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Today you will be doing a math lab. This is like in science class when you experiment in the lab and then write a report. Our laboratory will be the program GeoGebra. The report you write will be similar to a science lab report. First, take 10 minutes to play with the program. Draw whatever you want and learn what the tools each do. When we start you will need to know how to draw lines (including parallel lines) and measure angles, so search for those while you explore. Okay, now its time to get to work! Open a new workspace (le -> new) Draw a line Construct a parallel line (make sure to choose parallel from the menu) Draw another line that intersects both of the parallel lines. What do you notice?

To measure an angle youll need to select three points in the order you would trace/name the angle. If you need to add more points, make sure they snap onto the line. Sketch the diagram. Record the name and measure of all the angles you see.

What new observations do you have?

Drag around the points and lines you created using the arrow tool. Watch to see if your observations remain true. Sketch the new diagram. Record another set of angle measurements.


Mathematicians have established names for the parts of this diagram so that we can all compare results: 2 lines are parallel lines the 3rd line is a transversal (it intersects two other lines)

The pairs of angles are called:

There are also the angle pairs we have already discussed in class.


__________________________________ (Title) Procedure:

Summarize the steps you took in a paragraph.

Draw the diagram and provide the measurement of each angle (all 8). Example 1 Example 2

Angles and Parallel Lines Name:______________

Describe all of your observations. Make sure to include each new type of angle (corresponding, alternate exterior, alternate interior and consecutive)

Apply what you learned in this lab to the following problem:

PQ || RS LM || NK m1=48













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