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Introduction to a Criminal Complaint Challenging the 2012 Election

Allegations of massive election fraud fall into three primary categories - Campaign finance fraud, voter fraud and constitutional eligibility fraud. Campaign Finance Fraud The Government Accountability Institute just issued a 109 page report detailing the massive campaign finance fraud taking place in the 2012 campaign. From the report Campaigns are not required to disclose donations from individuals who gave less than $200 in a campaign cycle unless the campaign is audited. Furthermore, campaigns do not even need to keep records of those who gave less than $50. Presidential candidates are raising large amounts of money that fall under the $200 threshold and audits are rare unless a campaign accepts federal matching funds. To this date (September 26, 2012), the Romney campaign has raised $58,456,968 and the Obama campaign has raised $271,327,755 in contributions under $200 for the 2012 campaign cycle. In the 2008 presidential elections, the Obama campaign raised $335,139,233 in donations under $200. A glimpse at campaign finance security Given the state-of-the art digital sophistication of the Presidents re-election campaignincluding social media, micro-targeting and data-miningits online donation system contains at least three major security vulnerabilities: 1. The absence of the industry-standard CVV and unknown use of AVS anti-fraud security for online credit card donations 2. The presence of a branded, major third party-owned website ( redirects its 68% foreign traffic to a campaign donation page 3. Active foreign solicitation using indiscriminate email solicitations and exposure to social media Specifically: Obama Campaign Lacks the Industry-Standard Level Of Credit Card Security For Donations, But Uses It For Merchandise Purchases: To purchase Obama campaign merchandise, the campaign requires buyers to enter their credit card CVV security code, but does not require the credit card security code to be entered when making an online campaign donation (see page 61). By GAIs estimates, the Obama campaigns failure to utilize industry-standard protections potentially costs the campaign millions in extra processing fees. (with purpose) The BIG Picture is Massive Fraud There are reasons why the Obama campaign would use CVV code security technology for merchandising. In short, the CVV code on the back of your credit or debit card is there to ensure that the individual using the card is you, or someone authorized by you to use the card. Most Credit Card fraud does not happen with a stolen card, but rather a stolen card number. Because the fraudster does not actually possess the card, but only the card number and expiration date for the card, they will not have the CVV code on the back of the card in most cases.

When the campaign is selling and shipping merchandise, they use CVV code technology to secure each transaction before shipping merchandise. But when nothing is being shipped, as in the case of campaign donations, they have CVV code technology turned off. Why? Because, the transactions coming from overseas on stolen card numbers, will not have the CVV code available. They also wont have AVS information, which the Obama campaign also turned off on its donations account. They are stolen card numbers, most of them from Americans. Address Verification, (AVS) like CVV code verification, are industry standards for blocking fraudulent online transactions. Why has the Obama campaign turned off both of those security functions for donations, but not for merchandise orders? With these security functions turned on, the system would DECLINE transactions as fraudulent if they were missing a matching CVV or AVS code. So, to allow fraudulent donations on stolen card numbers, they would have to turn off the CVV and AVS security function, thereby allowing the fraudulent transactions to APPROVE without any security code match. Voter Fraud The Obama Camp has a plan that makes it all but impossible for Romney and Ryan to win. That plan includes four primary pieces of an overall strategy that combined, will make defeating Obama very difficult to say the least. Obama can win the Electoral College vote by winning twenty states. Romney will have to win at least twenty-nine states to defeat him. And then, the plot for victory is an unprecedented level of outright election fraud. 1. Massive Fraudulent International Campaign Funding a) Hundreds of millions pouring into Obama from overseas donors b) Much of it from stolen U.S. credit and debit card numbers c) All of it in untraceable small denominations d) Or through bundlers with no clue where the money is actually coming from 2. Suppression of the conservative vote a) Blocking the deployed military vote known to break 80% Republican b) Sending bogus letters to Florida Republican voters telling them they are not registered to vote c) Intimidation practices by Obama groups like the Black Panthers d) Promoting no-votes or 3rd party votes within the anti-Obama voting bloc 3. Numerous methods of massive Democrat voter fraud a) Over 2 million new temporary citizen illegal alien voters via Executive Order b) Millions of DEAD and felon voters c) Temporarily moving Democrat voters across state lines to vote in swing states d) Foreign observers used to protect the fraudulent Democrat vote e) Duplicate voting by dual resident college students f) Thousands of Somali refugee voters with DNC interpreters driving them to polls 4. Corrupted voting machines and vote counting a) Rigged voting machines via SEIU machine maintenance contracts b) Boxes of fraudulent paper ballots in the trunk of union officials c) Foreign contracts for vote counting in parts of Europe

In a close race, reported by most polling services as neck-and-neck, any one of these acts of election fraud could change the outcome of the election. Even a dead Osama Bin Laden was able to donate to the Obama campaign, twice. But combined, all of these tactics will most likely result in a stolen election. Meanwhile, as the GOP has not challenged any of these tactics in court to date, the DNC has hired hundreds of lawyers and brought in foreign observers told to look out for right-wing election fraud. They have every news room in America talking about Republican efforts to suppress the Democrat vote (READ: illegal vote) Thats not all. Constitutional Eligibility Fraud Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, as defined by The Law of Nations - Book 1 Chapter 19 - Sections 212, 213, 214 and 215 or the United States Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874). In Minor, the Court identified, as natural-born citizens, only those who are born in the United States of citizen parents. The Holding in Minor v. Happersett was confirmed in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), where the Court approvingly reiterated the exact passage from Minor that defined the natural-born citizen class, not modifying it, or questioning it all. Since the Supreme Court in Minor directly construed the Article 2, Section 1, natural-born citizen clause to determine the citizenship status of the petitioner, the Courts definition of the natural-born citizen class is binding precedent. There is no contrary precedent. Since Obama does not qualify as a member of the class of persons identified as natural-born citizens by the U.S. Supreme Court, he is not eligible to be President of the United States, the Secretaries of State of the various states are constitutionally prohibited from certifying the election of a candidate for the office of the Presidency who is ineligible as a matter of law. Complaint Summary The 2013 Criminal Complaint addresses all of these matters in twelve specific allegations. This instrument is being used to accuse the above-named defendant(s) of the offense of violation(s) of the herein listed and marked parts of the lawful United States Constitution -- the ORIGINAL and SUPREME Law of the Land. Allegation Number One Barack Hussein Obama is not an eligible candidate for the office of President of the United States. See Affidavit of Stephen Pidgeon, attached hereto. All defendants have personal knowledge that Barack Hussein Obama is not an eligible candidate for the office of President of the United States, and have acted intentionally to place him in the office, and to defraud the voters and citizens of the United States. Allegation Number Two Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of Federal Election Commission law regulating campaign finance concerning overseas donations from foreign entities, international money laundering and online credit and debit card fraud, using foreign contributions from stolen card numbers to finance a presidential campaign. Allegation Number Three Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in the state of

Florida. Florida banned observers from seeing the absentee ballots being opened and there was no way to know whether the absentee ballots that were produced were the same ones that were opened, or if all the ballots were produced. Allegation Number Four Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in St. Lucie County, Florida. Out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast in St. Lucie County, Florida on November 6, 2012. Allegation Number Five Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in Broward County, Florida. Obama received over 99% of the vote in Broward County Precincts. Allegation Number Six Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in the state of Pennsylvania. See below. Allegation Number Seven Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default to give Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. In Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., Robert Ashcroft, an election auditor, observed the election software change the selection back to default to Obama. Allegation Number Eight Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. 59 different Philadelphia voting divisions reported zero votes for Mitt Romney compared to Obamas 19,605. Allegation Number Nine Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in the state of Ohio. In one county alone in Ohio, Obama received 106,258 votes where there were only 98,213 eligible voters. Two election judges were replaced after illegally allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots. More than 20 percent of registered Ohio voters werent eligible to vote. In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeded the voting-age population. In 31 other counties, registration was above 90 percent of the population. Ohio voters who are native to Somalia were being given a slate card saying, Vote Brown all the way down an apparent reference to the Democratic senator. Allegation Number Ten Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Romney received zero votes in nine Cleveland precincts, and in one Cleveland precinct, Obama beat Romney 542 to 0. In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less. Allegation Number Eleven Prima facie evidence exists as to violations of federal law governing a national election in Wood County, Ohio. Obama received 106,258 votes from 98,213 eligible voters an impossible 108 percent of the vote. Allegation Number Twelve The votes of personnel in the United States military was unlawfully suppressed by the direct intervention of Barack Hussein Obama and the Secretary of Defense.

Necessary to Proceed The estimated costs involved in filing such a massive undertaking in multiple jurisdictions is above $500,000 and due to the critical nature of the complaint and the tenuous condition of the US society divided by class, race and economic warfare at present, this effort cannot be lunched without the resources necessary to complete the mission and withstand the onslaught of back lash sure to come. In addition, hundreds of sworn testimonies concerning the frauds must be taken in numerous jurisdictions and we will need volunteer help in collecting and organizing evidence in preparation for court appearances. We will also need legal professionals to appear on behalf of the measure in multiple jurisdictions. A working DRAFT COPY of the actual criminal complaint is available here. To help, please visit to donate and/or volunteer.

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