Copyright Storyboard

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Presentation Open Montage of photos & possibly moving video of copyrighted materials, symbols, designs, etc. with music

15 seconds FS of narrator walking toward camera while speaking end should be a MS 30 seconds

Introduction This will include the definition of copyright and examples of things that are copyrighted.

How did copyright originate? Johannes Gutenberg & Printing Press

Slow zoom out on Gutenberg, zoom in on Printing Press. Maybe use text? 15 seconds

How does copyright work? Why do we have it? Brief explanation. Possibly using an example and drawing it out on the screen as a chart.

Each part of the chart will appear as it is being talked about.

30 seconds MS of Po somewhere in the library in which she works 40 seconds

Soundbite from interview with Po Dickison.

MS of Po somewhere in the library in which she works Copyright

Copyright in Education Here I will talk about the fair use and give an example that fall under fair use and another that does not.

Pan a classroom WS of a group of students working Over the shoulder of a student working 40-50 seconds

Soundbite from Po Dickison interverw.

MS of Po somewhere in the library in which she works 30-40 seconds

Copyright and Technology Briefly explain the unique situation that the Internet has created.

Show several different shots of individuals and groups using the computer 15 seconds

Soundbite from Po Dickison Interview

MS of Po somewhere in the library in which she works

30-40 seconds

Copyright and the Law Brief explanation the ways in which you can break the law. Use one or two examples

Not sure what video I am going to use here. 30 seconds


Conclusion Summary of copyright

MS of narrator in front of library check out counter 30 seconds

Introduction of Keynote Speaker

Pan a classroom WS of a group of students working Over the shoulder of a student working 40-50 seconds 15 seconds

Credits and References Scroll credits and references over a transparent background that relates to copyright.

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