Letter To Gov. Snyder

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Thursday, January 10, 2013 Ofce of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder 111 South Capitol Avenue Lansing, MI 48933

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing on behalf of the taxpayers of the state of Michigan to request access to copies of all electronic and other correspondence in possession of the Governors Ofce involving written or typed communications between the public employees in the Governors Ofce and staff at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, regarding promotion of the right-to-work law recently signed by the Governor and a full-page ad that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2013. I am making this request consistent with previous public information disclosures by the Governors Ofce and in the spirit of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. Governor Snyder has promised to instill a culture of transparency in Lansing and with that in mind, it is my hope that the Governors Ofce will comply with this request. I request that any fees for copying or searching for these records be waived since this request is primarily for a public purpose and the information will be distributed publicly. Before providing any documents under this request, please advise me of any fees. If you need any information or have questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 517-999-3646. Sincerely, Jessica Tramontana, Communications Director Progress Michigan

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