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getting started

Getting started checklist

Create a Facebook page for your ofcial ofce.
See appendix A to determine what kind of Facebook presence makes most sense for your ofce.

Post every day to your fans. Photos and images work the best and to p.m. is the most engaging time on the site.
See best practices for posting recommendations.

Choose a username for your page by going to

Create a conversation calendar to map out key dates and postings a few weeks in advance.

Set up your page with a good cover photo, prole photo and comments policy. See appendix B for clarication and examples.

Subscribe to the U.S. House interest list to keep tabs on what other ofces are posting to Facebook Consider adding tabs to your Facebook page such as ones for your Twitter feed or YouTube videos. Get free apps here: Connect your Instagram account with your Facebook page so you dont have to upload photos twice. Learn more: aW Buy ads to promote your page. You can target the zip codes in your district to reach just your constituents. Get started at Promote your page everywhere. Ask the contacts on your email list to become fans, include your pages link in your press releases and display a sign at your front desk.

Visit your pages admin settings to set profanity lters, admin roles and posting ability of fans.

To update your page via mobile, download the Facebook Pages Manager app or add your pages mobile email address to your phones contacts. Email to let the Facebook team know your page has been created and to remove ads.

Brief your boss on Facebook and ask them to play a part in creating posts and engaging with fans.

best practices

Post behind the scenes photos and videos as you get settled

Introduce your fans to your DC ofce and staff

Create a welcome video

Add milestones

Do a regular Q&A with fans

Explain the votes you take

Utilize photos and images

Add Facebook plug-ins to your website

Learn more at


Appendix A - What kind of Facebook presence do I need?

I already have a campaign page
You cant use your campaign for ofcial use. You can choose to only update your campaign page on non-ofcial time or create a second, ofcial page for your ofce.

I already have a Facebook prole

Only use campaign page and update during non-ofcial time

Create a second, ofcial page. ie: Rep. John Smith

Turn on subscriptions at about/subscribe to allow more than get your updates

Migrate the prole to a page. All the fans will move over but NO CONTENT. Migrate by visiting http:// pages/create.php? migrate

Some members choose to keep the prole but also create an ofcial Facebook page that constituents can like

Appendix B - Cover photo

Cover Photo
This is the rst thing people will see when they visit your Page. Choose a unique photo (851 x 315 pixels) and change it as often as you like. Some examples might include a fun ofce picture, scenes from your district or a photo with constituents. Be creative and experiment with images to see what kinds of pictures your audience enjoys the most.

Appendix B - Prole photo

Prole Picture
Your prole picture represents your page on other parts of Facebook, in ads, sponsored stories and the news feed. Choose a picture that represents your ofce best, such as a picture of the Member. Use a high quality image that scales well from 180 x 180 pixels to 32 x 32 pixels.

Appendix B - Comments policy

Comments Policy
Add a comments policy to your about section so people know the rules of engagement and what could get them banned from your page.

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