Obama 1996 General Candidate Questionnaire - New Party, Illinois State Senate - 09-10-96

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l v o m e n ,a n d g : r y sa n c ll i s b i a n sn r e a c t i l ' c l yr e c r u i t e dn n d s t r p p o r t e d

ryI-IPO General CandidateQuestionnaire


1. Do you sttpport:
a. moving the primary electiondate? Yes.
b. keepingvoters' party preferencesin the primary secret?Yes.
c. eliminating straightparty voting in generalelections?Yes.
d. appointmentof year-roundadministrativeelectionjudges? Yes.
e. any other changes?Campaignfinancereform legislation.

2. ShouldIllinois citizensbe requiredto completeseparateforms to registerto vote in

Stateand Federalelections?No, we needa unitary system.

3. Do you supportMerit Selectionofjudges?

Yes, although it would be important to constructa systemthat ensuresadequate

minority representationon the bench- perhapsmerit selectionwithin sub-circuits.

4. Do you believethat appointmentsto judicial vacanciesshouldbe basedon

nominationsfrom local review panels? Yes.


5. Do you support:

a. a graduatedincornetax? Yes.
b. maintainingcurrentcorporate/individualratio? Yes.
c. increasingthe $ 1,000personalexemption? Yes, as part of shift to higher
income tax.
d. increasingincometaxesto relieve or replacelocal propertytaxes? Yes.

6. Will you vote to increasestatefunding to at least 50% of public educationcosts?


7. Do you supportvouchersor other meansof public funding for private or parochial


8. Do you support:

a. public financing of electioncampaigns?Yes.

b. extendingthe samecampaigndisclosurerequirementsfor ward and township
committeementhroughoutthe states?Yes.
c. permitting stateemployeesto hold otherpublic sectorjobs concurrently?No.
for cook county? Nd'
9. Do you supportland-basedor riverboatgambling

referendaat the stateor local level

r0. will yoll supporttegislationrequiring citizen
Yes, at the local level to
beforeland-basedor riverboatgambling is expanded?
maximize local inPut.

Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Rights Act? Yes. Do you favor
t r. Do you favor adding sexual orientationto Human
domesticpartnershiplegislation? Yes'

professionalRegulation legislation to prohibit discrimination

12. Do you favor amending
againstboard-certifiedgraduatesof foreign schools?Yes'

or employment?No'
13. Do you supportmandatoryAIDS testingfor insurance

private sectoremployees? only

t4. Do you support mandatory drug testing for public or
in thoserare circumstances- i.e. airline pilot, railroad engineer,
- in which lives may be threatenedby failure to perform'

to test DUI on groundsother

15. Shouldstatepolice be allowedto stopvehicle operators
than probablecause?No.

employersto eavesdropon
16. Do you supportthe recentlypassedlegislationpermitting
the telephoneconversationsof their employees?No'

17.Do you favor comparableworth for stateemployees?

18. Do you supportthe right of public employeesto strike?Yes'

public employment?Yes'
19. Do you supportbanningthe replacementof strikersin

20. Do you supportfamily leave legislationfor private employment?

2t. What is YouPositionon:

a. raising the minimum wage?I supportit'

b. establishinga lower minimum wage for minors? Opposed'
labor laws?
c. including farm workers and householdemployeesunder existing
Health & Human Services

22. Will you supporta single-payerhealthplan for lllinois? Yes, with Medicaid
incorporatedinto a single, gtaduatedsystemof servicescovering all workers, so as
not to createdisincentivesto work.

23. What proglam changes,if any, do you supportto improve the presentstatemental
health program? Increasedfunding, and a thorough review of current servicedelivery

24. Do you support:

a. Medicaid funding for abortions? Yes.

b. insurancecoverageof abortionsfor stateemployees?Yes.
c. parentalconsenVnotificationfor minors seekingabortions? Dependson how
young - possibly for extremelyyoung teens,i.e. 12 or 13 year olds.
d. any other restrictionson abortions. No.

2s. Do you supportadditionalfunds forthe DCFS to enablethe hiring of sufficient


26. Do you support:

a. cost of living adjustmentfor public aid recipients?Yes.

b. workfare?Yes, if combinedwith training, child care,and health care
c. restrictionson welfare benefitsfor teenmothers?No.
d. restrictionson benefitsfor women who have childrenwhile on welfare?No.
e. repealof the six month limit for receivinggeneralassistance?
f. restorationof the Aid to the Medical Indigent program.Yes.
g. energyassistance programsfor the poor? Yes.

27. Would you support"repair and deduct" legislation? Yes.

Energy & Environment

28. Do you supportthe retail rate law? I didn't supportit, and am pleasedit was repealed.

29. Do you supportan electedICC? Yes.

30. On balancing environmentalprotectionand economicdevelopment:I believe the two

are compatible,particularly to the extent that we attemptto channeleconomic
developmentactivity (a) into those environmentallyfriendly sectorsof the growth
economysuchas recycling and wastemanagementthroughstatepurchasingpractices,
etc.; and (b) work with industry to fmd the most economicaland efficient
IEPA with the
complying with oru environmentalgoals, even as we provide the
authority it needsto enforceEPA statutes'

31. Do you support a third Chicago, south suburbanCook County or Peotone

32. Do You suPPort:

a. inter-citY high sPeedrail? Yes.

No -
b. the current formula for allocation of funds to CTA, Metra, and PACE?
CTA is shortchanged.

Criminal Justice

33. Do You suPPort:

a. admissibility of illegally obtainedevidence?No.

b. electronicevesdroPPing? No.
c. police radar? Yes, unlessit is abused?
d. prior govefilment restraintson the press? No'
e. statecensorshiPof the arts?No'

34. Do you suPPort:

a. capital Punishment?No.
b. criminal prosecutionofjuveniles as adults?No.
c. mandatory sentencing?No
d. work release,home monitoring, other alternativesentencing?Yes.

35. Do you supportstatelegislationto:

a. ban the manufacture,sale and possessionof handguns?Yes.

b. ban assaultweaPons?Yes.
c. mandatorywaiting periodsand backgroundchecks?Yes.

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