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World Missions Inner-city Extension Center Inc. Malissa B. Perkins Scholarship Email Address: ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: The purpose of the Malissa B. Perkins Scholarship is to award talented deserving high school seniors who are making scholarly accomplishments in their school and community financial assistance needed to attend college. The scholarship is limited to senior high school students that reside in the District of Columbia. The completed application should be submitted to: World Missions Inner-city EXTENSION Center; Attention Dr. JoAnn Perkins, President Malissa B. Perkins Scholarship Awards Committee; P.O. Box 92083;Washington, DC 20090-2083 and must be received by or on Mothers Day of each year.. CRITERIA Please note that the scholarship awards committee has ranked each step according to its value of importance and candidates are required to respond to each question in order to be considered as a candidate for an award. Candidates are also required to submit an electronic copy as well as seven (7) hard copies of the application to the following email address: Hard copies should be mailed to the address indicated above. The criteria for a candidate being eligible for a scholarship is as follows: 1. Candidate must be already accepted in a college. (5 points) 2. Candidate must be willing to become a member of our community book club. (5points) 3. Candidate must submit three (3) letters of recommendation--one must be from his or her principal/guidance counselor, and other letters can be from nonfamily members professional. (15 points) 4. A one page single-spaced essay (typed) describing what their plans are and as to how the Melissa B. Perkins Scholarship will allow them to reach their goals.(30 points). 5. Candidate must submit detailed documentation about their high school/community service experiences in form of letters, pictures, certificates and other documentation that substantiate their level of commitment to having completed community service. 6. The candidate must provide a current official High School transcript.

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