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12 Millington Street Toronto, Ontario M4X 1W8 Canada E-Mail: MuslimCanadianCongress@gmail.


December 13, 2012

Media Release


Justin Trudeau should stop pandering to Islamists

By attending the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Convention he is validating the agenda of Jihad and Sharia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO - The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has written to the Interim Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Bob Rae and Irwin Cotler, the party's Justice and Human Rights critic, requesting them to intervene and dissuade Justin Trudeau from addressing the upcoming 'Reviving the Islamic Spirit' convention in Toronto. The MCC has noted with disappointment the reaction of Mr. Trudeau to calls for him to skip the annual congregation in Canada of the proponents of sharia law and the doctrine of Jihad. Salma Siddiqui, president of the MCC issued the following statement: At a time when liberal Muslims across the world are fighting right-wing Islamists, it is sad to see the aspiring leader of the Liberal Party of Canada throw his weight behind those who would snuff out liberalism and stifle free speech in the name of Islam. If Mr Trudeau wishes to reach out to Muslims, he should first learn how to distinguish between ordinary Canadian Muslims as against Islamists who owe their loyalties to overseas Muslim Brotherhood influenced organizations. Mr Trudeau will have to decide whether he is with the apologists of president Morsi in Egypt or the liberal Muslims fighting the Islamist agenda on the streets of Cairo; whether he is with Malala Yusufzai or he is with those Islamists who have contributed to the radicalism that led to her near death. "By attending the 'Reviving the Islamic Spirit' convention, Mr Trudeau will be endorsing groups that have links to Hamas. He will also unwittingly validate homophobia and misogyny that is practised widely by Islamists under the guise of multiculturalism. Those who advocate for the doctrine of Jihad and the imposition of Sharia should not have the backing or validation of any Canadian politician, let alone someone aspiring to lead the Liberal Party of Canada and who hopes to one day be the Prime Minister of this country. -30For more information please contact: Salma Siddiqui, President: Muslim Canadian Congress, Tel: (613) 864-4306, Email: Salma@Magma,ca

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