Malbin CampFin Costs

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For Release
December 3, 2012
Contact: Michael Malbin
(202) 969-8890 ext. 221

New CII kesearch on State and Loca| L|ect|ons

Lower Contr|but|on L|m|ts w|th ub||c Match|ng Iunds |n N
State kevers|ng the ko|e of Sma|| Large Donors Wou|d Leave
Cand|dates "Who|e" Wh||e Cost|ng New orkers on|y 52]year

new ?ork SLaLe's candldaLes for Lhe leglslaLure ln 2012 ralsed 76 of Lhelr money (Lhrough Lhe
flnal preelecLlon dlsclosure reporLs) from donors who gave Lhem $1000 or more and from
lnLeresL groups Cnly 8 came from donors who gave $2S0 or less 1he balance beLween Lhe
sLaLe's small versus large donors was almosL Lhe same ln 2012 as ln 2010 and 2008

1here ls no quesLlon LhaL blg donors domlnaLe Lhe Lmplre SLaLe's pollLlcs" sald Cll's LxecuLlve
ulrecLor Mlchael ! Malbln who ls also a professor of pollLlcal sclence aL Lhe unlverslLy aL Albany
(Sun?) 1he flgures were released by Cll ln con[uncLlon wlLh Malbln's uecember 3 appearance
on a panel cosponsored by Lhe Sun?'s 8ockefeller lnsLlLuLe of CovernmenL and Lhe League of
Women voLers of new ?ork

Cov Andrew Cuomo of new ?ork has recommended LhaL Lhe sLaLe reduce candldaLes'
dependence on blg donors by adopLlng a sysLem of smalldonor maLchlng funds slmllar Lo new
?ork ClLy's 1he clLy provldes $6 ln maLchlng funds for each of Lhe flrsL $17S LhaL a donor glves
Lo a candldaLe parLlclpaLlng ln lLs volunLary sysLem (Cov Cuomo also proposed lower
conLrlbuLlon llmlLs lmproved dlsclosure and sLrengLhened enforcemenL) ln Aprll 2012
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Sllver and SenaLe uemocraLlc Leader !ohn Sampson lnLroduced bllls
provldlng slxforone maLchlng funds for a donor's flrsL $2S0 wlLh lower conLrlbuLlon llmlLs

Cll's prevlous sLudles of new ?ork have shown LhaL maLchlng funds could have a profound
effecL on Lhe sLaLe's elecLlon flnanclng 1he flrsL was a broad peerrevlewed pollcy analysls
publlshed ln lectloo low Iootool (llnk) 1he second showed LhaL small donors would llkely be
responslble for a ma[orlLy of Lhe candldaLes' funds under a small donor maLchlng sysLem llnk
A Lhlrd llnk publlshed [olnLly wlLh Lhe 8rennan CenLer shows LhaL new ?ork ClLy's sysLem
brlngs a far more dlverse pool of donors lnLo Lhe sysLem Lhan LradlLlonal fundralslng

1hese earller sLudles focused on Lhe poLenLlal beneflLs of small donor maLchlng funds 1he
currenL one addresses concerns abouL Lwo of Lhe poLenLlal cosLs lL shows flrsL LhaL Lhe
flnanclal cosLs have been vasLly oversLaLed Second lL shows LhaL almosL every candldaLe for
Lhe sLaLe leglslaLure would be beLLer off wlLh publlc maLchlng funds replaclng hlgh conLrlbuLlon
llmlLs Lhan Lhey are wlLh Lhe sLaLus quo


erhaps Lhe mosL conLroverslal clalm ls abouL flnanclal cosL lor example Lhe SenaLe's Ma[orlLy
Leader uean Skelos referred ln 2012 Lo Lhe cosL of a publlc maLchlng sysLem as belng $200
mllllon per elecLlon or $100 mllllon per year ln conLrasL Lhe Campalgn llnance lnsLlLuLe's
recenLly compleLed analysls suggesLs Lhe cosL would be more llke $2S$40 mllllon per year 1o
arrlve aL Lhese esLlmaLes Cll assumed Lhe maLchlng fund formulae and conLrlbuLlon llmlLs of
Lhe SllverSampson blll and applled Lhem Lo Lhe acLual donors ln Lhe elecLlons of 2010 (Cll wlll
reesLlmaLe Lhe cosL wlLh 2012 donors when Lhe flnal reporLs are avallable buL a prellmlnary
revlew suggesLs Lhere should noL be much change)

1he Cll analysls assumed LhaL all donors who gave ln 2010 would conLlnue Lo glve Lhe same
amounLs under Lhe new sysLem buL only up Lo Lhe new conLrlbuLlon llmlL 1o average Lhe cosL
beLween a gubernaLorlal and mldLerm elecLlon Lhe analysls lncludes one elecLlon for sLaLewlde
offlclals and Lwo elecLlons for Lhe leglslaLure lL Lhen assumed four dlfferenL scenarlos
represenLed ln Lhe Lable below 1he Lwo varlables produclng Lhe four scenarlos have Lo do wlLh
Lhe rules for conLesLed prlmarles and Lhe presence or absence of new donors ln Lhe sysLem

1he SllverSampson blll would allow hlgher conLrlbuLlon llmlLs and publlc fundlng celllngs for a
candldaLe who ls challenged ln a prlmary elecLlon Lhan for one who ls noL 1hls resulLs ln Lwo
palrs of scenarlos lor one we assume a stotos poo ln whlch only Lhe few candldaLes who were
acLually challenged ln 2010 would conLlnue Lo be challenged under Lhe new sysLem under Lhe
oLher scenarlos we assume a subsLanLlal lncrease ln prlmary challenges 8y deflnlLlon Lhls
assumpLlon would mean LhaL Lhe rules were brlnglng new candldaLes lnLo Lhe sysLem
Cbvlously we have no ldea how many Lhese mlghL be (Many lncumbenLs presumably would
sLlll be unchallenged) lf we assume arblLrarlly and generously LhaL half of Lhe currenL
candldaLes would face a prlmary challenge under Lhe new rules we can esLlmaLe Lhe cosL by
LreaLlng all of Lhe exlsLlng lncumbenLs as lf Lhey would be covered Lhe under rules for conLesLed
prlmarles 1hls should produce overly hlgh esLlmaLes of Lhe new program's cosL

Second any cosL esLlmaLe wlll be senslLlve Lo Lhe number of donors assumed 1he Lable
Lherefore lncludes Lwo esLlmaLes of Lhe number of donors under one we calculaLe LhaL only
Lhe donors who gave ln 2010 conLlnue Lo glve under Lhe new sysLem 1hls produces a low
esLlmaLe for publlc fundlng 1he second assumes Lhe program's lncenLlves successfully brlng
new donors lnLo Lhe sysLem 1o puL a dollar flgure on Lhls we make Lhe opLlmlsLlc assumpLlon
LhaL each candldaLe doubles Lhe amounL she or he ralses from small donors

1ab|e 1 1he Cost of a ub||c Match|ng Iund System for New ork State L|ect|ons
lncludes Lhe lour?ear cosL for all SLaLewlde and LeglslaLlve CandldaLes

All candldaLes assumed Lo recelve publlc
funds up Lo Lhe maxlmum allowed for one
conLesLed elecLlon usually Lhe general
elecLlon ln addlLlon for prlmary elecLlons
Same Donors as
2010 Lower
Contr|but|on L|m|t
Same Donors |us Lach
Cand|date Doub|es the
Amount of Sma|| Donor
Money ka|sed
Assume h|gher pub||c fund|ng cap on|y for
those w|th two contests |n 2010

1oLal lour?ear ubllc lundlng CosL 100236704 13220S864
Average ubllc lundlng CosL per ?ear 2S0S9176 330S1466
Average per year per caplLa $129 $169
1reat every 2010 genera| e|ect|on
cand|date as |f |n a contested pr|mary

1oLal lour?ear ubllc lundlng CosL 11931S080 16S214488
Average ubllc lundlng CosL per ?ear 29828770 41303622
Average per year per caplLa $1S3 $212

1he above Lable shows Lhe Cll esLlmaLe under each of Lhe four scenarlos lf no new donors are
broughL lnLo Lhe sysLem Lhe cosL would be $2S mllllon $30 mllllon per year 1hls would
average Lo $129 $1S3 per person per year WlLh new donors Lhe cosL would be $33 mllllon
Lo $41 mllllon per year under Lhese more expenslve scenarlos Lherefore Lhe average cosL for
each of new ?ork's 19S mllllon resldenLs would be beLween $169 and $212 per year wlLh Lhe
hlgher flgure lncludlng generously opLlmlsLlc assumpLlons for boLh of Lhe key varlables


under Lhe SllverSampson blll candldaLes would lose some of Lhelr currenL money from blg
donors because Lhe conLrlbuLlon llmlLs would be lower 1hey would also galn money from Lhe
new publlc maLchlng funds lncumbenLs who are asked Lo voLe for such a program obvlously
would wanL Lo know wheLher comblnlng Lhe Lwo provlslons would leave Lhem wlLh less money
and Lherefore less able Lo compeLe As Lhe followlng summary Lable lndlcaLes almosL all
Assembly candldaLes would have ended up ahead wlLh publlc fundlng and lower conLrlbuLlon
llmlLs So would mosL SenaLe candldaLes buL Lhe number would have been senslLlve Lo Lhe blll's
speclflc provlslons

1he SllverSampson blll would have lmposed $2000 conLrlbuLlon llmlLs on any candldaLe for any
sLaLe offlce unless LhaL candldaLe was challenged ln a prlmary as well as runnlng ln Lhe general
elecLlon lor candldaLes faclng a prlmary challenge and Lhen runnlng ln Lhe general Lhe
conLrlbuLlon llmlL would have been $2000 per elecLlon or $4000 comblned 1he blll also would
have lmposed a llmlL on Lhe maxlmum amounL of funds a candldaLe could recelve 1haL llmlL
was $1S0000 per elecLlon for Lhe Assembly (or $300000 comblned for boLh elecLlons) and
$3S0000 for Lhe SenaLe (or $700000 comblned)

1he followlng Lable mlxes and maLches Lhe Lwo provlslons showlng how many candldaLes
would have been neL losers lf all candldaLes had operaLed under Lhe hlgher or lower
conLrlbuLlon llmlLs wlLh Lhe hlgher or lower publlc fundlng cap lL shows Lhe resulLs wlLh Lhe
acLual donors of 2010 and wlLh a doubllng of Lhe money from small donors

1ab|e 2 Number of 2010 Cand|dates Who Wou|d nave nad Less Money
W|th ub||c Match|ng Iunds and Lower Contr|but|on L|m|ts

52000 Contr|but|on L|m|t 54000 Contr|but|on L|m|t
1ota| #
Same Donors
More sma||
Same Donors
More sma||

$1S0000 cap 246 2 2 1 1
$300000 cap 246 2 2 1 1

$3S0000 cap 113 20 1S 4 4
$700000 cap 113 19 11 1 1

As Lhe Lable shows Lhe SllverSampson blll provldes adequaLe publlc funds Lo assure LhaL almosL
every candldaLe for Lhe Assembly would have ralsed aL leasL as much money by subsLlLuLlng
small donor maLchlng funds for large conLrlbuLlons 1he blll ls noL as flnely Luned for Lhe SenaLe
8y lmposlng Lhe same conLrlbuLlon llmlLs for all offlces Lhe blll would have abouL onequarLer of
all SenaLe lncumbenLs (13 uemocraLs and 3 8epubllcans) wlLh less money under Lhe proposed
sysLem Lhan under Lhe sLaLus quo MosL challengers and candldaLes for open seaLs would be

1o address Lhls Lhe blll's sponsors mlghL wanL Lo vary Lhe conLrlbuLlon llmlLs across offlces 1he
SllverSampson blll has Lhe same conLrlbuLlon llmlL for Assembly SenaLe and all sLaLewlde
offlces ln 201112 LhlrLeen sLaLes had Lhe same conLrlbuLlon llmlL for all offlces nlneLeen had
hlgher llmlLs for sLaLewlde offlclals and slx (lncludlng new ?ork) had dlfferenL llmlLs for
sLaLewlde offlce and each of Lhe Lwo leglslaLlve chambers (1welve sLaLes allowed unllmlLed
conLrlbuLlons) new ?ork's SenaLe dlsLrlcLs are approxlmaLely Lwlce as large as lLs Assembly
dlsLrlcLs Cne posslblllLy Lherefore mlghL be Lo make Lhe conLrlbuLlon llmlLs for Lhe SenaLe Lwlce
LhaL of Lhe Assembly's (1he SenaLe's currenL llmlL ls abouL 2S Llmes Lhe Assembly's A $4000
for Lhe SenaLe and a $2000 for Lhe Assembly would be abouL half of Lhe currenL llmlL for boLh
chambers) lf Lhe SenaLe's conLrlbuLlon llmlLs were $4000 almosL all SenaLe candldaLes would
flnd lL advanLageous Lo comblne Lhe new llmlLs wlLh small donor maLchlng funds


Append|x 1 Cand|dates for N State Senate |n 2010
Append|x 2 Cand|dates for N State Assemb|y |n 2010
Appendlces 1 and 2 show (a) Lhe amounL of Money Lach CandldaLe 8alsed ln 2010 (b) how
much each candldaLe would lose as a resulL of Lhe SllverSampson 8lll's conLrlbuLlon llmlLs
(c) how much new money each candldaLe would recelve from publlc maLchlng funds lf Lhe
donors who gave ln 2010 were Lo glve agaln and no new donors enLered Lhe sysLem
(d)how much each candldaLe would recelve from publlc maLchlng funds lf Lhe sysLem dld
brlng new donors lnLo Lhe sysLem (e) Lhe neL galn or loss Lo each candldaLe under Lhe Lwo
publlc maLchlng fund scenarlos as Lhey are ln Lhe SllverSampson blll and (f) for SenaLe
candldaLes Lhe neL galn or loss wlLh hlgher conLrlbuLlon llmlLs and/or hlgher publlc fundlng

1he LoLal publlc fundlng cosL ln 1able 1 above ls derlved by addlng Lhe funds for publlc
fundlng for each lndlvldual candldaLe for sLaLewlde offlce as well as for Lhe Assembly and

1be compolqo lloooce lostltote ls o ooopottlsoo oooptoflt teseotcb lostltote
5totemeots of tbe compolqo lloooce lostltote ooJ lts 1osk lotces Jo oot
oecessotlly teflect tbe vlews of clls 1tostees ot floooclol soppottets

# 30 #
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars Same
Donors (3S0k
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th New
Donors (3S0k
Do||ars |ost
L|m|ts (2k)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (No New
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
A|ternat|ve 1 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
L|m|ts 700k cap
(No New Donors)
A|ternat|ve 2 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
Contr|but|on L|m|ts
3S0k cap (No New
A|ternat|ve 3 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 2k
Contr|but|on L|m|t
700 k cap (No New
MAL81Z !LnnllL8 ! 1 u C L C 24290 30228 49128 7S00 22728 41628 26078 26078 22728
LAvALLL kLnnL1P 1 8 C W l 279209 220344 319944 64S2S 1SS819 2SS419 227944 227944 1SS819
8L8nS1Lln l8A L 2 u C L C 2S1S 10890 20790 10890 20790 10890 10890 10890
lLAnACAn !CPn ! 2 8 C W l 24S96S 1S1404 197604 414S0 1099S4 1S61S4 1S80S4 1S80S4 1099S4
lCLL? 88lAn x 3 u C L l 1002473 314934 3S0000 229838 8S096 120162 244469 22S98S 8S096
ZLLuln LLL 3 8 C W C 1037220 3S0000 3S0000 31422S 3S77S 3S77S 336198 1710S0 137023
!CPnSCn CWLn P 4 8 C W C 7447S 601S0 781S0 62S0 S3900 71900 669S0 669S0 S3900
SlLvL8MAn LAW8LnCL P S 8 C L C 4614S 96288 136188 96288 136188 10S288 10S288 96288
MA8CLLLlnC CA8L L S 8 C W l 228649 137040 180840 48800 88240 132040 13S840 13S840 88240
CA8LCW l8AnCLSCA 6 u C L C 103867 109S06 149706 14166 9S340 13SS40 118611 118611 9S340
ML!lAS uAvlu L 6 u C 1SS879 67290 10S990 727SS (S46S) 3323S 3938S 3938S (S46S)
PAnnCn kLM 6 8 C W l 41SS41 2S3248 324648 124468 128780 200180 234198 234198 128780
!CPnSCn C8AlC M 7 u C L l 17S048S 3S0000 3S0000 737174 (387174) (387174) 11996S (94911) (283448)
MA81lnS !ACk M 7 8 C W C 712088 3S0000 3S0000 107830 242170 242170 38SS3S 29027S 279380
CC8uCn CA8CL A 8 u C L C S270 14868 2S668 14868 2S668 1S318 1S318 14868
luSCPlLLC !8 CPA8LLS ! 8 8 C W l 43841S 81606 106S06 147737 (66131) (41231) 36669 36669 (66131)
SAvA CLC8CL S 9 u C L C 24379 S7282 83082 S7282 83082 63132 63132 S7282
SkLLCS uLAn C 9 8 C W l 11774SS 26S488 341688 S07946 (2424S8) (1662S8) 70713 70713 (2424S8)
Pun1LL? SPl8LL? L 10 u C W l 421308 3S0000 3S0000 111792 238208 238208 372348 29SSS0 2812S6
AvLLLA 1Cn? 11 u C W C 461440 197064 308064 109243 87821 198821 148471 148471 87821
AuAvAn l8Ank 11 8 C L l S43867 3S0000 3S0000 80038 269962 269962 437932 317412 321632
ClAnA8lS MlCPALL n 12 u C W C 470962 1794S4 24S1S4 119900 S9SS4 12S2S4 1S92S4 1S92S4 S9SS4
1lnA !8 !L8CML A18lCk 12 8 C L C 9733 2S728 39828 2S728 39828 27078 27078 2S728
L8AL1A !CSL 8 13 u C W l 283269 S3970 77370 94800 (40830) (17430) 19720 19720 (40830)
LASALLL 8lCPA8u 13 8 C L C 78733 19830 33030 6400 13430 26630 20080 20080 13430
SMl1P MALCCLM A 14 u C W l 1070119 218682 340782 411733 (1930S1) (709S1) 7S324 7S324 (1930S1)
AuuA88C !8 !CSLP 1S u C W l 396892 172422 237822 907S0 81672 147072 160172 160172 81672
CCMC An1PCn? 1S 8 C L C S69729 196332 289332 127S00 68832 161832 146082 146082 68832
S1AvlSk? 1C8? Ann 16 u C W l 3684SS 69930 91830 1S24S1 (82S21) (60621) S310 S310 (82S21)
SCPWA81Z 8C8L81 16 l C 1420 4770 7470 4770 7470 S220 S220 4770
MALAvLulLAn MA81ln 17 u C W l 300966 337S0 44SS0 77300 (43SS0) (327S0) 106S0 106S0 (43SS0)
MCn1CCML8? vLLMAnL11L 18 u C W l 142739 1727S8 2648S8 4S6S0 127108 219208 1S11S8 1S11S8 127108
WC8u LACuAn C 18 8 C L C 23S0 2SS0 40S0 2SS0 40S0 3000 3000 2SS0
SAMSCn !CPn L 19 u C W l 2SSS143 3S0000 3S0000 1179769 (829769) (829769) 7322S (27677S) (S48269)
AuAMS L8lC L 20 u C W l 763319 2148S4 3003S4 28SS80 (70726) 14774 112686 112686 (70726)
A8kL8 kLvln S 21 u C W l 401319 2179S0 3031S0 141S21 76429 161629 181660 181660 76429
ulSAn1C MlCPALL 22 u C L C 137S4 S8866 109266 S8866 109266 60666 60666 S8866
CCLuLn MA81ln ! 22 8 C W l 81S7S4 337230 3S0000 28S3S0 S1880 646S0 29S780 221700 S1880
SAvlnC ulAnL ! 23 u C W l 441861 140S26 208026 1643S0 (23824) 43676 7S026 7S026 (23824)
LAnZA Anu8LW ! 24 8 C W l 243020 1S64S0 2224S0 S891S 97S3S 163S3S 1S638S 1S638S 97S3S
SCuAu8Cn uAnlLL 2S u C W l 321278 3S0000 3S0000 8S900 264100 264100 S10S88 31SS00 380888
k8uLCL8 LlZ 26 u C W l S71643 3S0000 3S0000 174390 17S610 17S610 447004 238110 28S9S4
lA88L8 SAuL ! 26 8 C L C 102S81 94SS4 1299S4 273S0 67204 102604 9S604 9S604 67204
k8uCL8 CA8L 27 u C W l 1331223 213060 272460 S22979 (309919) (2S0S19) 232S3 232S3 (309919)
SL88AnC !CSL M 28 u C W l 2S919 2214 3414 12400 (10186) (8986) (7286) (7286) (10186)
uuAnL 1PCMAS k 29 u C W l 4S9748 303204 3S0000 123384 179820 226616 288979 28762S 179820
L8klnS 8lLL 30 u C W l 30S236 3S0000 3S0000 811S0 2688S0 2688S0 380020 3112S0 30S670
LSAlLLA1 Au8lAnC 31 u C W C 49S073 233268 346368 144661 88607 201707 22S4S7 22S4S7 88607
ulAZ S8 8u8Ln 32 u C W l 313794 123312 161412 110820 12492 S0S92 87642 87642 12492
8lvL8A ! CuS1AvC 33 u C W C 387089 328332 3S0000 141993 186339 208007 29S832 272S00 186339
Senate 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct arty
Append|x 1 2010 New ork State Senate Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars Same
Donors (3S0k
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th New
Donors (3S0k
Do||ars |ost
L|m|ts (2k)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (No New
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
A|ternat|ve 1 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
L|m|ts 700k cap
(No New Donors)
A|ternat|ve 2 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
Contr|but|on L|m|ts
3S0k cap (No New
A|ternat|ve 3 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 2k
Contr|but|on L|m|t
700 k cap (No New
Donors) Senate 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct arty
Append|x 1 2010 New ork State Senate Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
vL8nuCClC !8 l8Ank v 34 u C L C 2SS48 34S00 S3700 34S00 S3700 376S0 376S0 34S00
kLLln !Lll8L? u 34 u C W l 1892746 3S0000 3S0000 7421S0 (3921S0) (3921S0) 1838S0 (3S400) (307900)
S1LWA81CCuSlnS Anu8LA 3S u C W l 478624 348S76 3S0000 1S4668 193908 19S332 318491 26906S 193908
MCLAuCPLln LlAM ! 3S 8 C L C 393S61 1S0690 218790 60000 90690 1S8790 133890 133890 90690
PASSLLL1PCMSCn 8u1P 36 u C W l 312078 2S2936 349236 86960 16S976 262276 237336 237336 16S976
CLnPLlML8 SuZl 37 u C W l 87011S 247860 340260 1S9160 88700 181100 228060 228060 88700
CCPLn 8C8 37 8 C L C 109021S 3S0000 3S0000 4186S0 (686S0) (686S0) 149S10 71S00 (6S790)
CA8LuCCl uAvlu S 38 u C W C S62S8S 23S410 3S0000 132999 102411 217001 174361 174361 102411
vAnuL8PCLl C SCC11 38 8 C L C S01034 184S48 273348 144498 400S0 1288S0 108848 108848 400S0
uCLLS lll PA8LL? L 39 u C L C 77469 30012 62412 2S424 4S88 36988 27662 27662 4S88
LA8kln !8 WlLLlLAM ! 39 8 C W l 2S7036 94614 1S9414 S3240 41374 106174 84844 84844 41374
kALCWl1Z MlCPALL 8 40 u C L C 70S638 3S0000 3S0000 130997 219003 219003 468S48 269128 3S6773
Mu8P? MA8? 8L1P 40 l C 226717 111744 1S4644 S4072 S7672 100S72 102694 102694 S7672
8ALL C8LC 40 8 C W C 1047901 S3S698 700000 26S26S 270433 43473S 3S6383 8473S 270433
8A88L11 ulul 41 u C L C 398048 3S0000 3S0000 9S74S 2S42SS 2S42SS 647600 297600 S34S61
SALAnu S1LPLn M 41 8 C W l 478974 169446 261246 129800 39646 131446 148446 148446 39646
SACL8 uAvlu A 42 u C L C 8116S 146214 236214 277S0 118464 208464 137314 137314 118464
8CnAClC !CPn ! 42 8 C W l 3S0809 262626 3S0000 87730 174896 262270 2S3266 2S3266 174896
?LSLn !CAnnL u 43 u C L C 312193 287988 3S0000 S1818 236170 298182 298420 298420 236170
MCuCnALu 8C? 43 8 C W l 413201 162900 321600 146044 168S6 17SSS6 118710 118710 168S6
SAvACL SuSAn L 44 u C L C 4612S4 2S8474 402174 S2000 206474 3S0174 23S724 23S724 206474
lA8LL? PuCP 1 44 8 C W l 203344 172464 274764 9700 162764 26S064 189314 189314 162764
Ll11LL LLlZA8L1P C C 4S 8 C W l 224197 92SS6 2242S6 26317 66239 197939 1061S6 1061S6 66239
88LSLln nLlL u 46 u C W l S7S167 188736 287136 172478 162S8 1146S8 129208 129208 162S8
CA8L? MlCPALL ! 46 l C 37076 22470 34470 16207 6263 18263 9163 9163 6263
uCMLnlCl 8C8L81 L 46 8 C L C 1S76S2 S97S4 897S4 S97S4 897S4 62904 62904 S97S4
AvLLCCk MA8lA 47 u C S3981 34092 S2692 3000 31092 49692 34892 34892 31092
PLnnLSS? MlCPALL ! 47 u C L C 7134S 38004 79104 38004 79104 429S4 429S4 38004
C8lllC !CSLP A 47 8 C W l 23619S 2S3788 3S0000 S22S0 201S38 2977S0 260688 260688 201S38
Au8L81lnL uA88LL ! 48 u C L l 1109828 123288 194388 1SS29S (32007) 39093 48S33 48S33 (32007)
8l1CPlL A18lClA A 48 8 C W C 780687 97260 1S4860 149967 (S2707) 4893 32360 32360 (S2707)
vALLSk? uAvlu ! 49 u C W l 10S2791 3S0000 3S0000 42804S (7804S) (7804S) 1S4968 89000 (77327)
8uSSC Anu8LW 49 8 C L C S87383 298008 388608 103986 194022 284622 244872 244872 194022
!C? kA1PLLLn S0 u C L C 3S37S 60762 111462 60762 111462 67962 67962 60762
uLl8AnClSCC !CPn A S0 8 C W l 2469S4 1SS6S8 2246S8 SS29S 100363 169363 148213 148213 100363
SLWA8u !AMLS L S1 8 C W l 263S09 204984 3S0000 43410 161S74 306S90 218714 218714 161S74
C8ZLL !CPn S2 u C L C 2813S 84042 164442 84042 164442 88092 88092 84042
Ll8CuS 1PCMAS W S2 8 C W l 98294S 276000 3S0000 3S9288 (83288) (9288) 193137 186137 (83288)
MACkLSL? AMLLA S3 u C L C 9S602 1S1140 284940 14S00 136640 270440 160740 160740 136640
CMA8A 1PCMAS l S3 8 C W C 284821 239400 333900 207S0 2186S0 3131S0 2618S0 2618S0 2186S0
CSPLA LuWA8u ! S4 u C L C 13392 27078 48378 S00 26S78 47878 29778 29778 26S78
nCZZCLlC MlCPALL l S4 8 C W l 404766 292SS4 3S0000 1217S0 170804 2282S0 277404 277404 170804
WlLMC1 MA8? SS u C L C 714S38 238338 330438 13319S 10S143 197243 202243 202243 10S143
ALLSl !AMLS S SS 8 C W l 798S73 14S728 188028 1217S0 23978 66278 123428 123428 23978
WlL1 8C8ln S6 u C L C 4S666 90744 1S6144 7S00 83244 148644 92894 92894 83244
8C8ACP !CSLP L S6 8 C W l 223487 60SS2 1097S2 38600 219S2 711S2 62902 62902 219S2
MCCC8MlCk MlCPALL ! S7 u C L C 919S 82S0 118S0 82S0 118S0 9600 9600 82S0
?CunC CA1PA8lnL M S7 8 C W l 237241 142920 291420 47470 9S4S0 2439S0 138360 138360 9S4S0
kLnnLu? 1lM S8 u C W C 101S890 3S0000 3S0000 316S40 33460 33460 393607 140343 206624
S1ACPCWSkl WlLLlAM 1 S8 l l 462799 238692 3S0000 80187 1S8S0S 269813 2S6S78 2S6S78 1S8S0S
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars Same
Donors (3S0k
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th New
Donors (3S0k
Do||ars |ost
L|m|ts (2k)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (No New
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
A|ternat|ve 1 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
L|m|ts 700k cap
(No New Donors)
A|ternat|ve 2 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 4k
Contr|but|on L|m|ts
3S0k cap (No New
A|ternat|ve 3 Net
Ga|n (or Loss) 2k
Contr|but|on L|m|t
700 k cap (No New
Donors) Senate 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct arty
Append|x 1 2010 New ork State Senate Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
Culnn !ACk S8 8 C L C 1116218 3S0000 3S0000 446249 (96249) (96249) 277294 8S392 11S03
ALL1Cn C?n1PlA M S9 u C L C 44S16 S3706 106206 1000 S2706 10S206 604S6 604S6 S2706
ullL18C uAvlu ! S9 l C 223S3 27348 112848 27348 112848 29148 29148 27348
uCMACALSkl !AMLS S9 l C 234648 3S0000 3S0000 37473 312S27 312S27 476S96 329100 388923
CALLlvAn A18lCk M S9 8 C W C 20S8S9 197988 31SS88 18140 179848 297448 20S948 20S948 179848
CCCLA ALl8Lu 1 60 u C 381S9 139S6 274S6 2914 11042 24S42 13042 13042 11042
ALLLn 8C8? 60 u C 4008S 38178 100278 12944 2S234 87334 31834 31834 2S234
1PCMSCn An1ClnL M 60 u C W l 7400S9 343914 S27214 19S60S 148309 331609 2036S9 1S439S 148309
C8lSAn1l MA8k ! 60 8 C L C 34341 S47S0 8S0S0 1S00 S32S0 83SS0 S9700 S9700 S32S0
CCCLA MA8C A 61 u C L C 48217 34278 110478 3S00 30778 106978 3S978 3S978 30778
8AnZLnPClL8 MlCPALL P 61 8 C W l 403S24 324S82 463482 66069 2S8S13 397413 308013 283931 2S8S13
Wl18?CL AM? PCL 62 u C L C 32973 38SS6 922S6 S00 380S6 917S6 39906 39906 380S6
MAZlA8Z CLC8CL u 62 8 C W l S6116S 276102 3S0000 144248 1318S4 20S7S2 243921 243921 1318S4
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
ALLSSl MA8C S 1 u C L l 279014 1S0000 1S0000 26604 123396 123396
LCSCuAu8C uAnlLL 1 8 C W C 102388 63930 88830 23270 40660 6SS60
8LuMLn1PAL 8lCPA8u A 2 u C L C 3S4S 1200 1800 1200 1800
1PlLLL !8 l8Lu W 2 8 C W l S3447 122730 1S0000 S0S9 117671 144941
CALA8CC 8C8L81 1 3 u C L C 8744S 69144 11S044 7200 61944 107844
Mu88A? L uLAn 3 8 C W l 689S8 36096 SS896 3000 33096 S2896
LnCLL88lCP1 S1LvLn 4 u C W l S617S S4996 90096 6900 48096 83196
MCkLL uL8C8AP ! 4 8 C L C 20400 23340 43140 1800 21S40 41340
llLLuS Clnn? S u l 11922S 1S0000 1S0000 8070 141930 141930
MAnCAn kLnnL1P ! S u C L C 8S78S 7S870 10S870 10872 64998 94998
C8Al ALl8Lu C S 8 C W C 41612 72684 116784 1107 71S77 11S677
8AMCS PlLl 8 6 u C W l 39490 40140 S8140 3900 36240 S4240
LLSA?Lu MCPSLn A 6 8 C L C 222S 6300 9600 6300 9600
MACLLLA8C 8lCPA8u S 7 u C L C 6490 19164 29964 19164 29964
ll1ZA18lCk MlCPALL ! 7 8 C W l 26640 S7090 80190 7S0 S6340 79440
8C?LL PlLLl M 8 8 C W l 31031 49230 69030 3376 4S8S4 6S6S4
8AlA Anu8LW 9 8 C W l 101271 1221S4 1S0000 S744 116410 1442S6
CAC8lAnCC !CPn 10 u C L C 2S99 9288 18288 9288 18288
CCn1L !AMLS u 10 8 C W l 442S0 808S0 1108S0 808S0 1108S0
SWLLnL? 8C8L81 k 11 u C W l 89830 190S0 2S9S0 133SS S69S 12S9S
SALAulnC !CSLP S 12 8 C W l S2921 68SS0 934S0 1800 667S0 916S0
LAvlnL CPA8LLS u 13 u C W l 1SS399 1S0000 1S0000 88S0 1411S0 1411S0
CL8MlnC !8 8C8L81 A 13 8 C L C 21079 S2008 80S08 S2008 80S08
1PCMAS uL8MCnu 14 u C L C 49330 127122 1S0000 127122 1S0000
Cu88An 88lAn l 14 8 C W C 3SSS6 79392 1S0000 79392 1S0000
PA81 LLCn 1S u C L C 1SS0 43S0 S8S0 43S0 S8S0
MCn1LSAnC MlCPALL A 1S 8 C W l 33940 67170 9S970 S00 66670 9S470
SCPlMLL MlCPLLLL 16 u C W l 140776 1S0000 1S0000 1337S 13662S 13662S
ulAMCnu SCC11 u 16 8 C L C 2823 9786 14286 9786 14286
uLvAnL? 1PCMAS ! 17 u C L C 2630S S2230 71430 2000 S0230 69430
MCkLvl11 1PCMAS 17 8 C W l 3S861 81216 120S16 1800 79416 118716
PCCL8 LA8LLnL PlLL 18 u C W l 4S739 67836 96036 2S00 6S336 93S36
A81LL uL8Lk L 18 8 C L C S467 13968 23S68 293 1367S 2327S
88CCkS !CPn L 19 u C L C 16132 30S22 40722 4S00 26022 36222
MCuCnCuCP uAvlu C 19 8 C W l 6990S 79884 114384 2200 77684 112184
WLlSLn8L8C PA8vL? 20 u C W l 1S0749 139038 1S0000 283S0 110688 1216S0
nlCCLCSl A18lCk 21 u C L C 13480 20430 31S30 S00 19930 31030
!CPnSCn MlMl lL88L 21 l C L C 1S663 2S0S0 382S0 30S0 22000 3S200
8A LuWA8u 21 8 C W C 7111S 1S0000 1S0000 22S0 1477S0 1477S0
MLnC C8ACL 22 u C W l 463437 1S0000 1S0000 97963 S2037 S2037
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
PLllL8 Auu8L? l 23 u C W l 128439 8S7S8 1199S8 SSS0 80208 114408
ALZ PA8CLu 23 8 C L C 10070 301S0 493S0 301S0 493S0
WL8ln uAvlu l 24 u C W l 2104S4 1S0000 1S0000 36061 113939 113939
l8lLu8lCP 8C8 24 u C S1200 109644 1S0000 8000 101644 142000
LAnCMAn 8C8? l 2S u C W l 72714 376S0 47SS0 2300 3S3S0 4S2S0
88AunS1Lln LuWA8u C 26 u C W C 249842 137742 1S0000 72300 6S442 77700
1A8CnL vlnCLn1 ! 26 8 C L C 132823 1S0000 1S0000 SSS0 1444S0 1444S0
MA?L8SCPn nL11lL 27 u C W l 27649 26694 3S394 26694 3S394
PLvLSl Anu8LW u 28 u C W l 102472 4SS88 63S88 11S00 34088 S2088
1l8ACC !CSLP L 28 l C L C 2180S
CWlL18Z?nSkl ALLkSAnuL8 28 8 C L C 9646 33486 S2086 33486 S2086
SCA88C8CuCP 8lLL 29 u C W l 4249S 71280 102180 800 70480 101380
MA8kL? MA8CA8L1 M 30 u C W l 4633S 41310 S9010 4300 37010 S4710
1l1uS MlCPLLL 8 31 u C W l 9840 24240 3S640 24240 3S640
CCCk vlvlAn L 32 u C W l S2S0
CLA8k 8A88A8A M 33 u C W l 3602S 70800 100200 3300 67S00 96900
uLnuLkkL8 MlCPALL C 34 u C W l 9S819 99240 144240 12600 86640 131640
Au88? !Lll8lCn L 3S u C W l 1S9812 914S2 141SS2 2S067 6638S 11648S
SlMC1AS A8AvLLLA 36 l C W C 20817S 1S0000 1S0000 19800 130200 130200
nCLAn CA1PL8lnL 37 u C W l 14S304 142116 1S0000 13400 128716 136600
WlLSCn !CPn kLvln 37 8 C L C 393S 16188 23388 16188 23388
MlLLL8 MlCPALL 38 u C W l 90831 73S36 102636 177S0 SS786 84886
CAL1A8lAnC uCnnA MA8lL 38 8 C L C 4119S S0166 100S66 33S 49831 100231
MC?A l8AnClSCC 39 u C W C 236948 1S0000 1S0000 S3SS0 964S0 964S0
8A88Cn lnLZ u 40 u C W l 3S10 7260 12960 7260 12960
WLlnS1Lln PLLLnL L 41 u C W l 70116 11400 14100 3800 7600 10300
!ACC8S 8PCuA S 42 u C W l 77246 76S36 104436 6SS0 69986 97886
CAMA8A kA8lM 43 u C W l 21370 27204 46704 2S00 24704 44204
88LnnAn !AMLS l 44 u C W l 63423 129396 1S0000 2800 126S96 147200
C?M88CWl1Z S1LvLn 4S u C W l 119633 7S4S0 9S8S0 180S0 S7400 77800
PA?Cn !CSLP 4S 8 C L C 1S1S S490 9090 S490 9090
88CCkk8ASn? ALLC 46 u C W l 1S1914 123720 1S0000 39200 84S20 110800
CCL1Cn WlLLlAM 47 u C W l 126924 133602 1S0000 13710 119892 136290
CA88C P?LLlS 47 8 C L C S060 24360 49260 24360 49260
Plklnu uCv 48 u C W l 234444 127134 1S0000 34300 92834 11S700
uCPL81? 88lAn 1 48 8 C L C 2323 12288 20088 12288 20088
A88A1L L1L8 ! 49 u C W l 286887 117744 1S0000 409S0 76794 1090S0
Cl8lAnC L1L8 49 8 C L C 33323 92S74 136074 92S74 136074
LLn1CL !CSLP 8 S0 u C W l 1310S9 4SS04 6S304 12400 33104 S2904
C81lZ lLLlx W S1 u C W l 78S26 4S4S0 S89S0 6S00 389S0 S24S0
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
MlLLMAn !CAn L S2 u C W l 94614 1S0000 1S0000 7S7S 14242S 14242S
LCLZ vl1C ! S3 u C W l 4S1S14 141804 1S0000 80899 6090S 69101
1CWnS uA88?L C S4 u C W l 18S096 134718 1S0000 1S2S0 119468 1347S0
8C?LAnu WlLLlAM l !8 SS u C W l 309S0 49200 63600 40S0 4S1S0 S9SS0
8C8lnSCn AnnL11L M S6 u C W l 231S S340 8340 S340 8340
!Lll8lLS PAkLLM S S7 u C W l 173127 1S0000 1S0000 33176 116824 116824
L88? n nlCk S8 u C W l 139491 1S0000 1S0000 694S 1430SS 1430SS
MAlSLL ALAn n S9 u C W l S3193 92712 136S12 61S0 86S62 130362
P?L8SLnCL8 u !AnLLL 60 u C L l 198447 147042 1S0000 21800 12S242 128200
MALLlC1AklS nlCCLL 60 8 C W C 1217S2 1S0000 1S0000 81S0 1418S0 1418S0
1l1CnL MA11PLW ! 61 u C W l 70878 132942 1S0000 1000 131942 149000
AL8AnLSL AL8L81 ! 62 u C L C 1088S 30732 S0832 30732 S0832
1C8ACCC LCu 62 8 C W l S3762 10S780 144180 S00 10S280 143680
CuSlCk MlCPALL ! 63 u C W l 161663 1S0000 1S0000 10S30 139470 139470
AnZLLLA uAnn? 63 l C L C 1S9S 6120 12120 6120 12120
SlLvL8 SPLLuCn 64 u C W l S81744 76986 100986 126000 (49014) (2S014)
kLLLnL8 MlCAP Z 6S u C W l 133994 1S0000 1S0000 8300 141700 141700
ZuM8LuSkuS MlCPALL 6S 8 C L C 4747 14298 23S98 14298 23S98
CLlCk uL8C8AP 66 u C W l 12S800 1S0000 1S0000 1172S 13827S 13827S
8CSLn1PAL LlnuA 8 67 u C W l 69100 102900 138600 8200 94700 130400
8Cu8lCuLZ 8C8L81 ! 68 u C W C 148436 1S0000 1S0000 26700 123300 123300
8ulZ !CPn 68 l C L C 121480 24300 3S700 7200 17100 28S00
CuCnnLLL uAnlLL ! 69 u C W l 61649 S20S0 703S0 12600 394S0 S77S0
W8lCP1 kLl1P L1 70 u C W l 101S47 30444 47244 12S00 17944 34744
lA88LLL !8 PL8MAn u 71 u C W l 281008 S6910 73110 4S600 11310 27S10
LlnA8LS CulLLL8MC 72 u C W C 84081 126930 169S30 16426 110S04 1S3104
8uSSC uAn 72 8 C L C
8lnC !CnA1PAn L 73 u C W l S1S199 1S0000 1S0000 107444 42SS6 42SS6
LunuAPL C8LCC8? ! 73 l C L C 63368 1S0000 1S0000 3600 146400 146400
nlLPAuS AuL 73 8 C L C 91403 149718 1S0000 11000 138718 139000
kAvAnACP 88lAn 74 u C W l 167669 1S0000 1S0000 31893 118107 118107
CC11l8lLu 8lCPA8u n 7S u C W l 2190S8 1S0000 1S0000 3747S 112S2S 112S2S
8lvL8A L1L8 M 76 u C W l 9S800 769S0 1186S0 S800 711S0 1128S0
nLS1LL8 WAL1L8 76 l C L C 3084 121S0 217S0 121S0 217S0
Cl8SCn vAnLSSA L 77 u C W l 43100 3S160 49260 1S40 33620 47720
8lvL8A !CSL 78 u C W l 14800 1S00 1800 2300 (800) (S00)
S1LvLnSCn L8lC 79 u C W C S4862 49068 68868 2600 46468 66268
8lvL8A nACMl 80 u C W l 2847S 1S300 19800 2S00 12800 17300
ulnCWl1Z !Lll8L? 81 u C W l 86433 113226 1S0000 4800 108426 14S200
MCLAuCPLln !CSLP 81 8 C L C 472S 14400 19800 14400 19800
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
8LnLuL11C MlCPALL 8 82 u C W l 14S843 1118S8 1S0000 S7200 S46S8 92800
8LnulnC MlCPALL 82 8 C L C 27S41 21S28 86028 3000 18S28 83028
PLAS1lL CA8L L 83 u C W l 19S637 48102 78702 26608 21494 S2094
A88C?C CA8MLn L 84 u C W l 10230 17160 22S60 17160 22S60
C8LSC MA8CCS A 8S u C W l 4224S 142S0 187S0 2300 119S0 164S0
CAS18C nLLSCn L 86 u C W l 2S80 1230 2430 1230 2430
8AMl8LZ PLC1C8 86 l C L C 79888 79368 148668 8720 70648 139948
8L1LCW ! CA8? 87 u C W l 99840 18174 32S74 14400 3774 18174
8lvL8S SAMuLL L 87 u C 6200 2100 2700 S00 1600 2200
AuLln AM? 8 88 u C W l 237488 1S0000 1S0000 16400 133600 133600
A1A?An 8LnL 88 8 C L C SS240 90180 121680 1S300 74880 106380
8CACP !8 1PCMAS M 89 u C L C 94906 1S0000 1S0000 13226 136774 136774
CAS1LLLl 8C8L81 ! 89 8 C W l 14616S 107316 143316 6000 101316 137316
CALLl SAnu? 8 90 u C W l S1832 1S0000 1S0000 1S0000 1S0000
CCuLuMAn WlLLlAM ! 90 8 C L C 13S80 29220 44220 1S00 27720 42720
LA1lML8 CLC8CL S 91 u C W l 12S099 1S0000 1S0000 1800 148200 148200
8LLu 8lLL 91 8 C L C 184S 3300 4800 3300 4800
A8lnAn1l 1PCMAS ! 92 u C W C 122069 91794 1S0000 S28S0 38944 971S0
8CCk 1PCMAS ! 92 8 C L C 1834 3192 6492 3192 6492
8AMCnuLLLl MlkL 93 8 C L C 78260 78942 127842 4600 74342 123242
SAnC MlkL 93 8 C W l 182968 1237S0 1S0000 24S73 99177 12S427
ZL88CWSkl kLnnL1P 94 u C W l 92437 S62S6 1483S6 14S28 41728 133828
!AllLL LLLLn C 9S u C W l 6994S 119706 1S0000 1800 117906 148200
uCnnL8? 8CxAnnL 96 u C L C 200368 S9076 118476 2S3 S8823 118223
CALPCun nAnC? 96 8 C W l 114278 S2020 124620 4000 48020 120620
kLMnl1Z M?8nA 97 u C L C 20629 36678 S1678 2300 34378 49378
8A88l11 Ann C 97 8 C W l 63170 40932 109932 SS2S 3S407 104407
Cun1PL8 AlLLLn M 98 u C W l S7784 47388 80688 40S0 43338 76638
1uLL? 88LnuAn ! 99 u C L C 34429 107S44 1S0000 2300 10S244 147700
8C8kCWSkl !lM 99 l C L C S69S0 1S1S0 196S0 1S00 136S0 181S0
kA1Z S1LvL 99 8 C W C 198094 31494 46194 31494 46194
SkA81AuCS l8Ank k 100 u C L l 111209 S4702 8S602 8863 4S839 76739
kl8WAn 1PCMAS ! 100 8 C W C 26779 29184 S0784 900 28284 49884
CAPlLL kLvln A 101 u C W l 1S0S41 S8S78 134778 13049 4SS29 121729
8CCnL? L1L8 L 101 8 C L C 269000
kCCCn AL?SSA 102 u C L C 13667 30624 S7324 30624 S7324
MlLLL8 !CLL M 102 8 C W l S7S00 60108 87708 361S S6493 84093
1CCkL8 SuSAn 103 u C L C 2646 2100 3300 2100 3300
MCLlnA8C MA8CuS ! 103 8 C W l 160S61 1S0000 1S0000 9970 140030 140030
MCLnLn? !CPn ! 104 u C W l 3893S 41304 86904 1800 39S04 8S104
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
8uSCP uL8C8AP M 104 8 C L C 19S33 27792 48192 S620 22172 42S72
SAn1A8A88A8A AnCLLC L 10S u C L C S4920 16S24 31S24 11600 4924 19924
AMLuC8L !8 CLC8CL A 10S 8 C W l 130263 8S680 1S0000 12S0 84430 1487S0
A8lSl CL8A8u l 10S 8 C 96S6 76S0 94S0 S7S 707S 887S
CAnLS18A8l 8CnALu ! 106 u C W l 166172 38682 48S82 12400 26282 36182
C8CuCP CLlllC8u W 107 8 C W l 100710 96S94 1S0000 1499S 81S99 13S00S
CC8uCn 1lMC1P? 108 u C L l 438746 S4384 138684 79S3 46431 130731
MCLAuCPLln S1LvL 108 8 C W C 108S82 113964 1S0000 118S0 102114 1381S0
8LlLL? 8C8L81 109 u C W l 22498S 83448 1S0000 840S 7S043 141S9S
WPALLn !LnnllL8 A 109 8 C L C 133069 1S0000 1S0000 1S0000 1S0000
WPALLn !AMLS M 109 8 C 13799 373S6 S41S6 373S6 S41S6
kL8AMA1l 8k 110 u C L C 33412 68112 10S012 1800 66312 103212
1LulSCC !AMLS n 110 8 C W l 11S069 80970 1S0000 2010 78960 147990
MACLL 8lLL 111 u C W l 119778 10S234 1S0000 210S0 84184 1289S0
8A8CA8CS 8lCk 111 8 C L C 30644 43134 63234 43134 63234
SkLLLL SPAWn L 111 8 C 46S0 14700 21600 14700 21600
!C8uAn 1Cn? 112 8 C W l 42074 31968 71S68 27S0 29218 68818
SA?WA8u 1L8LSA 8 113 8 C W l S3779 7SS70 116670 2000 73S70 114670
!CPnSCn 8uu? 114 u C L C 16273 13608 21408 13608 21408
klMMLL uAvlu ! 114 l C L C 20496 22746 47346 3S89 191S7 437S7
uu8L? !AnL1 L 114 8 C W l 12962S 1S0000 1S0000 18300 131700 131700
!CSLP CLC8CL L 11S 8 C 97739 77S20 132720 177 77343 132S43
1LnnL? CLAuulA 11S 8 C W C 82764 1108S6 1S0000 1108S6 1S0000
uLS1l1C 8CAnn M 116 u C W l 169936 101694 1S0000 S32S 96369 14467S
!CPnSCn C8LCC8? ! 116 8 C L C 26348 33300 82S00 1280 32020 81220
8u1LL8 MA8C W 117 8 C W l 39946 48066 126366 48066 126366
8uSSLLL AuulL !LnnL 118 u C W l 913S4 40698 74S98 11200 29498 63398
lC8S?1PL uAvlu W 118 8 C L C 80924 27294 46194 S800 21494 40394
8C8L81S SAM 119 u C W C 11663S 88644 1S0000 14200 74444 13S800
ll1CP CP8lS1lnA M 119 l C L C 12827 9960 1S960 3600 6360 12360
uCnnLLL? MlCPALL l 119 l C L C 3386 3132 4932 1000 2132 3932
SPA8Cn !CPn W 119 8 C L C 2S9S3 96330 14S830 96330 14S830
MACnA8LLLl WlLLlAM 8 120 u C W l 187S89 1S0000 1S0000 14700 13S300 13S300
Cu? 8lCk 120 8 C L C 67712 89088 122388 9700 79388 112688
S1l8L AL 121 u C L l 321726 82764 119064 14SS2 68212 104S12
MlLLL8 uCnALu 8 121 8 C W C 78216 S4780 82980 9700 4S080 73280
MCC8A1P 88lAn S 122 u C L C 209829 8S188 132S88 3600 81S88 128988
8LAnkLn8uSP kLnnL1P u 122 8 C W C 87968 69666 119166 2100 67S66 117066
llnCP CA8? u 123 8 C W l 92497 84870 114870 617S 7869S 10869S
8A8CLA? WlLLlAM A 124 8 C W l 241792 372S4 S91S4 41S0 33104 SS004
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
Lll1Cn 8A88A8A S 12S u C W l 47246 103S30 1S0000 3600 99930 146400
8L?nCLuS 1PCMAS A 12S 8 C L C 18969 30180 S7480 30180 S7480
LuA8uC uCnnA 126 u C W l 114898 93102 1S0000 2S96 90S06 147404
S1CkLS !ASCn 1 126 l C L C 620 1674 3474 1674 3474
CA88lSCn A81Pu8 126 8 C L C 370S0 26298 S2098 S600 20698 46498
LCLZ L1L8 u 127 8 C W l S9SS6 S7414 1S0000 1020S 47209 13979S
CAkS 8C8L81 C 128 8 C W l 77848 83364 122064 800 82S64 121264
kCL8 88lAn M 129 8 C W l 2S1S7S 139938 1S0000 3S049 104889 1149S1
nACP8A8 uAvlu 8 130 u C L C 4712S 10S0 16S0 10S0 16S0
PAnnA SLAn 1 130 8 C W C 208313 248S8 S4SS8 248S8 S4SS8
88CnSCn PA88? 8 131 u C W C 219663 84S88 1S0000 47472 37116 102S28
k8AuS kLnnL1P 8 131 8 C L C 89038 47070 80070 2309 44761 77761
MC8LLLL !CSLP u 132 u C W l S91177 149304 1S0000 136038 13266 13962
SCuuL8l MA8k S 132 8 C L C 33099 24936 S1636 1000 23936 S0636
CAn11 uAvlu l 133 u C W l 9S62S 388S0 S02S0 2900 3S9S0 473S0
ZlMML8MAn uAvlu C 134 u C L C 890 636 2736 636 2736
8LlLlCP 8lLL 134 8 C W l 126242 48486 94686 179S0 30S36 76736
kCCn uAvlu 8 13S u C L l 98893 38868 61368 1920S 19663 42163
!CPnS MA8k C 13S 8 C W C 90462 23634 37734 7S0 22884 36984
ALMLSAnC PlLl A 136 8 C W C 44482 76104 12S304 76104 12S304
kuLA S1LvLn 8 136 8 C 3S07 9120 12720 9120 12720
PA8L !AMLS L 137 u C L C 1067S9 23478 49878 1800 21678 48078
MA8CLLLuS AuL n 137 l C L C 12S 7S0 13S0 7S0 13S0
8lCP1L8 CLC8CL 137 8 C 6700
l8lLnu CP8lS1CPL8 S 137 8 C W C 82SS8 60288 89388 60288 89388
ACCA8uC !CPn C 138 u C L C 124193 38976 87S76 21964 17012 6S612
uLLMCn1L l8AnClnL 138 l C L l 119S96 S6868 96468 23478 33390 72990
CL8L11C !CPn u 138 8 C W C 1379S 16S90 63690 16S90 63690
PAWLL? S1LPLn M 139 8 C W l S6804 4S906 97S06 4S906 97S06
SCPlMMlnCL8 8C8ln 140 u C W l 22392S 110706 1S0000 1862 108844 148138
S1CCkL8 kLvln 1 140 8 C L C 1147S1 34662 S7162 34662 S7162
LCLLS C8?S1AL u 141 u C W l 74079 64302 93102 7213 S7089 8S889
CC8Wln !AnL L 142 8 C W l 64716 66600 9S400 66600 9S400
CA88?SZAk uLnnlS P 143 u C W l 103834 73716 142716 747S 66241 13S241
MAnulA A18lCk 143 8 C L C 3107 S880 13680 S880 13680
PC?1 SAM 144 u C W l 449974 1S0000 1S0000 6903S 8096S 8096S
CCLCM8Lk !8 !CSLP 144 l C L C 1077S9 111762 1S0000 3041S 81347 119S8S
8lCClL 88lAn 8 144 8 C L C 11387 10878 32178 10878 32178
SCP8CLuL8 MA8k ! 14S u C W l 136423 119226 1S0000 617S 1130S1 14382S
8?8CZ?nSkl 88Au M 146 u C L C 798S7 S9490 108990 1S000 44490 93990
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg
1ota| ub||c Do||ars
Same Donors (1S0k
Cap per LlecLlon)
1ota| ub||c
Do||ars w|th
New Donors
(1S0k Cap per
r|vate Do||ars |ost
v|a Contr|but|on
L|m|ts (2k per
Net Ga|n (or |oss)
w|th the 8|||s
L|m|ts and Caps
(No New Donors)
Net Ga|n (or
|oss) w|th the
8|||s L|m|ts and
Caps (w|th New
Assemb|y 2010 Cand|date D|str|ct
Append|x 2 2010 New ork State Assemb|y Cand|dates Under S||ver Sampson ub||c I|nanc|ng roposa|
kCZu8 uAnlLL M 146 l C L C S789 8670 17370 8670 17370
SMA8uZ kLvln S 146 8 C W C 68932 S7186 129786 6231 S09SS 123SSS
8u8LlnC uAnlLL ! 147 8 C W l 49449 83640 122940 700 82940 122240
PA?LS !AMLS 148 8 C W l 19S99S 1S0000 1S0000 14S76 13S424 13S424
LLCCLAuCnL 18AvlS C 149 u C L C 2998 2868 4068 2868 4068
ClCLlC !CSLP M 149 8 C W l 1S639 24168 40368 24168 40368
8A8CA8 nAnC? CA? 1S0 u C L C 6S139 40086 68S86 6116 33970 62470
CCCuLLL Anu8LW 1S0 8 C W C 7S407 1076S8 1S0000 13S00 941S8 136S00
1he Campa|gn I|nance Inst|tute * wwwCampa|gnI|nanceInst|tuteorg

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