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City of Cincinnati etka 801 Plum Stecet Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Phone (513) 352. Fax (513) 3 January 15, 2009 The Honorable George V. Voinovich ‘The Honorable Sherrod Brown United States Senate United States Senate 524 Hart Senate Office Building 455 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Jean Schmidt ‘The Honorable Steven L. Driehaus USS. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives 238 Cannon House Office Building 408 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C, 20515 Dear Senator Voinovich, Senator Brown, Congresswoman Schmidt and Congressman Driehaus: ‘As Congress begins work on the economic stimulus legislation, [ am writing to request your support for inclusion of infrastructure funding. Federal infrastructure investments are urgently needed in order to create jobs and stimulate our local economy. Like many communities across the country, the City of Cincinnati is facing an uphill battle weathering the economic downturn. Reductions in state and local revenue and the tightening of the credit markets are hampering our ability to provide quality services to city residents. It is my understanding that stimulus legislation will contain funds for infrastructure investment to be distributed to projects around the country which could begin work within 90-120 days and are intended to reinvigorate local economies by creating jobs. Attached is a list of projects that are “shovel ready” for federal funds in Cincinnati, along with the total cost of the project and the number of jobs that would be created as part of the project. Should federal assistance be provided for any of these projects, Cincinnati would be able to begin work on the projects within 90-120 days. ‘Thank you for your consideration of our urgent need for federal economic stimulus funds. Singftely, Mark Mfllory \/ Mayor gal Opportunity Eimploes Cty of Cincinnati "Shovel Ready" infrastructure Projects, Project Description tae [Lunken Alport Runway end Taxiway soalooatand par Lunken Aicpor Customs and Border Prowcion (GBP) fa 200,000) $4,000,000] (eoas. 2th & Vine Sreclscaps inthe Overihe Rhine ~ Located in Tow core nelgnbornood, [continuation ofthe Vine Street Stectscape and wil ln the gaps between Vine Steet land previous steotscapes on Jackzon Street, $2,500,000 53. [Over-the-Rine Pool renovation. Located in empowerment Zane neighborhood $1,200,000) 3 ladsiional Sveet Paving’Renabiliaton above nomnal Cy levels. Empowerment Zone, Neighborhood Revialzation Strategy Areas, or other ow income neighsorhoods, $2,000,000) 10 LED Trafic Light Upgrades ~ updato signs and conserve energy. Insialed in [Empowerment Zone or other ow-mod income ares. $100.00 os: Warsaw Avenue Streetscape project Phase I ofa ivealacape i suppor of new Tul ‘service grocery store in East Price Hil & lew income neighborhood. The project incudes few sveet realignment, street ighis, ees, sidewalks, $600,000) 30 MelroWest Phase Ii project ~ ste preparation and conduction of 605000 Square Toot ight industrial pling in Lower Price Hil neighborhood. $6,800,000 109. [laurel & Weaver basketbal cour. In HOPE VI Neighborhood Revialzalion Sategy lara. $25,000) 1 [Comyte Pubic Parking structure ~Pro]od enables several new Gavelopments in He [2600 block of vine Sveet. The antcpaled davelopmenis include a movie theaer, lbowing akey anc famly sie spor pub. $4,500,006 120 [iar Ave. toons cours. In Empowerment Zone neighBOTTOOd. $40,000 i [Sumit Business Park StroatImproverienis~ This project wil Consiact @ ew PUDTC street in Bond Hil a low-med income neighbornoed to access the existing Summit [Behavioral Heats Fac $1,000,000] 200 [Crosley Guiding Renovaton Project —Redeveapment of haus! balding Ieaiea Th |Camp Washington, a low income nelghoernood $4.266,775| 300 [Goer Sveet Trafic and Pedestrian Improvements - Located in Over the Ahine, a Tow income reighbomood, ad par: f the implementation plan forthe O7R Comprehensive Pian, $1,009.00 36 [SUBTOTAL $24,031,775 65 E [Forest Carbon Sequosvaton. A Ran tat vers he planing OF 1700 Weeds COmpITS, ree planing in process $2,480,0] 25, [Cy Facies Energy Efiienay Improvements $11,000,000 700 [Residential Energy Eiciency. Funcing for basie energy inproverents fr residences $1,500,000] 7 High Solar Refactance Roofs. Grants for high SRS $100,000) 3 [Creale en envcormerta volunteer (Conservation Coma) program $00,000) i ramning corvadters in green orachoes 100,00 1 [Recyciebark. incentve program tna stimulates Teveawad recjeing $2,500,000 co Climate rotectonvenergy conservation awareness and rwoWerient Compaign $100,000 2 [Gimete Plan Summk. An environmentallenergy conservation Surimi focused On the lSusiness and Insituonal eommunty $50,000 1 [Recycling Cars, Larger css simulate reqjcing 65 Tore Matenal i Taprocwased $5,102,645) Ta, [sue Bait Eo [Shy Strostatro Roads. [Cy Sreet Nework Renabiision Program FOOT Ea "Mi. Adams Neighborhood Business Distict Wi Adams NOD Stootzane provement = Undergrounding of ules, steel ighing, widening sewaks, new waler main, sect pavement rehabilitation, 1,000,000 20 [Oakey Neighbornaod Busiress Dstict Oakley Square Improvements —Trafie and [pedestrian Imarovemenis, an expansion of the Geir Esplanade (Ihe “Sauare), decorative seat ightng and green iftaevucture (ain gardens, ele) $1,800,000] 30 Engineering, Plan Preparation anc Constucton o! Interconnection Cable forthe CHV \Computorzed Trafc Control Sytem $3,500 000] 20 [Central Riverront Stoot Grd. Now sv@et networ to imorove local cess Daween |Cincinnat's Central Business District (CAD), the redevelopment ofthe Cental Riverton land with Normem Kentucky $8.0000 112, (SUBTOTAL, 374,000,000, az a [Cincinnad Svesiear Newer - Phase I Algrment (Upiown Creator Siady and lPrerinay Engineering $12,600,000 4100, [SUBTOTAL iH 00 |cincinat Pubic Schools - Hartwell E-ementary School Green nftastucturelStorm |water Conta -instakation of groen storm water management contals sta new bulng Including 200 square feu of pervious concreo in parking areas and boiaivation 107,500) 3 Harwivion Un. Sewer eplocement. This sa WWP project tha eplaces 2,000 near leet ot undersized sewer tat is srepai. $836,000 z |cincinat Pubic Schools - North Avondale Monlessor Greon inrastrucure/Siorm |Water Control ~ Installation of green storm water management contos at anew Buin] Including 1200 square foo! green roof and rain barrels; and a smal bloswale wih und $34.0 3 Foley Forest Pump Staton Upgrade, Deliwoad Estates & Now Bay Vilage Pump Staton Elmnatons Ph. 2. Consoliates thre old pump stations iio one new pump sition and |construct 1,000 linear feet of gravy sewer and 1200 near feet of force main $1,300,000] “1 [York St & Cental Ave. Sewer Replacement. Shoirete repar of 240 near feet oT listing large ciameter sewer that i in disrepair. $319,004 3 [Cinarnat Pubic Senoois - Taft High School Green Infastuctre/Siomn Water Cantal =| lnstallton of green storm water management contol including a 41,000 square foot een oof ona new buliing $555,809 1 lamerican Red Cross Cincinnati Headquarters Building Green infrastructures Storm Water Convo lnstaiation of green storm water mansgemert conols ona new building including 3200 square fee of sloped green ret, 14,960 square foot biointraton systom $269,809 3 IHengenoid 2nd Pump Staion Elminalion. Eliminate Hengeholg PS and construct 1.500 linear foot of sewer. 551.009 7 IMil Creek WWTP Aoraton Tanks Ofuaers Replacement. The projectreplaces ihe lexsing aituser in ne seration tanks athe mil eek WWTP and is a WPCLF loan lund projec. $3,900,000) 7 Placid Meacowa Pump Staton Elmnaton. Elmiate PG Wesdows PS ard coretuet 1.400 linear fet of sewer. $800,009 z |sso 568 & 568 improvements ~ Decreage the numberof times the SSO activates. This project replaces 4.200 linear fet of pipe tha is undersized and removes two SSO. $1,300,000) 1 [Greater Cinennall Water Werks Root replacerienis, including ‘reen rook” 31. 195.0 3 Lille Miami WWTP Primary and Secondary Tark Rechalring, Replace the patary aod secondary rechaining at Litle Miami wastewater treatment plant. $14.009.0 10 Winton 1 82 and Sherwood "ump Staion Consolation. Consolidates tree 6 pump stations into one new pump station and construc 4,000 linear feet of gravity sewer and 5,000 linear fet of foce man $2,890, 1 [GresierCincnnat Welar Works Bacup power & galom sorage $8,056 004 2 [Genial Rivertront Park - Army Corps of Engineers project wil enhance flood coniol and lbank stabilzaton along the Ohio River at Cincinnati cerival riverfront. Will provide new recreational green space and comsloment molar central vertrant economic \seveopmont projets. $10,000.00 v4 [Greater Cincnnall Walar Wars Nl Pani Gapaaiy and Treatment Enhancement. THs lprect would fund ulravcat disinfection system powered party by solar power as well ls oer play capac imorovements $15.444.00 1143 [Greater Cincinnall Water Works Syeiam echancanerls and expansion $20,576,083) 1525 [East Ene/Lunken Levee Rebuilding Project. East end isa low o moderate income Ineightorncod. 1 the levee s not rebult ne the por wit is vin Is ncuded in te Hooda, employers wil be relocating o closing operations. Cansequenty, some of the| lexisting 785 Jobe and $172 milion/ger year ecanomie benef may be lst $35,000,009 200 [Greater Cincrail Water Works Aseei Managemen! and ivfestuciure @ISOoTecT 367,183,000 asrz [ate Miami WWTP Primary and Secondary Rotaing Trough & Gales Replacoment [Replace the primary and secondary setting tanks, inlet gates, and scum collection tough] lathe Lite Miami wastewater reatment pint $6,171,000] 10 (SUBTOTAL, 190,926,983] ya02 rom eras], EC

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