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Librarysurvey hosted by OverDrive and American eBook eBook Survey hosted by OverDrive Library Association (ALA) and American

Library Association (ALA)

1. State of residency:
Response Percent Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine 0.8% 0.5% 1.4% 1.0% 7.2% 2.7% 1.0% 0.1% 0.3% 7.2% 2.6% 0.5% 0.5% 3.0% 2.8% 1.5% 0.3% 1.5% 1.8% 0.8% Response Count 583 394 1,032 737 5,428 2,031 761 94 214 5,422 1,977 366 395 2,289 2,108 1,137 237 1,130 1,384 581

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont

0.9% 2.6% 3.4% 3.4% 0.3% 2.4% 0.6% 1.2% 0.5% 1.2% 1.5% 0.6% 8.0% 0.9% 0.1% 4.7% 1.8% 2.7% 4.0% 0.7% 1.7% 0.3% 2.6% 5.6% 0.8% 0.1%

684 1,977 2,578 2,590 203 1,799 436 878 392 883 1,165 417 6,007 689 48 3,545 1,378 2,003 2,990 556 1,257 256 1,938 4,256 627 104

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

4.3% 5.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% answered question skipped question

3,204 3,947 186 29 62 75,384 1

2. Gender:
Response Percent Female Male 78.4% 21.6% answered question skipped question Response Count 59,109 16,275 75,384 1

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

3. Age:
Response Percent 13-17 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-64 65-70 71+ 3.0% 8.6% 16.7% 20.1% 34.9% 9.8% 6.9% answered question skipped question Response Count 2,255 6,517 12,578 15,136 26,304 7,403 5,191 75,384 1

4. OPTIONAL: What is your household income, including all earners in your household?
Response Percent $ 20,000 - $29,000 $30,000 -$ 49,000 $50,000 - $59,000 $60,000 -$ 74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,000 $150,000 + 9.7% 16.2% 11.0% 14.9% 18.7% 18.9% 10.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 5,460 9,121 6,185 8,419 10,561 10,649 6,019 56,414 18,971

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

5. OPTIONAL: What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Response Percent Less than High School High School / GED Some College 2- or 4-Year College Degree Postgraduate Degree (Masters, Professional, etc.) 1.9% 6.7% 17.4% 40.9% 33.1% Response Count 1,332 4,759 12,386 29,133 23,574

answered question skipped question

71,184 4,201

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

6. How did you learn about downloading eBooks from your library? Please check all that apply.
Response Percent Link from librarys website Librarys online catalog Promotional materials in the library Librarian News article / Blog TV / Radio Digital Bookmobile Recommendation from a friend or family member Other 52.6% 22.4% 15.8% 18.3% 10.8% 1.3% 0.8% Response Count 34,206 14,603 10,260 11,891 7,031 871 516



3.5% Other (please specify)



answered question skipped question

65,057 10,328

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

7. What do you feel are the benefits of using the library's download service? Please check all that apply.
Response Percent Convenience Free 24/7 access Selection of titles Compatibility with devices Ease of use Accessibility for the visually impaired 90.5% 91.8% 85.8% 23.7% 49.7% 56.0% Response Count 58,883 59,737 55,810 15,393 32,352 36,440



Other (please specify)


answered question skipped question

65,057 10,328

8. How long have you been downloading eBooks from your library?
Response Percent This is my first time 0-1 month 1-3 months 3-6 months More than 6 months 9.2% 5.4% 10.7% 19.1% 55.5% answered question skipped question Response Count 6,004 3,519 6,940 12,458 36,136 65,057 10,328

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

9. What device(s) do you use to read eBooks from the library? Please check all that apply.
Response Percent Desktop or laptop PC Desktop or laptop Mac eBook Reader (e.g., Kindle, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble nook) Smartphone (e.g., iPhone, Android, BlackBerry) Tablet (e.g., iPad, Galaxy) Other 19.3% 12,531 83.5% 54,307 20.2% 4.2% Response Count 13,162 2,753

18.7% 1.7% Other (please specify)

12,182 1,076


answered question skipped question

65,057 10,328

10. Has your digital borrowing (eBooks, audiobooks, etc.) from the library increased or decreased over the past 6 months?
Response Percent Increased Decreased Stayed the same 60.4% 6.8% 32.8% answered question skipped question Response Count 39,267 4,431 21,359 65,057 10,328

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

11. Which statement best describes your average use of the library?
Response Percent I visit the physical library but am new to downloading eBooks. I both visit the physical library and download eBooks from the library. I rarely or never visit the physical library but download eBooks from the library. I rarely or never visit the physical library and am new to downloading eBooks. answered question skipped question 65,057 10,328 4.5% 2,940 31.2% 20,323 53.1% 34,577 11.1% Response Count 7,217

12. OPTIONAL: In a typical month, how often do you visit the library (# of visits)?
Response Percent Physical branch 94.6% Response Count 53,846

Virtual branch

95.4% answered question skipped question

54,303 56,913 18,472

Average # of visits: Physical - 2.4, Digital - 6.9

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

13. OPTIONAL: In a typical month, how many books (digital and physical) do you purchase at 13. OPTIONAL: In a typical month, how many books (digital and physical) do you purchase at 13. OPTIONAL: audiobooks)? retail (includingIn a typical month, how many books (digital and physical) do you purchase at retail (including audiobooks)? retail (including audiobooks)?
Response Response Response Percent Percent Percent Physical books from physical and Physical books from physical and Physical books from physical and online booksellers online booksellers online booksellers Digital books (eBooks, Digital books (eBooks, Digital books (eBooks, audiobooks) from online audiobooks) from online audiobooks) booksellers from online booksellers booksellers 93.8% 93.8% 93.8% Response Response Response Count Count Count 52,011 52,011 52,011

97.8% 97.8% 97.8%

54,216 54,216 54,216

answered question answered question answered question skipped question skipped question skipped question

55,461 55,461 55,461 19,924 19,924 19,924

Average # of books purchased: Physical - 1.0, Digital - 2.2

14. OPTIONAL: Have your book purchases increased or decreased over the past 6 months? 14. OPTIONAL: Have your book purchases increased or decreased over the past 6 months? 14. OPTIONAL: Have your book purchases increased or decreased over the past 6 months?
Increased Increased Increased Physical books Physical books Physical books Digital books Digital books Digital books 4.1% (2,228) 4.1% (2,228) 4.1% (2,228) 43.5% (23,828) 43.5% (23,828) 43.5% (23,828) Decreased Decreased Decreased 43.4% (23,614) 43.4% (23,614) 43.4% (23,614) 12.7% (6,962) 12.7% (6,962) 12.7% (6,962) Stayed the same Stayed the same Stayed the same 52.5% (28,517) 52.5% (28,517) 52.5% (28,517) 43.7% (23,938) 43.7% (23,938) 43.7% (23,938) answered question answered question answered question skipped question skipped question skipped question

15. If a digital audiobook or eBook is unavailable in the library's digital collection or there is 15. If a digital audiobook or eBook is unavailable in the library's digital collection or there is 15. If a digital audiobook or eBook is unavailable in an library's digital a wait time, would you consider purchasing it from theonline retailer? collection or there is a wait time, would you consider purchasing it from an online retailer? a wait time, would you consider purchasing it from an online retailer?
Response Response Response Percent Percent Percent Yes Yes Yes No No No 53.1% 53.1% 53.1% 46.9% 46.9% 46.9% answered question answered question answered question skipped question skipped question skipped question
Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

Response Response Response Count Count Count 34,516 34,516 34,516 30,541 30,541 30,541 65,057 65,057 65,057 10,328 10,328 10,328

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

16. Have you ever purchased a book (physical or digital) after borrowing that title from the library?
Response Percent Yes No 35.3% 64.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 22,941 42,116 65,057 10,328

17. How do you find or discover books to read? Please check all that apply.
Response Percent Recommendations from family / friends Public Library Reviews (newspaper, magazines, online) Store recommendations Other 75.5% 57.5% Response Count 49,086 37,387



21.2% 8.0% Other (please specify)

13,767 5,186


answered question skipped question

65,057 10,328

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Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites. 2012 OverDrive Inc.

18. Please rank your preferred source for books (1 = most preferred, 6 = least preferred):
1 5.8% (3,775) 19.7% (12,791) 60.0% (39,009) 3.6% (2,341) 4.6% (2,968) 6.4% (4,171) 2 11.4% (7,396) 29.0% (18,837) 17.3% (11,261) 6.0% (3,897) 13.5% (8,789) 22.9% (14,875) 3 21.6% (14,046) 17.2% (11,216) 8.5% (5,537) 12.8% (8,315) 21.0% (13,650) 18.9% (12,291) 4 19.7% (12,845) 14.0% (9,113) 4.7% (3,084) 23.5% (15,270) 21.0% (13,663) 17.0% (11,080) 5 20.1% (13,092) 13.1% (8,525) 3.8% (2,487) 24.2% (15,726) 20.3% (13,203) 18.5% (12,022) 6 21.4% (13,901) 7.0% (4,573) 5.7% (3,677) 30.0% (19,506) 19.6% (12,782) 16.3% (10,616) Response Count 65,055

Physical bookstore

Online bookstore


Public Library


General store with books (e.g., WalMart, Target)


Second-hand bookstore


Borrow from family / friends


answered question skipped question

65,055 10,330

Survey Methodology

The survey, sponsored by OverDrive with the American Library Association Office for Information Technology Policy, was conducted from June 13 to July 31, 2012 at thousands of US public library websites powered by OverDrive. 75,384 visitors to the libraries eBook catalog pages completed all or part of the survey. The survey was intended to provide insights into borrowing and buying behaviors of library eBook readers and is not representative of the US population as a whole. For more information about the survey, please visit the OverDrive Digital Library Blog or contact For more information about OverDrive, please visit For more information about the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy, please visit

Survey conducted online June 13 July 31, 2012 at U.S. public library websites.

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2012 OverDrive Inc.

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