Gordon Macdonald Annual Report A3 2013 2

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Gordon in the constituency...

working for you

RATHO: Working with the local community council I have made representations to NHS Lothian for a new GP surgery. The proposal to refurbish premises on Wilkieston Rd is currently being examined by a working party and has received Business Case initial Agreement status from the health board. REDFORD BARRACKS: Visited the EUOTC unit at Redford. The Scottish Government has extended concessionary fares to injured servicemen and women. BROOMHOUSE: Receiving my certificate of thanks for donating a day to help the Broomhouse Health Strategy Group volunteers paint the Broomhouse Market area. For information on the health group visit: www.healthstrategygroup.org.uk/ FAIRMILEHEAD: assisted the Owners Association on finalising the land transfer after 6 years of negotiations with developers. Details on the association can be found here: www.mroa.co.uk/ COLINTON MAINS: Cllr Richard Lewis opened the new sports pavilion built adjacent to Colinton Mains Park and used by local youth football team A.C. Oxgangs.

WHEC: With Cllr Catherine Fullerton following the news that the WHEC windows are to be upgraded in the summer of 2013.

BALERNO & CURRIE: Discussing the plans, with Cllr Bill Henderson at the site of a possible all weather pitch at Balerno High and the upgrading of pitches at Currie High.

WESTER HAILES: The Healthy Living Centre is nearing completion and is due to open in the autumn of 2013.

FIRRHILL: At the site of the new Firrhill Partnership Centre following the announcement that the Scottish Futures Trust has awarded 0.82 million to enable work to start facilitating its delivery. The project aims to improve the delivery of community based health and social care services in South Central Edinburgh with building commencing in 2015.
For details see: www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk/Community/EdinburghCHP/FirrhillPartnershipCentre/Documents/ FirrhillCentreInitialAgreement.pdf

MURRAYBURN & WESTBURN: With Cllr Denis Dixon at the refurbished kick pitch KINGSKNOWE: Following protracted discussions on behalf of residents with Scottish Water the sewer in Kingsknowe Crescent at Westburn which has had replacement fencing, repaired surface and repainted. will be renewed and increased in size. Subject to planning the work is expected to commence in 2013. Murrayburn kick pitch has had a new artificial surface and has also been repainted.

Representing: Baberton, Balerno, Blinkbonny, Bonaly, Broomhouse, Buckstone, Calders, Colinton, Currie, Dreghorn, Fairmilehead, Firrhill, Glenbrook, Hermiston, Juniper Green, Kingsknowe, Longstone, Oxgangs, Parkhead, Ratho, Redhall, Saughton Mains, Sighthill, Stenhouse, Swanston, Wester Hailes and Whitson.

Representing YOU in Parliament

The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Bill The purpose of the Bill is to strengthen the current law to allow for better enforcement of the Blue Badge Scheme. Finding suitable parking spaces, particularly in towns and cities is difficult at any time. Blue Badges provide a concession which allows disabled people, who meet certain prescribed criteria and who travel as drivers or passengers, to park on-street with free use of parking meters and pay and display bays. The Responsible Parking (Scotland) Bill 1 Million Fund announced

Gordon Macdonald MSP

Parliamentary Report for Edinburgh Pentlands Constituency 2012/13

High Hedges Bill The proposed bill aims to enforce restrictions on pavement, dropped kerb and double parking. Inconsiderate parking is a major barrier for pedestrians, people with visual or mobility impairments, wheelchair users, families with prams. It can damage the pavement, creating additional costly obstacles and can block access for emergency vehicles . The Bill defines a high hedge as one which is wholly or mainly formed by a row of two or more evergreen or semievergreen trees or shrubs which is over two metres in height and forms a barrier to light. I know that high hedges causes concerns to many residents in the area and I will support this Bill in order to provide an effective means of resolving disputes where they cannot be resolved amicably. Gordon Macdonald MSP visiting the Slateford Memorial in Redhall park welcomed the Scottish Governments announcement that a 1M fund to clean and restore memorials in readiness for the centenary of the First World War in 2014 has been announced. The funding will be made available over the course of the 4 year centenary.

The most important decision in 300 years!

New NHS 24 Helpline

People in Pentlands will no longer be charged for calling NHS 24 after April 2014 when the existing number will be replaced by 111. The current cost to call NHS 24 from a BT landline is the price of a local phone call, with calls from other landline service providers and mobile providers often costing more. Edinburgh Pentlands MSP Gordon Macdonald in welcoming the changes said: This is fantastic news that will see my constituents continue to receive the same high quality service from NHS 24 without being charged. Our health service should be free at the point of contact and in the current economic climate, when many people in my area are struggling financially, the introduction of this number will make it easier for people seeking advice from NHS 24. Along with the new healthy living centre at Wester Hailes, proposed developments at Firrhill and Ratho the NHS is continuing to evolve to meet my constituents needs in the 21st century."

Edinburgh Pentlands - ADVICE SURGERIES

I am here to try and help and will always do my best to do so. If I cant help you directly I will support you as much as I can and try and find someone who can help. It is a great honour and pleasure to work on your behalf. Wester Hailes Library Carrickvale Community Centre Currie Library Pentland Community Centre Ratho Community Centre
How to contact Gordon Macdonald MSP:

1st Monday of the Month at 6.30pm 2nd Monday of the Month at 6.30pm 3rd Monday of the Month at 6.30pm 4th Monday of the Month at 6.30pm 5th Monday of the Month at 6.30pm
gordonmacdonaldsnpmsp GMacdonaldMSP

1 By email: 2 By phone: 3 By letter: 4 By appointment: 5 Surgery:

Gordon.Macdonald.msp@scottish.parliament.uk Longstone office: 0131 466 5810 Gordon Macdonald MSP, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP 69 Inglis Green Road, Edinburgh EH14 2EZ Held every Monday at 6.30pm at various locations (see above for details)

6 Home visits are available for those people who cannot travel.
Published by Gordon Macdonald MSP at 69 Inglis Green Road, Edinburgh, EH14 2EZ. The cost of this publication have been met out of parliamentary allowances. The Scottish Parliament is not responsible for the content of other internet sites or endorse the views expressed.

Keeping you up to date @ www.gordonmacdonaldmsp.info

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