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Thomas A. Lamb 2806 Howe Place #1 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 E-mail: Telephone: 907-306-5855


THOMAS A. LAMB a Resident of the State


Of Alaska, acting as a pro se,







14 15




17 18

THOMAS A. LAMB, pro se, through this Complaint against presidential candidate

Barack Obama alleges the following:


21 22

Thomas A. Lamb (Plaintiff herein) is a resident of the State of Alaska and

a citizen of the United States. 2.

23 24

On September 14th, 2012, the Plaintiff sent a Demand letter to the

Defendant Barack Obama requesting complete medical records/school records/10 years of IRS returns and personnel records from Voter Project listed as ACORN.

26 27

The Demand letter raised the issue of a possible federal controversy by

pointing to past successful litigation over records request of politicians in Alaska and other states.

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The Demand letter was received (tracking numbers EI259201158US) by

Defendant Barack Obama through the United States Postal Service express mail and no response to the Demand letter was returned. 5. The Demand letter was delivered at 11:36 am on September 18, 2012 in

CHICAGO, IL 60680. The item was signed for by D KEER. 6. The Full Faith and Credit Clause of the federal constitution with regard to

public records acts are controlling this complaint. The statute that implements the clause is 28 U.S.C.A. 1738. 7. Article 1 to the federal constitution is controlling the Plaintiffs right to

redress Congress through a Congressional inquiry and the use of this court to ascertain the facts herein. 8. Presidential candidate Barack Obama is our current president of the

United States and is the 44th president that has served as the president of the United States for one term that started in 2008. 9. Honolulu Hawaii. 10. The birth mother of Barack Obama is Ann Dunham and she is deceased. Presidential candidate Barack Obama was born on August 4 th, 1961 in

The birthfather of Barack Obama as listed on Barack Obamas original birth certificate is Barack Obama Sr. who is also deceased. 11. In a July 2011 Sally Jacobs at The Boston Globe issue wrote that

according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Barack Obamas father indicated that the couple were going to put Barack Obama up for adoption. 12. Barack Obamas mother later married Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii on March

15th, 1965. Lolo Soetoro moved back to Indonesia in 1966. Barack Obamas mother finished her degree in 1967 and moved to Indonesia with Barack Obama. Later, in 1980, Barack Obamas mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro divorced. 13. Lolo Soetoro is deceased.

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On the divorce decree, two children of the couple are listed (one minor

and the other over 18) and the parents where responsible for their education. 15. Barack Obama at age six, attended in Indonesia, the private St. Francis of

Assisi Catholic School for two years. 16. In 2007, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School records photographed by

Indonesian A.P. photographer Tatan Syuflana, show Barack Obama was enrolled at the school under the name Barry Soetoro and was registered at the school as an Indonesian citizen. 17. After attending the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, Barack Obama

attended the SD Besuki Primary school in Indonesia. 18. According to Indonesian law, in order for Barack Obama to be an

Indonesian citizen as was listed on the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School record, and Barack Obama attending the Indonesian government sponsored primary school, Barack Obama would have had to be legally adopted. 19. According to Indonesian law, a foreign child of less than 5 years age can

be adopted by a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia. At the time of the marriage between Barack Obamas mother and Lolo Soetoro, Barack Obama was 4 years old. 20. According to the Indonesian Constitution, at the time when Barack Obama

attended school in Indonesia, a citizen shall consist of an indigenous person or of foreign origin who has been legalized as citizen of Indonesia. 21. receive an education. 22. 23. Indonesia did not recognize a dual citizenship. In 1971, Barack Obama returned to Honolulu Hawaii and with the aid of a Article 31 of the Indonesian Constitution states every citizen has a right to

scholarship, he attended the prestigious Punahou school until he graduated from high school in 1979. 24. In a June 27th 2012 Frontline interview with Barack Obamas Punahou

school mate Kristen Caldwell, she states that Barry said he was an Indonesian prince and

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after finishing school, he would go back to Indonesia where is mother, stepfather and half-sister Maya Soetoro lived. 25. 26. Barry. 27. It is alleged through an affidavit submitted by Allen Hulton on November Barack Obamas Punahou school records have not been released. In 1979, Barack Obama attended Occidental college; was known as

12th, 2011, Barack Obama was a foreign student. 28. 29. Barack Obamas occidental college records have not been released. In 1981, Barack Obama traveled to Pakistan and India. After returning

three weeks later, he transferred from Occidental college to Columbia University. 30. In January/February 2009 issue of Alumni Corner at Columbia University,

Barack Obamas 1983 roommate at Columbia Phil Boernor stated that Barack Obama never indicated that he had the inspiration to be president. Instead, Boernor said Barack Obama wanted to be a writer. 31. Harvard Law School. 32. Barack Obama graduated from Harvard law School in 1991. The same After attending Columbia University, in 1988, Barack Obama attended

year, in a published literary client booklet, Barack Obama was listed as being born in Kenya. 33. a foreign student. 34. According to Indonesian law, Barack Obama would not able to hold a dual There is the question if Barack Obama entered high school and college as

citizenship or foreign passport. 35. The answer to the above question can be answered through an

examination of Barack Obamas school records. If Barack Obama did list himself as a foreign student, then he would have committed an act of fraud. 36. There has been great controversy surrounding Barack Obamas citizenship

and many claims have been made in various courts that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii. That is not the case here. To the contrary, it is argued he was born in Hawaii.

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Through forensic analysis of the long form Certificate of Live Birth that

was posted by Barack Obama on the internet, there is the claim that it has been forged. 38. It is believed that Barack Obama was adopted and; according to Haw.

Rev. Stat. 578-14 : Hawaii Statutes - Section 578-14: Record of adoption, the original birth certificate would be sealed in accordance with Haw. Rev. Stat 578-15 (b) 39. The Plaintiff has sought through an original complaint prior to the 2012

general presidential election, to have the Defendant Barack Obama disclose his school records. 40. Due to procedural barriers prohibiting a timely service from the time of

ripeness to the election, the Plaintiff was injured by not having the facts to cast an informed vote. 41. On November 6th, 2012 the president was elected to a second term by a

narrow margin in the popular vote. 42. In the November 6th, 2012 general presidential election, the Plaintiff did

not vote and seeks to initiate a congressional inquiry to redress the issue on possible fraud. 43. The Plaintiff has sought the verification of an amended Certificate of Live

Birth of Barack Obama. 44. The verification was addressed to Loretta J Fuddy, Director of Health and

was sent USPS Express Mail (tracking number EI254248697) on 11/09/12. 45. received. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Thomas A. Lamb prays for relief as follows: That this court order the Defendant Barack Obama and other appropriate parties to release school records and also verification of an amended Certificate of Live Birth if needed. It was delivered on November 13, 2012, 11:16 am. No response has been

Dated this ____ day of November, 2012

________________________________ Thomas A. Lamb

Lawsuit Barack Obama Amended- 5

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