PENCARI - Offensive Exploitation For Contingency Operations

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PENCARI - Offensive Exploitation for Contingency Operations The color change was obvious, the regularity more subtle.

A change in the Operators position, placing the Sign1 between himself and the sun increased the amount of contained shadow created by the emplacers footwear. Another shift of position and the disturbed soil created by the burying of the pressure plate was clear to see. Within seconds the Ground Penetrating Radar confirmed the presence of a low metal content Improvised Explosive Device (IED).

Ground Sign Awareness (GSA) or Tactical Acuity is a derivative of Combat Tracking the ability to actively follow and pursue a Quarry or Target in order to gain information or close with and interdict! It has enhanced the ability of both military and law enforcement personnel to identify the visual and in some instances non visual (scent, audio even 6 th sense) action indicators associated to/with an IED placement. Fused with the considerable technological advances made in detection and surveillance equipment over the last eleven years it is now proven to increase both our Military and our Law Enforcement Officers survivability by 7080%!

Sign Any evidence of change to the natural environment created by Man, Animal or Machinery.

So, are GSA and Combat Tracking (CT) purely a defensive Force Protection capability therefore only suited to the realms of a Defeat the Device concept? Or is there scope to offensively utilise CT as an Information Exploitation (IX) asset enabling active Follow and Pursuit style operations and therefore truly Attacking the Network, whatever that Network may be? PENCARI2 have been working towards a fresh and updated version of what is widely termed Awareness Training, and have actively encouraged the fusing of technology to enhance what is ultimately a low level yet undeniably crucial tactical skill-set.

The PENCARI Combat Tracking Information Exploitation or CTIX as it is more widely known, is successful in Training the Force to both identify and subsequently exploit any area of insurgent or criminal activity including IED, Ambush Sites, LUPs and Distribution Points (to name a few). CTIX is multi faceted and works hand in hand with technology such as Ground Penetrating Radar, C-IED Metal detectors, UAVs and other ISTAR3 assets such as handheld and vehicle mounted optics, cameras and even thermal devices. It is not however reliant on any of this technology for its successful application and therefore does not add additional weight to the Operator (Military or Law Enforcer) in the form of extra equipment. CTIX is enhanced training and knowledge that weighs nothing yet delivers a punch in the form of valuable immediate use intelligence negating any sacrifice for speed of manoeuvre, imperative to our already over burdened and heavily laden troops.

PENCARI meaning Seeker or Searcher in Bahasa Malay, many of PENCARIs Instructors are ex UK and UKSF Instructors who taught at the UKs Combat Tracking School based in Brunei SE Asia. 3 ISTAR Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance.

CTIX is suitable for all environments and weather conditions, not every ISTAR asset can make this claim. Climatic and geographic problems such as cloud cover or triple canopy rainforest is not susceptible to Satellite or UAS penetration. In a close country tropical environment Combat Trackers can and will be a primary source of intelligence along with both HUMINT4 and EW5. After listening to our clients needs, PENCARI have enhanced their training adding fresh impetus and focus on mobile IX training. Looking for and positively identifying Sign from an elevated position while moving at speed is very different to that of a foot patrol or an EOD Operator making a slow and methodical approach towards an IED. The multi environment approach to PENCARIs training recognises that future contingency style operations may take our forces into the jungles of West Africa or the arid desert regions of the Sub Sahara. With current and future conflicts revolving around and at times entering into population centres the urban environment is not forgotten. A portion of each CTIX is dedicated to operating within this hazardous environment, factoring on both Force Protection and Information Exploitation alike.

The Law Enforcement and the Commercial Security Sector, especially the Oil and Gas industry recognise CTIX as a valuable force multiplier. The US Border Patrol have employed Tracking and various exploitation techniques successfully for many years both as a means of identifying cross border incursions and also along with other assets, to actively pursue and interdict illegals. The UK Police and other European based Forensic Agencies are increasingly using the skills associated with the CTIX to prevent and decrease the escalation of metal theft from critical infrastructure such as the National Rail Networks and critical communication hubs. The Tracker moved stealthily along the trackline, every few feet confirming his quarries Sign. He could clearly identify where the emplacer had squatted, while resting and smoked a cigarette, the sign was becoming fresher, they were gaining on this guy and he didnt even know it! Now that the insurgents direction was established additional assets were being brought to bear on his path of flight. A UAV was already flying along the search cone. The real-time video feed linked back to an Operations Room ready to launch an interdiction force, by vehicle or aviation means. For the CTIX trained operators the result was inevitable......

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HUMINT Human Intelligence. EW Electronic Warfare.

PENCARI deliver bespoke training solutions to both Military and Law Enforcement professionals worldwide. For further information concerning the CTIX and other training contact PENCARI Defence and Security at: or alternatively visit their website: or Facebook page:

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