Re: Fatca-Related Complaint No 82304/12 (?) Against Bank Hapoalim, BM - Request For Immediate Production of Records To The Complainant

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TO: Mr Stanley Fischer, Governor; Ms Miriam Segal, Banking Regulation BANK OF ISRAEL Email: "Attention Governor Stanley Fischer"

<>,"Stanley Fischer" <>, Fax: 02-666-9077

RE: FATCA-related Complaint No 82304/12 (?) against Bank HaPoalim, BM - Request for immediate production of records to the complainant
Your immediate response in kindly requested. Dear Governor Fischer and Ms Segal: Following a phone call with Bank HaPoalim, BM, yesterday, my understanding is that Bank HaPoalim, BM, had received Bank of Israel's response on the complaint, filed by the undersigned, pertaining to Bank HaPoalim's conduct vis a vis FATCA. [1] Moreover, the undersigned was led to believe that Bank HaPoalim, BM, considered Bank of Israel's response on the complaint permit for Bank HaPoalim's current extreme, unlawful additional measures. [2] Likewise, following a phone call with Bank of Israel- Banking Regulation yesterday, the undersigned was led to believe that the his complaint against Bank HaPoalim, BM, is now registered and processed (No 82304/12 (?)) Regardless of repeated requests over previous months, to this date the undersigned has received from Bank of Israel no record of the registration, processing, response by Bank HaPoalim, BM, or determination by Bank of Israel in this matter. Following advice by your offices, the undersigned has also tried to reach Ms Segal by phone a number of times over the past couple of days, unsuccessfully. Regardless, phone calls are no substitute for production of written records to the complainant. Given the extreme measures taken by Bank HaPoalim, BM, against the undersigned in recent days, [2] the undersigned kindly request immediate written response by your offices, including all records, which you deem a complainant entitled to pursuant the law of the State of Israel, as part of due process in Bank of Israel's registration, review, and determination of such consumer's complaint against a bank. Jerusalem, January 3, 2013,

_________________ Joseph Zernik, PhD ' PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313
LINKS: [1] 12-08-25 Dr Zernik's complaint, filed with Israeli banking regulation against Bank HaPoalim - for attempting to extort compliance with US IRS regulations in Jerusalem [2] 13-01-02 Letter to Bank HaPoalim, BM, Chief Internal Auditor Jacob Orbach re: blocking of customer's accounts, failure to produce bank documents

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