Full 2000 NADS Annual Report With History of Down Syndrome Organization

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~lJDS welcome

orso family..... 2

programs .................... 3

annual report

fundraising .................. 4

conferences&seminars......... 5

milerfamlly.................. 6

)ohnlc. NADS
publications.................. 7
~-,.;' wirh his wife
" :¡'.
tellofamily................... 9
l...'; :/
--,', adult down syndrome center..... 10

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mentoring ................... 11
program ......... 10

program ....... 11

officers & directors.....,...... 12

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programs resource
Hmpital Devlopment Family Bchavio~ Retrt Coiifcn:nces & Semimw
\Ve hold ~ major conferen,c in the f.1I of every
Mcdicaiprofc~ioiiaisplayacrîticalroicin Some children wifh Down syndrome have also
helping parents of newly diagno~ infants beeii diagnosed wim Ammion Deficit oihcr year as welJ as seminars IhroughoUI ihc The NADS resource library h:i, well OVer 300
with Down syndrome de:l iviili ¡he inevitable Disorder, Atfention DdicirlHypernclivity ycarmvcringawidc:irayofwpicsrdalcdlO bOQks,audioiapcandvideo~rdatedtoDiiwn
chaHcngcsrhatocurwhcliababyisbomwith Disorder, Autism or oihcr conditions. At our Down syndrome. These rorum5 provide syndrome. It is loc.,tedat fheAdulf Down
Down syndrome. The educatiiiiial progr:is Family Behavior Rcircats,wcorfervaluable valuablciiiformaiionmdcominuingcduc:iion Syndrome Center, and (he materials ate
we provide to licathcareprotessionals in iiiformatioii.5upponandcncourngeincnilo to parcnuand profcssionals. avaiblile for luan II NAD.~ members. patienis
hospitals diroughout die Chic:goarc provide p:ients, arid a safe, funwcdrcndforihdr of ihe Adult Down Syndrome Center and their
:i import:it link in the chain of support for children. Adult Down Syndrome Cenicr faniilcsor carc¡ivers.
thCle new familics. We are in our ninth ycarofeoll2bor:nion
PublkSpeiiers with Ludiemn Genera Hospital ptoviding Wenrc eontÎmlal1)' adding 10 and u¡xatingour

l':intSupport To ineresepublicnwarenes,undemandillg eomprehemivemedica,psyehosociaL,ad\'c:cy book'aiid rcferenccmaieriaisiviilicurreni

InourP,m:nrSupporiProgmmweiminparell and accepi:llee of pet sons with Down and oime:eh serviees for teens and aduhs wiih public:iiom ofintcrc.,1 10 aU age groups. Our
vohinteerswhovisiinewparelltsotchildren syndrome, our trained public spe:ers give Down syndrome. This i.l the onl)' Center of iis bookscovcrawidcmngeofiopk.,.Thcy
wiiliDownsyndtome.offerin¡;themmppori ptcsemalionsinhospital."scliools,universiiiCl, kind in ihe cOiimry. indudcchildren'sbooks thar feature siories of
ami undemanding. \'epro,'ideo\ln~w and ciimmunirynrganizmion~. individualswiihDownsyidtome,publications
p~fenu witb much needed information and \X'orkF.pcrienee onedl1c:uion,employnient, family, housing,
hdp them acLc,,,,'iial tesiiuteesinthcit Conducted at the Adult Down Syndrome indusion,medicalissuCl,nutrllion,reerc3tion,
communi!)', Cenrer, this program offers high school tdigion, sibJings, 3nd tr3nsition to adult life.
studenr.:idaduliiwiihDownsyndromc lnaddiiion we have boiiksat a vaderyof
Parnt-io-Parent Network theoppritruiiiry 10 devclop offce skills aiid reading b'ds for persons wiih Down
In ihii piogram we serve familesof'¿ool-agc gain valuable work cxperience inpre¡xration ~yndrome.
childten uyliclpirigrliein nerworkwi¡lioiher forthcircntiyinioùiejobrn:irket.
familicswho arc di:ling wiih siniilarsehoul
andsocialissiiCS. Mentoring
Our menrorsoßì:tfrieiidship and support

to adults with Down s)"ndrome iii the


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WehavedçvdopL-.lprintedniaieriaLi:ind NADSArr!iu- a 30.minuli' c.~ercise vidoo_
videotapeswhichsupporiihcworknfour t~pe fe~iiring teens and adult wiih Down 5)n-
org.iniz:nion.Thi: are avai1:ible nOI onl)' w dromc pankipatiiig iii a ~nmpl~te aerobic
our members hut also 10 other parciirfadvoca- workom. This iapc i~ u$Cd :1\ a hnme o;~rci5e
cysroups. profl$iol1ab. and members of the guide and in groul'cxcrciic progr;im,.
PottcrScrÏcs-e.ichoftlicse.iix po~rcrsfca.
NADS Neivr - an iiiform:uive bi-monthly turcs a young persoii Wiih Down syidrnme pcr-
newslcucr provides our members wiih currCni fnrmini;anactÎI'Ît)'ordispJayiligatalemwiih
informadon on Down .\yndromc and NADS the iheme "Don't Be Slltpriscd.~ We disiiblic
:iciivitics. iliepo5teriio.lchoo1s:idcornmunitynrgani7_i_
A Baby Fint -:i beautiful bookler which We awarclicssofDowlisyndromc.
both Eni;!ish andSp:iliish,ii is,ilsnmcdby
c.-inada, and orhercounirit:.

NA web site- www.ii:ids.org "

The Inrcrnctirfilli: wiih an:imostcndh:s.
people with whom you em correspond. Our
inform,aionon Down 5)udroliietu,lbruad
behavior "1 was able to share my worries and
retreat disappointments with people who
understood what we have been

(li:iddiiiol1 (ocdebr:uinglhc:succe5i:of going through, "

our children nod adult with Down 5)'1-
droim" NADS i., cxircmdy coiiccrm:d
diig1105C",Sucli:LI Anendon Ddìcirl
I-rpcr:ictiviij' D¡.,order (ADHD), POD
(Auii"ii)01 olhcrhdi:iviororncurologic:

lie, and hd¡i i.l,'dop coping irl"m:gics, we
hddollt iìm Bdi;iviorl':cm:ai in March
IIform:i¡joii,md insiglii.thc Einiilic,wcrc
abkio.,haicwiilic;,di oihcrand work

111 Apri! 2UUOI,'1l Eimjjie, parl;çil'alCd iii

our third IIclt",iúi He!r",H alU!ag,lin it was
"t'r:' ¡U~'C,~l-,,1. h, addiiiolllU work,hops
for d" pan"m, ihdi diildrni wcr~ wdl-
L',ir~d !orb¡'a¡.rclLp"rCxpc¡icIlCcd,mm_ ¡.
adult down parent
To bew:r serve our
Hispanic families,
NADS publishes its

syndrome center support Parent Support

brochure in Spanish

NADS was instrumental in the development of psychosocial cae. Therefore a member of our Providing SUPPOH to parents of newly diag. materials in Spanish m
the Adult Down Syndrome Center of Lumern Outreach Team visits them at home. The older nosed infants with Down sydrome is truly these families. Eleven
General Hospital in Park Ridge, Ilinois. The population that we serve was, to a large extent, one of our most import services. Afer the ini- percent of the families
Center opened in January 1992 and initially hidden within their F.ilics; many had not tial referra, our Family Support Coordinator, learned of their child's
served patients 2 mornings a momh. However, received basic services such as heathca or Kim Xidas, arranges for one of our support Down syndrome
because of the high demand (over a thousand education. We care deeply abollt our older volunteers ro contact the f.mily. Volumeers diagnosis through
i patients have been served), patients are now citizens most of whom were not as forrunate as visit the new parents in the hospital or in the prenatal testing and
seen 5 days a week. Some people use the our friend, iucÎ, whose story appears bdow. family's home. In addition to the one-an-one they received suppOrt from volunteers who also
I Center for basic health CLC, others for
annual physicals while some come for specific
support, volunteers organize informal gather- learned of their child's Down syndrome diag-
NADS is involved in many ways at the Center. ings so that new parents ca meet each other
problems such as depression, changes in nosis through prenatal testing.
In addirion to our Resource Center, we have an and share their experiences. We provide a
I behavior or when they have experienced a
1 offce where Ann jonaius, our Resource
significant loss. Regardless of their needs,
new-parem packet, which includes up-to.
Coordinator, is based. We are also responsible
members of the Center's multi-disciplinary date books on Down sydrome as well as
for the Parent Advocate position, part of the
team treat each patient with dignity and infrmation about community service such
Outreach Program and a ponion of
respect. as parent suppOrt groups, early intervention
Psychosocial services.
programs, medica resources and respite care.
In January 1999 the Center initiated the In December 2000, the Center moved to a new
Family Outreach Program. Some older men During the year 2000 NADS provided suppOrt
Jocation at 1999 Dempster Street, Park Ridge,
and women with Down syndrome are unable which is right on the campus of Lutheran to 160 new failes primarily ifi the Chicago
to go to the Center for their medical and/or General Hospital.
metropolitan area. The youngest maternal age
was 17 and the oldest materna! a~e was 45"
(ij"th.. I(\!) (,i:i;i¡,., ;(i"," ..\'T..I-¡'I~,¡l1ii. .ili~!
oiir hilinf,lI,i1 V,)ltll,~\T~ fir,\'"i~kd .'u¡i¡ioil ;\nd
mentoring ".11 iuise
The NADS Memoring Program develops
friendships for adults with Down syndrome
who live at home, but don't have many contacts
and trusted
in the community. Others live in residential
programs and enjoy gcrring our and having fun.

counselor or

public awareness program

In 1984 we held our first Public Speaker During 2000 Linda Picchi, Program
Training Course and since thai rime we have Coordinator, or one of our speakers gave
trained three additional groups. The goal of presentations to 30 groups of medical
ihis program is to bring about a better under- professionals including Pediatricians,
standing and acceptance of children and adults Obstetricians, Residents, Genetic Counselors,
with Down syndrome. Some of our speakers Nurses and Social Workers. In addition we
address medical profesionals, whi¡(~ others spoke with many other groups, including
focus on educators, students and community elementary, high schooL. and college students,
organizations. These presentations were given in the city of
Chicago as well as Cook, DuPage, Kane,
Lake, McHenry and \X1ll counties.
offcers directors
Bil McCarthy Susan Abrams Liz Minogue
Gail Anderson Stq)hanicNcri
Diane Gomboi: Brian Chicoine Sandy Pa1.crunas
First Vicc.Presidcnt Therese Devine Michael Reninger

Kathe Doremiis Lydia Riley

Theresa Malkowski
Second Vice~Presidem D~ma LiChapclle Jackie Rotondi
Kathryn L.avin David Shimanek
Margaret Bender
Anne Maddock Teresa Villasenor
Christine l\'laxwdl l:iwana Williams
Melody Geraci
Recording Sccrct:iry

App~;lJ emL

2000 :wno
letter from the president friendship
By: Lydia Ono

As I read these stories of families whom NADS has touched,

You have your own
I see even more clearly why I have chosen to be a part of this
organization, My family and i too looked to NAOS for help ten Friendship garden.
years ago when our son Patrick was born, and I am honored
Tending a friendship garden
to be allowed to contribute back in some small way to other
families like mine, Needs friendship,
Love, and care in order to grow,
NADS is about people helping peopie, As a small organization
Every time a
NADS has been able to make large contributions to individuals
and families thanks to those who make up NADS, i would like Person smiles, a flowet blossoms.
to acknowledge and thank a few of them;
That's why they say
Sheila Hebein for her spirited and inspirationai leadership, A smile goes a long way.
our hard-working staff. The more you tend
our dedicated Board members,
our many volunteers, Your garden with
our members, Love, friendship, cae, and
and the families and individuals with Down syndrome
who enrich our lives on a daily basis.
Smiles, yoùll have the greatest
Gift of al, you'll have
I invite your suggestions, feedback and involvemenl, and ask for your continued
Friends, Not just friends, you'll
financial and emotional support to help carry out the mission of NADS to
"ensure that all persons with Oown syndrome have the opportunity 10 achieve Also have a garden
their potential in all aspects of community life: Of friends that will never
Stop growing,

President 2000

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