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Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 2-275 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak 6th Floor 338 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 0T2

Southern Chiefs Organization Box 998 Long Plain First Nation Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0P0


January 10, 2013 DRAFT #3 Prepared by: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Southern Chiefs Organization

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 2-275 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak 6th Floor 338 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 0T2

Southern Chiefs Organization Box 998 Long Plain First Nation Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0P0

The First Nations affiliated with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and the Southern Chiefs Organization hereby state: We, the Chiefs in Manitoba, representing and standing with our youth, women, men and Elders and including the visions and dreams of our ancestors take the position that: The Manitoba First Nations affirm and will defend the following Treaty Principles: 1. We, the First Nations, come from Mother Earth, and this determines our relationship with nature, our role as stewards of this land, and all forms of life and our sovereignty. 2. We, the First Nations, occupied North America as sovereign Nations long before other people came to our shores. 3. We, the First Nations have always made our own laws, institutions and jurisdiction, which is reflected in our cultures, values and languages. 4. Our sovereignty enables us to enter into Treaty and other political accords with other Nations. 5. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 affirmed our sovereignty, institutionalized the Treaty-making process, and made our consent a condition before our lands and resources could be alienated. 6. First Nations and the Crown recognized and affirmed each others sovereignty in the Treaty process. 7. Our sovereignty will continue forever and will continue to define our nationhood forever. 8. Our Treaty has international stature. 9. The spirit and intent of the Treaty relationship is more valid that the written text and will last as long as the sun shines, the waters flow and the grass grows. 10. Canada has an on-going obligation to fulfill the Treaty according to the Spirit and Intent.

AMC, MKO and SCO Unified First Nations Position

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Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 2-275 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak 6th Floor 338 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 0T2

Southern Chiefs Organization Box 998 Long Plain First Nation Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0P0

1. As sovereign Nations who entered into Treaties with the Crown, a Treaty territory by Treaty territory process must be created to review the modern interpretation of the spirit and intent of the following Treaties: First Nations entered into Treaty Number 1 and Treaty Number 2, The Stone Fort Treaties, in 1871; into Treaty No. 3, the Northwest Angle Treaty, in 1873; into Treaty Number Four, The Qu'appelle Treaty, in 1874; into Treaty Number 5, The Winnipeg Treaty, between 1875 and 1910; into Treaty Number 6, The Treaty of Fort Carlton and Fort Pitt, in 1876; The Selkirk Treaty signed in 1817 and, Treaty Number 10 in 1908. The Treaty-making process acknowledges our prior existence as First Nations in Canada and also recognizes our Creator-granted Sovereignty and authority within our ancestral and traditional homelands. The Dakota Peoples have not entered into the Numbered Treaties and are recognized as sovereign Nations and as having secured alliances and arrangements with the Crown and other First Nations. 2. In order to fulfill the spirit and intent of the above mentioned Treaties and alliances/arrangements, First Nations in Manitoba institute Crown, Prime Minister and Ministerial processes, nation to nation undertakings to include quarterly meetings with: Governor Generals Office Prime Ministers Office Privy Council Cabinet Treasury Board Not Aboriginal and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) 3. In order to break the poverty chain and dismantle dependency of First Nation communities, the Government of Canada needs to work with First Nation governments in Manitoba to create wealth and sustainable economic opportunities through resource equity positions. Prior to colonial rule, First Nations jurisdiction over lands and resources was intact. At contact and later, Treaties were entered into wherein the attribution of jurisdiction over ancestral lands and resources in such lands, which include reserve lands, was not contemplated in any clear manner, save and except the "depth of the plow" provision in some treaties. The institution of policies and legislation has turned the intended cooperative governmental relationships with the Treaty signatures into a unilaterally imposed authority of Canada over First Nations that eventually included the provinces, including in Manitoba, the Natural Resources Transfer Act (NRTA) that continues today. The Government of Canada work with the Provinces and must consult and work with First Nations in Manitoba to develop an agreed position on resource equity development that includes sharing resources, resource revenue sharing and shares the provision of permits, licenses and other dispositions.

AMC, MKO and SCO Unified First Nations Position

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Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 2-275 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak 6th Floor 338 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 0T2

Southern Chiefs Organization Box 998 Long Plain First Nation Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0P0

4. We, the Chiefs in Manitoba, standing with our youth, men and Elders support our women as the Water Keepers and in all our roles as protectors of Mother Earth and call for : The repeal of Bill C-38 and Bill C-45 The repeal and withdrawal of any existed and/or proposed legislation that infringes upon First Nation Treaty rights so that First Nations in Manitoba can continue to act as stewards of Mother Earths lands and waters. 5. The Government of Canada, jointly with First Nations, will organize and convene annual Indigenous/Treaty Nation Crown First Ministers Meetings on First Nations issues over the course of the next five years. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss provincial involvement in agreements, resource equity development and Treaty implementation. The first of such meetings to be held three months from today.

AMC, MKO and SCO Unified First Nations Position

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