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Greendale Community School

Group/Title Date Location PAC November 13, 2012 Greendale Elementary Library Time Prepared by 7:00 pm Shari Dick


Welcome and Introductions


Approval of Agenda Agenda approved Alex V. and John


Reports a. Safer Schools Committee

School signs to be made taller Potentially - school crossing sign on the ground Crosswalk could be unsafe - gives kids confidence that they can stop and cross. May cause false sense of security. All shareholders meeting coming up ICBC, police, committee, community at large, etc. Open meeting for all community still to come. Date to be announced (January on a Monday) 1 More Volunteer needed.

b. Parent Education Kristen - courses to be put on blog. c. Emergency Preparedness - Volunteer needed to head this up.
- Janet Lampart is stepping down. Michelle Dick is taking over temporarily until someone else can take it on.


School Lunch Nov 23 Booster Juice

Went well last time.

e. Fruit & Veggie Program Going Well f.

Lice Checks date still to be announced

g. DPAC Nov 22 Michelle Rodgers will attend h. School Planning Committee Need 1 more parent volunteer i. j.
Treasurer Alex treasures Report given, budget approved last meeting Principal

-2Growth Plan 3 year growth program - Dec 3, and Jan meetings th Report cards home on Dec 7 Parent Teacher Interviews Dec 13, 14 - 12 noon Dec 13 PAC meeting Jeff Hanson will not be able to attend Salvation Army food Drive Deck the Halls Dec 14 2pm Church who meets here has a function Seniors Tea Dec 19 1pm peer leaders will serve community even Remembrance Day Assembly well received Volleyball Mrs. Lowney and Mrs. Attkins will coach Poetry Fest went well Superintendent was present. Judges were given $10 Tim Hortons cards for Thank You. Discussion around why kids dont dress up for Halloween. Jeff asked for feedback from the PAC regarding this and will be approaching the teachers as well for their feedback. 12. Technology has been complete in the classrooms. A work order has gone out to have technology in the gymnasium Magazine money will possibly be going to getting ipads for the EAs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

4. Business arising from last meeting Library need parent or a parent to regularly help to shelf books Staff Luncheon Caroline Nickel and Debbie Froes heading up for December Grade 6 Hoodies/Shirts Jeff will look into this. 5. New Business a. Auction New meeting time Thursday, November 29 9am Michelle Rodgers home. th Feb 9 Romance in Paris Theme discussed options Coast Hotel, Rics Grill Ideas Musical entertainment b. Time to Eat Lunch wondering if it is an issue for other parents. Students can bring their food outside when its time to go outside. Fundraising Playground Pledge forms will be mailed out to all of Greendale Community, as well to all students th Purdys some parents did not receive the catalogue. Orders Due Nov 16 , Pick th th Up Dec 5 and 6 Coupon Books made a little less money this year than last rd th Aviva 3 round has begun runs Nov 12 Nov 26 . Please vote! Ford Drive One for your School - were in contact with Chilliwack Ford and our name will come up on the list for 2013 year. Need to clarify more info on this Got John will look into other options Baking exchange Jennifer M. would like to head up d. Grants more to apply for c.

Adjournment th Next Meeting: Thursday Dec 13 , 8:30am at the school


Review of action items

Anyone - Volunteers still needed: Safer Schools Committee, Emergency Prep, School Planning Committee

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