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Greendale Community School

Group/Title Date Location PAC January 8, 2013 Greendale Elementary Library Time Prepared by 7:00 pm Shari Dick


Welcome and Introductions


Approval of Agenda
Kristen and Shari


Special Guests Chilliwack Hospital and Healthcare Foundation Katrina Bepple & Donna Dixson

- A local foundation vs. a regional foundation that works at the local level addressing the issues, concerns and needs of Chilliwack. This was the basis for why this new foundation was formed. - Take care of health care from abroad perspective. Improving community health. Prevention to help keep people out of the hospitals. - Provide Education and Programs for Healthy Living - 4 main focuses: 1. Children and Youth, 2. Community and Health, 3. Seniors, 4. School Districts - Feel that working with Kids is the best place to start. Want to work with the School District to bring forth Health Initiatives. Visiting PACs and all staff in the School District to introduce themselves, and hopefully get schools on board and engaged in Healthy Living Initiatives that the Foundation is presenting. - Healthy Kids Initiative 5 2 1 - The Foundation stated that they would like to partner with us when applying for grants that promote healthy living. We could state this as a goal for the school that we promote healthy Living at Greendale.


Reports a. School Planning Committee Foundation suggesting that we make one of our goals to be the
healthiest school in the district.

b. Parent Education Nothing to Report c. Emergency Preparedness Michelle D. will contact Laura for more info d. School Lunch Next one: Jan 25 e. Fruit & Veggie Program - Nothing to report at this time. Going well. f. Lice Checks To be done Friday, January 11th

g. DPAC meeting still to happen in January. Kristen will attend if Michelle R. cant attend h. Safer Schools Committee Stake Holders Meeting January 21st at 7pm


i. j.

Treasurer Not present at meeting. Nothing to report. Principal Jan 9 (1pm) Mad Science assembly promoting after school program Annelee Grimson (EA) has moved to a different school Kelsey Wyjik will take her posting temporarily Jan 17 Staff mtg. th School field trip Skating Jan 17 Ready Set Learn Jan 18 12:30-1:45 - for any new Kindergarten Students for 2013/14 year. EDI Letter Kindergarten parents received letter st Feb 1 100 nights of reading assembly th Feb 7 - Speech fest Feb 8 Non instructional Day Feb 11 - Family Day Feb 12 Spirit Week Feb 13 Track Meet Feb 14 Talent show PAC Meeting Great Christmas Spirit Mr. Snutch (Custodian) is no longer at Greendale Replacing him is Richard Geiselman Mrs. Stobbe is back and will be teaching Mon & Thurs. Miss Atkins will be teaching - Tues, Wed, and Fri Primary teachers are collaborating FYI Budget is being used for technology

5. 6.

Business arising from last meeting New Business th a. Auction - Jan 25 8:30 - Auction Meeting (April 13 or 20 ) b. Raise the Dough - Feb 8 Raise the Dough c. Pledges - One donation has come in - Donations can be cash or cheques $25 or more. - Charitable Tax # - comes from the school district Write cheque out to School District 33 d. Fundraising Drive one for your School, Go Foods Discussions around these fundraising opportunities and others - Mr. Q Run will be most likely be in April Debbie Frose, Allison Oswald have kindly volunteered to head this up.

e. Grants: Ideas from The Chilliwack Hospital and Health Care Foundation. Listed above.

Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, February 14th, 2012 at 8:30am at the school

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