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Gity of Cincinnati nas oes An Ordinance No. 37 _ ... AMENDING Ordinance 329-2008, which established a new capital improvement program and ‘authorized the transfer and disbursement of the sum of $300,000 for expenditures related to the Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums project in Mt, Aubum for the purpose of limiting the use of the sum of $300,000 to providing fining for building stabilization related tothe Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums project in Mt. Auburn. WHEREAS, Ordinance 329-2008 established a new capital improvement program, suthorized the transfer and disbursement of the sum of $300,000 for the purpose of providing ‘funding for public improvements related to the Glencoe Hotel snd Condominiums (“Glencoe”) project in Mt. Aubum, and authorized the City Manager to disburse the funds for tht purpose; and WHEREAS, staff of the Community Development Department recently conducted an external inspection of the buildings on the Glencoe property and were greatly concemed about the apparent condition of roofs and cornices ofthe buildings; and WHEREAS, the City's Division of Property Maintenance and Code Enforcement likewise conducted an extemal inspection of the buildings and ordered the baricading of certain public sidewalks adjacent to the Glencoe property , based on the fact that some ofthe buildings appear to be in danger of collapse as a result of damage caused by the September 2008 windstorm; and WHEREAS, additionally, the Glenove site i listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and preservation of such buildings would serve the public interest of the citizens of CCineinnatis and WHEREAS, Ordinance 329-2008 permitted the sum of $300,000 to be used for public improvements, but Council now wants to limit the expenditure of those funds to providing ‘building stabilization, in order to ensure public safety inthe areas adjacent to the buildings on the ‘Glencoe property and to minimize the risk tothe public of potential collapse of such structures; now; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council ofthe Cty of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section |. That Section 3 of Ordinance 329-2008 is hereby amended as follows: Section 3. That the sum of $300,000 is hereby transferred and appropriated from the unappropriated surplus of the Income Tax Permanent Improvement Fund 758 to the newly created capital improvement program project account, 980x162x03513 (Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums) for the purpose of providing funding for building stabilization related to the Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums project in the Mt. Aubum neighborhood of Cincinnati Section 2. That Section 4 of Ordinance 329-2008 is hereby amended as follows: Section 4. ‘That the City Manager is authorized to disburse the $300,000 for use in the Project, subject to the following conditions: 1. The funds shall only be used for building stabilization in onder to censure public safety in the areas adjacent to the buildings on the Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums property and to minimize th risk to the public of potential collapse of such structures; b,_No funds shall be disbursed for any expenses incurred prior to passage ofthis Ordinance: ¢. The City will collaborate with the Developer regarding the design of the building stabilization; and 4. ‘The City Administration will initiate the building stabilization no later than March, 2009. Section 3. That all sections and provisions of Ordinance 529-2008 not specifically mended herein shall emia in fll forse aid eft Section 4. That the proper City officals ae hereby authorized to do all things necessary and proper to cay out the terms of this ordnance. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be an emergency measute necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and general welfare and shall, subject to the terms of Article I, Seetion 6 of the Charter, be effetive immediately, ‘The reason for the ‘emergency is the immediate need to initiate the building stabilization process related to the Glencoe Hotel and Condominiums project in Mt, Auburn, Passed _ +2008 Attest IHenewy coarse mage SP-2009 ‘Clerk WAS PUB. is veut TM ACCORDANCE HARTER ON_2-2¥- 200g dedi cuER OF council,

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