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Case 3:12-cv-08123-HRH Document 46 Filed 12/21/12 Page 1 of 3

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Thomas E. Perez Assistant Attorney General Steven H. Rosenbaum (NY Bar #1901958) Jonathan M. Smith (DC Bar #396578) R. Tamar Hagler (CA Bar #189441) Christy E. Lopez (DC Bar #473612) Eric W. Treene (NY Bar #2568343) Lori K. Wagner (VA Bar #39446) Sean R. Keveney (TX Bar #24033862) Jessica C. Crockett (NY Bar #4694972) Anika Gzifa (DC Bar #495394) Matthew J. Donnelly (Ill Bar #6281308) United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Northwestern Building, 7th Floor Washington, D.C. 20530 Facsimile: (202) 514-1116 E-mail: Phone: (202) 305-3107 Attorneys for Plaintiff United States of America UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF ARIZONA United States of America, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) Town of Colorado City, Arizona; ) City of Hildale, Utah; Twin City Power; ) and Twin City Water Authority, Inc., ) ) Defendants. ) ) )


On November 29, 2012, the Court, in the above-captioned case, granted Defendant Hildales Motion to Dismiss (ECF No. 21) as to the United States claim under 42 U.S.C. 2000b, Title of III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Order at ECF No. 38. The Order provided the United States leave to amend its complaint on or before December 21, 2012. The United States does not intend to

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file an amended complaint at this time, reserving its rights to seek leave to amend the complaint at a later time as permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules of Civil Procedure, and this Courts Scheduling Order. Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 2012,

THOMAS E. PEREZ Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division STEVEN H. ROSENBAUM Chief Housing and Civil Enforcement Section JONATHAN M. SMITH Chief Special Litigation Section R. TAMAR HAGLER CHRISTY E. LOPEZ Deputy Chiefs ERIC W. TREENE Special Counsel /s/ Anika Gzifa LORI K. WAGNER SEAN R. KEVENEY JESSICA C. CROCKETT ANIKA GZIFA MATTHEW J. DONNELLY Attorneys United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Phone: (202) 305-3216 Facsimile: (202) 514-0212 E-mail:

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I certify that on December 21, 2012, I electronically transmitted the foregoing Notice Regarding the United States Claim Under 42 U.S.C. 2000b to the Clerks 4 office using the CM/ECF system for filing and transmittal of Notice of Electronic filing 5 to the following CM/ECF registrants:
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Jeffrey C. Matura Asha Sebastian Graif Barrett & Matura, P.C. 1850 North Central Avenue, Suite 500 Phoenix, Arizona 85004 Attorney for Defendant Town of Colorado City Peter Stirba Kathleen Abke R. Blake Hamilton Stirba & Associates 215 South State Street, Suite 750 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Attorneys for Defendants City of Hildale, Twin City Water Authority, and Twin City Power /s/ Anika Gzifa Anika Gzifa Attorney for the United States

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