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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD301 DESIGN PRACTICE 3




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RATIONALE This module allowed me to explore a range of techniques and skills I havent previously visited, the first being a more abstract approach to design, specifically with Loco. Most modules so far I have stuck to quite minimal designs with little colour use, but with Loco being such an experimental concept for clubbing I wanted to use a different approach to design developing interesting patterns and using a wider range of vibrant colours. The logo design was also a first, rather than designing a solid logo I wanted to again create an abstract aesthetic with more character and movement. The second brief of this module, The Hubble space telescope, allowed me to explore the conceptual side to layout for publication considering why objects and type would be placed in certain pages and what that represent. I feel this helped me create better aesthetics for my publication design. My third brief Gent No. 5 again allowed me to explore a deeper understanding of creating a brand identity, developing a concept based as much on my client as the work he does, experimenting with a more playful approach to design by using phonetic slang he would use in his day to day job. My final brief allowed me to focus design for a commercial purpose, creating aesthetics for an expert laser cutting company based in London. BLOG. Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with your name, module code, brief title and any other appropriate information. Please separate the work appropriately and include a printed version of each brief. All blog. posts relevant to this module should be tagged with the module code OUGD301 and follow the naming conventions outlined on E-studio Submitted Brief 1 Brief 2 Brief 3 Brief 4 Module Proposal Project File Evaluation Loco Gent No. 5 Hubble Laserbean

Title and Brief Summary include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. BRIEF 1 Loco We aim to create and identity through a visual exploration of music that reflects the line up in terms of their musical qualities. We aim to create and identity through a visual exploration of music that reflects the line up in terms of their musical qualities. Focusing on house music's tendency to maintain repetition throughout a song, more specifically we will be taking the idea of experimental music into consideration by creating conceptually driven aesthetics. Maintain a close relationship to our client and be significantly involved with a lot of the decisions made. BRIEF 2 Hubble A personal brief set up to explore the history of Hubble and create an aesthethic that allows the audience to feel part of the experience. Through the use of image layout stock choice and typography I design this publication to deliver information of how Hubble began and how far it has come since being launched into orbit.


A live brief creating a brand and identity campaign for Gent No. 5; A traditional Barbershop in Manchester. I aim to create a high-class identity focusing on the traditional barbershop feel whilst maintaining a bespoke and modern aesthetic. Focusing on my clients characteristics of a typical Northern barber and using phonetic language and traditional typography to represent it. Maintain a close relationship to our client and be significantly involved with a lot of the decisions made.


Laserbean A competition brief found online, the brief was to design a logo that creates an interesting from which can be applied across a range of products through laser cutting techniques. I wanted to design a sleek minimal aesthetic that relates to how a laser cutting machine works in terms of layout and composition.

Additional Comments Apologies for the A3 boards, as I stated earlier I didnt have the funds to pay for 18 A2 prints as its the end of this term.

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