECTS is still battling w ith it today, demanding oversight and cease and desist for all Microwave Harassment. (The Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed June 2003, surveillance and neurocybernetics systems, w hich DOD refers to as psychotechnologies. (Former Pentagon Reporter, Sharon Weinberger (misfits scientists, remote view ing; internal emails, 1996) Also know n as HANDLERS. 3 6 . John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, f o rmer astronaut and U.S. politician w ho Introduced a Bill and Joint Resolutions (Page S645) Human Research Subject Protection Act, stated In fact, our ow n Constitution says, The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated. , and compared it to the Nuremberg Code. His ow n experience and know ledge of unw itting civilians w ith Radiation experiments has already been proven that Directed Energy Weapons increased CANCER rates DRAMATICALLY in this COUNTRY thus far. Furthermore, patients have discovered leaving the Country for natural cures w orked w ithout further Chemotherapy. During Plaintiffs brief volunteer w ork at the ACLU, Plaintiff learned that calls w ere made from patients complaining of being electrocuted w hile in Hospitals and transmitted innocent staff not to believe them. The reason know ledgeable professionals w arn against this Technology as the terrorists w ithin, and keeping their enemies close, unfortunately. Plaintiff met w ith FBI and Congress on tw o occasions and w arned them of her discoveries, and the Gulfs Red Tide in Florida before the spill as corruptions at the hands of our Shadow Government, and did same w ith Documentary Un-Covered as Marionettes. ELF Waves used in getting a w ar by Congress not reading full documents to invade Iraq. (Judicial Watch various law suits, FBI 2008 also spinning their w heels) 37. Plaintiff also has know ledge that the manipulations to the media and miscommunications for the use of quashing, fanning, suppressions, and propaganda including block exposing the governments advertising and new s corruptions are the reason for spying w ith these mind control technology w eapons. Spying on media w as revealed last year as NSA transmissions w hich includes communication chaos or not to care unw ittingly and omit important new s, unrealized. (Operation Mockingbird Media, also began in the 1950s, and creating a synthetic culture). HAARP stations w ere set up reaching Woodpecker w aves w ith Russia about the time space activities began 1970 w hen Big Brother w as w atching today know n as Big Brother gets a Brain. W hereas

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Russia w as in fact only deployed w ith these Weapons on the U.S. or on its ow n people. Paranoid, our Intelligence, DIA launched against its ow n people in 1983. Astronomical Defense budgets developed as black budgets, and SPYING nefariously went covert from media and publics know ledge. (Jerry Smith, CARABAS Coherent All Radio Band Sensing, HAARP printed in Canada 1998) (Operation Mockingbird) 38. Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family members are ordinary Americans w ho w ere initially picked up in the Big Brother radar unwittingly in 1971, w hereas Plaintiff w as informed others w ho have ties w ith Military, Minorities, Government employees and buildings, all being picked up in radar w ith data mining human information for w orld domination pow ers. Dumbed Dow n and red tape bureaucratic culture induced unrealized 39. Plaintiff is also suing Defendants for treason, crimes, violations, and threats attempted on her and her family, w hen disseminating the information and ARTICLE, and reporting it to the Authorities. Plaintiff has know ledge other Countries are being scapegoated and blamed for CIA crimes in disguise. 40. Plaintiff w as and is being discredited, sabotaged, pre-empted since on or about Sept. 2008 and the Inauguration, w ith these Serious Accusations to w hitew ash history and each one of her accusations, brainw ash the public, and keep Washington in their bubble, as being too late. (CIA techniques; Jacketingagainst each other or one against the other, and changing minds, of Presidents-Dr. Walter Bow art, False Memory Syndrome Foundation 1992, Hallucinations, and Reagan-Alzheimers disease-like memory loss. 41. These are unconstitutional programs under Cointelpro divisions (Operation Mind Control and DIA Remote View ing experiments and NSA transmissions under electronics communications) as described to include Monarch-The New Phoenix Program, MKULTRA (Constantine-Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America, 1997), Project Philadelphia, Echelon, Clear eyes, Mockingbird media), and Military Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD, Operation Northw oods (creating w ars), Project Stargate and Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote View ing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Project Hybrid Insects HI-MEMS, Polar Bears, along w ith many others), and include corruption crimes of abusive pow ers. 42. Plaintiff is suffering from the violations of her constitutional rights, and privacy acts, (US code 5, and 18) at the hands of, the direction of, or w ith the know ledge of, Defendants. Defendants in concert w ith other Intelligence agencies and/or service providers, and means are set forth in paragraphs below ). 43. January 2003, the NSA designed and implemented a program THE DRAGNET in collaboration w ith AT&T to build a surveillance operation at AT&Ts Folsom Street Facility, inside a secret room know n as the SG3 Secure Room. In February 2003, the Splitter Cabinet split diverting to and from Qwest, XO, PAIX, Allegiance, and many more Service Providers at the SG3 Location. (EFF v VERIZON) 44. As some X or zero files kept covertly in Silicon Valley and NSA and Data Mining w ith SIG-INT Satellites used as the scapegoat of illegal covert spying of 50 years, making it legal. Plaintiff received communication through Qw est and TMobile, and many other carriers that w ere tampered w ith, Plaintiff found her computer files w iped out for over one year (2007-2008 of all her Government research and email communications to the public, since she began attempts for help, and notified Qwest of the activities behind the scenes as they had found them undetectable. Plaintiffs communications verbally and electronically, including facsimiles, muting one party in conversation to sabotage meaning, emails w ere intercepted and manipulated, as destroyed documents, videos, and photographs, preventing the reporting her story and the torture and abuse to non-conspiring authorities and individuals. 45. Defendants daily tortures are being done w ithout judicial, statutory, or other law ful authorization, in violate on of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 46. Defendants daily tortures are being done w ithout probable cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that Plaintiff has committed or are about to commit any crime or engage in any terrorist activity, or is of foreign pow ers or agents thereof and these activities are crimes of humanity. 47. Defendants daily tortures are w ith intent and malice, are being done w ithout any reason to believe that the information is relevant to an authorized criminal investigation or to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 48. On information and belief, Defendants daily tortures against her w ill and religion is directly performed, and/or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced or procured, by Defendants. 49. On information and belief, Defendants w ill continue to directly target the Plaintiff and the Public and/or w ill continue to aid, abet, counsel, command, induce or procure that conduct. (Mind Control and the American Government; Prevailing W inds 1994) Since Teslas Directed Energy Weapons w ere invented and launched or picked up by The Pentagons covert ops, The United States unlike the rest of the Globe, rapidly began dow n a culture of Cancer, CIA drugs, corruptions, crimes (another experiment in 1968 on crimes in major cities hidden
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behind LSD, as aliens) paranoia, immoral behaviors, AIDS, ANTHRAX, obesity, sicker Americans, division, Trash TV and education, paranormal phenomenon, and a greater necessity of guinea pigs for technology experimentation, followed by power, corruptions, terrorizing and harassing anyone they chose covertly on the streets w ithout accountability and justice and w ithout know ledge of a dictatorship or executive order. 50. Plaintiff seeks costs, legal fees, and damages applicable by law w ith protective measures for all COUNTS. Plaintiff w as represented under a class suit, before transmissions sabotaged the attorney and his contact information has been disconnected and tampered w ith. On information and belief, the former attorney may have had brain surgery from Migraines w hile preparing the Complaint granted by and San Francisco University, after my visit, to Denver in July of 2008. Counsel may be abroad at this time. ALLEGATIONS and VIOLATIONS 51. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, Plaintiff Mireille Torjman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to attest to her family and the publics victimization, unw ittingly and/or unrealized at the hands of, the direction of, or the know ledge of the Defendants: ( a ) TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 37 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering w ith a w itness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a w itness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of w eapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510 and 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmitted civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants have harassed and transmitted the public to stalk and harass the Plaintiff inclusive of electronically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff w as violated w ith her civil rights w ith the use of electronic communications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w ) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of pow ers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from spying activities; (z) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512.

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(ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Crel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and the conspiracy to oppress, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions against malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainw ash, and enslave w ith severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, and libel is actionable under Tort Claims of damages found under civil and criminal trials. (af) Plaintiff has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both dossiers w ere denied under the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702 52. Adequacy: Plaintiff and family members are suffering great harm arising from Defendants violations of law , as alleged herein. Plaintiff intends to prosecute this action vigorously. Plaintiff hereby demands injunctive relief and damages. COUNT I Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 53. Plaintiff repeats nd incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 54. Plaintiff is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law TITLE 18 U.S.C. 3521. W itness relocation and protection. COUNT II Violation of First and Fourth Amendments, 42 U.S.C and 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 55. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 56. Plaintiff motions the COURTS and Defendants to cease and desist and/or injunction for relief, immediately from grave dangerous damaging electronic harassments and that of a religious and personal nature, all other allegations of surveillance, spying, manipulations, torture, censorships, daily sabotage, and blocks electronically and otherw ise, retaliations, death threats, thereby violating the constitution and privacy acts, (US code 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50) at the hands of, the direction of, or w ith the know ledge of, any and all government and affiliations. Plaintiff seeks declaratory relief against all allegations and all counts. Defendants actions described herein violated Plaintiffs rights under the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the United States Constitution, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq., the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and Air Force Instruction 37-132; and all other freedoms and rights under the Law . COUNT III Violation of 18 U.S.C., 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 57. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 58. Plaintiff numerous attempts sabotaged, hereby requests to compel the court for Defendants to conduct proper and thorough investigations (not failing to include fundamental steps of interview s and psyops techniques on U.S. Soil) even w hen seemingly undetectable and/or prior to 2008, w ith all accusations and agencies w ith full cooperation, including Sports, Cloning, ENGINEERED PovertyBankruptcies w ith individuals w ith Cancer, also to sabotage economies, under the Law . COUNT IV

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Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 59. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 60. Plaintiff has been sabotaged w ith coverage and expose to w arn the public. Plaintiff moves to compel the court for Defendants to provide the Constituents W E THE PEOPLE w ith un-tampered accurate new s, appropriate w arnings w ith Main Stream Media to heed caution, be AW ARE w ith know ledge, and choice of action or recourse, under the law of Constituents rights and United States Constitution. COUNT V Violation of Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Equitable Relief 108. (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 61. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; and all allegations under the law and aforementioned Amendments of the Constitution, as stated above. 62. Plaintiff is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law . 63. Plaintiff and have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail communications, as forementioned above, DNA, brain w aves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, data mining, collected, and/or stored by these activities. 64. Plaintiff have expectations of complete privacy to the intrusions of their minds and bodies, threats and fears, blackmail and choice, thus freedom of thought, emotion, w ill, and destiny. 65. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of spying, torture, interception, and/or use of Plaintiff and her activities, by Intelligence, covertly w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 66. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other law ful authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 67. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, as a victim of the Programs, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights of the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 68. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 69. Defendants conduct w as done intentionally, w ith malice and deliberate indifference, against her w ill and religion, and/or w ith reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff constitutional rights. 70. On information and belief, the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the abovedescribed violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the Count V and all other pertaining Counts to Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 71. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights and the rights of the public; enjoin the Count V Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiffs rights under the Fourth Amendment and respective Amendments, to the United States Constitution; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VI Violation of Fourth AmendmentDamages
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(Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 72. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 73. Plaintiff have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail, communications, Transmissions, intrusions, spying, by all means including electronics and w aves as forementioned by Defendants. 74. Plaintiff have expectations of privacy to the atrocious intrusions and gross negligence. 75. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants w ithout judicial or other law ful judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 76. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 77. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of and/or acquiesced, enjoyed all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Fourth Amendment rights of Plaintiffs by obtaining judicial or other law ful authorization, and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the requirements of the respective Amendments. 78. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiffs their right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 79. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff. 80. Defendants conduct is being done intentionally and w ith malice, w ith deliberate indifference, or w ith reckless disregard of, Plaintiffs constitutional rights. 81. Plaintiff seeks an aw ard of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts III and V Defendants, and such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT VII Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 82. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 83. Plaintiff use of communications anonymously and to associate privately and securely w ith freedoms as their Constitution Rights. 84. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain w aves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants w ithout judicial or other law ful judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 85. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition interception, disclosure, divulgence, and/or use of Plaintiff and communications, mind and body, DNA and brain w aves, Data Mining and remote transmissions, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records
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or other information w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion. 86. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment. 87. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plaintiff. 88. Defendants conduct w as done intentionally, w ith malice and intent, w ith deliberate indifference, w ith reckless disregard, and negligence, Plaintiff constitutional rights w ere grossly violated. 89. On information and belief, the Count VII Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the Count VII Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count VII Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 90. Plaintiffs seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count VII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiff rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VIII Violation of First AmendmentDamages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 91. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 92. Plaintiff use of communication w ith privacy to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 93. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, spying, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain w aves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants w ithout judicial or other law ful judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 94. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment. 95. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plaintiff. 96. Defendants conduct w as done intentionally, w ith malice and sadistic pleasure, w ith deliberate indifference, or w ith reckless disregard of, Plaintiff constitutional rights. 97. Plaintiff seeks an aw ard of her actual damages and punitive damages against t he Counts IV and VIII Defendants, and for such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT IX Violation of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ActDeclaratory, Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 98. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 99. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an offense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title. 100. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that:

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(f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any w ire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, know n United States person w ho is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any w ire communication to or from a person in the United States, w ithout the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that w ould be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located w ithin the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a w ire or radio communication, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes. 101. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 102. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 103.Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more w ire and w ireless communications to or from Plaintiff or other information in w hich Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, w ithout the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States and overseas. 104. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining, remote transmissions, communications records, and contents of communications, pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records and information. 105. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law , not authorized by any statute, to w hich Plaintiff w ere subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 106. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiff, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 107. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 108. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, and spying , disclosure, and/or use of their w ire communications. 109. On information and belief, the Count IX Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described acts resulting in the
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electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of Plaintiff w ire communications, acting in excess of the Count IX Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f), and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family. Plaintiffs has no adequate remedy at law for the Count IX Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count IX Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 110. Pursuant to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949) and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; enjoin the Count IX Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiffs statutory rights, including their rights under 50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT X Violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, actionable under 50 U.S.C. 1810Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 111. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 112. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an offense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title. 113. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that: (f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any w ire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, know n United States person w ho is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any w ire communication to or from a person in the United States, w ithout the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that w ould be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located w ithin the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a w ire or radio communication, under circumstances in w hich a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a w arrant w ould be required for law enforcement purposes. 114. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 115. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 116. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more w ire and w ireless communications to or from Plaintiff or other information in w hich Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, w ithout the consent of
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any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 117. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 118. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law , not authorized by any statute, to w hich Plaintiffs w ere subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 119. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 120. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent to such. 121. Plaintiffs have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of their w ire communications. 122. Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1810, w hich provides a civil action for any person w ho has been subjected to an electronic surveillance and spying or about w hom information obtained by electronic surveillance of such person has been disclosed or used in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, Plaintiff seeks from the Count X Defendants for each Plaintiff their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512 Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 123. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 124. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that: (1) Except as otherw ise specifically provided in this chapter any person w ho (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any w ire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 125. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) w hile in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 126. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 127. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by w hich

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electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 128. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintiffs w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 129. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 130. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications, w hile know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications and spying in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 131. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause unw itting subjects, Plaintiff, and the public, divulgence of Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications to Defendants w hile in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering w ith, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 132. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiff communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, w illfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 133. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 134. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 135. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and w illful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications. 136. On information and belief, the Count XI Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described acts resulting in the intentional and w illful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs w ire or electronic communications, acting in excess of the Count XI Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2511, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XI Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count XI Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 137. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, w hich provides a civil action for any person w hose w ire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seek equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XI Defendants. 138. Plaintiff seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs right; enjoin the Count XI Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiff statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2511; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2520Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations
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139. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 140. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that: (1) Except as otherw ise specifically provided in this chapter any person w ho (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any w ire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 141. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) w hile in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 142. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 143. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 144. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs family members w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 145. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiffs w ire or electronic communications, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 146. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiffs w ire or electronic communications, w hile know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 147. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause divulgence of Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs family members w ire or electronic communications to Defendants w hile in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering w ith, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 148. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, w illfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 149. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information.

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150. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 151. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and w illful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications. 152. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, w hich provides a civil action for any person w hose w ire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712 Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 153. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 154. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2511 provides that: (1) Except as otherw ise specifically provided in this chapter any person w ho (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any w ire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any w ire, oral, or electronic communication, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of a w ire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 155. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) w hile in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 156. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.(Emphasis added.) 157. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic w ire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 158. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, spy, Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 159. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 160. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintiff w ire or electronic communications, w hile know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through the interception of w ire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 161. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and w illfully caused, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, spied, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to, negligently

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conspired to, cause unw itting subjects, Plaintiff, and the public, divulgence of Plaintiffs w ire or electronic communications to Defendants w hile in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering w ith, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 162. Defendants have committed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintiffs communications directly or by aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, w illfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 163. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 164. Defendants did not notify Plaintiffs of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 165. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and w illful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their w ire or electronic communications. 166. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person w hose w ire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in w illful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511. Plaintiff has complied fully w ith the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XIII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XIV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b)Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 167. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 168. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any w ire or electronic communication to w hich this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) w ithout required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; or (B) W ith prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable w ith respect to any w ire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and
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(B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 169. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, surveillance, spying, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications w hile in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or w hile carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qw est, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or W IFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 170. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 171. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 172. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 173. On information and belief, the Count XIV Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents Plaintiffs communications w hile in electronic storage by Defendants and/or NSA and any of their agents electronic communication service(s), and/or w hile carried or maintained by any remote computing service(s), acting in excess of the Count XIV Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and (b), and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XIV Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count XIV Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiff legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 174. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, w hich provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by know ing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XIV Defendants. 175. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; enjoin the Count XIV Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiffs statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 176. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 177. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any w ire or electronic communication to w hich this
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paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) w ithout required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; or (B) w ith prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable w ith respect to any w ire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 178. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications w hile in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or w hile carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qw est, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or W IFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 179. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff and mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 180. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of their communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 181. Plaintiff and family have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, abovedescribed acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 182. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, w hich provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by know ing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Plaintiff seek from the Count XV Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper. COUNT XVI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712 Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 183. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 184. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a w ire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of W ire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service.
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(1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any w ire or electronic communication to w hich this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) w ithout required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; or (B) w ith prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable w ith respect to any w ire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 185. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, surveillance, spied, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plaintiff communications w hile in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or w hile carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qw est, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or W IFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 186. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 187. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 188. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants above-described soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents of communications. 189. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person w hose communications have been disclosed in w illful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703. Plaintiffs have complied fully w ith the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seek from the Count XVI Defendants for each Plaintiff their statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 190. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 191. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information
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pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only w hen the governmental entity (A) obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal w ritten request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, w hich subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned netw ork address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service w hen the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer. 182. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plaintiff communications w hile in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or w hile carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qw est, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, or W IFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 193.. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 194. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such surveillance and spying. 195. Plaintiff have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 196. On information and belief, the Count XVII Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described soliciting and obtaining disclosures of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff, acting in excess of the Count XVII Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plaintiff and have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XVII Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count XVII Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 197. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, w hich provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by know ing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plaintiff

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seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XVII Defendants. 198. Plaintiff seeks that the Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count XVII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiff statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and aw ard such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XVIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703(c)(d)(e) 2709, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712 Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 199. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 200. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703 (c)(d)(e) 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only w hen the governmental entity (A) obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal w ritten request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, w hich subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned netw ork address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service w hen the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer. 201. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plaintiff communications w hile in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or w hile carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qw est, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other, or W IFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 202. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the
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agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 203. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of NSA and/or other electronic communication service, nor did Plaintiff and members consent to such. 204. Plaintiff has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 205. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, w hich provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by know ing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, Plaintiff seek from the Count XVIII Defendants for Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper. COUNT XIX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703, and 2709 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712Damages (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 206. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 207. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703 and 2709 provides that: 2702. Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709. Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 and 2703(c) Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only w hen the governmental entity (A) obtains a w arrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court w ith jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State w arrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal w ritten request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, w hich subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is defined in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned netw ork address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service w hen the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer.

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208. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained from NSA, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from NSA and/or all other electronic communication services, the disclosure to Defendants of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiffs use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services offered to the public and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. 209. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 210. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 211. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plaintiff. 212. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by w illful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. Plaintiff have complied fully w ith the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2707. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plaintiff seeks from the Count XIX Defendants for the Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public officials and w itnesses (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 213. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 214. Plaintiff has expectations of complete safety from United States Government and free of bribes and blackmail w ith threats to her life and/or family. Furthermore, Plaintiff is risking her life daily in attempts to defend herself and report the use of these w eapons. 215. Plaintiff has been violated under Title 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public officials and w itnesses. COUNT XXI Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, AND TORT CLAIMS-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 216. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 217. Defendants intentionally and w illfully solicited and obtained from Defendants, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from Defendants and/or NSA transmissions and/or all other electronic communication services, the tortures and controls of Plaintiffs, mind and body w ith the use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services offered to the public by Defendants and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. inclusive of each count itemized below , separately. 218. Defendants and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of torture and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintiffs records or other information. 219. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable

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searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintiffs rights to speak and to receive speech anonymously and associate privately physically and psychologically, under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, privacy, to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 220. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and family. 221. Defendants conduct w as done intentionally, w ith malice and deliberate indifference, against her w ill and religion, and/or w ith reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights. 222. On information and belief, the Counts Defendants are now engaging in and w ill continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff and family. Plaintiff have no adequate remedy at law for the Count V Defendants continuing unlaw ful conduct, and the Count V Defendants w ill continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 223. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the torture of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plaintiff consent to such. 224. Plaintiff has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of torture and intrusions aforementioned allegations under each count itemized below , pertaining to Plaintiff. 225. Titles 22, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, provides a civil and criminal action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by w illful violation of 18 U.S.C and 50 U.S.C. Plaintiff seeks from each Counts below Defendants for the Plaintiffs statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. 226. Plaintiff, hereby has been aggrieved and violated as the aforementioned allegations under each count below of the US codes, during this process and as a victim of the Intelligence Communities of the United States of America as found below . Plaintiff seeks relief as permitted by law for each count below separately: (a) 18 U.S.C. 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering w ith a w itness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a w itness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by w hich electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of w eapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, spying, and mind and body transmissions, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmitted the Plaintiff and public domestically and internationally, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants are violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff w as subjected to electronic surveillance, spying and harassment, violating 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure

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(v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w ) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of pow ers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have tortured, and violated, Plaintiff, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or are currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff are entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from further harm, in violation of tort law s domestically and internationally. (z) Defendants have tortured Plaintiff and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2421, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments; (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have intentionally and w ith malice premeditated the Tortured of the Plaintiff and is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, is actionable under tort claims of damages found under civil procedures and criminal trials. COUNT XXII Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 227. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 228. The Programs and all various programs violates the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., because Defendants actions under the Programs exceed statutory authority and limitations imposed by Congress through FISA, and through Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the W iretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and in violation of statutory rights under those law s ; are not otherw ise in accordance w ith law ; are contrary to constitutional rights, including the Fourth Amendment, First Amendment, and separation of pow ers principles; and are taken w ithout observance of procedures required by law . 229. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under The Program and various other Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their w ire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 230. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XXIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XXIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIII Violation of Separation of Powers Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 231. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 232. The Programs violates the principles of separation of pow ers because it w as authorized by the Executive in excess of the Executives authority under Article II of the United States Constitution, in excess of statutory authority granted the Executive under FISA and under Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the W iretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and exceeds the statutory limits imposed on the Executive by Congress. 233. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in

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this Complaint, Defendants actions under the Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their w ire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information aforementioned in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 234. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XVIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XVIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation w ith them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and for such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIV Violation of the fifth and eighth amendment prohibitions Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 235. Plaintiff advances five causes of actions on premised on tort liability for violations of (1) the Fifth and eighth Amendment prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment, (2) the law of nations prohibition against torture (3) the law of nations prohibition against cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment, and (4) the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in time of War, Aug. 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3516, T.I.A.S. No. 3365 (Geneva Convention IV. The Plaintiffs fifth cause of action seeks declaratory relief for Violations of the law of Nations Geneva Convention IV and the United States Constitution. W ith regards to the Constitutional violations, the Plaintiff argue that the Courts should infer cause of action for tort liability pursuant to Bivens vs. six unknow n named agents of the Fed. Bureau of Narcatics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendants are liable for the treatment of a non-enemy combatant and retaliation. COUNT XXV Violation of 5 U.S.C. 552.FOIA records request (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 236. Plaintiff made several requests to the FOIA over the years, and w as denied existence of any dossier or documentation. Plaintiff w as also provided w ith protected rights under terrorism to deny access if any to her records in violation of 5 U.S.C. 552. 237. Plaintiff hereby makes demands to grant such reliefs as the court may deem just and proper under the law 5 U.S.C. 552. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C) and 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(I), Plaintiff shall be deemed to have exhausted its administrative remedies w ith respect to its request to Defendant. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3), Plaintiff has a right of access to the information and documents requested in its FOIA request, and Defendants have no legal basis for refusing to disclose this information and these documents to Plaintiff. COUNT XXVI Violation 5 U.S.C. 702 Right of Review-Unlawful Agency Action (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 238. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 239. Plaintiff has been violated w ith unlaw ful agency action and is suffering legal w rong and is entitled to review . Plaintiff is seeking Injunction Relief. COUNT XXVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, DAMAGES AND TORT LAW claims-Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 240. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 241. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plaintiff hereby under

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the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 242. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent) to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more w ire and w ireless communications to or from Plaintiffs or other information in w hich Plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, w ithout the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 243. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or know ledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain w aves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, its contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored w ithout judicial or other law ful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records, and other information. 244. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 245. Defendants conduct w as done intentionally, w ith malice and deliberate indifference, against her w ill and religion, and/or w ith reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, malice, premeditated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff and family constitutional rights. 246. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law , not authorized by any statute, to w hich Plaintiffs w ere subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 247. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, know ing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, spied, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, w illfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 248. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surveillance and spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent to such. 249. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use of their w ire communications. 250. Pursuant to the United Constitution and its Amendments, w hich provides a civil and criminal for any person w ho has been subjected to the aforementioned crimes and torts, Plaintiff seeks from the Counts above Defendants their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. CAUSE OF ACTION (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 251. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 252. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plaintiff hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 253. Beginning on or about January 2007 and continuing through the present, Defendants intentionally intercepted Plaintiffs electronic communications under numerous programs and projects w ith malice and violated numerous law s aforementioned in this law suit. 254. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2521. Injunction against illegal communications in all counts. Plaintiff is tortured daily and demands interception of communication transmissions to cease and desist immediately. W henever it shall appear that any person is engaged or is about to engage in any act w hich constitutes or w ill constitute a felony violation of this chapter, the Attorney General may initiate a civil action in a district court of the United States to enjoin such violation. The court shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and determination of such an action, and may, at any time before final determination, enter such a restraining order or prohibition, or take such other action, as is w arranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury to the
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United States or to any person or class of persons for w hose protection the action is brought. A proceeding under this section is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that, if an indictment has been returned against the respondent, discovery is governed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 255. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, Plaintiff is entitled to the follow ing: (a) Statutory damages of w hich ever is the greater of $100.00 a day for each day of violation or $10,000.00; (b) (c) (d) Punitive damages in the amount to be determined by the jury; Equitable or declaratory relief as is deemed appropriate; and Reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred;

256. Pursuant to tort damages Plaintiff hereby makes monitory demand for damages, punitive damages, and pain and suffering allow able under the tort law and personal injury of $3,500.000.00 million dollars. PRAYER FOR RELIEF W HEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court: A. Declare that the Programs and crimes as alleged herein violates w ithout limitation Plaintiffs rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution; their statutory rights, including their rights under 5 U.S.C. 552, 18 U.S.C. 2511, 18 U.S.C. 2703, 50 US.C. 1809, and the Administrative Procedures Act, 18 U.S.C. as stated above allegations, all inclusive; and their rights under the constitutional principle of Separation of Pow ers. B. Aw ard Plaintiffs and relief, including w ithout limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the applicable Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs and Projects, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that w as seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information w ithin the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. C. Aw ard Plaintiff their statutory, actual, and punitive damages to the extent permitted by law and according to proof. D. Aw ard to Plaintiffs reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of suit to the extent permitted by law . E. Aw ard Plaintiff equitable relief, including w ithout limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fifth and Thirteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that w as seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information w ithin the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. F. W HEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court: (1) declare that Defendants refusal to disclose the information and documents requested by Plaintiff is unlaw ful; (2) order Defendants to make the requested information and documents available to Plaintiff; (3) grant Plaintiffs request for a fee w aiver; (4) aw ard Plaintiff its costs and reasonable attorneys fees in this action; and (5) grant such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. G. Grant such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. H. Plaintiff, as pro se requests permission for Leave of Court to amend for the purpose of immediate and imminent threat on May 28, 2010 if Plaintiff does not cease with this Complaint. Due to the nature and severity of this Complaint, Plaintiff requests time to seek counsel. FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, DOCUMENTARIES THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA AND

DR. W ALTER BOW ART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation-radio interview , available in CAN. JIM KEITH banned books, Strange death and Body Electric AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universities The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol W hite and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targeted- TERRORIST HUNTER, anonymously KAY GRIGGS, Military w ife and current MIND CONTROL w histleblow er (Secret
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Societies) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/W AR Naval Officer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) W ikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial know ledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE, DR IGOR LEDOCHOW SKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder former CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting Imaginary Weapons MIND GAMES Pentagon investigative reporter Un-Covered video documentary for MARIONETTES-Public is used as PAW N in Chess game W ARS Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligence and W HISTLEBLOW ER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 w ith home fire KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy OBrien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES Lynn Surgella Letter from President of Psychotronics Association and former Government Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator letter 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still dont have clearance of these w eapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary, Dixie Chics INDUCED BUZZ Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone attempting the truth w ith MASS CHOAS creations from the top Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed w eb site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollyw ood and Scientology involvements revamped w hen I w rote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 attorney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandoras BoxAmerican hysterias Duncan OFinioan, CD interview s Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bush in 1980s Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesnt know w hy he did it CIA Ray Mc Govern W histleblow er Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY W ILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Profit to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW w hitew ashing History w ith more overt crimes Naomi w olf, Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 stepsNSA employees all claim being hypnotized on the job (Mind Control) SAME as others Naomi Wolf Jim Guest Letter on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA law suits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chics Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Natl w histleblow ers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate gov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bow art: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind Vol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candidate. April 18, 1996 Bow art, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blow s W histle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were w e Controlled? JFK Adventures Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactics of New World
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Order Nexus Connecting the dots! How we got here perfecting 50 years of MIND CONTROLLED AMERICANS

WE SHADOW CANT STOP GOVT DEPLOYED BELIEVEUNTIL WE MIND CONTROLLED40 Years until now 2008 a mad cover emerging to world up their chaos and non sense, now with tangible excuses! FALSE MEMORY TRANSMISSIONS DAILY with unconsciously our money since 1910 on Jekyll meeting secret Islandwhitewashing Fed Reserve! NOW with more History crimes. overt
Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging w as all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. How America w as Mind Controlled to corrupt minds of Criminals, Police, Politicians, Military, Media, Hollyw ood, UNREALIZED, for 40 years! How AMERICA got here taking us dow n and the next generation w ont know . CIA W histleblow er Slides on Fraudulent w ar as Conspiracy to re-open 911 Commission http://w w w Bearden http://w w w Former Govt Physicist. Monarch-The new Phoenix Program taking us down w ith secret street hypnosis as mind control-Igor Ledochow ski! John St. Clair Akw ei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA John Mecca & Don Friedman, John Finch, Google cases How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)-SEE ARTICLE BELOW -Since W ATERGATE & Russian/China Energy Weapons-MIND MANIPULATIONS ON CIVILIANS UNAW ARE OF SABOTAGED LIVES & FAMILY! Promoted to Headline (H2) on 1/30/09: Tice Revelations Ignored: Spying on Journalists? W hy the Silence? CORRUPTION RAMPID TO COVER UP Mind Control used in the PAST & NOW ! WHY SPY at ALL if not to mind control innocent civilians? Submitted by Amanda Lang ALL W HO TRY TO EXPOSE TRUTHSDestroyed 911 truths u-tube Europes know ledge of dynamite and quashed w itnesses, MARCH IN BRUSSELS and so much more. ALL to CONTROL the PLANET one mind at a time guiding your life, w ords, feelings, actions, illness, thoughts, death, destiny and all those around you. They w ant you sick and poor w ith disinformation. Sibel Edmonds & the State Secrets Privilege (creating w ars and disinformation

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trickling dow n) The New Thought Police: The NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Think. by James Bamford motive or intentions) (See public hallucinations for miscommunications and

A new silent w ar/HOLOCAUST! Domestic surveillance! Nuremberg & Michael Scheuer Former CIA. Filegate developed w hen President Clinton and Hillary Clinton w ere accused of violating the privacy rights of their perceived political enemies by w rongly accessing and misusing the FBI files of Reagan and first Bush Admin. In an effort to discredit the women w ho charged President Clinton w ith sexual misconduct, personal files and papers w ere illegally obtained and released. The courts found, under the Privacy Act-Jesselyn Radack Was the Justice Department Official W ho Knew Too Much -A BuzzFlash Interview

W histleblowers have been blacklisted at best, and completely terrorized at worst. War on Citizens! Jesselyn Radack/Sibel Edmonds former Justice Department ethics specialist feeling watched! Tom Tamm) Mistranslated, part of mind control sabotage and more! Plus Data Mining your health info; and starting trends in our schools! In fact, its not apparent that the Attorney General is even clued into the program. And Tice even has doubts as to w hether your Ostensible President has any idea w hat w as going on. Its no w onder that they all find themselves tripping the linguistic fantastic.
The follow ing w as sent to me by W ill Filer on July 27, 1999. It offers a new explanation for government mind control. W ill has stated to me that he is a former consultant to the U.S. National Security Agency, asked me to post this information immediately. He also believes hes in immediate danger because of this information. Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands w ithout Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency. A University of California at Berkley student that w ent into a bar on or around November 27, 1990 took hostages and insisted to the police that the CIA Director talk w ith him so that he could get relief from the suffering. The young man had sent letters to the president and the CIA but the requests had fallen on deaf ears. After the young man panicked and shot a customer in the bar, a SW AT team fatally shot him, the San Jose police found copies of the letters w ritten to the President referring to people that could read minds and that he had learned how they do it. The NSA had been unsuccessfully brainw ashing him and had no alternative but to terminate him to assure their security. It is interesting that w hat w as originally broadcast on the new s The gunman w as demanding to talk w ith the Director of the CIA etc. disappeared quickly (suppressed?) from later new s accounts. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music: Curt Cobain of the musical group Nirvana w as another victim of NSA brainw ashing and w as terminated by NSA. Cobain had started w riting clues to the NSA activities into his music to communicate it to his music follow ers. He referred in music to the NSA as the Friends inside his head. Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainw ashing pain, the subject expires quickly. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherw ise slow the effect of the brainw ashing. CULT-FORT HOOD MASSACRE MIND CONTROL Among these experiments conducted on US Soldiers by their government, and according to FSB files w as a research specialty of Major Hasans. One w as one called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHICEDOM). Pioneered for the US Military in the 1960s, New York University Professor J. Anthony Deutsch: Indicated that the mind is a transmitter and if too much information is received, like too many vehicles on a crow ded freew ay, the brain ceases to transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brain can interfere w ith the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio w aves. The process is called Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long as the radio signal continues.. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to interrogate people w ithout the subject being aw are of it. How can hypnosis be used? you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1400 w ords per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that operates at 250 to 450 W PM (w ords per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoken at fast conversational speed approximately 250 W PM and a recorder or a computer speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 W PM. Remember w hat happens w hen you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubling (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 W PM, the voices w ould sound like a high pitched chattering w hine. Remember w hen the w ords Drink Coca Cola w ere w ritten on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscious mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience

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increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night resulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The follow ing probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal delivery effectiveness (> 65%) are described as follow s. In that 1/30th of a second some people w ere blinking, some people w ere looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had sufficiently poor eyesight that they could w atch the movie but could not distinguish the small w riting clearly. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up the tape. This process w as labor intensive, required each officer to have excellent diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and w as of poor quality due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and processing. It also required extensive training to assure that each officer spoke at the same rate of speed so that the resulting sped-up script w as delivered at the correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized, ideal phonemes together to form w ords and the w ords are sped-up to the correct delivery speed. W here dialects are present, a different set of base phonemes is used. Currently, to optimize efficiency and accommodate the variety of languages on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are sampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form w ords and w ords arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions. The empty space betw een w ords is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and filtered. Repetitive sine w aves are also removed from the phonetic elements acoustic w ave train thus reducing the actual number of sine w aves making up a w ord by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speedingup) the delivery (like fast forw ard). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subjects ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The technique of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together to for w ords and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed computer simulated subconscious speech language. (Forced Speech) APPLICATIONS: 3.1. Intelligence: 3.1.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather intelligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of citizens opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during times of w ar, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to identify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct field agents w ithout the agents having to carry communications hardw are and encryption devices. 3.2. Counterintelligence: 3.2.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify intelligence operations; scope, participants, communication methods, and w eaknesses in individuals, systems, equipment, or signals that can be exploited. Additional applications include misinformation dissemination, confusing and confounding leaders during critical decision moments, distorting significance of various facts to sw ay decisions and actions in US favor, behavioral modification of foreign spies to betray their loyalties, self initiated executions (suicides). 3.3. Behavior Modification and Accelerated Resocialization: 3.3.1. This technology is used to develop and control spies, political candidates, and other public figures through psychological intimidation, fear and extortion. Being attacked for his know ledge-not to talk about the nefarious massive uses beyond experiments but for chosen POPULATION CONTROL/Genocide & Producing OPPOSITE NEW S of how EVIL SHADOW GOV really is hiding as w olves in sheeps skin! Your thoughts are not your ow n! UNAW ARE FORCED SPEECH by- passing memory, Channeled DREAMS, Split personalities etc. computer simulated subconscious speech language. Dr. Colin Ross, a globally recognized expert on trauma related disorders and author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. Ross provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years. In August 1951 a small French village near Marseilles became a part of CIA funded experiment w ith drugs. As a result 500 people w ere affected, there w ere at least three suicides and 40 people w ere taken to a nearby psychiatric institute. Thats according to Hank Albarelli, an American w riter w ho spent over ten years looking into w ho w as behind the secret tests. RTs Marina Portnaya met the author in New York. They w ere never stopped because w e never believed -NEVER CEASED BUT PERFECTED mind control, kept to a minimum and pardoned! W HITEW ASHING and ERASING w ith tangibles! This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? WAKE UP AMERICA!

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FOR DID YOU KNOW THAT: 1 AMERICANS cant w ake up after 50 years because they have been transmitted not to, & to Strongly disbelieve this could ever be ALL shockingly true. A know n hypnosis suggestion called Mind Control! Eyes W ide Shut & alw ays missing the mark because it is not tangibles controlling THE PEOPLE but also coupled w ith directed sound w aves to your mind in a DYSFUNCTIONAL AMERICA! SELF DENIALS & mind controlled individuals! 2 ELF w aves Mind Control is how they got by CONGRESS NOT READING full documents. See Video Uncovered! Hypnosis is the tool for Mind Control psyops used on govt & red tape. Alw ays claiming to discontinue w rong doing is the CointelPro lies and CIA culture! W HO RUNS THE GLOBE, THE BOHEMIAN GROVE trickling dow n in culture behind the scenes w ith the book IMAGINARY W EAPONS The New Silent War w ith our money gone and the w orld banks. See Bin Ladens CIA set ups video to CREATE W ARS. 3 Mind Controlled Media is set up w ith tricks of false thoughts transmitted during conversation, false memory of events, and output of w ritten documents to CREATE SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknow ingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks w ith blatant lies from our government. But decades of new s from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. 4 Mind Controlled Media is NOW being engineered overtly to W HITEW ASH w ith tangible excuses & discredit these truths since the Obama transition late 2008. Transmitted NOT TO READ OR BELIEVE THIS, engineered too busy and pre-empt! 5 Facts show ed since the 70s mind control w as experimented w ith COINTELPRO in major cities to increase crime for tax revenues. This never stopped and w e w ere lied to as MKULTRA w hen AMERICA started to change and w e could not live w ithout locking our doors anymore, etc. Changed realities from propaganda standpoints lifestyle! 1968 crime just JUMPED! 6 In 1910 the Rockerfellers and JP Morgan Chase met secretly in Jeckyl Island to create the Federal Reserve w ith a blank check in Millions to start this. 7 Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, and KINESTHETIC (SENSES w ikipedia) and Elec. Magnetic Fields, w hich cant be traced or cured. See ALZHEIMER and DIMENTIA (once called back to the future), ADDHD, Equilibrium, Vision, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ Anaesthesiology, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, VISUAL, HALLUCINATIONS, MIGRAINES, HOLLOGRAMS, and CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptons, Insomnia is sleep deprevation, Short Term Memory erasures, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America!) Accidental falls, W illiams Syndrome Motor Coordination & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes! (Dr Beardon) 8 SPLIT PERSONALITIES/DEMENTIA is a brainw ashing technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, suggesting thoughts back and forth & shifts, once called BACK TO THE FUTURE w ith triggers of memory losses, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your ow n items in trash, etc. Programmed MISFITS playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coersion called Handlers. (Dr. Bow art and Ross) 9 Secret Govt CointelPro has been responsible for much w orse crimes and torture covertly and w ould never sit on this kind of pow er w ith w eapons nicely tucked aw ay, even know ing that w e are not threatened by Russia and Chinas Mind Control Weapons. (not launched) 10 Grow ing exponentially! Brian Glick calls it Guiding your Life w ithout your know ledge (Spying & Disruption by Brian Glick-War at Home! Leading the w itness, & PLAYING GOD (Project The Voice of God under MKULTRA) DEVIL in PEOPLEs minds, directing souls & destinies.(Duncan/Bow art) 11 Your life is engineered and sabotaged, your family, illnesses, CANCER, w ith directed energy w eapons! POPULATION CONTROL, CHEMTRAILS w ith Barium, as being good in our childrens books, FDA conspiracy-murders, mind control, and attacks to most CIVILIANS. 12 Like CIA, radio hosts and media new s, etc are transmitted w ith false information to leak as they do to combatants in case they are captured and tortured and they think it is the truth. 13 Pre-suggesting media radio hosts to appear psychic at times w hen Mind Control games are being used to emulate ancient predictions in the bible as natural. ie 2012 emulations and more. 14 Most CRIMES are mind controlled and innocent people are induced or transmitted to act and/or produce false w itness. As w ith OJ using Mind Control in court cases, Judges, and prisons, tampering w ith minds not just evidence. 15 Our shadow Govt created the fake illness paranoia fear that the FBI is doing this mind control, as a scapegoat, giving it a name and a place in
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psychology, w hen it has been SYNTHETIC transmissions all along, w ith no mental illness or psychosis now in our books. 16 Millions of people w ere transmitted w ith Mind Control thoughts and hallucinations of Alien/UFO Shams making Millions on the drug and then projecting it onto the next generation. 17 THE MATRIX, BOURNE series, THE ISLAND, EAGLE EYE, BREACH, THE INTERNATIONAL, and ENEMY of the STATE, have much truths to them from CIA transmissions to Hollyw ood minds, and w ho really controls this Country in DISGUISE. 18 Being dumbed dow n, bureaucracy, decreased MORALS in this country is individual MIND CONTROLS for years to seem as more GOV T CONTROL is necessary. 19 Gulf Coast of Floridas Red Tide is not natural but Govt corruption and manipulations killing people and animals, set ups, coverups, excuses-creating crimes unaw are. Not telling the public of the Earths Natural cleansing capabilities. (tried to w arn Congress since 2008 before the spill) 20 These w eapons w ere used on the GULF W AR and unaw are they surrendered under Mind Control w ithout firing any shots. Today w e are still in the Middle East because w e need time to w ork on them and brainsw ash them. The new SILENT W ARS. 21 that GUANTANAMO is big new s and also a smokescreen/diversion to brainw ash the public to pin responsibility on others in front of the World AGAIN, instead of themselves, OUR GOV/CIA, and w hy they w ant Patiot Act, Martial Law , and Fascism legal on US Soil w ith FEMA CAMPS. Mind Controlled Prisoners to be triggered from anchors of amplified fears to enhance them over time, trigger them for their intentions, mind read for answ ers & implant FALSE MEMORIES of guilt and publically provoking the w orld to w ars. 22 Your instinct and thoughts of your poor judgment on others & your feelings are not your ow n true self, their miscommunication are synthetically transmitted for sabotage & W ARS. 23 ANTHRAX & contaminated FERTILIZERS Cross-Country is in our SOIL. First created sex, drugs, rock-n-roll corruptions to AIDS! Obama said it as many others and should, as all else! 24 DC w as sw ept covertly for radiation and reporters w ondered w hy it w as quashed from media now overtly sw eeping mosques! 25 The 13 AGENTS to testify for 911 Commission w ere cut off and MIS-communication electronic and verbal from SYNTHETIC COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT chaos not to complete/SABOTAGED investigation. 2 separate thoughts transmitted in same conversation to cause misunderstandings, false hearing, reading, and never receiving info! 26 In 1996, MOST politician speeches Mind Ccontrolled by these Weapons, before I knew about these w eapons or Congressman Kucinich Space Preservation Act. The French believe Aliens control G. Bush, but just another scapegoat to blame and CointelPro project to raise pharmaceuticals as Prozac the Happy Pill epidemic, for example & VIAGRA from w eapons. 27 CIA and Al Queda have a contract to the pipeline. The real conspiracy w hy w e are there and the videos of setting up Bin Ladin and tampered evidence to the contrary! 28 The CIA claims mistakes and no agendas from DOD/Pentagon, w hile Rumsfeld board status w ith Bilderberger Group is being sued by Germany w here they protested Freedom of thought is all part of CIA disguise and corruptions. Scapegoating elite groups instead of their w eapons controlling them unconsciouly. CIA took over completely w ith their w eapons for pow er. 29 W iretapping includes visuals in your home, w ork & streets, most dont know yet. 30 The CIA operates on the ground w earing yamakas to frame Jew s, and destroyed fruit and crops against the Torah scriptures, as w ith our organic natural farms in the U S. W hy? 31 That if, W E THE PEOPLE (CONSTITUENTS) compared notes, collectively from the beginning, and got together undivided, w e w ould easily identify this has been going on as set ups behind the scenes of transmitted Mind Control individuals, that is already in the Millions. W E ARE RESPONSIBLE for our next generation and our HUMANITIES! 32 911 w as engineered to lose our freedoms, introduce population controls, Police State, Martial Law , suppressions, and cover ups on U S Soil w ith Fema camps nefarious agendas. They didnt STOP or PREVENT 911 because they CREATED to provoke W ARS on the streets as crimes in the U S in the 70s. THE REAL AND CLEVER REASONS FOR ALL THE SURVEILLANCE is to justify change to the CONSTITUTION. Connecting the dots to Conspiracy to World Bank Fed Reserve-Economy, for FASCIM AND GOVERNMENT GLOBAL MIND and MASS CONTROL or SLAVERY. As w ith Technology, just now and alw ays disclosing to the public years later how they have already launched Martial Law on citizens and

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are now trying to make it legal to get aw ay w ith it. They never tell you until its too late techniques. 33 W HISTLEBLOW ERS and Activists w ho report the same hypnotic Mind Control activities of COINTELPRO/NSA are targeted w ith no w ork/livelyhood manipulations, difficulties in their lives, Cancer, Car accidents, discrediting/smearing campaigns, & misfortunes they call BAD LUCK. To suppress EXPOSURE for years! BUILD DISCREDIT SLANDER & Isolate! 34 Mind Control transmission are used to harass civilians and oppress the public against each other or take w rong paths since creating a synthetic Culture from PATTI HEARST, ALIENS, EXORCIST, JAW S, MOVIES and POPCORN, COVERT PROJECTS CAME OUT IN THE LATE 60S AND W AS SUPPRESSED , as John Lennon, and now many others claimed, and w ere all true. Kennedy and Monroe found out. Since Watergate and Deep Throat! 35 CIA in disguise are the computer hackers, virus, spam creators, and ALW AYS CREATING ENEMIES THEY NEED, AS IN OIL PIPELINE CONTRACTS W ITH AL QAEDA and so many other w ars and fights and crimes they create and induce or continue. 36 ISRAELI ART STUDENTS w ere mind controlled w here to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved as the CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT and to CREATE DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE W ITNESS, false memory syndrome, fake gov help, INTERNET & google law suit, libraries, false accusations & detainment. Ow ning the w w w back door access & w ith your passw ords & spy/surveillance-A hijacked w w w . 37 VETERANS MIND CONTROL AND DREAMS AS FALSE POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (Manchurian called Lucid Dreams as virtual reality)w ith Agent Orange VIETNAM LAW SUIT emulated by mind control NSA attacking the Nervous System! 38 911 w as created and engineered w ith Mind Controlled Pilots during training US Soil (San Diego), and Dynamite at the bottom by CIA covered up even w ith w itnesses suppressed. 39 911 FRAUDULANT W AR w as investigated in Europe for scientific proof on the toppling buildings of the Financial District in the Bible/Torah and now the Bankruptcies. 40 Mind Controlled MEDIA flashed spooky Hallow een like letters of TERROR , across our TVs to reinforce Mind Control & false brainw ashing fears/paranoia on U S Soil. 41 Outsiders comment about the media in the U S not serious & synthetically created Culture w ith genuine disgust and REALIZATIONS of this manipulated culture and corruptions because of Mind Control. This has been transmitted to Corp/individuals and dow n the line! 42 CLASSIFIED BUDGET of Mind Controlling Humans and the use of DEW Electromagnetic Waves for Climate and Natural Disasters Manipulations take us dow n. 43 Ariel Sharon w as zapped w ith Directed Energy Weapons (as others) because he knew the CIA w as corrupt Sabotaging Israel and not happy to shake hands w ith G. Bush and more. 44 Neurological Psychotronics can make one catatonia, seem in shock induce stroke and heart attacks & comatose anyone as long as w anted, in your homes or streets. 45 The initial 24 series, keeps going in his role, w ith no emotion as Seals conditioned & Mind Controlled unknow ingly, Military cutting off sensory (deprevation/disorientation)also unable to react, among other w eapon symptoms, now adding robotic hardw are as other cover ups. 46 SECRET Govt is sw aying public opinion and Mind Controlled triggers to be good w ith rescues because they created in the first place and are hiding the fact that they are the Mother of Evil & extremely sadistic beyond imagination. 47 Our life is being manipulated & engineered w ith Mind Games, illnesses, & costing Millions in secret COINTELPRO budgets. EXPERIMENTS turned into MASS CONTROL! (Jim Keith) 48 Our Parents and Grandparents are targeted w ith these w eapons of Mass Destruction on US Soil, in being the Country w ith the most Doctors visits from SENIORS as a result of these Neurological Weapons, Mind Control Hallucinating false issues, lasers & D.E.W. 49 If you see or find yourself in w eird communication misunderstanding and or audacity of people today, it is because of misfits in the Pentagon playing mind games on their laptop w ith the use Remote control Quantum Physics from NASA. Communication CHAOS! (Dr. B. Nelson) 50 Many years ago, the APA w as in bed w ith the Military Intelligence to Mind Control them closely against belief of these w eapons and torture. See Standing up to the Madness by Amy Goodman (The same as w ith AMA and FDA)

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Neuro Weapons & fake diseases! 51 Mind Control has been used for decades on MEDIA folks, coupled w ith intentional False thoughts causing misunderstandings and w rong PERCEPTIONS to create propagandized non-reality people live called COVERT Psyops. Also used on MILITARY personnel to think Jew s are the EVILS at Silent/War GAMES and the NEW Silent Holocaust! 52 Most targeted ON THE JOB w ith Mind Controlled CIVILIANS w ho are Doctors, Law yers, Judges, Pilots, Engineers, Activists, Media, Govt Employees, Drivers, Elders, Hollyw ood, SCIENTOLOGY, Polititians w ith sabotage from errors to intentional corruption. 53 Hoover w as also quite eager to use his new authority to bring Hollyw ood into line w ith w hat he thought w as their proper role in society (propaganda organ for the government) and w hile Senator McArthy grabbed the headlines, Hoover w as busy behind the scenes recruiting various people to inform on each other and factionalizing the Hollyw ood community so that it could not resist him. W here there is MONEY thus POW ER and IMMORALS, there is Mind Control first experimental then N. W. O. 54 W E THE PEOPLE need to expose Mind Control (CIA directed sound w aves NLP hypnosis in your sleep & anytime) since MK ULTRA COINTELPRO & before NSA and NASA Astronauts. (See Bandler & Grinder former CIA tought to FBI & mass control) 55 You cannot be brainw ashed w ith TV alone and Transmitted thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have to be planted first and triggered in your environment. This also explains 50 Years in the making New World Order coming for EVIL CONTROL and ROGUE FASCISM! 56 HAARP/HIPPA (The ultimate W EAPON and Conspiracy should be dismantled as should the secret CIA. Cutting off as OUT-FOXED video of media culture developments. 57 Most of the times if it doesnt make sense, or someone turns mean or against you, it is due to Mind Games manipulated w ith false thoughts transmitted around you. 58 (A New Breed by DR. John Hall & The Herrific Mind Control in America! Satellite Terrorism in America. satw & Dr Walter Bow art radio interview , & I have seen no one yet w ith high enough CLEARANCE to know how its being done behind the scenes. 59 The plane going dow n in Buffalo, NY w as a cover up of 911 mind controlled pilots creating false terrorism on US Soil again, Congress shock cover up, the recent 2009 madness to cover up w ireless Mind Control W EAPONS, Spying Satelite installations & mission, accomplished. Know ing Arabs not are sophisticated or smart enough for these master minds! 60 Triggers and anchors transmitted to people is creating a laundry list of false illnesses and illusions. TV can only trigger you after being transmitted for effective brainw ashed people w ho are anchored. 61 Morgellons disease (u-tube/CNN) for mind controlled doctors against the truth as the APA; So w hen doctors tell the People, ITS ALL IN THEIR HEAD, it is in a w ay true because THE SECRET GOV T has been putting it there synthetically for decades. 62 Millions are Mind Controlled into un-necessary medical procedures from direct Mind Games and mistakes by transmitting false thoughts to doctors and hallucinating pains to patients w ith a simple hypnotic radio w ave to think and feel anything. 63 These transmitted Mind Control thoughts give you false perceptions about anyone you know or anything, changing your realities since MKULTRA in the 60s. 64 Most people are set up w ith MISCOMMUNICATIONS, rudeness, fingerpointing, & non sense, engineered TO DIVIDE your relationships, & created ANTI-SEMITISM covertly. Inducing a paranoid Country, SUPPRESSING HISTERIA! 65 Millions of Christians w ere Mind Controlled w ith Devil fears & Exorcism as a scapegoat, like Aliens because THEY ARE THE DEVILS. Billions made in Pharmaceutical &Healthcare . 66 Mind Control and LASERS of DIRECTED ENERGY W EAPONS in your home are killing you slow ly and TRANSMITTING FEARS, ANXIETY, and PARANOIA of CRIMES on AMERICANS. This is easily done by transmitting ANCHORS & TRIGGERS on the public! 67 Others Countries are not paranoid of terrorism because their Govt didnt spend BILLIONS on transmitting their people w ith PARANOID thoughts of crimes and hallucinating thoughts. And made Millions along w ith FDA, and Healthcare! 68 In the 1960s First AMERICA w as MIND CONTROLLED w ith intense CRIME increases on our streets & prisons w ith Paranoias they blamed on drugs, w hich the CIA brought in covertly and now , Today the same w ith Mind Control

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transmitted people to induce fighting CIA W AR they created AGAIN, and GLOBAL FASCISM mentality and conditioning, w hile changing law s to get aw ay w ith it. 69 Govt has been creating, and releasing intentional lies to the media w ith hardw are tangibles electronics to cover up Mind Controlled false thoughts and unaw are of sw ayed facts as w ell. An intentional blend of lies, false perceptions & threats, since 2009. 70 Part of the Coup Detat w as to take Jew s out of pow erful financial positions and topple Banking as in the Bible/Torah and Secret Govt is creating Messiah simulations. 71 Sharon Weinberger w as another w itness to these evil misfits behind pow erful computer technologies using Quantum Physics and energy scalar w aves for Mind Control. 72 We are just hearing about Mind Control from NSA Russell Tice and others because he accidently found out and the Govt Censored all Books, Videos & Media successfully for 50 years w ith even more Mind Control DUMBING US DOW N one at a time & in mass. 73 Millions of PEOPLE thinking their bad luck or accidents are naturally occuring w hen they did not have to happen at all and someone is behind the scenes engineering their life events and accountable for it daily from simple mistakes to catastrophy, crimes & much w orse. 74 These Weapons of Mass Destruction are w ireless, undetectable, and are numbing and freezing body parts, throat, private parts, limbs, used w ith REMOTE VIEW ING in homes or streets to immobolize humans for hours or days at a time, more intense than anesthesiology, or morphine, or hypnosis used on the public unw ittingly. 75 CIA/Elites have been Anti-Semitic since funding Hitler & Cointelpro funding the KKK etc. 76 The OUTRAGEOUS Truths collectively & connecting the dots! W hy the Media CAN T w ake up, focus or expose the TIPS of the ICEBERG diversions! Manipulated events, new s, just like the economy and health in AMERICA. THE MYSTERIES OF UNSOLVED CRIMES & MEDICINE by Secret Govt! HOW sick do they w ant you in AMERICA! Those calling the ACLU from Hospitals saying our government is using DIRECT ENERGY W EAPONS to electrocute them, & add organ pain during KEMO! Puppets in our daily lives and events w ith mind transmissions! AS EVIL AS UNBELIEVABLE and W HY didnt the ACLU or anyone ever hear of RUSSELL TICE in DC w ho w as in the legal field during my visit in 09? 77 CIA is spreading anti-semitism covertly behing the scenes w ith Mind Control as their marionettes. We are almost all robots being led & misled. 78 PALESTINES w ere rejected from their ow n surrounding Arab Countries that america w ill use for more martial law w ar excuses for W ARS THEY GENERATE and CREATE TO JUSTIFY FASCISM COMING AND TYRANNY, w hile looking like the humanitarian saviors due to the new signed executive order to bring them here, and denying it afterw ards. 79 Most non-sense and Un-solved Mysteries are due to Mind Control Manipulations, as created COPY-CATS w ho are also programmed or induced to commit Crimes. 80 Mind controlled lies tow ard genocide of Jew s and new w orld order! Debra Small says conspiracy of forces is Mind Control trickling dow n since the 70s w hen Americans use to say its in the w ater. Most feel it & never knew ! Add ANTHRAX AIDS & SW INE. 81 Scott McCullen and G. Bush used propaganda and brainw ash (utube demo) to sell the w ar and most still dont know 911 w as also an inside job for fears and fascism, & bringing it home on US SOIL to start changing the Constitution of freedoms for EVIL TAKE OVER. 82 The use of Mind Control Psychotronic, Acoustics, Neurological Weapons, and Synthetic Telepathy uses on the Public, also the major cause of Global w arming Manipulations. 83 helping. CHEMTRAILS are in children SCHOOL books as good chemicals

84 There should have been a revolution to overthrow this Secret Govt since the Bombing of our ow n buildings agenda, the installed satellites & spreading joke of Need Another Seven Astronauts, and the agenda of our economy, & oil crisis since 1973, etc w hen Big Brother started w atching and Manipulating w ith Mind Control and brainw ashing the Country w ith the opposite, and how good and successful it w as and now covering their tracks w ith false fears yet again using Russia first and today Terrorism they created and provoked for U S Soil law s. 85 The public w as deceived since 2007 w hen w e struck Oil in North Shore of Alaska enough for 200 years that never made every front-page new spaper. Now comes excuses to scapegoat. 86 You have been directly transmitted not to believe this w icked

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Shadow Govt has been corrupting to rape human rights, dignity, privacy, & Gods w ill w ith this Mind Control. 87 The 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia HALLUCINATIONS, blaming ISRAEL- mistake in identity set up, cutting off investigations (as usual) and the Start of ANTI-SEMITISM INDUCEMENTS born w ith the 1947 Act and CIA! Israel alw ays defending itself against Shadow Govt mind control induced anti-semitic propaganda they create and fan covertly. 88 CIA has been getting aw ay w ith INTENTIONAL W AR CRIMES & ATTACKS on CIVILIANS since they w ere created w ith the 1947 ACT. Brainw ashing students, NOT TO JOIN THE ARMY. 89 Theres NO cure for skin CANCER (Blocked cures, because they create it all) , no know n cause of blood/skin diseases because peoples organs are being irradiated w ith ELF and EMF. Not just lame cell phones & microw aves! 90 The CIA brought the drugs in from South America, selling to kids, creating need for DEA generating crimes-tax dollar, and scapegoats to many other Secret Govt Crimes. Now broadening Homeland Security and BIGGER government Control. 91 Katrina did not cause the w alls to come dow n w ithout a little help/push & sabotage from our friends/heros (FBI/CIA Secret Govt. Fema not responding appropriately to later justify Blackw ater/Martial Law , rebuilding w ith golf courses, & infrastructure Govt Work, etc. 92 Mind Control and D.E.W. contribute largely to false test results, tampered electronics in homes, public buildings and automobiles. If you are targeted as an innocent civilian, these could appear as natural causes or malfunctions. 93 Victims report these are like demented children w ho play mind games behind a computer like playing in traffic all day w ith peoples lives and electronic communications w hich ARE THE KIDNAPPED CHILDREN w e see on MILK CARTONS for decades like programmed DUNCAN OFINIAIN & quashed from exposures, now HANDLERS. 94 Mind Control experiments are being conducted w ith your life, for Behavior Modifications, dumbing dow n individuals, bad customer service and tyranny conditioning. 95 Mind Control is responsible for many tempers, suppression, fears, anxieties and suicides w ith transmitted suggestions alone, and blame drugs or economy, etc. The Agenda! 96 Mind Control is also used for population control and genocides deciding w ho lives and how they live covertly. Angels dont play this HAARP. THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY! 97 Mind controlled kids to commit shootings in schools is no different than those in the military, CIA creating sex, drugs, & rock n roll through Hollyw ood minds (then AIDS), other covert projects. 98 Even w ith terrorism in other countries, they feel safer on their streets & homes than AMERICANS because paranoia is added to TV w ith Mind Control since Crime w as induced. 99 PYRAMID diet w as created but not promoted on purpose w hile transmitting AMERICANS TO EAT & BE OBESE w ith Mind Control Urges, w hile encouraging Doctors & others to create unhealthy diets & eat synthetic foods, diet pills, INSTEAD OF GOD CREATED NATURAL FOOD FROM THE GROUND for ULTIMATE HEALTHY AMERICANS. ALL AGENDA OF FDA as w ell! YOUR mental addictions are induced by the transmissions! Same as drink coca cola evolved. 100 Govt Mind Control is for ULTIMATE Global POW ER and w ill be ACCOMPLISHED W ITH PHYCHOTRONICS if w e THE PEOPLE dont stop them. 101 The average American w ould be astonished to learn the extent to w hich secret surveillance technology has advanced today w ith 100% remote manipulations, attacks, changed minds, bodies, of the human and animal, good or bad. They harass, manipulate, and kill and they dont approve the panacea to energy medicine, as w e already know lasers are, & used Globally! 102 Military, Julianne McKinneys, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project1994 letter-response. After Clintons partial admission and apology as past tense is the NSA caught red handed w ith Mass Remote Mind Control for evil New World Order Global mass control, brainw ashing as a good thing. 103 Threats from CIA in July of 2007 w here Muslim and Christians w ill try to bring dow n a new Holocaust of Jew s and minorities. A sadistic Trouble-Making Cult & Culture! 104 All tangible hardw are surveillance, are being attached to already existing spying satellites are for human oppressions and controls w ith Directed Energy Weapons into ROBOTS still covert today. One religion, One Cult, THE CIABook only found in France! 105 Mind Controlled Americans as more dumb and lazy and also conveniently justified the public to outsource overseas to save money.
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106 Since the trades for cheap plastic products and cars, many w ere mind controlled as w ell as brainw ashed w ith propaganda to buy. I w ont tell you about mind controlled w omen and plastic surgery rampid, chivalry, and w omen differences because this w ould never end as w omens lib to pay taxes. 107 These w eapons experimented on Civilians and w ar can be used for good or bad, illness or panacea, but are used for New World Control. 108 W hen w eird things happen like ID theft, Cyberspace, & stalking, phone & internet issues, electronic, etc, it is mostly Mind Games and Mind Controlled operatives called handlers. 109 Our Govt that start epidemics and sets trends, culture, and shapes us w ith the use of Mind Control w eapons on a mass level including Population Control. 110 Most Americans are not dumb or obese, just because theyre born on US Soil. Just induced nefariously! 111 Mind Control Psychotronics and MKULTRA experiments have been grow ing into Mind Control since The Manchurian Candidate original Movie 1962, suppressed, and programmed not to be believed, as all else of mind control w hen discovered technologies. 112 You are being attacked w ith the use of these w eapons that turn anyone or any animal against you by targeting the Central Nervous System w ith false negative tests. 113 Mind Control is also used to induce the public w ith obstacles to have an abundance of good books, documentary videos, & education, w ith immoral corruptions transmits. 114 Mass population w ho turned against Dixies Chics, (video), Britney Spears and others w ould not have happened if not induced w ith NSA transmissions and sabotaged events, memories, thought/feelings, and miscommunications. Using us as paw ns against each other. 115 suing the CIA. Some are suing Corporations and Airlines w hen they should be

116 W hite House Sexual Slavery goes on w ith w omen under Mind Control as CATHY OBRIEN, (Brice Anne Collins, The Sleep Room and satan child prostitution. HOW SICK & EVIL DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOUR GOV T IS. CointelPro is know n to pick up on cults, fund them, and continue, and inducing them to appear natural and organically grow n over time w hen exiting. Dr. Ross Institute and w hy its so prevalent & yet suppressed. Allegations to tempt individuals to crimes and corruptions as w ith tempting Clinton- scandall to be used against him for Blackmail! General Michael AQUINO/CIA/DIA. 117 If you drive a safe, w ell made car as BMW (as if w e should not have the esteem to deserve the best) W HEN poor Countries had Mercedes for TAXIs and could expect a w ell made car until OUR Government STEPPED IN and promoted not condoned, lessor manufacturers of American made cars in America, promoting illegal speeds to pass law w hen illegal, thus creating more tax collections, health care, and deaths on the roads! MATERIALISTIC & PLASTIC SURGERIES also induced as CHANGED MINDS AND EMOTIONS! 118 We labor more hours per person per year than any other country w ith less vacation and pension benefits and THEY CALL US SPOILED. The Mind Game Manipulations of CIA! 119 We are in danger of our secret govt from these w eapons and oppressions, losing civil rights mentality or on paper, and not so much Terrorism threats at all, on US Soil. 120 Your money is being spent in Millions on these experiments turned to Mass Mind Control CREATING JEW ISH DIVISIONS as w ell as other targeted individuals or groups. 121 Hollyw ood has been the most Mind Controlled to corrupt television, thus the American morals and have been puppets individually controlled one w ay or another. 122 You everyone is directly induced w ith Mind Controlled thoughts and suggestions transmitted one at a time not to be healthy w ith food urges & no exercise, to commit immoral behaviors, and crimes, alcohol, depending on your w eaknesses or genetics. 123 Everything about your genetics is being collected in a massive database and used nefariously w ithout your know ledge including your entire profile. DATA MINING-your destiny! 124 These Mind Games include GUIDING YOUR LIFE and also manipulating and playing w ith psychics readings, w hich are also in their target used to help solving crimes. 125 Individuals are transmitted w ith this Mind Control thoughts to produce false controversial opposite lies on line and otherw ise, to create doubt
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and discredit the truth tellers. 126 G. Bush said that our energy w ill be just fine and that he w ill help one soul at a time. W OW ! Not even oceans! W hy w as his assassination attempt in the 80s called off. 127 That if you find yourself in a w ar w ith your neighbors or at w ork w ith harassment, it is because of Mind Control Games to create and engineer w ars. 128 The joke that w ent around in the 70s GO PLAY in TRAFFIC came not only from Mind Control but from traffic lights being purposely tampered w ith as Pow er outages. 129 That since I started w riting this, Mind Control has been more rampid creating more false new s to discredit these facts w ith doubt and endless excuses & covering their tracks. 130 We are isolated and suppressed from bringing this to light and know EXACTLY HOW AMERICA GOT THIS W AY! Dysfunctional, dumbed dow n, controlled, sickened, set up, framed, raped in many w ays, destined for oppressions, bad luck and much w orse! AMERICAN FEARS & PHOBIAS & RETIREES addicted to SLOT MACHINES & PILLS-Experiments to induced Gay and Lesbian desires for experiments, revolting pleasures, and overseas sales of remote view s, induced w omen for breast augmentations and side effects of hormones in agriculture for premature grow th have been underw ay as w ith experimented w ith bees to attack man as w ith animals or to sedate remotely! A synthetic America w here our ow n Government does not w ant us healthy because they are engineering it and creating it as w ar on our streets! Kay Griggs Military W ife and W histleblow er and Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering (robots and drones) August 2008 (How ard Hughes) CIA Richard Barlows SSP case involved four administrations: Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush. The case involved both parties; Democrats & Republicans. W hen I contacted Mr. Barlow and asked for his view on the troubling trend by the media and Congress in packaging SSP related information to mislead the public and destroy any chance of reform, this is w hat he had to say: Long before the Congress even begins to address issues relating to the use of SSP in court cases involving private charities, foreigners, suspected terrorists, or any private parties, it clearly needs to first address the use of SSP by the Executive Branch to conceal crimes, abuses, or fraud by the Executive Branch against the Congress itself or against federal intelligence officers or other federal employees [who] are the victims, and especially when it involves issues [of] Congress being lied to or willfully misled regarding intelligence information. He then added the following: The media must go further than merely reporting the actions and inactions of CONGRESS and the COURTS: we need investigative reporting on why the Congress has failed to address cover-ups of illegal activity by the Executive Branch and w hat Members of Congress are responsible for this abdication of Constitutional responsibility, particularly if Obama continues to break his campaign promises on SSP and follow in the footsteps of Bush on this and other national security matters. JURY DEMAND Plaintiff hereby requests a Jury Trial for all issues triable by jury including, but not limited to those, issues and claims set forth in any amended complaint or consolidated action. I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished via Certified mail on July 1, 2010 to the Court Clerk for Summons Service. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PO Box 8083 Delray Beach, FL 33482 954.529.8684 Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, mind control, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

Press Release Advisory warning WE THE PEOPLE mind control

November 13, 2010 WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mireille Torjman September 2010 revised Federal
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W histleblow er w w w 954.529.8684 w w w Mobile

Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, DC sw ept covertly as NY pre911 (illnesses in energy) zaps, and Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. INFILTRATING INDUCED S E I S M I C w aves/ATTACKS ON WATERFRONT PROPERTIES EAST COAST & W ATER W ARS W ITH TURKEY, EGYPT TAKING ISRAEL DOW N BEHIND THE SCENES! Exec Order 11005- to take over W ATERW AYS East Coast after Climate and Piracy infiltrations! W hats going on and how its been done duping We the People for Communism, Tyranny and Fascism! Creating Red Tape, Bureaucracy from the minds.

CIA-NSA transmissionscurrent Assassinations: NSA, DOD Directed Energy Weapons frying life & earth2015 planning to invade Egypt and Turkey of a Water disguise under the Shortage War, building behind scenes since Israel Taking us and2007. down duplicitous decoy. The new weapon of war (massdiversions) is destruction duped was in the out andof the CIA handsIntelligence! Cult of & WHY 911 HOW masterminded! The root of allexposed must be agendas andtoo late! See stopped before history collectively repeating by design!
APPEARING and available for radio, testimony, or interviews. Petitioning US Supreme Court, under threat with proof CIA covert ops behind scenes SSP & black budgets! Remote Viewing started in the American homes and jobs, with our children since Apollo 7 witnesses never
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returned (Satellite)! Death Ray for planes-Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles aw ay and an Invisible Chinese Wall of d e fe n se w as built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible w ar (Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons). Warden cliff Tow er in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations globally, that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education New s) One costly, en erg y zap causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, fatigue, focus, mis- communication, concentration, sleep (Kucinich-US patent MKDELTA), stalling any engine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. Israel-framed w hile dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out- w ater (W AR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions zaps dry heat in body and energy-taking us dow n, Israel, Middle East, Africa. Overpopulation video from Pentagon staging us for the next invasion-ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hudson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Both Civil rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainw ash one w orld govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS,CIA bldgs! Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control never ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCING MISHAPS-MISFORTUNES, entrapment and now TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINW ASHING SCHOOLSW EAKEN their ARMY take dow n ISRAEL and America going Global Agenda. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide conspiracy agenda of NW O) CIA masterminds. A public brainw ashed to allow it unw ittingly, in the W hite House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (w ikepidia) and changed minds! (Brainw ash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources. 2007 video comments. (Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Committee 1974! Charges were made 2 administrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the fight trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping others tactics. An unw itting population targeted in advance! DARPA Psyops deployed for 50 yrs. Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control Were w e Controlled? JFK Adventures an d False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behind the scenes APA and AMA to Medical books also for 50 years. FALSE RECORDS and Character/Perception! Larry Silverstein OW NER of 911 TOWER 7, set up in advance to get insurance a n d transmitted forced speech of to pull firefighters as if involved-NSA transmissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, w hy press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unw ittingly, updated remote view ing. Sunsteins Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unw itting NOT hired Gangs, creating illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decades on civilians. Reagan erased w ith Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming. Un-Covered documentary congress marionettes not reading info zapped,to invade Iraq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unw ittingly, UNREALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage aw ay from Jersusalem HOSP funding. Re-Distributing the W EALTH from the Jew ish People manipulating our economy further than Corporations. Alw ays keeping their enemies close and destroying their CIA files & buildings. How they took dow n the economy behind the scenes! Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I), Directed Energy Weapons as planes; because he knew the CIA w as corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military w histleblow er w ith MIND JABBING attacks (Secret Societies) 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAELmistake in identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & new s coverage (as usual until exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up) Start of Anti-Semitism fanned unw ittingly since 1947 Act. Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating w ith LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million off the Pharmaceutical now being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illnesses. VETS Agent Orange nontraceable! Military Cancer and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microw aves. Science under Siege infiltrating crimes and w ars! Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born

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w ith National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Buzz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 instant communication, after Public Speeches Repeatedly staying the course to brainw ash invaded Countries w ith (excuses), GULF w ar, The ENERGY will be just fine, (Not at all)w e w ill help one soul at a time. Hillary I will not channel my husband (as in ghost-like transmissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you dont know.. Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant Obama dividing the people to conquer with They like to do that, one against the other Called JACKETING in psyops. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate research and playing psychic).

1997 DoD Briefing: Others can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic w aves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense W illiam S. Cohen, 28 April 1997: (WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us) BP mind control transmitted human error!

GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrongdestruction, Weapons of mass brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano removed thermal debris quickly) andSSP Cathy OBrien,truth. impeding Never getting to the truthMINDS! INNOCENT false and display for for blameconfessions. and time false
Press release below June 2008 w as impeded from going out in Bo st o n. The sender reported-disappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that include but are not limited to severe physical trauma such as shocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism originate from many different backgrounds and are affected in a physical, psychological, social, and financial manner as a result of directed energy w eapons assaults. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to w hich secret surveillance technology has advanced from remote view ing and manipulation; torture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to free How the CIA Missed Stalins Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. Remote View ing and surveillance London Subw ay Bombing-Staged!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and crime all unnatural-inducing more plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unw ittingly until 2008 cover up pre-empted allegations w ith political and media transparency DELUSIONS, RE-READ, and CONDONED corruptions! Summary information: CIA brainw ashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unw ittingly w ith mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer w orld Communism selecting w ho w ill live (Covert condos built miles
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underground and w orse). Jesse Ventura-Ron Paul. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! Whats going on! Our future and every life targeted one w ay or another w itting or unw itting in w hat is know n as, the secret holocaust. Unrealized and programmed not to believe! DATA-MINING, w hy and SINCE 1974 admittedly? Tortured, Impeded, Staged, pre-empted (2008), gagged, and threatened for 4 years. Please keep freedom of speech alive not the Opposite News of truths for decades unwittingly setting up the Media in its role. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO after 3 months as interim accountant at FANNIE MAE fraud. Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamakas to frame Jew s, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures, as w ith our organic natural farms in the U.S. W hy? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS w ere framed and mind controlled w here to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE W ITNESS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their w heels. INTERNET & Google law suit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely w ith passw ords and minds from spying surveillance. As w ith False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see the light, as 9 Attorneys asking questions-Fired. Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmitted during conversation and output of w ritten documents to put a SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknow ingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks w ith blatant lies from our government? Decades of new s from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearance! ### Tags:mind control psyops on ALL civilians Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, W iretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment

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