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IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO ny ROBERT A. GOERING, TREASURER HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintist ws INWOOD VILLAGE, LTD, 2100 Auburn Avenue Cincinnati OH 45219 and c/o John G. Cobey, Statutory Agent 250 F. Fifth Street, Suite 1200, Cincinnati OH 45202 177372420 INE A0802334 CASE NO, COMPLAINT. P, PARTIES, SUMMONS C)gERT MA () SHERIFF —(_) WAVE ( erect cenven () NONE ‘JouerKs Fees SECURITY FOR COST. DEPOSITED BE»: ES3e : LEILING CODE Le Defendants 1. Noweomesthe Plaintiffand states that he isthe duly appointed, qualified and acting County Treasurer of Hamilton County, Ohio. 2. Plaintiff states thatthe parcel[s] of land have been certified as delinquent and filed with the Prosecuting Attomey as required by law, and thatthe sum of Twenty Two Thousand Twelve and 40/100 Dollars ($22,012.40) together with the accrued taxes, assessments penalties and interest, payable subsequent to certification, plus proper and necessary cost of Preliminary Foreclosure Report, are due and unpaid, and are a first and prior lien against the property 3. Defendant, Inwood Village, Ltd. (formerly Inwood Gardens, Ltd), currently holds ttle to said real property by virtue ofa deed recorded on June 3, 2003, at Official Record 9803, page 424 ofthe deed records of Hamilton County, Ohio. A copy of the legal description is attached hereto and marked Exhibit cA 4, The PlaimifY states that said Jand[s} are situated in Hamilton County and are described as follows: Plat Book 88, page 9, parcel 83 Siret Address: 2100 Aubum Avenue 8 8 Property Description: 88 9 83 33 — 7 1-11 LEROY 46.13X230.75 gSs oe fC $8 OF LEROY CI 76839 FT = Ls W OF AUBURN 209.5 FT S OF ~e= b> GLENCOE 220 = st WHEREFORE, this Plaintiff prays that he be found to have a good and valid first Lien on the within described premises, in the sum of Twenty Two Thousand Twelve and 40/100 Dollars ($22,012.40) and accrued taxes, assessments, penalties and interest payable subsequent to certification, plus reasonable costs for Preliminary Foreclosure Report; that each of the Defendants be required to answer, seting up their interest, if any, in said premises or be forever barred from asserting same; that unless the amount found due this Plaintiff be paid within a reasonable time to be named by the Court, the equity of redemption shall be foreclosed and an order of sak sued to the Sheriff directing hima to sell said premises as upon execution, as provided by law; and for such other and further relief as in law and equity this petitioner may be entitled. JOSEPH T. DETERS. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO Gerald A. Lampe, 00182637 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Hamilton County 230 E. Ninth Street, Suite 4000 ‘Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 946-3037, Fax: (513) 946-3018 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 1 EXHIBIT “A” Plat Book 88, Page 9, Parcel 83 Situated in the City of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton, State of Ohio, to-wit: Being in Section 13, Town 3, Fractional Range 2, of the Miami Purchase and known as Nos. 101 to 121 (inclusive) Leroy Court and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest comer of a tract of land formerly owned by George B. Newland, which point is 763.34 feet west of Auburn Avenue measured on a ‘x line 209.50 feet south of Glencoe Place extended; thence north 44.98 feet to a point; g thence east 241.05 feet +/- to the center of a party wall; thence southwardly through the center of said partition wall, 44.98 feet to a point in the south line of said Newland property; thence west along said south ine of said Newland property, 241.56 feet to a ; point in the east line of Valroy Court and the place of beginning, . Less and except the following described Real Estate: t Situate in Section 13, Town-3, Fractional Range 2, Miami Purchase, City of 0 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio and described as follows: QP Beginning at the point of intersection of the south line of Leroy Court (a 50 foot street) and the east line of Valroy Place (a 25 foot street); thence South 0° 52! West. along said east line of Valroy Place, 44.98 feet to the southwest comer of Hillmount ,, Apartments Inc: property; thence South 89° 45' 30” East along the south line of said Hillmotint ‘Apartments Inc. property 10.00 feet to a point; thence North 13° 22° 13" East, 46.13 feet to a point in the south line of Leroy Court; thence North 89° 45° 30" West along the south line of Leroy Court, 20 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 675 square feet. ACCEPTABLE, ‘ENGINEER ona - DESCRIPTION HAMILTON, TexMap. Cagis -_—$____———_——

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